Deleted mail keeps getting redelivered

I check my mail, go through and delete the unwanted mail, and all seems fine. Then I'll check mail the following day, and all the messages I deleted get delivered again as if I never received them. Anyone else having this problem or know how to fix it?
I've tried varying the setting in mail but no luck.

After you delete them from the Inbox, go to that account's Trash and empty it.

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    In my (father's) case, inside the
    Library/Mail/POP-username@serveraddress ,
    there was a "folder" named "Deleted Messages".  The icon was also a standard folder icon.
    Just by renaming it to "Deleted Messages.mbox",
    the icon was changed to a document tray icon,
    and deleting messages started working.

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    Deleted mail can reappear if the folder has not been compacted frequently.
    '' If you don't compact your folders regularly, performance can slow to a crawl, you can't store new messages anymore, start losing parts of messages or have deleted messages resurrected.''
    Suggest you move all good emails out of Inbox to other suitable folders for organising.
    Then delete all emails you do not want.
    then right click on Inbox and select 'compact'.
    Then empty the Deleted folder.
    Also Empty and compact the Junk folder.

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    Deleted mail can reappear if the folder has not been compacted frequently.
    '' If you don't compact your folders regularly, performance can slow to a crawl, you can't store new messages anymore, start losing parts of messages or have deleted messages resurrected.''
    Suggest you move all good emails out of Inbox to other suitable folders for organising.
    Then delete all emails you do not want.
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    Then empty the Deleted folder.
    Also Empty and compact the Junk folder.

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    Launch the Keychain Access application in any of the following ways:
    ☞ Enter the first few letters of its name into a Spotlight search. Select it in the results (it should be at the top.)
    ☞ In the Finder, select Go ▹ Utilities from the menu bar, or press the key combination shift-command-U. The application is in the folder that opens.
    ☞ Open LaunchPad. Click Utilities, then Keychain Access in the icon grid.
    Use the search box in the toolbar of the Keychain Access to search for the name of the mail server you're having trouble with. Double-click one of the items and check the box marked Show password in the inspector window. You'll be prompted for your keychain password to confirm. Make a note of the user name and password. Then delete every "Internet Password" item in the search results. Quit Keychain Access.
    Quit and relaunch Mail. You'll be prompted for the account user name and password. Enter the information you noted earlier and check the box to save it in the Keychain.
    Credit for this solution to ASC member Sandra Guzdek.

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