Detecting when Flex app terminates

In a editor-type application I'm writing using Flex 2 I'd
like to show a
popup dialog "Save changes?" when the user closes the browser
window (or a tab in case of tabbed browsing) or when the
navigates to another site / page.
Anyone know if there's an event that signals the end of a
flex app.
Preferably a canceable event so the popup dailog could
a Cancel button.

Not from within Flex. Some solutions involve using javascript
onBeforeUnload and flex's ExternalInterface to do this.

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    when you build an application using one of the wizards (like coldfusion flex application wizard) it hard codes
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    If your application references cfc's (or other remote objects) then it may be necessary to adjust the flex code
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    I'm not sure why ArrayList isn't a valid return type, I've been looking at the Adobe docs, and still can't see why this isn't valid.  And, why it works in Debug mode and not in Release build is even stranger.  Maybe someone can shed some light on the logic here to me.

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    Contact the app developer and ask... That's an XML error on the host.

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    After reading your response and rereading the original question a bit closer, the metadata prompting feature does not apply to creating new folders, only content.
    Again, though, I think the focus here is in the wrong place. The metadata applied to a folder is intended to be ultimately applied to the content. You can build global rules that fire on submission of content to check if a field has a value, and throw an error if the value is empty.
    If you expect users to create folders (and actually apply any metadata to the actual folder itself), you will be disappointed. Experience shows that users are not interested in that level of detail when creating content, let alone folders. Letting typical users create folders is a bad idea anyway, as they tend to create the same inefficient folder structures they previously created in file shares within Content Server.
    If you need to tightly control folder attributes, you'll be better served by locking down the ability to create new folders. Otherwise you're looking at some type of customization. Keep in mind that you won't be able to customize the right click behavior of DIS. Any changes to DIS would have to be an enhancement request.

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    stage.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, onHide);
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    I'm also having problems with this topic.  I'm developing an AIR app that uses context menus, and I've noticed that if I bring up a context menu, mouse around it and highlight items, but DON'T select them (i.e. click off to close the menu) that the main application loses focus.  There seems to be an invisible window or something blocking mouse events, until I move the app or do a command-~ (I'm on a's as if there are multiple open windows and this toggles them.)  Note that this only seems to happen in the exact sequence above - selecting an item or avoiding the items altogether after the menu pops up results in the correct (expected) behavior when the menu closes.
    I'd like to be able to catch a close event of some kind for the context menu, and even better, find a way to prevent the problem described above.
    Below is a very simple AIR app that will demonstrate the problem. (I'm compiling with Flex 3.4.1 framework and running it on Snow Leopard...)  Much thanks in advance to anyone who can help me with this problem!
    <mx:WindowedApplication layout="absolute" applicationComplete="init()"
    private function init():void {
    // Listener to trace mouseX property
    function (e:MouseEvent):void {
    // Create a simple context menu
    myCanvas.contextMenu= new ContextMenu();
    myCanvas.contextMenu.addItem(new NativeMenuItem("test"));
    <mx:Canvas id="myCanvas" height="50%" width="50%" backgroundColor="0x00FF00"/>

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    I have a Flex app that uses Data Services. The application works correctly on my local Mac Server and Apache. When uploaded to my production CentOS server, the Data Services fail. When the app is done loading, the following error message comes up:
    Class "ModelsService" does not exist: Plugin by name 'ModelsService' was not found in the registry; used paths:
    : /www/html/mdubb//PHP2/bin-debug/services/
    #0 /var/www/html/mdubb/ZendFramework/library/Zend/Amf/Server.php(550): Zend_Amf_Server->_dispatch('getAllModels', Array, 'ModelsService')
    #1 /var/www/html/mdubb/ZendFramework/library/Zend/Amf/Server.php(626): Zend_Amf_Server->_handle(Object(Zend_Amf_Request_Http))
    #2 /var/www/html/mdubb/PHP2/bin-debug/gateway.php(73): Zend_Amf_Server->handle()
    #3 {main}
    Where getAllModels is a method of my custom ModelsService.
    I changed the Zend path in the amf_config.ini file so it references the correct directory. If I browse to gateway.php, it prompts to download the file, which I think is correct.
    I added in the config file the path to the services folder.
    I tried adding $server->addClass("ModelServices") in gateway.php, but it didn't like that.
    The file structure on the production server is the same as the local server (I litterally uploaded everything in my local web root), so I can't think of what would be differenet between the two.
    I have already pulled one all nighter trying to get this to run. Do you know what I should troubleshoot next?
    Thanks in advance,

    With reference to Lumira 1.15, the minimal SP we support is BI 4.0 SP6. Please upgrade at least to this. Everything is detailed in the PAM
    Best regards,

  • Loading purchased swf into Flash Builder 4 Flex app

    I have purchased a Flash "fundraising thermometer" from an online Flash components site. It takes input from an xml file and displays a thermometer with the goal at the top and the current amount raised indicated. It came with the following files:
    thermometer01.html (A sample that works.)
    xml/thermometer.xml (The source file: goal amount, current amount, mark interval, etc.)
    caurina/transitions (Mostly .as files.)
    Since the test html (thermometer01.html) works fine, I thought this would be a no-brainer.
    I first unzipped the files into a "thermometer" folder in my current project. I then went into Flash Builder and created a SWFLoader object as follows:
    id="myLoader" source="../thermometer/thermometer.swf" complete="initThermometer();" autoLoad="true" scaleContent="false"/>\
     private function initThermometer():void { 'Thermometer loaded');
    The Design view looks fine. I can see the thermometer default image (see below).
    When I run the app, I get no errors, just a broken image link in a box (see below). The alert box also never shows up.
    I'm new to Flex, so I may be doing something stupid that keeps this from working. I contacted the author of the thermometer widget but he doesn't know anything about Flex.
    Any help figuring out how to get this to work in a flex app would be appreciated.

    You should probably add more event handlers to see what's going on.  Especially "ioError". The complete list is below.  For coverage, add a handler for each event. You can also use in MXML
    and add an argument to your Actionscript method, to find out details about the event.
    private function initThermometer(event:Event):void { 'Thermometer loaded ' + event.type);}
        complete="No default"
        httpStatus="No default"
        init="No default"
        ioError="No default"
        open="No default"
        progress="No default"
        securityError="No default"
        unload="No default
    General info here:
    I did not test my code suggestions, but it's probably close.

  • Why would I need to use LiveCycle Data Services in a Flex app?

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    - data push for publish/subscribe implementations
    User has to do nothing to get updated information. You push it to their machine when new data is available, like Yahoo finance updated quotes.
    - data paging
    You don't want to display one million rows in your datagrid at once. Get a batch of data, if the user scrolls down, get the next batch, etc.
    - server side clustering
    One server does not get overloaded. High traffic sites have their large number of concurrent connections managed more efficiently.
    - JMS services
    JMS is a powerful technology for messaging throughout an application, and LCDS makes it much easier.
    - RTMP tunneling
    Allows the use of the RTMP protocol in LiveCycle Data Services applications. Makes it easier to traverse firewalls and proxies appropriately that currently prevent direct RTMP client connections to the server.
    If this post answered your question or helped, please mark it as such.

  • Using Weblogic to Deploy Simple Flex App

       I am trying to deploy a simple Flex application in a weblogic8.1  server , so that I can use it locally.
    Can any one please guide me where and how I have to deploy my flex app .
    I am pretty new to this can any body provide me a guide or walk through step wise for me.
    More over What is the url I need to give in the browser to access the flex app I deploy in the Weblogic server.
    (At present I am using the IIS -- just copying the .swf file and wrapper html page in to the C:\Inetpub\wwwroot and giving http://localhost/test.html
    in the browser to access it) ---  How do I do this using Weblogic 8.1

    Hi again Nash,
    the stuff I am doing at present is not yet permitted to be publicly available, but the principles are very straightforward. Remember that WebLogic is primarily concerned with server-side functionality and Flex with client-side, so there is not really a great deal of overlap. The place where your Flex instantiation code will sit is in one or other JSP, using code very like the templates that Adobe generate. The only thing you have to do is ensure that your JSP (or the controller/code files behind it) generate HTML that contains the necessary. I tend to use the Apache Beehive libraries for UI stuff, but from vague memory I don't think these were around in WL8 - however, it doesn't really matter what tag library you prefer as all you are doing is generating HTML that looks like the usual JavaScript calls to AC_FL_RunContent (or swfobject if you are using that method). Basically, just take the Adobe-generated template and wrap the necessary bits and pieces round the edge to make it a proper JSP.
    When you need to make calls to get functionality, just use something like
                        service = new HTTPService();
                        separator_date = new Date();
                        service.url = "get_tool_list.jsp?sep=" + separator_date.valueOf();
                        service.addEventListener(FaultEvent.FAULT , fault_handler);
                        service.addEventListener(ResultEvent.RESULT, resultHandler);
                        service.resultFormat = "text";
                        service.requestTimeout = WEB_SERVICE_TIMEOUT;
    and then inside get_tool_list.jsp (or whatever...) do the server-side functionality you need, and return the result in a suitable format that the Flex resultHandler method can then interpret and make use of.
    Hope that helps,

  • Output CFC query to Flex app

    I have a CFC which simply calls the DB and returns the
    results to the Flex app.
    <cffunction name="runQuery" output="false"
    access="public" returntype="Query">
    <cfquery name="qry_login" datasource="EWPROJ">
    SELECT *
    <cfreturn qry_login>
    Simple enough.......
    Here is my Flex file...
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <mx:Application xmlns:mx=""
    layout="absolute" creationComplete="initApp();">
    import mx.collections.ArrayCollection;
    private var qry_result:ArrayCollection;
    private function initApp():void //first thing to load
    private function resultHandler(event:ResultEvent):void
    var qry_result:ArrayCollection = new ArrayCollection();
    //New Array Object called p1
    qry_result.source=event.result as Array;
    <mx:RemoteObject id="callCFC" destination="ColdFusion"
    showBusyCursor="true" />
    my problem is within the [resultHandler] I want to simply
    create a variable that will contain my results of the object I
    passed so I can trace it to the screen.... I know that the object
    is returning correctly, by tracing result.event. What am I doing
    wrong here, cause it shows nothing.
    I'm guessing that my problem is that I am not putting the
    object into some sort of array or string where I can access it...
    How do I do this correctly? Thanks everyone.

    Ahhh,,, yes, I appologize. I will make better headings next
    time.. Okay, I tried your solution and it printed out what I wanted
    and more. SWEET!! Now I think all I need to do is put it in an
    associated array so I can reference things better. Not sure yet,
    but I'll play with it. Thanks again... Genius! BTW, here is the
    output when I ran it:
    filterFunction = (null)
    length = 6
    list = (mx.collections::ArrayList)#1
    length = 6
    source = (Array)#2
    [0] (Object)#3
    NAME = "Rob Capilli"
    TYPE = "Male"
    [1] (Object)#4
    NAME = "Meatball"
    TYPE = "Cat"
    [2] (Object)#5
    NAME = "Sanket"
    TYPE = "male"
    [3] (Object)#6
    NAME = "Sarah"
    TYPE = "Female"
    [4] (Object)#7
    NAME = "1"
    TYPE = "1"
    [5] (Object)#8
    NAME = ""
    TYPE = ""
    uid = "21B5BECE-6A2E-6940-9543-E830E43DAAFA"
    sort = (null)
    source = (Array)#2

  • HTTP request logger/simulator for flex app

    I have a server that provides input xml data to a flex app in a browser be displayed on the screen for editing over http. Can someone suggest a way to cache and simulate this server's response? I need the flex app in the browser to work even when the server is down (for testing and UI dev). Any tools or ideas that I may be able to use?

    just point your HTTPService tag to any local xml file having static data snapshot using url attribute
    If you feel this message answers your question or helps, please mark it respectively

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