Default selection color

Need some help with the following:
Meshes in an 3D annotation are selectable, clicking a mesh changes it's color. double clicking a mesh selects all meshes in the annotation and draws some kind of wire frame box around all meshes in the scene.
I want to:
A: disable / remove the 'selection' color when I click a mesh.
B: I don't want any selection / wire frame box when I double-click a mesh.
Thanks in advance!
W. Zwiers

Did you want to disable just the color, or selection completely? There is "runtime.overrideSelection = true" to disable selection, then you can use mouseEvents to track what is clicked.

Similar Messages

  • How to get the default selection color from JTable

    Hi, there,
    I have a question for how to get the default selection color from JTable. I am currently implementing the customized table cell renderer, but I do want to set the selection color in the table exactly the same of default table cell renderer. The JTable.getSelectionBackgroup() did not works for me, it returned dark blue which made the text in the table unreadable. Anyone know how to get the window's default selection color?

    The windows default selection color is dark blue. Try selecting any text on this page. The difference is that the text gets changed to a white font so you can actually see the text.
    If you don't like the default colors that Java uses then use the UIManager to change the defaults. The following program shows all the properties controlled by the UIManager:
    Any of the properties can be changed for the entire application by using:
    UIManager.put( "propertyName", value );

  • How can I change the 'selected' color of one JToggleButton only.

    This seems like a simple / trivial question, but I just can't figure it out. Is there a way that I can create a JToggleButton and change the selected color of only that JToggleButton.
    I'm trying to create a simple sidebar like component for navigation within my app. A group of JToggleButton[s] added to a ButtonGroup (with the proper layout / sizing) works great, but the default JToggleButton colors don't suit my needs. I know that I can change the colors using the UIManager / UIDefaults, but I don't want to change the defaults for every JToggleButton in my app. I only want to change the defaults for a few select JToggleButton[s].
    For example, I can do this:
    UIManager.put("", UIManager.getColor("Table.selectionBackground"));
    UIManager.put("ToggleButton.background", UIManager.getColor("Table.background"));but I'd rather do something like this:
    JToggleButton jtb = new JToggleButton("Toggle Button Text");
    jtb.setBackground(UIManager.getColor("Table.background"));The only thing is, I can't find any method that is the equivilant of 'setSelectedColor(Color)' for JToggleButton.
    I know I could do it by adding some listeners to the JToggleButton[s], but that seems a little complicated for something like changing a color.
    I'd also seen a solution in the forums where someone had extended the ButtonUI of the pluggable look and feel they were using. I'm not interested in modifying the look and feel I'm using. As far as I'm concerned, that would defeat the purpose of having a pluggable look and feel as I would have to duplicate my efforts for every look and feel I want to use.
    Any help would be appreciated,

    try this
    import javax.swing.*;
    import java.awt.*;
    class Testing extends JFrame
      public Testing()
        JPanel jp = new JPanel();
        JToggleButton jtb = new JToggleButton("Toggle me");
        jtb.setUI(new MyUI());
      public static void main(String args[]){new Testing().setVisible(true);}
    class MyUI extends javax.swing.plaf.metal.MetalToggleButtonUI
      public Color getSelectColor(){return Color.BLACK;}

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    RoboHelp HTML
    WebHelp output
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    You could try using the raw converter. Open one file and edit it (File>Open, pick the image and choose Camera Raw as the format before you click Open). Then open the next image and click the little four-lined square on the upper right side of the ACR window and choose Previous Conversion from the flyout menu.

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    But when I use a similar
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    Settings done in the iChart:
    Use Selected Pen for label : Unchecked
    Y Axis Label Color: #000000
    Y Axis Label : Total Stock
    Show Y Axis Label: Checked.
    I appreciate your help,

    I tried the method you mentioned...
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    After changing the color of a highlight right-click it and click "Make current properties default".

  • Problem with the default selection screen condition

    hi guys,
    I have got some problem with the default screen given by the PNP logical database, P0000 infotype automatically populated according to the condition given in default screen.

    Don know what u r trying to acheive.
    1) when u have specified PNP in the logical databse field of attributes of program, the SAP wil proivde u default PNP screen and here u can also add ur paramters if u want.
    2) in the program u have to declare like
    INFOTYPES: 0000,0001. "Etc
    for all the infotypes u want to use in the program.
    3) it is the GET PERNR event which wil fil all the p0000 and p0001 (internal tables for al the infotypes declared via INFOTYPES syntax as shown above)
    4) after tht get pernr, u now have data in P tables and u can use it for further reporting.
    5) refer below dummy code -
    REPORT  ZPPL_PREVEMPLOYERS   message-id rp
                                 line-size 250
                                 line-count 65.
    *Program logic :- This Report is used to Download all the Previous
    * Employer (IT0023) records of the employees
    *& Tables and Infotypes                                                *
    tables: pernr.
    infotypes: 0000,
    *& Constants                                                           *
    constants: c_1(1)       type c               value '1'   ,
               c_3(1)       type c               value '3'   ,
               c_i(1)       type c               value 'I'   ,
               c_x(1)       type c               value 'X'   ,
               c_eq(2)      type c               value 'EQ'  ,
               c_pl03       like p0001-werks     value 'PL03'.
    *& Selection-Screen                                                    *
    parameters: p_file  like rlgrap-filename default 'C:TempABC.xls',
                p_test  as checkbox default c_x               .
    *& Internal tables                                                     *
    * Internal Table for Output
    data: begin of t_output occurs 0    ,
           pernr like pernr-pernr       ,
           nachn like p0002-nachn       ,
           vorna like p0002-vorna       ,
           orgeh_stext like p1000-stext ,
           plans_stext like p1000-stext ,
           begda like p0023-begda       ,
           endda like p0023-endda       ,
           land1 like p0023-land1       ,
           arbgb like p0023-arbgb       ,
           ort01 like p0023-ort01   .
    data: end of t_output           .
    *& Variables                                                           *
    data: o_stext like p1000-stext,
          p_stext like p1000-stext.
    *& Initialization                                                      *
    * Initialize Selection-Screen values
      perform init_selction_screen.
    *& AT Selection-screen                                                 *
    at selection-screen .
    * Check if Test run selected, download file name should be entered
      if p_test is initial.  "
        if p_file is initial.
          message e016 with 'Please enter file name'
                            'specifying complete path'.
    *& Start-of Selection                                                  *
    get pernr.
      clear t_output.
    * Read Infotype 0
      rp-provide-from-last p0000 space pn-begda pn-endda.
      check pnp-sw-found eq c_1.
    * Check if employee is active
      check p0000-stat2 in pnpstat2.      "pernr Active
    * Read Infotype 1
      rp-provide-from-last p0001 space pn-begda pn-endda.
      check pnp-sw-found eq c_1.
    * check if employee belongs to PL03
      check p0001-werks in pnpwerks.  "belongs to PL03
    * Check if emp belongs to Active Group
      check p0001-persg in pnppersg.
    * Read Infotype 2
      rp-provide-from-last p0002 space pn-begda pn-endda.
      check pnp-sw-found eq c_1.
    * Read Org Unit Text.
              OTYPE                   = 'O'
              objid                   = p0001-orgeh
              begda                   = p0001-begda
              endda                   = p0001-endda
              reference_date          = p0001-begda
              object_text             = o_stext
              nothing_found           = 1
              wrong_objecttype        = 2
              missing_costcenter_data = 3
              missing_object_id       = 4
              OTHERS                  = 5.
    *Read Position Text.
              OTYPE                   = 'S'
              objid                   = p0001-plans
              begda                   = p0001-begda
              endda                   = p0001-endda
              reference_date          = p0001-begda
              object_text             = p_stext
              nothing_found           = 1
              wrong_objecttype        = 2
              missing_costcenter_data = 3
              missing_object_id       = 4
              OTHERS                  = 5.
    * Gather all the required information related to the emp
      move: pernr-pernr to t_output-pernr,
            o_stext to t_output-orgeh_stext,
            p_stext to t_output-plans_stext,
            p0002-nachn to t_output-nachn,
            p0002-vorna to t_output-vorna.
    * Gather previous Employee details
      loop at p0023.
        move-corresponding p0023 to t_output.
        append t_output.
    *& End-of Selection                                                    *
      perform print_report.
    * Downlaod the file
      if not t_output[] is initial.
        if p_test eq space.
          perform download_file.
        write: 'No records selected' color col_negative.
    *& Top-of-page                                                         *
    * Print Header
      perform print_header.
    *&      Form  download_file
    * Description :
    FORM download_file .
      DATA: full_file_name    TYPE string,
            z_akt_filesize    TYPE i     .
      full_file_name = p_file.
    *  download table into file on presentation server
      CALL METHOD cl_gui_frontend_services=>gui_download
          filename                = full_file_name
          filetype                = 'DAT'
          NO_AUTH_CHECK           = c_x
          codepage                = '1160'
          FILELENGTH              = z_akt_filesize
          data_tab                = t_output[]
          file_write_error        = 1
          no_batch                = 2
          gui_refuse_filetransfer = 3
          invalid_type            = 4
          no_authority            = 5
          unknown_error           = 6
          header_not_allowed      = 7
          separator_not_allowed   = 8
          filesize_not_allowed    = 9
          header_too_long         = 10
          dp_error_create         = 11
          dp_error_send           = 12
          dp_error_write          = 13
          unknown_dp_error        = 14
          access_denied           = 15
          dp_out_of_memory        = 16
          disk_full               = 17
          dp_timeout              = 18
          file_not_found          = 19
          dataprovider_exception  = 20
          control_flush_error     = 21
          not_supported_by_gui    = 22
          error_no_gui            = 23
          OTHERS                  = 24.
      IF  sy-subrc               NE        0.
        MESSAGE e016 WITH 'Download-Error; RC:' sy-subrc.
    ENDFORM.                    " download_file
    *&      Form  print_report
    FORM print_report .
      data: i       type i,
            w_count type i.
      sort t_output.
    * Print the report
      loop at t_output.
        i = sy-tabix mod 2.
        if i eq 0.
          format color col_normal intensified on.
          format color col_normal intensified off.
        write:/1     t_output-pernr          ,
               10     t_output-vorna(25)     ,
               35    t_output-nachn(25)      ,
               61   t_output-orgeh_stext     ,
               102  t_output-plans_stext     ,
               143  t_output-begda           ,
               154   t_output-endda          ,
               168   t_output-land1          ,
               178   t_output-arbgb(40)      ,
               219   t_output-ort01          ,
               249   space              .
      Describe table t_output lines w_count.
      Skip 2.
      Write:/ 'Total No of Records Downloaded: ' color col_total,
    ENDFORM.                    " print_report
    *&      Form  print_header
    FORM print_header .
      skip 1.
      format Intensified on color col_heading.
      write:/1   'Pers. #'        ,
             10   'Last Name'     ,
             35   'First Name'    ,
             61   'Org Unit'      ,
             102  'Position'      ,
             143  'Beg Date'      ,
            154   'End Date'      ,
            168   'Cntry Key'     ,
            178   'Prev Employer' ,
            219  'City'           ,
            249   space          .
      format intensified off color off.
    ENDFORM.                    " print_header
    *&      Form  init_selction_screen
    FORM init_selction_screen .
      refresh: pnpwerks,
      clear:   pnpwerks,
      pnpwerks-sign   = c_i.
      pnpwerks-option = c_EQ.
      pnpwerks-low    = c_pl03.
      append pnpwerks.
      pnppersg-sign   = c_i.
      pnppersg-option = c_EQ.
      pnppersg-low    = c_1.
      append pnppersg.
      pnpstat2-sign   = c_i.
      pnpstat2-option = c_EQ.
      pnpstat2-low    = c_3.
      append pnpstat2.
    ENDFORM.                    " init_selction_screen

  • Change current row selected Color in ADF rich client table

    Hi All ..
    i want to change the current row selected from the default ADF color to Another color.
    i am not very good in javaScript .
    any one can help me
    Edited by: user9519817 on Aug 30, 2008 3:57 AM

    You don't need Javascript to do this. Have a read of section 18 of the Oracle Web user Interface Developer's Guide for Oracle Application Development Framework (found [url]here for information about creating a custom skin. Unfortunately, the documentation for the selectors to use, which should be in a JDev help topic titled, ""Selectors for Skinning Fusion's ADF Faces Components" doesn't exist yet :( However, you can check [url]here for that information.
    Selectors that may be of interest:

  • Changing Selection Color in Word 2013

    When working with Word 2013, when I want to select a word or sentence, anything really, I often have trouble seeing exactly what I am selecting.  I think this is because the page is, of course white, but the selection is only a very light grey. 
    To be clear, I am not talking about highlighting, that is a different feature.  When I select text in the box I am writing in now, for example, the text is highlighted in blue and the text turns white.  In Word, however, the text remains black and
    the highlight is a light grey.  Even in changing my brightness settings, it remains almost impossible to see.  Is there a way to change the color of the selection?

    Thanks for your post. Unfortunately, the text selection color cannot be changed currently.
    I have collected the information and submitted it through our internal channel, you can also submit a Feature Request by yourself via Microsoft Support
    (Please note that no charges will apply but you might need to supply credit card information to get it registered):
    Our developers strive to capture Microsoft users' ideas and are working hard to create a more powerful and easy-to-use product.
    Ethan Hua CHN
    TechNet Community Support
    It's recommended to download and install
    Configuration Analyzer Tool (OffCAT), which is developed by Microsoft Support teams. Once the tool is installed, you can run it at any time to scan for hundreds of known issues in Office

  • JTabbedPane selection color

    is it possible to change the default JTabbedPane selection color? (light gray)
    It doesnt seem to give you the ability to set a Renderer

    If altering the UI for your JTabbedPane is an option for you then this becomes pretty easy, just override the "paintTabBackground" method of BasicTabbedPaneUI. This isn't an option for a lot of people though... since that would pretty much limit you to one UI.
    Otherwise you will have set the background of the tab manually... the following code is an example of how to do this... unfortunatly... MetalTabbedPaneUI overrides the paintTabBackground method and DOESN'T use the manual backgrounds for selected tabs, it ALWAYS uses the default selectedColor from the UIManager... looks like an oversite to me... anyway... this code works fine with the Windows Look and Feel...
    import javax.swing.*;
    import javax.swing.event.ChangeListener;
    import javax.swing.event.ChangeEvent;
    import java.awt.*;
    * <pre>
    * SBTabbedPane
    * </pre>
    public class SBTabbedPane extends JTabbedPane {
         private Color tback;
         private int tsel = -1;
         private Color sback;
         public SBTabbedPane() {
              addChangeListener(new ChangeListener() {
                   public void stateChanged(ChangeEvent e) {
         public void setSelectionBackground(Color c) {
              sback = c;
         private void redoback() {
              if (tsel >= 0) {
                   setBackgroundAt(tsel, tback);
              int i = getSelectedIndex();
              if (sback != null && i >= 0) {
                   tback = getBackgroundAt(i);
                   tsel = i;
                   System.out.println("SET BACK: " + tsel + ": " + sback);
                   setBackgroundAt(tsel, sback);
         public static final void main(String[] args) {
              try {
              } catch (Exception e) {}
              SBTabbedPane test = new SBTabbedPane();
              test.setSelectionBackground(new Color(255,0,0));
              test.add("Tab 1", new JLabel("HELLO"));
              test.add("Tab 2", new JLabel("WORLD"));
              JFrame testframe = new JFrame("Test Window");
              testframe.getContentPane().setLayout(new BorderLayout(0, 0));
    }Hope this helps a little...
    Josh Castagno

  • JTable - DefaultTableCellRenderer overrides selection color

    According to the Api Docs, the setBackground method of the DefaultTableCellRenderer class should only "assign the unselected-background color to the specified color". In fact, it also seems to set the selection color: each cell with a DefaultTableCellRenderer which changes the Color does not get highlighted when selected. Even if I set the value to "null" no selection is visible.
    The same problem happens with setForeground ...

    In the 'How to use Tables' Java tutorial the default renderer's constructor has the following:
    setOpaque(true); //MUST do this for background to show up.
    Could this help you?
    Is the highlighting of the cell in any way tied to the cell editor as opposed to the cell renderer?

  • Photoshop CC selective color UNDO BUG

    do this in photoshop CC:
    - open an image
    - layer -> new adj layer -> selective color
    preset: custom
    colors: reds
    cyan -100%
    press ctrl+z for UNDO
    it restores the effect on the image but it doesnt update the setting to 0%
    same thing in all adjustment layers, exposure, levels, curves..
    this sucks!
    doesn't work even through history tab
    my hardware?
    core2duo 3.16
    6gb ddr2 1066
    nvidia 9600gt with the latest drivers
    windows7 64bit
    any ideas?

    i had this issue too.
    press CTRL + K
    or go to edit -> prefrences -> general
    go to performance section
    and press the DEFAULT button
    and assign a scratch disk (c:) for example
    press ok
    restart photoshop and you're done probably
    well that worked for me though.

  • I receive the error "The Selected Color Format is not supported" when I try to scan from my HP Office Jet Pro 8610.

    I receive the error "The Selected Color Format is not supported" when I try to scan from my HP Office Jet Pro 8610 using Adobe Acrobat Pro 11. I recently purchased the printer. I believe I ame using all of the defaults. How can I correct the problem?

    Both printer and computer seem to be on same network.
    Please download and run the following utility to troubleshoot on the issue.
    Also download and install the firmware update from the link below.
    Although I am an HP employee, I am speaking for myself and not for HP.
    --Say "Thanks" by clicking the Kudos Star in the post that helped you.
    --Please mark the post that solves your problem as "Accepted Solution"

  • Drop Down List - Setting the Default Selected Item

    I have a drop down list in my application that gets populated by a remote database.  When you select an item from the list, a screen full of thumbnails is populated based on the selection.  We have decided that when the user gets to this component in our air application, that it looks too empty and barren.  All that displays is a drop down list with an empty screen.  So we would like to set a default setting for the drop down list so that when the user gets to this component, a screen full of thumbnails is awaiting them and they can change it if they want.  My first instinct was just to set the selectedIndex property of the drop down list to the value that we want as the default, and that works, but it only changes the label in the dropdownlist, it doesn't actually populate the screen with the thumbnails.  That is because when an item is selected, it has to be commited to the drop down list by a CLOSE event that then sets off the close handler that populates the screen with thumbnails.  So after looking at the documentation, I found that there is a method called closeDropDown that states the following:
    public function closeDropDown(commit:Boolean):void
    Close the drop-down list and dispatch a DropDownEvent.CLOSE event.
    commit:Boolean — If true, commit the selected data item.
    When I use this method, nothing happens.  In fact if I add a listener for the CLOSE event, the close event isn't getting fired.  So I am a little befuddled.  The only thing that I can figure is that I am setting the selectedIndex and not the selectedItem before I call the closeDropDown method, and if you look above, the documentation vaguely states that that "If true, commit the selected data item".  Do I need to set the selectedItem and not the selectedIndex?  If so, I am not exactly sure how to do this since I am using a service to populate my drop down list which kind of makes the dataprovider a little unclear to me in the code because it gets replaced by an AsyncListView.  Here is what I have.
            protected function dropDownList_creationCompleteHandler(event:FlexEvent):void{
              getAllAudio_descriptionsResult.token = audiodescriptionsService.getAllAudio_descriptions();
              getAllAudioResult.token = audioService.getAllAudio();
         private function audioDescriptionsCallResponderHandler(event:ResultEvent):void {
              audioDesc = event.result as ArrayCollection;
         private function audioCallResponderHandler(event:ResultEvent):void {
              audio = event.result as ArrayCollection;
              audioDescDropDown.selectedIndex = 2;
         <s:CallResponder id="getAllAudio_descriptionsResult" result="audioDescriptionsCallResponderHandler(event)"/>
         <audiodescriptionsservice:AudiodescriptionsService id="audiodescriptionsService" fault=" + '\n' + event.fault.faultDetail)" showBusyCursor="true"/>
         <s:CallResponder id="getAllAudioResult" result="audioCallResponderHandler(event)"/>
         <audioservice:AudioService id="audioService" fault=" + '\n' + event.fault.faultDetail)" showBusyCursor="true"/>
    <s:DropDownList id="audioDescDropDown" x="43" y="65" width="185" height="34" fontFamily="MyriadProSemiBold"
                        fontSize="15" skinClass="skins.VideoSkins.Video.DropDownSkin"
                        color="0xE6E6E6" selectionColor="0x054F7C" rollOverColor="0x007CBA"
                        creationComplete="dropDownList_creationCompleteHandler(event)" labelField="audioCatName"
                        itemRenderer="renderers.DropDownList3" close="DDLAudioCloseHandler(event)">
         <s:AsyncListView list="{getAllAudio_descriptionsResult.lastResult}"/>
    I would really appreciated hearing from anyone who has experience or insight into setting a default for a drop down list and actually forcing it to execute that default selection.  Any thoughts at all would be helpful.  Thanks!

    I don't see your close handler in the code you posted, so if you provided it and I missed seeing it, please forgive me.  I'm a bit unclear on why the open and close of your dropdown list is so critical to your functionality.  It seems to me that the page of data would be tied to the item selected in the drop down (which to my mind is the only purpose for the drop down to be there).  So why do you first need to open and close the drop down, rather than just taking the selected value and doing whatever you'd normally do with it to populate that page?
    What I'm getting at is that I'd expect that page to be a separate component that would just have a property for the selected "thing", and that you could populate it either manually, as I suggested, or through the close handler on your drop down--I wouldn't think that there should be a need to go through the close handler every time.  Even if you don't have it implemented the way I'm thinking, you may want to think about whether you need to go through the close handler every time, or whether you could break it out so that the close handler simply determines which item to select, then jumps to another function that actually does something with the selected value.  That way, you don't have to go through the overhead of opening and closing the drop down if you need to change its value programmatically.

  • Change Highlight Selection Color

    The default color when a cell or item is selected is a light cyan. On my computer it is very hard to discern text because the light cyan highlight color and the white text run together. How can I adjust the highlight/selection color so that text is legible?

    The selected item color is actually determined by your OS. To change it in Windows XP:
    Right click on your desktop
    Appearance Tab
    Item Drop down: Chose "Selected Items"
    Change the color to whatever you like

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    Hi, I made research about Change Data Capture and I try to implement it between two databases for two small tables in 10g release 2.MY CDC implementation uses archive logs to replicate data. Change Data Capture Mode Asynchronous autolog archive mode.

  • Order colour in CM25 on the basis of

    Hi, I'd like to use a different colour on the basis of value in field Priority. Is it possible? Thanks

  • Open PDFs with white background

    How can I get PDFs to open in PS CS3 with a white background?

  • Upgraded to 3.5 now LR runs very very slow??

    Is this just happening to me?  It takes forever to get anything done.  Actually my whole system seems to run slow when LR is running now.  Never had a problem before.  Can I go back to the last version please? 

  • Unchecked or  unsafe operations

    I am trying to compile code and I am receiving the error message unchecked or unsafe operations. I tried compiling it with the -Xlint:unchecked and it pointed towards a portion on the code I placed below. The code is too long to put the whole thing i