Details region error whit no records in master

I set up a master/details region and it works fine.
I can update the data in the master region sending some
parameters to the server so it is possible that there are no
records in the XML file sent by the server.
In this case the details region (that has in the dataset.URL
a reference like dsMaster::id to bound its records with the master)
shows an error message because there isn't any dsMaster::id
How can I get around this???

Hi Kin,
I apologise for my so late replay.....
The detail region is hitting the server and the message
showed by the spry's debug window is:
failed to load:
Hold on............... I have found the solution just right
now..... while writing to you.... it is a lack in the server side
script!!!!! it doesn't provide a correct xml document because it
doesn't have a check over the order_id parameter absence!!!!
I fixed it !!!
thanks a lot for your attention!!

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                        End If
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    What is the problem while generating auto code..???

    First i register through code...i did code like this
    Public Function CreateUDOFinalProd() As Boolean
            If Not Me.UDOExists("VEDA_FINAL_MSTR") Then
                Dim findAliasNDescription = New String(,) {{"Code", "#"}, {"U_ItemCode", "Finished Goods"}}
                Me.registerUDO("VEDA_FINAL_MSTR", "Finished Good Master", SAPbobsCOM.BoUDOObjType.boud_MasterData, findAliasNDescription, "VEDA_FINAL_MSTR", "VEDA_FINAL_DLN")
                findAliasNDescription = Nothing
            End If
        End Function
    all the sub fn inside the fn is working  fine . I called same place where u suggested.
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    Thank you, Steve

    issue explained here
    chk this
    Detail entity with row key null cannot find or invalidate its owning entity

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    select m.accid,m.title,d.dr,
    from master m, detail d
    where m.accid=d.accid (+)The outer join operator (+) will get you all the details from master and any details from the detail if they exist, but the master details will still be got even if there are not details.
    Note: Oracle 10g now supports ANSI standard outer joins as in:
    select m.accid,m.title,d.dr,
    from master m LEFT OUTER JOIN detail d on m.accid=d.accid

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    Thanks in advance

    I've just reproduced your what I believe you wanted and didn't receive any errors. Here are the steps I took.
    1) Used the wizards to create a Master Detail form (with Detail edit on the same page as the master and only showing 2 of the detail columns)
    2) Used the wizard to create a FORM ON A TABLE for my detail table allowing the user to edit all detail columns
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    When I do this, everything seems to work perfectly as expected.
    Is there something I'm missing in the steps you performed to create your scenario?

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    The .PHP file that generates the dynamic XML is on:
    A sample .XML (generated from the .PHP file is
    Sample XML
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    Thanks so much for any help!
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    The dataset name in the NestedDataSet constructor does not go
    in quotes.
    Try var dsCreds = new Spry.Data.NestedXMLDataSet(dsAgents,
    and see if that helps.

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    Does anyone know how to bind a YUI Calendar widget to a Spry
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    You have to write some code that sets up a select callback on
    the YUI side of things, and then set the current row of the data
    set that matches that date.
    Something like this:
    var cal1 = new YAHOO.widget.Calendar("cal1","YUICal1");
    cal1.selectEvent.subscribe(function(type, args, obj)
    // Get the selected date string from cal1.
    var selectedDate = cal1.getSelectedDates()[0].getDate();
    // Find the first row in the data set that has the
    // selected date in it's "date" column.
    var row = ds1.findRowsWithColumnValues({"date":
    selectedDate}, true);
    // If we have a matching row, make it the current row for
    the data set.
    if (row)
    }, cal, true);
    --== Kin ==--

  • Master / Details Regions with yui Calendar

    I have a Calendar of Events that I need to display.  I have put a yui Calendar in my Master Region, and need it to control the Details Region.  I can get the Details Region to show a single event per day.
    Is there a way to let the Details Region show multiple Events if they are scheduled on the same date?
    I do not have access to an external web server to post my page to, but here is the code to the Master/Details Region on my site:
    <div id="sidebar2">
        <div id="yuicalendar1"></div>
    <script type="text/javascript">
    // BeginWebWidget YUI_Calendar: yuicalendar1   (function() {
        var cn = document.body.className.toString();
        if (cn.indexOf('yui-skin-sam') == -1) {
          document.body.className += " yui-skin-sam";
      })();  var inityuicalendar1 = function() {
        var yuicalendar1 = new YAHOO.widget.Calendar("yuicalendar1");    // The following event subscribers demonstrate how to handle
        // YUI Calendar events, specifically when a date cell is
        // selected and when it is unselected.
        // See: for more
        // information on the YUI Calendar's configurations and
        // events.
        // The YUI Calendar API cheatsheet can be found at:
        //--- begin event subscribers ---//
        yuicalendar1.selectEvent.subscribe(selectHandler, yuicalendar1, true);
        yuicalendar1.deselectEvent.subscribe(deselectHandler, yuicalendar1, true);
        //--- end event subscribers ---//
    yuicalendar1.cfg.setProperty("title", "Calendar of Events", false);    yuicalendar1.render();
      }  function selectHandler(event, data) {
      // The JavaScript function subscribed to yuicalendar1.  It is called when
      // a date cell is selected.
      // alert(event) will show an event type of "Select".
      // alert(data) will show the selected date as [year, month, date].
      var formattedDateString = data[0][0][1] + "/" + data[0][0][2] + "/" + data[0][0][0];
      var r = dsCalendar.findRowsWithColumnValues({"Date": formattedDateString }, true);
      var region = Spry.Data.getRegion("classDetail");
       region.setState("showClass", true);
       } else {
        region.setState("ready", true);
      };  function deselectHandler(event, data) {
      // The JavaScript function subscribed to yuicalendar1.  It is called when
      // a selected date cell is unselected.
      };      // Create the YUI Calendar when the HTML document is usable.
    // EndWebWidget YUI_Calendar: yuicalendar1
    <div spry:detailregion="dsCalendar" spry:setrow="dsCalendar" id="classDetail">
    <div spry:state="showClass">
    <table width="100%" border="0" cellpadding="1">
         <td colspan="2"><h4>{Class}</h4></td>
        <td colspan="2">{Description}</td>
        <div spry:state="ready">
    There are no classes on this date. Please select another date.
      <!-- end #sidebar2 --></div>
    And, here is the code to my "schedule.htm" file:
    Dreamweaver CS4 Intermediate
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    No Class
    No classes on this date.
    Notice on the schedule.htm file, there are some classes that have the same date.  I would like the Details region to show multiple classes based on the date.  Is that even possible?

    Don't know if you got this sorted out already, but I'll add an answer since I looked here when trying to figure this out.
    I had the same problem.
    You can get this to do what you want in two steps:
    1.)  Just below the line in your code that reads
    var formattedDateString = data[0][0][1] + "/" + data[0][0][2] + "/" + data[0][0][0];
    add the following code:
    function myFilterFunc(dataSet, row, rowNumber)
    // Filter all rows with date = selected date
    if (row['Date'] == formattedDateString){
    return row;   }
    else {
    return null;}
    // Filter the data.
    2.) Just after the line in your code that reads
    <table width="100%" border="0" cellpadding="1">
    add the following code:
    <tr spry:repeat="dscalendar">
    Ok, one last step for the code that you've listed here.  You should be able to get rid of all the <tr> tags except for the outermost ones.  So, it could
    look like this:
    <table width="100%" border="0" cellpadding="1">
       <tr spry:repeat="dscalendar">
        <td colspan="2"><h4>{Class}</h4></td>
        <td colspan="2">{Description}</td>
    You can see a working example of this at  October 13, 2009 has more than one event scheduled.  This one doesn't display the data in table format, but you can still it working.
    Hope this helps.

  • Detail region does not refresh when selecting from a drop-down list in master region

    I am using DW CS3 and have updated to version 1.6.1 of Spry.  Using an XML dataset, I am able to create a Spry table as the master region that links to a detail region that displays a small JPG graphic.  It works fine in this format (clicking on a row displays the correct graphic).  However, my table has 80 rows and requires the user to do too much scrolling. So I changed the master region to a drop-down repeat list, but the graphic does not change when a new selection is made in the drop down list.  Listed below is the code produced when I used the insert Spry Repeat List.  I got the same results when adding a spry:setrow="dsChartNurse".  I also tried -- onclick="dsChartNurse.setCurrentRow('{ds_RowID}');" -- which again made no difference.
    When I removed children from the spry:repeat, the master region displayed as a two column list of all 80 items in a drop-down list format.
    <div spry:region="dsChartNurse">
           <select name="select" spry:repeatchildren="dsChartNurse">
             <option value="{name}">{name}</option>
    <div id="image" spry:detailregion="dsChartNurse">
       <img src="{dataimage}" align="center" style="margin:50px 0 0 0"width="320" height="164" />
    Thanks so much to anyone who can help correct my code in order to have a drop-down list display information correctly in the detail region.

    Thanks for the quick reply.  I did solve the problem I was having by changing from onclick to onchange in the master region.  But, now I have another problem with, of course, IE.  I just put in online at  When opened in IE, the drop down list displays the last entry, but the image is for the first in the list.  Thanks again for your help.

  • Insert Record in Master-Detail by UIX Pages

    I am using Jdeverloper10g v10.1.2 ,ADF,UIX Pages
    My problem is :
    How i can insert a record by UIX Page , Because when i try to inserted a record by click on Create Button there is no action happen .
    So , is there any document can help me in Master_Detail_By_UIX
    with regards

    Hi Leo,
    I know that but my application is already set up and I have all the reports and forms in place. However I do not know how to enter an update/insert statement when calling my form. I only can have update or insert.
    for update is working correctly and the reports/forms affected are quite complex I do not want to change anything on it but enter a detail recordset for each record in master table only containing foreign key id and id. then the update statement will work. At the moment I have to save the form (detail table) once to create th primary id and after that I can store values... but that is not feasible for end users...

  • 'Next' and 'Previous' buttons in master/detail region

    I've managed to successfully create a master/detail region
    which is basically a very simple photo gallery.
    The left column shows the thumbnails, and when I click on
    them it shows the full-size version in the right column.
    I've been trawling userguides and forums for hours now, and I
    just can't work out how I can put a 'next' and 'previous' button
    beneath the large image enabling the viewer to move to the next
    I'm guessing it might be something to do with setRowNumber,
    but I'm just not sure.
    I'm pulling my (receding) hair out on this one, so any help
    or useful links would be much appreciated!
    My (basic) code below
    <div spry:region="dsGT" id="thumbholder">
    <div id="thumb" spry:repeat="dsGT"><img
    src="onlinegallery/thumbs/{@path}" width="50" height="50"
    <!--End Navigation Div-->
    <div id="copy">
    <div id="fullimage">
    <div spry:detailregion="dsGT">
    <img src="onlinegallery/main/{@path}" />
    Many thanks!

    They make a call to JavaScript, I'm guessing you knew that?
    I'm 96.7% JS illiterate, so I'm incapable of explaining it.
    You have to download the Spry Framework, unpackage it, look
    in the Demos folder, then look in the Gallery folder. Gallery.js, i
    think, is where that JS call goes to in order to switch out the
    next/prev image.
    the download is here:

  • Image mapping and Master Detail Regions in CS3

    Excellent advice to leave a url. I think I am having a similar problem with conceptualizing datasets for utilization with image mapping. I obviously cannot use the Get Schema via the Attach New Data set icon because I have rendered my own Master region. I am working with CS3. I will launch the site and ask for help from the url.
    Here is:
    I need help with this. With the phasing out of tabulated layouts for div based layouts I run into quite a few snags attempting to work around deprecation of tags issues. What am I trying to do here:
    1. Get my spry menu to drop down in the child table and not the parent table aligned top left.
    2. Use image mapping of the thumbnail images in integration with datasets and spry Master/Detail regions, even if hand coded to achieve, for a larger image and data on each thumbnail on an accordion spry widget. I am thinking grid systems for the future of my works and hope to achieve some relative command of grid systems. Without gridlock.

    The dataset name in the NestedDataSet constructor does not go
    in quotes.
    Try var dsCreds = new Spry.Data.NestedXMLDataSet(dsAgents,
    and see if that helps.

  • Error Occurred Reading Records: Logon failed. Details: Code: 18456

    i get this error: "Error Occurred Reading Records: Logon failed. Details: [Database Vendor Code: 18456 ]" ....
    Am tryin to display crystal report version 11 on my project using :
    kindly let me know how to troubleshoot this error....
    It worked fine before using v 8.5 but here it throws error...
    I have installed java runtime on my machine also..
    Thanks to help.

    Hi Jonathan,
    Thanks for ur reply.. am new here..can u pls tell me where I can find "getting started with .NET tips for samples and documentation" on the forum link u i cant find it...
    is it in this forum topic -- Read Before Posting - Where to find Crystal Reports .NET SDK resources ? If yes, then here where can i find it.
    Kindly help me.. U were talkin abt assemblies.. Do u mean that I have to add below 'References' in my project.
    Imports CrystalDecisions.Enterprise
    Imports CrystalDecisions.Enterprise.Desktop
    Imports CrystalDecisions.CrystalReports.TemplateEngine
    Imports CrystalDecisions.CrystalReports.Engine
    Imports CrystalDecisions.ReportAppServer.ClientDoc
    Imports CrystalDecisions.ReportAppServer.Controllers
    Imports CrystalDecisions.ReportAppServer.DataDefModel
    Imports CrystalDecisions.ReportAppServer.CommonObjectModel
    Imports CrystalDecisions.ReportAppServer.ObjectFactory
    Reason i wanted to use asp was to have a crystal report viewer from where user can nicely print,export etc..

  • Event handling across master/detail regions.

    I have a table displaying a few targets in the master region and the details of the selected target are shown in an other region. The selected target is passed as an input parameter to the dependent region.
    Both these regions are displayed in one page. Is there a way to make the first row auto selected in the master region table and show it's contents in the dependent region ?
    The trouble here is that the selected row target needs to be passed as an input parameter to the dependent region. Is there a way to fire a table selection listener after the master region has been rendered ?
    Currently, we display the first region table with no rows selected. When the user selects a row, the table selection listener updates the input parameter to the detail region which then gets refreshed.

    Hi Frank,
    This is the contents of the pageDef where I'm including the master(first one) and detail regions(second one). The highlighted parameter('cohTargetName') is the selected target input parameter to the detail region.
    Once the user selects a table row, I set the selected target value in emas_model_coherence_CoherenceGroupModel.selectedTarget.
    Can you provide me with an example of defining this parameter in terms of the first row of the table ?
    <taskFlow id="coherenceGroupRegion"
    <parameter id="targetName" xmlns=""
    <parameter id="targetType" xmlns=""
    <parameter id="refreshTime" value="${viewScope.sdk_pagetemplate_model.contextHeader.timeStamp}"/>
    <taskFlow id="coherenceNodeTableRegion"
    *<parameter id="cohTargetName" xmlns=""*
    <parameter id="targetName" xmlns=""
    <parameter id="targetType" xmlns=""
    <parameter id="refreshTime" value="${viewScope.sdk_pagetemplate_model.contextHeader.timeStamp}"/>

  • Master Delta Load - Error "38 Duplicate records found"

    Hi Guys,
    In one of our delta uploads for a Master data we are getting error "38 Duplicate records found". I checked the PSA data but there were no duplicate records in that.
    Once the data upload fails I manually update the failed packet and it goes fine.
    Please any one have solution for this.

    You can see the check box in the Processing tab page. Make a tick mark for the check box Ignore Duplicate Data Records indicator . When multiple data records that have the same key are transferred, the last data record in the request is updated to BI. Any other data records in the request with the same key are ignored.
    Help says that:
    To maintain consistency, ignoring duplicate data records is only possible if the data is updated serially. A serial update is when data is first updated into the PSA then, after it has been successfully written to the PSA, it is updated into the master data or text tables of the InfoObject.
    If a DataSource transfers potentially duplicate data records or if you manually set the Ignore Duplicate Data Records indicator, the PSA Only update type is automatically selected in the scheduler.
    hope it clears ur doubt, otherwise let me know.
    u can see the same in my previous thread
    Re: duplicate records found while loading master data(very urgent)

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