Diagnostics Plug-in[win/cs3]

b Is there anybody know where the Diagnostics Plug-in can be found?<br />b I can't find it in <SDK>\build\win\debug\testing(The Technical Notes point out).Is it free or use to pay for?<br /><br />b Thanks<br /><br />b Harry

b lan,I think u r right,I find it hard to learn everything as a rookie from the beginning of CS3 version.And i notice that the diagnostic plugin is a very useful tools but i never used it before. Do u think it is necessary to study developing plug-ins with the diagnostic plugin? Or can learn only from the SDK without dedug version.I think it is worth to pay to get more help and make it fast,but i have to let my boss who will pay for it make sure that is necessary.i need your answer.
b Thanks a lot!
b Harry

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    b [Win/CS3]
    Hi All,
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    NodeID node = IDCGridNodeID::Create(IndexX);
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    char nstring[newsize];
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    Hi Michael,
    Thanks for your reply.
    The lines
    NodeID node = IDCGridNodeID::Create(IndexX);
    are working fine for Both Debug N Release version.The Application Is crashing In tree view manager class as i explained.
    while it works fine without having even a single warning in debug version.
    I read the document and i find out if i want to add node in treeview i have to call
    which will call manager
    b and in TreeviewMgr::ApplyDataToWidget
    i am getting my node name as
    TreeNodePtr<IDCGridNodeID> nodeID(node);
    PMString IndexNo= nodeID->GetName();
    I don't think that something is wrong in this but i am not sure becoz i am new in indesign development.
    for adding nodes i referred the SDK examples.I found the same code for adding.

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    How do I transfer plug ins from CS3 to CS 6?

    Syb2440 wrote:
    Transferring plug-ins from CS3 to CS6 in Creative Cloud? - How do I transfer plug ins from CS3 to CS 6?
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    Ron Hirsch

    I used to use virtual photographer from http://www.optikvervelabs.com/
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    Your version of Photoshop will not open T3i images directly.  Support wasn't added until Photoshop CS5.
    Prior to the Creative Cloud Adobe stopped updating older versions to be able to read raw files from newer cameras whenever they released a new major version of Photoshop. The version you have is no longer receiving Camera Raw updates.
    You can check it yourself:
    First you need to determine whether Adobe has released support for your new camera in your version of Photoshop. To do that, look at these two pages. You'll want to find out the earliest version of Camera Raw that can support your camera, then what version of Photoshop can run that version of Camera Raw.
    Camera Raw plug-in | Supported cameras
    Camera Raw-compatible Adobe applications
    If you were to have found your camera is supported by your version of Photoshop, you would have needed to download the latest update for Camera Raw. There's more information on how to do that here:
    Keeping Photoshop Up-To-Date
    However, since your version of Photoshop cannot support your camera, you can download and install the latest version of the free Adobe DNG Converter, which can take your raw files as input and put out DNG format files, which your version of Photoshop can open.
    Photoshop Help | Digital Negative (DNG)
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    Dual 2.5 GHz PPC G5
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    Teacup Software's Patternmaker is a must have. The price is certainly
    right...it's free. If you really like it you can buy the additional

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    Thank you both!
    I do have CS3 and this file is a contract file that has been going on for many moons, so it has probably gone through every version on indd since the first. The very strange thing is that this is a new message that just popped up this week and only in these contract files - so far anyway - so, I'm thinking it must have been left over from the old files - and the only thing I did was turn on a layer that has been off for litteraly years due to a missing link that I just recently found - could that have got the file to look for that old plug in?
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    This isn't really a feature request. Next time post your regular questions in the main forum, if you can, please.
    Your students are trying to open files saved from CS4 which cannot be done in CS3. There are two options: Either upgrade (the better option) or have soomeone with CS4 export these files to Interchange Format (.inx) which will open in CS3. Any CS4-only new features will be lost and line endings in the text will probably change a bit due to differnces in the text engines between the two versions.

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    Thanks in Advanced !

    Ok, thanks buddy
    well, here is the situation
    I use Windows XP
    AE CS3  as well as premier Cs3
    right at this point of time, i am upgrading the motherBD of my PC so i couldn't be more specific..once i installed the new BDs then i can give you more details..
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    when i  goto Program Files>>Adobe>>Commen Files>> plug ins
    then  i see the Essentials plug ins there,
    so basically i see the Essentials plug ins in 2 different locations.

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        // Get a handle on the ExtendScript Manager
        InterfacePtr<IScriptManager> scriptManager(Utils<IScriptUtils>()->QueryScriptManager(kJavaScriptMgrBoss));
        if (!scriptManager) break;
        InterfacePtr<IScriptRunner> scriptRunner(scriptManager, UseDefaultIID());
        if (!scriptRunner) break;
        RunScriptParams params(scriptRunner);
        scriptRunner->RunScript(script, params);
      while (false);
    However, now I'm getting assert errors when starting up my plug-in, and the script is not executed (the line that seems to break is the ASSERT(scriptRunner).
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    InterfacePtr<IScriptEngine> scriptEngine(scriptManager->QueryDefaultEngine());
    if (!scriptEngine) break;
    // Will not compile:
    //   error C2664: 'InterfacePtr<IFace>::InterfacePtr(const IPMUnknown *,PMIID)' : cannot convert parameter 1 from 'InterfacePtr<IFace>' to 'const IPMUnknown *'
    InterfacePtr<IScriptRunner> scriptRunner(scriptEngine, UseDefaultIID());
    if (!scriptRunner) break;
    Anyone who has an idea as to how to fix this?
    Kind regards
    Message was edited by: WouterDem - Fixed some typos in the code snippets.

    I have been able to get an instance of IScriptRunner through the method you've provided, which I then use to execute a script from a PMString:
    IDFile libMyPlugin = IDFile();
    ... // Fill in the path to the ExtendScript library.
    InterfacePtr<IScriptRunner> scriptRunner(Utils<IScriptUtils>()->QueryScriptRunner(libMyPlugin));
    if (!scriptRunner) break;
    PMString script("MyPluginLib.SomeExtendScriptFunction()");
    RunScriptParams params(scriptRunner);
    scriptRunner->RunScript(script, params);
    As you can see, an ExtendScript library is loaded earlier and I'm using this file to get to my script runner.
    This seems to work, however I get an assertion error now:
    ASSERT 'RequestContext( fRequestContext ) == RequestContext( other->GetRequestContext() )' in c:\Development\basil\source\public\libs\publiclib\scripting\CScriptEventData.cpp at line 742 failed.
    c:\Development\basil\source\public\libs\publiclib\scripting\CScriptEventData.cpp (742)
    Does anybody have an idea?
    Kind regards

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    One time, I lose the Mac association because of a bug with iTunes on Windows 7, which caused iTunes Mac to restore my iPhone. Fortunately I found a trick on Internet to get back the association without losing all my content.
    But I recently have this bug again and I can't find the trick.
    Can anyone help me please?

    Like the doctor says... if it hurts when you do that, then don't do that.
    The iPhone was intended to be synched with 1 and only 1 computer at a time.
    I'm careful NOT to install iTunes on my PC at work. The only reason I plug my phone in at work is to charge.
    If you have been syncing on a regular basis to your Mac, then all the content should exist on that machine. Worst case scenario would be it would have to re-sync everything from the last backup.

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    You're trying to open the plug-in instead of manually installing it in the appropriate location (folder) and then relaunching Photoshop. 
    Read the instructions again.
    This is the correct path to the File Formats folder.  Notice that you start in the ROOT LEVEL library, not your User Library:

Maybe you are looking for

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