Diary help please.

I am trying to create an appointments diary with a hashmap made up of a gregoriancalendar and an appointment in which i have a separate class for.
import jewl.*;
import java.io.*;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.lang.Object;
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
import java.util.*;
* Write a description of class AppointmentBook here.
* @author (your name)
* @version (a version number or a date)
public class AppointmentBook
    // instance variables - replace the example below with your own
    private ListBox appMain;
    private HashMap <GregorianCalendar, Appointment> appointments;
    private String appName;
    private jewl.Frame appFrame;
    private ListBox  apptList;
    private ListBox  contactList;
    private jewl.Button   addAppt;
    private jewl.Button   deleteAppt;
    private jewl.Menu     fileMenu;
    private jewl.MenuItem newDiary;
    private jewl.MenuItem openDiary;
    private jewl.MenuItem saveDiary;
    private jewl.MenuItem saveDiaryAs;
    private jewl.MenuItem exitProgram;
    private jewl.Menu optionsMenu;
    private jewl.MenuItem addAppttt;
    private jewl.MenuItem deleteApp;
    private jewl.Button one;
    private jewl.Button two;
    private jewl.Button three;
    private jewl.Button four;
    private jewl.Button five;
    private jewl.Button six;
    private jewl.Button seven;
    private jewl.Button eight;
    private jewl.Button nine;
    private jewl.Button ten;
    private jewl.Button eleven;
    private jewl.Button twelve;
    private jewl.Button thirteen;
    private jewl.Button fourteen;
    private jewl.Button fifteen;
    private jewl.Button sixteen;
    private jewl.Button seventeen;
    private jewl.Button eighteen;
    private jewl.Button nineteen;
    private jewl.Button twenty;
    private jewl.Button tone;
    private jewl.Button ttwo;
    private jewl.Button tthree;
    private jewl.Button tfour;
    private jewl.Button tfive;
    private jewl.Button tsix;
    private jewl.Button tseven;
    private jewl.Button teight;
    private jewl.Button tnine;
    private jewl.Button thirty;
    private jewl.Button thone;
     * Constructor for objects of class AppointmentBook
    public AppointmentBook()
        // initialise instance variables
        HashMap <GregorianCalendar, Appointment> appointments = new HashMap <GregorianCalendar, Appointment>();
        appFrame  = new jewl.Frame(370,370,"Diary",'X');
        apptList = new jewl.ListBox(appFrame,5,175,340,100);
        addAppt     = new jewl.Button(appFrame,10,-30,130,25,"Add Appointment",'W');
        deleteAppt  = new jewl.Button(appFrame,150,-30,130,25,"Delete Appointment",'Y');
        fileMenu    = new jewl.Menu(appFrame,"File");
        optionsMenu = new jewl.Menu(appFrame,"Options");
        addAppttt      = new jewl.MenuItem(optionsMenu,"Add Appointment",'Z');
        deleteApp   = new jewl.MenuItem(optionsMenu,"Delete Appointment",'.');
        newDiary    = new jewl.MenuItem(fileMenu,"New",';');
        openDiary   = new jewl.MenuItem(fileMenu,"Open...",'0');
        saveDiary   = new jewl.MenuItem(fileMenu,"Save",'[');
        saveDiaryAs = new jewl.MenuItem(fileMenu,"Save As...",']');
        exitProgram = new jewl.MenuItem(fileMenu,"Exit",'/');
        one  = new jewl.Button(appFrame,5,5,50,25,"1",'1');
        two  = new jewl.Button(appFrame,60,5,50,25,"2",'2');
        three = new jewl.Button(appFrame,120,5,50,25,"3",'3');
        four  = new jewl.Button(appFrame,180,5,50,25,"4",'4');
        five = new jewl.Button(appFrame,240,5,50,25,"5",'5');
        six = new jewl.Button(appFrame,300,5,50,25,"6",'6');
        seven = new jewl.Button(appFrame,360,5,50,25,"7",'7');
        eight = new jewl.Button(appFrame,5,35,50,25,"8",'8');
        nine = new jewl.Button(appFrame,60,35,50,25,"9",'9');
        ten = new jewl.Button(appFrame,120,35,50,25,"10",'A');
        eleven = new jewl.Button(appFrame,180,35,50,25,"11",'B');
        twelve = new jewl.Button(appFrame,240,35,50,25,"12",'C');
        thirteen = new jewl.Button(appFrame,300,35,50,25,"13",'D');
        fourteen = new jewl.Button(appFrame,360,35,50,25,"14",'E');
        fifteen = new jewl.Button(appFrame,5,70,50,25,"15",'F');
        sixteen = new jewl.Button(appFrame,60,70,50,25,"16",'G');
        seventeen = new jewl.Button(appFrame,120,70,50,25,"17",'H');
        eighteen = new jewl.Button(appFrame,180,70,50,25,"18",'I');
        nineteen = new jewl.Button(appFrame,240,70,50,25,"19",'J');
        twenty = new jewl.Button(appFrame,300,70,50,25,"20",'K');
        tone = new jewl.Button(appFrame,360,70,50,25,"21",'L');
        ttwo = new jewl.Button(appFrame,5,105,50,25,"22",'M');
        tthree = new jewl.Button(appFrame,60,105,50,25,"23",'N');
        tfour = new jewl.Button(appFrame,120,105,50,25,"24",'O');
        tfive = new jewl.Button(appFrame,180,105,50,25,"25",'P');
        tsix = new jewl.Button(appFrame,240,105,50,25,"26",'Q');
        tseven = new jewl.Button(appFrame,300,105,50,25,"27",'R');
        teight = new jewl.Button(appFrame,360,105,50,25,"28",'S');
        tnine = new jewl.Button(appFrame,5,140,50,25,"29",'T');
        thirty = new jewl.Button(appFrame,60,140,50,25,"30",'U');
        thone = new jewl.Button(appFrame,120,140,50,25,"31",'V');
     * An example of a method - replace this comment with your own
     * @param  y   a sample parameter for a method
     * @return     the sum of x and y
    public void go()  throws FileNotFoundException
        while (appFrame.isValid()) {
            char c = jewl.Window.nextCommand();
            if (c == ';') {         // new diary
            else if (c == '0') {    // open diary
            else if (c == '[') {    // save diary
            else if (c == ']') {    // save diary as
            else if (c == 'X') {    // exit
            else if (c == 'W'){    // add appointment
            else if (c == 'Y') {    // delete appointment
            else if (c == 'Z')  {   // add appointment
            else if (c == '.')  {   // delete appointment
            else if (c == '1')  {   // delete appointment
            else if (c == '2')  {   // delete appointment
            else if (c == '3')  {   // delete appointment
            else if (c == '4')  {   // delete appointment
            else if (c == '5')  {   // delete appointment
            else if (c == '6')  {   // delete appointment
            else if (c == '7')  {   // delete appointment
            else if (c == '8')  {   // delete appointment
            else if (c == '9')  {   // delete appointment
            else if (c == 'A')  {   // delete appointment
            else if (c == 'B')  {   // delete appointment
            else if (c == 'C')  {   // delete appointment
            else if (c == 'D')  {   // delete appointment
            else if (c == 'E')  {   // delete appointment
            else if (c == 'F')  {   // delete appointment
            else if (c == 'G')  {   // delete appointment
            else if (c == 'H')  {   // delete appointment
            else if (c == 'I')  {   // delete appointment
            else if (c == 'J')  {   // delete appointment
            else if (c == 'K')  {   // delete appointment
            else if (c == 'L')  {   // delete appointment
            else if (c == 'M')  {   // delete appointment
            else if (c == 'N')  {   // delete appointment
            else if (c == 'O')  {   // delete appointment
            else if (c == 'P')  {   // delete appointment
            else if (c == 'Q')  {   // delete appointment
            else if (c == 'R')  {   // delete appointment
            else if (c == 'S')  {   // delete appointment
            else if (c == 'T')  {   // delete appointment
            else if (c == 'U')  {   // delete appointment
            else if (c == 'V')  {   // delete appointment
    public static void start (String[] args) throws FileNotFoundException {
        AppointmentBook app = new AppointmentBook();
    public void refresh() {
    public void newDiary ()
        appName = null;
    public void openDiary ()
        OpenDialog d = new OpenDialog("Choose diary",'c');
        d.addFilter(".diary","Diary files");
        if (d.execute() == 'c') {
            appName = d.getName();
            try {
                FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream(appName);
                ObjectInputStream ois = new ObjectInputStream(fis);
                appointments = (HashMap<GregorianCalendar,Appointment>)ois.readObject();
            catch (IOException e) {
                jewl.Dialog.error(e.getMessage(),"Error reading diary");
            catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
                jewl.Dialog.error(e.getMessage(),"Error reading diary");
    public void saveDiary () {
        try {
            FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(appName);
            ObjectOutputStream oos = new ObjectOutputStream(fos);
        catch (Exception e) {
            jewl.Dialog.error(e.getMessage(),"Error saving diary");
    public void saveDiaryAs () {
        SaveDialog d = new SaveDialog("Save diary",'s');
        d.addFilter(".diary","Diary files");
        if (d.execute() == 's') {
            appName = d.getName();
    public void addAppt () throws FileNotFoundException
        jewl.Dialog     addDialog    = new jewl.Dialog(400,200,"Enter apppointment details",'n');
        jewl.Label      dateLabel    = new jewl.Label (addDialog,10,10,80,25,"Details");
        jewl.ComboBox  month    = new jewl.ComboBox (addDialog,10,50,80,25);
        month.appendLines(new String[] {"01", "02", "03", "04", "05","06", "07", "08", "09", "10","11","12"});    
        jewl.ComboBox  day    = new jewl.ComboBox (addDialog,100,50,80,25);
        day.appendLines(new String[] {"1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "10", "11", "12", "13", "14", "15", "16", "17", "18", "19", "20", "21", "22", "23"}); 
        jewl.ComboBox  year    = new jewl.ComboBox (addDialog,190,50,80,25);
        year.appendLines(new String[] { "2007", "2008", "2009", "2010"} );
        jewl.Label      detailsLabel = new jewl.Label (addDialog,10,80,80,25,"Details");
        jewl.TextField  detailsField = new jewl.TextField (addDialog,100,80,180,25);
        jewl.Button     okButton     = new jewl.Button(addDialog,10,110,80,25,"OK",'y');
        jewl.Button     ocancelutton = new jewl.Button(addDialog,100,110,80,25,"Cancel",'n');
        if (addDialog.execute() == 'y') {
            int y = Integer.parseInt(year.getLine());
            int m = Integer.parseInt(month.getLine());
            int d = Integer.parseInt(day.getLine());
            GregorianCalendar when = new GregorianCalendar(y,m,d);
            Appointment appt = new Appointment(when,detailsField.getText());
    public void deleteAppt () {
}Here is my appointment class:
import java.util.*;
import java.io.*;
public class Appointment implements Serializable {
    private GregorianCalendar   time;
    private String details;
    private int length;
     * Constructor for objects of class Appointment
    public Appointment(GregorianCalendar time, String details) {
    public Appointment(GregorianCalendar time, int length, String details) {
        this.time     = time;
        this.length = length;
        this.details  = details;
    public GregorianCalendar getGregorianCalendar () {
        return time;
    public String getDetails () {
        return details;
    public int getLength () {
        return length;
    public void months () {
        String[] months =  {"January", "February", "March", "April", "May", "June", "July", "August", "September", "October", "November", "December"};
}The codes compile. when a user clicks on one of the buttons, the addappt() method should add the appointment to the interface etc. however when i press "ok" i get the error java.lang.NullPointerException
     at AppointmentBook.addAppt(AppointmentBook.java:340)
     at AppointmentBook.go(AppointmentBook.java:234)
     at Open.calendarMain(Open.java:36)
with line: appointments.put(when,appt);
any help would be appreciated. thank you.

ive changed my appointmentbook class to this:
* A graphical user interface for an electronic appointments diary.
* @author  John English
* @version 1.0
import jewl.*;
import java.io.*;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.lang.Object;
import java.awt.event.*;
import java.util.*;
public class DiaryGUI
    private HashMap<Appointment, Date> diary;
    private String   diaryName;
    private jewl.Frame    diaryFrame;
    private ListBox  apptList;
    private Button   addAppt;
    private Button   deleteAppt;
    private Menu     fileMenu;
    private MenuItem newDiary;
    private MenuItem openDiary;
    private MenuItem saveDiary;
    private MenuItem saveDiaryAs;
    private MenuItem exitProgram;
    private ComboBox month;
     * Construct an object of class DiaryGUI.
    public DiaryGUI()
        diary =     new HashMap<Appointment, Date>();
        diaryFrame  = new Frame(400,600,"CI101 appointments diary",'X');
        apptList    = new ListBox(diaryFrame,5,5,-10,-40);
        addAppt     = new Button(diaryFrame,10,-30,80,25,"Add",'A');
        deleteAppt  = new Button(diaryFrame,100,-30,80,25,"Delete",'D');
        month       = new ComboBox (diaryFrame,90,40,70,25);
        month.appendLines(new String[] {"January", "Febuary", "March", "April", "May", "June", "July", "August", "September", "October", "November", "December"});
        fileMenu    = new Menu(diaryFrame,"File");
        newDiary    = new MenuItem(fileMenu,"New",'N');
        openDiary   = new MenuItem(fileMenu,"Open...",'O');
        saveDiary   = new MenuItem(fileMenu,"Save",'S');
        saveDiaryAs = new MenuItem(fileMenu,"Save As...",'Z');
        exitProgram = new MenuItem(fileMenu,"Exit",'X');
     * The main program. This just creates the initial DiaryGUI object and
     * then starts it going.
    public static void main (String[] args) {
        DiaryGUI gui = new DiaryGUI();
    public static void refreshCalendar(int month, int year){
        String[] months =  {"January", "February", "March", "April", "May", "June", "July", "August", "September", "October", "November", "December"};
     * Process the user's interaction with the graphical user interface.
    public void go()
        while (diaryFrame.isValid()) {
            char c = Window.nextCommand();
            if (c == 'N') {         // new diary
            else if (c == 'O') {    // open diary
            else if (c == 'S') {    // save diary
            else if (c == 'Z') {    // save diary as
            else if (c == 'X') {    // exit
            else if (c == 'A') {    // add appointment
            else if (c == 'D') {    // delete appointment
    public void refresh () {
    public void newDiary () {
        diaryName = null;
    public void openDiary () {
        OpenDialog d = new OpenDialog("Choose diary",'c');
        d.addFilter(".diary","Diary files");
        if (d.execute() == 'c') {
            diaryName = d.getName();
            try {
                FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream(diaryName);
                ObjectInputStream ois = new ObjectInputStream(fis);
                diary = (HashMap<Appointment, Date>)ois.readObject();
            catch (IOException e) {
                Dialog.error(e.getMessage(),"Error reading diary");
            catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
                Dialog.error(e.getMessage(),"Error reading diary");
    public void saveDiary () {
        try {
            FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(diaryName);
            ObjectOutputStream oos = new ObjectOutputStream(fos);
        catch (Exception e) {
            Dialog.error(e.getMessage(),"Error saving diary");
    public void saveDiaryAs () {
        SaveDialog d = new SaveDialog("Save diary",'s');
        d.addFilter(".diary","Diary files");
        if (d.execute() == 's') {
            diaryName = d.getName();
    public void addAppt () {
        Dialog     addDialog    = new Dialog(400,200,"Enter apppointment details",'n');
        Label      dateLabel    = new Label (addDialog,10,10,80,25,"Date:");
        TextField  dateField    = new TextField (addDialog,100,10,180,25);
        Label      detailsLabel = new Label (addDialog,10,40,80,25,"Details");
        TextField  durField     = new TextField (addDialog,100,10,180,25);
        Label      durLabel     = new Label (addDialog,10,40,80,25,"Details");
        TextField  detailsField = new TextField (addDialog,100,40,180,25);
        Button     okButton     = new Button(addDialog,10,70,80,25,"OK",'y');
        Button     ocancelutton = new Button(addDialog,100,70,80,25,"Cancel",'n');
        if (addDialog.execute() == 'y') {
            Date when = new Date(dateField.getText());
            Appointment appt = new Appointment(when, detailsField.getText());
    public void deleteAppt () {
}dont know if you can help me but it lets me add an appointment but then doesnt put the appointment into the applist.
thanks again

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    Just sync. You can alway redownload iTunes purchases by:
    Downloading past purchases from the App Store, iBookstore, and iTunes Store

  • My ipad just won't let me enter my apple password on FaceTime or iMessage, it works fine on my iPhone, I have tried numerous things but nothing works, can anybody help please, will a bug fix sort this out when they finally make one

    My ipad just won't let me sign in with my apple password on FaceTime or iMessage since updating to ios7 it says check my network connection, even though my iPhone works fine with the same password, can anybody help please, I have tried numerous things but nothing  works.  Will I have to wait for a bug fix to sort this? I hear they are working on one a the minute, I hate ios7

    Try a Restart.
    Press and hold the Sleep/Wake button for a few seconds until the red "slide to power off" slider appears, and then slide the slider. Press and hold the Sleep/Wake button until the Apple logo appears.
    Resetting your settings
    You can also try resetting all settings. Settings>General>Reset>Reset All Settings. You will have to enter all of your device settings again.... All of the settings in the settings app will have to be re-entered. You won't lose any data, but it takes time to enter all of the settings again.
    Resetting your device
    Press and hold the Sleep/Wake button and the Home button together for at least ten seconds, until the Apple logo appears. Apple recommends this only if you are unable to restart it.
    Or if this doesn't work and nobody else on the blog doesn't have a better idea you can contact Apple.
    Here is a link to their contacts with most of the information below.

  • I have had to change my email address/Apple ID. my iPad recognisIes the change of id but on my MacBook Air, iCloud just keeps asking me for a password for the old email address/account. How can I get iCloud to recognise the new details? Help please!

    I have had to change my email address/Apple ID. My iPad recognises the new detail in iTunes and iCloud but when I go into iCloud through my MacBook Air, it requests a password for the old email account which I can no longer use. There is no Option to be able to change this email/ID detail as I cannot get further than the password request. Can anyone help please - this is driving me insane?!

    Go to System Preferences and click Sign Out, select Delete at all the prompts, then sign back in with the changed ID?   (Your iCloud data will disappear from your Mac when you sign out and choose Delete, but will still be in iCloud.  Provided you are signing back into the same account your data will reappear on your Mac when you sign back in.)

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