Destroying an object...

I have a help window that I am using for a program I have written. When you click the help button it creates a new object of the help window class:
theHelpWindow = new HelpWindow();
When you close the help window all I do is setVisible( false ) to get rid of the window. I am wondering if there is a way to destroy the object instead of just turning off the window because this will continually create new objects and windows every time the help window is called. Any suggestions?

The gc() will clean only the null valued, unreferanced objects.
The best way is calling dispose();
* Created on April 1, 2004, 12:15 PM
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
* @author administrator
public class Fr extends Frame implements ActionListener{
MyFr f;
Button b;
/** Creates a new instance of Fr */
public Fr() {
b = new Button("sefsef");
f = new MyFr();;
* @param args the command line arguments
public static void main(String[] args) {
new Fr().show();
public void actionPerformed(java.awt.event.ActionEvent actionEvent) {
f = null;
class MyFr extends Frame{

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    you can do in OLE also.
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    I need to explicitly destroy an objectNo, you don't.
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    I think you are calling on a deleted object.

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    Are you 100% certain that there are no references to the object left after you remove it from the sequence? There is no way to explicitly destroy objects in Java; and this behavior extends to JavaFX. If you check the code and you're 100% sure that no references are left hanging out there, check Jira.

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    import flash.display.Sprite;
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            txtFieldGroup[i]=new TextField();
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        // Frame No increment
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    thanks in advance
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    You aren't going to know when the user stops looking at the page (if that is what you meant). But there is no need to wait, you could put the code to remove the objects from the session at the end of your JSP or servlet. After all, the user is never going to use them again.

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    That's no fun then; apparently I wasn't accurate.
    The simple matter is, that garbage collection is automatic
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    map.put(key1, value2);
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    Thank you very much for this bug report. We've fixed the problem
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    i have used one class which is making telnet connection to some remote system and running commands over remote system.
    after finishing everything successful, that telnet connection is not closed.
    how can i close the telnet connection explicitly. i think if we forcefully destroy the class object, then the telnet connection will be closed automatically.
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    masijade. wrote:
    kajbj wrote:
    masijade. wrote:
    TSKarthikeyan wrote:
    Is there any method to destroy the object explicitly with out using finalize() method.Stand in front of your computer and watch the program execute. As soon as you get to the point where you want to destroy an object ... pull out your sledgehammer and swing away.Will that work if it's executing on a remote server?I don't know, but I'd like to give it a try. ;-)Stop stop stop stop it please
    LMAO... Yep, there it goes... Don't look at me like that ya' smelly hairy little... Now i've compeltey lost it.

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    Network aNet = new Network(Port);
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    All the object references must be null. As it's practically impossible to keep track of those references, you need a wrapper (you need to provide assessors for every method and accessible variable of the wrapped object)

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    This must create a Session objectDon't create Session object before login authentication/authorization.

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