Design view doesn't show in Dreamweaver

What do I need to do to activate Design View in Dreamweaver.  I get Split and Code, but not Design.  Have examined every possible drop down menu and preference and find no way to activate this.  Do I need to reload? 

See Screenshot:
If you still can't see Design View, you must be working with Fluid Grid Layouts.
Open your Fluid Grid CSS file and add an X as shown below.  This will trick DW into thinking it's a normal layout so you can use Design View.
    Dreamweaver Fluid Grid Properties
    dw-num-cols-mobile:     X 4;
    dw-num-cols-tablet:        8;
    dw-num-cols-desktop:    12;
    dw-gutter-percentage:    25;
Nancy O.

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    If we can see the page in question we could probably do this a lot easier.  But all you need to do in your CSS for the background is:
    background: url(pathto/image.jpg) fixed no-repeat;
    If you are trying to absolutely position something in the middle you will be unable to do this without the assistance of javascript to determine the useable pixels on the end-users computer.  Horiztonally is not the issue, but rather vertically because you can achieve horizontal centering by defining a width and setting the margin: 0 auto; in your CSS.
    As far as working with overflows, if there is too much content in them that you believe the overflow will be necessary (assuming min/max-widths are set) you could consider including the content from another document or store it in a database and query the information out.  Then it would make it easier for the client to update the content on their own in the future.

  • Design view is not showing on Dreamweaver

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    <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">
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      <br /><a href="#" style="color:#d0000a; text-decoration:underline; ">Megestas ante sed</a>
      <br /><a href="#" style="color:#d0000a; text-decoration:underline; ">Mauris venenatis</a>
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  • Dreamweaver Design view does not show parts of the page

    Hello all,
    I was working on a page update - page was created using a
    template so
    that the client can add content with Contribute - and have
    that suddenly whole sections of the page are no longer
    visible in Design
    Mode. This caused me some panic until I viewed in code view
    and found
    everything still in there. Viewing in browser shows the page
    there in
    entirety too, and uploads just fine. But no matter what I do
    - restart
    the program, restart the computer - nothing changes, the page
    does not show parts of this page. Everything is in an
    editable area and
    should be visible.
    I have been editing the code as that was my only option, but
    now I have
    heard that my client cannot view those sections of the page
    in her
    Contribute either.
    The page is here:
    Any help would be gratefully received.

    > (I find it strange that it is now like this, as I
    understood that th was
    > depracated? So I went through and removed them all.)
    <th> deprecated? Certainly not.
    > There are editable regions in the page as it has been
    working for the past
    > year and a half. I find that after an amount of editing
    by Contribute
    > users, the pages do tend to fall apart.
    Normal template files have two editable regions in the head
    of the page -
    doctitle, and head
    The one you linked does not.
    That's what I was talking about.
    > Contribute sounds a great thing, but is a huge pain and
    ends up costing me
    > money fixing the messes my clients end up making, though
    this should not
    > be possible...
    I have stopped recommending it to my clients.
    Murray --- ICQ 71997575
    Adobe Community Expert
    (If you *MUST* email me, don't LAUGH when you do so!)
    - Template Triage!
    - DW FAQs, Tutorials & Resources - DW FAQs,
    Tutorials & Resources
    - Macromedia (MM) Technotes
    "Ellie" <[email protected]> wrote in message
    news:[email protected]...
    > Thanks Murray,
    > I see all this.
    > (I find it strange that it is now like this, as I
    understood that th was
    > depracated? So I went through and removed them all.)
    > There are editable regions in the page as it has been
    working for the past
    > year and a half. I find that after an amount of editing
    by Contribute
    > users, the pages do tend to fall apart.
    > I will have to remake the template and remake the page
    from that.
    > Strange thing is it was working perfectly well before.
    > Thanks for the help, Murray.
    > Contribute sounds a great thing, but is a huge pain and
    ends up costing me
    > money fixing the messes my clients end up making, though
    this should not
    > be possible...
    > Ellie
    > Murray *ACE* wrote:
    >> You have no editable regions in the head of that
    page - why is that?
    >> As for the display in DW, perhaps it's the 175
    validation errors that the
    >> W3C validator finds on the page?
    >> tml
    >> Most of these are serious coding problems....

  • Design View doesn't work on fresh cs5 install

    I just bought CS5 web premium and installed all of the programs. For some reason design view in Dreamweaver doesn't work for any of my sites. It's just a grey background. I can work in code view, but I can't do anything with the design view, it's just a grey dead pannel. I had installed the trial version last month and it worked perfectly which is why I bought the full version. I uninstalled the trial version of Dreamweaver CS5 and installed the new CS5 and now the design view is dead. I tried reinstalling CS5 again but Design View is still dead. Any ideas?

    Hi DC,
    I read you post, and now I wondering If you could help me with my problem.
    I also recently purchased CS5 web premium and are having problems with the Preview option.
    If you are using a local server for testing purposes, could you please read my posts on this forum:
    Have a problem with preview CS5
    (it's posted just above your own post)
    Many thanks in advance,

  • Design View and Browser show different layout

    I am having an issue with a site I am working on. The site
    looks great in
    the browser, but it doesn't look right in design view in
    Dreamweaver. I
    have posted 2 screenshots (they are around 140k apiece), they
    are linked
    Dreamweaver -
    Browser -
    What would be causing this?
    Thanks in Advance,

    It could be a number of things, but until we see the code it
    would only be,
    at best, a guess. Please post the link to the page.
    "Drew" <[email protected]> wrote in message
    news:edn3u8$lc1$[email protected]..
    >I am having an issue with a site I am working on. The
    site looks great in
    >the browser, but it doesn't look right in design view in
    Dreamweaver. I
    >have posted 2 screenshots (they are around 140k apiece),
    they are linked
    > Dreamweaver -
    > Browser -
    > What would be causing this?
    > Thanks in Advance,
    > Drew

  • Design View Doesn't Display Correctly

    I am new to this forum so hope I do things correctly!
    I have Vista and am using Dreamweaver 8 to produce 4 of my
    websites, but I am having trouble on my
    site. All the files where I have the problem validate without
    errors and display correctly in both IE and FF. I have nine files
    with this problem. One of the problem pages is
    When I look at these nine files in the Design View, all I can
    see are the correct picture at the top, the top and bottom
    navigation, Google Search, and the footer. Where the body is I see
    horizontal lines and </td>. The </td> is highlighted in
    yellow. I thought perhaps I had a coding error, but it validates
    without any errors.
    Help! I sure would appreciate some words of wisdom. I can
    work in the code, but I like to check the design view before I
    upload my files.
    I have read that a lot of people are having this problem. I
    did try changing the magnification, but this did not help.
    Victorian Cards

    > Thanks for the quick reply. I tried this, but nothing
    changed. Any other
    > ideas?
    > Jeanne
    the page has html syntax errors- having to do with tr and td
    Look at the code view in dw- see the yellow highlights??
    It's probably just one error, find that one out and most of
    the others will
    be gone. There's too much stuff on the page for me to
    sight-read the code
    and find the error.
    suggestion? Make a copy of the page, then start deleting
    content so the
    problem syntax error is more obvious. Delete working complete
    tables to
    isolate the problem one
    Adobe Community Expert, dreamweaver

  • Mandatory Variable set in a view doesn't show in Web template ?

    Hi Experts,
    I have a mandatory user-input variable in my query. I build a view based on the query. When I opened the query analyzer I had to select a value for my variable since it is mandatory. I did so and built my view. I based my BI web template on my view. When i execute the template the variable screen doesn't show, the value of my variable is the one I entered when I built the view and there is no way i can change this value from the Web template. Is this expected behaviour ? If so how can i build a view when i have a mandatory variable withoit setting its value in the analyzer ? The user has to set it later in the BI template.
    Thanks a lot

    Thanks for the reply.
    Actually the variable has a default value which is defined in a function. This default can be overriden. The problem is that when defining the view you need to specify a value or leave the default. In any case in Web Template you are not given the option of changing whatever you put in the query analyzer. i am puzzled how this could happen.

  • Design mode doesn't show anything after import

    I just installed Flash Builder 4 and selected a small project I was working with in Flex 3.  It gave me a warning upgrading the directory which I did and loaded up the base .mxml file.  I ran it and it worked ok.  I then went into design mode to add more controls and the window is blank.  I tried to refresh and still nothing.  Any ideas on how to get around this?
    Edit: More info
    I created a new flex project and I get the design window.  Also in the original project I can add items, say a button, to the design window but it dissapears when I release the mouse button.  However, it does add it to the code and I also see it when I run the project.
    Edit: Even more info
    In the new project I created I copied over the source XMLListCollection and added it into the Declarations tags and the visual controls but left the application header intact.  I lost the ability to see the design view after I did that.  So I commented out all the code I put in place and still got the same issue with dragging a control onto the page and it dissapears.  However, it shows in code and also shows when running.  Again, everything else is commented out.   I then deleted all the code except for the original code put in place by Flash Builder 4 and encounted the same issues.

    your problem:
    chrome does not call javascript when view the page through local file system (not through web server).
    try view your page with safari.

  • HTML editor - design view doesn't accept specific chars on Polish keyboard

    I'am trying to edit simple HTML page based on the JDeveloper wizard and I cannot input specific windows-1250 code page characters in the design view of the HTML editor altough I can do it in the source pane.
    The code page is set properly
    example document content
    <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "">
    <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=windows-1250"></meta>
    <title>JDeveloper Journal, Issue 1, Welcome</title>
    Wyp&#322;ata prowizji / wyp&#322;ata zaliczek
    JDeveloper (10g EA 3) on Windows 2000 Professional SP4 Polish version
    Piotr Dadura

    Code errors are responsible for 98% of rendering problems.  Your pages lack a valid doc type declaration which puts them into quirks mode.
    On line #1 in code view, change this:
    to this:
    <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" "">
    At least that will give you a fighting chance of validating without errors.  Use the online code validator below to check for other errors in all your site pages.
    Incidentally, asking a non-coder to use Dreamweaver is form of punishment.   Basic coding skills are necessary to get the most out of this product.   Anything less is going to result in frustration and confusion.
    It's worth noting that DW is NOT a WYSIWYG editor.  Design View is at best, an approximation of what you can expect to see in some browsers.  For best results, use Live View in Split View and edit the code.
    Nancy O.

  • The "Live view" does not show in dreamweaver CS 6

    I  cant find the live view button on dreamweaver's toolbar.. there is the code,split, design, and live but not live view..
    There is also another problem concerning the live option which I'm hoping will disappear if I find the live view option.. The problem is my team and I are working on a dreamweaver project, and my colleage gets the view properly, by that I mean: She has the home page, she click on an option and goes to the next page etc.. As for me, when I click the view button, I kinda get something similar to that in the design view... I dont get just the hope page, I get all the pages under each other seperated by dotted guidlines.. how can I fix this?

    Thanks for the reply, regarding the 2nd question, this is how live view appears when I click design live view: zps1a90075c.jpg
    where it displays the copywrited information thats where the footer of the 1st page is, and where it says New Application thats where the header of the 2nd page is..  in the first page there is the header, the buttons (which do not appear as buttons they just look like hyperlinks) are supposed to take you to the other pages; however, the buttons don't work and all the pages are stacked under each other..
    Its supposed to look like something similar to this:
    so that when the 1st option is clicked it takes you to the next page...,, the 2nd picture is the original file my friend is working on and the first picture is the copied file that I need to edit..

  • Compiling a view doesn't show errors

    Compiling a PL/SQL procedure shows compilation errors correctly, but compiling a view says "view compiled" without reporting the errors. It seems the only way to see the errors is to do select * from user_errors afterwards. Or is there a setting somewhere?
    It's also slightly odd that it asks for confirmation before compiling the view, whereas PL/SQL compilation does it right away. I'd prefer the latter.
    I'm using version 1.5.1 on Linux (Ubuntu).
    Many thanks

    How are you compiling your view? The only place I can remember being given feedback on view errors is when running a create or replace view command as a script (not as a statement). Apart from that, selecting from user_errors is the only way that I know to report on view errors - even "show errors view <viewname>" doesn't work.

  • DW CS5.5 Design View Does Not Show Accurate Width of Page Compared to Browsers

    I use DW CS5.5 to make websites. The Design View in DW is not at all accurate as to the width of the page when compared to how the Browsers render the page. For example, when inserting a horizontal Spry Menu, the menu items will drop to a new line because it looks like there is not more space, In reality, as seen on the browser or Live View there is a lot more space for more list items. This makes it very hard to work on a page in DWCS5.5 because it looks way too narrow compared to the actual size. On the ruler, it looks like it is 960 px, but it isn't when seen at 100% on the browser window. It does not matter what setting I use for the page size. Any suggestions? Thank you in advance. Gail

    indvik wrote:
    ...However it still seems odd to me that the difference is about 350 px.
    That could be caused by a code error, generally DV won't be that far off.
    Run your page through the validator at to see if there aren't some issues in your html that could be causing the oddity in Design View.
    If your code is clean and it's still off by that amount, something to check would be the use of both css and html attributes to control the sizing of tables and other elements. The program can get a little confused and start displaying things all over the place when you do that. I'm not sure if DW5.5 does this (I skipped that version) but DWCS4 certainly did, pretty inconsistently. One way to fix it, even though the code may validate, is to give all control to the css of the page rather than splitting some with the html.

  • Month view doesn't show

    day and week view are fine, selecting month view and the window disappears. Has been working fine - though I did run system optimise recently...

    This is the same problem I have with my iCal. I open iCal and the week and day views come up fine, but as soon as I click on the month view tab, iCal closes the viewer. It doesn't crash the entire program, but the month display does not show up and I love having this option. I have spent some time reading through previous threads, but they do not appear to apply to my situation, unless I am missing something.
    Can someone please suggest anything that would help?
    Are there conflicting version of iCal after an upgrade?
    Where do I look for this on my Mac OS X 10.3.9?

  • ICal in Day view doesn't show hours, but Days for the hours?

    Ok, so I have been trying to figure this out but I cannot find the answer. In iCal, I cannot change the hour of a new event. It only allows me to change the min. So I went into the Day view to try and move the events to the correct hours and all it shows is Midnight, Saturday over and over (where the hours should be) and then Noon and then Saturday over and over again. I have no idea why it does this and have searched through the settings and cannot figure it out. Can anyone help me?
    I have posted a screen shot of my problem at
    Thank you

    Welcome to Apple Discussions.
    First of all try refreshing the file. You will find the file in your Macintosh HD/Users/yourusername/Library/Preferences Folder. Quit iCal, drag the .plist file to your Desktop, log out/in or restart and check iCal for normal behavior.
    If that is unsuccessful, open System Preferences...>Language & Text>Formats, and choose, or change the appropriate region. Then check/change the "Times" formats that you are using.

Maybe you are looking for