Device is write locked

How to reset password.
I have tried these steps but no luck
/sbin/fsck -fy
/sbin/mount -uw /
passwd root
touch /var/db/.AppleSetupDone
Anybody can help

First, make sure caps lock is not on.
You must back up all data before continuing, unless you've already done so. If you need to back up but can't log in, ask for instructions.
If the user account is associated with an Apple ID, and you know the Apple ID password, then maybe the Apple ID can be used to reset your user account password.
Otherwise*, boot into Recovery mode. When the OS X Utilities screen appears, select
Utilities ▹ Terminal
from the menu bar. In the Terminal window, type this:
Press the tab key. The partial command you typed will automatically be completed to this:
Press return. A Reset Password window opens.
Select your boot volume ("Macintosh HD," unless you gave it a different name) if not already selected.
Select your username from the menu labeled Select the user account if not already selected.
Follow the prompts to reset the password. It's safest to choose a password that includes only the characters a-z, A-Z, and 0-9.
 ▹ Restart
from the menu bar.
You should now be able to log in with the new password, but your Keychain will be reset (empty.) If you've forgotten the Keychain password (which is ordinarily the same as your login password), there's no way to recover it.
*Note: If you've activated FileVault, this procedure doesn't apply. Follow instead the instructions on this page:
If you forget the password and FileVault is on

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    I'm not sure where you read that about the disk being "write-locked." That doesn't make much sense, given that the major task an installer like this must achieve is writing a whole bunch of files to the hard drive. I think your source was mistaken.
    As to what happened, it sounds like your hard drive was badly corrupt to start with, or possibly was on the edge of failing and is now in the process of dying entirely. If you don't have backups of your data, that does not bode well for you, unfortunately. If you can manage to use target mode to copy your data, do that.
    Once you're sure you've got all your data, you need to start up from your Snow Leopard install disk and repair the hard drive. (Since it sounds like the Mountain Lion installer didn't work, I wouldn't trust the recovery partition that Mountain Lion installs.) Or, even better, just erase the hard drive entirely and reinstall Snow Leopard. Then, once you're back up and running, with all your data back on the system and with Snow Leopard updated to the most recent version, try installing Mountain Lion again. If any of that fails again, the problem is likely to be a dying hard drive, and you'll need to replace it.

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    Start of the stacktrace:      Output device DKRDSP029 is locked in the SAP system                 , error key: RFC_ERROR_SYSTEM_FAILURE

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    You can try and change the printer to a different one if required.

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    I appreciate the Quick & helpful response.
    Thanks & Regards,
    Kishore Reddy

    Hi ,
    It will show ... running ...  but try to trace ... and check .. .
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    Thank you very much

    Hi Josef,
    I would suggest starting by reviewing the information in chapters 9 and 14 in the Reference Guide ("Berkeley DB Transactional Data Store Applications", "The Locking Subsystem"):
    and specifically the following links:
    If your application behavior allows for multiple-reader/single writer access to the database then you might want to consider setting up with CDS (Concurrent Data Store); this is presented in chapter 8 in the Reference Guide ("Berkeley DB Concurrent Data Store Applications").
    The above documentation should help you resolve this; if not, provide more information on how your application performs work (i.e. how many threads are writing concurrently, if you're using transactional cursors for writing, if you enclose reads in transactions, if you read records, analyze them and subsequently update them, what flags are set for transactions, databases, etc).

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    The Best Alternatives for Security Questions and Rescue Mail
         1.  Send Apple an email request at: Apple - Support - iTunes Store - Contact Us.
         2.  Call Apple Support in your country: Customer Service: Contact Apple support.
         3.  Rescue email address and how to reset Apple ID security questions.
    An alternative to using the security questions is to use 2-step verification:
    Two-step verification FAQ Get answers to frequently asked questions about two-step verification for Apple ID.

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    Best regards,

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    grateful for some help on this issue.

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    For example when i put 1000 records, where each record data size is around 3500 bytes, transaction uses 428 locks. On bigger or smaller data size transaction needs fewer locks.
    I put statistic in the table:
    Record size Lock number needed by transaction
    ~1400 169
    ~3500 428
    ~4300 6
    I think it is somehow related to the page size(16384) or cache size (64Mb)
    Could someone explain why transaction needs so many write locks with data size ~3500 and fewer locks with data size ~4300?
    Is there any way to avoid that raise of lock number? If not, I need to measure maximum number of locks needed for successful end of transactions. Understanding of the source of that issue would help me to prepare data which require the biggest number of locks for putting it in the database in one transaction.
    Thanks in advance.

    Please delete this post and repost in the appropriate forum. Thank you.

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    It doesn't sound like you have a good background in concurrency yet. Take a look at this book.
    Great book, great guy. Let me know if you need any help after you start.

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    What mechanism would you suggest to implement Reader-Writer locks across unrelated processes?
    Though the documentation for pthread_rwlock_ functions state
    Synchronization Across Process Boundaries
    Each of the synchronization primitives can be set up to be used across process
    boundaries. This is done quite simply by ensuring that the synchronization variable is
    located in a shared memory segment and by calling the appropriate init() routine,
    after the primitive has been initialized with its shared attribute set as interprocess.
    but they work only if the processes are forked off from a given process which initialized the relevant synchronization variable and not if the processes are totally unrelated.

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    iPhones require a SIM card for activation, regardless of whether it is being used as an iPhone or an iPod.
    Put a SIM in the device for the carrier it is locked to and activate it.  The SIM can then be left it it or removed.

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    the device is network your service provider.
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    This is a peer to peer forum. Most often those volunteering to assist help you help yourself.
    That said, if the device is SIM locked to one carrier and you are using another carrier, you need to unlock the device. If that is the issue, see Additionally, there are online services that will sell you the unlock code.
    - Ira

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