Derived data in a set method?

I've tried searching the web to no avail on this topic. I currently have a set method that has derived data within it.
public void setConfigClassName( String ccn )
        _configClassName = ccn;
        if ( _configClassName == null || _configClassName.equals( "" ) )
            _configClassName = "framework.ComponentConfig";
       File f = ComponentConfig.getDefaultConfigFile( _configClassName, _className );
        if ( f == null || ! f.exists() )
            ComponentConfig.createDefaultConfigFile( _configClassName, _className );
            f = ComponentConfig.getDefaultConfigFile( _configClassName, _className );
        return ComponentConfig.fromFile( f ); It seems to not be a problem until I am trying to use XMLEncoder. The object encodes properly, but it will not decode, and subsequently will not decode any object in the file after that one. Can you not have derived data within a set method to be JavaBean compliant, or is the problem that it's attempting to open another file?
Thanks for your help.

Sorry, that's what cutting and pasting without re-verifying will do for you. The last line should be:
_config = ComponentConfig.fromFile( f )And even as such, it still does not work.

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    I disagree, I think that two public get set methods still hide the implementation, you can acces directly to the variable, and so don't break the encapsulation principle.
    Can anybody tell me if I or them are right?

    As everybody else in the thread has indicated, accessors do not
    necessarily break encapsulation. However, I do not think the situation is as
    cut and dried as everybody seems to be making out.
    Accessors (by definition?) provide a mechanism to safely modify the member data of an object. Generally accessors match 1:1 the member data of an object (at least initially). By looking at accessors it is generally possible to make some good guesses about what member data an object contains. Which is a Bad Thing(TM). Of course, over time, accessors may reflect underlying implementation less and less accurately (which is when they become useful).
    Many years ago when I started OO programming, most "accepted" wisdom was that methods should represent object behaviour. For this reason, accessors were generally deemed to be a bad thing, and led to poorly encapsulated objects (since they do not really model behaviour; if you fill your car's petrol tank with petrol (gas? :>), "car.fillTank()" is preferred to
    "car.setCurrentTankVolume(car.getMaxTankCapacity())" in this mindset.
    The first defines object behaviour, and is safe, the second uses accessors to perform the same task (and is also pretty safe, but far less expressive).
    Generally I'd avoid accessors if only on the argument of them making code less clear and self-documenting, but that's a personal viewpoint.
    Another way to look at it is that accessors as most people view them are implemented after the member data has been defined; I prefer to break my object behaviour down first, define methods, and then define member data as needed to support the behaviour my object will exhibit.
    I certainly use accessors; a bank balance object is highly likely to have a "getBalance()" method. It's less likely to have a "setBalance()" object (very few people ever go into a bank and "set their balance". They always "make deposits" or "make withdrawals". They do, however, often "get their balance"). But my member data is derived from the object behaviour (including these "accessors") rather than vice versa. Are these "accessors" still "accessors"? A "setBalance()" method might be useful if the balance object is stored in a database so the database layer can populate it - but this is a design decision that should be taken in a measured way rather than "I have a balance member, let's add accessors".
    My guess is you would say "yes", whereas your friends would say "no"!

  • The ADO NET Source was unable to process the data. ORA-64203: Destination buffer too small to hold CLOB data after character set conversion.

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      [ADO NET Source [2]] Error: The ADO NET Source was unable to process the data. ORA-64203: Destination buffer too small to hold CLOB data after character set conversion.
    [SSIS.Pipeline] Error: SSIS Error Code DTS_E_PRIMEOUTPUTFAILED. 
     The PrimeOutput method on ADO NET Source returned error code 0xC02090F5. 
     The component returned a failure code when the pipeline engine called PrimeOutput(). 
    The meaning of the failure code is defined by the component, 
    but the error is fatal and the pipeline stopped executing. 
     There may be error messages posted before this with more 
    information about the failure.
    Anything that we can do to fix this?

      Tried both....
      * Having schema type as Nvarchar(max). - Getting the same error.
      * Instead of ADO.Net Source used OLEDB Source with driver as " Oracle Provide for OLE DB" Getting error as below.
           [OLE DB Source [478]] Error: SSIS Error Code DTS_E_OLEDBERROR.  An OLE DB error has occurred. Error code: 0x80004005.
           [SSIS.Pipeline] Error: SSIS Error Code DTS_E_PRIMEOUTPUTFAILED.  The PrimeOutput method on OLE DB Source returned error code 0xC0202009.  The component returned a failure
    code when the pipeline engine called PrimeOutput(). The meaning of the failure code is defined by the component, but the error is fatal and the pipeline stopped executing.  There may be error messages posted before this with more information about the
    Additional Info:
       * Here the Source task is getting failed not the conversion or destination task.
    Loganathan A.

  • Confusion about get/set method not working

    Hopefully someone can point out the elementary mistake I have made in my code. I have created a get/set method to hold a value"total" so that I can then get it to display it further down my code in an HTML page. I am setting the value as I can check this by printing it out (line 102) but when I try to use it again it displays 0.0. What have I done wrong?
    class ReportListener implements ActionListener
         Context context;
         ResultSet resultAll;
         ResultSet resultTotal;
         JFrame frame;
         int daysInMonth;
         int i;
         DisplayCurrencyOnBills d;
         DateFormatSymbols symbols;
         String[] newWeekday;
         Date theDate;
         String date;
         ReportListener (Context theContext)
              context = theContext;
         public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)
         catch (SQLException s)
         public void countDaysInMonth()
         public void getReportMoneyTotal() throws SQLException
              Calendar todayTotal =Calendar.getInstance() ;
               SimpleDateFormat reportDateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("dd MM yyyy");
              PreparedStatement preparedT =context.getConnection().prepareStatement(
                   "SELECT Sum(tblSession.Fee) AS Total, Count(tblBooking.BookingID) AS CountOfBookingID FROM tblSession INNER JOIN "+
                   "(tblBooking INNER JOIN tblCustomer_Booking ON tblBooking.BookingID = tblCustomer_Booking.BookingID) ON tblSession.SessionID = tblBooking.SessionID "+
                   "WHERE (((tblBooking.EventDate)>DateAdd('m',-1,#"+reportDateFormat.format(todayTotal.getTime())+"#)) AND ((tblSession.Session)='Morning' Or (tblSession.Session)='Evening')) OR (((tblSession.Session)='Afternoon') AND ((tblBooking.Extension)=Yes))"
              ResultSet resultTotal =preparedT.executeQuery();
              double total =resultTotal.getDouble("Total");     
              System.out.println("Line 102 "+context.getReportIncomeTotal());
         public void printWeeklyReport() throws SQLException
              Calendar today =Calendar.getInstance() ;
               SimpleDateFormat reportDateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("dd MM yyyy");
              PreparedStatement prepared =context.getConnection().prepareStatement(
                   "SELECT tblBooking.EventDate, tblSession.Session, tblBooking.Extension, tblSession.Fee, Count(tblBooking.BookingID) AS CountOfBookingID "+
                   "FROM tblSession INNER JOIN (tblBooking INNER JOIN tblCustomer_Booking ON tblBooking.BookingID = tblCustomer_Booking.BookingID) ON "+
                   "tblSession.SessionID = tblBooking.SessionID GROUP BY tblBooking.EventDate, tblSession.Session, tblBooking.Extension, tblSession.Fee "+
                   "HAVING (((tblBooking.EventDate)>DateAdd('m',-1,#"+reportDateFormat.format(today.getTime())+"#)) AND ((tblSession.Session)='Morning' Or "+
                   "(tblSession.Session)='Evening')) OR (((tblSession.Session)='Afternoon') AND ((tblBooking.Extension)=Yes))"
              ResultSet resultAll =prepared.executeQuery();
              System.out.println("Line 123 "+context.getReportIncomeTotal());
                        PrintWriter printWriter;
                             JFileChooser fc=new JFileChooser();
                             int returnVal = fc.showSaveDialog(frame);
                             if (returnVal != JFileChooser.APPROVE_OPTION)
                             FileOutputStream outputStream=
                                  new FileOutputStream(fc.getSelectedFile());
                             OutputStreamWriter writer=
                                  new OutputStreamWriter(outputStream,"UTF-8");
                             printWriter=new PrintWriter(writer);     
                           printWriter.println("<html><meta http-equiv='Content-Type' content='text/html; charset=UTF-8'><body><h1>Monthly Usage Statistics</h1>");
                           printWriter.println("<table width='100%' border='1'><tr><td width='100%' colspan='8'><h2 align='center'>Monthly Summary</h2></td></tr>");
                         System.out.println("Line 152 "+context.getReportIncomeTotal());
                         int count = 0;
                             while ( )
                              String session = resultAll.getString("Session");
                              Double fee= resultAll.getDouble("Fee");
                           // display currency correctly
                         //double d=Double.parseDouble(fee);
                         Locale locale = new Locale("GBP");
                         NumberFormat gbpFormat = NumberFormat.getCurrencyInstance(locale);
                             symbols = new DateFormatSymbols(new Locale("en"));
                         newWeekday =symbols.getWeekdays();
                             SimpleDateFormat formatter = new SimpleDateFormat("EEEE",symbols);
                             Date theEventDate = new Date();
                             date = formatter.format(theEventDate);
                             // set date for Usage Report
                             Calendar reportDate = Calendar.getInstance();
                             Calendar reportToday =Calendar.getInstance();
                             SimpleDateFormat reportFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("EEEE ,dd MMM yyy");     
                             //setDecimalFormat for report total
                             DecimalFormat decFormat = new DecimalFormat(".##");
                             "<tr><td width='100%' colspan='8'>For month from "+reportFormat.format(reportDate.getTime())+" to "+reportFormat.format(reportToday.getTime())+"</td></tr><tr><td width='100%' colspan='8'>Total amount of income from occasional bookings "+decFormat.format(context.getReportIncomeTotal())+"</td>"+
                               "</tr><tr><td width='100%' colspan='8'>Percentage use for all bookings</td></tr><tr><td width='8%'></td><td width='8%'>MON</td><td width='9%'>TUES</td>"+
                            "<td width='9%'>WEDS</td><td width='9%'>THURS</td><td width='9%'>FRI</td><td width='9%'>SAT</td><td width='9%'>SUN</td></tr><tr><td width='8%'>AM</td><td width='8%'></td>"+
                            "<td width='9%'></td><td width='9%'></td><td width='9%'></td><td width='9%'></td><td width='9%'></td><td width='9%'></td></tr><tr><td width='8%'>PM</td><td width='8%'></td>"+
                            "<td width='9%'></td><td width='9%'></td><td width='9%'></td><td width='9%'></td><td width='9%'></td><td width='9%'></td></tr><tr><td width='8%'>EVE</td><td width='8%'></td>"+
                            "<td width='9%'></td><td width='9%'></td><td width='9%'></td><td width='9%'></td><td width='9%'></td><td width='9%'></td></tr>"
                             JDialog reportDialog=new JDialog(frame);
                             JEditorPane editorPane=new JEditorPane(fc.getSelectedFile().toURL());
                             editorPane.setContentType("text/html; charset=UTF-8");
                        catch (IOException exception)
         This code finds data from a database(this works as it also prints a report). Here is the extraxt of my get/set method which is located in a "context" class.
    public void setReportIncomeTotal(double total)
         public double getReportIncomeTotal()
              return total;
         }I'd be grateful for any help.

    but when I try to use it again it displays 0.0This seems to mean that either the value has been reset or you are calling the method on another (new) ReportListener.
    It's hard to say, as you didn't provide us with the code sample that illustrate the corresponding scenario (did you?.)
    Note that I didn't get into details, but I just noticed that your actionPerformed method first print weekly report, and then get the money total. (Shouldn't it be the opposite order?)

  • Using Calendar.set() method problem

    Hi all,
    First of all sorry to bother with such a trivial(?) matter but I cannot solve it by myself.
    I have a piece of code which I simply want to handle the current date with the GregorianCalendar object so that the date would be set to the Calendar.SUNDAY (of the current week). Simple enough?
    Code as follows:
    import java.util.*;
    import java.text.*;
    public class Foo
    public static void main(String[] args)
         Foo foo = new Foo();
         Date newdate =;
    public Date bar()
         GregorianCalendar m_calendar = new GregorianCalendar(new Locale("fi","FI"));
         Date newDate = null;
              m_calendar.setTime(new Date());
              System.out.println("Calendar='" + m_calendar.toString() + "'");
              m_calendar.set(Calendar.DAY_OF_WEEK, Calendar.SUNDAY);
              SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy.MM.dd");
              StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
              sdf.format(m_calendar.getTime(), sb, new FieldPosition(0));
              System.out.println("Date in format (" + sdf.toPattern()          + ") = '" + sb.toString() + "'");
         catch(Exception e)
         return m_calendar.getTime();
    This should work at least accoring to my understanding of the SDK documentation as follows with
    Java(TM) 2 Runtime Environment, Standard Edition (build 1.4.1_01-b01)
    Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (build 1.4.1_01-b01, mixed mode)
    Date in format (yyyy.MM.dd) = '2003.06.08'
    Which is the sunday of this week. But as I run the same code with:
    Java(TM) 2 Runtime Environment, Standard Edition (build
    Java HotSpot(TM) Server VM (build 1.3.1 PA2.0, mixed mode)
    Date in format (yyyy.MM.dd) = '2003.06.01'
    Which is sunday of the previous week and incorrect in my opinion. The latter result is run on HP-UX B.11.11 U 9000/800 and first on NT.
    Any ideas why this is happening? Thanks in advance!
    Greets, Janne

    Thanks for your answer!
    The problem is that I have to work with this older SDK version. :) But I got it solved by using the roll method with the following syntax:
    int delta = [dayToSet] - m_calendar.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_WEEK);
    in which the delta is of course the difference (negative or positive to the current day of the week)
    and then using the roll call:
    m_calendar.roll(Calendar.DAY_OF_WEEK, delta);
    which doesn't alter the current week. So this works if someone else has a similar problem with the version 1.3.1
    Greets, Janne

  • Setting value for attribute  'PO_NUMBER_SOLD'  using setter method

    Hi Experts,
    I need to set the value of a screen field according to some condition. I am using setter method of this attribute to set the value but it is not getting changed.
    I have written following code in DO_PREPARE_OUTPUT method of implementation class ZL_ZZBT131I_ZCREDITCHECK_IMPL using setter method of attribute
    Get Referral Authorization Code
          lv_val1 = me->typed_context->crechkresph->get_po_number( attribute_path = 'PO_NUMBER' ).
          me->typed_context->crechkresph->set_po_number( attribute_path = 'PO_NUMBER'
                                                            value     = ' ' ).
    while debugging I found that in method set_po_number set_property method has been used:--
                          iv_attr_name = 'PO_NUMBER_SOLD' "#EC NOTEXT
                          iv_value     = <nval> ).
    In set_property method  following code is getting executed
              if <VALUE> ne IV_VALUE.
                if ME->MY_MANAGER_ENTRY->DELTA_FLAG is initial.
                first 'change' -> proof that entity is locked
                  if ME->MY_MANAGER_ENTRY->LOCKED = FALSE.
                    if ME->LOCK( ) = FALSE.
                flag entity as modified
                ME->ACTIVATE_SENDING( ).
              change value
                <VALUE> = IV_VALUE.
              log change
                set bit LV_IDX of ME->CHANGE_LOG->* to INDICATOR_SET.
            check if it is a real read-only field or a display mode violation
              assert id BOL_ASSERTS subkey 'READ-ONLY_VIOLATION'
                     fields ME->MY_INSTANCE_KEY->OBJECT_NAME
                     condition ME->CHANGEABLE = ABAP_TRUE.
    and in debugging I found that if part ( ME->IS_CHANGEABLE( ) = ABAP_TRUE and
               LV_PROPS_OBJ->GET_PROPERTY_BY_IDX( LV_IDX ) ne IF_GENIL_OBJ_ATTR_PROPERTIES=>READ_ONLY) fails and hence else part is getting executed and hence my field a real read-only field or a display mode violation is happening according to comments in code.
    What shall I do so that I would be able to change the screen field value?
    Any help would be highly appreciated.

    Try this:
    data: lr_entity type cl_crm_bol_entity.
    lr_entity = me->typed_context->crechkresph->collection_wrapper->get_current( ).
    lr_entity->set_property( iv_attr_name = 'PO_NUMBER' value = '').
    Also, make sure the field is not read-only.

  • Getter/setter methods -- how do I use the return values

    I'm just learning Java, and I haven't been to this site since the end of July, I think. I have a question regarding getter and setter methods. I switched to the book Head First Java after a poster here recommended it. I'm only about a hundred pages into the book, so the code I'm submitting here reflects that. It's the beginnings of a program I'd eventually like to complete that will take the entered information of my CD's and alphabetize them according to whatever criteria I (or any user for that matter) choose. I realize that this is just the very beginning, and I don't expect to have the complete program completed any time soon -- it's my long term goal, but I thought I could take what I'm learning in the book and put it to practical use as I go along (or at lest try to).
    Yes I could have this already done it Excel, but where's the fun and challenge in that? :) Here's the code:
    // This program allows the user to enter CD information - Artist name, album title, and year of release -- and then organizes it according the the user's choice according to the user's criteria -- either by artist name, then title, then year of release, or by any other order according to the user's choice.
    //First, the class CDList is created, along with the necessary variables.
    class CDList{
         private String artistName;//only one string for the artist name -- including spaces.
         private String albumTitle;//only one string the title name -- including spaces.
         private int yearOfRelease;
         private String recordLabel;
         public void setArtistName(String artist){
         artistName = artist;
         public void setAlbumTitle(String album){
         albumTitle = album;
         public void setYearOfRelease(int yor){
         yearOfRelease = yor;
         public void setLabel(String label){
         recordLabel = label;
         public String getArtistName(){
         return artistName;
         public String getAlbumTitle(){
         return albumTitle;
         public int getYearOfRelease(){
         return yearOfRelease;
        public String getLabel(){
        return recordLabel;
    void printout () {
           System.out.println ("Artist Name: " + getArtistName());
           System.out.println ("Album Title: " + getAlbumTitle());
           System.out.println ("Year of Release: " + getYearOfRelease());
           System.out.println ("Record Label: " + getLabel());
           System.out.println ();
    import static java.lang.System.out;
    import java.util.Scanner;
    class CDListTestDrive {
         public static void main( String[] args ) {
              Scanner s=new Scanner(;
              CDList[] Record = new CDList[4];
              int x=0;     
              while (x<4) {
              Record[x]=new CDList();
              out.println ("Artist Name: ");
              String artist = s.nextLine();
              out.println ("Album Title: ");
              String album = s.nextLine();
              out.println ("Year of Release: ");
              int yor= s.nextInt();
              out.println ("Record Label: ");
              String label = s.nextLine();
              x=x+1;//moves to next CDList object;
              while (x<4) {
                   out.println("Enter a Record Number: ");
         }//end main
    }//end class          First, I'd like to ask anyone out there to see if I could have written this any more efficiently, with the understanding that I'm only one hundred pages into the book, and I've only gotten as far as getter and setter methods, instance variables, objects and methods. The scanner feature I got from another book, but I abandoned it in favor of HFJ.
    Secondly --
    I'm confused about getter and setter methods -- I'd like someone to explain to me what they are used for exactly and the difference between the two. I have a general idea, that getters get a result from the method and setters set or maybe assign a value to variable. I submitted this code on another site, and one of the responders told me I wasn't using the returned values from the getter methods (he also told me about using a constructor method, but I haven't got that far in the book yet.). The program compiles and runs fine, but I can't seem to figure out how I'm not using the returned values from the getter methods. Please help and if you can explain in 'beginners terms,' with any code examples you think are appropriate. It will be greatly appreciated.
    By the way, I'm not a professional programmer -- I'm learning Java because of the intellectual exercise and the fun of it. So please keep that in mind as well.
    Edited by: Straitsfan on Sep 29, 2009 2:03 PM

    Straitsfan wrote:
    First, I'd like to ask anyone out there to see if I could have written this any more efficiently, with the understanding that I'm only one hundred pages into the book, and I've only gotten as far as getter and setter methods, instance variables, objects and methods. The scanner feature I got from another book, but I abandoned it in favor of HFJ.Yes, there is tons you could have done more efficiently. But this is something every new programmer goes through, and I will not spoil the fun. You see, in 3 to 6 months when you have learned much more Java, assuming you stick with it, you will look back at this and be like "what the hell was I thinking" and then realize just haw far you have come. So enjoy that moment and don't spoil it now by asking for what could have been better/ more efficient. If it works it works, just be happy it works.
    Straitsfan wrote:
    Secondly --
    I'm confused about getter and setter methods -- I'd like someone to explain to me what they are used for exactly and the difference between the two. I have a general idea, that getters get a result from the method and setters set or maybe assign a value to variable. I submitted this code on another site, and one of the responders told me I wasn't using the returned values from the getter methods (he also told me about using a constructor method, but I haven't got that far in the book yet.). The program compiles and runs fine, but I can't seem to figure out how I'm not using the returned values from the getter methods. Please help and if you can explain in 'beginners terms,' with any code examples you think are appropriate. It will be greatly appreciated.
    By the way, I'm not a professional programmer -- I'm learning Java because of the intellectual exercise and the fun of it. So please keep that in mind as well.First, if you posted this somewhere else you should link to that post, it is good you at least said you did, but doubleposting is considered very rude because what inevitably happens in many cases is the responses are weighed against each other. So you are basically setting anyone up who responds to the post for a trap that could make them look bad when you double post.
    You are setting you getters and setters up right as far as I can tell. Which tells me that I think you grasp that a getter lets another class get the variables data, and a setter lets another class set the data. One thing, be sure to use the full variable name so you should have setRecordLabel() and getRecodLabel() as opposed to setLabel() and getLabel(). Think about what happens if you go back and add a label field to the CDList class, bad things the way you have it currently. Sometimes shortcuts are not your friend.
    And yes, you are using the getters all wrong since you are not saving off what they return, frankly I am suprised it compiles. It works because you don't really need to use the getters where you have them since the CDList Record (should be lowercase R by the way) object already knows the data and uses it in the printout() method. Basically what you are doing in lines like:
    Record[x].getArtistName();is asking for the ArtistName in Record[x] and then getting the name and just dropping it on the floor. You need to store it in something if you want to keep it, like:
    String artistName = Record[x].getArtistName();See how that works?
    Hope this helped, keep up the good learning and good luck.

  • How to call setter Method of ActionScript class with in a Flex Application

    I have Action class as shown :
    public class MyClass
    private var name:String 
    public function get name():String {
        return _initialCount;
    public function set name(name:String):void {
        name = name;
    Now please let me know how can i access this Action class under my Flex Application and call the setter Method of it to set the value for the name .
    For example on entering some data in a TextInput and  click of a submit Button , on to the Event Listener , i want to call the set name method of my ActionScript class .
    Please share your ideas on this .

    Thanks  Gordon for your resonse .
    Say for example my Action class is like this :
    public class MyClass
    private var name:String 
    public function get name():String {
        return name;
    public function set name(name:String):void {
        name = name;
    This is inside the MXML
    I know this way we can do it
    public var myclass:MyClass = new MyClass();"Kiran";
    Now my query is can we do in this way also ??
    myclass.set name(SomeTextInput.text);
    Please share your views on this , waiting for your replies .
    Thanks in advance .

  • How to iterate the webservice Data control result set?

    Hi all,
    How to iterate the webservice Data control result set? I have an jsff page where I am displaying the single UserDetails by webservice DataContol. As per my design requirement I should iterate the DataControl resultSet to get the user details and push the same in to Managed bean. Please help me how to do this, any sample code please to iterate the resultset and get the data from it.
       <?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
       <jsp:root xmlns:jsp="" version="2.1"
       <c:set var="uiBundle" value="#{adfBundle['edu.syr.oim.uiBundle']}"/>
       <af:pageTemplate viewId="/templates/jsffTemplate.jspx">
        <f:facet name="fTop"/>
        <f:facet name="fCenter">
          <af:panelGroupLayout layout="scroll" inlineStyle="width:100.0%;">
       <af:panelTabbed id="pt1">
        <af:showDetailItem text="#{uiBundle.PRIVACYFLAGS}" id="sdi4">
                <af:panelGroupLayout id="pgl4" layout="scroll">
                  <af:spacer width="10" height="10" id="s3"/>
                  <af:panelFormLayout id="pfl6">
                    <af:panelLabelAndMessage label="#{uiBundle.STUDENTEMAIL}"
                      <af:outputText value="#{bindings.stuEmail.inputValue}"
                    <af:panelLabelAndMessage label="#{uiBundle.STUDENTHOMEADDRESS}"
                      <af:outputText value="#{bindings.stuPermAddr.inputValue}"
                    <af:panelLabelAndMessage label="#{uiBundle.STUDENTHOMEPHONE}"
                      <af:outputText value="#{bindings.stuPermPhn.inputValue}"
                    <af:panelLabelAndMessage label="#{uiBundle.STUDENTCURRENTPHONE}"
                      <af:outputText value="#{bindings.stuCurrAddr.inputValue}"
                    <af:panelLabelAndMessage label="#{uiBundle.STUDENTCURRENTPHONE}"
                      <af:outputText value="#{bindings.stuCurrPhn.inputValue}"
                    <af:panelLabelAndMessage label="#{uiBundle.STUDENTACAINFO}"
                      <af:outputText value="#{bindings.stuAcad.inputValue}"
                    <af:panelLabelAndMessage label="#{uiBundle.EMPHOMEADDRESS}"
                      <af:outputText value="#{bindings.empPermAddr.inputValue}"
                    <af:panelLabelAndMessage label="#{uiBundle.EMPHOMEPHONE}"
                      <af:outputText value="#{bindings.empPermPhn.inputValue}"
       </af:panelTabbed> Above is my jsff code. Here how/where to add the phase listener to paopulate the managed bean while page render. Do I need to iterate the DC to get and push the each parameter in to ManagedBean or is there any easy way to do this by EL mapping directly at jsff. Please clarify.

    That is what exactly I am trying right now. I am binding each of my page fragment outputText item in to backing bean and by that way trying to populate the values.
    But the issue here is, the backing bean method doesn't getting any value until I hit any of the link or the button in the fragment. While loading the page the bean set and get is null. If i hit any link or button it is filled up with the vaule. As per my design, I would like to populate the bean method along with page load before any user action. But cant able to do this!! :(
    Below is my sample code what I am trying right now
            <af:panelLabelAndMessage label="#{uiBundle.NETID}" id="plam13">
                      <af:outputText value="#{bindings.netid.inputValue}" id="ot4" binding="#{UserDataBean.netId}"/>
    backing bean ex:
    private RichOutputText netId;
    static String netidVal;
        public void setNetId(RichOutputText netId) {
           netidVal= netId.getValue() == null? "":netId.getValue().toString();
           this.netId = netId;
        public RichOutputText getNetId() {
           return netId;
        public String getNetIdVal() {
           return netidVal;

  • Getter & Setter Method not getting called for a field enhanced through AET

    I am new to SAP CRM 7.0 and working on a requirement.
    A Z-field was added by our functional guy in CRM 7.0 WebGui through AET in the 'Create Opportunity' transaction (Header data).
    Now the requirement is, as soon as the opportunity is created through the WebGui, I should post a document in R/3 and paste that document number back to the enhanced Z-field in opportunity.
    Work done by me:
    I pressed F2 on the enhanced Z-field in the WebGui screen and took the details of view, component name etc. After this I went to normal SAP CRM system and open tcode "BSP_WD_CMPWB", located the corresponding view "BT111H_OPPT/Details" and right clicked & enhanced the same.
    Then I opened the structure of this view, expanded context node, located context "BTOPPORTH" and inside this, located my Z-attribute. Now right clicked on the Z-attribute & selected the option "Generate SETTER & GETTER Methods" and these were generated successfully.
    The problem is even after putting external break points in these methods, these methods are not getting called while creating, modifying & displaying the Opportunity in WebGui.
    I hope that for the requirements that I have, I have to do the coding in "Getter & Setter" methods. But since these are not getting called, I am unable to proceed.
    Please help/suggest how to achieve this.
    Thanks in anticipation.
    Best Regards,
    Rahul Malani

    If you can see the field in UI and still get_ method is not being triggered then try to regenerate these methods. If it still doesn't work then please look for SAP notes or raise an OSS.
    There should be some note for the issue you faced.
    please refer:
    Help Needed immediately - AET getter setter methods not getting triggered

  • Accessing two data sources in one method

    I wanted to access two connection pools in one EJB project. I manage to create two connection pools in weblogic server and I successfully wrote the lookup code. I wanted to call these two data sources in one method. But it only gives result from one data source connection. other is null. Im getting following message also
    Connection has already been created in this tx context for pool named jdbc_informix_pool. Illegal attempt to create connection from another pool: JDBC_informix_webdata
    "jdbc_informix_pool" and "JDBC_informix_webdata" is the names of my connection pools. the two data sources works perfectly when they are accessed separately. but whenever im tryng to call two data sources in one method it retrive data from only one data source and gives me above message.
    anyone know how to fix it.?

    thnx man.. it worked. But there is another problem. I cant close my data source connection. whenever im tryng to close it, it says
    Result set already closed
    i manage to run my program without closing the data source connection. but after a while it says
    No resources currently available in pool JDBC_informix_webdata to allocate to applications, please increase the size of the pool and retry
    i can increase the size of the pool and run my program. but i guess if I close the data source connection this will be resolved. But how can I close my data source connection. I tried finally clause. but it gives me the result set already closed message
    how can i do it.?
    Edited by: Sameera on Jun 18, 2009 8:35 PM
    Edited by: Sameera on Jun 18, 2009 8:40 PM

  • Why do we need get and set methods?

    It is considered good design practice to keep all class data private and
    provide get and set methods for accessing the data in a controlled
    So, instead of directly accessing the class data, you use getter and setters.
    I do not really feel the need to use get and set methods.
    How does that achieve encapsulation when ultimately the class data is being exposed?

    A couple of reasons why to use get and set:
    1. For example you can set an int value for month, if a user sets this to somting
    higher than 12 (or 11 if it's zero based) you want to handle that by either
    throwing an exception or adding a year for every time it can be devided by 12.
    If you dont do it in set you'll have a whole bunch of methods that might need to
    correct the value before retreiving the eventual date.
    2. If for some reason you have security set up for certain values you can
    implement this in the get method. When this is done somewhere else you have
    a whole bunch of methods retreiving the info in other classes that need to check
    first. (a canGet method could allso be used). Another good reason to use get
    is when the information needs to be converted depending on the consumer
    calling the get method.
    3. If any logic in 1 or 2 changes you'll have a bunch of code to change.
    If you feel there is no need to implement any security, error handling (on
    compiling because get and set might throw something) or validation when
    setting/getting these values there is still the argument of readabillity.
    Eclipse has a feature that will generate getters and setters for you so it's not
    like there is a lot of extra typing involved.
    Got interupted whyle typig so sorry to repeat any answer given before.

  • [svn:fx-trunk] 12432: Added Capabilities. hasAccessibility check before calling Accessibility.updateProperties() in setter methods.

    Revision: 12432
    Revision: 12432
    Author:   [email protected]
    Date:     2009-12-03 06:59:10 -0800 (Thu, 03 Dec 2009)
    Log Message:
    Added Capabilities.hasAccessibility check before calling Accessibility.updateProperties() in setter methods.  This prevents an error on systems that do not support accessibility.
    QE notes: none
    Doc notes: none
    Bugs: (24454
    Reviewer: Gordon
    Tests run: checkintests
    Is noteworthy for integration: no
    Modified Paths:

  • Get/set methods

    I've been programming in java for a while now, but just recently i started wondering about something. Doesn't get/set methods that contain no other code defeat the point of encapsulation? i.e
    public void getXxx() {
    return xxx;
    But now to the important question. Does the javac compiler inline get/set methods and if yes, how does it work around the private access to the data members?

    yes you are right. first all variables should be private (there are some cases where protected is useful). that being hte case, all access methods do is expose the way this class does its storage. and will break if that changes. for example, a rectange using int for width and height, has corresponding setWidth( int ), getHeight() etc. now the author of the class changes int to a Point. now there should only be get/setPoint and the previous should be removed. this changes the API and breaks code using this class.
    Lets say one keeps the setWidth etc as 'doing no harm', then the question is why does one need this? commonly used in eg
    setWidth( getWidth() + 10 );
    to lenghten the width.
    A better way is to capture this need in the messaging system. therefore have a method:
    widenBy( int w ) {
    width += w;
    notice this way, when changing the private width variable from int, to Point, to Long or any other, does not break code. there is no need to tidy up the access methods either.
    classes that have no behaviour are often created to group variables together and passed along for convenience. These are not strictly classes. Then why not have variables public and save the method calls to access methods. Having access methods does not make it more OO. These 'classes' should be defined as inner classes of the enclosing class.
    I've been programming in java for a while now, but
    just recently i started wondering about something.
    Doesn't get/set methods that contain no other code
    defeat the point of encapsulation? i.e

  • Set Methods v/s Vector

    In my Java Program, I have a doubt.
    I have 2 set methods, setName(string) and setData(int)
    Name = A
    Data (for A) = 12, 14, 20, 22
    I am having a 'Vector of Array' for storing the data, where each position of the Vector will contain an array. From the Eg., Assume....A will be stored as the 0th element of the array in the 2nd position of the vector. A will be followed by the data items which will occupy the array from the 1st element onwards.
    With respect to the Bean Standards, I can have only one parameter passed into a set method. I am not able to understand how do I add the name and the data inside the Vector. Where exactly should I call my 'addData(String, int)' method?
    Since setName() and setData() come in the 'Properties Window', I am unable to understand how to add the data in the vector. The properties change when there is a 'lost focus', so the method gets called even if either is entered. Whereas, I need the 'Name' and the 'Data' to go into the Vector together.
    Waiting for reply

    In this case directly call the function name and pass the arguments..The get set methods sometimes do not behave properly
    In my Java Program, I have a doubt.
    I have 2 set methods, setName(string) and
    Name = A
    Data (for A) = 12, 14, 20, 22
    I am having a 'Vector of Array' for storing the data,
    where each position of the Vector will contain an
    array. From the Eg., Assume....A will be stored as
    the 0th element of the array in the 2nd position of
    the vector. A will be followed by the data items which
    will occupy the array from the 1st element onwards.
    With respect to the Bean Standards, I can have only
    one parameter passed into a set method. I am not able
    to understand how do I add the name and the data
    inside the Vector. Where exactly should I call my
    'addData(String, int)' method?
    Since setName() and setData() come in the 'Properties
    Window', I am unable to understand how to add the data
    in the vector. The properties change when there is a
    'lost focus', so the method gets called even if either
    is entered. Whereas, I need the 'Name' and the 'Data'
    to go into the Vector together.
    Waiting for reply

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