Deploy Project on Other Location

In my project i have one simple XML and i am reading that XML
in my project. Now if i am running this application from the
location where i have created the project, its working fine.
Now i want to put my whole project including each and every
folders to another location and want to run my application but the
XML is not loading properly.
I have given the relative path to read the XML. If i am
executing the project.html file of BIN folder from another location
XML doesn't get loaded. Error message "Error: SecurityError, Error:
#2148" is comming.
Anybody have solution for this?

This is a recurring problem and there are lots of posts on
this. Read the help on flash player security and crossdomain policy
The flash player will only allow a swf file (your
application) to access data from the same domain that it was served
There are several solutions:
1: Serve your application and data from the same domain.
2: Use the BlazeDS proxy
3: Deploy a crossdomain policy file on the server where the
data comes from.

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    Thank you for your post.
    I am afraid that the issue is out of support range of VS General Question forum which mainly discusses the usage of Visual Studio IDE such as
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    Which version of SQL Server are you using? Are you deploying to a server with multiple instances of SQL Server installed? Are you deploying the packages to different server?
    if so does the destination server has Integration services installed ?
    Deploying from the command line. In most large organizations, deployments are done by a DBA or systems administrator. In such environments, it's a great practice to use deployment scripts as much as possible to make the deployments
    more manageable as the number of SSIS packages increases. In SQL Server 2012, you can deploy SSIS packages using the command-line tool ISDeploymentWizard.exe. This tool works with the .ispac file, which is created in the project's BIN directory when you build
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    The parameter file (Project.params)
    If you want to see the file's contents, you can change the extension from .ispac to .zip, then open it in Windows Explorer.
    To deploy the Test_Project project from the command line, you first need to copy the .ispac file to a shared folder. Then, in a Windows command shell, navigate to the folder containing the .ispac file and execute this ISDeploymentWizard command:
    "%ProgramFiles%\Microsoft SQL Server\110\DTS\Binn
      \isdeploymentwizard.exe" /S /ST:File
      /SP:Test_Project.ispac /DS:<SQL Server Instance Name>

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    You can go with standard JMX API using WLST
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    Please find the build file to publish and deploy.
    <project name="deployProject"
    xmlns:fuego.j2ee="" default = "publish">
              <property file="./Properties/"/>
              <fuego:passport id="fuego.passport"
    preset="engine" />
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    <!-- Open a session to the Oracle BPM directory -->
    haltonerror="true" >
    <!-- Publish processes -->
    <fuego:publish fpr="${}"
                        importdata = "${fuego.importdata}"
                        automapbuspars = "${fuego.automapbuspars}"
                        automapconfigs = "${fuego.automapconfigs}">
    <target name= "takeInputs" >
    message="Please enter admin-username:"
    message="Please enter admin-password:"
    and find the properties I have used..
    fuego.engineName = bpmengine = E:/antExamples/Project/CommonUtilities
    # If the below property is true then ant script imports data from the project, as defined in Studio.
    # This includes importing:
    #      •Holiday and Calendar rules
    #      •Organizational Units
    #      •Roles
    #      •Resource configurations
    #      •External Variables
    fuego.importdata = true
    #If the below property is true ant script automatically map abstract roles to real ones with the same name.
    #If the below property is true ant script automatically map business parameter variable names (as defined in the project design) to an business parameter variable id with the same name (as defined in the Fuego Enterprise directory).
    fuego.automapbuspars = true
    #If the below property is true ant script automatically map external variable names (as defined in the project design) to an external variable id with the same name (as defined in the Fuego Enterprise directory).
    #If the below property is true ant script automatically map External Resources configurations (as defined in the project design) to real Configurations with the same name (as defined in the Fuego Enterprise directory).
    fuego.automapconfigs = true

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    Hi, I'm also developing for PPC platform on Oracle Lite. Did you consider deploying the application as a plain set of files? When I was making the decision whether to CAB or not to CAB, I decided not to use CAB deployment and deploy our application as a plain set of files with installation steps described in the setup.inf file you mentioned. We also perform updates frequently, but we almost never update all the modules - just one of two files at the moment which makes quite small amount of data in comarison with the huge CAB which would need to be transfered to the device if we use the CAB deployment.
    The documentation contains some useful information about the setup.inf format - it's quite easy to understand and use. First of all you have to create a JAR package (which is just renamed zip file) containing your application files plus the setup.inf file and web.xml file. Than you have to publis this application using the mobile server web interface. After this initial step, mobile server creates a directory for your application in {OLITE_HOME}\mobile_oc4j\j2ee\mobileserver\applications\mobileserver. If you wish to publish a new version of your application than, you just copy the new files (or single CAB) and increment the version number in setup.inf file.
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    Hi Alka,
    from your post, it is not entirely clear to me what you are atempting to do.
    1) Do you need help with accessing tables in a non-default schema?
    2) Do you want to determine all tables in the default schema?
    If 1), please follow the hints given by Vladimir Pavlov.
    If 2), currently, the method DatabaseMetaData.getTables() is unfortunately not supported in Open SQL/JDBC. We are currently preparing a new download of the NetWeaver Java EE 5 edition. In this version, the getTables() method will be supported.
    Or do you just want to check for the existence of a specific database table in the default schema?
    I hope this helps,
    Best regards,

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    Carl, thanks for your time. I had seen and read the "Deploy a Setup and Deployment Project" and while it describes something close to what I need, it's not quite what I need. That page shows how to install an EXE and/or DLL that is dependent on
    a Microsoft Merge Module, the merge module being found in Windows\winsxs.
    I actually need to install some DLLs into Windows\winsxs.
    I inherited the DLLs and associated CAT and MANIFEST files as well as matching CAT and POLICY redirection files. I need to get my setup project to install the DLLs and the POLICY redirection in Windows\winsxs but cannot find any documentation describing
    how to do that.
    Thanks again for your time.
    For installing these dlls, we could not get that done except the way I have shared as below, did it work for you?
    >>If you want tocopy these files to specific folder of target system, you could add that custom folder with the following way.
    In the folder list of the File System Editor, select the
    File System on Target Machine node.
    On the Action menu, point to Add Special Folder, and then click
    Custom Folder.
    The new folder is highlighted in the folder list.
    Type a name for the custom folder.
    For example, to target the Temp folder, type "Temp Folder".
    In the Properties window, select the
    DefaultLocation property and enter the Windows Installer system folder property for the folder you wish to target.
    For example, the property for the Temp folder is [TempFolder]. For a list of system folder properties supported by Windows Installer, see
    System Folder Properties.
    For more information, you could refer to the document and thread below.
    1. # How to: Add a Custom Folder to Target a Predefined Windows Folder
    how to copy files to C:\temp in VS 2008 setup project?
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  • Can I set an initial project-specific browse location when selecting to insert an image?

    Hello All,
    I work with many different projects at a time and am closing and reopening RH often throughout the day to work on these diff projects. When I reopen a different project and try to insert an image for a topic, it tries to open up the directory for the last inserted image I selected irrespective of its project. I then have to navigate to the current project directory in the Open dialog. It's a minor thing, but all the minor things add up over time...
    Is there a setting somewhere where I can tell a project to use a use a default project-specifc location when browsing to select an image to insert into a topic? I looked but couldn't see such a thing.
    Thanks much!
    Lastest RH 7 Version
    HTML Help Output (CHM)
    Vista 32 Bit / Sp2

    Hi Jared
    Hopefully my colleague won't mind a suggestion here. RoboHelp has a feature that may help you with this. The feature is known as "My Places". When you browse for an image, you have an opportunity to configure a destination that will then appear in the "My Places" bar. Hopefully the image below will help explain what I'm talking about.
    Click the image below to view at larger size.
    Once you configure a location in the My Places bar, it is a single click away!
    You might note that in my own "My Places", I have a place called Shortcuts. This is really a folder with shortcuts to other locations. It's very handy to configure one of these so it appears in all your Windows dialogs. The link below offers help with that.
    Click here to view
    Hopefully this helps... Rick
    Helpful and Handy Links
    RoboHelp Wish Form/Bug Reporting Form
    Begin learning RoboHelp HTML 7 or 8 within the day - $24.95!
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  • Deploying Project Server 2013 to an Existing SharePoint 2013 Farm

    We recently deployed the following for our new SharePoint 2013 farm:
    2 SQL server (alwaysOn config)
    2 application servers
    2 WFE
    1 SQL for Dedicated Search
    2 WFE for Dedicated Search
    2 Applications Servers for Dedicated Search.
    After purchasing a company that uses Project 2013 heavily we are now looking at deploying Project 2013 using our new 2013 SharePoint farm.  My question is what is the recommended additional servers that would needed to be deployed to the existing farm?

    It really depends on what your current dataset is, and what the load on your SharePoint Server/Project Server.  Technically, Project Server can just sit on top of your WFE and App Servers for SharePoint. You do not need a complete separate server group
    for Project Server alone, unless there is a special reason to do so.
    Prasanna Adavi, Project MVP

  • Not deploying project successfully from bcc atg .

    Hi All,
    I am trying to create project from bcc atg merchandising and adding one asset(product) in that .
    but it stuck in second last step .
    I removed cache as well from prod server.
    So please atg bcc expert help me.

    Hi kakasaheb,
    A full deployment copies all assets from the asset management server to a target site. A full deployment comprises two steps:
    All assets are deleted from the target site.
    All assets from projects that are currently and previously deployed to the target site are written to that site.
    An incremental deployment only updates the site with asset changes from the deployed projects; these changes include add, update, and/or remove operations. This type of deployment is more efficient than a full deployment, especially when few site assets changed since the previous deployment.
    Each agent stores the snapshot ID (current installed agent snapshot) that was received during deployment.  The Content Administration records the snapshot ID (current effective snapshot) of what it last deployed.  The error occurs when the CA server's snapshot ID does not match the agent's snapshot ID.
    Hope the information helps you.
    Thanks & Regards
    Suman Vasireddy
    Please mark any update as "Correct Answer" or "Helpful Answer" if that update helps/answers your question, so that others can identify the Correct/helpful update between many updates.

  • My problem is very simple......firefox wont allow me save my downloads to any other location than my c drive....for example i have gone into options and set sav

    ''locking this thread as duplicate, please continue at [ /questions/986549]''
    my problem is very simple......firefox wont allow me save my downloads to any other location than my c drive....for example i have gone into options and set save downloads to my e drive....but still firefox keeps saving them to my c drive....i have 4 internal hard drives in my rig....and have tried saving downloads to them all.......why this is happening i cant understand....i have tried lots of suggestions....and have re-installed firefox multiple times

    hello, there's a general regression in firefox 27 that won't allow files to download directly into a root drive. please try to create a subfolder (like ''E:\Downloads'') and set this as default location for downloads...
    also see [ bug #958899].

  • I recently had some 8mm film transferred to DVD. I am trying to edit the film clips using Premier Elements 4.0.  Some of the film clips copy into the project but others don't. I tried copying the VOB filed onto my hard drive and then changing the file ext

    I recently had some 8mm film transferred to DVD. I am trying to edit the film clips using Premier Elements 4.0. so I can reburn the films on a single BluRay disc. Some of the film clips copy into the project but others don't. I tried copying the VOB filed onto my hard drive and then changing the file extensions on the VOB files to MPEG but this was no help. Some of the VOB files contain numerous film clips but my software does not appear to be able to recognize them as such. I need to know if replacing my old Premier Elements with the new Version 13 would solve this problem or not. Any advice would be greatly appreciated!

    What do you have now.....
    What computer operating system do you have?
    We can go into the finer points of source and your intentions, but for now it would appear that you are using SD 4:3 source media to get to a HD 16:9 result. Lots to discuss in this regard.
    What was given to you on the DVD disc? DVD-VIDEO 4:3 or something else?
    If DVD-VIDEO on DVD disc, you should expect to find on the disc a folder named VIDEO_TS. That is your target for your video files.
    If you were given a DVD-VIDEO on DVD disc, then all you want from it are the video files, specifically
    VTS_01_1.VOB, VTS_01_2.VOB, and so on through that series until possibly getting to
    VTS_02_1.VOB, and so on. How many files you have beyond the VTS_01_1.VOB file will depend on the size of the DVD-VIDEO.
    Does the above scenario apply to you?
    The alternative might be someone giving a DVD disc (data disc) which contains just the VTS files mentioned which were copied from
    the VIDEO_TS Folder. So, you do not get the whole VIDEO_TS Folder, just the essential video files. Does this scenario apply to you.
    I see no need to replace your Premiere Elements 4 with a later version unless you have a huge project and need a later version that will be a 64 bit application running specifically on Windows 7, 8, or 8.1 64 bit computer.
    Consider...Premiere Elements 4 and if you have DVD-VIDEO on DVD....
    1. Place the DVD disc in the burner tray
    2. Open Premiere Elements 4 and set the project preset for NTSC DV Standard (assuming you are working in a NTSC setup)
    3. Go to
    Get Media
    "DVD, Digital Camera, Mobile Phone, Hard Drive Camcorder, Card Reader"
    "Adobe Premiere Elements - Media Downloader" and its Advanced dialog.
    Set the Source in the latter dialog for the drive which has your DVD disc inserted in its tray
    You should see your VTS_01_1.VOB thumbnail in the "Adobe Premiere Elements - Media Downloader" Advanced dialog.
    With this VOB selected, click on Get Media to get the file from there into the project.
    Should work fine.
    Complications may be involved if the people who processed your footage gave you something other what is described above.
    Please review and consider, and then we can plan our project strategy accordingly.
    Thank you.

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