Designing a logo

Hello there,
I want to design a logo.How can i design it using photoshop?Please help me.
Thank you.

When creating a Logo in Photoshop if it is simple you can create a custom shape  that will scale using vector graphics. Newer version of Photoshop shapes supports strokes and fills including pattern fills.  Shape layers can also have layer styles added to them. 
If you create a Logo File that has several  layers containing different colored vector shape so the composite is a multi color logo. If You place that logo file as a logo onto other document the place logo will not be scaled using vector graphics.  Smart Object layers have pixels rendered for the embedded object for the layer.  When you scale a smart object layer your interpolating those rendered pixels your not changing the embedded object or the pixels rendered.  No matter how many time you transform the logo to get the size right the same rendered pixels will be interpolated each time you transform.  
So if you go the Logo File route create you logo document sized large with a high resolution DPI. For scaling down in size works much better the scaling up in size. Also Bicubic Automatic is not a good default interpolation method when a sharp graphic is scaled down in size.
Watermarking can also be automated using an action to do it well you need to craft the action well to be able to handle any size document.
Crafting Actions Package UPDATED Aug 14, 2012 Changed AspectRatioSelection Plug-in script added Path support.
Action Actions Palette Tips.txt
Action Creation Guidelines.txt
Action Dealing with Image Size.txt
Action Enhanced via Scripted Photoshop Functions.txt
CraftedActions.atn Sample Action set includes an example Watermarking action
Sample Actions.txt Photoshop CraftedActions set saved as a text file.
12 Scripts for actions

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    It will depend on the image. If it was one that was saved as a psd file and has layers (window>layers) {Look in the layers panel and see if you see a layer with a thumbnail that looks like a large T} In this instance, you can double click on that thumbnail to highlight the text then type in its replacement.
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    Hi Broad Arrow builders,
    99jon is right.
    However, that is assuming you already know the dimensions (99jon rightly describes setting the dimensions in advance) of the logo in advance, and you're going to use the logo you need for one specific use only. A logo you make in Photoshop Elements may not always remain clear and legible when you scale it up or down. I say that because logos will, generally, find their way into lots of places - letterheads, banners, T-shirt emblems, and other places. You might need different sizes for different needs.
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    Alt-Web :: Fluid Grid Test #4
    Relevant CSS code:
    /**for desktop**/
    .desktop {display:block;}
    .mobile, .tablet {
    /* Special Rules for tablets */
    @media only screen and (max-width: 768px) {
        .desktop, .mobile {display:none}
        .tablet {display:block}
    /* Special Rules for mobiles */
    @media only screen and (max-width: 480px) {
        .desktop, .tablet {display:none}
        .mobile {display:block}
    Relevant HTML code:
         <div class="gridContainer clearfix">
         <img class="banner desktop" src="" alt="desktop image" />
         <img class="banner tablet" src="" alt="tablet image" />
         <img class="banner mobile" src="" alt="mobile image" />

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    Welcome to the forum!
    Designing a logo is a big topic. Can you tell us more?
    In the meantime, I highly recommend the video "Creating your Logo" on Adobe TV: It uses Illustrator, not Photoshop, because Illustrator's vector output is a better choice for creating a logo you may want to size up and down for different uses.
    You may also want to watch this video, which starts in Photoshop and moves into Illustrator:

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    Have a look at this to get you started.
    For this kind of design (which CAN be designed in Photoshop) you might be better exploring Illustrator.
    Good Luck

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    But maybe you should click the Logos for Adobe Illustrator® Support link here:
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    Depends on your definition of "affordable", I suppose.
    I have not used their services, but you can try here: (looks like it would set you back at least $39 + $150+)

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