Define status to version 0 in FM Area

Dear FI Expert,
I want to entry document via FMBBC (budgeting workbench), after i entry version 0 and press enter, it showed error :
No status assigned to version 0 in FM area BSW1
Message no. FMCU006
You want to use version 0 in FM area BSW1 but there is no status assigned to version 0 in FM area BSW1.
If you want to use this version with this FM area, please maintain the settings under Assignment of Status.
You can also select another version for budgeting in this FM area instead.
I click Assignment of Status (tcode FMBOSTAT),but I can't choose one of status, how to maintan the status?
Thank you.

Dear Atif,
I have choosen FMBOSTAT, when I click F4 ini Status column, I can't find anything... So, how to maintain the Status so that I can choose one of the Status?

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    Hi Gurus,
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    Message no. FMCU006
    You want to use version 0 in FM area MFMA but there is no status assigned to version 0 in FM area MFMA.
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    Thanks in advance,
    Devi Aparna

    For period-based budget you can have a work-around, though as from ECC 6.04, you have even specially dedicated object for this: Budget Period.
    P.S. Please, respect the rules and don't ask more then one question per thread. Also, try to avoid asking basic questions and search SDN before posting

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    Thank You;

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    As far as,  BAPI_PO_CREATE1, you need to pass
    MEMORY_UNCOMPLETE = abap_true
    MEMORY_COMPLETE   =  abap_false
    for POHEADER, pass,
    MEMORY = 'X'
    for POHEADERX, pass,
    MEMORY = 'X'
    Though you will be using ESOA for this, this knowledge would help.

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          objnr                    = ls_header-guid
          user_status          = lv_stat
          stonr                    = lv_stonr
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    Best Regards,
    Chirag Shah

    Hi Chirag,
    try to initialize Status schema before update.
           objnr                        = ls_header-guid
           obtyp                        = 'SCH'
           stsma                        = 'ZHOLD'
           obtyp_invalid                = 1
           status_object_already_exists = 2
           stsma_invalid                = 3
           stsma_obtyp_invalid          = 4
           error_ocurred                = 5
           OTHERS                       = 6.

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    Hi Milind,
                 To Block changes to any Object their is a Provision for the same in Client Deatils Screen
    Go to TCode:SCC4
    Check the Tab Cross-Client Object Changes
    Try setting the Option (3.No Changes To Cross-Client Customization Objs)
    Following Options Symbolises:
    Changes to the Repository and cross-client Customizing permitted
    There are no restrictions on the maintenance of cross-client objects for the client when this setting is used. Both cross-client Customizing objects and objects of the SAP Repository can be maintained.
    No change to cross-client Customizing objects
    Cross-client Customizing objects cannot be maintained in the client with this setting.
    No change to Repository objects
    With this setting, objects of the SAP Repository cannot be maintained in the client.
    No change to Repository and cross-client Customizing objects
    Combination of both restrictions: Neither cross-client Customizing objects nor objects of the SAP Repository can be maintained in the client.
    (Choose This One it Should Resolve your Problem)
    Hope it answered Your Queries..
    Thanks and Regards,

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    3) I installed SPD 2010 Service Pack 2 of 64 bit
    4) I uninstalled the SPD 2010 and opened the site—site actions—edit page in SPD , then it asked me to install SPD 2010, then I installed and tried to open the same site, again same error.
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    Please update us SharePoint version 
    Pratik Vyas | SharePoint Consultant |
    Posting is provided AS IS with no warranties, and confers no rights
    Please remember to click Mark As Answer if a post solves your problem or
    Vote As Helpful if it was useful.

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    Not applicable.

    The only versions you update to are 3.6.28 (which will be dropped from support in a few weeks) or Firefox 11. I'd recommend either 11, or at least start planning for it. Is there a specific reason you don't want to upgrade to 11, I can try to help.

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    Is it possible the Mac Mini needs a 64 bit version of Windows installed under Bootcamp? I haven't seen this requirement mentioned anywhere.
    Appreciated all and any help that can be offered.

    Welcome to the Apple Support Communities
    That's because the Late 2012 iMac and Mac mini only supports the 64-bit Windows 7 version, so the drivers you downloaded are designed to work with the 64-bit version and you can't install them on a 32-bit version. Install the 64-bit Windows 7 on your computer

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    Tap Settings > General > About then swipe down, you'll see Available.
    Make sure there's at least 500MB's of storage space.

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    The Release Notes document (pdk.release.notes.html) contains the version information.
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    iPhoto 11 v9.4.2
    using Lion, updated, on iMac Pro.

    It's very simple. If you want to use iPhoto, just let it manage things as it does. Other than that: Export from iPhoto and delete the image from iPhoto. That will remove the master and all versions.
    If space is an issue... use an external disk.
    Don't change anything in the iPhoto Library Folder via the Finder or any other application. iPhoto depends on the structure as well as the contents of this folder. Moving things, renaming things, deleting them or otherwise making changes will prevent iPhoto from working and could even cause you to damage or lose your photos.

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    I am working on research the use of Adobe Interactive Forms in the current processes of HCM ESS MSS.
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    I am trying to see how the form I design/modify in TCode: SPF are working together to these piece of codes I found in NWDI WD4J --> VcISRShowForm DC --> ShowForm view:
    public void wdDoInit()
        //@@begin wdDoInit()
              InteractiveForm form =
                   (InteractiveForm) ((View) wdThis.wdGetAPI()).getElement("IsrForm");
              form.bindPdfSource((IWDAttributeInfo) null);
    public static void wdDoModifyView(IPrivateShowForm wdThis, IPrivateShowForm.IContextNode wdContext, view, boolean firstTime)
        //@@begin wdDoModifyView
              logger.pathT("Entering: wdDoModifyView");
              // Dynamic context generation
              // Bind context
              if (wdContext.nodeNewGenericChildNodes().size() > 0) {
                   if (wdContext.currentContextElement().getContextToBeReset())
                   IWDNodeInfo genericNode = wdContext.nodeData().getNodeInfo();
                   IWDNodeInfo origNode =
                   IWDNodeInfo childNode;
                   IWDNodeInfo deepChildNode;
                   for (int i = 0;
                        i < wdContext.nodeNewGenericChildNodes().size();
                        i++) {
                        childNode =
                        deepChildNode = childNode.getChild("DATA");
              // Avoid another context generation - all context have been generated
              InteractiveForm form = (InteractiveForm) view.getElement("IsrForm");
              //Set the template source of the form (if necessary)
              if (wdContext
                   .getSetTemplateSourceNecessary()) {
              logger.pathT("Exiting: wdDoModifyView");

  • Beta versions and other browsers are currently not supported by an application I use everyday, what do I need to do?

    When logging in to an application I get this message:
    You are attempting to access ezLaborManager with the following unsupported browser:
    Firefox Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:6.0.2) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/6.0.2
    ezLaborManager is only supported on current production versions of Internet Explorer and Firefox. "Beta" versions and other browsers are currently not supported.
    It is strongly recommended that you use a supported browser to avoid encountering access and display issues.

    Well, you can waste a lot of time and money trying to get your old iron up to speed but the sad fact is, even though it may work with Color, it will most likely end in a less than satisfactory experience all around. You need to determine if your G5 has PCI, PCI-x or PCIe slots and then purchase the appropriate cards.
    However, Final Cut Studio 2 is optimized for the Intel processors. You will see users here and there using the newest models G5 with great success but quite honestly, you need a Mac Pro.
    Or just purchase the Aja IO/HD which is a firewire 800 interface and the only firewire device that will preview externally Color.

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             We are doing QTP automation testing for our flex application. But after running all 30 tests it is showing License not present. with the trail version only limited replays are allowed. We are using  flex sdk 3.5 and flash builder 4 plugin for eclipse. we are building our application using ant and we are deploying the application directly and testing it.  Can any one tell Steps to resolve this issue...
              please step by step required..

    You need to have valid premium license for Adobe. Only then it would work.

Maybe you are looking for

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