Default/Return page

I am new for Oracle Portal. We are using Oracle Portal 10g (904) to create a company page. There are three tabs, Welcome tab for public users and registered users, and other two tabs, Product and Contact, for registered users only.
I have problem for setting default tab -- Welcome page.
When an user login, will see the Welcome page, then go to other tab, either Product or Contact tab, then logout. After click Return button, only see an inactive Welcome tab there without page content (We can see the Welcome page after click Welcome tab.). If the user login again even not same user, he/she will be the tab before the user logout.
We want to see the active Welcome tab with page content anytime the user login/logout.
I am not sure if I explain clear. Please help me to solve the problem. Thanks a lot for any help.

Hi Jane -
I tested on a newer version of Portal, but it should work the same. To be sure I understood your issue - I tried the following:
1) created a page viewable to Public
2) added login portlet to page
3) created 3 tabs
4) tab1 made available to public
5) tab 2 and tab 3 set to AUTHENTICATED_USERS to view
6) viewed page ... ensured tab 1 was selected and copied the URL in browser
7) go back to edit mode on the page and edited the login portlet and pasted the URL of Tab 1 selected in the success and Cancel URL's for the portlet
tested by viewing the page, clicking to tab 2 or three and click logout ... when return tab 1 was shown and I could see the text item on the tab.
I suggest checking that your URL's to make sure they reference tab 1.

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    The sequence of operation you are doing to set the home page for public users is correct. You are getting the login screen as the "custom page group" selected as "home page" has not been granted to public.
    Also, while logging-out, it is normal behaviour to get the screen where it shows the list of partner applications from where user has been logged-out. When you click on "Return" button, you will get to the "home page" set above.
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    Because Microsoft may at any time override your changes with any patch (e.g. security hotfix, Cumulative Update, Service Pack) and you're back to where you've started.
    It is just bad development practice, as well.
    Trevor Seward
    Follow or contact me at...
    This post is my own opinion and does not necessarily reflect the opinion or view of Microsoft, its employees, or other MVPs.

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    This is stored in the customization tables. It can be got only by using APIs.
    Sample Code to get the default page for the user. This returns the most specific value. That is, if the User has specified a home page Otherwise, the Group
    home page if one has been specified. If neither has been specified, then use the System home page.
    l_value := wwpre_api_value.get_value_as_varchar2(
    p_path => 'Oracle.Portal.Page',
    p_name => 'default');
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    a specific group, or the system default) at the system level
    l_level_type varchar2(50) := < portal_schema>.wwpre_api_value.SYSTEM_LEVEL_TYPE,
    l_value := wwpre_api_value.get_value_as_varchar2(
    p_path => 'Oracle.Portal.Page',
    p_name => 'default',
    p_level_type => l_level_type,
    p_level_name => <name of the user>
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    l_level_type varchar2(50) := < portal_schema>.wwpre_api_value.USER_LEVEL_TYPE,
    l_value := wwpre_api_value.get_value_as_varchar2(
    p_path => 'Oracle.Portal.Page',
    p_name => 'default',
    p_level_type => l_level_type,
    p_level_name => <name of the user>

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        You can change  for example the Branding image, instead of the SAP logo. Refer to this [Thread|MI client homepage log change in MI 7.0;
        Is this what you mean by changing the home page?
    Thanks & Regards

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    1160     Microsoft 1252, Superset of ISO 8859-1
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    Use Tcode SMW0.
    The object  COM_PRDCAT_WEB_API which you mentioned is the package, i think its available only in 701 release.
    Goto SMW0 , press F8, you can see the SAP web repository objects.

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    Thanks in Advance!

    Hi Dwayne,
    I could reproduce this, as a workaround, we can use javascript code as below to hide the element in the following image.
    <script src=""></script>
    Daniel Yang
    TechNet Community Support

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    This can be caused by a problem with the file places.sqlite that stores the bookmarks and the history.
    It is also possible that there is a problem with the files [ sessionstore.js] and sessionstore.bak in the [ Profile Folder]
    Delete [ sessionstore.js] and sessionstore.bak in the [ Profile Folder]
    * Help > Troubleshooting Information > Profile Directory: Open Containing Folder
    If you see files sessionstore-##.js with a number in the left part of the name like sessionstore-1.js then delete those as well.
    Deleting sessionstore.js will cause App Tabs and Tab Groups to get lost, so you will have to create them again (make a note).

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    I want to customize the look and feel of default login page.
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    For your requirement, you can take a look at the three links below for a quick start:
    What’s more, The deafult login page is located here: C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Web Server Extensions\15\TEMPLATE\IDENTITYMODEL\LOGIN\default.aspx, you can
    make a copy and modify it.
    Patrick Liang
    TechNet Community Support

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    Try 1 & 2 if does not work please file a daycare for further assistance.
    1.   In "Day CQ Login Selector Authentication Handler" for path info add an empty row then verify.
    2.   Delete the existing entry for "Day CQ Login Selector Authentication Handler" , Configure your custom at repository level & verify

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