Image mapping and Master Detail Regions in CS3

Excellent advice to leave a url. I think I am having a similar problem with conceptualizing datasets for utilization with image mapping. I obviously cannot use the Get Schema via the Attach New Data set icon because I have rendered my own Master region. I am working with CS3. I will launch the site and ask for help from the url.
Here is:
I need help with this. With the phasing out of tabulated layouts for div based layouts I run into quite a few snags attempting to work around deprecation of tags issues. What am I trying to do here:
1. Get my spry menu to drop down in the child table and not the parent table aligned top left.
2. Use image mapping of the thumbnail images in integration with datasets and spry Master/Detail regions, even if hand coded to achieve, for a larger image and data on each thumbnail on an accordion spry widget. I am thinking grid systems for the future of my works and hope to achieve some relative command of grid systems. Without gridlock.

The dataset name in the NestedDataSet constructor does not go
in quotes.
Try var dsCreds = new Spry.Data.NestedXMLDataSet(dsAgents,
and see if that helps.

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    Thanks so much for any help!
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    The dataset name in the NestedDataSet constructor does not go
    in quotes.
    Try var dsCreds = new Spry.Data.NestedXMLDataSet(dsAgents,
    and see if that helps.

  • 'Next' and 'Previous' buttons in master/detail region

    I've managed to successfully create a master/detail region
    which is basically a very simple photo gallery.
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    I've been trawling userguides and forums for hours now, and I
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    I'm guessing it might be something to do with setRowNumber,
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    I'm pulling my (receding) hair out on this one, so any help
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    My (basic) code below
    <div spry:region="dsGT" id="thumbholder">
    <div id="thumb" spry:repeat="dsGT"><img
    src="onlinegallery/thumbs/{@path}" width="50" height="50"
    <!--End Navigation Div-->
    <div id="copy">
    <div id="fullimage">
    <div spry:detailregion="dsGT">
    <img src="onlinegallery/main/{@path}" />
    Many thanks!

    They make a call to JavaScript, I'm guessing you knew that?
    I'm 96.7% JS illiterate, so I'm incapable of explaining it.
    You have to download the Spry Framework, unpackage it, look
    in the Demos folder, then look in the Gallery folder. Gallery.js, i
    think, is where that JS call goes to in order to switch out the
    next/prev image.
    the download is here:

  • Master / Details Regions with yui Calendar

    I have a Calendar of Events that I need to display.  I have put a yui Calendar in my Master Region, and need it to control the Details Region.  I can get the Details Region to show a single event per day.
    Is there a way to let the Details Region show multiple Events if they are scheduled on the same date?
    I do not have access to an external web server to post my page to, but here is the code to the Master/Details Region on my site:
    <div id="sidebar2">
        <div id="yuicalendar1"></div>
    <script type="text/javascript">
    // BeginWebWidget YUI_Calendar: yuicalendar1   (function() {
        var cn = document.body.className.toString();
        if (cn.indexOf('yui-skin-sam') == -1) {
          document.body.className += " yui-skin-sam";
      })();  var inityuicalendar1 = function() {
        var yuicalendar1 = new YAHOO.widget.Calendar("yuicalendar1");    // The following event subscribers demonstrate how to handle
        // YUI Calendar events, specifically when a date cell is
        // selected and when it is unselected.
        // See: for more
        // information on the YUI Calendar's configurations and
        // events.
        // The YUI Calendar API cheatsheet can be found at:
        //--- begin event subscribers ---//
        yuicalendar1.selectEvent.subscribe(selectHandler, yuicalendar1, true);
        yuicalendar1.deselectEvent.subscribe(deselectHandler, yuicalendar1, true);
        //--- end event subscribers ---//
    yuicalendar1.cfg.setProperty("title", "Calendar of Events", false);    yuicalendar1.render();
      }  function selectHandler(event, data) {
      // The JavaScript function subscribed to yuicalendar1.  It is called when
      // a date cell is selected.
      // alert(event) will show an event type of "Select".
      // alert(data) will show the selected date as [year, month, date].
      var formattedDateString = data[0][0][1] + "/" + data[0][0][2] + "/" + data[0][0][0];
      var r = dsCalendar.findRowsWithColumnValues({"Date": formattedDateString }, true);
      var region = Spry.Data.getRegion("classDetail");
       region.setState("showClass", true);
       } else {
        region.setState("ready", true);
      };  function deselectHandler(event, data) {
      // The JavaScript function subscribed to yuicalendar1.  It is called when
      // a selected date cell is unselected.
      };      // Create the YUI Calendar when the HTML document is usable.
    // EndWebWidget YUI_Calendar: yuicalendar1
    <div spry:detailregion="dsCalendar" spry:setrow="dsCalendar" id="classDetail">
    <div spry:state="showClass">
    <table width="100%" border="0" cellpadding="1">
         <td colspan="2"><h4>{Class}</h4></td>
        <td colspan="2">{Description}</td>
        <div spry:state="ready">
    There are no classes on this date. Please select another date.
      <!-- end #sidebar2 --></div>
    And, here is the code to my "schedule.htm" file:
    Dreamweaver CS4 Intermediate
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    Flex CS4 Data Services
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    Flash CS4 Rich Content Creation
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    Flex CS4 Data Services
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    Flash CS4 Rich Content Creation
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    Around the cementary, down to the high school, and back.
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    No Class
    No classes on this date.
    Notice on the schedule.htm file, there are some classes that have the same date.  I would like the Details region to show multiple classes based on the date.  Is that even possible?

    Don't know if you got this sorted out already, but I'll add an answer since I looked here when trying to figure this out.
    I had the same problem.
    You can get this to do what you want in two steps:
    1.)  Just below the line in your code that reads
    var formattedDateString = data[0][0][1] + "/" + data[0][0][2] + "/" + data[0][0][0];
    add the following code:
    function myFilterFunc(dataSet, row, rowNumber)
    // Filter all rows with date = selected date
    if (row['Date'] == formattedDateString){
    return row;   }
    else {
    return null;}
    // Filter the data.
    2.) Just after the line in your code that reads
    <table width="100%" border="0" cellpadding="1">
    add the following code:
    <tr spry:repeat="dscalendar">
    Ok, one last step for the code that you've listed here.  You should be able to get rid of all the <tr> tags except for the outermost ones.  So, it could
    look like this:
    <table width="100%" border="0" cellpadding="1">
       <tr spry:repeat="dscalendar">
        <td colspan="2"><h4>{Class}</h4></td>
        <td colspan="2">{Description}</td>
    You can see a working example of this at  October 13, 2009 has more than one event scheduled.  This one doesn't display the data in table format, but you can still it working.
    Hope this helps.

  • How Do I: Bind a YUI Calendar Widget to a Spry Master Detail Region?

    Hello All,
    Does anyone know how to bind a YUI Calendar widget to a Spry
    master detail region? I have the dataset, yui calendar inserted but
    no clue how to bind the two so my dataset populates the calendar
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    calendar is clicked it shows in the details section.
    I have found a tidbit or two via google but they don't deal
    with the new yui cs4
    widget. I have seen some video on adove tv that touches on
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    the two together...
    Any thoughts on this would be greatly appreciated.

    You have to write some code that sets up a select callback on
    the YUI side of things, and then set the current row of the data
    set that matches that date.
    Something like this:
    var cal1 = new YAHOO.widget.Calendar("cal1","YUICal1");
    cal1.selectEvent.subscribe(function(type, args, obj)
    // Get the selected date string from cal1.
    var selectedDate = cal1.getSelectedDates()[0].getDate();
    // Find the first row in the data set that has the
    // selected date in it's "date" column.
    var row = ds1.findRowsWithColumnValues({"date":
    selectedDate}, true);
    // If we have a matching row, make it the current row for
    the data set.
    if (row)
    }, cal, true);
    --== Kin ==--

  • Spry Tabbed Panels and Master/ Detail Page Set interraction

    I have created a feedback form and am using a Spry Tabbed Panel to allow users to review all responses to one question and then all responses to the next question in different tabs, there are 6 tabs in all. In each tab I have created a Master/ Detail Page set - well actually just the Master appears in the tab. This is working fine. I allow up to 20 responses to be shown on each tab, after which the user selects First/Previous/Next/Last. When they do this the screen refreshes and the tabbed panel display goes back to the default tab, clicking on the tab previously used correctly displays whichever of First/Previous/Next/Last the user selected. I'd like the display to remain on the user's current tab when they select First/Previous/Next/Last.
    The page in question is here, then scroll about half way down the page and select one of the tabs.

    Hi Tony,
    Look at the following, blue coded is comment only, red coded is what has to be added to your existing code and orange coded is added by the SpryDataSet creator if done properly. Where the orange part starts, thats where you place your cursor when creating the dataset.
        <p> </p>
       <div id="TabbedPanels1" class="TabbedPanels">
          <ul class="TabbedPanelsTabGroup">
            <li class="TabbedPanelsTab" tabindex="0">All feedback</li>
            <li class="TabbedPanelsTab" tabindex="0">Suggestions for improvement</li>
            <li class="TabbedPanelsTab" tabindex="0">What did you like the most</li>
            <li class="TabbedPanelsTab" tabindex="0">What did you like the least</li>
            <li class="TabbedPanelsTab" tabindex="0">What else would you like to see</li>
            <li class="TabbedPanelsTab" tabindex="0">Any other comments</li>
          <div class="TabbedPanelsContentGroup">
            <div class="TabbedPanelsContent">
              <table border="1" align="center" id="allFeedback"> .... start feedback table tag (line 763)
                  <td width="80"><strong>Feedback Number</strong></td>
                  <td><strong>Days attended</strong></td>
                  <td><strong>Arrived by</strong></td>
                  <td><strong>Arrival arrangements</strong></td>
                  <td><strong>Expectations met</strong></td>
                  <td><strong>Ticket price</strong></td>
                  <td><strong>Zip code</strong></td>
    .................... rest of table probably your PHP repeat area
              </table> .... end feedback table tag    
              <div spry:region="dsAllFeedback">
                    <th spry:sort="Feedback_Number">Feedback Number</th>
                    <th spry:sort="Days_attended">Days attended</th>
                    <th spry:sort="Arrived_by">Arrived by</th>
                    <th spry:sort="Arrival_arrangements">Arrival arrangements</th>
                    <th spry:sort="Expectations_met">Expectations met</th>
                    <th spry:sort="Ticket_price">Ticket price</th>
                    <th spry:sort="Zip_code">Zip code</th>
                  <tr spry:repeat="dsAllFeedback" spry:setrow="dsAllFeedback" spry:odd="row_odd" spry:even="row_even" spry:hover="row_hover" spry:select="row_select">
              <br />
              <table border="0">
    I hope this helps.

  • Setrow with Paged Dataset and Master / Detail containers

    I am building a photo album.
    I am using paged views on the photos as the collection is currently 132 and growing.  So I have a paged view of 15 photos at a time, which are in a master container.  I want to be able to click a photo thmubnail and for it to update the large photo in the detail region.  However with paged views it doesn't seem to update the current row in the detail region.  If I used the Spry dataset the pagedview is built on the setrow functionality works fine.
    The page is here
    What are my options to get this working?

    Hi Phil,
    This is completely out of context and I am probbaly risking a flame, Still I want to share the following piece of code with you.
    <p> &copy; 2008
    <script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">
                var d=new Date();
                if (yr!=2008)
                  document.write("- "+yr);
    Created / Maintained by Phil Whitehurst</p>
    This will automatically update the year.

  • Event handling across master/detail regions.

    I have a table displaying a few targets in the master region and the details of the selected target are shown in an other region. The selected target is passed as an input parameter to the dependent region.
    Both these regions are displayed in one page. Is there a way to make the first row auto selected in the master region table and show it's contents in the dependent region ?
    The trouble here is that the selected row target needs to be passed as an input parameter to the dependent region. Is there a way to fire a table selection listener after the master region has been rendered ?
    Currently, we display the first region table with no rows selected. When the user selects a row, the table selection listener updates the input parameter to the detail region which then gets refreshed.

    Hi Frank,
    This is the contents of the pageDef where I'm including the master(first one) and detail regions(second one). The highlighted parameter('cohTargetName') is the selected target input parameter to the detail region.
    Once the user selects a table row, I set the selected target value in emas_model_coherence_CoherenceGroupModel.selectedTarget.
    Can you provide me with an example of defining this parameter in terms of the first row of the table ?
    <taskFlow id="coherenceGroupRegion"
    <parameter id="targetName" xmlns=""
    <parameter id="targetType" xmlns=""
    <parameter id="refreshTime" value="${viewScope.sdk_pagetemplate_model.contextHeader.timeStamp}"/>
    <taskFlow id="coherenceNodeTableRegion"
    *<parameter id="cohTargetName" xmlns=""*
    <parameter id="targetName" xmlns=""
    <parameter id="targetType" xmlns=""
    <parameter id="refreshTime" value="${viewScope.sdk_pagetemplate_model.contextHeader.timeStamp}"/>

  • Accordion and master/detail datasets

    Does anyone know of a working Accordion example that uses
    master and detail datasets, with master records as tabs and
    multiple detail records in the contents? Would like to be able to
    see XML data files, too.
    I keep getting an error message and in other examples the
    accordion loses it's animation.

    I think the issue is the Spry data object does not appear to
    handle multi-level (master/child) datasets. If the Spry dataset
    could handle them then the accordion could load all the data
    (master in tabs and children in content) and it would not have to
    reload child data on every tab click.
    Anyway, here is the code:
    <script type="text/javascript">
    var dsMaster = new
    var dsDetails = new
    var regObserver = new Object;
    regObserver.onPostUpdate = function(notifier, data) {
    var acc = new Spry.Widget.Accordion("allocations",
    {defaultPanel: dsMaster.getCurrentRowNumber()});
    Spry.Data.Region.addObserver("allocations", regObserver);
    Example of what I mean with multi-level:

  • Help needed for implementing master details region on the search page

    Hi All,
         I am new to Jdeveloper and OAF. I need to develop a sales order search page, for which the VO query is
         SELECT ch.order_number order_number
         , ch.attribute97 order_detail
         , ch.attribute14 sold_to
         , ch.attribute50 business_group
         , ch.source_doc_type source_doc_type
         , ch.line_number line_number
         , ch.transaction_amount transaction_amount
         , ch.split_pct||'%' split_percentage
         , jrs.NAME resource_name
         , jrr.resource_number resource_number
         , ch.processed_date processed_date
         , cq.NAME quota_name
         , ch.attribute34 transaction_type
         , ch.attribute35 order_type
         , ch.attribute51 product_line
         , ch.attribute54 city
         , ch.attribute55 state
         , ch.attribute56 district
         , ch.attribute57 area
         , ch.attribute61 salesrep_number
         , ch.attribute62 region
         , ch.attribute64 sales_org
         , ch.attribute68 terr_order_type
         , ch.attribute58 market_indicator
         FROM cn_commission_lines_all cl
         , cn_commission_headers_all ch
         , cn_quotas_all cq
         , jtf_rs_salesreps jrs
         , jtf_rs_resource_extns jrr
         WHERE cl.direct_salesrep_id = cl.credited_salesrep_id
         AND cl.commission_header_id = ch.commission_header_id
         AND cl.quota_id = cq.quota_id
         AND ch.direct_salesrep_id = jrs.salesrep_id
         AND jrr.resource_id = jrs.resource_id
         AND (NVL(ch.source_doc_type,'X') = 'EVEREST' OR NVL(ch.source_doc_type,'X') = 'SAP')
    AND (NVL(ch.attribute50,'X') = 'EMG' OR NVL(ch.attribute50,'X') = 'LSCA')
    I have 3 query parameters business_group, source_doc_type and sales order number.
    The results region should look like,
    Header region with order_number,order_detail,sold_to,business_group and the source_doc_type columns.
    The remaining fields go into the details region.
    Highly appreciate if anyone could help me on this.

    When I have a messagestyle layout for my header, I am not able to find the items in this region for the querycriteriamap. I need to populate the header region with values entered in the search region.
    For example: I create the OrderNumber messagestyledtext item in the messagecomponent layout of the header region. In simplesearchmappings, for the querycriteriamap, I am not able to find this item in the drop down for Results Item property.
    Please help me to understand.

  • Refresh problem by combination of programmatic view and master-detail page

    I am using the latest versions of both ADF ( and JHeadstart ( and I have an application with 1 page in which I have as root page a programmatic view (table-form) which I fill with request parameters.
    Under that programmatic view I have a master (table) with 3 detail pages (table).
    The programmatic view is populated with always 1 row, which goes always correct.
    The problem is occuring when iterating through the first entity based master table which contains lots of rows. Then the problem is that when you navigate through the master table the detail pages are refreshed correctly, but when you navigate back to the first row that row won't get updated.
    The next thing I tried is create a new jheadstart application with only the master-detail pages (entity based), so without the programmatic view, and then the iterating through the master table and the refresh of the child tables is working correct.
    What can be the problem here.

    Have you tested this in the ADF Business Components Browser? That's the tester that you can find by right-clicking your ADF BC Application Module and choosing Test. If you go to the View Object instance for the programmatic view, and using the ViewLinks to its children, do you get the same behavior as in the JHeadstart application?
    kind regards,
    Sandra Muller
    JHeadstart Team
    Oracle Consulting

  • Database Views and Master-Detail using ADF

    How would I create a master-detail form using a database view for the search-able master table and a database view as the detail table?
    The detail-view will need to be update-able (adf-table) using an instead-of trigger to perform the updates to the database table.
    Thanks in advance...

    There are several sections in the ADF Developer's Guide about using views (
    - 26.4 Basing an Entity Object on a PL/SQL Package API
    - 6.2.4 Creating an Entity Object for a Synonym or View
    You can also try Steve Muench's web log:
    There are at least two (old) items there that involve view with instead-off triggers:
    -      Composite Entity Using Stored Procedure API to Create/Modify/Remove Master and Children
    - Entity Object Based on View With Instead Of Triggers Avoiding Returning Into Clause
    Jan Kettenis

  • Spry Tabbed Panel and Master/Detail Page Set interraction

    I have created a feedback form and am using a Spry Tabbed Panel to allow users to review all responses to one question and then all responses to the next question in different tabs, there are 6 tabs in all. In each tab I have created a Master/ Detail Page set - well actually just the Master appears in the tab. This is working fine. I allow up to 20 responses to be shown on each page, after which the user selects First/Previous/Next/Last. When they do this the screen refreshes and the tabbed panel display goes back to the default tab, clicking on the tab previously used correctly displays whichever of First/Previous/Next/Last the user selected. I'd like the display to remain on the user's current tab when they select First/Previous/Next/Last.
    The page in question is here, then scroll about half way down the page.

    Hi Tony,
    Have a look here and here
    If you need further assistance, go to the Spry Forum
    I hope this helps.

  • Image Maps and Hotspots in a liquid layout?

    I'm wondering if anyone is aware of a way to make an image map with hotspots conform to a liquid layout. Since each hotspots has its own coordinates, when the image moves (grows smaller or larger) those hospots no longer coincide with those specified coordinates on the map. I currently have a map with rollovers and clickable links (an image map with hotspots) at a fixed 987 pixels and I'd like to redo it so it's 1920 pixels and liquid. I've got the rest of my site working with a liquid layout, but can't figure out the image map thing and an exhaustive search online has proved unfruitful as have all my attempts. Here's a link to my current liquid site and the page where the image map is. Thanks.

    All things are possible but this one is right on the edge!  You *could* do this by adjusting EACH coordinate dynamically but it would be a major beast given the number of hotspots you are using, and the number of coordinate pairs in each.
    I wouldn't want to tackle this project.
    Perhaps Flash is the answer here?

  • Image Maps and netui

              How would I convert an image map to invoke an action for each area?
              i.e. in the map below how would I invoke the showSummaryValue action in the first
              area for example I would like to replace href="ScheduleSummaryValue.htm" with
              somethin like <netui:area action="showSummaryValue" ...
              <map name="m_tabBar">
              <area shape="rect" coords="1,2,119,25" href="ScheduleSummaryValue.htm" alt="Value"
              <area shape="poly" coords="254,8,257,4,261,3,357,3,361,4,364,8,367,18,367,22,363,24,255,24,251,22,251,18,254,8,254,8"
              href="#" alt="Improvements" >
              <area shape="poly" coords="130,8,133,4,137,3,233,3,237,4,240,8,243,18,243,22,239,24,131,24,127,22,127,18,130,8,130,8"
              href="ScheduleSummaryLand.htm" alt="Land" >

    Well, you chose the wrong strategy, I'm afraid. Since it's all one big image, the browser has no way of tracking the last active object and the popup enforces a redraw of the content with default alignment. convert the previews to individual thumbnails and the behavior will be much better.

Maybe you are looking for

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