Dem2vid - script to capture & encode nexuiz demos

Simple script to encode a .dem to an aac/avc video.
To produce a high quality mp4 simply specify the demo to encode in addition to your desired width & file size. If no file size is specified a VBR encode will be done.The demo file must be within your ~/.nexuiz/data/demos/ directory, I recommend renaming it to something simple beforehand.
#Script to capture demo, calculate bitrate, scale & encode to aac/avc
#uses ffmpeg presets within ~/.ffmpeg (-vpre fast/-vpre vhq)
#depends: mplayer, faac, ffmpeg & x264 (>20081002 recommended)
#use: ./dem2vid yourDemo.dem requiredWidth requiredSizeInMB
captureDemo() {
${LOC} -demo +cl_capturevideo 1 +cl_capturevideo_fps 24 +playdemo demos/${DEM}
info() {
VID=`find ~/.nexuiz/data/video/ -iname "dpvideo*.avi" -print | tail -1`
mplayer -identify -frames 0 ${VID} 2>/dev/null > /tmp/$$
RESX=`grep ID_VIDEO_WIDTH /tmp/$$ | cut -d"=" -f2`
RESY=`grep ID_VIDEO_HEIGHT /tmp/$$ | cut -d"=" -f2`
LENGTH=`grep ID_LENGTH /tmp/$$ | cut -d"=" -f2`
rm /tmp/$$ && echo ${RESX} ${RESY} ${LENGTH} ${VID}
height() {
ASPECT=$(echo "scale=3; ${RESX} / ${RESY}" | bc)
HEIGHT=$(echo "${WID} / ${ASPECT}" | bc)
MOD16=$(( ${HEIGHT} / 16 * 16 ))
echo ${MOD16}
bitrate() {
RATE=$(echo "(( "$MB" * 1024 ) / ${LENGTH}) - 16" | bc)
R8=$(echo "(( ${RATE} * 8 ) * 1.02)" | bc)
KBPS=`echo "tmp=${R8}; tmp /= 1; tmp" | bc`
echo ${KBPS}
encode() {
ffmpeg -i ${VID} -an -pass 1 -s ${WID}x${MOD16} -vcodec libx264 -vpre fast \
-b ${KBPS}k -threads 0 -rc_eq 'blurCplx^(1-qComp)' -level 41 "$DEM.mp4"
ffmpeg -i ${VID} -acodec libfaac -ac 2 -ab 128k -async 2 -pass 2 \
-s ${WID}x${MOD16} -vcodec libx264 -vpre vhq -b ${KBPS}k -threads 0 \
-rc_eq 'blurCplx^(1-qComp)' -level 41 -y "$DEM.mp4"
vbr() {
ffmpeg -i ${VID} -acodec libfaac -ac 2 -aq 100 -async 2 \
-s ${WID}x${MOD16} -vcodec libx264 -vpre vhq -crf 20 -threads 0 \
-rc_eq 'blurCplx^(1-qComp)' -level 41 "$DEM.mp4"
if [ -n "$3" ];
rm *2pass*.log
rm ${VID} && echo Finished!
If you wish to try my specific ffmpeg presets, they can be found here: … 71#p441071
An example of the VBR encode:
I hope it's of some use.

Updated to retain quality when used with Nexuiz 2.5.1 & removed mplayer dependency.
#Script to capture demo, calculate bitrate, scale & encode to mp4
#uses ffmpeg presets within ~/.ffmpeg (-vpre fast/-vpre vhq)
#depends: faac, ffmpeg & x264 (>20081002 recommended)
#use: ./dem2vid yourDemo.dem requiredWidth requiredSizeInMB
capture() {
LOC=`locate | tail -1`
${LOC} -demo +cl_capturevideo 1 +cl_capturevideo_ogg 0 \
+cl_capturevideo_fps 24 +playdemo demos/${DEM}
VID=`find ~/.nexuiz/data/video/ -iname "dpvideo*.avi" -print | tail -1`
echo "Demo captured to ${VID}"
info() {
ffmpeg -i ${VID} 2> /tmp/$$
TH=`grep Duration /tmp/$$ | cut -d":" -f2 | cut -c 2-3`
TM=`grep Duration /tmp/$$ | cut -d":" -f3`
TS=`grep Duration /tmp/$$ | cut -d":" -f4 | cut -c 1-5`
SEC=$(echo "( ${TH} * 3600 ) + ( ${TM} * 60 ) + ${TS}" | bc)
RESX=`grep Video: /tmp/$$ | grep -o ....x | tr -d 'x '`
RESY=`grep Video: /tmp/$$ | grep -o x.... | tr -d 'x,'`
rm /tmp/$$ && echo ${RESX} ${RESY} ${SEC}
height() {
ASPECT=$(echo "scale=3; ${RESX} / ${RESY}" | bc)
HEIGHT=$(echo "${WID} / ${ASPECT}" | bc)
MOD16=$(( ${HEIGHT} / 16 * 16 ))
echo ${MOD16}
bitrate() {
RATE=$(echo "(( "$MB" * 1024 ) / ${SEC}) - 16" | bc)
R8=$(echo "(( ${RATE} * 8 ) * 1.02)" | bc)
KBPS=`echo "tmp=${R8}; tmp /= 1; tmp" | bc`
echo ${KBPS}
encode() {
ffmpeg -i ${VID} -pass 1 -s ${WID}x${MOD16} -vcodec libx264 -vpre fast \
-b ${KBPS}k -threads 0 -rc_eq 'blurCplx^(1-qComp)' -level 41 -an "$DEST"
ffmpeg -i ${VID} -acodec libfaac -ac 2 -ab 128k -async 2 -pass 2 \
-s ${WID}x${MOD16} -vcodec libx264 -vpre vhq -b ${KBPS}k -threads 0 \
-rc_eq 'blurCplx^(1-qComp)' -level 41 -psnr -y "$DEST"
vbr() {
ffmpeg -i ${VID} -acodec libfaac -ac 2 -aq 100 -async 2 \
-s ${WID}x${MOD16} -vcodec libx264 -vpre vhq -crf 20 -threads 0 \
-rc_eq 'blurCplx^(1-qComp)' -level 41 -psnr "$DEST"
if [ -n "$3" ];
rm *2pass*.log
rm ${VID} && echo "Finished! Saved as ${DEST}"
Last edited by ahaslam (2009-06-01 18:19:45)

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    <AMMOUSECLICK CLICK="release" />
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    <AMINPUTBOX RESULTVARIABLE="coord_y">Inserire coordinata Y</AMINPUTBOX>
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    <AMMOUSECLICK CLICK="hold_down" />
    <AMMOUSEMOVE MOVEX="%coord_x%" MOVEY="%coord_y%" RELATIVETO="position" />
    and this is a short video to explain better what I want to do :
    In the last scene of the video you will see the script asking to input the X and the Y coordinates of the nose. This request is time consuming. For this reason I want to write a script that captures automatically the coordinates of the mouse clicks. The only thing to do should be click over the nose and the script should make the rest. As "c.pfaffenbichler" suggested here :, I could explore 3 ways :
    1) use the Color Sampler Tool’s input with a conventional Photoshop Script.
    2) use After Effects would provide a better solution.
    3) Photoshop’s Animation Panel might also offer some easier way as it might be possible to load two movies (or one movie and one image) and animate the one with the rendered head in relation to the other.
    Since I'm a totally newbie in graphic and animation,could you help me to explore these ways ? Thanks for your cooperation.

    These are the coordinates of the contours of the face that you see on the picture. Can you explain to me how they are calculated ? The coordinates of the first colums are intuitive,but I'm not able to understand how are calculated the coordinates of the second one.
    1 COL     2 COL (how are calculated these values ?)
    307.5000 182.0000 m
    312.5000 192.0000 l
    321.5000 194.0000 l
    330.5000 193.0000 l
    335.0000 187.0000 l
    337.0000 180.5000 l
    340.0000 174.0000 l
    338.5000 165.5000 l
    336.0000 159.0000 l
    331.5000 153.0000 l
    324.5000 150.0000 l
    317.0000 154.0000 l
    312.5000 161.0000 l
    309.0000 173.0000 l
    307.5000 182.0000 l
    Message was edited by: LaoMar

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    $erroractionpreference = “SilentlyContinue”
    $a = New-Object -comobject Excel.Application
    $a.visible = $True
    $b = $a.Workbooks.Add()
    $c = $b.Worksheets.Item(1)
    $c.Cells.Item(1,1) = “Machine Name”
    $c.Cells.Item(1,2) = “Drive”
    $c.Cells.Item(1,3) = “Total size (GB)”
    $c.Cells.Item(1,4) = “Free Space (GB)”
    $c.Cells.Item(1,5) = “Free Space (%)”
    $c.cells.item(1,6) = "Name "
    $d = $c.UsedRange
    $d.Interior.ColorIndex = 19
    $d.Font.ColorIndex = 11
    $d.Font.Bold = $True
    $intRow = 2
    $colComputers = get-content "C:\Servers.txt"
    foreach ($strComputer in $colComputers)
    $colDisks = get-wmiobject Win32_LogicalDisk -computername $strComputer -Filter “DriveType = 3"
    foreach ($objdisk in $colDisks)
    $c.Cells.Item($intRow, 1) = $strComputer.ToUpper()
    $c.Cells.Item($intRow, 2) = $objDisk.DeviceID
    $c.Cells.Item($intRow, 3) = “{0:N0}” -f ($objDisk.Size/1GB)
    $c.Cells.Item($intRow, 4) = “{0:N0}” -f ($objDisk.FreeSpace/1GB)
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    $c.cells.item($introw, 6) = $objdisk.volumename
    $intRow = $intRow + 1

    I've just tested your script as is, and it worked perfectly.
    Are you sure those drives are regular?
    Have you tried just printing the results in the console instead of Excel? there might be some setting there that changes what you see.
    Also, have you considered the conversion between bytes and GB are misleading?

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    Thanks (Drew)
    G4 DP 1 GIG G4 laptop 1.25, MBP 2.0 1 GIG   Mac OS X (10.4.6)  

    LOL Jeff
    I assume the bars are top and bottom? (Is this the other project?)
    One the clips on the DVD, are they encoded VOBs or DVs?
    Pop open some of the videos to see if the bars are in Quicktime.
    But before that, just a quick broad stroke overview.
    Cameras are going to shoot either 16:9 or 4:3
    There are ways of making transferring between the two, but usually items which are shot in 16:9 need to look good in 4:3
    To keep the director's vision, 16:9 is usually letterboxed on 4:3 DVDs. Some people drop bars on the top and bottom in an NLE, better way is just flag it as 16:9 Letterbox in DVD SP - on 16:9 it will look full 16:9 and on 4:3 letterboxed
    That being said if you pop things in QT and there are black bars in the QT file, it is faux letterbox so it is really 4:3 (the bars are not that subtle if added, so not sure what you are seeing.). Letterbox will have the bars on top and bottom
    Sounds like it may be 4:3? But you can also shoot 16:9 on mini DV. Let me know what the files on the DVD are and/or if you have any details on how the footage was shot. If you have the FCP file that was used, the answer should be there also (well it is there, but easy to see)

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    My 1st dtrace script to capture time spent by oracle executing various commands, is this correct? It seems to work...
    /usr/sbin/dtrace -n '
    #pragma D option quiet
    #pragma D option switchrate=10
    syscall::exec:entry, syscall::exece:entry
    /uid == 900/
    self->t = timestamp;
    syscall::exec:return, syscall::exece:return
    /uid == 900/
    printf("%-20d %s\n", (timestamp - self->t), curpsinfo->pr_psargs);
    thanks for any feedback.

    Hi Stuart -
    Just to be clear, you wanted to know the time Oracle takes to exec() a command, or to actually run a short-lived process from start to finish? The script accomplishes the former, but I'm curious why you'd want that particular value.

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    mail confirmation is also coming that it has been received, but what is happening is when we receive a mail and open the pdf we can see only empty pdf it is not capturing the script of quotation
    have tried with Basis for the ADS ( Adobe Document services ) installation and is working fine and tried with abaper also by attaching a form and it is still not working
    can any body help me on this issue, pls note i am using standard output MAIL funtionality
    Thanks & Regards

    Thanks for the reply jelena i have solved the issue
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    Thanks & Regards

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    The way that it works so far is that I have to change the condition manually through the GUI, start trigrring, waiting for it to upload the waveform (I really would like to bypass this step!) and then downloading the captured data in .csv file. I've tried the attached script to automate two captures, it didn't work though :( I got same results for test0.csv and test1.csv
    any ideas?!
    set_property TRIGGER_COMPARE_VALUE eq5'u1 [get_hw_probes state_reg__0 -of_objects [get_hw_ilas hw_ila_1]]
    wait_on_hw_ila hw_ila_1
    run_hw_ila hw_ila_1
    wait_on_hw_ila hw_ila_1
    write_hw_ila_data -csv_file d:/pss/test0.csv [current_hw_ila_data]
    set_property TRIGGER_COMPARE_VALUE eq5'u10 [get_hw_probes state_reg__0 -of_objects [get_hw_ilas hw_ila_1]]
    wait_on_hw_ila hw_ila_1
    run_hw_ila hw_ila_1
    wait_on_hw_ila -timeout 0 hw_ila_1
    write_hw_ila_data -csv_file d:/pss/test1.csv [current_hw_ila_data]

    Hello Pratham,
    I have tried that before. it works perfectly saving one shot of the ILA. However if you just copy and past, it will fail for the 2nd captured data. (it will save the same thing).
    What I'm particularly looking is saving more than one sample, let's say I would like to automate for 1000 captures.
    The problem that I've encountered follows as this:
    When you try to capture more than one sample, it doesn't stop the trigger and when it does it will save the same thing. in order to stop it it needs to upload the waveform (which is really time consuming and I don't need the tool to upload it in order to captuer the .csv data!) so it will slow down the capturing process.
    In ChipScope it was very easy to do that! there was an option called repetitive trigger on. and it was easily capturing down repeatedly with log1, log2, ... and so forth. I'm looking for that!

  • Applescript/shells script for capture one

    Wanting a script that will take the last item copied to the clipboard (which will be a folder name), search for it in finder, in "this mac", and then open the folder in Capture One.  It would be great if it were ready to run, so I could launch it each time with a keystroke.  Any one willing to help me on this.  Thanks so much!!
    I know a little applescript, but this one is kind of out of my league, I think, at least.

    You can use this script in an Automator Service (you can assign a keystroke combination to this service).
    If the script find one folder whose name equal the contents of the clipboard, "Capture One" will open this folder.
    if the script finds multiple folders whose name equal the contents of the clipboard, it will do nothing, because I don't know what you want in this case.
    To create a service, you start by selecting New from Automator's File menu.
    You should select the Service option, which is accompanied by a gear icon, clic "Choose" button.
    In your new service, you will see a bar at the top of the Automator flow pane. It has combo boxes that allow you to set filters that establish the conditions in which your service should be made accessible. You want to make a service that receives selected "No Input" and will operate in any application or select an application.
    Add the "Run Shell Script" action
    Copy/paste this script in the action:
    folder=$(mdfind "kMDItemFSName = \"$(pbpaste -Prefer txt)\" && kMDItemContentType = \"public.folder\"")
    if [ -z $folder ];then exit 0;fi ## no match
    tot=$(wc -l <<< "$folder")
    if [ $tot -eq 1 ]; then open -b 'com.phaseone.captureone7' "$folder"; fi
    Replace the bundle identifier in this script --> 'com.phaseone.captureone7'
    To know the bundle identifier of your "Capture One" application, run this AppleScript, copy the result to change the  bundle identifier in the shell script
    tell application "Finder" to get id of (application "Capture One")
    Save the service, quit Automator
    The final step is to assign a keystroke combination to the newly created service.
    Open the System Preferences application and navigate to the Keyboard preference pane, and select the Shortcuts tab.
    From the list on the left of the preference pane, select the Services category.
    A list of the installed services will be displayed to the right.
    Scroll to the last category titled General, and locate the service you just created.
    Double-click to the far right of the service name to activate the keystroke input field and then type the key combination you wish to assign to the service.
    Close the System Preferences application.

  • Nice set of perl scripts for h264 encoding stuff

    I have found a nice set of perl script written for flexible h264 related encoding. They were originally developed for gentoo but they also run fine under Debian. I guess running them under arch will work as well.
    Here is the original thread over at the Gentoo Forum: … 444a855600
    Here is the webpage from the author plus a newly build install bash script which will download and install the encoding suite:
    May be someone likes to build a package ?
    I am not using arch this much the last few month. So I am kind of the wrong guy for building such a package

    I have found a nice set of perl script written for flexible h264 related encoding. They were originally developed for gentoo but they also run fine under Debian. I guess running them under arch will work as well.
    Here is the original thread over at the Gentoo Forum: … 444a855600
    Here is the webpage from the author plus a newly build install bash script which will download and install the encoding suite:
    May be someone likes to build a package ?
    I am not using arch this much the last few month. So I am kind of the wrong guy for building such a package

  • Shell script that captures key input? (keylogger)

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    Haha, check this out: (cursor=move, z=fire, q=quit)
    #! /usr/bin/python
    from curses import *
    import threading
    class ckeylog( threading.Thread ):
    def run(self):
    '\x2c': 'z',
    '\x2d': 'x',
    '\x2e': 'c',
    '\xc8': 'UP',
    '\xd0': 'DOWN',
    '\xcb': 'LEFT',
    '\xcd': 'RIGHT',
    '\x10': 'q',
    '\x11': 'w',
    '\x12': 'e',
    '\x01': 'ESC',
    '\x2a': 'LSHIFT',
    '\x1c': 'ENTER',
    while self.loop:
    if event[28] == '\x01':
    elif event[28] == '\x00':
    if event[12] in keymap:[keymap[event[12]]]=state
    def quit(self):
    def main(s):
    "| /\ |",
    bullet="* *"
    while True:
    if 'q' in
    if['q']: keylog.quit(); return
    if 'UP' in
    if['UP']: shipy=shipy-1
    if 'DOWN' in
    if['DOWN']: shipy=shipy+1
    if 'RIGHT' in
    if['RIGHT']: shipx=shipx+1
    if 'LEFT' in
    if['LEFT']: shipx=shipx-1
    if 'z' in
    if['z']: (fire,bullety,bulletx)=(True,shipy,shipx)
    if shipy<0: shipy=0
    if shipy>my-len(ship): shipy=my-len(ship)
    if shipx<0: shipx=0
    if shipx>mx-len(ship[0]): shipx=mx-len(ship[0])
    if fire and bullety == 0: fire=False
    if fire: bullety=bullety-1
    except error: pass
    if fire: s.addstr(bullety,bulletx,bullet)

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    Hi Dan
    There is no Installation Script for XI-2.0. The document you have to check is the XI 2.0 installation guide.
    SAP Netwaver RIG-XI
    SAP Labs LLC, USA

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    Is this possible to do?
    Mr Shaw

    Hi Mr Shaw,
    AFAIK, no -- there is not way to propagate the column information in a script to an error handling.
    But what may help is the faulty value, this would perhaps indicate what column could have triggered the exception.
    Arthur My Blog

  • How to capture the SSAS server response to an XMLA command issued in VB Script

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    I have an SSIS package that contains a VB script task that sends XMLA commands to my SSAS server.  (I am using a script task and not the DDL task because there is lengthy logic required to build the XMLA command and send it to the appropriate
    The problem I have is that while I have been able execute the XMLA command against the SSAS server, I am not able to capture the full response from the server.  Warnings are not being captured and other data is missing.  My code currently is as
    Dim cn As New AdomdClient.AdomdConnection
    Dim cmd As New AdomdClient.AdomdCommand
    Dim returnValue As Object
    cn.ConnectionString = "Data Source=MyServer;Initial Catalog=MyDB;Provider=MSOLAP.5;Integrated Security=SSPI;"
    cmd.Connection = cn
    cmd.CommandText = fileReader
    On Error Resume Next
    returnValue = cmd.Execute()
    Note that "fileReader" is the string containing the XMLA command.
    If the xmla processes a dimension, and there are duplicate keys (for which it is set to error and stop), Management Studio give the response shown below, which includes the warning indicating there are duplicate keys:
    <return xmlns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:xml-analysis">
    <results xmlns="">
    <root xmlns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:xml-analysis:empty">
    <Exception xmlns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:xml-analysis:exception" />
    <Messages xmlns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:xml-analysis:exception">
    <Warning WarningCode="1092550658" Description="Errors in the OLAP storage engine: A duplicate attribute key has been found when processing: Table: 'MyDim', Column: 'MyCol', Value: 'XYZ'. The attribute is 'MyAttr'." Source="Microsoft SQL Server 2012 Analysis Services" HelpFile="" />
    <Error ErrorCode="3238002695" Description="Internal error: The operation terminated unsuccessfully." Source="Microsoft SQL Server 2012 Analysis Services" HelpFile="" />
    However, in the VB script it captured in Err.description just some of the error: "Errors in the OLAP storage engine: An error occurred while the "MyAttr" attribute of the "MyDim" was being processed".
    Is there anyway to capture in the VB Script the full XML error as it appears in Management Studio?
    Help would be much appreciated!

    Another method for executing XMLA is using Microsoft.AnalysisServices.Xmla;
    C# code will look like below:
    using Microsoft.AnalysisServices.Xmla;
      XmlaClient clnt = new XmlaClient();
                      string strOut = "", strMsg="";
                      string strXmla = File.ReadAllText(strXmlaFileName);
                      clnt.Execute(strXmla, "", out strOut, false, true);
                      //check status
                      //Create the XmlDocument.
                      XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument();
                      //display Error
                      XmlNodeList elemList = doc.GetElementsByTagName("Error");
                      for (int i = 0; i < elemList.Count; i++)
                          strMsg += elemList[i].Attributes["Description"].Value + "\r\n" ;
                      //display warnings
                      elemList = doc.GetElementsByTagName("Warning");
                      for (int i = 0; i < elemList.Count; i++)
                          Console.WriteLine("Warning:" + elemList[i].Attributes["Description"].Value);
                          strMsg += elemList[i].Attributes["Description"].Value + "\r\n" ;
    Hope this helps.

  • Capturing log files from multiple .ps1 scripts called from within a .bat file

    I am trying to invoke multiple instances of a powershell script and capture individual log files from each of them. I can start the multiple instances by calling 'start powershell' several times, but am unable to capture logging. If I use 'call powershell'
    I can capture the log files, but the batch file won't continue until that current 'call powershell' has completed.
    ie.  within Test.bat
    start powershell . \Automation.ps1 %1 %2 %3 %4 %5 %6 > a.log 2>&1
    timeout /t 60
    start powershell . \Automation.ps1 %1 %2 %3 %4 %5 %6 > b.log 2>&1
    timeout /t 60
    start powershell . \Automation.ps1 %1 %2 %3 %4 %5 %6 > c.log 2>&1
    timeout /t 60
    start powershell . \Automation.ps1 %1 %2 %3 %4 %5 %6 > d.log 2>&1
    timeout /t 60
    start powershell . \Automation.ps1 %1 %2 %3 %4 %5 %6 > e.log 2>&1
    timeout /t 60
    start powershell . \Automation.ps1 %1 %2 %3 %4 %5 %6 > f.log 2>&1
    the log files get created but are empty.  If I invoke 'call' instead of start I get the log data, but I need them to run in parallel, not sequentially.
    call powershell . \Automation.ps1 %1 %2 %3 %4 %5 %6 > a.log 2>&1
    timeout /t 60
    call powershell . \Automation.ps1 %1 %2 %3 %4 %5 %6 > b.log 2>&1
    timeout /t 60
    call powershell . \Automation.ps1 %1 %2 %3 %4 %5 %6 > c.log 2>&1
    timeout /t 60
    call powershell . \Automation.ps1 %1 %2 %3 %4 %5 %6 > d.log 2>&1
    timeout /t 60call powershell . \Automation.ps1 %1 %2 %3 %4 %5 %6 > e.log 2>&1
    Any suggestions of how to get this to work?

    Batch files are sequential by design (batch up a bunch of statements and execute them). Call doesn't run in a different process, so when you use it the batch file waits for it to exit. From CALL:
    Calls one batch program from another without stopping the parent batch program
    I was hoping for the documentation to say the batch file waits for CALL to return, but this is as close as it gets.
    Start(.exe), "Starts a separate window to run a specified program or command". The reason it runs in parallel is once it starts the target application start.exe ends and the batch file continues. It has no idea about the powershell.exe process
    that you kicked off. Because of this reason, you can't pipe the output.
    Update: I was wrong, you can totally redirect the output of what you run with start.exe.
    How about instead of running a batch file you run a PowerShell script? You can run script blocks or call individual scripts in parallel with the
    Start-Job cmdlet.
    You can monitor the jobs and when they complete, pipe them to
    Receive-Job to see their output. 
    For example:
    $sb = {
    Write-Output "Hello"
    Sleep -seconds 10
    Write-Output "Goodbye"
    Start-Job -Scriptblock $sb
    Start-Job -Scriptblock $sb
    Here's a script that runs the scriptblock $sb. The script block outputs the text "Hello", waits for 10 seconds, and then outputs the text "Goodbye"
    Then it starts two jobs (in this case I'm running the same script block)
    When you run this you receive this for output:
    PS> $sb = {
    >> Write-Output "Hello"
    >> Sleep -Seconds 10
    >> Write-Output "Goodbye"
    >> }
    PS> Start-Job -Scriptblock $sb
    Id Name State HasMoreData Location Command
    1 Job1 Running True localhost ...
    PS> Start-Job -Scriptblock $sb
    Id Name State HasMoreData Location Command
    3 Job3 Running True localhost ...
    When you run Start-Job it will execute your script or scriptblock in a new process and continue to the next line in the script.
    You can see the jobs with
    PS> Get-Job
    Id Name State HasMoreData Location Command
    1 Job1 Running True localhost ...
    3 Job3 Running True localhost ...
    OK, that's great. But we need to know when the job's done. The Job's Status property will tell us this (we're looking for a status of "Completed"), we can build a loop and check:
    $Completed = $false
    while (!$Completed) {
    # get all the jobs that haven't yet completed
    $jobs = Get-Job | where {$_.State.ToString() -ne "Completed"} # if Get-Job doesn't return any jobs (i.e. they are all completed)
    if ($jobs -eq $null) {
    } # otherwise update the screen
    else {
    Write-Output "Waiting for $($jobs.Count) jobs"
    sleep -s 1
    This will output something like this:
    Waiting for 2 jobs
    Waiting for 2 jobs
    Waiting for 2 jobs
    Waiting for 2 jobs
    Waiting for 2 jobs
    Waiting for 2 jobs
    Waiting for 2 jobs
    Waiting for 2 jobs
    Waiting for 2 jobs
    Waiting for 2 jobs
    When it's done, we can see the jobs have completed:
    PS> Get-Job
    Id Name State HasMoreData Location Command
    1 Job1 Completed True localhost ...
    3 Job3 Completed True localhost ...
    Now at this point we could pipe the jobs to Receive-Job:
    PS> Get-Job | Receive-Job
    But as you can see it's not obvious which script is which. In your real scripts you could include some identifiers to distinguish them.
    Another way would be to grab the output of each job one at a time:
    foreach ($job in $jobs) {
    $job | Receive-Job
    If you store the output in a variable or save to a log file with Out-File. The trick is matching up the jobs to the output. Something like this may work:
    $a_sb = {
    Write-Output "Hello A"
    Sleep -Seconds 10
    Write-Output "Goodbye A"
    $b_sb = {
    Write-Output "Hello B"
    Sleep -Seconds 5
    Write-Output "Goodbye B"
    $job = Start-Job -Scriptblock $a_sb
    $a_log = $job.Name
    $job = Start-Job -Scriptblock $b_sb
    $b_log = $job.Name
    $Completed = $false
    while (!$Completed) {
    $jobs = Get-Job | where {$_.State.ToString() -ne "Completed"}
    if ($jobs -eq $null) {
    else {
    Write-Output "Waiting for $($jobs.Count) jobs"
    sleep -s 1
    Get-Job | where {$_.Name -eq $a_log} | Receive-Job | Out-File .\a.log
    Get-Job | where {$_.Name -eq $b_log} | Receive-Job | Out-File .\b.log
    If you check out the folder you'll see the log files, and they contain the script contents:
    PS> dir *.log
    Directory: C:\Users\jwarren
    Mode LastWriteTime Length Name
    -a--- 1/15/2014 7:53 PM 42 a.log
    -a--- 1/15/2014 7:53 PM 42 b.log
    PS> Get-Content .\a.log
    Hello A
    Goodbye A
    PS> Get-Content .\b.log
    Hello B
    Goodbye B
    The trouble though is you won't get a log file until the job has completed. If you use your log files to monitor progress this may not be suitable.
    Jason Warren

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