Deleting wiki files

Does anyone know how to delete wiki entries from the OS file system command line?  My wiki got spammed, and I have lots of entries to delete.  I don't want to have to open each entry and click on -, and specifiy to 'permantantly delete' each spam entry.
For one spam entry, I tried deleting the /Library/Collaboration/Groups/MyWiki/wiki/ directory, but that leaves a link to the spam entry in my 'Recent Changes' list on the wiki page.  And when I click on that entry, I get 'page not found'.  So, there is another place that the spam entry is listed, but where???
Sometimes you have to delete a db file and rebuild it, but I have no idea if that's the case here or what db file that would be.
Any ideas?
Thanks in advance.

They _should_ be under your XDG_DATA_DIR I think. But I don't know if Gnome does that.

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    The results look like this:
                     uid                  |                long_name                 |            ownedby_uid_fk           
    --------------------------------------+----------------------------------------- -+--------------------------------------
    084d4bff-af85-4d15-b42e-44072b1c9ee7 | Implementation ppt.ppt | c8d549b2-edb3-471f-a9f6-e56e02e208d3
    (1 row)
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    collab=# select uid, long_name, ownedby_uid_fk from entity WHERE uid = 'c8d549b2-edb3-471f-a9f6-e56e02e208d3';
                     uid                  |         long_name          |            ownedby_uid_fk           
    --------------------------------------+----------------------------+------------ --------------------------
    c8d549b2-edb3-471f-a9f6-e56e02e208d3 | Some Wiki Page Name | 41b2e7c6-04f4-4dea-a2cc-732d7ce9d492
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    Kind Regards,

    Hi Peter,
                      Do you possess administrative rights to install software in your system? If yes please download the WINSCP software from this link
    After you install the software, consult the SAP logon pad and put server details of your PI server in WINSCP configuration. Put port number as 22.
    Request your SAP BASIS OS level team to provide you with username and password to login to the PI server at Operating system level. with WINSCP you can copy, move,create and delete files in the PI server. WINSCP acts as a FTP bridge between your system and PI server.
    If you do not have administrative privileges. You need to write scripts or batch files. If operating system in PI server is unix/linux use this link
    to write shell scripts to delete files. Request your basis team to copy the script to server and execute it once.
    If your operating system is windows then use this link Request your basis team to copy the batch to server and execute it once.
    Finally you can use the feature "Defining Operating System Commands Before/After Processing" in File sender or receiver communication channel configuration settings. Here you can set the command to execute shell scripts or batch files which will delete old files during each  instance of running the scenario. For more information on this technique try these links
    Executing Unix shell script using Operating System Command in XI
    Glimpse at OS Command: Yet Another Scenario
    Hope this solves your problem.

  • Delete wiki entries

    Does anyone know how to delete wiki entries from the OS file system command line?  My wiki got spammed, and I have lots of entries to delete.  I don't want to have to open each entry and click on -, and specifiy to 'permantantly delete' each spam entry.
    For one spam entry, I tried deleting the /Library/Collaboration/Groups/MyWiki/wiki/ directory, but that leaves a link to the spam entry in my 'Recent Changes' list on the wiki page.  And when I click on that entry, I get 'page not found'.  So, there is another place that the spam entry is listed, but where???
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    Any ideas?
    Thanks in advance.

    You're in the wrong forum.

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    --- Problem summary: ---
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    TM is not designed to do what you ask. As Allan wrote TM is an incremental backup not an archival solution.
    If you delete a file from the HD it will eventually be removed from the TM backup (if it ever makes it on to the backup at all).
    How long before it is removed depends on a number of factors, TM disk drive size being one factor but not the only one.
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    As Allan says, no... the trash *should not* be used as a repository for files you're not sure you want to trash yet. Not only is this extremely hazardous, as it's easy to accidentally empty the trash, but it also puts all those questionable files outside the reach of Time Machine, so they will not be backed up. If you need a "Pending Trash" folder, create one on your desktop, and then put files in the trash only once you are truly ready to delete them.

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    If you let iTunes organise your media folders then that is the way it is. An option would be to change the Media Kind to TV Show which would gather them togther in one folder, but in a different part of the library.

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    It will not delete.
    How do I get the trash can empty of these files?

    Yes, the Old Master file has a folder for each year where I find all photos from that specific year. I am attaching a screen shot of the file.
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    Yes to both questions, with the above cavat that Time Machine won't backup the library if iPhoto is open.
    I notice that it takes iPhoto quite a while to load, and if deleting those photos would allow it to load quicker I would delete them (providing they would remain on the external hard drive.
    I only have a few pictures in iPhoto, compared to my wife's 3,500+, and my iPhoto doesn't load appreciably faster that her's does even though I have a faster computer. In my opinion, it isn't worth the effort it would take to delete them for such a small gain.
    You should have at least 2 complete backups to try to make sure you won't lose any data. Hard drives do fail and/or files can become corrupted. Time Machine can back up to more than one external hard drive or you can use a cloning program.
    Time Machine FAQ

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    Try deleting the file without iTunes running.
    When you next open iTunes it should then be marked as a missing file and you should be able to delete the entry from iTunes.
    Hope this works
    Colin R.

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