Die iTunes App lässt sich vom iPhone 5 nicht öffnen!

Wenn ich die iTunes App aufrufe öffnet sie sich kurz, schließt sich dann aber sofort wieder! Das Problem besteht seit heute. Was ist passiert,  was muss ich tun?

Is there a configuration profile on the phone?  It would be under settings/general/profile.  An IPCU profile can prevent iTunes from functioning on the device, though I'm not sure if it hides the icon or not...

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    ich hatte das Problem auch bis eben. Folgende Schritte haben geholfen
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    B. Turn your iOS devices off and back on again;
    C. Update iTunes to the latest version;
    D. Update your iPad and iPhone to the latest iOS version;
    E. Use another app that does the same thing as iTunes;
    F. Uninstall and re-install the iTunes app; and
    G. Let us know if the problem persists.
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    Zudem solltest Du immer auch Deine OS-Version angeben.
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    Folgende Vorgehensweise habe ich angewandt.
    Adobe Air von folgender Site heruntergeladen. http://get.adobe.com/de/air/
    Die installationsroutine durch Doppelklick auf die heruntergeladene Datei gestartet.
    Danach öffnet sich das Installationsfenster, Aufforderung zur Zustimmung erscheint.
    Zustimmung erteilt.
    Dann läuft die Installation, ca. 2 bis 3 sec.
    Dann erscheint die Meldung: Installation erfolgreich durchgeführt.
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    Wenn ich dann in das Verzeichnis gehe C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Adobe AIR\Versions\1.0 und die Setup.exe ausführe eschein folgende Meldung..... Could not access network location (computed).
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    Wie kann ich die Install Log hier einfügen?
    Ich bitte um Hilfe!
    Vielen Dank!

    [2013-02-26:20:36:43] Runtime Installer begin with version on Windows 7 x86
    [2013-02-26:20:36:43] Commandline is: -silent
    [2013-02-26:20:36:43] No installed runtime detected
    [2013-02-26:20:36:43] Starting silent runtime install. Installing runtime version
    [2013-02-26:20:36:43] Installing msi at c:\users\michael\appdata\local\temp\air84ea.tmp\setup.msi with guid {1798D459-6B8B-474B-868D-1229EADA3B95}
    [2013-02-26:20:36:48] Runtime Installer end with exit code 0
    [2013-05-20:16:35:50] Bootstrapper begin with version on Win x86
    [2013-05-20:16:35:50] No installed runtime detected
    [2013-05-20:16:35:51] Begin runtime download from http://airdownload.adobe.com/air/3/nai/windows6.1/x86/installer
    [2013-05-20:16:36:04] Download success
    [2013-05-20:16:36:04] Begin signature download from http://airdownload.adobe.com/air/3/nai/windows6.1/x86/installer.p7
    [2013-05-20:16:36:04] Download success
    [2013-05-20:16:36:04] Detached signature verified
    [2013-05-20:16:36:04] Begin cert chain validation
    [2013-05-20:16:36:04] Begin crl download from http://crl.adobe.com/prodSvce.crl
    [2013-05-20:16:36:04] Download success
    [2013-05-20:16:36:04] Begin crl download from http://crl.adobe.com/cds.crl
    [2013-05-20:16:36:05] Download success
    [2013-05-20:16:36:05] Begin crl download from ldap:///CN=CRL1, CN=Adobe Root CA, OU=Adobe Trust Services, O=Adobe Systems Incorporated, C=US?certificateRevocationList;binary,authorityRevocationList;binary,deltaRevocationList; binary
    [2013-05-20:16:36:05] Download failure: could not retrieve crl crypt object
    [2013-05-20:16:36:05] Cert chain validation succeeded
    [2013-05-20:16:36:05] Launching subprocess with commandline "C:\Users\Michael\AppData\Local\Temp\AIRRuntimeInstaller.exe" -x1 "C:\Users\Michael\AppData\Local\Temp\AIR2995.tmp\Adobe Download Assistant"
    [2013-05-20:16:36:08] Runtime Installer begin with version on Windows 7 x86
    [2013-05-20:16:36:08] Commandline is: -x1 "C:\Users\Michael\AppData\Local\Temp\AIR2995.tmp\Adobe Download Assistant"
    [2013-05-20:16:36:08] No installed runtime detected
    [2013-05-20:16:36:09] Invoking Application Installer for combined install
    [2013-05-20:16:36:09] Launching subprocess with commandline C:\Users\Michael\AppData\Local\Temp\AIR66E2.tmp\Adobe AIR\Versions\1.0\Adobe AIR Application Installer -runtime C:\Users\Michael\AppData\Local\Temp\AIR66E2.tmp -withRuntime -url "C:\Users\Michael\AppData\Local\Temp\AIR2995.tmp\Adobe Download Assistant"
    [2013-05-20:16:36:18] Application Installer begin with version on Windows 7 x86
    [2013-05-20:16:36:18] Commandline is: -runtime C:\Users\Michael\AppData\Local\Temp\AIR66E2.tmp -withRuntime -url "C:\Users\Michael\AppData\Local\Temp\AIR2995.tmp\Adobe Download Assistant"
    [2013-05-20:16:36:18] No installed runtime detected
    [2013-05-20:16:36:19] Validating app in folder C:\Users\Michael\AppData\Local\Temp\AIR2995.tmp\Adobe Download Assistant
    [2013-05-20:16:36:22] Application signature verified
    [2013-05-20:16:36:22] Unpackaging/validation complete
    [2013-05-20:16:36:51] Launching subprocess with commandline C:\Users\Michael\AppData\Local\Temp\AIR66E2.tmp\Adobe AIR\Versions\1.0\Adobe AIR Application Installer -runtime C:\Users\Michael\AppData\Local\Temp\AIR66E2.tmp -silent -logToStdout -withRuntime -url -location C:\Users\Michael\Downloads -desktopShortcut -programMenu "C:\Users\Michael\AppData\Local\Temp\AIR2995.tmp\Adobe Download Assistant"
    [2013-05-20:16:36:51] Relaunching with elevation
    [2013-05-20:16:36:53] Application Installer begin with version on Windows 7 x86
    [2013-05-20:16:36:53] Commandline is: -stdio \\.\pipe\AIR_8904_0 -runtime C:\Users\Michael\AppData\Local\Temp\AIR66E2.tmp -silent -logToStdout -withRuntime -url -location C:\Users\Michael\Downloads -desktopShortcut -programMenu "C:\Users\Michael\AppData\Local\Temp\AIR2995.tmp\Adobe Download Assistant"
    [2013-05-20:16:36:53] No installed runtime detected
    [2013-05-20:16:36:54] Validating app in folder C:\Users\Michael\AppData\Local\Temp\AIR2995.tmp\Adobe Download Assistant
    [2013-05-20:16:36:54] Application signature verified
    [2013-05-20:16:36:54] Unpackaging/validation complete
    [2013-05-20:16:36:54] Starting silent combined runtime and app install.
    Installing runtime version
    Installing app com.adobe.downloadassistant.AdobeDownloadAssistant version 1.2.5 to C:\Users\Michael\Downloads using the source file at C:\Users\Michael\AppData\Local\Temp\AIR2995.tmp\Adobe Download Assistant
    [2013-05-20:16:36:54] Installing msi at C:\Users\Michael\AppData\Local\Temp\AIR66E2.tmp\setup.msi with guid {A0087DDE-69D0-11E2-AD57-43CA6188709B}
    [2013-05-20:16:36:59] Installing msi at C:\Users\Michael\AppData\Local\Temp\AIR2995.tmp\Adobe Download Assistant\setup.msi with guid {5E21B617-F52E-BB10-92F9-C8AB2C799A8A}
    [2013-05-20:16:37:02] Application Installer end with exit code 0
    [2013-05-20:16:37:03] Elevated install completed
    [2013-05-20:16:37:03] Launching subprocess with commandline C:\Users\Michael\Downloads\Adobe Download Assistant\Adobe Download Assistant.exe
    [2013-05-20:16:37:03] Application Installer end with exit code 0
    [2013-05-20:16:37:03] Subprocess app installer succeeded
    [2013-05-20:16:37:03] Runtime Installer end with exit code 0
    [2013-05-20:16:37:03] Subprocess Runtime Installer succeeded
    [2013-05-20:16:37:03] Bootstrapper end with exit code 0
    [2013-05-20:16:38:58] Runtime Installer begin with version on Windows 7 x86
    [2013-05-20:16:38:58] Commandline is:
    [2013-05-20:16:38:58] No installed runtime detected
    [2013-05-20:16:39:00] Relaunching with elevation
    [2013-05-20:16:39:00] Launching subprocess with commandline c:\users\michael\appdata\local\temp\airfccb.tmp\adobe air installer.exe -ei
    [2013-05-20:16:39:02] Runtime Installer begin with version on Windows 7 x86
    [2013-05-20:16:39:02] Commandline is: -stdio \\.\pipe\AIR_8712_0 -ei
    [2013-05-20:16:39:02] No installed runtime detected
    [2013-05-20:16:39:02] Starting silent runtime install. Installing runtime version
    [2013-05-20:16:39:02] Reinstalling c:\users\michael\appdata\local\temp\airfccb.tmp\setup.msi
    [2013-05-20:16:39:04] Runtime Installer end with exit code 0
    [2013-05-20:16:39:04] Elevated install completed
    [2013-05-20:16:39:07] Runtime Installer end with exit code 0
    [2013-05-20:16:39:42] Bootstrapper begin with version on Win x86
    [2013-05-20:16:39:42] No installed runtime detected
    [2013-05-20:16:39:42] Begin runtime download from http://airdownload.adobe.com/air/3/nai/windows6.1/x86/installer
    [2013-05-20:16:39:53] Download success
    [2013-05-20:16:39:53] Begin signature download from http://airdownload.adobe.com/air/3/nai/windows6.1/x86/installer.p7
    [2013-05-20:16:39:53] Download success
    [2013-05-20:16:39:53] Detached signature verified
    [2013-05-20:16:39:53] Begin cert chain validation
    [2013-05-20:16:39:53] Begin crl download from http://crl.adobe.com/prodSvce.crl
    [2013-05-20:16:39:53] Download success
    [2013-05-20:16:39:53] Begin crl download from http://crl.adobe.com/cds.crl
    [2013-05-20:16:39:53] Download success
    [2013-05-20:16:39:53] Begin crl download from ldap:///CN=CRL1, CN=Adobe Root CA, OU=Adobe Trust Services, O=Adobe Systems Incorporated, C=US?certificateRevocationList;binary,authorityRevocationList;binary,deltaRevocationList; binary
    [2013-05-20:16:39:53] Download failure: could not retrieve crl crypt object
    [2013-05-20:16:39:53] Cert chain validation succeeded
    [2013-05-20:16:39:53] Launching subprocess with commandline "C:\Users\Michael\AppData\Local\Temp\AIRRuntimeInstaller.exe" -x1 "C:\Users\Michael\AppData\Local\Temp\AIRB08F.tmp\Adobe Download Assistant"
    [2013-05-20:16:39:57] Runtime Installer begin with version on Windows 7 x86
    [2013-05-20:16:39:57] Commandline is: -x1 "C:\Users\Michael\AppData\Local\Temp\AIRB08F.tmp\Adobe Download Assistant"
    [2013-05-20:16:39:57] No installed runtime detected
    [2013-05-20:16:39:57] Invoking Application Installer for combined install
    [2013-05-20:16:39:57] Launching subprocess with commandline C:\Users\Michael\AppData\Local\Temp\AIRE44B.tmp\Adobe AIR\Versions\1.0\Adobe AIR Application Installer -runtime C:\Users\Michael\AppData\Local\Temp\AIRE44B.tmp -withRuntime -url "C:\Users\Michael\AppData\Local\Temp\AIRB08F.tmp\Adobe Download Assistant"
    [2013-05-20:16:39:57] Application Installer begin with version on Windows 7 x86
    [2013-05-20:16:39:57] Commandline is: -runtime C:\Users\Michael\AppData\Local\Temp\AIRE44B.tmp -withRuntime -url "C:\Users\Michael\AppData\Local\Temp\AIRB08F.tmp\Adobe Download Assistant"
    [2013-05-20:16:39:57] No installed runtime detected
    [2013-05-20:16:39:58] Validating app in folder C:\Users\Michael\AppData\Local\Temp\AIRB08F.tmp\Adobe Download Assistant
    [2013-05-20:16:39:59] Application signature verified
    [2013-05-20:16:39:59] Unpackaging/validation complete
    [2013-05-20:16:40:08] Launching subprocess with commandline C:\Users\Michael\AppData\Local\Temp\AIRE44B.tmp\Adobe AIR\Versions\1.0\Adobe AIR Application Installer -runtime C:\Users\Michael\AppData\Local\Temp\AIRE44B.tmp -silent -logToStdout -withRuntime -url -location C:\Users\Michael\Downloads -desktopShortcut -programMenu "C:\Users\Michael\AppData\Local\Temp\AIRB08F.tmp\Adobe Download Assistant"
    [2013-05-20:16:40:08] Relaunching with elevation
    [2013-05-20:16:40:10] Application Installer begin with version on Windows 7 x86
    [2013-05-20:16:40:10] Commandline is: -stdio \\.\pipe\AIR_8196_0 -runtime C:\Users\Michael\AppData\Local\Temp\AIRE44B.tmp -silent -logToStdout -withRuntime -url -location C:\Users\Michael\Downloads -desktopShortcut -programMenu "C:\Users\Michael\AppData\Local\Temp\AIRB08F.tmp\Adobe Download Assistant"
    [2013-05-20:16:40:10] No installed runtime detected
    [2013-05-20:16:40:10] Validating app in folder C:\Users\Michael\AppData\Local\Temp\AIRB08F.tmp\Adobe Download Assistant
    [2013-05-20:16:40:11] Application signature verified
    [2013-05-20:16:40:11] Unpackaging/validation complete
    [2013-05-20:16:40:11] Starting silent combined runtime and app install.
    Installing runtime version
    Installing app com.adobe.downloadassistant.AdobeDownloadAssistant version 1.2.5 to C:\Users\Michael\Downloads using the source file at C:\Users\Michael\AppData\Local\Temp\AIRB08F.tmp\Adobe Download Assistant
    [2013-05-20:16:40:11] Got an unexpected fatal error while in stateInstalling: [ErrorEvent type="error" bubbles=false cancelable=false eventPhase=2 text="Unhandled exception Error: App already exists" errorID=5007]
    [2013-05-20:16:40:11] Elevated install failed: error 5007 Unhandled exception Error: App already exists
    [2013-05-20:16:40:18] Application Installer end with exit code 7
    [2013-05-20:16:40:19] Subprocess app installer failed (7)
    [2013-05-20:16:40:19] Runtime Installer end with exit code 7
    [2013-05-20:16:40:19] Subprocess Runtime Installer failed (7)
    [2013-05-20:16:40:19] Bootstrapper end with exit code 7
    [2013-05-20:16:40:29] Bootstrapper begin with version on Win x86
    [2013-05-20:16:40:29] No installed runtime detected
    [2013-05-20:16:40:29] Begin runtime download from http://airdownload.adobe.com/air/3/nai/windows6.1/x86/installer
    [2013-05-20:16:40:40] Download success
    [2013-05-20:16:40:40] Begin signature download from http://airdownload.adobe.com/air/3/nai/windows6.1/x86/installer.p7
    [2013-05-20:16:40:40] Download success
    [2013-05-20:16:40:40] Detached signature verified
    [2013-05-20:16:40:40] Begin cert chain validation
    [2013-05-20:16:40:40] Begin crl download from http://crl.adobe.com/prodSvce.crl
    [2013-05-20:16:40:40] Download success
    [2013-05-20:16:40:40] Begin crl download from http://crl.adobe.com/cds.crl
    [2013-05-20:16:40:40] Download success
    [2013-05-20:16:40:40] Begin crl download from ldap:///CN=CRL1, CN=Adobe Root CA, OU=Adobe Trust Services, O=Adobe Systems Incorporated, C=US?certificateRevocationList;binary,authorityRevocationList;binary,deltaRevocationList; binary
    [2013-05-20:16:40:40] Download failure: could not retrieve crl crypt object
    [2013-05-20:16:40:40] Cert chain validation succeeded
    [2013-05-20:16:40:40] Launching subprocess with commandline "C:\Users\Michael\AppData\Local\Temp\AIRRuntimeInstaller.exe" -x1 "C:\Users\Michael\AppData\Local\Temp\AIR69CF.tmp\Adobe Download Assistant"
    [2013-05-20:16:40:44] Runtime Installer begin with version on Windows 7 x86
    [2013-05-20:16:40:44] Commandline is: -x1 "C:\Users\Michael\AppData\Local\Temp\AIR69CF.tmp\Adobe Download Assistant"
    [2013-05-20:16:40:44] No installed runtime detected
    [2013-05-20:16:40:44] Invoking Application Installer for combined install
    [2013-05-20:16:40:44] Launching subprocess with commandline C:\Users\Michael\AppData\Local\Temp\AIR9C25.tmp\Adobe AIR\Versions\1.0\Adobe AIR Application Installer -runtime C:\Users\Michael\AppData\Local\Temp\AIR9C25.tmp -withRuntime -url "C:\Users\Michael\AppData\Local\Temp\AIR69CF.tmp\Adobe Download Assistant"
    [2013-05-20:16:40:44] Application Installer begin with version on Windows 7 x86
    [2013-05-20:16:40:44] Commandline is: -runtime C:\Users\Michael\AppData\Local\Temp\AIR9C25.tmp -withRuntime -url "C:\Users\Michael\AppData\Local\Temp\AIR69CF.tmp\Adobe Download Assistant"
    [2013-05-20:16:40:44] No installed runtime detected
    [2013-05-20:16:40:45] Validating app in folder C:\Users\Michael\AppData\Local\Temp\AIR69CF.tmp\Adobe Download Assistant
    [2013-05-20:16:40:46] Application signature verified
    [2013-05-20:16:40:46] Unpackaging/validation complete
    [2013-05-20:16:42:11] Launching subprocess with commandline C:\Users\Michael\AppData\Local\Temp\AIR9C25.tmp\Adobe AIR\Versions\1.0\Adobe AIR Application Installer -runtime C:\Users\Michael\AppData\Local\Temp\AIR9C25.tmp -silent -logToStdout -withRuntime -url -location "C:\Program Files (x86)" -desktopShortcut -programMenu "C:\Users\Michael\AppData\Local\Temp\AIR69CF.tmp\Adobe Download Assistant"
    [2013-05-20:16:42:11] Relaunching with elevation
    [2013-05-20:16:42:13] Application Installer begin with version on Windows 7 x86
    [2013-05-20:16:42:13] Commandline is: -stdio \\.\pipe\AIR_8988_0 -runtime C:\Users\Michael\AppData\Local\Temp\AIR9C25.tmp -silent -logToStdout -withRuntime -url -location "C:\Program Files (x86)" -desktopShortcut -programMenu "C:\Users\Michael\AppData\Local\Temp\AIR69CF.tmp\Adobe Download Assistant"
    [2013-05-20:16:42:13] No installed runtime detected
    [2013-05-20:16:42:14] Validating app in folder C:\Users\Michael\AppData\Local\Temp\AIR69CF.tmp\Adobe Download Assistant
    [2013-05-20:16:42:14] Application signature verified
    [2013-05-20:16:42:14] Unpackaging/validation complete
    [2013-05-20:16:42:14] Starting silent combined runtime and app install.
    Installing runtime version
    Installing app com.adobe.downloadassistant.AdobeDownloadAssistant version 1.2.5 to C:\Program Files (x86) using the source file at C:\Users\Michael\AppData\Local\Temp\AIR69CF.tmp\Adobe Download Assistant
    [2013-05-20:16:42:14] Reinstalling C:\Users\Michael\AppData\Local\Temp\AIR9C25.tmp\setup.msi
    [2013-05-20:16:42:15] Installing msi at C:\Users\Michael\AppData\Local\Temp\AIR69CF.tmp\Adobe Download Assistant\setup.msi with guid {5E21B617-F52E-BB10-92F9-C8AB2C799A8A}
    [2013-05-20:16:42:17] Application Installer end with exit code 0
    [2013-05-20:16:42:17] Elevated install completed
    [2013-05-20:16:42:17] Got an unexpected fatal error while accessing app for launch: Error: Missing necessary file META-INF/AIR/application.xml
    [2013-05-20:16:42:24] Application Installer end with exit code 7
    [2013-05-20:16:42:25] Subprocess app installer failed (7)
    [2013-05-20:16:42:25] Runtime Installer end with exit code 7
    [2013-05-20:16:42:25] Subprocess Runtime Installer failed (7)
    [2013-05-20:16:42:25] Bootstrapper end with exit code 7
    [2013-05-20:16:42:48] Bootstrapper begin with version on Win x86
    [2013-05-20:16:42:48] No installed runtime detected
    [2013-05-20:16:42:49] Begin runtime download from http://airdownload.adobe.com/air/3/nai/windows6.1/x86/installer
    [2013-05-20:16:43:00] Download success
    [2013-05-20:16:43:00] Begin signature download from http://airdownload.adobe.com/air/3/nai/windows6.1/x86/installer.p7
    [2013-05-20:16:43:00] Download success
    [2013-05-20:16:43:00] Detached signature verified
    [2013-05-20:16:43:00] Begin cert chain validation
    [2013-05-20:16:43:00] Begin crl download from http://crl.adobe.com/prodSvce.crl
    [2013-05-20:16:43:00] Download success
    [2013-05-20:16:43:00] Begin crl download from http://crl.adobe.com/cds.crl
    [2013-05-20:16:43:00] Download success
    [2013-05-20:16:43:00] Begin crl download from ldap:///CN=CRL1, CN=Adobe Root CA, OU=Adobe Trust Services, O=Adobe Systems Incorporated, C=US?certificateRevocationList;binary,authorityRevocationList;binary,deltaRevocationList; binary
    [2013-05-20:16:43:00] Download failure: could not retrieve crl crypt object
    [2013-05-20:16:43:00] Cert chain validation succeeded
    [2013-05-20:16:43:00] Launching subprocess with commandline "C:\Users\Michael\AppData\Local\Temp\AIRRuntimeInstaller.exe" -x1 "C:\Users\Michael\AppData\Local\Temp\AIR8AC7.tmp\Adobe Download Assistant"
    [2013-05-20:16:43:03] Runtime Installer begin with version on Windows 7 x86
    [2013-05-20:16:43:03] Commandline is: -x1 "C:\Users\Michael\AppData\Local\Temp\AIR8AC7.tmp\Adobe Download Assistant"
    [2013-05-20:16:43:03] No installed runtime detected
    [2013-05-20:16:43:04] Invoking Application Installer for combined install
    [2013-05-20:16:43:04] Launching subprocess with commandline C:\Users\Michael\AppData\Local\Temp\AIRBD7A.tmp\Adobe AIR\Versions\1.0\Adobe AIR Application Installer -runtime C:\Users\Michael\AppData\Local\Temp\AIRBD7A.tmp -withRuntime -url "C:\Users\Michael\AppData\Local\Temp\AIR8AC7.tmp\Adobe Download Assistant"
    [2013-05-20:16:43:04] Application Installer begin with version on Windows 7 x86
    [2013-05-20:16:43:04] Commandline is: -runtime C:\Users\Michael\AppData\Local\Temp\AIRBD7A.tmp -withRuntime -url "C:\Users\Michael\AppData\Local\Temp\AIR8AC7.tmp\Adobe Download Assistant"
    [2013-05-20:16:43:04] No installed runtime detected
    [2013-05-20:16:43:05] Validating app in folder C:\Users\Michael\AppData\Local\Temp\AIR8AC7.tmp\Adobe Download Assistant
    [2013-05-20:16:43:06] Application signature verified
    [2013-05-20:16:43:06] Unpackaging/validation complete
    [2013-05-20:16:43:09] Launching subprocess with commandline C:\Users\Michael\AppData\Local\Temp\AIRBD7A.tmp\Adobe AIR\Versions\1.0\Adobe AIR Application Installer -runtime C:\Users\Michael\AppData\Local\Temp\AIRBD7A.tmp -silent -logToStdout -withRuntime -url -location "C:\Program Files (x86)" -desktopShortcut -programMenu "C:\Users\Michael\AppData\Local\Temp\AIR8AC7.tmp\Adobe Download Assistant"
    [2013-05-20:16:43:09] Relaunching with elevation
    [2013-05-20:16:43:11] Application Installer begin with version on Windows 7 x86
    [2013-05-20:16:43:11] Commandline is: -stdio \\.\pipe\AIR_8332_0 -runtime C:\Users\Michael\AppData\Local\Temp\AIRBD7A.tmp -silent -logToStdout -withRuntime -url -location "C:\Program Files (x86)" -desktopShortcut -programMenu "C:\Users\Michael\AppData\Local\Temp\AIR8AC7.tmp\Adobe Download Assistant"
    [2013-05-20:16:43:11] No installed runtime detected
    [2013-05-20:16:43:11] Validating app in folder C:\Users\Michael\AppData\Local\Temp\AIR8AC7.tmp\Adobe Download Assistant
    [2013-05-20:16:43:12] Application signature verified
    [2013-05-20:16:43:12] Unpackaging/validation complete
    [2013-05-20:16:43:12] Starting silent combined runtime and app install.
    Installing runtime version
    Installing app com.adobe.downloadassistant.AdobeDownloadAssistant version 1.2.5 to C:\Program Files (x86) using the source file at C:\Users\Michael\AppData\Local\Temp\AIR8AC7.tmp\Adobe Download Assistant
    [2013-05-20:16:43:12] Reinstalling C:\Users\Michael\AppData\Local\Temp\AIRBD7A.tmp\setup.msi
    [2013-05-20:16:43:13] Installing msi at C:\Users\Michael\AppData\Local\Temp\AIR8AC7.tmp\Adobe Download Assistant\setup.msi with guid {5E21B617-F52E-BB10-92F9-C8AB2C799A8A}
    [2013-05-20:16:43:15] Application Installer end with exit code 0
    [2013-05-20:16:43:15] Elevated install completed
    [2013-05-20:16:43:15] Got an unexpected fatal error while accessing app for launch: Error: Missing necessary file META-INF/AIR/application.xml
    [2013-05-20:16:43:19] Application Installer end with exit code 7
    [2013-05-20:16:43:19] Subprocess app installer failed (7)
    [2013-05-20:16:43:19] Runtime Installer end with exit code 7
    [2013-05-20:16:43:20] Subprocess Runtime Installer failed (7)
    [2013-05-20:16:43:20] Bootstrapper end with exit code 7
    [2013-05-20:16:44:00] Runtime Installer begin with version on Windows 7 x86
    [2013-05-20:16:44:00] Commandline is:
    [2013-05-20:16:44:00] No installed runtime detected
    [2013-05-20:16:44:03] Relaunching with elevation
    [2013-05-20:16:44:03] Launching subprocess with commandline c:\users\michael\appdata\local\temp\air9c63.tmp\adobe air installer.exe -ei
    [2013-05-20:16:44:05] Runtime Installer begin with version on Windows 7 x86
    [2013-05-20:16:44:05] Commandline is: -stdio \\.\pipe\AIR_9028_0 -ei
    [2013-05-20:16:44:05] No installed runtime detected
    [2013-05-20:16:44:05] Starting silent runtime install. Installing runtime version
    [2013-05-20:16:44:05] Reinstalling c:\users\michael\appdata\local\temp\air9c63.tmp\setup.msi
    [2013-05-20:16:44:06] Runtime Installer end with exit code 0
    [2013-05-20:16:44:06] Elevated install completed
    [2013-05-20:16:44:08] Runtime Installer end with exit code 0
    [2013-05-20:16:52:34] Runtime Installer begin with version on Windows 7 x86
    [2013-05-20:16:52:34] Commandline is:
    [2013-05-20:16:52:34] No installed runtime detected
    [2013-05-20:16:52:46] Relaunching with elevation
    [2013-05-20:16:52:46] Launching subprocess with commandline c:\users\michael\appdata\local\temp\aird4db.tmp\adobe air installer.exe -ei
    [2013-05-20:16:52:54] Runtime Installer begin with version on Windows 7 x86
    [2013-05-20:16:52:54] Commandline is: -stdio \\.\pipe\AIR_3848_0 -ei
    [2013-05-20:16:52:54] No installed runtime detected
    [2013-05-20:16:52:54] Starting silent runtime install. Installing runtime version
    [2013-05-20:16:52:54] Reinstalling c:\users\michael\appdata\local\temp\aird4db.tmp\setup.msi
    [2013-05-20:16:53:04] Runtime Installer end with exit code 0
    [2013-05-20:16:53:04] Elevated install completed
    [2013-05-20:16:53:07] Runtime Installer end with exit code 0
    [2013-05-20:16:56:46] Runtime Installer begin with version on Windows 7 x86
    [2013-05-20:16:56:46] Commandline is:
    [2013-05-20:16:56:46] No installed runtime detected
    [2013-05-20:16:56:49] Relaunching with elevation
    [2013-05-20:16:56:49] Launching subprocess with commandline c:\users\michael\appdata\local\temp\aira85f.tmp\adobe air installer.exe -ei
    [2013-05-20:16:56:52] Runtime Installer begin with version on Windows 7 x86
    [2013-05-20:16:56:52] Commandline is: -stdio \\.\pipe\AIR_5840_0 -ei
    [2013-05-20:16:56:52] No installed runtime detected
    [2013-05-20:16:56:52] Starting silent runtime install. Installing runtime version
    [2013-05-20:16:56:52] Reinstalling c:\users\michael\appdata\local\temp\aira85f.tmp\setup.msi
    [2013-05-20:16:56:56] Runtime Installer end with exit code 0
    [2013-05-20:16:56:56] Elevated install completed
    [2013-05-20:16:56:59] Runtime Installer end with exit code 0
    [2013-05-20:16:57:58] Runtime Installer begin with version on Windows 7 x86
    [2013-05-20:16:57:58] Commandline is:
    [2013-05-20:16:57:58] No installed runtime detected
    [2013-05-20:16:58:02] Relaunching with elevation
    [2013-05-20:16:58:02] Launching subprocess with commandline c:\users\michael\appdata\local\temp\airc706.tmp\adobe air installer.exe -ei
    [2013-05-20:16:58:04] Runtime Installer begin with version on Windows 7 x86
    [2013-05-20:16:58:04] Commandline is: -stdio \\.\pipe\AIR_4356_0 -ei
    [2013-05-20:16:58:04] No installed runtime detected
    [2013-05-20:16:58:04] Starting silent runtime install. Installing runtime version
    [2013-05-20:16:58:04] Reinstalling c:\users\michael\appdata\local\temp\airc706.tmp\setup.msi
    [2013-05-20:16:58:07] Runtime Installer end with exit code 0
    [2013-05-20:16:58:07] Elevated install completed
    [2013-05-20:16:58:10] Runtime Installer end with exit code 0
    [2013-05-20:17:06:32] Runtime Installer begin with version on Windows 7 x86
    [2013-05-20:17:06:32] Commandline is:
    [2013-05-20:17:06:32] No installed runtime detected
    [2013-05-20:17:06:37] Relaunching with elevation
    [2013-05-20:17:06:37] Launching subprocess with commandline c:\users\michael\appdata\local\temp\aire3aa.tmp\adobe air installer.exe -ei
    [2013-05-20:17:06:41] Runtime Installer begin with version on Windows 7 x86
    [2013-05-20:17:06:41] Commandline is: -stdio \\.\pipe\AIR_5184_0 -ei
    [2013-05-20:17:06:41] No installed runtime detected
    [2013-05-20:17:06:42] Starting silent runtime install. Installing runtime version
    [2013-05-20:17:06:42] Reinstalling c:\users\michael\appdata\local\temp\aire3aa.tmp\setup.msi
    [2013-05-20:17:06:52] Runtime Installer end with exit code 0
    [2013-05-20:17:06:52] Elevated install completed
    [2013-05-20:17:06:54] Runtime Installer end with exit code 0
    [2013-05-20:17:07:20] Runtime Installer begin with version on Windows Vista x86
    [2013-05-20:17:07:20] Commandline is:
    [2013-05-20:17:07:20] No installed runtime detected
    [2013-05-20:17:07:25] Relaunching with elevation
    [2013-05-20:17:07:25] Launching subprocess with commandline c:\users\michael\appdata\local\temp\air9c3e.tmp\adobe air installer.exe -ei
    [2013-05-20:17:07:28] Runtime Installer begin with version on Windows 7 x86
    [2013-05-20:17:07:28] Commandline is: -stdio \\.\pipe\AIR_5936_0 -ei
    [2013-05-20:17:07:28] No installed runtime detected
    [2013-05-20:17:07:28] Starting silent runtime install. Installing runtime version
    [2013-05-20:17:07:28] Reinstalling c:\users\michael\appdata\local\temp\air9c3e.tmp\setup.msi
    [2013-05-20:17:07:32] Runtime Installer end with exit code 0
    [2013-05-20:17:07:32] Elevated install completed
    [2013-05-20:17:07:35] Runtime Installer end with exit code 0
    [2013-05-20:17:09:58] Bootstrapper begin with version on Win x86
    [2013-05-20:17:09:58] No installed runtime detected
    [2013-05-20:17:09:58] Begin runtime download from http://airdownload.adobe.com/air/3/nai/windows6.1/x86/installer
    [2013-05-20:17:10:09] Download success
    [2013-05-20:17:10:09] Begin signature download from http://airdownload.adobe.com/air/3/nai/windows6.1/x86/installer.p7
    [2013-05-20:17:10:09] Download success
    [2013-05-20:17:10:09] Detached signature verified
    [2013-05-20:17:10:09] Begin cert chain validation
    [2013-05-20:17:10:09] Begin crl download from http://crl.adobe.com/prodSvce.crl
    [2013-05-20:17:10:09] Download success
    [2013-05-20:17:10:09] Begin crl download from http://crl.adobe.com/cds.crl
    [2013-05-20:17:10:09] Download success
    [2013-05-20:17:10:09] Begin crl download from ldap:///CN=CRL1, CN=Adobe Root CA, OU=Adobe Trust Services, O=Adobe Systems Incorporated, C=US?certificateRevocationList;binary,authorityRevocationList;binary,deltaRevocationList; binary
    [2013-05-20:17:10:09] Download failure: could not retrieve crl crypt object
    [2013-05-20:17:10:09] Cert chain validation succeeded
    [2013-05-20:17:10:09] Launching subprocess with commandline "C:\Users\Michael\AppData\Local\Temp\AIRRuntimeInstaller.exe" -x1 "C:\Users\Michael\AppData\Local\Temp\AIR19B7.tmp\Adobe Download Assistant"
    [2013-05-20:17:10:14] Runtime Installer begin with version on Windows 7 x86
    [2013-05-20:17:10:14] Commandline is: -x1 "C:\Users\Michael\AppData\Local\Temp\AIR19B7.tmp\Adobe Download Assistant"
    [2013-05-20:17:10:14] No installed runtime detected
    [2013-05-20:17:10:14] Invoking Application Installer for combined install
    [2013-05-20:17:10:14] Launching subprocess with commandline C:\Users\Michael\AppData\Local\Temp\AIR4DD1.tmp\Adobe AIR\Versions\1.0\Adobe AIR Application Installer -runtime C:\Users\Michael\AppData\Local\Temp\AIR4DD1.tmp -withRuntime -url "C:\Users\Michael\AppData\Local\Temp\AIR19B7.tmp\Adobe Download Assistant"
    [2013-05-20:17:10:15] Application Installer begin with version on Windows 7 x86
    [2013-05-20:17:10:15] Commandline is: -runtime C:\Users\Michael\AppData\Local\Temp\AIR4DD1.tmp -withRuntime -url "C:\Users\Michael\AppData\Local\Temp\AIR19B7.tmp\Adobe Download Assistant"
    [2013-05-20:17:10:15] No installed runtime detected
    [2013-05-20:17:10:16] Validating app in folder C:\Users\Michael\AppData\Local\Temp\AIR19B7.tmp\Adobe Download Assistant
    [2013-05-20:17:10:17] Application signature verified
    [2013-05-20:17:10:17] Unpackaging/validation complete
    [2013-05-20:17:10:21] Launching subprocess with commandline C:\Users\Michael\AppData\Local\Temp\AIR4DD1.tmp\Adobe AIR\Versions\1.0\Adobe AIR Application Installer -runtime C:\Users\Michael\AppData\Local\Temp\AIR4DD1.tmp -silent -logToStdout -withRuntime -url -location "C:\Program Files (x86)" -desktopShortcut -programMenu "C:\Users\Michael\AppData\Local\Temp\AIR19B7.tmp\Adobe Download Assistant"
    [2013-05-20:17:10:21] Relaunching with elevation
    [2013-05-20:17:10:23] Application Installer begin with version on Windows 7 x86
    [2013-05-20:17:10:23] Commandline is: -stdio \\.\pipe\AIR_5056_0 -runtime C:\Users\Michael\AppData\Local\Temp\AIR4DD1.tmp -silent -logToStdout -withRuntime -url -location "C:\Program Files (x86)" -desktopShortcut -programMenu "C:\Users\Michael\AppData\Local\Temp\AIR19B7.tmp\Adobe Download Assistant"
    [2013-05-20:17:10:23] No installed runtime detected
    [2013-05-20:17:10:23] Validating app in folder C:\Users\Michael\AppData\Local\Temp\AIR19B7.tmp\Adobe Download Assistant
    [2013-05-20:17:10:24] Application signature verified
    [2013-05-20:17:10:24] Unpackaging/validation complete
    [2013-05-20:17:10:24] Starting silent combined runtime and app install.
    Installing runtime version
    Installing app com.adobe.downloadassistant.AdobeDownloadAssistant version 1.2.5 to C:\Program Files (x86) using the source file at C:\Users\Michael\AppData\Local\Temp\AIR19B7.tmp\Adobe Download Assistant
    [2013-05-20:17:10:24] Reinstalling C:\Users\Michael\AppData\Local\Temp\AIR4DD1.tmp\setup.msi
    [2013-05-20:17:10:26] Installing msi at C:\Users\Michael\AppData\Local\Temp\AIR19B7.tmp\Adobe Download Assistant\setup.msi with guid {5E21B617-F52E-BB10-92F9-C8AB2C799A8A}
    [2013-05-20:17:10:32] Application Installer end with exit code 0
    [2013-05-20:17:10:33] Elevated install completed
    [2013-05-20:17:10:33] Launching subprocess with commandline C:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe Download Assistant\Adobe Download Assistant.exe
    [2013-05-20:17:10:33] Application Installer end with exit code 0
    [2013-05-20:17:10:33] Subprocess app installer succeeded
    [2013-05-20:17:10:33] Runtime Installer end with exit code 0
    [2013-05-20:17:10:33] Subprocess Runtime Installer succeeded
    [2013-05-20:17:10:33] Bootstrapper end with exit code 0
    [2013-05-20:17:12:58] Runtime Installer begin with version on Windows 7 x86
    [2013-05-20:17:12:58] Commandline is:
    [2013-05-20:17:12:58] No installed runtime detected
    [2013-05-20:17:13:01] Relaunching with elevation
    [2013-05-20:17:13:01] Launching subprocess with commandline c:\users\michael\appdata\local\temp\aird01a.tmp\adobe air installer.exe -ei
    [2013-05-20:17:13:04] Runtime Installer begin with version on Windows 7 x86
    [2013-05-20:17:13:04] Commandline is: -stdio \\.\pipe\AIR_1180_0 -ei
    [2013-05-20:17:13:04] No installed runtime detected
    [2013-05-20:17:13:04] Starting silent runtime install. Installing runtime version
    [2013-05-20:17:13:04] Reinstalling c:\users\michael\appdata\local\temp\aird01a.tmp\setup.msi
    [2013-05-20:17:13:06] Runtime Installer end with exit code 0
    [2013-05-20:17:13:06] Elevated install completed
    [2013-05-20:17:13:07] Runtime Installer end with exit code 0
    [2013-05-20:17:13:30] Runtime Installer begin with version on Windows Vista x86
    [2013-05-20:17:13:30] Commandline is:
    [2013-05-20:17:13:30] No installed runtime detected
    [2013-05-20:17:13:33] Relaunching with elevation
    [2013-05-20:17:13:33] Launching subprocess with commandline c:\users\michael\appdata\local\temp\air4b51.tmp\adobe air installer.exe -ei
    [2013-05-20:17:13:35] Runtime Installer begin with version on Windows 7 x86
    [2013-05-20:17:13:35] Commandline is: -stdio \\.\pipe\AIR_3744_0 -ei
    [2013-05-20:17:13:35] No installed runtime detected
    [2013-05-20:17:13:35] Starting silent runtime install. Installing runtime version
    [2013-05-20:17:13:35] Reinstalling c:\users\michael\appdata\local\temp\air4b51.tmp\setup.msi
    [2013-05-20:17:13:37] Runtime Installer end with exit code 0
    [2013-05-20:17:13:37] Elevated install completed
    [2013-05-20:17:13:38] Runtime Installer end with exit code 0
    [2013-05-20:17:14:38] Bootstrapper begin with version on Win x86
    [2013-05-20:17:14:38] No installed runtime detected
    [2013-05-20:17:14:38] Begin runtime download from http://airdownload.adobe.com/air/3/nai/windows6.1/x86/installer
    [2013-05-20:17:14:50] Download success
    [2013-05-20:17:14:50] Begin signature download from http://airdownload.adobe.com/air/3/nai/windows6.1/x86/installer.p7
    [2013-05-20:17:14:50] Download success
    [2013-05-20:17:14:50] Detached signature verified
    [2013-05-20:17:14:50] Begin cert chain validation
    [2013-05-20:17:14:50] Begin crl download from http://crl.adobe.com/prodSvce.crl
    [2013-05-20:17:14:50] Download success
    [2013-05-20:17:14:50] Begin crl download from http://crl.adobe.com/cds.crl
    [2013-05-20:17:14:50] Download success
    [2013-05-20:17:14:50] Begin crl download from ldap:///CN=CRL1, CN=Adobe Root CA, OU=Adobe Trust Services, O=Adobe Systems Incorporated, C=US?certificateRevocationList;binary,authorityRevocationList;binary,deltaRevocationList; binary
    [2013-05-20:17:14:50] Download failure: could not retrieve crl crypt object
    [2013-05-20:17:14:50] Cert chain validation succeeded
    [2013-05-20:17:14:50] Launching subprocess with commandline "C:\Users\Michael\AppData\Local\Temp\AIRRuntimeInstaller.exe" -x1 "C:\Users\Michael\AppData\Local\Temp\AIR60A6.tmp\Adobe Download Assistant"
    [2013-05-20:17:14:54] Runtime Installer begin with version on Windows 7 x86
    [2013-05-20:17:14:54] Commandline is: -x1 "C:\Users\Michael\AppData\Local\Temp\AIR60A6.tmp\Adobe Download Assistant"
    [2013-05-20:17:14:54] No installed runtime detected
    [2013-05-20:17:14:54] Invoking Application Installer for combined install
    [2013-05-20:17:14:54] Launching subprocess with commandline C:\Users\Michael\AppData\Local\Temp\AIR950E.tmp\Adobe AIR\Versions\1.0\Adobe AIR Application Installer -runtime C:\Users\Michael\AppData\Local\Temp\AIR950E.tmp -withRuntime -url "C:\Users\Michael\AppData\Local\Temp\AIR60A6.tmp\Adobe Download Assistant"
    [2013-05-20:17:14:54] Application Installer begin with version on Windows 7 x86
    [2013-05-20:17:14:54] Commandline is: -runtime C:\Users\Michael\AppData\Local\Temp\AIR950E.tmp -withRuntime -url "C:\Users\Michael\AppData\Local\Temp\AIR60A6.tmp\Adobe Download Assistant"
    [2013-05-20:17:14:54] No installed runtime detected
    [2013-05-20:17:14:56] Validating app in folder C:\Users\Michael\AppData\Local\Temp\AIR60A6.tmp\Adobe Download Assistant
    [2013-05-20:17:14:56] Application signature verified
    [2013-05-20:17:14:56] Unpackaging/validation complete
    [2013-05-20:17:15:11] Cancel request received
    [2013-05-20:17:15:11] Application Installer end with exit code 6
    [2013-05-20:17:15:11] Subprocess app installer failed (6)
    [2013-05-20:17:15:11] Cancel request received
    [2013-05-20:17:15:11] Runtime Installer end with exit code 6
    [2013-05-20:17:15:12] Subprocess Runtime Installer failed (6)
    [2013-05-20:17:15:12] Bootstrapper end with exit code 6
    [2013-05-20:17:19:17] Runtime Installer begin with version on Windows Vista x86
    [2013-05-20:17:19:17] Commandline is:
    [2013-05-20:17:19:17] No installed runtime detected
    [2013-05-20:17:19:20] Relaunching with elevation
    [2013-05-20:17:19:20] Launching subprocess with commandline c:\users\michael\appdata\local\temp\air94ef.tmp\adobe air installer.exe -ei
    [2013-05-20:17:19:22] Runtime Installer begin with version on Windows 7 x86
    [2013-05-20:17:19:22] Commandline is: -stdio \\.\pipe\AIR_1180_0 -ei
    [2013-05-20:17:19:22] No installed runtime detected
    [2013-05-20:17:19:22] Starting silent runtime install. Installing runtime version
    [2013-05-20:17:19:22] Reinstalling c:\users\michael\appdata\local\temp\air94ef.tmp\setup.msi
    [2013-05-20:17:19:24] Runtime Installer end with exit code 0
    [2013-05-20:17:19:24] Elevated install completed
    [2013-05-20:17:19:26] Runtime Installer end with exit code 0
    [2013-05-20:17:48:13] Runtime Installer begin with version on Windows 7 x86
    [2013-05-20:17:48:13] Commandline is:
    [2013-05-20:17:48:13] No installed runtime detected
    [2013-05-20:17:48:15] Relaunching with elevation
    [2013-05-20:17:48:15] Launching subprocess with commandline c:\users\michael\appdata\local\temp\air13fd.tmp\adobe air installer.exe -ei
    [2013-05-20:17:48:17] Runtime Installer begin with version on Windows 7 x86
    [2013-05-20:17:48:17] Commandline is: -stdio \\.\pipe\AIR_2852_0 -ei
    [2013-05-20:17:48:17] No installed runtime detected
    [2013-05-20:17:48:17] Starting silent runtime install. Installing runtime version
    [2013-05-20:17:48:17] Installing msi at c:\users\michael\appdata\local\temp\air13fd.tmp\setup.msi with guid {A0087DDE-69D0-11E2-AD57-43CA6188709B}
    [2013-05-20:17:48:20] Runtime Installer end with exit code 0
    [2013-05-20:17:48:20] Elevated install completed
    [2013-05-20:17:48:22] Runtime Installer end with exit code 0
    [2013-05-20:19:07:56] Runtime Installer begin with version on Windows 7 x86
    [2013-05-20:19:07:56] Commandline is:
    [2013-05-20:19:07:56] No installed runtime detected
    [2013-05-20:19:08:01] Relaunching with elevation
    [2013-05-20:19:08:01] Launching subprocess with commandline c:\users\michael\appdata\local\temp\aira488.tmp\adobe air installer.exe -ei
    [2013-05-20:19:08:04] Runtime Installer begin with version on Windows 7 x86
    [2013-05-20:19:08:04] Commandline is: -stdio \\.\pipe\AIR_1304_0 -ei
    [2013-05-20:19:08:04] No installed runtime detected
    [2013-05-20:19:08:04] Starting silent runtime install. Installing runtime version
    [2013-05-20:19:08:04] Installing msi at c:\users\michael\appdata\local\temp\aira488.tmp\setup.msi with guid {A0087DDE-69D0-11E2-AD57-43CA6188709B}
    [2013-05-20:19:08:09] Runtime Installer end with exit code 0
    [2013-05-20:19:08:09] Elevated install completed
    [2013-05-20:19:08:12] Runtime Installer end with exit code 0
    [2013-05-20:19:24:23] Runtime Installer begin with version on Windows 7 x86
    [2013-05-20:19:24:23] Commandline is:
    [2013-05-20:19:24:23] No installed runtime detected
    [2013-05-20:19:24:26] Relaunching with elevation
    [2013-05-20:19:24:26] Launching subprocess with commandline c:\users\michael\appdata\local\temp\airb682.tmp\adobe air installer.exe -ei
    [2013-05-20:19:24:28] Runtime Installer begin with version on Windows 7 x86
    [2013-05-20:19:24:28] Commandline is: -stdio \\.\pipe\AIR_3592_0 -ei
    [2013-05-20:19:24:28] No installed runtime detected
    [2013-05-20:19:24:28] Starting silent runtime install. Installing runtime version
    [2013-05-20:19:24:28] Reinstalling c:\users\michael\appdata\local\temp\airb682.tmp\setup.msi
    [2013-05-20:19:24:29] Runtime Installer end with exit code 0
    [2013-05-20:19:24:30] Elevated install completed
    [2013-05-20:19:24:32] Runtime Installer end with exit code 0
    [2013-05-23:20:17:56] Runtime Installer begin with version on Windows Vista x86
    [2013-05-23:20:17:56] Commandline is:
    [2013-05-23:20:17:56] No installed runtime detected
    [2013-05-23:20:18:09] Relaunching with elevation
    [2013-05-23:20:18:09] Launching subprocess with commandline c:\users\michael\appdata\local\temp\air21e3.tmp\adobe air installer.exe -ei
    [2013-05-23:20:18:17] Runtime Installer begin with version on Windows 7 x86
    [2013-05-23:20:18:17] Commandline is: -stdio \\.\pipe\AIR_5960_0 -ei
    [2013-05-23:20:18:17] No installed runtime detected
    [2013-05-23:20:18:17] Starting silent runtime install. Installing runtime version
    [2013-05-23:20:18:17] Reinstalling c:\users\michael\appdata\local\temp\air21e3.tmp\setup.msi
    [2013-05-23:20:18:19] Runtime Installer end with exit code 0
    [2013-05-23:20:18:19] Elevated install completed
    [2013-05-23:20:18:23] Runtime Installer end with exit code 0
    [2013-05-23:20:27:45] Runtime Installer begin with version on Windows Vista x86
    [2013-05-23:20:27:45] Commandline is:
    [2013-05-23:20:27:45] No installed runtime detected
    [2013-05-23:20:27:53] Relaunching with elevation
    [2013-05-23:20:27:53] Launching subprocess with commandline c:\users\michael\appdata\local\temp\air234a.tmp\adobe air installer.exe -ei
    [2013-05-23:20:27:55] Runtime Installer begin with version on Windows 7 x86
    [2013-05-23:20:27:55] Commandline is: -stdio \\.\pipe\AIR_5248_0 -ei
    [2013-05-23:20:27:55] No installed runtime detected
    [2013-05-23:20:27:55] Starting silent runtime install. Installing runtime version
    [2013-05-23:20:27:55] Installing msi at c:\users\michael\appdata\local\temp\air234a.tmp\setup.msi with guid {14DC0059-00F1-4F62-BD1A-AB23CD51A95E}
    [2013-05-23:20:27:57] Runtime Installer end with exit code 0
    [2013-05-23:20:27:57] Elevated install completed
    [2013-05-23:20:27:59] Runtime Installer end with exit code 0
    [2013-05-23:20:29:25] Bootstrapper begin with version on Win x86
    [2013-05-23:20:29:25] No installed runtime detected
    [2013-05-23:20:29:25] Begin runtime download from http://airdownload.adobe.com/air/3/nai/windows6.1/x86/installer
    [2013-05-23:20:29:36] Download success
    [2013-05-23:20:29:36] Begin signature download from http://airdownload.adobe.com/air/3/nai/windows6.1/x86/installer.p7
    [2013-05-23:20:29:36] Download success
    [2013-05-23:20:29:36] Detached signature verified
    [2013-05-23:20:29:36] Begin cert chain validation
    [2013-05-23:20:29:36] Begin crl download from http://crl.adobe.com/prodSvce.crl
    [2013-05-23:20:29:36] Download success
    [2013-05-23:20:29:36] Begin crl download from http://crl.adobe.com/cds.crl
    [2013-05-23:20:29:36] Download success
    [2013-05-23:20:29:36] Begin crl download from ldap:///CN=CRL1, CN=Adobe Root CA, OU=Adobe Trust Services, O=Adobe Systems Incorporated, C=US?certificateRevocationList;binary,authorityRevocationList;binary,deltaRevocationList; binary
    [2013-05-23:20:29:37] Download failure: could not retrieve crl crypt object
    [2013-05-23:20:29:37] Cert chain validation succeeded
    [2013-05-23:20:29:37] Launching subprocess with commandline "C:\Users\Michael\AppData\Local\Temp\AIRRuntimeInstaller.exe" -x1 "C:\Users\Michael\AppData\Local\Temp\AIRAE69.tmp\Adobe Download Assistant"
    [2013-05-23:20:29:40] Runtime Installer begin with version on Windows 7 x86
    [2013-05-23:20:29:40] Commandline is: -x1 "C:\Users\Michael\AppData\Local\Temp\AIRAE69.tmp\Adobe Download Assistant"
    [2013-05-23:20:29:40] No installed runtime detected
    [2013-05-23:20:29:40] Invoking Application Installer for combined install
    [2013-05-23:20:29:40] Launching subprocess with commandline C:\Users\Michael\AppData\Local\Temp\AIRE2E1.tmp\Adobe AIR\Versions\1.0\Adobe AIR Application Installer -runtime C:\Users\Michael\AppData\Local\Temp\AIRE2E1.tmp -withRuntime -url "C:\Users\Michael\AppData\Local\Temp\AIRAE69.tmp\Adobe Download Assistant"
    [2013-05-23:20:29:40] Application Installer begin with version on Windows 7 x86
    [2013-05-23:20:29:40] Commandline is: -runtime C:\Users\Michael\AppData\Local\Temp\AIRE2E1.tmp -withRuntime -url "C:\Users\Michael\AppData\Local\Temp\AIRAE69.tmp\Adobe Download Assistant"
    [2013-05-23:20:29:40] No installed runtime detected
    [2013-05-23:20:29:42] Validating app in folder C:\Users\Michael\AppData\Local\Temp\AIRAE69.tmp\Adobe Download Assistant
    [2013-05-23:20:29:42] Application signature verified
    [2013-05-23:20:29:42] Unpackaging/validation complete
    [2013-05-23:20:29:57] Launching subprocess with commandline C:\Users\Michael\AppData\Local\Temp\AIRE2E1.tmp\Adobe AIR\Versions\1.0\Adobe AIR Application Installer -runtime C:\Users\Michael\AppData\Local\Temp\AIRE2E1.tmp -silent -logToStdout -withRuntime -url -location "C:\Program Files (x86)" -desktopShortcut -programMenu "C:\Users\Michael\AppData\Local\Temp\AIRAE69.tmp\Adobe Download Assistant"
    [2013-05-23:20:29:57] Relaunching with elevation
    [2013-05-23:20:29:59] Application Installer begin with version on Windows 7 x86
    [2013-05-23:20:29:59] Commandline is: -stdio \\.\pipe\AIR_4832_0 -runtime C:\Users\Michael\AppData\Local\Temp\AIRE2E1.tmp -silent -logToStdout -withRuntime -url -location "C:\Program Files (x86)" -desktopShortcut -programMenu "C:\Users\Michael\AppData\Local\Temp\AIRAE69.tmp\Adobe Download Assistant"
    [2013-05-23:20:29:59] No installed runtime detected
    [2013-05-23:20:30:00] Validating app in folder C:\Users\Michael\AppData\Local\Temp\AIRAE69.tmp\Adobe Download Assistant
    [2013-05-23:20:30:00] Application signature verified
    [2013-05-23:20:30:00] Unpackaging/validation complete
    [2013-05-23:20:30:00] Starting silent combined runtime and app install.
    Installing runtime version
    Installing app com.adobe.downloadassistant.AdobeDownloadAssistant version 1.2.5 to C:\Program Files (x86) using the source file at C:\Users\Michael\AppData\Local\Temp\AIRAE69.tmp\Adobe Download Assistant
    [2013-05-23:20:30:00] Installing msi at C:\Users\Michael\AppData\Local\Temp\AIRE2E1.tmp\setup.msi with guid {A0087DDE-69D0-11E2-AD57-43CA6188709B}
    [2013-05-23:20:30:03] Installing msi at C:\Users\Michael\AppData\Local\Temp\AIRAE69.tmp\Adobe Download Assistant\setup.msi with guid {5E21B617-F52E-BB10-92F9-C8AB2C799A8A}
    [2013-05-23:20:30:05] Application Installer end with exit code 0
    [2013-05-23:20:30:06] Elevated install completed
    [2013-05-23:20:30:06] Launching subprocess with commandline C:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe Download Assistant\Adobe Download Assistant.exe
    [2013-05-23:20:30:06] Application Installer end with exit code 0
    [2013-05-23:20:30:06] Subprocess app installer succeeded
    [2013-05-23:20:30:06] Runtime Installer end with exit code 0
    [2013-05-23:20:30:06] Subprocess Runtime Installer succeeded
    [2013-05-23:20:30:06] Bootstrapper end with exit code 0
    [2013-05-24:16:48:22] Runtime Installer begin with version on Windows 7 x86
    [2013-05-24:16:48:22] Commandline is:
    [2013-05-24:16:48:22] No installed runtime detected
    [2013-05-24:16:48:26] Relaunching with elevation
    [2013-05-24:16:48:26] Launching subprocess with commandline c:\users\michael\appdata\local\temp\airedf8.tmp\adobe air installer.exe -ei
    [2013-05-24:16:48:27] Runtime Installer begin with version on Windows 7 x86
    [2013-05-24:16:48:27] Commandline is: -stdio \\.\pipe\AIR_5252_0 -ei
    [2013-05-24:16:48:27] No installed runtime detected
    [2013-05-24:16:48:27] Starting silent runtime install. Installing runtime version
    [2013-05-24:16:48:27] Reinstalling c:\users\michael\appdata\local\temp\airedf8.tmp\setup.msi
    [2013-05-24:16:48:30] Runtime Installer end with exit code 0
    [2013-05-24:16:48:30] Elevated install completed
    [2013-05-24:16:48:32] Runtime Installer end with exit code 0
    [2013-05-24:16:54:13] Runtime Installer begin with version on Windows 7 x86
    [2013-05-24:16:54:13] Commandline is:
    [2013-05-24:16:54:13] No installed runtime detected
    [2013-05-24:16:54:18] Relaunching with elevation
    [2013-05-24:16:54:18] Launching subprocess with commandline c:\users\michael\appdata\local\temp\air49db.tmp\adobe air installer.exe -ei
    [2013-05-24:16:54:21] Runtime Installer begin with version on Windows 7 x86
    [2013-05-24:16:54:21] Commandline is: -stdio \\.\pipe\AIR_4572_0 -ei
    [2013-05-24:16:54:21] No installed runtime detected
    [2013-05-24:16:54:21] Starting silent runtime install. Installing runtime version
    [2013-05-24:16:54:21] Reinstalling c:\users\michael\appdata\local\temp\air49db.tmp\setup.msi
    [2013-05-24:16:54:30] Runtime Installer end with exit code 0
    [2013-05-24:16:54:30] Elevated install completed
    [2013-05-24:16:54:32] Runtime Installer end with exit code 0
    [2013-05-24:16:54:48] Runtime Installer begin with version on Windows Vista x86
    [2013-05-24:16:54:48] Commandline is:
    [2013-05-24:16:54:48] No installed runtime detected
    [2013-05-24:16:54:52] Relaunching with elevation
    [2013-05-24:16:54:52] Launching subprocess with commandline c:\users\michael\appdata\local\temp\aird789.tmp\adobe air installer.exe -ei
    [2013-05-24:16:54:54] Runtime Installer begin with version on Windows 7 x86
    [2013-05-24:16:54:54] Commandline is: -stdio \\.\pipe\AIR_880_0 -ei
    [2013-05-24:16:54:54] No installed runtime detected
    [2013-05-24:16:54:54] Starting silent runtime install. Installing runtime version
    [2013-05-24:16:54:54] Reinstalling c:\users\michael\appdata\local\temp\aird789.tmp\setup.msi
    [2013-05-24:16:54:56] Runtime Installer end with exit code 0
    [2013-05-24:16:54:57] Elevated install completed
    [2013-05-24:16:54:58] Runtime Installer end with exit code 0
    [2013-06-04:18:22:16] Runtime Installer begin with version on Windows 7 x86
    [2013-06-04:18:22:16] Commandline is: -silent -eulaAccepted -location "C:\Program Files (x86)\Bamboo Dock" C:\Users\Michael\AppData\Local\Temp\BWM\BambooDock.air
    [2013-06-04:18:22:16] No installed runtime detected
    [2013-06-04:18:22:16] Invoking Application Installer for combined install
    [2013-06-04:18:22:16] Launching subprocess with commandline C:\Users\Michael\AppData\Local\Temp\BWM\Adobe AIR\Versions\1.0\Adobe AIR Application Installer -runtime C:\Users\Michael\AppData\Local\Temp\BWM -silent -withRuntime -url -location "C:\Program Files (x86)\Bamboo Dock" -eulaAccepted file:///C:/Users/Michael/AppData/Local/Temp/BWM/BambooDock.air
    [2013-06-04:18:22:24] Application Installer begin with version on Windows 7 x86
    [2013-06-04:18:22:24] Commandline is: -runtime C:\Users\Michael\AppData\Local\Temp\BWM -silent -withRuntime -url -location "C:\Program Files (x86)\Bamboo Dock" -eulaAccepted file:///C:/Users/Michael/AppData/Local/Temp/BWM/BambooDock.air
    [2013-06-04:18:22:24] No installed runtime detected
    [2013-06-04:18:22:24] Unpackaging file:///C:/Users/Michael/AppData/Local/Temp/BWM/BambooDock.air to C:\Users\Michael\AppData\Local\Temp\flaE04.tmp
    [2013-06-04:18:22:26] Application signature verified
    [2013-06-04:18:22:26] Unpackaging/validation complete
    [2013-06-04:18:22:26] Converting unpackaged application to a native installation package in C:\Users\Michael\AppData\Local\Temp\fla164E.tmp
    [2013-06-04:18:22:27] Native installation package creation succeeded
    [2013-06-04:18:22:27] Starting silent combined runtime and app install.
    Installing runtime version
    Installing app wacomid-desktop-launcher.DCFD4B89A63EE70BC162777F06D4B93B6397AEC7.1 version 4.1.0 to C:\Program Files (x86)\Bamboo Dock using the source file at file:///C:/Users/Michael/AppData/Local/Temp/BWM/BambooDock.air
    [2013-06-04:18:22:27] Installing msi at C:\Users\Michael\AppData\Local\Temp\BWM\setup.msi with guid {AFF7E080-1974-45BF-9310-10DE1A1F5ED0}
    [2013-06-04:18:22:36] Installing msi at C:\Users\Michael\AppData\Local\Temp\fla164E.tmp\setup.msi with guid {A6AF3ED8-30C2-253D-48D0-3647AC58FE58}
    [2013-06-04:18:22:41] Application Installer end with exit code 0
    [2013-06-04:18:22:41] Subprocess app installer succeeded
    [2013-06-04:18:22:41] Runtime Installer end with exit code 0
    [2013-06-04:18:24:04] Runtime Installer begin with version on Windows 7 x86
    [2013-06-04:18:24:04] Commandline is:
    [2013-06-04:18:24:04] No installed runtime detected
    [2013-06-04:18:24:29] Relaunching with elevation
    [2013-06-04:18:24:29] Launching subprocess with commandline c:\users\michael\appdata\local\temp\air86ac.tmp\adobe air installer.exe -ei
    [2013-06-04:18:24:32] Runtime Installer begin with version on Windows 7 x86
    [2013-06-04:18:24:32] Commandline is: -stdio \\.\pipe\AIR_6040_0 -ei
    [2013-06-04:18:24:32] No installed runtime detected
    [2013-06-04:18:24:32] Starting silent runtime install. Installing runtime version
    [2013-06-04:18:24:32] Installing msi at c:\users\michael\appdata\local\temp\air86ac.tmp\setup.msi with guid {A0087DDE-69D0-11E2-AD57-43CA6188709B}
    [2013-06-04:18:24:34] Runtime Installer end with exit code 0
    [2013-06-04:18:24:34] Elevated install completed
    [2013-06-04:18:24:38] Runtime Installer end with exit code 0
    [2013-06-04:18:32:30] Runtime Installer begin with version on Windows Vista x86
    [2013-06-04:18:32:30] Commandline is:
    [2013-06-04:18:32:30] No installed runtime detected
    [2013-06-04:18:32:34] Relaunching with elevation
    [2013-06-04:18:32:34] Launching subprocess with commandline c:\users\michael\appdata\local\temp\air3d1f.tmp\adobe air installer.exe -ei
    [2013-06-04:18:32:35] Runtime Installer begin with version on Windows 7 x86
    [2013-06-04:18:32:35] Commandline is: -stdio \\.\pipe\AIR_4728_0 -ei
    [2013-06-04:18:32:35] No installed runtime detected
    [2013-06-04:18:32:36] Starting silent runtime install. Installing runtime version
    [2013-06-04:18:32:36] Reinstalling c:\users\michael\appdata\local\temp\air3d1f.tmp\setup.msi
    [2013-06-04:18:32:38] Runtime Installer end with exit code 0
    [2013-06-04:18:32:38] Elevated install completed
    [2013-06-04:18:32:39] Runtime Installer end with exit code 0
    [2013-06-04:18:42:34] Runtime Installer begin with version on Windows 7 x86
    [2013-06-04:18:42:34] Commandline is:
    [2013-06-04:18:42:34] No installed runtime detected
    [2013-06-04:18:42:39] Relaunching with elevation
    [2013-06-04:18:42:39] Launching subprocess with commandline c:\users\michael\appdata\local\temp\air5031.tmp\adobe air installer.exe -ei
    [2013-06-04:18:42:43] Runtime Installer begin with version on Windows 7 x86
    [2013-06-04:18:42:43] Commandline is: -stdio \\.\pipe\AIR_5872_0 -ei
    [2013-06-04:18:42:43] No installed runtime detected
    [2013-06-04:18:42:43] Starting silent runtime install. Installing runtime version
    [2013-06-04:18:42:43] Reinstalling c:\users\michael\appdata\local\temp\air5031.tmp\setup.msi
    [2013-06-04:18:42:50] Runtime Installer end with exit code 0
    [2013-06-04:18:42:50] Elevated install completed
    [2013-06-04:18:42:55] Runtime Installer end with exit code 0
    [2013-06-04:18:45:07] Runtime Installer begin with version on Windows 7 x86
    [2013-06-04:18:45:07] Commandline is:
    [2013-06-04:18:45:07] No installed runtime detected
    [2013-06-04:18:45:10] Relaunching with elevation
    [2013-06-04:18:45:10] Launching subprocess with commandline c:\users\michael\appdata\local\temp\aira18b.tmp\adobe air installer.exe -ei
    [2013-06-04:18:45:12] Runtime Installer begin with version on Windows 7 x86
    [2013-06-04:18:45:12] Commandline is: -stdio \\.\pipe\AIR_3208_0 -ei
    [2013-06-04:18:45:12] No installed runtime detected
    [2013-06-04:18:45:13] Starting silent runtime install. Installing runtime version
    [2013-06-04:18:45:13] Reinstalling c:\users\michael\appdata\local\temp\aira18b.tmp\setup.msi
    [2013-06-04:18:45:15] Runtime Installer end with exit code 0
    [2013-06-04:18:45:15] Elevated install completed
    [2013-06-04:18:45:17] Runtime Installer end with exit code 0
    [2013-06-04:18:47:08] Runtime Installer begin with version on Windows 7 x86
    [2013-06-04:18:47:08] Commandline is:
    [2013-06-04:18:47:08] No installed runtime detected
    [2013-06-04:18:47:11] Relaunching with elevation
    [2013-06-04:18:47:11] Launching subprocess with commandline c:\users\michael\appdata\local\temp\air7f6b.tmp\adobe air installer.exe -ei
    [2013-06-04:18:47:12] Runtime Installer begin with version on Windows 7 x86
    [2013-06-04:18:47:12] Commandline is: -stdio \\.\pipe\AIR_5980_0 -ei
    [2013-06-04:18:47:12] No installed runtime detected
    [2013-06-04:18:47:12] Starting silent runtime install. Installing runtime version
    [2013-06-04:18:47:12] Reinstalling c:\users\michael\appdata\local\temp\air7f6b.tmp\setup.msi
    [2013-06-04:18:47:16] Runtime Installer end with exit code 0
    [2013-06-04:18:47:16] Elevated install completed
    [2013-06-04:18:47:19] Runtime Installer end with exit code 0
    [2013-06-04:19:41:53] Runtime Installer begin with version on Windows Vista x86
    [2013-06-04:19:41:53] Commandline is:
    [2013-06-04:19:41:53] No installed runtime detected
    [2013-06-04:19:42:02] Relaunching with elevation
    [2013-06-04:19:42:02] Launching subprocess with commandline c:\users\michael\appdata\local\temp\air67e6.tmp\adobe air installer.exe -ei
    [2013-06-04:19:42:07] Runtime Installer begin with version on Windows 7 x86
    [2013-06-04:19:42:07] Commandline is: -stdio \\.\pipe\AIR_2896_0 -ei
    [2013-06-04:19:42:07] No installed runtime detected
    [2013-06-04:19:42:07] Starting silent runtime install. Installing runtime version
    [2013-06-04:19:42:07] Reinstalling c:\users\michael\appdata\local\temp\air67e6.tmp\setup.msi
    [2013-06-04:19:42:09] Runtime Installer end with exit code 0
    [2013-06-04:19:42:09] Elevated install completed
    [2013-06-04:19:42:11] Runtime Installer end with exit code 0
    [2013-06-04:19:43:35] Runtime Installer begin with version on Windows Vista x86
    [2013-06-04:19:43:35] Commandline is:
    [2013-06-04:19:43:35] No installed runtime detected
    [2013-06-04:19:43:39] Relaunching with elevation
    [2013-06-04:19:43:39] Launching subprocess with commandline c:\users\michael\appdata\local\temp\airf6ec.tmp\adobe air installer.exe -ei
    [2013-06-04:19:43:40] Runtime Installer begin with version on Windows Vista x86
    [2013-06-04:19:43:40] Commandline is:
    [2013-06-04:19:43:40] No installed runtime detected
    [2013-06-04:19:43:41] Runtime Installer begin with version on Windows 7 x86
    [2013-06-04:19:43:41] Commandline is: -stdio \\.\pipe\AIR_5384_0 -ei
    [2013-06-04:19:43:41] No installed runtime detected
    [2013-06-04:19:43:41] Starting silent runtime install. Installing runtime version
    [2013-06-04:19:43:42] Reinstalling c:\users\michael\appdata\local\temp\airf6ec.tmp\setup.msi
    [2013-06-04:19:43:44] Runtime Installer end with exit code 0
    [2013-06-04:19:43:44] Elevated install completed
    [2013-06-04:19:43:45] Runtime Installer end with exit code 0
    [2013-06-04:19:43:47] Relaunching with elevation
    [2013-06-04:19:43:47] Launching subprocess with commandline c:\users\michael\appdata\local\temp\air9c0.tmp\adobe air installer.exe -ei
    [2013-06-04:19:43:48] Runtime Installer begin with version on Windows 7 x86
    [2013-06-04:19:43:48] Commandline is: -stdio \\.\pipe\AIR_1524_0 -ei
    [2013-06-04:19:43:48] No installed runtime detected
    [2013-06-04:19:43:49] Starting silent runtime install. Installing runtime version
    [2013-06-04:19:43:49] Reinstalling c:\users\michael\appdata\local\temp\air9c0.tmp\setup.msi
    [2013-06-04:19:43:49] Cancelling elevated install
    [2013-06-04:19:43:50] Cancel request forwarded to msi repair operation
    [2013-06-04:19:43:50] Rollback complete
    [2013-06-04:19:43:51] Cancel request received
    [2013-06-04:19:43:51] Runtime Installer end with exit code 6
    [2013-06-04:19:43:51] Runtime Installer end with exit code 6
    [2013-06-04:19:43:56] Runtime Installer begin with version on Windows Vista x86
    [2013-06-04:19:43:56] Commandline is:
    [2013-06-04:19:43:56] No installed runtime detected
    [2013-06-04:19:43:59] Relaunching with elevation
    [2013-06-04:19:43:59] Launching subprocess with commandline c:\users\michael\appdata\local\temp\air471d.tmp\adobe air installer.exe -ei
    [2013-06-04:19:44:00] Runtime Installer begin with version on Windows 7 x86
    [2013-06-04:19:44:00] Commandline i

  • .pdf-Dokument lässt sich nach Veränderung nicht speichern

    Ein Aufruf z.B. eines .pdf-Einkommensteuerformulars (E1) aus der Formulardatenbank lässt sich dieses mit "Datei > Speichern unter…" am eigenen PC speichern. Zum Ausfüllen muss ich es wieder aufrufen, Eintragungen machen und möchte es danach wieder speichern. Darauf hin zeigt sich das Ordnerfenster, wohin ich die Datei speichern möchte, nur halb ausgefüllt, der Adobe-Reader-12 hängt und muss mit dem Taskmanager geschlossen werden.
    Wenn ich den Adobe-Reader-11 de-installiere und neu installiere, funktioniert dieses Speichern der Änderungen beim ersten Mal, danach nicht mehr.
    Dasselbe passiert auch bei OnlineBanking, wenn ich den .pdf-Überweisungsbeleg, der nicht verändert wurde, zuerst ansehen, dann mit "Datei > speichern unter…" abspeichern möchte. Wenn ich ihn nicht zuerst "öffne" sondern gleich "Speichern unter…" wähle, funktioniert es klaglos.
    Ich verwende Windows-8.1 mit allen Updates, Internet-Explorer-11.
    Kann mir vielleicht wer helfen?Vielen Dank im voraus.

    Hallo Willi, danke für deine Antwort.
    Ad 1. Klar, ich hab mich verschrieben. Ich meinte den Adobe-Reader-11.
    Ad 2. Das österreichische Finanzamt stellt alle seine Formulare in pdf-Form zum Abspeichern und späteren Ausfüllen zur Verfügung (siehe  http://www.bmf.gv.at/service/formulare/_start.htm ). Wenn man z.B. "E1" auswählt und dann "E1 als PDF-Formular zum Drucken, Ausfüllen und Speichern" wählt, kann man diese Formulare am eigenen PC sehr wohl abspeichern und später öffnen, verändern, rückspeichern.
    Mittlerweile hab ich dieses Problem nach Interaktion mit "Microsoft-Answers" lösen können möglicherweise dadurch, dass ich Folgendes getan habe:
    °  Advanced-SystemCare-7 deinstalliert,
    °  alle IE-Add-Ons deaktiviert,
    °  den Adobe-Reader-11 deinstalliert und neu installiert (mit Setup.exe in AdbeRdr11000_mui_Std.zip, nicht allerdings wie vorher das Update AdbeRdrUpd11006_MUI.msp eingespielt (welches ich vorher installiert hatte), weil ich bei der Setup.exe-Installation gesetzt habe "*  Updates automatisch installieren (empfohlen)".
    Ich hoffe nun, es bleibt so.

  • Warum läßt sich Photoshop Elements 12 nicht öffnen?

    Ich habe mir vor einigen Tagen Photoshop Elements 12 bei Amazon gekauft. Wenn ich das Programm downloade und die Seriennummer eingebe bekomm ich immer wieder die Nachricht:
    "Die Seriennummer für Adobe Photoshop Elemts 12 konnte nicht überprüft werden. Wenden Sie sich an den Support."
    Tja, wie komme ich jetzt weiter?
    Gruß Sven

    Na machen, was da steht: An den Support wenden (zu den üblichen Geschäftszeiten auf Deutsch, ansonsten auf Englisch) per Webchat.

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