Deleted Photo App icon

my son deleted the Photo App icon and I can only access it through Camera, how can I restore it?

I thought you had solved my problem, but come to find out that this only works if the Passcode lock is turned on. I turned it on to set the Picture Frame to "off" and then turned the Passcode lock off. The icon is still on the startup screen. If I turn passcode lock on, the icon goes away, turn it off, it is back. Sure would like to find another way to get rid of it.

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    That situation went from inconvenient to complicated quickly.  Wait for any pending orders to drop off, wait for things to clear up, wait till your upgrade comes up and then upgrade when your contract is fulfilled.  I would have suggested a replacement phone, I know, with only a month left why couldn't you just upgrade early, but these situations where people try to upgrade early always end horribly and once a phone order starts, it almost cannot finish until something winds up shipped received and returned.  Sorry this happened the way it did.  Definitely not efficient.

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    Go to Settings - General - Usage and see which apps are taking up a lot of space.
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    I thought you had solved my problem, but come to find out that this only works if the Passcode lock is turned on. I turned it on to set the Picture Frame to "off" and then turned the Passcode lock off. The icon is still on the startup screen. If I turn passcode lock on, the icon goes away, turn it off, it is back. Sure would like to find another way to get rid of it.

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    All help appreciated.
    I don't have a Mac and run Windows 7 on a Sony VAIO. All versions of iTunes and IoS are up to date.

    ANSWER The exact same thing happened to me today.  I accidently deleted my Photo app (with over a 1000 photos in it) but I could still access it by pressing the home button twice.  This is because it was with the background running apps (when you press the home button twice it shows all the apps running in the background) but it would not let me drag it to the Home screen. 
    Well so I was anxiously reading this thread at church to see what to do (I did a search for, 'I accidently deleted my Photo app' and how I came across this thread).  Anyway, I searched all my subfolders and everywhere IT WAS NOT IN ANOTHER FOLDER AND THE PHOTO ICON WAS COMPLETELY GONE FROM ANY OF THE DESKTOPS. 
    Anyway, my phone was dying and no way to charge it so it died at church and so I connected it to my car charger in my car when leaving church and after the iphone came on again, there was the Photo App on my desktop! 
    So my advice is to let it completely run out of it's charge then later plug into a charger.  I have the iPhone 4S going on almost 2yrs now and this is the first time this has happened to me!   I was in a hurry getting ready for church and pressed it accidently so I know exactly when it happened (when all the apps have x's and you can delete them ...). 
    I always delete the backgound running apps to save battery power but I thought now I can never delete the Photo background running app or will lose everything!  Hope this works for you all.  I know I can connect it to my desktop and all but try this first - much easier...

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    Meg St._Clair wrote:
    This is a user-to-user technical support forum. You're not addressing Apple here. Submit your feedback here:
    They will probably take it more seriously if you omit the profanity. It makes what you write seem puerile.
    It will take more than omitting the profanity to fix that.

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    Afraid to do something and mess it up further and so looking for advice from someone who actually knows what they are doing!
    Thank you!

    You can't delete the Photos app as it's part of the system.  You can continue to use iPhoto and your iPhoto library.  The iPhoto app is still in the Applications folder. If it's iPhoto 9.6.1 it will work with 10.10.3. If it's not try getting 9.6.1 from the App Store following Terence Devlin's instructions below:
    Terence Devlin including Apple logo changes for feature 126 Apple image including Apple logo changes for feature 126 Apple image ends here
    Apr 14, 2015 11:21 AM
    Re: Is Iphoto gone ? i want it back!
    in response to Johannes666
    Go to the App Store and check out the Purchases List. If iPhoto is there then it will be v9.6.1
    If it is there, then drag your existing iPhoto app (not the library, just the app) to the trash
    Install the App from the App Store.
    Sometimes iPhoto is not visible on the Purchases List. it may be hidden. See this article for details on how to unhide it.
    One question often asked: Will I lose my Photos if I reinstall?
    iPhoto the application and the iPhoto Library are two different parts of the iPhoto programme. So, reinstalling the app should not affect the Library. BUT you should always have a back up before doing this kind of work. Always.
    Regarding the "deleted" photos did you systematically empty the iPhoto Trash bin each time you delete photos? 

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    Is the app still in Applications?
    If so, you've just made a copy of the application and can delete the copy.
    Mountain Lion tries to protect the Applications folder from inadvertant moving of things, especially since putting things in the Dock might result in accidentally dropping. It will normally make an alias, but I haven't tested with every possibility. When you dropped it, you made a copy on your desktop. If you dragged that copy to the Dock, then drag it back out and use the one in the Applications folder.

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    nevermind - figured it out.  thanks anyway.

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    I have downloaded them to my itunes but they just dont go away even after syncronising.
    just to mention i have 3G network but no wifi at present.

    Try resetting the iPad. Hold down on the sleep and home buttons at the same time for about 10-15 seconds until the Apple logo appears and see if the loading icon is still there.
    If that doesn't work, try deleting the app from the iPad and then sync it again. Delete the app by syncing with iTunes and deselect the app.
    While your iPad is connected to your computer and iTunes is running, select your iPad on the left side bar, click on the apps tab in the iTunes window on the right, Uncheck the box next to the name of the app and then sync (click on apply) to remove the app from the iPad. Restart the iPad - hold down on the sleep button until the red slider appears, then slide to shut down, hold the sleep button until the Apple logo appears to start up.
    Then connect the iPad to the computer again and go through the same process except this time select the app and click on apply to put it back onto the iPad.
    See if that doesn't remove the loading icon.

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    How did the photos get onto your iPad ? If they were synced from a computer then they can't be deleted directly in the iPad's Photos app - instead they are deleted by not including them in your next photo sync from your computer's iTunes.
    For your apps, as long as they are still in your country's store then you should be able to redownload them via the Purchased tab in the App Store app on your iPad, and via the Purchased link under Quicklinks on the right-hand side of the iTunes store home page on your computer's iTunes. If you had backed up to your computer's iTunes before starting the update then you could redownload them to your computer's iTunes and then retry restoring to your backup and see if that copies the apps and their content back (the actual apps aren't included in a backup, just their content/settings, so for a restore to work fully you need to have the relevant apps in the Apps part of your library).

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