Defective install DVD.

I think my install DVD for Acrobat Professional 8 is defective.  It appears to be missing Acrobat Updater.  The folder installed on my HD does not have any updater, and when I check for updates, the response is there are no updates available at this time.  My install DVD is 8.0.0.  I just downloaded updates 8.1.1, 8.1.2, and 8.1.3, so I know updates are available.  When I select check for updates, a dialoge box opens, stating there are no updates available at this time. 
It also states:
"Please not that some updates for the following products cannot be determined at this time:  Adobe Updater".
How do I contact Adobe to ask to return the install DVD I have, and receive a new install DVD?

Hi Adobe\'s no phun
Please Refer below link to contact Support.
Both Phont Support and Chat Support is Available

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    - Andrew

    Thank you for your reply,
    Pull all the drives you have other than the one that you will install Windows 7 to.
    I think I will try this next.
    Don't put Windows 7 on the same drive as OS X, give it its own.
    That was initially what I started out doing.
    And you don't even need Boot Camp Assistant.
    True, but it's what Apple suggests using.
    Might also want to try moving the monitor cable to the other card port.
    Hmm, I think I'll try that.
    Any other PCI cards or devices attached or installed should also be questioned or disconnected.
    I've disconnected everything I could.
    Always a good idea to start fresh which I assume you are doing (not trying to upgrade over RC etc).
    Yes, the drive was empty to start with.
    Honestly it seems like the Mac Pro is generally refusing to boot from any Windows disc. Things I've tried since my initial post:
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    - Tried his OEM copy of Windows Vista 32-bit, same issue
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    Thanks for the ideas, I'll try those out and see if any of them help,

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    Yes, if the disc is defective call AppleCare to get replacements. You could also try duplicating the disc and trying to boot from the duplicate. In some cases this will work. You will probably need a dual-layer DVD for the duplicate. Check the size of the one you have. If it's more than 4.7 GBs, then you will need a DL blank DVD.
    Duplicate a CD or DVD
    1. Insert the DVD/CD;
    2. Open Disk Utility, and select the DVD/CD from the left side list (select the DVD/CD icon on top);
    3. from the DU File menu select New | Disk Image from Disk 1;
    4. Choose to format the disk image as DVD/CD Master, name the disk image and click Save;
    5. When the .cdr file is finished select it with mouse and press COMMAND-I to open the Get Info and check the box to lock the file;
    6. Choose the .cdr file from the left side list, click Burn, and insert a new, blank DVD or CD.

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    For some reason OS X disks (whatever edition or flavors) that are supplied with Apple products only seem to contain a limited knowledge of available hard drives on the market at the time of thier publishing. This (rather opportunistically) creates a "Best Before" stale-OS X-software-copy situation where upgrading to or replacing a defective internal SATA hard drive with a newer, better or larger one is a largely hit and miss affair.
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    This is especially a problem nowadays since the countless "puny old" hard drives that have been on the market are largely obsolete in a few months time, as manufacturers continue to produce larger and cheaper units, discontinuing older puny products... So if your drive fails you need an exact old (or similar familial) replacement drive for your "backup copy of OS X" to do a fresh, clean OS X re-install. Otherwise you need to purchase a new retail version of OS X, since yours is now effectively obsolete. Purchasing an old, puny drive to re-install your version.flavor of OS X to avoid buying a new version of OS X is a rather false economy.
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    [I got a black screen telling me I had to reboot in many languages, what was it?|] Also has detailed description of what happens during a KP.
    [Apple docs: What's a kernel panic? (Mac OS X)|]
    [Mac OS X Kernel Panic FAQ|]
    [Topic : kmosx: Kernel Panics? Don't panic too !|]
    [X-Lab: Resolving Kernel Panics|]
    [Tutorial: Avoiding and eliminating Kernel panics|]
    [Tutorial: An introduction to reading Mac OS X crash reports|]
    [12-Step Program to Isolate Freezes and/or Kernel Panics|]
    [Texas Mac Man's post on kernel panics|]

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    It will be difficult to find the original Install/Restore disc, and then it may have an OS lower than Tiger 10.4
    Here's severtal methods to reset the password without the install disc:
    1. boot computer and hold the "apple" key and the "s" key.
    2. wait for terminal show
    3. release keys
    4. type without the quotes: "/sbin/mount -uaw"
    5. press enter
    6. type without the quotes: "rm /var/db/.applesetupdone
    7. press enter
    8. type without the quotes: "reboot"
    9. press enter
    This will let you create a new admin account when you reboot your computer.
    Also, without the discs, look at Mac OS X Tip - No Password, No Root, No CD? No Problem.
    Here is a way to get around not knowing the admin password on Macs.
    To reset your OS X password without an OS X CD you need to enter terminal and create a new admin account:
       1. Reboot
       2. Hold apple + s down after you hear the chime.
       3. When you get text prompt enter in these terminal commands to create a brand new admin account (hitting return after each line):
              * mount -uw /
              * rm /var/db/.AppleSetupDone
              * shutdown -h now
       4. After rebooting you should have a brand new admin account. When you login as the new admin you can simply delete the old one and you’re good to go again!
     Cheers, Tom

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    I do not have the dvd ...I know my apple is old but I have no idea where that dvd is.
    how can I work around this?

    If you have the QuickTime pane of System Preferences, put the key into it. If not, click here.

  • Hi guys I'm really in need of some help. I have an IMac I3 for a while now I've been having a problem of my machine refusing it shut down , it goes to a blue screen with a spinning wheel but doesn't shut down.  And now won't boot from install DvD

    Please some one help me ...
    A) my mac won't shut down with external HD connected (if it's been used)
    B) there are disk permissions that can't be fixed SUID stuff ..
    C) I have now verified the Mac HD and it tells me it's corrupt in bold red writing and to start up from install DVD
    D) it won't boot from DVD so I cannot run the repair , initially the machine was spitting it out on start up , now it appears to be attempting to boot off DVD , well it sounds like it is .... BUT it's hanging with the Mac Logo and a wheel ... For um .... 30min now...
    E) weirdly when OSX is booted off the hard drive , it won't recognise the Install DvD or the applications one... It just spits them out....
    I had an old PPC 17" and it was a beaut .... Never had a single problem with it ...
    I bought this one December 2010 and it's been nothing but issues for a computer in excess of £1000 I'm extremely disappointed ... And weirdly the shutting down issue started when it was a week out of warrantee ... I feel conned and am almost at the point of throwing it at a wall and buying a PC

    Ok so I've done what you said and this is what it's come back ....
    I don't know that these are the errors , but they're the things which don't look right ...
    Throughout the shut down there is a recurring line ;
    It says ; 1 0x100600e70.anonymous.unmount 301 PID still valid
    Then there are 2 more which I think are related ; 29 PID job has I overstayed its welcome , forcing removal.
    Then the same with fseventd 48 and diskarbitrationd 13
    Oh and on Launchd1 : System : stray anonymous job at shut down : PID 301 PPID13 PGID 13 unmount...
    Then the last process says "about to call: reboot (RB_AUTOBOOT).
    And stops ...
    Hope this means something to you ... Thanks again for your help so far :-)

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    1) If I do a clean install on my MacBook Pro will I be able to re-install apps (FCP, Aperture, MS Office etc.) from a Time Machine backup, or will I need the original install DVDs with authorization codes? (because I don't have them)
    2) Has anyone ever seen anything like this before on their computers?
    The Apple Genius' were stumped by my laptop issues and said they'd never seen anything like it before and recommended I did a clean install. Below you can see my trash bin, and if you look at the "Empty" button it reads "N201" and then there's the "N39" to the left of it. You can also see these numbers over by the folder area--"SD5, SD6, SD7." But that's not all...
    When I right click on items I see the numbers again. Instead of "Open with" I get "N152" and there's an "N35" and "LB1" towards the bottom.
    I have no idea what's going on so I'm just going to do a clean install on my machine but I don't want to lose my apps. I don't have the original install DVDs for them anymore. If you have any suggestions please let me know. Thanks!

    You don't lose them.  You can always redownload them from the app store after you log back in with your Apple ID.
    "Buy, download, and even redownload.
    You can install apps on every Mac you use and even download them again. This is especially convenient when you buy a new Mac and want to load it with apps you already own."

  • The certificate on my applications install DVD has expired. I am unable to reinstall with this dvd on my snow leopard on macbook pro. Pl help.

    The certificate on my applications install DVD for bundled software has expired. I am unable to reinstall with this dvd on my snow leopard on macbook pro. Pl help. If I use Lion, it works fine with the expired certificate. But doesnt work with snowleopard.

    Create a DMG file of your DVD (instructions here:
    Then follow the instructions here: res/

  • Is it possible to make a copy of the Leopard install DVD?

    Is it possible to make a copy of the Leopard install DVD? If so, is there a special way this has to be done? I just found out that we needed to use the Leopard install DVD to recover a complete backup from Time Machine after a recent hard drive failure. We have the family pack of Leopard, so I would like to keep the original at home and send a copy when my daughter goes off to college in case she needs to recover again. Her machine was originally a Tiger MacBook, so those install disks will not work. If it is not possible to copy the DVD, is there a way to create a bootable utility to do a time machine recovery?

    This half-solved my problem. I have had no problems creating a backup copy for my intel based computers, but non-intel based computers are problematic; a G5 powermac tower and a G4 Powerbook. Both with super drives for single density burning. Both have Leopard running, installed from an install disc purchased from Apple. However, neither will mount the copy, but intel based computers will. have burnt/burned with both toast 9 and Disc Utility. Discs won't mount and are "spit out" by the drive.
    Power Mac G5 OS X: 10.5.4
    Model Identifier: PowerMac7,3
    Processor Name: PowerPC G5 (3.0)
    Processor Speed: 2 GHz
    Number Of CPUs: 2
    L2 Cache (per CPU): 512 KB
    Memory: 1.5 GB
    Bus Speed: 1 GHz
    Boot ROM Version: 5.1.8f7
    Any thoughts?

  • Install DVD number of uses?

    I just received my Install DVD in the mail from Apple, as I just got the $10 upgrade as my MacBook is relatively new, and I was wondering, will it work to install it on more than just one Mac? I don't think its a family pack. Just wondering if I can put it on my other Mac as well, a G4.

    You should not sell the disks that came with a Mac. They are used for more than installing software. They usually have diagnostics on them and they should be given with a machine that is sold or given as a gift. The money you got would not be worth it when you have a prolem that can only be solved by running the diagnostic on the original disks.

  • Backup of Leopard Install DVD with disk utility

    I'm in the process of saving a disk image from the Leopard Install DVD, but I'd like to be sure I did it right by selecting the Leopard Install partition on the sidebar in Disk Utility, rather than the drive itself. I did so because when I tried it with the drive itself it offered a default name as the name of my dvd drive "Matshita" rather than anything specific to the disk.
    I'd also like to be sure the windows drivers are there, so before I waste an hour burning and tossing the result, the question is do I select the drive or the partition to image?

    Run the disk utility and select the disk and then select New Image. You will create and image on your desktop.
    I used cdr rather than dmg.
    I also used Toast8 to burn the image to a DVD
    Be sure you are using a dual-layer DVD and your burner supports it.
    I successfully burned a backup this way, and yes, it does contain the Windows drivers as well as Leopard.

  • How do I create a start-up disk image without restarting from the Install DVD?

    (I know this is not MacBook Pro question per se, but I can't find a software discussion this applies to.)
    My MBP is running, but it's acting up and Onyx tells me that the start-up volume needs repair and directs me to use Disk Utility.
    But to repair a volume using Disk Utility, you must restart from the original Install DVD (or some other start-up volume).
    But although the MBP will read my old Leopard Install DVD and the Install DVD that came with my MBP, it refuses to restart from either of them. (Trying to do so gets as far as the Apple logo on a gray screen and then hangs there; all disk activity ceases.)
    How can I (is it even possible to) create a start-up volume on my external FW drive without starting my MBP from a DVD?
    In other words, is there a way to either:
    a) create a disk image from the Install DVD on my external FW drive and then designate that disk image as my start-up drive?
    b) create a disk image on my MBP's internal drive that I can then use to run a System Install on my external drive?
    (BTW, I know I can create disk images using Disk Utility, but it offers many options for type, compression, etc., that are beyond me. )
    Any advice would be greatly appreciated!

    OS X Lion includes a new feature called Lion Recovery that includes all of the tools you need to reinstall Lion, repair your disk, and even restore from a Time Machine backup without the need for optical discs.
    Restart your Mac holding down the Command-R to enter the Recovery HD.
    From there you can use Disk Utilty.

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