Dettached wrong disk from VM, no option to reattach?

I accidentally detached the wrong disk from my VM and thought to myself no problem I will just reattach it, however when I go to "Attach" I am only presented with the option to "Attach Empty Disk"
Looking in to my storage account I can see the "disk" inside a VHDS container but there is no way that I can see to convert this into a "disk" that I can attach to my VM. I have started to try and download it however it is 1TB drive so
would like to do this all in Azure rather than downloading and uploading it as that will take the better part of a 1month. 
Hopefully there is an easy way out of this mess and I just haven't found it yet.
thanks in advance.

Ok looks like I managed to fix it.
Steps: downloaded CloudXplorer, added my account. Found the "page" of the "disk" that I wrongly detached. Right click and "Acquire Lease" and then I was able to reattach the disk to my VM.

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  • Created second partition in bootcamp Windows and converted whole disk from basic to dynamic

    Hi everyone. I don't post here often however I hope the following helps someone else down the road.
    I currently user ML and have bootcamp installed. I needed more space on my ML partition so decided to free up space from bootcamp. Going about this completely the wrong way I booted into my bootcamp partition, ran the computer management app and shrank my boot camp partition by 8 GB. This created free unused space which I decided to format over to NTFS with a view to booting back into ML, deleting and adding to my ML partition (how wrong was I).
    Prior to completing the format of the newly created free space in bootcamp I was presented with the usual 'yes' / 'no' warning dialogue saying something along the lines of 'formatting this disk from basic to dynamic will prevent any installed operating systems from booting'. I made three monumental blunders at this stage: a) not reading the dialoge box b) completely disregarding the severity of the warning in the diaglogue box c) (you guessed it) pressing 'yes'.
    The moment I pressed yes it was the start of a four hour feeling of grief as I thought of the last 6 years of my life wiped from below my nose with no time machine backup.
    Upon rebooting bootcamp to get into ML the reality of the situation hit home as no OSX boot, no apple logo, no boot sound, my mac is trying to boot into windows without the option key being held in or warning to present me with a BSOD.
    One thought in my mind: "oh Sh*t!!!"
    3.5 hours passes and much reading online, learning of linux commands, downloading of linux distros, finding out how to install software and successfully setup a bootable linux usb and I'm typing this up on my mac while I time machine my data away to a freshly formatted external drive. Many lessons learned.
    This is what I did amongst the vacating of my bowels and absorption of much nicotine.
    There are two pointers to this guide. I was lucky enough to have another computer at hand to conduct the research and create a bootable usb. It a windows 7 toshiba z930. So you're going to need at a minimum: another computer (windows for the guide), a usb stick 2~4GB should be ok.
    1) download a linux iso, I downloaded ubuntu, you can download what ever you like, but you're going to need linux (the rest of my mini guide will use ubuntu 13.10 during examples)
    2) download Universal USB Stick Installer (from now on as UUSI) taller-
    3) plug in your usb drive. make sure there is nothing on it that you need to keep as it will be formatted and lost. also plug your mac into a router connected to the internet. this will help prevent any issues with wireless drivers when booting into ubuntu later on.
    4) once the downloads are complete, run UUSI, get past the prompts until you get to the 'setup your selections page'
    5) (A) select 'ubuntu' from step 1. (B) browse to your freshly downloaded ubuntu iso in step 2. (C) tick show all drives. (D) select the drive letter of your usb in step 3. tick we will format *drive letter here*. (E) depending on the size of your usb set some persistent storage - I had an 8gb usb to hand so I set 1GB, less will probably do. (F) double check your settings and click create then let the program do it's thing, it can take some time depending on the speed of your usb drive, mine took 10 mins.
    6) safely remove the usb and plug it into your mac, turn the mac on and hold the option key, once the usb drive is found hit enter and select ‘try ubuntu without installing’
    7) wait for the ubuntu os to load and click the settings icon from the left tool bar
    8) under settings click user accounts
    9) click the + symbol in the bottom left hand corner
    10) select administrator from the account type box and type a name for your account then click add
    11) select the account and change the password, then confirm it and click change
    12) go back to the desktop and select the power off symbol in the top right hand corner and select your name from the list, this will log you out of your current session and ask you to log in under your newly created login
    13) once logged in click the settings icon again from the left hand menu and under settings go to software and updates
    14) in software & updates under the ubuntu software tab tick ‘community maintained free and open source software (universe)’ and ‘software restricted by copyright or legal issues (maintained)’ then click close and close the settings window. Also check at the bottom of this window under ‘installable from cd-rom/dvd’ for two entries ‘cdrom with ubuntu 13.10 ‘saucy salamander’ - uncheck on of these entries if both are the same. Not sure if this was just me or a common problem. I found that trying to do the apt-get update would run into errors at the end if one of the entries wasn't deselected.
    15) hold ctrl + alt + T to bring up the terminal
    16) in the terminal window type sudo passwd root then enter a password for the account
    17) in the same terminal window type sudo -i and enter the password given from step 16 if requested
    18) in the same terminal window type apt-get update and wait for the update to finish without errors
    19) in the same terminal windows type apt-get install testdisk and wait for the installation to finish without errors
    20) in the same terminal window type testdisk
    21) select create log and then the drive you want to work on e.g. your main apple OS hard disk then select proceed
    22) select your file system type - for my ML installation I had to select ‘EFI GPT’ I don’t know if this will be the same throughout all macs / macbooks
    23) select analyse, the step should take less than a few seconds and testdisk may report back errors with the partitions or it may proceed to the ‘current partition structure’ screen. If errors are displayed proceed past them until the next screen.
    24) at the ‘current partition screen’ select quick search, you will have an opportunity to backup your drive here. I won’t go through this step (never learn) as I did not complete it myself
    25) after the searching has completed all the partitions on the disk should be shown. Find your OSX partition using the size reference at the bottom by pressing the up and down keys. Once you have found the partition that relates to the OSX partition that is failing to start hit the right key to make it a primary partition a ‘P’ should show to the left of the partition data. I had to make sure my EFI System and Mac HFS (155GB) partitions were marked as primary.
    26) hit the enter key to continue to the next screen and use the right arrow key to select ‘write’
    27) the program will warn you it will write the partition table so hit ‘Y’ and a confirmation should be displayed that this has been successful.
    28) reboot the computer and remove the USB stick (i removed it at the white loading screen after the reboot, not sure if it makes any difference)
    29) allow the computer longer to boot, mine took about 35 seconds to show the apple symbol whereas it normally took between 3~7 seconds before I destroyed it.
    30) get into OSX and backup everything to time machine or whatever you use then it probably a good idea to kill off your bootcamp install and refresh your mac from the fresh backup.
    Hope this helps someone. I couldn’t find anything conclusive on the net when I ran into problems (all my own fault really for not reading the dialogues correctly) however I used bits from multiple forums and found out parts myself especially the linux parts as I don't know the os at all . Certainly won’t be making this mistake again anytime soon.
    Well I’ve had an awful night and have work in two hours but at least the last 6 years of my (now backed up) life is intact and in my hands. I’d rather lose a night of sleep than lose all my data.
    Sorry if some of the stuff above is wrong as I don't do this thing on osx / linux at all really. At least it might point you in the right direction.

    Hi everyone. I don't post here often however I hope the following helps someone else down the road.
    I currently user ML and have bootcamp installed. I needed more space on my ML partition so decided to free up space from bootcamp. Going about this completely the wrong way I booted into my bootcamp partition, ran the computer management app and shrank my boot camp partition by 8 GB. This created free unused space which I decided to format over to NTFS with a view to booting back into ML, deleting and adding to my ML partition (how wrong was I).
    Prior to completing the format of the newly created free space in bootcamp I was presented with the usual 'yes' / 'no' warning dialogue saying something along the lines of 'formatting this disk from basic to dynamic will prevent any installed operating systems from booting'. I made three monumental blunders at this stage: a) not reading the dialoge box b) completely disregarding the severity of the warning in the diaglogue box c) (you guessed it) pressing 'yes'.
    The moment I pressed yes it was the start of a four hour feeling of grief as I thought of the last 6 years of my life wiped from below my nose with no time machine backup.
    Upon rebooting bootcamp to get into ML the reality of the situation hit home as no OSX boot, no apple logo, no boot sound, my mac is trying to boot into windows without the option key being held in or warning to present me with a BSOD.
    One thought in my mind: "oh Sh*t!!!"
    3.5 hours passes and much reading online, learning of linux commands, downloading of linux distros, finding out how to install software and successfully setup a bootable linux usb and I'm typing this up on my mac while I time machine my data away to a freshly formatted external drive. Many lessons learned.
    This is what I did amongst the vacating of my bowels and absorption of much nicotine.
    There are two pointers to this guide. I was lucky enough to have another computer at hand to conduct the research and create a bootable usb. It a windows 7 toshiba z930. So you're going to need at a minimum: another computer (windows for the guide), a usb stick 2~4GB should be ok.
    1) download a linux iso, I downloaded ubuntu, you can download what ever you like, but you're going to need linux (the rest of my mini guide will use ubuntu 13.10 during examples)
    2) download Universal USB Stick Installer (from now on as UUSI) taller-
    3) plug in your usb drive. make sure there is nothing on it that you need to keep as it will be formatted and lost. also plug your mac into a router connected to the internet. this will help prevent any issues with wireless drivers when booting into ubuntu later on.
    4) once the downloads are complete, run UUSI, get past the prompts until you get to the 'setup your selections page'
    5) (A) select 'ubuntu' from step 1. (B) browse to your freshly downloaded ubuntu iso in step 2. (C) tick show all drives. (D) select the drive letter of your usb in step 3. tick we will format *drive letter here*. (E) depending on the size of your usb set some persistent storage - I had an 8gb usb to hand so I set 1GB, less will probably do. (F) double check your settings and click create then let the program do it's thing, it can take some time depending on the speed of your usb drive, mine took 10 mins.
    6) safely remove the usb and plug it into your mac, turn the mac on and hold the option key, once the usb drive is found hit enter and select ‘try ubuntu without installing’
    7) wait for the ubuntu os to load and click the settings icon from the left tool bar
    8) under settings click user accounts
    9) click the + symbol in the bottom left hand corner
    10) select administrator from the account type box and type a name for your account then click add
    11) select the account and change the password, then confirm it and click change
    12) go back to the desktop and select the power off symbol in the top right hand corner and select your name from the list, this will log you out of your current session and ask you to log in under your newly created login
    13) once logged in click the settings icon again from the left hand menu and under settings go to software and updates
    14) in software & updates under the ubuntu software tab tick ‘community maintained free and open source software (universe)’ and ‘software restricted by copyright or legal issues (maintained)’ then click close and close the settings window. Also check at the bottom of this window under ‘installable from cd-rom/dvd’ for two entries ‘cdrom with ubuntu 13.10 ‘saucy salamander’ - uncheck on of these entries if both are the same. Not sure if this was just me or a common problem. I found that trying to do the apt-get update would run into errors at the end if one of the entries wasn't deselected.
    15) hold ctrl + alt + T to bring up the terminal
    16) in the terminal window type sudo passwd root then enter a password for the account
    17) in the same terminal window type sudo -i and enter the password given from step 16 if requested
    18) in the same terminal window type apt-get update and wait for the update to finish without errors
    19) in the same terminal windows type apt-get install testdisk and wait for the installation to finish without errors
    20) in the same terminal window type testdisk
    21) select create log and then the drive you want to work on e.g. your main apple OS hard disk then select proceed
    22) select your file system type - for my ML installation I had to select ‘EFI GPT’ I don’t know if this will be the same throughout all macs / macbooks
    23) select analyse, the step should take less than a few seconds and testdisk may report back errors with the partitions or it may proceed to the ‘current partition structure’ screen. If errors are displayed proceed past them until the next screen.
    24) at the ‘current partition screen’ select quick search, you will have an opportunity to backup your drive here. I won’t go through this step (never learn) as I did not complete it myself
    25) after the searching has completed all the partitions on the disk should be shown. Find your OSX partition using the size reference at the bottom by pressing the up and down keys. Once you have found the partition that relates to the OSX partition that is failing to start hit the right key to make it a primary partition a ‘P’ should show to the left of the partition data. I had to make sure my EFI System and Mac HFS (155GB) partitions were marked as primary.
    26) hit the enter key to continue to the next screen and use the right arrow key to select ‘write’
    27) the program will warn you it will write the partition table so hit ‘Y’ and a confirmation should be displayed that this has been successful.
    28) reboot the computer and remove the USB stick (i removed it at the white loading screen after the reboot, not sure if it makes any difference)
    29) allow the computer longer to boot, mine took about 35 seconds to show the apple symbol whereas it normally took between 3~7 seconds before I destroyed it.
    30) get into OSX and backup everything to time machine or whatever you use then it probably a good idea to kill off your bootcamp install and refresh your mac from the fresh backup.
    Hope this helps someone. I couldn’t find anything conclusive on the net when I ran into problems (all my own fault really for not reading the dialogues correctly) however I used bits from multiple forums and found out parts myself especially the linux parts as I don't know the os at all . Certainly won’t be making this mistake again anytime soon.
    Well I’ve had an awful night and have work in two hours but at least the last 6 years of my (now backed up) life is intact and in my hands. I’d rather lose a night of sleep than lose all my data.
    Sorry if some of the stuff above is wrong as I don't do this thing on osx / linux at all really. At least it might point you in the right direction.

  • Issue for choosing disk from managed ASM

    Hello All,
    Oracle Grid Infrastructure installation(11gR2) is in progress, I am not being able to select disk from managed asm disk group, details are as listed below:
    uname -a
    Linux 2.6.18-194.el5 #1 SMP Mon Mar 29 22:10:29 EDT 2010 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux
    createdisk for ASM disk group for following disks have been completed:
    # oracleasm status
    Checking if ASM is loaded: yes
    Checking if /dev/oracleasm is mounted: yes
    # oracleasm listdisks
    $./ comp nodereach -n devrac1,devrac2 -verbose
    Pre-check for cluster services setup was successful on all the nodes.
    $./ stage -pre crsinst -n devrac1,devrac2 -verbose
    Pre-check for cluster services setup was successful.
    $./ comp nodecon -n devrac1,devrac2 -verbose
    Verification of node connectivity was successful.
    $./ comp sys -n devrac1,devrac2 -p crs -osdba crs -orainv oinstall
    Verification of system requirement was successful.
    INSTALLATION OPTION: Install and Confgiure Grid Infrastructure for a Cluster
    INSTALLATION TYPE: Advanced Installation
    SCAN/GNS configuration:
         cluster Name: devrac1
         SCAN Name:
         SCAN Port: 1521
         GNS sub Domain:
         GNS VIP Address:
         Hostname:,      Hostname:
         Virtual IP Name: AUTO,AUTO
         SSH Connectivity: PASS
         Interface Name:eth0, eth1
         Interface Type: Public, Private
         Redundancy: External
         If Candidate Disks is the option, does't list any disk path.
         If All Disks is the option, list all disks configured for ASM but couldn't check any disk path.
         When we click on "Next" button, following error message would be seen:
              [INS-30507] Empty ASM disk group.
    How can I select disk from managed ASM disk group here at this position? What I have missed in my installation for Oracle Grid Infrastructure?
    Thanks in advance.
    Suresh Gautam

    Hello Harish,
    I don't think that there is issue of discovery string as I can see list of all disks path for ASM, but couldn't include(checked) listed disks for new ASM disk group. I couldn't see any option to trace for OUI while providing configuration for setup, it may trace the information when it starts installation. Please, correct me if I am wrong.
    Configuration of /etc/sysconfig/oracleasm is as follows:
    How scan order can resut such a issue during installation? I couldn't understand.
    Anyway, I did modification in /etc/sysconfig/oracleasm as you have suggested, then reinitiated installation process after system reboot, modified parameters are listed below for your reference:
    ORACLEASM_SCANORDER="emcpower sd"
    ORACLEASM_SCANEXCLUDE="sda sdb sdc sdd sde sdf sdg"
    output of "fdisk -l" is as follows, it can give you additional information:
    # fdisk -l
    Disk /dev/sda: 72.9 GB, 72999763968 bytes
    255 heads, 63 sectors/track, 8875 cylinders
    Units = cylinders of 16065 * 512 = 8225280 bytes
    Device Boot Start End Blocks Id System
    /dev/sda1 * 1 13 104391 83 Linux
    /dev/sda2 14 2053 16386300 82 Linux swap / Solaris
    /dev/sda3 2054 8875 54797715 83 Linux
    Disk /dev/sdb: 288.1 GB, 288161071104 bytes
    255 heads, 63 sectors/track, 35033 cylinders
    Units = cylinders of 16065 * 512 = 8225280 bytes
    Device Boot Start End Blocks Id System
    /dev/sdb1 1 35033 281402541 83 Linux
    Disk /dev/sdc: 287.7 GB, 287762808832 bytes
    255 heads, 63 sectors/track, 34985 cylinders
    Units = cylinders of 16065 * 512 = 8225280 bytes
    Device Boot Start End Blocks Id System
    /dev/sdc1 1 34985 281016981 83 Linux
    Disk /dev/sdd: 288.5 GB, 288559333376 bytes
    255 heads, 63 sectors/track, 35082 cylinders
    Units = cylinders of 16065 * 512 = 8225280 bytes
    Device Boot Start End Blocks Id System
    /dev/sdd1 1 1217 9775521 83 Linux
    /dev/sdd2 1218 2434 9775552+ 83 Linux
    /dev/sdd3 2435 3651 9775552+ 83 Linux
    /dev/sdd4 3652 35082 252469507+ 83 Linux
    Disk /dev/sde: 288.1 GB, 288161071104 bytes
    255 heads, 63 sectors/track, 35033 cylinders
    Units = cylinders of 16065 * 512 = 8225280 bytes
    Device Boot Start End Blocks Id System
    /dev/sde1 1 35033 281402541 83 Linux
    Disk /dev/sdf: 287.7 GB, 287762808832 bytes
    255 heads, 63 sectors/track, 34985 cylinders
    Units = cylinders of 16065 * 512 = 8225280 bytes
    Device Boot Start End Blocks Id System
    /dev/sdf1 1 34985 281016981 83 Linux
    Disk /dev/sdg: 288.5 GB, 288559333376 bytes
    255 heads, 63 sectors/track, 35082 cylinders
    Units = cylinders of 16065 * 512 = 8225280 bytes
    Device Boot Start End Blocks Id System
    /dev/sdg1 1 1217 9775521 83 Linux
    /dev/sdg2 1218 2434 9775552+ 83 Linux
    /dev/sdg3 2435 3651 9775552+ 83 Linux
    /dev/sdg4 3652 35082 252469507+ 83 Linux
    Disk /dev/emcpowera: 288.1 GB, 288161071104 bytes
    255 heads, 63 sectors/track, 35033 cylinders
    Units = cylinders of 16065 * 512 = 8225280 bytes
    Device Boot Start End Blocks Id System
    /dev/emcpowera1 1 35033 281402541 83 Linux
    Disk /dev/emcpowerb: 287.7 GB, 287762808832 bytes
    255 heads, 63 sectors/track, 34985 cylinders
    Units = cylinders of 16065 * 512 = 8225280 bytes
    Device Boot Start End Blocks Id System
    /dev/emcpowerb1 1 34985 281016981 83 Linux
    Disk /dev/emcpowerc: 288.5 GB, 288559333376 bytes
    255 heads, 63 sectors/track, 35082 cylinders
    Units = cylinders of 16065 * 512 = 8225280 bytes
    Device Boot Start End Blocks Id System
    /dev/emcpowerc1 1 1217 9775521 83 Linux
    /dev/emcpowerc2 1218 2434 9775552+ 83 Linux
    /dev/emcpowerc3 2435 3651 9775552+ 83 Linux
    /dev/emcpowerc4 3652 35082 252469507+ 83 Linux
    Any kind of follow up will be highly appriciated.
    Suresh Gautam

  • Moving TM disk from Network to USB: cannot see previous backups

    I have decided to move my external USB disk from the Airport Extreme USB port to my computer USB port to speed up backups and restores.
    Unfortunately it seems that I cannot see anymore previous backups in the disk using TM.
    The disk was accessed through the network and it was setup to have user level access to it: each user have his folder on the disk.
    So, what I have done is to move back the disk to my computer, I have run disk utility to check and fix the disk since when the drive is attached to the AE with user privileges, it will report errors once you connect back to the computer. Once that permission errors were addressed, I have moved the time machine backup to the disk root and I have told TM to use this new disk as backup location.
    Then I have made a new backup to the disk and it seems that TM was able to detect the previous backups because it has added only few GB to the backup.
    Then I have moved to a random folder were I have made changes, and I have started TM: when I do that, TM window will switch me back to "MyComputer" where I can see all drives.
    I can move around but I am unable to move back in time, like there are no other backups.
    TM backup file is about 140 GB and I can fully access it by using finder: I see that all previous data is there, but TM cannot see it.
    I have not changed computer name,
    I have tried to use the TM option to "open other TM disks" but It doesn't show any other disk in the select window.
    Does anybody know what is happening and how I can try to fix?

    Thanks for the replies,
    I would like to move from a wired network TM backup to a local firewire/USB backup.
    So the first error I have made is to have deleted the user directory in the Airport Extreme external USB disk: I have moved the TM sparse bundle file to the new location but I didn't noticed that other hidden files were there.
    Second, I was unable to browse the older TM backups using TM and it seems that I cannot "browse other TM backups" using such TM option because the window were not showing me any drive.
    I have then realized that I have to mount the sparse bundle to see it in such TM option: then it seems to work perfectly.
    So there is no need for me to find a solution to use again the same backup with the local disk: if I need something in future I will use the TM option to browse other backups and I think I will be able to recover any file from there. May be I cannot recover mails in this way.
    I think it is also possible to fix by using the procedure listed in the previous link: I didn't try just because I don't want to spend more time on this issue and because I have not enough free space on other drives... but... should be enought to:
    1- connect a new drive to the computer;
    2- mount the old TM sparse bundle image;
    3- use SuperDuper to copy all contents of mounted sparse bundle image into the new attached drive;
    contents of the sparse bundle image seems to be equal to the structure and names used by a new fresh backup on a local USB disk, so I suppose that it could work... if someone wants to try a tell if it is so... thanks!

  • How do change boot disk from single user mode?

    My G5 hangs when booting at the blue screen while "Loading printing services...". Attempting to boot into safe mode only hangs at the grey gear screen. It will, however, successfully boot into single user mode. I've run fsck but no change in bootability. I have another disk in the machine that has Tiger on it. How do I change the boot disk from the single user prompt?

    You can hold c and boot off the installer disk and select disk utility repair disk/permissions
    or you can hold option to boot off Mac OS X on another drive, like a clone and run Data Rescue to recvoer your files.
    It does sound bad, you can try going through these
    But I think you'll need a fresh install, hopefully you have been backing up/cloning to a external drive.

  • My HD died on my iMac. I replaced it and lost everything that was on it. I found my source disks from my original purchase for Final Cut Express HD 3.5.  I now have Maverick ISO and it will not let me load my software so I can continue my film work. ???

    My HD died on my iMac. I replaced it and lost everything that was on it. I found my source disks from my original purchase for Final Cut Express HD 3.5.  I now have Maverick ISO and it will not let me load my software so I can continue my film work. How do I get it too recover it without paying for it again since I paid for it already and have projects in progress that need to be completed?

    1) Partition your hard drive or add an external drive and install Snow Leopard (with the Optional Rosetta) into it and then you can dual-boot (System Preferences:Startup Disk) into Snow Leopard and run FCE 3.5 there.
    2)  Use one of the following methods to install FCE 3.5 into Mavericks:
    a)  Pacifist:
    b)  Jeremy Johnstone's Terminal method: -0-on-mac-os-x-10-7-lion.html
    Reports on this forum seem to confirm that Final Cut Studio 2 will continue to operate in Mavericks once it is functionally installed, albeit some plug-ins may fail to function.  FCE 3.5 is the same generation as FCS2, and presumably will continue to operate in Mavericks, as well.

  • Re: Satellite L40 PSL48E: Can I create a installation disk from Vista partition

    my Satellite L40 PSL48E came with a Vista recovery partition.
    As I despise Vista I bought a replacement drive and installed a new hard-drive and installed XP pro.
    I retained the original drive in case i ever had to claim under warranty.
    I now find that due to work commitments I have to occsionally use the despised Vista rubbish and wonder if it is possible to create a Installation disk from the partition on the original drive so tha ti can create a dual boot system on my new drive.
    I am very reluctant to BUY a new Vista CD since I already have a fully legal copy on a drive which I am not using and I will only use it VERY rarely for this one work commitment.
    Any information gratefully received
    Thanks Ron

    OK and thanks.
    My next problem is this. I have XP on the main partition and WinRE on the hidden partition. How the heck do I get at the hidden partition. I don't have any boot disks ( none were provided with the machine when I bought it new. Pressing F8 only takes me the the normal XP options Safe boot boot as normal etc.
    I've tried f10 and f12 and f11 tas I've seen these suggested on a few newsgroup posts. Anyone got any ideas please.
    Toshiba Recovery Disc creatoe seems to be the key from what i read but if this is not present how do i get to the hidden partition and run it?
    HELP please. How i hate the fact that manufacturers don't provide a proper CD or DVD anymore it is a right PITA.

  • How to remove a disk from a logical-drive in a 3510

    Hello SUN masters,
    I have a 3510 with 4 logical drives and 2 global spares. Logical drive 0 (ld0) has 14 disks and i want to assign 2 of those as global spares and leave ld0 with 12 drives. the other logical-drives have just 2 HDD so I won't touch them.
    Drives are 78 GB and ld0 is supposed to have 476 GB, so space is enough with 12 HDD to have RAID1.
    What is the procedure to remove a disk from a logical drive. when i telnet to the 3510 there is no option to remove a disk from a ld, only to add disks to logical-drives.
    when i use sccli to access the 3510, i can't see an option in the menu.
    Does anyone know the steps?
    I copy below the configuration of this 3510.
    Thanks a lot,
    sccli> show disks
    Ch Id Size Speed LD Status IDs Rev
    2(3) 0 68.37GB 200MB ld0 ONLINE SEAGATE ST373207FSUN72G 055A
    S/N 4735V4FS
    WWNN 2000001862560447
    2(3) 1 68.37GB 200MB ld0 ONLINE SEAGATE ST373207FSUN72G 055A
    S/N 4735V3MA
    WWNN 200000186256037C
    2(3) 2 68.37GB 200MB ld0 ONLINE SEAGATE ST373207FSUN72G 055A
    S/N 4735V4E8
    WWNN 20000018625601EE
    2(3) 3 68.37GB 200MB ld0 ONLINE SEAGATE ST373207FSUN72G 055A
    S/N 4735SWZZ
    WWNN 20000018625600B3
    2(3) 4 68.37GB 200MB ld0 ONLINE SEAGATE ST373207FSUN72G 055A
    S/N 4735V3K8
    WWNN 2000001862560DD9
    2(3) 5 68.37GB 200MB ld0 ONLINE SEAGATE ST373207FSUN72G 055A
    S/N 4735V5RE
    WWNN 200000186250FD75
    2(3) 6 68.37GB 200MB ld0 ONLINE SEAGATE ST373207FSUN72G 055A
    S/N 4735SHSL
    WWNN 2000001862560E21
    2(3) 7 68.37GB 200MB ld1 ONLINE SEAGATE ST373207FSUN72G 055A
    S/N 4735V3HK
    WWNN 2000001862560340
    2(3) 8 68.37GB 200MB ld1 ONLINE SEAGATE ST373207FSUN72G 055A
    S/N 4735VRLS
    WWNN 200000186250FDD9
    2(3) 9 68.37GB 200MB ld2 ONLINE SEAGATE ST373207FSUN72G 055A
    S/N 4735VACF
    WWNN 200000186250FF21
    2(3) 10 68.37GB 200MB ld2 ONLINE SEAGATE ST373207FSUN72G 055A
    S/N 4735V3MN
    WWNN 2000001862560338
    2(3) 11 68.37GB 200MB ld0 ONLINE SEAGATE ST373207FSUN72G 055A
    S/N 4735V3LB
    WWNN 2000001862560393
    2(3) 16 68.37GB 200MB ld0 ONLINE HITACHI HUS1073FASUN72G 2A08
    S/N 51RWUAVL
    WWNN 2000000087A06F78
    2(3) 17 68.37GB 200MB GLOBAL STAND-BY HITACHI HUS1073FASUN72G 2A08
    S/N 51RWUM51
    WWNN 20000000879FEE53
    2(3) 18 68.37GB 200MB ld0 ONLINE HITACHI HUS1073FASUN72G 2A08
    S/N 51RWULUZ
    WWNN 2000000087A04C50
    2(3) 19 68.37GB 200MB ld0 ONLINE HITACHI HUS1073FASUN72G 2A08
    S/N 51RWULX2
    WWNN 2000000087A04D47
    2(3) 20 68.37GB 200MB ld0 ONLINE HITACHI HUS1073FASUN72G 2A08
    S/N 51RWUAYG
    WWNN 2000000087A05A9F
    2(3) 21 68.37GB 200MB ld0 ONLINE HITACHI HUS1073FASUN72G 2A08
    S/N 51RWULJE
    WWNN 2000000087A0480A
    2(3) 22 68.37GB 200MB ld0 ONLINE HITACHI HUS1073FASUN72G 2A08
    S/N 51RWULP4
    WWNN 2000000087A017F1
    2(3) 23 68.37GB 200MB ld3 ONLINE HITACHI HUS1073FASUN72G 2A08
    S/N 51RWULKH
    WWNN 20000000879FF323
    2(3) 24 68.37GB 200MB ld3 ONLINE HITACHI HUS1073FASUN72G 2A08
    S/N 51RWUM17
    WWNN 2000000087A05214
    2(3) 25 68.37GB 200MB ld4 ONLINE HITACHI HUS1073FASUN72G 2A08
    S/N 51RWUPU5
    WWNN 2000000087A04D44
    2(3) 26 68.37GB 200MB ld4 ONLINE HITACHI HUS1073FASUN72G 2A08
    S/N 51RWUAYJ
    WWNN 2000000087A03A83
    2(3) 27 68.37GB 200MB GLOBAL STAND-BY HITACHI HUS1073FASUN72G 2A08
    S/N 51RWUB26
    WWNN 2000000087A07653
    sccli> show logical-drives
    LD LD-ID Size Assigned Type Disks Spare Failed Status
    ld0 44D2C94E 476.81GB Primary RAID1 14 2 0 Good
    Write-Policy Default StripeSize 32KB
    ld1 7703C275 68.12GB Primary RAID1 2 2 0 Good
    Write-Policy Default StripeSize 32KB
    ld2 41803916 68.12GB Primary RAID1 2 2 0 Good
    Write-Policy Default StripeSize 32KB
    ld3 0B192FEE 68.12GB Primary RAID1 2 2 0 Good
    Write-Policy Default StripeSize 32KB
    ld4 4DE9645E 68.12GB Primary RAID1 2 2 0 Good
    Write-Policy Default StripeSize 32KB

    The only solution you have is:
    - Backup the data.
    - Remove the LD.
    - Recreate the LD with 12 drives.
    - Restore the data.
    Although you can add physical drives into a LD, you cannot remove them from a LD, unless you go through a backup/restore.

  • Moving Hard Disk From one Mac to Another

    I am thinking of buying a new macbook. I have the C2D 2.16 Ghz right now. So if I would buy, lets say the new 2.4 Ghz model, could I just take the hard disk from the one I use now and put it into to the new Macbook?
    Would it boot up?

    As i understand you already have a MacBook and your thinking of buying a new one, to witch you want to have all your present data.
    Instead of removing the physical HD from one and reseating it in another you cloud try one of these options out:
    If you have 10.5 on your present MacBook you might think of using TimeMachine:
    -great feature restores your whole system as you see it
    You have a utility called Migration Assistant, you´ll find this in Applications>Utility folder:
    Use a firewire cable to transfere the information you need.
    Best of luck.

  • I change iMac hard disk from basic to dynamic in windows 7

    I change iMac hard disk from basic to dynamic in windows 7, after restart windows I saw that there is not any OS X for selecting by press and hold "Option" key.
    I don't have any backup and the original DVD from the seller. I live in Iran and here there is no any Apple seller or supporting center.
    What should I do to have OS X again ?

    Welcome to Apple Support Communities
    You probably erased the hard drive by doing that. If you have got a Mid 2010 or later iMac, you can use Internet Recovery to reinstall OS X > Hold Command, Option (Alt) and R keys while your computer is starting.
    Then, open Disk Utility, choose your hard drive at the top of the sidebar, go to Erase tab and erase it in "Mac OS Extended (Journaled)". Finally, close Disk Utility and reinstall OS X.
    If you have got an older Mac, call Apple to get replacement DVDs >

  • I have an imac 2009 the disk drive is damaged and I have lost the passwords I need to reset passwords I tried booting with a macosx disk from an external hard drive but did not read the drive how else can I reset password ?

    I have an imac 2009 the disk drive is damaged and I have lost the passwords I need to reset passwords I tried booting with a macosx disk from an external hard drive but did not read the drive how else can I reset password ?
    I have a 2012 mac book pro can I use that to connect with firewire and load osx that way? and how woudl I do that?
    Thanks so much!

    To what password are you referring? Do you mean your user account's admin password? Or do you mean the master password for File Vault or do you mean a Firmware Password?
    For an admin password:
    Forgot Your Account Password
    For Snow Leopard and earlier
         Mac OS X 10.6- If you forget your administrator password
    For Lion/Mountain Lion
        Boot to the Recovery HD:
    Restart the computer and after the chime press and hold down the COMMAND and R keys until the menu screen appears. Alternatively, restart the computer and after the chime press and hold down the OPTION key until the boot manager screen appears. Select the Recovery HD and click on the downward pointing arrow button.
         When the menubar appears select Terminal from the Utilities menu.
         Enter resetpassword at the prompt and press RETURN. Follow
         instructions in the dialog window that will appear.
         Or see Reset a Mac OS X 10.7 Lion Password and
         OS X Lion- Apple ID can be used to reset your user account password.
    If you cannot do the above then try this:
      1. Boot to Safe Mode by restarting and after the chime press and hold down the COMMAND-S keys until a black screen with white type appears.
      2. At the prompt, type the following commands pressing return after each command line:
         /sbin/fsck -yf
         If you do not receive a "Filesystem OK" message then repeat this command until
         you do.  If after seven tries you still do not receive a "Filesystem OK" message,
         then the system is corrupted and needs to be reinstalled.
         mount -uw /
         cd /private/var/db/netinfo
         mv local.nidb local.old
         rm ../.AppleSetupDone
         shutdown -r now
    The second-to-last command above will cause OS X to think that the operating system is newly installed, and when the new owner starts up the computer it will send him/her to the startup wizard where he/she can start a new user without reinstalling.
    This last method does not actually change a password. It simply removes the user accounts and lets you create an initial admin account as if the computer were new out of the box.
    How to reset the OS X password without a startup CD:
    Reboot into Single-user Mode. Enter the following and press RETURN after each command line
       1. Type fsck -fy
       2. Type mount -uw /
       3. Type passwd <username>
    I have never tried this method myself.

  • Solaris 10 upgrade from 9 - Upgrade option not presented

    I have moved the system disk from a v880 to a v480 and successfully booted.
    I've successfully tested the upgrade using pfinstall.
    /usr/sbin/install.d/pfinstall -D /tmp/profile
    I had the following text in /tmp/profile
    install_type upgrade
    root_device /dev/dsk/c1t0d0s0
    This finished with:
    Test run complete. Exit status 0.
    I had to mount /dev/dsk/c1t0d0s0 to /a before running pfinstall otherwise the program would fail with Exit status 2.
    Original slice layout is:
    # df -h | grep c1t0
    /dev/dsk/c1t0d0s0 9.8G 4.2G 5.6G 43% /
    /dev/dsk/c1t0d0s3 9.8G 3.7G 6.1G 38% /usr
    /dev/dsk/c1t0d0s4 9.8G 3.9G 5.9G 40% /var
    /dev/dsk/c1t0d0s5 9.8G 1.8G 8.0G 19% /opt
    /dev/dsk/c1t0d0s6 20G 2.0G 18G 11% /export/home
    Because of
    I moved var from slice 3 to / on slice 0
    I also removed "swap" entries in vfstab, and even removed the second disk in the system (which didn't have an OS)
    ok> boot cdrom - nowin
    this results with no upgrade option presented
    Can someone tell me what I can do? I don't have experience with Jumpstart or Live upgrade

    Yes and no.
    11gR1 and 11gR2 are fully supported (premier support). 10gR1 and 10gR2 are in extended support. About 9.2 it's a bit more complicated and the general extended support ended : check note 161818.1 for further details.
    After the extended support there is still the sustaining support.
    Read that to understand the notions :
    Best regards

  • My Mac G-4 OS X will not image an icon of the zip disk with I inserted into my computer's built-in Zip Drive, therefore I can not remove the zip disk from my computer.  What can I do?

    My Mac G-4 OS X will not image an icon of the zip disk with I inserted into my computer's built-in Zip Drive, therefore I can not remove the zip disk from my computer.  What can I do?

    Thanks Old Comm Guy, BD Aquam and Texas Mac Man for youradvice and reply to my question
    and problem with my Zip Drive.  However:
        1.  Depressing mouse buttonon start up did not eject the zip disk.
        2.  To examine front of zipdrive, I had to remove many screws and several plastic case
             coverings.  Upon doing thatI discovered that, unfortunately, there is no whole in front
              of mybuilt-in zip hardware drive for me to insert a paper clip to manually eject zipdisk.
          3.  I went to the Utilities folder in myMac OS X Application folder, but I could not find
               theiomega zip drive in there.
    Also, I did go into my "9" System folder and thento the Extensions folder within it and did find an icon of an
    Iomega Driver. When double clicking on it a window came upstating I was opening the application
    "ColorSync Extension" for thefirst time, and asking if I was sure I wanted to open this application.
    Uponclicking open nothing happened - nothing opened.
    I also went into the "System X" folder>Libraryfolder>Extension folder>IomegaSAM.ket icon and double
    clicked on it and asmall window opened stating "Compiling file List", however nothingopened it just
    continued to compile, so I closed it.
    Within my Mac OS X HD>  Applications>Iomega folder>Iomega a smallwindow opened up
    with several options (Erase, Protect, Disk Info and DriveInfo). Clicking on the Drive Info a message says:
    "No Iomega Drives or noIomega Driver found.  Therefore, Ihave gone to Mac, Iomega and other websites
    trying to find a Driver for thebuilt-in Zip Drive in my Mac G-4 OS X 10.4.11, but have not really found anythat work.
    Thanks,     Peterfromcrystallake

  • Dropping a Disk from ASM disk group

    Hi Team,
    I was dropping 10 disks from ASM , due to storage migration.
    9 Disks I was dropped successfully, but 1 disk (/dev/oracleasm/disks/ST_OCR_VOTE02 ) was not able to recognize , it is part of which group..!!
    That is not part of any group but still showing as member..!!! Please help . Not sure this is part of which group.
    SQL> select GROUP_NUMBER,DISK_NUMBER,NAME,path,header_status,FAILGROUP from v$asm_disk where path='/dev/oracleasm/disks/ST_OCR_VOTE02';
    GROUP_NUMBER DISK_NUMBER NAME                           PATH                                               HEADER_STATU FAILGROUP
               0           0                                /dev/oracleasm/disks/ST_OCR_VOTE02                 MEMBER
               0          17                                NORMAL   FORMER       /dev/oracleasm/disks/STASM3_02                              0          0
               0           9                                NORMAL   FORMER       /dev/oracleasm/disks/STASM1_01                              0          0
               0          10                                NORMAL   FORMER       /dev/oracleasm/disks/STASM5_01                              0          0
               0          11                                NORMAL   FORMER       /dev/oracleasm/disks/STASM4_01                              0          0
               0          12                                NORMAL   FORMER       /dev/oracleasm/disks/STASM3_01                              0          0
               0          13                                NORMAL   FORMER       /dev/oracleasm/disks/STASM2_01                              0          0
               0          14                                NORMAL   FORMER       /dev/oracleasm/disks/STASM1_02                              0          0
               0          15                                NORMAL   FORMER       /dev/oracleasm/disks/STASM2_02                              0          0
               0          16                                NORMAL   FORMER       /dev/oracleasm/disks/STASM4_02                              0          0
               0           0                                NORMAL   MEMBER       /dev/oracleasm/disks/ST_OCR_VOTE02                          0          0
    Thanks Manohar

    Hi ,
    As group_number of that disk is 0 ,it is not part of any mounted diskgroup in your system .
    So,you cannot drop that disk .
    May be sometime back due to some issue that disk was evicted ,but was not dropped properly ,so disk header still holds old diskgroup information.
    kfed read <device_name>|egrep "kfbh.type|kfdhdb.hdrsts|kfdhdb.grpname"
    above command will tell you the cause of MEMBER
    To reuse that disk,
    -- Validate same disk having similar status on all nodes of this cluster
    -- if So,then to overwrite that disk header ,use FORCE option to create/add it into any existing diskgroup.

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