Desktop backgrounds...

So I just got my first Android based phone (HTC Incredible). In the past I have used a couple LGs (Voyager, EnV) and a few BlackBerrys (Storm, Tour, Pearl). All were pretty straight forward about changing the desktop background. With my Android I am running into a few snags. First, when I select a new pic as a background the phone wants to crop it to a landscape picture (phone defaults as portrait) about 1/3 the size of the original. 2nd issue is after it has done this it then STRETCHES that horrid crop job over the front of the phone making it look horrendous. Sometime if it had just left it the original size it would have been OK.
So I guess my point and question in all of this is how do I get  normal pic as a desktop background on my phone? I download pics from that are 480x800 (exact resolution of my phone's screen), but it still wants to crop and enlarge them. Ideas?
Thanx in advance ^_^

hold down on one of the corners of the little box and drag out.  That should expand the box to be larger but it likely won't cover the entire picture

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    Actually, “repeat with k from 18 to (18 + N - 1)” was not a good idea, since it works only with N < 5, as I discovered after posting the script.
    So here's an improved version of the previous script that should work with any number of desktops:
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    -- Find out how many desktops you have:
    tell application "System Preferences"
        reveal anchor "shortcutsTab" of pane id ""
        tell application "System Events" to tell window "Keyboard" of process "System Preferences"
            set N to count (UI elements of rows of outline 1 of scroll area 2 of splitter group 1 of tab group 1 whose name begins with "Switch to Desktop")
        end tell
    end tell
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    tell application "Finder" to set desktop picture to theFile
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        delay 1
        tell application "Finder" to set desktop picture to theFile
    end repeat

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    Hi Maryan,
    Open System Preferences > Displays > select the window for you external monitor > click on the Arrangement tab and check the box next to Mirror Displays. It may be slightly different in Lion, but the idea is the same.

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    However you can use Automator: create an Application in it, and select 'Set the Desktop Picture' from the Library. Choose the picture you want. Save the application, then go to System Preferences>Accounts>Login Items and select the Automator application you just created. This will then run at startup and set your chosen picture.

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    Add the code to [ userChrome.css] below the @namespace line.
    <pre><nowiki>#context-setDesktopBackground {display:none!important;}
    See also

  • Desktop background problem

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    I performed a permissions repair, checked that the actual files were there in /Library and removed the pref's file. After doing that all the pictures showed up again UNTIL I browsed around the picture folders in the Change Desktop Background window then they stopped showing again.
    Could something in my Pictures Folder be causing the issue? Any ideas?

    Thanks for clarifying. I don't do right or left click, but occasionally do CONTROL-click and doing that brings up the contextual menu item "change desktop background" which leads to the Desktop prefPane. Now, why you're having issues, I have no idea. However, I suggest creating a new admin user account, logging into it, and seeing if changing the desktop picture works there.

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    the primary reason of importing stuff to iphoto was so that they are easily available across applications.

    Do you know of any reason why the Desktop pref pane should not be able to use photos in a "referenced" iphoto library
    It's just the nature of the beast.
    but I just don't trust it enough to do what it will with my photos by having them stored in the iPhoto library.
    What are you afraid of?
    When you import a pic into iPhoto in the default Managed mode all it does is make a byte by byte copy of the pic. Nothing else. It's an exact copy. It makes no alterations, adds nothing, removes nothing.
    The pic is stored in the Finder. Yes, it's in a Unix Style Package file, but apart from all the ways to access your pics I'll describe in a moment, if you want to look inside the package you can do so at any time: Simply right click on the iPhoto Library and select 'Show Package Contents' from the resulting menu. A Finder window will open and you'll see the Library inside.
    There are various files, which are the Library itself and some ancillary files. Then you have three core folders
    Originals are the photos as they were downloaded from your camera or scanner. (As your Library is referenced the files will be aliases rather than the actual files.
    (ii) Modified contains edited pics, shots that you have cropped, rotated or changed in any way.
    (iii) Data holds the thumbnails the the app needs to show you the photos in the iPhoto Window.
    Remember: iPhoto depends on the structure as well as the contents of this folder. Moving things, renaming things or otherwise making changes will prevent iPhoto from working and could even cause you to damage or lose your photos.
    Running a referenced library has a number of pitfalls - apart from the fact that System Preferences cannot use the files.
    1. Import and deleting pics are more complex procedures
    2. You cannot move or rename the files on your system or iPhoto will lose track of them on systems prior to 10.5 and iPhoto 08. Even with the later versions issues can still arise if you move the referenced files to new volumes or between volumes.
    3. Most importantly, migrating to a new disk or computer can be much more complex.
    Always allowing for personal preference, I've yet to see a good reason to run iPhoto in referenced mode unless you're using two photo organisers.
    If disk space is an issue, you can run an entire iPhoto Library from an external disk:
    1. Quit iPhoto
    2. Copy the iPhoto Library as an entity from your Pictures Folder to the External Disk.
    3. Hold down the option (or alt) key while launching iPhoto. From the resulting menu select 'Choose Library' and navigate to the new location. From that point on this will be the default location of your library.
    4. Test the library and when you're sure all is well, trash the one on your internal HD to free up space.
    If you're concerned about accessing the files, there are many, many ways to access your files in iPhoto:
    For 10.5 users: You can use any Open / Attach / Browse dialogue. On the left there's a Media heading, your pics can be accessed there. Apple-Click for selecting multiple pics.
    Uploaded with plasq's Skitch!
    To upload to a site that does not have an iPhoto Export Plug-in the recommended way is to Select the Pic in the iPhoto Window and go File -> Export and export the pic to the desktop, then upload from there. After the upload you can trash the pic on the desktop. It's only a copy and your original is safe in iPhoto.
    This is also true for emailing with Web-based services. If you're using Gmail you can use iPhoto2GMail
    If you use Apple's Mail, Entourage, AOL or Eudora you can email from within iPhoto.
    If you use a Cocoa-based Browser such as Safari, you can drag the pics from the iPhoto Window to the Attach window in the browser.
    Or, if you want to access the files with iPhoto not running, then create a Media Browser using Automator (takes about 10 seconds) or use THIS
    Other options include:
    1. *Drag and Drop*: Drag a photo from the iPhoto Window to the desktop, there iPhoto will make a full-sized copy of the pic.
    2. *File -> Export*: Select the files in the iPhoto Window and go File -> Export. The dialogue will give you various options, including altering the format, naming the files and changing the size. Again, producing a copy.
    3. *Show File*: Right- (or Control-) Click on a pic and in the resulting dialogue choose 'Show File'. A Finder window will pop open with the file already selected.
    Your choice, obviously, but best to be aware of all the ramifications. By all means post back if you require more info.
    You can set Photoshop (or any image editor) as an external editor in iPhoto. (Preferences -> General -> Edit Photo: Choose from the Drop Down Menu.) This way, when you double click a pic to edit in iPhoto it will open automatically in Photoshop or your Image Editor, and when you save it it's sent back to iPhoto automatically. This is the only way that edits made in another application will be displayed in iPhoto.
    Other information that may offer comfort:
    Events in the iPhoto Window correspond exactly with the Folders in the Originals Folder in the iPhoto Library package file (Right click on it in the Pictures Folder -> Show Package Contents).
    You can move photos between Events, you can rename Events, edit them, create them, as long as you do it via the iPhoto Window. Check out the Info Pane (wee 'i', lower left) the name and date fields are editable. Edit a Event Name using the Info Pane, the Event Folder in iPhoto Library/Originals will also have the new name.
    Mind you, I don't suggest that you change over in one go. I think the best thing to do is create a new Library (Hold down the option (or alt) key key and launch iPhoto. From the resulting menu select 'Create Library') and set it as a Managed Library. Import 50 or 100 pics an explore it, see how it works and see if that does anything for your confidence.

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