Desktop Workshop Installation Framework

In an effort to keep the Desktop Workshop thread clean (i.e.: theme requests only), I'm moving the thread for those helping test the prototype installer I've put together for my themes here. If you are helping with the tests, please post ideas, bugs, constructive criticism and the like here. For those of you just joining us, starting with the RatLook theme, all my themes will have an install script with them. Use of this script is by no means mandatory (in fact, the script is still very much a prototype). However, I would greatly appreciate it if you would at least give it a try and send me some feedback.
The syntax of said installer is simple:
$ ./install = install theme
$ ./install -r or ./install --remove = remove theme
When the installer is run, the script will do the following things:
   * Check the computers resolution and warn the user if it does not match the themes optimized resolution
   * Verify that any needed dependencies are installed
         * The installer itself requires gtk-theme-switch2 and either feh or nitrogen
         * Themes usually require tint2 and conky
   * Backup the users current wallpaper and openbox config
   * Install any necessary fonts to $HOME/.fonts/   
   * Automagically copy the necessary configs to a standardized location ($HOME/.config/openbox/workshop/<theme>)
   * Install necessary theme files to $HOME/.themes/
   * Activate the theme
When the uninstaller is run, it removes the installed files and restores the backed up configuration.
For those who may want to take a look at the installer without actually having to download a theme, here is the current code.
# Desktop Workshop Installation Framework (v0.4a)
# Copyright (C) 2009 Daniel J Griffiths <[email protected]>
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
# 02110-1301, USA.
# Thanks to everyone in for all their help!
WCONFIGS=('tint2rc' 'conkyrc')
CREZ=`xrandr | grep "*" | awk '{ print $1 }'`
if [[ "${WREZ}" != "${CREZ}" ]]; then
echo -e "${ASK} This theme is optimized for ${WREZ} but your resolution"
echo -en " is set to ${CREZ}. Continue installing? [Y/n] "
read ANS
if [[ "${ANS}" == "n" || "${ANS}" == "N" ]]; then
echo -e "${INFO} Aborted by user.${RESET}"
exit 0
if [ -f /tmp/${WTHEME}.start ]; then
rm -f /tmp/${WTHEME}.start
if [ ! -f /usr/bin/sudo ]; then
if [ $UID -ne 0 ]; then
if [ ! -f /usr/bin/switch2 ]; then
echo -e "${ERROR} Error: gtk-theme-switch2 not found!"
echo -ne "${ASK} Install gtk-theme-switch2? [Y/n] "
read ANS
if [[ ${ANS} == "N" || ${ANS} == "n" ]]; then
echo -e "${INFO} gtk-theme-switch2 is needed for the installer to run."
echo -e "${INFO} Please install ${WTHEME} manually by following the readme file.${RESET}"
INST=(${INST[@]} gtk-theme-switch2)
if [ ! -f /usr/bin/nitrogen ]; then
if [ ! -f /usr/bin/feh ]; then
echo -e "${ERROR} Error: nitrogen not found!"
echo -ne "${ASK} Install nitrogen? [Y/n] "
read ANS
if [[ ${ANS} == "N" || ${ANS} == "n" ]]; then
echo -e "${INFO} nitrogen is needed for the installer to run."
echo -e "${INFO} Please install ${WTHEME} manually by following the readme file.${RESET}"
INST=(${INST[@]} nitrogen)
SETWALL="nitrogen --set-scaled"
SETWALL="feh --bg-scale"
SETWALL="nitrogen --set-scaled"
if [[ `echo ${WCONFIGS[@]} | grep tint2` != "" ]]; then
if [ ! -f /usr/bin/tint2 ]; then
echo -e "${ERROR} Error: tint2 not found!"
echo -ne "${ASK} Install tint2? [Y/n] "
read ANS
if [[ ${ANS} == "N" || ${ANS} == "n" ]]; then
echo -e "${INFO} tint2 is required for this theme."
echo -e "${INFO} Please install ${WTHEME} manually by following the readme file.${RESET}"
mkdir /tmp/workshop
cd /tmp/workshop
tar -xvf tint2.tar.gz
cd tint2
makepkg || echo -e "${ERROR} ERROR: tint2 build failed!"; wremove
if [[ "${ASUSER}" == "sudo" ]]; then
sudo pacman -U tint2*.pkg.tar.gz
elif [[ "${ASUSER}" == "root" ]]; then
pacman -U tint2*.pkg.tar.gz
su -c 'pacman -U tint2*.pkg.tar.gz'
cd ${WBUILD}
if [[ `echo ${WCONFIGS[@]} | grep conky` != "" ]]; then
if [ ! -f /usr/bin/conky ]; then
echo -e "${ERROR} Error: conky not found!"
echo -ne "${ASK} Install conky? [Y/n] "
read ANS
if [[ ${ANS} == "N" || ${ANS} == "n" ]]; then
echo -e "${INFO} conky is required for this theme."
echo -e "${INFO} Please install ${WTHEME} manually by following the readme file.${RESET}"
INST=(${INST[@]} conky)
if [[ ${#INST[@]} != 0 ]]; then
if [[ "${ASUSER}" == "sudo" ]]; then
sudo pacman -S ${INST[@]}
elif [[ "${ASUSER}" == "root" ]]; then
pacman -S ${INST[@]}
su -c 'pacman -S ${INST[@]}'
if [ ! -d ${WROOT} ]; then
mkdir ${WROOT}
if [ -d ${WROOT}/${WTHEME} ]; then
echo -e "${ERROR} Error: Theme '${WTHEME}' is already installed!"
echo -ne "${ASK} Reinstall? [y/N] "
read ANS
if [[ ${ANS} == "Y" || ${ANS} == "y" ]]; then
rm -R ${WROOT}/${WTHEME}
echo -e "${INFO} Aborted by user.${RESET}"
exit 0
if [[ `pgrep tint2` != "" ]]; then
killall tint2
if [[ `pgrep conky` != "" ]]; then
killall conky
echo -e "${INFO} Backing up current settings"
mkdir ${WROOT}/.backup
if [ -f ${HOME}/.config/nitrogen/bg-saved.cfg ]; then
cp ${HOME}/.config/nitrogen/bg-saved.cfg ${WROOT}/.backup/
if [ -f ${HOME}/.fehbg ]; then
cp ${HOME}/.fehbg ${WROOT}/.backup/
cp ${HOME}/.config/openbox/rc.xml ${WROOT}/.backup/
mkdir ${WROOT}/${WTHEME}
if [ ! -z ${WFONTS} ]; then
echo -e "${INFO} Installing fonts"
cp -R Fonts ${WROOT}/${WTHEME}/
cp Fonts/*.ttf ${HOME}/.fonts
echo -e "${INFO} Installing configs"
cp -R Themes Configs readme ${WROOT}/${WTHEME}/
echo -e "${INFO} Installing themes"
while [[ ${CCOUNT} -lt ${#WTHEMES[@]} ]]; do
if [ -d Themes/${WTHEMES[${CCOUNT}]} ]; then
cp -R Themes/${WTHEMES[${CCOUNT}]} ${HOME}/.themes/
echo -e "${ERROR} Error: Theme ${WTHEMES[${CCOUNT}]} not found!${RESET}"
echo -e "${SUCCESS} Installation completed\n"
echo -e "${INFO} Setting wallpaper"
if [ -f ${WROOT}/${WTHEME}/Themes/${WWPAPER} ]; then
${SETWALL} ${WROOT}/${WTHEME}/Themes/${WWPAPER} &> /dev/null
echo -e "\t${SETWALL} ${WROOT}/${WTHEME}/Themes/${WWPAPER} &" >>/tmp/${WTHEME}.start
echo -e "${ERROR} Error: Wallpaper ${WWPAPER} not found!${RESET}"
echo -e "${INFO} Setting GTK theme"
if [ ${#WTHEMES[@]} == "1" ]; then
if [ -d ${HOME}/.themes/${WTHEMES[0]}/gtk-2.0 ]; then
switch2 ${HOME}/.themes/${WTHEMES[0]}
echo -e "${ERROR} Error: No valid GTK theme found!${RESET}"
if [ -d ${HOME}/.themes/${WTHEMES[0]}/gtk-2.0 ]; then
switch2 ${HOME}/.themes/${WTHEMES[0]}
elif [ -d ${HOME}/.themes/${WTHEMES[1]}/gtk-2.0 ]; then
switch2 ${HOME}/.themes/${WTHEMES[1]}
echo -e "${ERROR} Error: No valid GTK theme found!${RESET}"
echo -e "${INFO} Setting OpenBox theme"
CTHEME=`sed -n '/<theme>/,/<\/theme>/p' ${HOME}/.config/openbox/rc.xml | sed -n -e '/<font/,/<\/font>/d' -e '/<name>/s/.*<name>\(.*\)<\/name>.*/\1/p'`
if [ ${#WTHEMES[@]} == "1" ]; then
if [ -d ${HOME}/.themes/${WTHEMES[0]}/openbox-3 ]; then
sed -i "s|${CTHEME}|${WTHEMES[0]}|" ${HOME}/.config/openbox/rc.xml
echo -e "${ERROR} Error: No valid OpenBox theme found!${RESET}"
if [ -d ${HOME}/.themes/${WTHEMES[0]}/openbox-3 ]; then
sed -i "s|${CTHEME}|${WTHEMES[0]}|" ${HOME}/.config/openbox/rc.xml
elif [ -d ${HOME}/.themes/${WTHEMES[1]}/openbox-3 ]; then
sed -i "s|${CTHEME}|${WTHEMES[1]}|" ${HOME}/.config/openbox/rc.xml
echo -e "${ERROR} Error: No valid OpenBox theme found!${RESET}"
echo -e "${INFO} Reconfiguring OpenBox"
openbox --reconfigure
while [[ ${CCOUNT} -lt ${#WCONFIGS[@]} ]]; do
if [[ `echo ${WCONFIGS[${CCOUNT}]} | grep tint2` != "" ]]; then
echo -e "${INFO} Launching tint2 panel"
while [[ `pgrep tint2` == "" ]]; do
tint2 -c ${WROOT}/${WTHEME}/Configs/${WCONFIGS[${CCOUNT}]} &> /dev/null &
echo -e "\ttint2 -c ${WROOT}/${WTHEME}/Configs/${WCONFIGS[${CCOUNT}]} &" >> /tmp/${WTHEME}.start
disown tint2
elif [[ `echo ${WCONFIGS[${CCOUNT}]} | grep conky` != "" ]]; then
echo -e "${INFO} Launching conky instance"
while [[ `pgrep conky` == "" ]]; do
conky -c ${WROOT}/${WTHEME}/Configs/${WCONFIGS[${CCOUNT}]} &> /dev/null &
echo -e "\tconky -c ${WROOT}/${WTHEME}/Configs/${WCONFIGS[${CCOUNT}]} &" >> /tmp/${WTHEME}.start
disown conky
echo -e "${ERROR} Error: Config file ${WCONFIGS[${CCOUNT}]} is invalid!"
echo -e "${INFO} In order to make these changes persistent, please"
echo -e " add the following to your autostart script:\n"
cat /tmp/${WTHEME}.start
echo -e "\n${SUCCESS} Done!${RESET}"
exit 0
echo -e "${INFO} Removing theme directories."
if [ -d ${WROOT}/${WTHEME} ]; then
rm -R ${WROOT}/${WTHEME}
while [[ ${CCOUNT} -lt ${#WTHEMES[@]} ]]; do
if [ -d ${HOME}/.themes/${WTHEMES[${CCOUNT}]} ]; then
rm -R ${HOME}/.themes/${WTHEMES[${CCOUNT}]}
echo -e "${INFO} Restoring previous configuration."
if [ -f ${WROOT}/.backup/bg-saved.cfg ]; then
cp ${WROOT}/.backup/bg-saved.cfg ${HOME}/.config/nitrogen/
nitrogen --restore &
elif [ -f ${WROOT}/.backup/.fehbg ]; then
cp ${WROOT}/.backup/.fehbg ${HOME}/
sh ${HOME}/.fehbg &
cp ${WROOT}/.backup/rc.xml ${HOME}/.config/openbox/
openbox --reconfigure
echo -e "${SUCCESS} Removal completed!${RESET}"
exit 0
if [[ "$1" == "-r" || "$1" == "--remove" ]]; then

I haven't tried this out, but just a couple of days ago I was thinking about something similar, mostly after seeing some of the cool desktops posted on Lifehacker. I was wondering how feasible it would be to come up with a system that lets you save the look of your desktop (window manager, wm theme, gtk, fonts, conky, wallpaper, etc), to say a tar.gz file, and then restore it at a later time. The real problem is handling exactly how much you want saved, right down to settings hidden away in gconf for example, or just the fact that everyone uses different window managers. But it would be bloody cool to combine it with a small pygtk app that shows different theme packages with a screenshot and description and allows you to change it with a click and a logout/login. Unfortunately it's probably a fair bit too complicated to pull off without some serious hacking.
Edit: That sounds awesome Ghost, I decided to edit my post rather than posting a reply in order to keep the thread clean. I'm probably being over cautious
Last edited by HashBox (2009-08-20 05:23:27)

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    EDIT This thread will be kept clean & tidy

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    "Ghost1227's Desktop Workshop" would make a awesome title for this thread.
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    Hi Sanju
    The IMG path for that would be as follows:
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    Hi and welcome to the forums!
    Does the bold Italianized part of the quote mean you have tried to install ,net framework 3.5SP1 many times or tried to install the Blackberry desktop software many times to no avail? The ,net framework versions reside on the PC as separate versions, that is version 4.0 does not replace version 3.5. Try installing .NET 3.5 SP1 and retry the installation.
    Click Accept as Solution for posts that have solved your issue(s)!
    Be sure to click Like! for those who have helped you.
    Install BlackBerry Protect it's a free application designed to help find your lost BlackBerry smartphone, and keep the information on it secure.

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    No, I had no previous versions of Adobe Air. So I tried installing AIR direct from the Adobe website, and it installs fine. So I go back to the Story webpage and try installing the Desktop Application again and the exact same set of events as described above happens. I uninstalled the AIR install, tried again, same result.
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    PS- I have a picture of the error message, but the insert picture link is greyed out and won't let me add anything to this post.

    Here is the installer log entries as requested:
    9/3/10 11:34:54 AM /Applications/Utilities/Adobe AIR Application AIR Application Installer[344] Starting app install of file:///Users/Shared/Downloads/AdobeStory.air
    9/3/10 11:34:54 AM /Applications/Utilities/Adobe AIR Application AIR Application Installer[344] UI SWF load is complete
    9/3/10 11:34:55 AM /Applications/Utilities/Adobe AIR Application AIR Application Installer[344] UI initialized
    9/3/10 11:34:55 AM /Applications/Utilities/Adobe AIR Application AIR Application Installer[344] beginning UI styling
    9/3/10 11:34:55 AM /Applications/Utilities/Adobe AIR Application AIR Application Installer[344] UI styling complete
    9/3/10 11:34:55 AM /Applications/Utilities/Adobe AIR Application AIR Application Installer[344] Unpackaging to /private/var/folders/dJ/dJl0jNt6GK4MiC2esOh-GU+++TM/TemporaryItems/FlashTmp0
    9/3/10 11:34:58 AM /Applications/Utilities/Adobe AIR Application AIR Application Installer[344] unpackaging/validation is complete
    9/3/10 11:34:58 AM /Applications/Utilities/Adobe AIR Application AIR Application Installer[344] application is bound to this version of the runtime
    9/3/10 11:34:58 AM /Applications/Utilities/Adobe AIR Application AIR Application Installer[344] app id com.adobe.AdobeStory
    9/3/10 11:34:58 AM /Applications/Utilities/Adobe AIR Application AIR Application Installer[344] pub id 4875E02D9FB21EE389F73B8D1702B320485DF8CE.1
    9/3/10 11:34:58 AM /Applications/Utilities/Adobe AIR Application AIR Application Installer[344] Application located at /Applications
    9/3/10 11:34:58 AM /Applications/Utilities/Adobe AIR Application AIR Application Installer[344] The certificate of the installed app fails to match either the signature or migration signature of the AIR file
    9/3/10 11:35:01 AM /Applications/Utilities/Adobe AIR Application AIR Application Installer[344] starting cleanup of temporary files
    9/3/10 11:35:02 AM /Applications/Utilities/Adobe AIR Application AIR Application Installer[344] application installer exiting
    9/3/10 11:35:02 AM /Applications/Utilities/Adobe AIR Application AIR Application Installer[344] application installer exiting
    9/3/10 11:35:02 AM[223] ([0x0-0x40040].com.adobe.air.ApplicationInstaller[344]) Exited with exit code: 9
    Thank you for your help.

  • AutoCAD 2000 Architectural Desktop 3 installation in Windows 7 64 bit Professional

    How to get AutoCAD 2000 to install on a Windows 7 64 bit operating system.  The problem we were having was with the forced installation of Netmeeting from the AutoCAD installation disc.  Our solution at the time was to install AutoCAD on the Windows Virtual XP.  The XP mode created more problems than we were able to ignore because the XP mode is very watered down and does support proper graphics for the drafting software.  We decided to try another approach.  Take the AutoCAD 2000 installation disc (Architectural Desktop release 3 in our case, which is based on AutoCAD 2000) and create an ISO image of the disc.  I used MagicISO because it allowed me to make the image, and delete the folder for Netmeeting from the ISO image.  I believe it is under Support\NM in the ISO image.  Once the NM folder is deleted from your ISO image, burn the image onto a new disc.  It will fit onto a 700mb disc.  Then proceed with the installation of AutoCAD onto your Windows 7 machine.  It worked great for me, but my colleague is still having problems.  We suspect it is because he is still using the Beta version of Windows 7 64.  I am using the full Windows 7 64 Professional version.  We will be getting the full version for my colleague and trying the installation again.  Also, my colleague tells me there is a work around to get the express tools installed.  Keep checking back, we will be updating as we get new info.

    I know this is an old thread, but I would really like to install acad2000 on my new laptop.
    What does creating the ISO image do for you?  I did this and the iso doesn't automatically load or anything. I can try to run the setup copied to the ISO disc, but it does the same thing as the autocad installation disk. I get the error stating it is
    not compatible with my version of windows.  I'm trying to install acad2000 on a windows7 pro 64bit machine.
    Any help on this is greatly appreciated.
    Jason ..... obviously you're not the only one reading this after it became an OLD thread!
    Go back in this thread (up above, that is) and find the response by -James on Tuesday, January 05, 2010 at 4:58 PM. I'll repeat his instructions here.
    1.  Open the ISO file with MagicISO. 
    1B. Look for folder \Support\nm.  Remove the "nm" folder.
    2.  Go ahead and install the software with Full/complete installation.  The installation may fail on you near the end. 
    If it fails....
    3.  Put your install disc back in the drive (the one you burned, the ISO disc), and choose uninstall from the menu.  After it unistalls, reboot your machine.
    4.  Now put the disc back in again, and redo your full/complete installation.  It should work this time.  (We have done these steps about 5 times on 2 seperate machines to verify it works because we have many machines that need to transition
    at some point...)  If it fails a second time, try steps 3-4 again.  If it fails a third time, let me know...
    Jason, IF you have returned to this forum, from there on you're on your own, unfortunately!
    Hope this helps .....

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