Dhcpd4-Daemon uses extremly much ram

Hey there,
I'm using a dhcpd4-daemon on a server which also do radvd, named and run routing. The dhcpd4-daemon uses 60-80% of memory (the system has 512 MB), even right after the start with an empty lease file.
The daemon is configured for 26 subnets with /16 of size each, but there are only about 300-600 clients  (within the lease time of 600 seconds), but the environment is very dynamic.
Is there a reason for this exorbitant memory hungry? Are there comparable alternatives?
ddns-update-style none;
ignore client-updates;
deny declines;
one-lease-per-client true;
ignore bootp;
default-lease-time 600;
max-lease-time 800;
min-lease-time 60;
ignore-client-uids true;
log-facility local7;
subnet netmask {
range; #main
pool {
deny all clients;
pool {
deny all clients;
option broadcast-address;
option routers;
option domain-name-servers;
option ntp-servers;
interface subnet-x;
There are 26 identically nets, on other interfaces with other ip-ranges.
Best regards,

Well, if I start the daemon with an empty-leasefile it uses the same amount of storage, here for example with a small leasefile:
[root@bragi ~]# pmap -x 3174
3174: /usr/bin/dhcpd -4 -q -pf /run/dhcpd4.pid
Adresse kByte RSS Dirty Modus Zuordnung
0000000000400000 2000 624 0 r-x-- dhcpd
00000000007f3000 4 4 0 r---- dhcpd
00000000007f4000 32 20 16 rw--- dhcpd
00000000007fc000 240 24 20 rw--- [ anon ]
0000000001709000 50980 2100 392 rw--- [ anon ]
00007f758d881000 472112 259264 15928 rw--- [ anon ]
00007f75aa58d000 44 0 0 r-x-- libnss_files-2.21.so
00007f75aa598000 2048 0 0 ----- libnss_files-2.21.so
00007f75aa798000 4 0 0 r---- libnss_files-2.21.so
00007f75aa799000 4 0 0 rw--- libnss_files-2.21.so
00007f75aa79a000 1636 1240 0 r-x-- libc-2.21.so
00007f75aa933000 2048 0 0 ----- libc-2.21.so
00007f75aab33000 16 12 0 r---- libc-2.21.so
00007f75aab37000 8 8 8 rw--- libc-2.21.so
00007f75aab39000 16 12 12 rw--- [ anon ]
00007f75aab3d000 136 124 0 r-x-- ld-2.21.so
00007f75aab67000 1964 252 64 rw--- [ anon ]
00007f75aad5d000 4 4 4 rw--- [ anon ]
00007f75aad5e000 4 4 0 r---- ld-2.21.so
00007f75aad5f000 4 4 4 rw--- ld-2.21.so
00007f75aad60000 4 4 0 rw--- [ anon ]
00007ffee1b13000 132 24 20 rw--- [ stack ]
00007ffee1bd4000 8 0 0 r---- [ anon ]
00007ffee1bd6000 8 4 0 r-x-- [ anon ]
ffffffffff600000 4 0 0 r-x-- [ anon ]
kB gesamt 533460 263728 16468
[root@bragi ~]# du -h /var/lib/dhcp/dhcpd.leases
776K /var/lib/dhcp/dhcpd.leases
But to respond to your thought, if we think of one client is using 5 KByte of data, instead of 400 Bytes, the Server would need to save infos about 600 Clients around 3 MByte, so the question is, why do it need 470 MByte?
Last edited by RubenKelevra (2015-04-06 15:58:01)

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    Start your Computer in safe mode with networking. See if there
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    Hey danfrompeoria,
    Thanks for the question. If I understand correctly, you are using a lot of memory. I would recommend that you read this article, it may be able to help you isolate or resolve the issue.
    OS X Yosemite: If your Mac runs slowly
    Thanks for using Apple Support Communities.
    Have a great day,

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    Stop using Chrome for any number of reasons and stick to Safari. An aspect of OS X memory management is to take over as much memory as possible in order to better manage the memory, however, this does not mean you are running out of memory. You only run out of memory when you try to run too many applications concurrently given the amount of RAM you have. You will know when that happens because the computer will slow down, you will see the beachball a lot, everything you do takes forever, and the hard drive will be grinding away.
    About OS X Memory Management and Usage
    Using Activity Monitor to read System Memory & determine how much RAM is used
    OS X Mavericks- About Activity Monitor
    Understanding top output in the Terminal
    The amount of available RAM for applications is the sum of Free RAM and Inactive RAM. This will change as applications are opened and closed or change from active to inactive status. The Swap figure represents an estimate of the total amount of swap space required for VM if used, but does not necessarily indicate the actual size of the existing swap file. If you are really in need of more RAM that would be indicated by how frequently the system uses VM. If you open the Terminal and run the top command at the prompt you will find information reported on Pageins () and Pageouts (). Pageouts () is the important figure. If the value in the parentheses is 0 (zero) then OS X is not making instantaneous use of VM which means you have adequate physical RAM for the system with the applications you have loaded. If the figure in parentheses is running positive and your hard drive is constantly being used (thrashing) then you need more physical RAM.
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    KONTAKT has now reached version 3.5, adding several new
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    Feature details:

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              2) windows shows me some low disk error sometimes.
    plz help me out here i am stuck here for week.
    thanks & regards

    Post your VI if you are allowed, we cannot help you without that info...
    If you are a beginner in LabVIEW, it will not take 1 day to gain some level. LabVIEW is a full featured programming language, it is very easy to program it wrong. I suggest you to start learn it using the online resources. You have an active LabVIEW licence? If so, you can access the "self-paced online training" via menu point "MyNI", see top of this website just next to your name (you need to connect your account to your licence in order to use the online training). Another option could be to pay for a virtual classroom course, get more info here: http://sine.ni.com/tacs/app/overview/p/ap/of/lang/en/pg/1/sn/n5nline,n24:12725/id/1582/   I did this a few years ago (Core 1 and 2.) and the tutor from NI was very professional, and it was also comfortable since you attend the class via internet from yoour home or workplace.

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    Don't worry about how much RAM you have "free" vs. how much you have installed. Instead, look at the amount of "inactive" RAM you have. When you quit any running application, the physical memory addresses it was using are transitioned to "inactive" status, not "free." If and when you launch the application again, the same adresses are re-allocated to it, making it available to you much quicker.
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    ataraxia wrote:So what does your wmiirc do?
    It's the default with only the colors and modkey changed (super instead of alt).  Here's the whole thing.  I just started using wmii, so I have no clue what a lot of it is doin', but I don't see how it could use so much cpu/mem.
    #!/bin/sh -f
    # Configure wmii
    # Configuration Variables
    # Colors tuples: "<text> <background> <border>"
    WMII_NORMCOLORS='#888888 #222222 #191919'
    WMII_MENU="dmenu -b -fn '$WMII_FONT' -nf '$1' -nb '$2' -sf '$4' -sb '$5'"
    WMII_9MENU="wmii9menu -font '$WMII_FONT' -nf '$1' -nb '$2' -sf '$4' -sb '$5' -br '$6'"
    # Column Rules
    wmiir write /colrules <<!
    /.*/ -> 58+42
    # Tagging Rules
    wmiir write /tagrules <<!
    /XMMS.*/ -> ~
    /MPlayer.*/ -> ~
    /.*/ -> sel
    /.*/ -> 1
    # Status Bar Info
    status() {
    echo -n $(uptime | sed 's/.*://; s/,//g') '|' $(date)
    # Event processing
    # Processed later by `wmiiloop' and evaled.
    # Duplicate the eval line and replace 'eval' with 'echo' for details.
    eventstuff() {
    cat <<'!'
    # Events
    Event Start
    case "$1" in
    Event Key
    fn=$(echo "$@" | sed 's/[^a-zA-Z_0-9]/_/g')
    Key_$fn "$@"
    Event CreateTag
    echo "$WMII_NORMCOLORS" "$@" | wmiir create "/lbar/$@"
    Event DestroyTag
    wmiir remove "/lbar/$@"
    Event FocusTag
    wmiir xwrite "/lbar/$@" "$WMII_FOCUSCOLORS" "$@"
    Event UnfocusTag
    wmiir xwrite "/lbar/$@" "$WMII_NORMCOLORS" "$@"
    Event UrgentTag
    wmiir xwrite "/lbar/$@" "*$@"
    Event NotUrgentTag
    wmiir xwrite "/lbar/$@" "$@"
    Event LeftBarClick
    wmiir xwrite /ctl view "$@"
    # Actions
    Action quit
    wmiir xwrite /ctl quit
    Action exec
    wmiir xwrite /ctl exec "$@"
    Action rehash
    proglist $PATH >$progsfile
    Action status
    set +xv
    if wmiir remove /rbar/status 2>/dev/null; then
    sleep 2
    echo "$WMII_NORMCOLORS" | wmiir create /rbar/status
    while status | wmiir write /rbar/status; do
    sleep 1
    Event ClientMouseDown
    client=$1; button=$2
    case "$button" in
    do=$(eval $WMII_9MENU -initial "${menulast:-SomeRandomName}" Nop Delete Fullscreen)
    case "$do" in
    wmiir xwrite /client/$client/ctl kill;;
    wmiir xwrite /client/$client/ctl Fullscreen on;;
    # Key Bindings
    Key $MODKEY-Control-t
    case $(wmiir read /keys | wc -l | tr -d ' \t\n') in
    echo -n $Keys | tr ' ' '\012' | wmiir write /keys
    wmiir xwrite /ctl grabmod $MODKEY;;
    wmiir xwrite /keys $MODKEY-Control-t
    wmiir xwrite /ctl grabmod Mod3;;
    Key $MODKEY-space
    wmiir xwrite /tag/sel/ctl select toggle
    Key $MODKEY-d
    wmiir xwrite /tag/sel/ctl colmode sel default
    Key $MODKEY-s
    wmiir xwrite /tag/sel/ctl colmode sel stack
    Key $MODKEY-m
    wmiir xwrite /tag/sel/ctl colmode sel max
    Key $MODKEY-a
    Action $(actionlist | eval $WMII_MENU) &
    Key $MODKEY-p
    sh -c "$(eval $WMII_MENU <$progsfile)" &
    Key $MODKEY-t
    wmiir xwrite /ctl "view $(tagsmenu)" &
    Key $MODKEY-Return
    eval $WMII_TERM &
    Key $MODKEY-Shift-space
    wmiir xwrite /tag/sel/ctl send sel toggle
    Key $MODKEY-f
    wmiir xwrite /client/sel/ctl Fullscreen toggle
    Key $MODKEY-Shift-c
    wmiir xwrite /client/sel/ctl kill
    Key $MODKEY-Shift-t
    wmiir xwrite "/client/$(wmiir read /client/sel/ctl)/tags" "$(tagsmenu)" &
    wmiir xwrite /tag/sel/ctl select left
    wmiir xwrite /tag/sel/ctl select right
    wmiir xwrite /tag/sel/ctl select down
    Key $MODKEY-$UP
    wmiir xwrite /tag/sel/ctl select up
    Key $MODKEY-Shift-$LEFT
    wmiir xwrite /tag/sel/ctl send sel left
    Key $MODKEY-Shift-$RIGHT
    wmiir xwrite /tag/sel/ctl send sel right
    Key $MODKEY-Shift-$DOWN
    wmiir xwrite /tag/sel/ctl send sel down
    Key $MODKEY-Shift-$UP
    wmiir xwrite /tag/sel/ctl send sel up
    for i in 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9; do
    cat <<!
    Key $MODKEY-$i
    wmiir xwrite /ctl view "$i"
    Key $MODKEY-Shift-$i
    wmiir xwrite /client/sel/tags "$i"
    # WM Configuration
    wmiir write /ctl << EOF
    font $WMII_FONT
    focuscolors $WMII_FOCUSCOLORS
    normcolors $WMII_NORMCOLORS
    grabmod $MODKEY
    border 1
    # Feed events to `wmiiloop' for processing
    eval "$(eventstuff | sed 's/^[ ]//' | { . wmiiloop; })"
    echo "$Keys" | tr ' ' '\n' | wmiir write /keys
    # Functions
    Action() {
    action=$1; shift
    if [ -n "$action" ]; then
    Action_$action "$@" \
    || conf_which $action "$@"
    proglist() {
    paths=$(echo "$@" | sed 'y/:/ /')
    ls -lL $paths 2>/dev/null \
    | awk '$1 ~ /^[^d].*x/ && NF > 2 { print $NF }' \
    | sort | uniq
    # Misc
    Action status &
    proglist $PATH >$progsfile &
    xsetroot -solid "$WMII_BACKGROUND" &
    # Setup Tag Bar
    seltag="$(wmiir read /tag/sel/ctl 2>/dev/null)"
    wmiir ls /lbar |
    while read bar; do
    wmiir remove "/lbar/$bar"
    wmiir ls /tag | sed -e 's|/||; /^sel$/d' |
    while read tag; do
    if [ "X$tag" = "X$seltag" ]; then
    echo "$WMII_FOCUSCOLORS" "$tag" | wmiir create "/lbar/$tag"
    echo "$WMII_NORMCOLORS" "$tag" | wmiir create "/lbar/$tag"
    # More functions
    tagsmenu() {
    wmiir ls /tag | sed 's|/||; /^sel$/d' | eval $WMII_MENU
    actionlist() {
    { proglist $WMII_CONFPATH
    echo -n $Actions | tr ' ' '\012'
    } | sort | uniq
    conf_which() {
    which=$(which which)
    prog=$(PATH="$WMII_CONFPATH" $which $1); shift
    [ -n "$prog" ] && $prog "$@"
    # Stop any running instances of wmiirc
    echo Start wmiirc | wmiir write /event || exit 1
    wmiir read /event |
    while read event; do
    set -- $event
    event=$1; shift
    Event_$event $@
    done 2>/dev/null
    Ranguvar wrote:Memory as in real memory, or with buffers/cache? If it's the former, that's definitely high (I think, LOL).
    I'm using htop to see it, and I'm pretty sure htop shows real usage by default.

  • System using too much RAM?

    I just launched the Activity Monitor. With basically nothing open except for a few widgets and the activity monitor, it says my system is using 600 MB of RAM... that can't be right can it? It says it has 402 MB free. could there be something wrong?
    I have a 2.16 C2D 15" with stock 1 gig of RAM

    Don't worry about how much RAM you have "free" vs. how much you have installed. Instead, look at the amount of "inactive" RAM you have. When you quit any running application, the physical memory addresses it was using are transitioned to "inactive" status, not "free." If and when you launch the application again, the same adresses are re-allocated to it, making it available to you much quicker.
    As you use up your "free" memory, and more is needed for a new application, it is taken from old "inactive" memory as needed. In other words, a better indication of what is currently available to you (and your applications) would be the combination of "free" and "inactive." Also, you should keep in mind that virtual memory will be created and used as necessary to meet your needs, regardless of how much physical RAM you have. Relying on virtual memory is not ideal, but it works.

  • ITunes using too much RAM.

    I noticed that when I have about 5 apps open—not including iTunes—my total free (including inactive) memory is 2.0GB. When I open iTunes, it instantly uses about 100 MB but when you leave it open I notice that my RAM is at 1.2GB, even though I have nothing else opened than previously. When I quit it, I get all the RAM back. A huge memory leak, perhaps? Having 800MB of RAM taken away by a single app is completely unacceptable. Is anyone else having this problem?

    Well recalling an old post, is just stating the fact that the program is still doing the same thing. And i do concurr that itunes is one of my bigger ram hogs but i have no problem with 16gigs of ram installed. As coder myself, i know it is possible for them to rework itunes to dump cache periodically so that it doesnt hog as much ram as it does.
    Itunes is falling behind times as Solid State Drives are becoming more prevelant in computers, they shouldn't need to cache as much as it does currently and hogging system resources. But then again on the other hand, they are  probably thinking that it is not a problem anymore since the standard for most computers/laptop is upwards of 4gigs+. Still is poor coding on apple's behalf that wont be recognized this late in the game.
    In reply to Zak,
    As of right now apple is on downward slope according to stock market quotes. But they have a few products that are coming out here soon that will bounce them back easily. After that, I am not sure.
    In reply to Richb1910,
    Comparing Apple to Mircosoft now a days is like comparing apple to oranges. Their companies have taken different paths, yes one may be better then the other in their choice of paths. But as it stands microsoft is still the leading home user operating system and server operating system for many major companies. Apple excels with their product lines which make them a very successful company. To say on or the other is barely staying above water is by far the wildest thing i have ever heard.

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