Dependency between BODS Jobs

I have three jobs J1, J2 and J3. I want to put a dependency such that J3 shall start only when J1 and J2 completes successfully.
Is there any way to achieve this ? Please note that putting the functionality of the jobs into workflows is not an option here as I want to run J1 and J2 in parallel and then start J3 once J1 and J2 both complete.
Many thanks and best regards

Hi Maurice,
                    Many thanks for your reply, but for the time being we do not have any schedulers available with us which we can
                      What I was thinking of is use two wait_for_file() functions in the third job J3 which waits for two files being
                    generated by J1 and J2 on successful completion of each. If J3 gets these two files which were generated
                    by J1 and J2 on successful completion of each, then it starts the rest part of it.
                      But then, in this case, we would have to start/schedule J3 at the same time as J1 and J2 to make sure that J3
                    executes as soon as J1 and J2 complete successfully. And ideally, I am trying to avoid this scenario of a job
                    running for such a long time while just waiting for a couple of files.
                    For your information, in our PROD environment, J1 and J2 can take as long as 11-12 Hrs to complete.
                    Waiting for your reply.
Best Regards

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    What have you changed between
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    Hi aivoryuk,
    According to your description, if you set one job is dependent on another job, when the first job does not run or execute failed, then the second job will not run. I recommend you use two steps to instead of this two jobs. In step Advanced page, we can set
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    Sofiya Li
    TechNet Community Support

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    Hi Yves,
    If your chains are not dependent on each other, you should submit them as separate jobs.
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    The first reply was for the scenario where you have chain A and B, A starts at some time and B starts after A. Additionally, B only runs on Tuesdays, while A runs every workday. In that case there are dependencies between the two chains, and then a parent chain is very convenient:
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    - step 2: call chain B, with a precondition so that B only runs on Tuesdays.
    Anton Goselink.

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    Using a print command with return code 8 should give more insight to the error.
    print(exec('sh \bin','<your command>',8));

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    Hi Manoj,
    We recognized the issue was at the OS level, in the "Data Services"-OS Service.
    The BODS jobs are running fine now.

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    When you click the "view data" button for a table in a dataflow, you are using the local client to connect to the database and get the results. Since this works fine, your local client seem to be correctly configured.
    When you execute a job to a remote jobserver, it is the jobserver that will connect to the database to extract and load the data. So the error you get seems to indicate that your jobserver cannot connect to the source/target table.
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    Thanks for your response. I have done as you said and now i can rise the exception.
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    Dear Experts
    Please provide me the way how to call a job by a script .
    I have used Export Execution Command as recommended by below links
    But I am not able to locate .sh  file in unix server .
    This is required to call a job after completion of parent job.

    You can check the status in "SAP Business Objects Data Services management Console", Below are the steps
    Login in SAP Business Objects Data Services management Console
    Click on Batch Job
    Select the local repository
    Then check your Job Execution status from there
    For your second query there are two ways one is do the same activity what you have done in DEV.
    below are the steps
    Login in SAP Business Objects Data Services management Console and export the Jobs using export execution command from batch job
    SHELL Scripts will be exported in Job Server Log
    Move that SHELL script as per your location
    Update the User environment variable same as DEV only difference is SID is changed

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    Hi paulri,
    Sorry that I had misread your post. The pausing between print jobs, was most likely a function of a communication lag between the printer and the computer, and not a feature of the printer or the software. This option is not available with the Operating Systems print spooler.
    As a workaround, I would just print one document at a time, and wait for it to finish printing, before printing the next document.
    For future reference, just in case you may need it, here is your printer's user guide.
    Thank you for posting, and have a nice day!
    I work on behalf of HP
    Please click “Accept as Solution ” if you feel my post solved your issue, it will help others find the solution.
    Click the “Kudos Thumbs Up" to say “Thanks” for helping!

  • Removing Dependency Between Applications

    Dear Experts,
    I need your valuable inputs on the architecture which we had in our organization but now want to change it due to considerable down time requirements.
    I have a application A which stores all the common artifacts like schemas, maps and callable orchestrations.
    I have 20 to 30 odd applications referring to the application A's artifacts. There is a dll dependency between the application and the common application A. so whenever I get a CR for an application A which involves change in the artifacts like schemas,
    maps and orchestration, then according to the deployment rules of Biztalk, I have to delete all the 20 to 30 odd applications and then deploy the application A, then redeploy the other dependent applications. Now this produces a considerable down time of 3
    to 4 hours.
    Now the organization wants to change the approach and minimize the down time while keeping the development rework (i.e avoid adding same tags in the schema across 20 to 30 applications rather than importing them from common application A). While trying to
    think about the solution I was reading various blogs on the internet and many suggested to go for side by side versioning. But the Organization wants to avoid that unless and until there are long running orchestrations(which is not the case right now) .
    Now I followed following approach on my testing machine to check if it is feasible to make changes to the common application A without deleting the dependant applications first. I have separated the approach on the Development and Deployment Lines.
    Development Wise
    1) make the necessary changes in the schemas. Add a post build comment to do the gacutil on the schema project
    2) For the maps referring to the schema provide the location of the freshly GACed dll. Provide the post build comment to do a gacutil on the maps project.
    3) Do the same for the orchestrations.
    4) for the dependant applications add the references from the GAC folder only.
    Deployment Wise
    1) As the common application is already deployed(before the new CR deployment), stop the Host Instances processing the common application requests and the Host Instances processing dependant application requests.
    2) Install the msi on the server(not import)
    3) GAC the individual dlls using the gacutil command 
    4) Restart the Host Instances
    This approach seems to work just fine and the changes in the artifacts are clearly observable.
    But honestly I have doubts regarding the authenticity and the credibility of this approach. I require you guidance on whether this is a good approach to follow or not or is there any alternative approach available which I can use to avoid the problem statement.
    Mandar Dharmadhikari

    The bad news:  What you're describing will usually work fine, but is not a supported Deployment method for BizTalk apps.
    What you describe in "Development Wise" is all fine, but really doesn't matter.  The .Net references rules and how Visual Studio managed referenced assemblies isn't changed by those steps.  Referencing from the GAC or the build folder
    should produce the same results.
    The deployment dependencies is one of the reasons I decided long ago to avoid whenever practical, which so far has been always, the notion of 'shared' artifacts between deployment units.  My philosophy is a a Visual Studio Solution should be deployable
    on it's own, without un-Deploying or re-Deploying anything else.  The one consequence so far is not being able to use the automatic schema resolution of the XmlDisassembler.
    Sneaking in new versions is ok for DEV, but not something I would rely on for Production deployments.

  • Auto create dependency between ViewController and ApplicationController

    Hi all,
    When you create a new ADF Mobile app, you will automatically create two projects: ViewController and ApplicationController.
    I noticed that these are not related, that is, a dependency between these is not created in the ViewController.
    I think you will need this dependency whenever you work with an on device database, in order to make a connection to that database.
    At least, that is the way all the demos work, and I would probably do that myself as well.
    So why not create the dependency by default.

    We purposely did not create the dependency because it is not required by all applications. The main reason is for modularity. We have made the "ViewController" projects reusable modules and you can create a "Feature Archive" (akin to an ADF Library) as a deployment profile for these modules and thus an application can comprise of many features from different feature archives. It can be limiting if your app assumes there is a direct dependency on the AppController project because then you would not be able to create a feature archive without including that as well and it would conflict with other apps that already have that project and it's contents. If you are sure you don't want your project to be reused as a feature archive then it is ok to add the dependency.

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    Hi Sunita,
    Check this blog from Michal-
    You need to create the dependency in the build time itself
    SAP help-
    Message was edited by: Krishna Moorthy P

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