Diagram of Portal Database Organization

Where can I access an ER diagram which shows the organization and relationships of Portal's databases?

I took Microsoft Visio and Imported the Portal 30 schema and it drew out all the relationships, columns & tables for me. Very helpful to look at once in awhile.

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    Does somebody knows where I can find something like these ?

    Donald -
    The documented Content Management Views about where Portal stores pages and content in the Portal repository are documented here: http://www.oracle.com/technology/products/ias/portal/html/plsqldoc/pldoc1012/wwsbr_api_view.html
    Hope this helps,

  • Portal Database -- What it is? Can we store data in Portal itself?

    Hi Experts,
    Can you please let me know what is portal database?
    Can I store some information like Emp No and Tel No in Portal itself?

    Hi Gaurav,
    1.Portal Database holds the portal related data like iviews,worksets,pages, roles etc.
    Refer to [How the Portal Works|http://help.sap.com/saphelp_nw04s/helpdata/en/42/BFA145731B1D64E10000000A1553F6/content.htm]
    2. Emp No and Tel No are generally for the users, so it depends on how you configure your UME.
    Also refer to SAP Note 780679
                         SAP Note 718383
    Good Luck!
    Sandeep Tudumu

  • No data in Portal Database tables for Activity Report

    Hi experts,
    I've developed an Activity Report application in SAP Portal 7.0, which went live but the report shows no data.
    We are pulling data from 2 portal database tables: WCR_WEBCONTENTSTAT and WCR_USERPAGEUSAGE
    In non production environment there is data in the report but there is no data in the production environment.
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    What other configurations/setup should be done?

    Hi Greg,
    Those are the aggregated tables. If they are not filled with data although the Portal Activity Report is activated, you should check whether the aggregation finished successfully.
    In the older SPs there were some problems that were fixed in later SPs of 7.0.
    In order to have the latest version of Portal Activity report, you can check SAP note 1084379 - Portal Activity Report - Latest Version (SDA file).
    You can compare the SP via the MANIFAST file, as it contains the version and SP number.
    In order to troubleshoot problems in Activity Report, you can follow SAP note: 1690023 - Portal Activity Report - Component-specific Note
    Some basic checks that you can do:
    Run query on the raw data tables to check since when there is data in those tables:
    select min(timestamphour) from SAP<SystemID>DB.WCR_WEBCNODESTAT;
    If there is too much data from long time ago, then you should delete the old data, and leave only the new data (there is anyways retention time for the data to be kept).
    If there is no data, then it means that the Portal Activity Report does not collect data, and not really activated (usually this is not the case).
    The aggregation runs every top of the hour, so you can check in the default traces for an error during that time.
    In most of the cases something went wrong while aggregating the data.
    As a result the aggregation is not finished, so the transaction is not being committed, and the aggregated tables stay empty.
    If there is a DuplicateKeyException in the trace, you can follow SAP note 1054145 - Duplicate Key Exception.
    If you have any more questions, please don't hesitate to ask.
    I hope this information helps,
    Thanks & regards,
    Michal Zilcha-Lang

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    Any help would be greatly appreciated.

    Hi Frank ,
    Please refer to the following link and see if this helps.
    Sukrit Dhingra

  • How to copy/move Portal database from one machine to another?

    I am receiving a ORA-22973 error (size of object identifier exceeds maxmum size allowed) on the wwsec_enabler_config_info$ table when attempting to import my entire "portal30" schema from one database to another on different Windows NT Servers.
    Background: I had Portal installed, configured, and running with the following setup:
    Machine 1: Windows NT 4.0 SP 6, Oracle 9iAS, Oracle Portal
    Machine 2: Windows NT 4.0 SP 6, Oracle 8i Database
    We no longer have use of Machine 2 and needed to move the database over to Machine 1.
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    1. Installed Oracle 8i database on Machine 1.
    2. Set up the tablespaces in the database on Machine 1 to match the same names and sizes of the tablespaces in the database on Machine 2.
    3. Used the Oracle "exp" command to export the entire database that resided on Machine 2.
    4. Copied the ".dmp" file to Machine 1.
    5. Used the Oracle "imp" command to import the entire database on Machine 1.
    6. The import completed successfully with warnings. But I had received the ORA-22973 error during the import process.
    7. After it completed I compared the list of tables and packages in the "portal30" schema between the two databases. The wwsec_enabler_config_info$ table is missing.
    8. I tried to export and import only the wwsec_enabler_config_info$ table between the two databases, but continue to receive the ORA-22973 error.
    Without the table being created, access to the portal cannot be achieved.
    Here are my questions:
    1. Is there anyway to create the wwsec_enabler_config_info$ table without receiving the noted error?
    2. Is there any other workable way to get the portal database from Machine 2 to Machine 1?
    I am aware of the portal import/export utilities but that would require me to run through the 2 hour install of Portal on the database on Machine 1 and then individually export and import all the portal components (security, pages, applications, content library, etc). I merely wanted to transfer the entire database from one machine to another, so I felt the Oracle exp/imp utilities would be quicker and less work.

    I've been hitting problems with Portal against on NT - i.e., Intermedia not working at all, and have been advised by support to move back to
    I don't want to lose any of my content in the Portal since the db upgrade and am wondering on what is the best way to do this.
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  • Moving the Portal Database

    I have attempted to move the portal database onto another host machine. When I move the database and point the portal at the database everything seems to work fine except for the administration area of the portal. When I try to navigate to the administration area I get an error. Can anyone help with a resolution for this?
    Server Error in '/portal' Application.
    Runtime ErrorDescription: An application error occurred on the server. The current custom error settings for this application prevent the details of the application error from being viewed remotely (for security reasons). It could, however, be viewed by browsers running on the local server machine. Details:To enable the details of this specific error message to be viewable on remote machines, please create a <customErrors> tag within a "web.config" configuration file located in the root directory of the current web application. This <customErrors> tag should then have its "mode" attribute set to "Off".<!-- Web.Config Configuration File -->
            <customErrors mode="Off"/>
    Notes:The current error page you are seeing can be replaced by a custom error page by modifying the "defaultRedirect" attribute of the application's <customErrors> configuration tag to point to a custom error page URL.<!-- Web.Config Configuration File -->
            <customErrors mode="RemoteOnly" defaultRedirect="mycustompage.htm"/>

    I did it a few times succesfull and this is (my) procedure:
    1. stop the SAP system
    2. detach th DB on the Source server
    3. copy db+log files to the Target server
    4. attach the db on the Target server
    5. repair login/db user account following the steps:
    -  http://support.microsoft.com/kb/274188
    -  http://blog3.daqureshi.com/archive/2008/12/16/11.aspx
    6. update/change the file usr\sap\<sid>\sys\profile\default.prf
    7. start the configtool and within the keystore change the jdbc connection parameters so that it points to the new DB Server
    8. save this action!!!!
    9. exit and restart the configtool and look if its connecting to the new DB Server
    10. exit the confconfigtool.
    11. start your SAP System
    Good Luck!
    Benjamin Houttuin

  • How to access Portal Database ( ORACLE) through webdynpro  java

    Hello experts,
    I  want to <b>access portal database tables</b> ( WCR_USERSTAT,WCR_WEBCONTENTSTAT,WCR_USERFIRSTLOGON )<b> using</b> <b>webdynpro  java</b> application/service . Our portal DB is Oracle , so please tail me some solution for this asap. I had tried using   <u>Portal Activity Report</u> iViews  but that no fulfill  our requirment.

    You can use the following link which will help you to resolve the problem:
    /thread/100181 [original link is broken]
    thanks & regards,

  • Error: Could not read Metadata from Portal Database !

    Hi All!
    My problem is when i am trying to open the portal page (Oracle 10G)
    then i have an Error: Could not read Metadata from Portal Database.
    And i do not know why because everything is up and running. I can connect and browse my database schema with portal user. I can connect to pls/orasso and where ever i want.
    [07/Feb/2006:00:57:23 +0100] "GET /pls/portal/htp.p?cbuf=Test HTTP/1.1" 200 5
    plz help i am trying to fix this in the last 2 weeks :)
    thx kEndE

    Hi Andreas,
    I've changed the permissions to 775 and changed the ownership of /sapcd (volume name) to orasid:dba (including all files within the staging area /sapcd/ora-patch).
    So the permissions and ownership seems to be fine.
    I've also ran your suggested commands but the issue still exists.
    I'm now liasing with our UNIX guy to check if there is any underlying permission issues on the volume (sapcd) that may be causing this problem.
    In the mean time, let me know if you have any further thoughts.

  • Creating Custom Tables in the Portal Database

    Is there a way to create custom tables in the portal database in EP6?

    Thanks for responding, Nick.
    We want to be able to display informational messages on the logon page before the user logs in.  Currently we make changes to several ASP files in EP5 to display the messages.  We want to be able to give privileged users the ability to enter the message, enter start/end date, etc.  We want to do this in EP6 as well.

  • Creating a ZTable in portal database

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    Hi Nirmal,
    Its always recommented not to directly access the Portal Database. The best practice would be to create a table in ECC and expose a BAPI for accessing this from Portal.

  • Best Practices for data storage in portal database

    I need to store some stuctured data which is related to portal only. This data may grow data by data and may huge amount some point of time.
    Iam thinking which is the best way to handle it like maintanance point of view.
    i think i can store it in R/3 as custom table which is easy to maintain and read/write using RFC.
    the other one is store it on the portal database (dictionary), may not be easy to handle it.
    suggestions please?

    Best way is to maintian data(growing data) on R3 and use  JCA to write a simple portal application(JSPDynpage or WD) to get the data back on portal.
    Using JCA, won't affect noticeable portal performance..
    Itz not advisable to store large data on dictionary.

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    Hi all,
    we have a requirement where the source BW system is placing files in Content Management in the link http://xxx:50100/irj/go/km/docs/documents/Public%20Documents/HFM.
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    Can someone plz help me with this script?

    The concern has been discussed earlier at
    here and should be helpful to check the database size and free available space in exchange server.
    This blog has also good explained about "how to count mailbox per database in exchange 2010". Please check this :

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    Hey kunal
    am really sorry that i cant help you in your query but as i as i read you query i have one of my own . just need your help on that.
    you are using RDBMS realm right? IS YOUR PORTAL ADMINISTRATION WORKING ??
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    Please can u help

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    You can make use of the Heterogeneous System copy tool available on SMP for this purpose. You will also find a pdf guide for the same.

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