Design Basic E1-SS7

i need to connect 2 E1-r2 in SS7 between a operator and a telco, could you bring me a basic design about that, what appliances will be needed?

You will need PGW and 5350 for ss7 running in nailed mode. 5350 can run integrated slt that connects to ss7 network. The rest are used for bearer channels. You can run voip(either h.323 or sip) between 5350 and another 5350 gateway that is doing r2 signaling to the r2 carrier.

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  • Design basic question

    Hi All,
    These are kind of a newbie questions. Appreciate if someone with couple of feathers in their cap could give some practical perspective. Thanks in advance for your time in sharing your experience.
    1) In a planning project we load actual data periodically from your OLTP to your OLAP and then to BPC. You then plan and forecast for next few months or qrtrs so on.
        Lets say our application is to plan ahead on major capital project expenses for coming half year. It could be for labor, material and other goods expenditure in next 6 months. Ideally our expenses are booked at WBS level in your SAP -PS system.
        Now my question is, how would one plan for a new and up coming project. My assumption is in all practical purpose the project mayn't have been created in PS yet hence the master data element is not available in BPC (am i right?) but in BPC you have to plan ahead.
    2) Similar situations arise for other master data elements too. How are these scenarios handled in practice in various projects.
    Appreciate if you could share your insight on this matter.

    Thanks Nilanjan.
    In the case we decide to do a member sheet entry for this qrtr planning, during next extraction cycle what kind of general housekeeping to be done ... I understand that it depends on our cube design if we are planning in a separate cube or on the same cube.. but do we delete the manual entry.
    Basically my question is , in this approach, we end-up entering these master data manually always and not as a synchup from ECC, correct? Because subsequent loads always finds this member already available in BPC.

  • Web application designer basics

    hi experts,
    i am bw learner and want to know few things
    1) how do we publish report developed in web application designer so that we can access it on internet. Is there any webserver offered by sap.
    2) how that report will be authenticated in browser, do we have to create a login page for users or is there any built in one.
    3) Does web application designer comes with Sap GUI (like bex analyzer) or do we have to install separate programme.
    Points will be assigned. thanks

    I would suggest that you search the forums first ...
    1) how do we publish report developed in web application designer so that we can access it on internet. Is there any webserver offered by sap.
    SAp BI comes with a ABAP Web server and a JAVA web server. You can publish the web template / report using these servers ... they can be directly accessed using the URL ( the application has a feature to execute the same in the web ) or the same can be published as a page on Enterprise portal and then accessed from there.
    2) how that report will be authenticated in browser, do we have to create a login page for users or is there any built in one.
    The access for the same will be through the BI login. When you execute the URL , you will be prompted to login by the server and you do not need to create a separate login page for the same. You can also access them through Enterprise portal where the user needs to login to the enterprise portal and then access all systems using a Single Sign On or SSO.
    3) Does web application designer comes with Sap GUI (like bex analyzer) or do we have to install separate programme.
    The front end for Web Application designing is called Web Application designer and it gets installed along with your GUI installation and you can design the templates using the same.
    Note: WAD is getting phased out by Xcelsius as part of the BI BO roadmap but then with extended support you will have WAD supported till about 2016 I guess so nothing to worry right now.

  • HFM Application Design Basic and important doubts

    Hi Can one Make me clear for the following doubts?
    1.A and B are 2 entities now i am going to delete B entity for this year, reason is that not having business operations. what could i do for B entity before deleting?. B is having data for
    the past few years and i want that data for future purpose to analyze its operations for the past. requesting you please how to start think on this?
    2. In Value dimension which one is first between these 2 Proportion or Elimination?
    3. what are flagged accounts? how to understand this concept?
    5. in HFM we load web objects data, what are they? is it specific to Web client or desktop client or for both? please list out all types of web objects.
    6. While creating application profile we can find "Start year and Number of years". how many years Oracle has recommended? only 20 years or there is no such criteria?
    7. While creating application profile we can find 6 frequencies knowing to my knowledge max we can use 4 1for Monthly, 2 for QTD, 3 for HYTD,4 for YTD. and now my doubt is that what other 2 we can use for? keeping in view of what other 2 frequency's the application has been designed for?

    1) You propose deleting entity B, yet you said you require data for this entity. Do not delete the entity since once it has been deleted all data associated with this entity INCLUDING any intercompany transactions which another entity may have had with it, will be unavailable.
    2) I'm not certain but I think [Proportion] comes first when considering execution of Sub Calculate. In general do not write rules which require a sequence between these two nodes, if this is your reason for asking the question.
    3) "Flagged accounts" is not a standard expression. Possibly you are referring to the statement of "flagging an account" for a particular attribute. If so, this simply means to enable or set an account's attribute such as IsCalculated, or IsICP. This concept extends beyond the accounts dimension.
    5) Not sure what you're looking for here. Oracle provides a great deal of documentation with its products, including an API guide.
    6) There is no particular criteria. The most important consideration is selection of the start year since this can never be changed without rebuilding the application with a new profile. It is possible to add years to an application. HFM provides a utility for this with the 11.1.x release.
    7) The number of frequencies available is directly related to the period structure you define in the application profile. Most applications use:
    Periodic (= Monthly)
    I occasionally see Half Year though this is uncommon. Weekly applications can have an additional frequency, where Periodic = Week to Date, and then Monthly is above Periodic. I suppose in this case you could have five frequencies:
    Daily is not recommended for HFM.
    I recommend not creating more frequencies than you truly need. Although this doesn't seem to have an impact on application performance, it does present the users with more options to click through when choosing a point of view. Consider that every user every day will click on the point of view selector many times, so reducing the number of clicks required can have a large impact on your users.

  • Help with designing basic class

    Ok, I'm trying to learn java by implementing a Recipe program that I will eventually put up on my web page. My thought was to create a base class called recipe that would essentially be a collection of strings and such. This would then be tied to a database with getFromDatabase() methods etc... However I'm I just want to clarify a few things and make sure I'm headed in the right direction.
    I figure I should create my class something like this:
    public class Recipe
      public String recipeName;
      // more strings like serves source, etc...
      public int rating; // 1-5
      // Ingredient list
      // Category list
      public String directions;
      public Recipe(String recipeName)
      this.recipeName = recipeName;
    }The above is pretty much what I think is right with what I have so far. For the ingredients, I created a special class called ingredient that looks like:
    public class Ingredient
      public String qty;
      public String amt;
      public String desc;
      public Ingredient(String quant, String ammount, String description)
        this.qty = quant;
        this.amt = ammount;
        this.desc = description;
      public Ingredient()
        this.qty = "";
        this.amt = "";
        this.desc = "";
      public String toString()
        String tempstring = new String(this.qty + " " + this.amt + " " + this.desc);
        return tempstring;
    }Then in my recipe class I have:
    public List ingredients = Collections.synchronizedList(new LinkedList());and then I have two overloaded addIngredient methods to add an Ingredient object to this list.
    So am I on the right track? Should I not even bother with a special class just for ingredients?
    Also while I have your attention, if I were to try and get a list of recipes in the database (ie, SELECT recipename FROM recipes;) where should I put this method? Thank you for any help.

    You only use get() and set() methods for data you need to change, I didn't think that I had to point that out.
    The guy is obviously a beginner, there is no need to saturate him with loads of information that isn't too important to him right now; however, it is good to get him used to the get and set methods for the variables that might need changing, and keeping (most of) the variables private (or protected as the case may be).
    Please tell me how setting variables to private does not contribute to information hiding? @_@
    Because, the last time I heard, private variables can't be accessed by other classes.
    Not only that, the get() and set() methods DO hide information, mainly the inner workings of the code. Consider:
    public class Foo {
      private int x;
      public int getX() {
        return x;
      public void setX(int anInt){
        x = anInt;
    public class Bar {
      private Foo mFoo = new Foo();
      public int process(){
        int intialValue = myFoo.getX();
        return initialValue * 4;
    }And say for whatever reason the way Foo handled the way x was stored had to change:
    public class Foo {
      public String x = "0"; // x no longer an int
      public int getX() {
        return Integer.parseInt(x); // convert when needed
      public void setX(int anInt){
        x = new Integer(anInt).toString(); // convert back
    public class Bar {
      private Foo mFoo = new Foo();
      public int process(){
        int intialValue = myFoo.getX(); // none the wiser
        return initialValue * 4;
    }Note, because of the get and set methods, we didn't have to change Bar. I'd say this was a kind of data hiding, no?
    I do know a bit about what I'm saying. I may not be an expert, but what I said was on the wholecorrect, especially considering the OP is a beginner. I never claimed what I told him was the WHOLE of tight encapsulation, but it is a part of it. He doesn't need to know more than what I told him ATM.

  • How to design Group Left Report using RTF method ( XML Publisher )

    I need to design Group Left Report using basic RTF method. I am able to design basic simple report and Group Above Report but I am not getting Group Left Report. Can anyone help me out.
    Thx N Regs,

    Group Left report can be done using table consisting of 1 row and 2 columns. Group header goes to the column 1, group details go to the second column. Group details can be also designed using table, in this case you get table within table cell. "for-each.." statement for the upper level group to be placed in the left column before the group header data. "end for-each.." to be placed in the second column after the detail data.

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    I am fairly new to Dreamweaver (cs6), having previously designed and maintained a few sites using Freeway. I purchased a template from in the hope that this would simplify the creation of a new site. The template came without any instructions other than how to unzip the file. Their helpline really isn't helpful at all. Can anyone recommend an online tutorial on how to use a predesigned template? doesn't have one. Thanks!

    I found this page :
    Followed a link. Ended up here :
    Did a search. Found this :
    Then this : e-using-html-editor.1546.html

  • Relational database design

    i apologise in advance for the banality of this question, i
    have been designing basic sites for my business for years and am
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    DATABASES and want to integrate some dynamic application forms
    (which i can code in CF).
    Can anyone point me towards a resource that will walk me
    though how to build a simple (then a complex) relational database
    that wont send me to sleep or make my eyes glaze over.
    Its a brain block that is now causing me stress, but i just
    dont get it...

    no worries. i can sympathize with trying to grasp new
    concepts. problem is that double posting just makes it more
    difficult for people to follow the thread(s).

  • Need some design help

    Well "overall" design help. This project MUST be open source so it does ensure i am very efficent in my design
    Basically my system is going to be a bunch of work stations that tunnel into a server to send the data.
    Now the big issue is, each work station must encrypt its own data and save it on its HD, but it must send data to the server for the server to save it and encrypt it (redundency).
    The big issue is sending data to the server. the keys, how do i securely send them to the server so they can decrypt the stream? everything will randomly generate its key whenever the user (or the system) decides it is time to for the sake of not resuing keys.
    basically we are going to use linux, lock down all ports but one to use sockets to communicate with the server (and vice versa). this adds an extra layer just so we can authenticate with the server machine (and client machines when the server sends it a request)
    help? more info needed?

    I know (next to) nothing about system security (well,
    not enough to be advising people, anyway) - but the
    key distribution problem is typically solved by using
    Public Key Cryptography to exchange a Session Key.
    Have you thought about using an existing system like
    SSL or Kerberos?eh SSL won't really work... i a mgoing to pick up "Cryptography Decrypted" apparently it is a good book to pick up some of the things i need

  • OO design problems for GUI game

    im learning about OO design by making a game with Java. with the help of a few people on here i have come up with a OO design, but because it was more OO than im used to im having problems working with the design. basically my problem is as follows . . .
    I have a main class . .
    import java.awt.geom.*;
    import java.awt.*;
    import javax.swing.*;
    class RunMe extends JFrame {
      public RunMe() {
        //all the menu
        Container content = getContentPane();
        Table theTable = new Table();
        Hint aHint = new Hint();
        getContentPane().add(theTable, BorderLayout.CENTER);
        getContentPane().add(aHint, BorderLayout.SOUTH);
        setSize(900, 560);
    public static void main(String args[]) { new RunMe();}
    }as you can see i have created a Hint object and added it to the content pane. Now my problem is that i want to access a method in Hint that would allow me to change the JLabel that is displayed in Hint. However since hint was created in a constructor i cant access the Hint object which i added to the content pane.
    How can i access a method in the hint object please.
    Any help is much appreciated. Thank you
    here is the code for Hint . . .
    import javax.swing.*;
    import java.awt.*;
    class Hint extends JPanel {
    String hintText;
    public Hint(){
        hintText = ("my label");
        JLabel hintTxt = new JLabel(hintText);

    The hint will be accesible to any member of class in which the hint is declared globally...
    public class SomeClass {
      private Hint hint;
      public SomeClass(){
        hint = new Hint();
      private void someMethod(){
        // I have access to the hint object, and would love to change
        // the text in the hint, if only there were a method in the Hint
        // class that would allow me to do so -- say -- a method
        // named setText that takes a string argument.....

  • Adding data to multiple tables using one form in Access 2010?

    Hi All,
    I have a access database with two tables and I want to create a single form to enter data into that tables.
    How to adding data to multiple tables using one form in Access 2010?
    I don't have to much knowledge of access database?
    Please help me

    You really don't enter identical data into 2 tables.  You enter dat into one single table, and then you have an unique identifier that maps to another table (you have a unique relationship between two tables). 
    Maybe you need to read this.
    Think about it this way...  What is you update data in 2 tables, and then the data in one of those tables changes, but the data in the other table does NOT change.  WHOOPS!!  Now, you've got a BIG problem.  For instance, you have a customer
    named Bill Gates.  In one Table you update Bill's address to 1835 73rd Ave NE, Medina, WA 98039 and in the other table you accidentally update Bill's address to 183 73rd Ave NE, Medina, WA 98039.  Now you have 2 addresses for Bill.  Why would
    you want that???  Which is right?  No one knows.  If you have one address, you just have to update one address and if there is a mistake, you just have to update one address, but you don't have to waste time trying to figure out which is right
    and which is wong...and then update the one that is wrong.
    Post back with specific questions.
    Knowledge is the only thing that I can give you, and still retain, and we are both better off for it.

  • Remove Printer Name from Crystal Report

    How can i remove the printer name from the Crystal Report so that the PrinterName property of the CRAXDRT.Report object in the RDC SDK is blank WITHOUT having the "No Printer" Option checkbox checked?
    Here's the scenerio.  When I first create a Report and don't go into Page Setup, PrinterName property is blank.  If I go into Page Setup and explicitly select a printer, PrinterName property equals the name of the printer selected.  If I check the "No Printer" checkbox in Page Setup, PrinterName property is blank.  But if i go back in and uncheck the "No Printer" checkbox in Page Setup, the PrinterName property equals the name of my Windows Default Printer.

    I'm still not sure what is unclear about my first question.  And I'm not sure how any of the info you are requesting is going to make any difference in answering my question.  And I'm not sure how your analogy fits here but ..
    Version of CR =
    CR Service Packs applied = None
    Web or Win app? = Win App
    OS? = Windows XP Service Pack 3
    Development language?  = Both Visual Basic 6 and C#.Net 2008
    Method of CR files deployment = email the .RPT file to a client
    Where were the runtime files downloaded from? = Runtimes are installed from Merge Modules donwload from SAP site
    What is the version of the craxdrt.dll on the deployed box? =
    So here are the exact steps so you can understand what is going on:
    I have the Crystal Reports Application open side-by-side with my Visual Basic development environment in debug mode so i can step through the code using the RDC SDK.
    1. I open the Crystal Reports Application and create a brand new report - "Test.RPT" and DO NOT go into Page Setup at all and save the report.
    2. In my Visual Basic development environment, i run the code that will generate the report, Here's the exact code
        Dim m_crApp As CRAXDRT.Application
        Dim m_crReport As CRAXDRT.Report
        Set m_crApp = New CRAXDRT.Application
        Set m_crReport = New CRAXDRT.Report
        Set m_crReport = m_crApp.OpenReport("Test.RPT")
    3. When i look at the PrinterName property in the CRAXDRT.Report object, it is blank.
        ie. crReport.PrinterName is equal to ""
    4. I reopen the Crystal Reports Application with report "Test.RPT" and go into Page Setup and check the "No Printer" option.
    5. I go back into my Visual Basic development environment and rerun the code that will generate the report.
    6. When i look at the PrinterName property in the CRAXDRT.Report object, it is still blank.
        ie.  crReport.PrinterName is equal to ""
    7. I reopen the Crystal Reports Application with report "Test.RPT" and go into Page Setup and uncheck the "No Printer" option. I have NOT specified any printer, nor have i clicked the "Printer..." button to setup a printer....i have just unchecked the "No Printer" option
    8. I go back into my Visual Basic development environment and rerun the code that will generate the report.
    9. When i look at the PrinterName property in the CRAXDRT.Report object, it is now set to my WINDOWS DEFAULT PRINTER, yet i had not specified any printer.
        ie.  crReport.PrinterName is equal to "
    1. The client needs the report to go to the default windows printer of their machine
    2. If the "No Printer" Option is checked, the Report does not print at all
    3. If the report is set to MY default windows printer and i give it to the client, at times it takes upwards of to a minute for the Print Dialog to disply.  As i've read on other forum posts, it appears Crystal is looking for MY printer on the clients machine and takes a minute before i realizes it can't find it and then sets it to the CLIENTS default windows printer.
    4. The client believes it is unreasonable to wait a minute for the print dialog to appear ...and i agree.
    5. I cannot change the code to use the Select Printer in the RDC SDK - it's a long explanation why but just suffice it to say that i cannot do this.
    All i want to do is either:
    1. Remove the Printer Name in the actual report from the Crystal Reports designer - basically undoing what Crystal did when i went into Page Setup.
    2. Via the RDC SDK, be able to detect the "No Printer" option is selected. Checkign CRAXDRT.PrinterName equal to "" is not an option.

  • Please check out my website and give me feedback

    Hey you iWeb Jedi's -- please check out my web page and give me your opinions -- especially you Star Trek fans out there.
    One problem I'm having is find the perfect streaming settings for the movies. I did check them on a fast Windows machine and on a brand new Mac at the local CompUSA store. Things worked well on their very fast Internet connection but the longer concept video didn't seem to want to stream. I'm almost thinking to grab some JumpCut or YouTube code and insert it just to get it to work. I know this will put their logos in but I'm just not sure what to do.
    One thing I'm aware of and something I did do on purpose is that I made the background images very large -- to accomodate those wealthy folks with the very big, very wide monitors. I wanted never to run out of background "virtual" world no matter how big one stretched the browser window. Also, the necessity to scroll was intentional. Let me know if this is too annoying.
    Appreciate any expert helpful comments and feedback on improvements.
    No I won't update to 10.4.9!   Mac OS X (10.4.8)   I said no!

    As a teacher of marketing & multimedia presentation design, Garr Reynolds says at his site: "Design is a big, big deal. We all have a responsibility to understand its potential and its power. You do not need to be a designer — but you do need to become more design sensitive or 'design mindful'."
    In particular, according to another experienced designer: "Color should be used in the same way that type size is used: to emphasize importance, not decorate a page."
    Reynolds' page about why design matters is worth reading...
    Also this about graphic design fundamentals...

  • How can I embed a HTML document onto my webpage?

    What I am trying to do: I am trying to make an image that has links to urls from different parts of the image.
    What I have done so far: I have built a photoshop image to embed on my webpage, following the instructions offered by many online forums, but cannot actually embed it as it isn't a url.
    Firstly, I sliced up an image, adding url's and alt tage etc to each slice. Then I did:
    File > Save for web > (Prest: JPEG High) > Save > (entered my file name) Format: HTML and Iamges > Save
    When I locate my file where I saved it, it has been saved as a Chrome HTML Document, but I can't then embed this on my website, using the 'embed code' tool I normally use. I presume this is because it doesn't begin with http:// ?
    Here is the HTML document I have made: file:///C:/Users/Daniel/Desktop/UK%20map%20interactive/Afternoon/UK-map-locations.html
    (If you can see this) This is the image I want and the links are working too but it's getting this onto an existing webpage.
    Other pages I have seen have talked about iamge maps, but I take it using the slice tool is better for what I am trying to acheive?
    Any suggestions/help would be greatly appreciated.

    One: Users can't see links on your local desktop. You would have to upload the files somewhere. Two: Images generally don't contain links. URLs are meta information build around the image in HTML. Three: Because of the previous point, whether you use sliced images or an image map doesn't matter, if you have no way of inserting the information into the native HTML structure of the web pages. If at all, you would open the HTML file in a suitable editor like Dreamweaver (or even a basic text editor) and copy&paste it into the web page sourcve code, but you'd still have to upload the image(s). The rest we can't know. You have not provided any link to the web site or told us which hosting provider you use. From your description it sounds like one of those "free" providers that restrict user's options to customize to the bare minimum and the rest is based on templates and plastered with advertising. In any case, the solution is not in Photoshop and you would have to read up on web design basics, HTML, CSS and al lthat on a more general level or review your hosting provider's guides on how to set all this up.

  • Is LiveCycle the product for me?

    Hope everybody is well
    My organisation is currently rolling out SAP business by design however is beginning to struggle with data input and amendments to SKU's (Products, cost, retails, etc).
    At present done through a spreadsheet and keyed in however I would like to design basic workflow for the product change areas which can then be exported into SAP.
    Is LC the product for me?
    Thanks in advance.

    Thanks for responding.  I'm probably not real sure about what I am doing.
    I'm running the 30 day trial now and trying to figure out how things work.
    I've looked at the comparison of the Standard and the Pro and the only
    difference for me is the inclusion of Designer.  As far as what I know, the
    other differences wouldn't matter.  There is a big difference in price if I
    don't need Designer. 
    I do have Microsoft Publisher and have created a couple of pdf's out of
    those files and brought them into Acrobat and used the Forms section for the
    interaction.  In your opinion, would Publisher be able to accomplish pretty
    much the same as Designer?
    I also have a couple of existing pdf's that I've downloaded that I need to
    customize.  They are some wedding photo contracts, release forms, etc for my
    photography work.  It seems to be easier to do that in Designer, but there's
    a big chance I'm going about it the wrong way in Acrobat.  I did use Acrobat
    to convert one to a Word doc and then use MS Word to edit and then imported
    it back to Acrobat for a pdf.
    In your opinion, would the easiest way to customize those existing pdf's be
    to save them as a Word doc, edit, and then import back into Acrobat to use
    the Form fields?
    Thanks for helping me out.

Maybe you are looking for