Seite lässt sich auf iphone nicht scrollen

Ich habe eine Seite über adobe muss erstellt. Im Browser auf meinem Computer ist alles wunderbar. Allerdings lässt sich die Seite auf dem iphone nicht scrollen. Kann mir jemand sagen woran das liegt und wie ich den Fehler beheben kann. Danke.

I have created a page on adobe muse . In the browser on my computer everything is wonderful  However, I can't scroll the page on the iphone. Can anyone tell me why this is and how I can fix the error. Thank You.

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    Adobe Air von folgender Site heruntergeladen.
    Die installationsroutine durch Doppelklick auf die heruntergeladene Datei gestartet.
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    Vielen Dank!

    [2013-02-26:20:36:43] Runtime Installer begin with version on Windows 7 x86
    [2013-02-26:20:36:43] Commandline is: -silent
    [2013-02-26:20:36:43] No installed runtime detected
    [2013-02-26:20:36:43] Starting silent runtime install. Installing runtime version
    [2013-02-26:20:36:43] Installing msi at c:\users\michael\appdata\local\temp\air84ea.tmp\setup.msi with guid {1798D459-6B8B-474B-868D-1229EADA3B95}
    [2013-02-26:20:36:48] Runtime Installer end with exit code 0
    [2013-05-20:16:35:50] Bootstrapper begin with version on Win x86
    [2013-05-20:16:35:50] No installed runtime detected
    [2013-05-20:16:35:51] Begin runtime download from
    [2013-05-20:16:36:04] Download success
    [2013-05-20:16:36:04] Begin signature download from
    [2013-05-20:16:36:04] Download success
    [2013-05-20:16:36:04] Detached signature verified
    [2013-05-20:16:36:04] Begin cert chain validation
    [2013-05-20:16:36:04] Begin crl download from
    [2013-05-20:16:36:04] Download success
    [2013-05-20:16:36:04] Begin crl download from
    [2013-05-20:16:36:05] Download success
    [2013-05-20:16:36:05] Begin crl download from ldap:///CN=CRL1, CN=Adobe Root CA, OU=Adobe Trust Services, O=Adobe Systems Incorporated, C=US?certificateRevocationList;binary,authorityRevocationList;binary,deltaRevocationList; binary
    [2013-05-20:16:36:05] Download failure: could not retrieve crl crypt object
    [2013-05-20:16:36:05] Cert chain validation succeeded
    [2013-05-20:16:36:05] Launching subprocess with commandline "C:\Users\Michael\AppData\Local\Temp\AIRRuntimeInstaller.exe" -x1 "C:\Users\Michael\AppData\Local\Temp\AIR2995.tmp\Adobe Download Assistant"
    [2013-05-20:16:36:08] Runtime Installer begin with version on Windows 7 x86
    [2013-05-20:16:36:08] Commandline is: -x1 "C:\Users\Michael\AppData\Local\Temp\AIR2995.tmp\Adobe Download Assistant"
    [2013-05-20:16:36:08] No installed runtime detected
    [2013-05-20:16:36:09] Invoking Application Installer for combined install
    [2013-05-20:16:36:09] Launching subprocess with commandline C:\Users\Michael\AppData\Local\Temp\AIR66E2.tmp\Adobe AIR\Versions\1.0\Adobe AIR Application Installer -runtime C:\Users\Michael\AppData\Local\Temp\AIR66E2.tmp -withRuntime -url "C:\Users\Michael\AppData\Local\Temp\AIR2995.tmp\Adobe Download Assistant"
    [2013-05-20:16:36:18] Application Installer begin with version on Windows 7 x86
    [2013-05-20:16:36:18] Commandline is: -runtime C:\Users\Michael\AppData\Local\Temp\AIR66E2.tmp -withRuntime -url "C:\Users\Michael\AppData\Local\Temp\AIR2995.tmp\Adobe Download Assistant"
    [2013-05-20:16:36:18] No installed runtime detected
    [2013-05-20:16:36:19] Validating app in folder C:\Users\Michael\AppData\Local\Temp\AIR2995.tmp\Adobe Download Assistant
    [2013-05-20:16:36:22] Application signature verified
    [2013-05-20:16:36:22] Unpackaging/validation complete
    [2013-05-20:16:36:51] Launching subprocess with commandline C:\Users\Michael\AppData\Local\Temp\AIR66E2.tmp\Adobe AIR\Versions\1.0\Adobe AIR Application Installer -runtime C:\Users\Michael\AppData\Local\Temp\AIR66E2.tmp -silent -logToStdout -withRuntime -url -location C:\Users\Michael\Downloads -desktopShortcut -programMenu "C:\Users\Michael\AppData\Local\Temp\AIR2995.tmp\Adobe Download Assistant"
    [2013-05-20:16:36:51] Relaunching with elevation
    [2013-05-20:16:36:53] Application Installer begin with version on Windows 7 x86
    [2013-05-20:16:36:53] Commandline is: -stdio \\.\pipe\AIR_8904_0 -runtime C:\Users\Michael\AppData\Local\Temp\AIR66E2.tmp -silent -logToStdout -withRuntime -url -location C:\Users\Michael\Downloads -desktopShortcut -programMenu "C:\Users\Michael\AppData\Local\Temp\AIR2995.tmp\Adobe Download Assistant"
    [2013-05-20:16:36:53] No installed runtime detected
    [2013-05-20:16:36:54] Validating app in folder C:\Users\Michael\AppData\Local\Temp\AIR2995.tmp\Adobe Download Assistant
    [2013-05-20:16:36:54] Application signature verified
    [2013-05-20:16:36:54] Unpackaging/validation complete
    [2013-05-20:16:36:54] Starting silent combined runtime and app install.
    Installing runtime version
    Installing app com.adobe.downloadassistant.AdobeDownloadAssistant version 1.2.5 to C:\Users\Michael\Downloads using the source file at C:\Users\Michael\AppData\Local\Temp\AIR2995.tmp\Adobe Download Assistant
    [2013-05-20:16:36:54] Installing msi at C:\Users\Michael\AppData\Local\Temp\AIR66E2.tmp\setup.msi with guid {A0087DDE-69D0-11E2-AD57-43CA6188709B}
    [2013-05-20:16:36:59] Installing msi at C:\Users\Michael\AppData\Local\Temp\AIR2995.tmp\Adobe Download Assistant\setup.msi with guid {5E21B617-F52E-BB10-92F9-C8AB2C799A8A}
    [2013-05-20:16:37:02] Application Installer end with exit code 0
    [2013-05-20:16:37:03] Elevated install completed
    [2013-05-20:16:37:03] Launching subprocess with commandline C:\Users\Michael\Downloads\Adobe Download Assistant\Adobe Download Assistant.exe
    [2013-05-20:16:37:03] Application Installer end with exit code 0
    [2013-05-20:16:37:03] Subprocess app installer succeeded
    [2013-05-20:16:37:03] Runtime Installer end with exit code 0
    [2013-05-20:16:37:03] Subprocess Runtime Installer succeeded
    [2013-05-20:16:37:03] Bootstrapper end with exit code 0
    [2013-05-20:16:38:58] Runtime Installer begin with version on Windows 7 x86
    [2013-05-20:16:38:58] Commandline is:
    [2013-05-20:16:38:58] No installed runtime detected
    [2013-05-20:16:39:00] Relaunching with elevation
    [2013-05-20:16:39:00] Launching subprocess with commandline c:\users\michael\appdata\local\temp\airfccb.tmp\adobe air installer.exe -ei
    [2013-05-20:16:39:02] Runtime Installer begin with version on Windows 7 x86
    [2013-05-20:16:39:02] Commandline is: -stdio \\.\pipe\AIR_8712_0 -ei
    [2013-05-20:16:39:02] No installed runtime detected
    [2013-05-20:16:39:02] Starting silent runtime install. Installing runtime version
    [2013-05-20:16:39:02] Reinstalling c:\users\michael\appdata\local\temp\airfccb.tmp\setup.msi
    [2013-05-20:16:39:04] Runtime Installer end with exit code 0
    [2013-05-20:16:39:04] Elevated install completed
    [2013-05-20:16:39:07] Runtime Installer end with exit code 0
    [2013-05-20:16:39:42] Bootstrapper begin with version on Win x86
    [2013-05-20:16:39:42] No installed runtime detected
    [2013-05-20:16:39:42] Begin runtime download from
    [2013-05-20:16:39:53] Download success
    [2013-05-20:16:39:53] Begin signature download from
    [2013-05-20:16:39:53] Download success
    [2013-05-20:16:39:53] Detached signature verified
    [2013-05-20:16:39:53] Begin cert chain validation
    [2013-05-20:16:39:53] Begin crl download from
    [2013-05-20:16:39:53] Download success
    [2013-05-20:16:39:53] Begin crl download from
    [2013-05-20:16:39:53] Download success
    [2013-05-20:16:39:53] Begin crl download from ldap:///CN=CRL1, CN=Adobe Root CA, OU=Adobe Trust Services, O=Adobe Systems Incorporated, C=US?certificateRevocationList;binary,authorityRevocationList;binary,deltaRevocationList; binary
    [2013-05-20:16:39:53] Download failure: could not retrieve crl crypt object
    [2013-05-20:16:39:53] Cert chain validation succeeded
    [2013-05-20:16:39:53] Launching subprocess with commandline "C:\Users\Michael\AppData\Local\Temp\AIRRuntimeInstaller.exe" -x1 "C:\Users\Michael\AppData\Local\Temp\AIRB08F.tmp\Adobe Download Assistant"
    [2013-05-20:16:39:57] Runtime Installer begin with version on Windows 7 x86
    [2013-05-20:16:39:57] Commandline is: -x1 "C:\Users\Michael\AppData\Local\Temp\AIRB08F.tmp\Adobe Download Assistant"
    [2013-05-20:16:39:57] No installed runtime detected
    [2013-05-20:16:39:57] Invoking Application Installer for combined install
    [2013-05-20:16:39:57] Launching subprocess with commandline C:\Users\Michael\AppData\Local\Temp\AIRE44B.tmp\Adobe AIR\Versions\1.0\Adobe AIR Application Installer -runtime C:\Users\Michael\AppData\Local\Temp\AIRE44B.tmp -withRuntime -url "C:\Users\Michael\AppData\Local\Temp\AIRB08F.tmp\Adobe Download Assistant"
    [2013-05-20:16:39:57] Application Installer begin with version on Windows 7 x86
    [2013-05-20:16:39:57] Commandline is: -runtime C:\Users\Michael\AppData\Local\Temp\AIRE44B.tmp -withRuntime -url "C:\Users\Michael\AppData\Local\Temp\AIRB08F.tmp\Adobe Download Assistant"
    [2013-05-20:16:39:57] No installed runtime detected
    [2013-05-20:16:39:58] Validating app in folder C:\Users\Michael\AppData\Local\Temp\AIRB08F.tmp\Adobe Download Assistant
    [2013-05-20:16:39:59] Application signature verified
    [2013-05-20:16:39:59] Unpackaging/validation complete
    [2013-05-20:16:40:08] Launching subprocess with commandline C:\Users\Michael\AppData\Local\Temp\AIRE44B.tmp\Adobe AIR\Versions\1.0\Adobe AIR Application Installer -runtime C:\Users\Michael\AppData\Local\Temp\AIRE44B.tmp -silent -logToStdout -withRuntime -url -location C:\Users\Michael\Downloads -desktopShortcut -programMenu "C:\Users\Michael\AppData\Local\Temp\AIRB08F.tmp\Adobe Download Assistant"
    [2013-05-20:16:40:08] Relaunching with elevation
    [2013-05-20:16:40:10] Application Installer begin with version on Windows 7 x86
    [2013-05-20:16:40:10] Commandline is: -stdio \\.\pipe\AIR_8196_0 -runtime C:\Users\Michael\AppData\Local\Temp\AIRE44B.tmp -silent -logToStdout -withRuntime -url -location C:\Users\Michael\Downloads -desktopShortcut -programMenu "C:\Users\Michael\AppData\Local\Temp\AIRB08F.tmp\Adobe Download Assistant"
    [2013-05-20:16:40:10] No installed runtime detected
    [2013-05-20:16:40:10] Validating app in folder C:\Users\Michael\AppData\Local\Temp\AIRB08F.tmp\Adobe Download Assistant
    [2013-05-20:16:40:11] Application signature verified
    [2013-05-20:16:40:11] Unpackaging/validation complete
    [2013-05-20:16:40:11] Starting silent combined runtime and app install.
    Installing runtime version
    Installing app com.adobe.downloadassistant.AdobeDownloadAssistant version 1.2.5 to C:\Users\Michael\Downloads using the source file at C:\Users\Michael\AppData\Local\Temp\AIRB08F.tmp\Adobe Download Assistant
    [2013-05-20:16:40:11] Got an unexpected fatal error while in stateInstalling: [ErrorEvent type="error" bubbles=false cancelable=false eventPhase=2 text="Unhandled exception Error: App already exists" errorID=5007]
    [2013-05-20:16:40:11] Elevated install failed: error 5007 Unhandled exception Error: App already exists
    [2013-05-20:16:40:18] Application Installer end with exit code 7
    [2013-05-20:16:40:19] Subprocess app installer failed (7)
    [2013-05-20:16:40:19] Runtime Installer end with exit code 7
    [2013-05-20:16:40:19] Subprocess Runtime Installer failed (7)
    [2013-05-20:16:40:19] Bootstrapper end with exit code 7
    [2013-05-20:16:40:29] Bootstrapper begin with version on Win x86
    [2013-05-20:16:40:29] No installed runtime detected
    [2013-05-20:16:40:29] Begin runtime download from
    [2013-05-20:16:40:40] Download success
    [2013-05-20:16:40:40] Begin signature download from
    [2013-05-20:16:40:40] Download success
    [2013-05-20:16:40:40] Detached signature verified
    [2013-05-20:16:40:40] Begin cert chain validation
    [2013-05-20:16:40:40] Begin crl download from
    [2013-05-20:16:40:40] Download success
    [2013-05-20:16:40:40] Begin crl download from
    [2013-05-20:16:40:40] Download success
    [2013-05-20:16:40:40] Begin crl download from ldap:///CN=CRL1, CN=Adobe Root CA, OU=Adobe Trust Services, O=Adobe Systems Incorporated, C=US?certificateRevocationList;binary,authorityRevocationList;binary,deltaRevocationList; binary
    [2013-05-20:16:40:40] Download failure: could not retrieve crl crypt object
    [2013-05-20:16:40:40] Cert chain validation succeeded
    [2013-05-20:16:40:40] Launching subprocess with commandline "C:\Users\Michael\AppData\Local\Temp\AIRRuntimeInstaller.exe" -x1 "C:\Users\Michael\AppData\Local\Temp\AIR69CF.tmp\Adobe Download Assistant"
    [2013-05-20:16:40:44] Runtime Installer begin with version on Windows 7 x86
    [2013-05-20:16:40:44] Commandline is: -x1 "C:\Users\Michael\AppData\Local\Temp\AIR69CF.tmp\Adobe Download Assistant"
    [2013-05-20:16:40:44] No installed runtime detected
    [2013-05-20:16:40:44] Invoking Application Installer for combined install
    [2013-05-20:16:40:44] Launching subprocess with commandline C:\Users\Michael\AppData\Local\Temp\AIR9C25.tmp\Adobe AIR\Versions\1.0\Adobe AIR Application Installer -runtime C:\Users\Michael\AppData\Local\Temp\AIR9C25.tmp -withRuntime -url "C:\Users\Michael\AppData\Local\Temp\AIR69CF.tmp\Adobe Download Assistant"
    [2013-05-20:16:40:44] Application Installer begin with version on Windows 7 x86
    [2013-05-20:16:40:44] Commandline is: -runtime C:\Users\Michael\AppData\Local\Temp\AIR9C25.tmp -withRuntime -url "C:\Users\Michael\AppData\Local\Temp\AIR69CF.tmp\Adobe Download Assistant"
    [2013-05-20:16:40:44] No installed runtime detected
    [2013-05-20:16:40:45] Validating app in folder C:\Users\Michael\AppData\Local\Temp\AIR69CF.tmp\Adobe Download Assistant
    [2013-05-20:16:40:46] Application signature verified
    [2013-05-20:16:40:46] Unpackaging/validation complete
    [2013-05-20:16:42:11] Launching subprocess with commandline C:\Users\Michael\AppData\Local\Temp\AIR9C25.tmp\Adobe AIR\Versions\1.0\Adobe AIR Application Installer -runtime C:\Users\Michael\AppData\Local\Temp\AIR9C25.tmp -silent -logToStdout -withRuntime -url -location "C:\Program Files (x86)" -desktopShortcut -programMenu "C:\Users\Michael\AppData\Local\Temp\AIR69CF.tmp\Adobe Download Assistant"
    [2013-05-20:16:42:11] Relaunching with elevation
    [2013-05-20:16:42:13] Application Installer begin with version on Windows 7 x86
    [2013-05-20:16:42:13] Commandline is: -stdio \\.\pipe\AIR_8988_0 -runtime C:\Users\Michael\AppData\Local\Temp\AIR9C25.tmp -silent -logToStdout -withRuntime -url -location "C:\Program Files (x86)" -desktopShortcut -programMenu "C:\Users\Michael\AppData\Local\Temp\AIR69CF.tmp\Adobe Download Assistant"
    [2013-05-20:16:42:13] No installed runtime detected
    [2013-05-20:16:42:14] Validating app in folder C:\Users\Michael\AppData\Local\Temp\AIR69CF.tmp\Adobe Download Assistant
    [2013-05-20:16:42:14] Application signature verified
    [2013-05-20:16:42:14] Unpackaging/validation complete
    [2013-05-20:16:42:14] Starting silent combined runtime and app install.
    Installing runtime version
    Installing app com.adobe.downloadassistant.AdobeDownloadAssistant version 1.2.5 to C:\Program Files (x86) using the source file at C:\Users\Michael\AppData\Local\Temp\AIR69CF.tmp\Adobe Download Assistant
    [2013-05-20:16:42:14] Reinstalling C:\Users\Michael\AppData\Local\Temp\AIR9C25.tmp\setup.msi
    [2013-05-20:16:42:15] Installing msi at C:\Users\Michael\AppData\Local\Temp\AIR69CF.tmp\Adobe Download Assistant\setup.msi with guid {5E21B617-F52E-BB10-92F9-C8AB2C799A8A}
    [2013-05-20:16:42:17] Application Installer end with exit code 0
    [2013-05-20:16:42:17] Elevated install completed
    [2013-05-20:16:42:17] Got an unexpected fatal error while accessing app for launch: Error: Missing necessary file META-INF/AIR/application.xml
    [2013-05-20:16:42:24] Application Installer end with exit code 7
    [2013-05-20:16:42:25] Subprocess app installer failed (7)
    [2013-05-20:16:42:25] Runtime Installer end with exit code 7
    [2013-05-20:16:42:25] Subprocess Runtime Installer failed (7)
    [2013-05-20:16:42:25] Bootstrapper end with exit code 7
    [2013-05-20:16:42:48] Bootstrapper begin with version on Win x86
    [2013-05-20:16:42:48] No installed runtime detected
    [2013-05-20:16:42:49] Begin runtime download from
    [2013-05-20:16:43:00] Download success
    [2013-05-20:16:43:00] Begin signature download from
    [2013-05-20:16:43:00] Download success
    [2013-05-20:16:43:00] Detached signature verified
    [2013-05-20:16:43:00] Begin cert chain validation
    [2013-05-20:16:43:00] Begin crl download from
    [2013-05-20:16:43:00] Download success
    [2013-05-20:16:43:00] Begin crl download from
    [2013-05-20:16:43:00] Download success
    [2013-05-20:16:43:00] Begin crl download from ldap:///CN=CRL1, CN=Adobe Root CA, OU=Adobe Trust Services, O=Adobe Systems Incorporated, C=US?certificateRevocationList;binary,authorityRevocationList;binary,deltaRevocationList; binary
    [2013-05-20:16:43:00] Download failure: could not retrieve crl crypt object
    [2013-05-20:16:43:00] Cert chain validation succeeded
    [2013-05-20:16:43:00] Launching subprocess with commandline "C:\Users\Michael\AppData\Local\Temp\AIRRuntimeInstaller.exe" -x1 "C:\Users\Michael\AppData\Local\Temp\AIR8AC7.tmp\Adobe Download Assistant"
    [2013-05-20:16:43:03] Runtime Installer begin with version on Windows 7 x86
    [2013-05-20:16:43:03] Commandline is: -x1 "C:\Users\Michael\AppData\Local\Temp\AIR8AC7.tmp\Adobe Download Assistant"
    [2013-05-20:16:43:03] No installed runtime detected
    [2013-05-20:16:43:04] Invoking Application Installer for combined install
    [2013-05-20:16:43:04] Launching subprocess with commandline C:\Users\Michael\AppData\Local\Temp\AIRBD7A.tmp\Adobe AIR\Versions\1.0\Adobe AIR Application Installer -runtime C:\Users\Michael\AppData\Local\Temp\AIRBD7A.tmp -withRuntime -url "C:\Users\Michael\AppData\Local\Temp\AIR8AC7.tmp\Adobe Download Assistant"
    [2013-05-20:16:43:04] Application Installer begin with version on Windows 7 x86
    [2013-05-20:16:43:04] Commandline is: -runtime C:\Users\Michael\AppData\Local\Temp\AIRBD7A.tmp -withRuntime -url "C:\Users\Michael\AppData\Local\Temp\AIR8AC7.tmp\Adobe Download Assistant"
    [2013-05-20:16:43:04] No installed runtime detected
    [2013-05-20:16:43:05] Validating app in folder C:\Users\Michael\AppData\Local\Temp\AIR8AC7.tmp\Adobe Download Assistant
    [2013-05-20:16:43:06] Application signature verified
    [2013-05-20:16:43:06] Unpackaging/validation complete
    [2013-05-20:16:43:09] Launching subprocess with commandline C:\Users\Michael\AppData\Local\Temp\AIRBD7A.tmp\Adobe AIR\Versions\1.0\Adobe AIR Application Installer -runtime C:\Users\Michael\AppData\Local\Temp\AIRBD7A.tmp -silent -logToStdout -withRuntime -url -location "C:\Program Files (x86)" -desktopShortcut -programMenu "C:\Users\Michael\AppData\Local\Temp\AIR8AC7.tmp\Adobe Download Assistant"
    [2013-05-20:16:43:09] Relaunching with elevation
    [2013-05-20:16:43:11] Application Installer begin with version on Windows 7 x86
    [2013-05-20:16:43:11] Commandline is: -stdio \\.\pipe\AIR_8332_0 -runtime C:\Users\Michael\AppData\Local\Temp\AIRBD7A.tmp -silent -logToStdout -withRuntime -url -location "C:\Program Files (x86)" -desktopShortcut -programMenu "C:\Users\Michael\AppData\Local\Temp\AIR8AC7.tmp\Adobe Download Assistant"
    [2013-05-20:16:43:11] No installed runtime detected
    [2013-05-20:16:43:11] Validating app in folder C:\Users\Michael\AppData\Local\Temp\AIR8AC7.tmp\Adobe Download Assistant
    [2013-05-20:16:43:12] Application signature verified
    [2013-05-20:16:43:12] Unpackaging/validation complete
    [2013-05-20:16:43:12] Starting silent combined runtime and app install.
    Installing runtime version
    Installing app com.adobe.downloadassistant.AdobeDownloadAssistant version 1.2.5 to C:\Program Files (x86) using the source file at C:\Users\Michael\AppData\Local\Temp\AIR8AC7.tmp\Adobe Download Assistant
    [2013-05-20:16:43:12] Reinstalling C:\Users\Michael\AppData\Local\Temp\AIRBD7A.tmp\setup.msi
    [2013-05-20:16:43:13] Installing msi at C:\Users\Michael\AppData\Local\Temp\AIR8AC7.tmp\Adobe Download Assistant\setup.msi with guid {5E21B617-F52E-BB10-92F9-C8AB2C799A8A}
    [2013-05-20:16:43:15] Application Installer end with exit code 0
    [2013-05-20:16:43:15] Elevated install completed
    [2013-05-20:16:43:15] Got an unexpected fatal error while accessing app for launch: Error: Missing necessary file META-INF/AIR/application.xml
    [2013-05-20:16:43:19] Application Installer end with exit code 7
    [2013-05-20:16:43:19] Subprocess app installer failed (7)
    [2013-05-20:16:43:19] Runtime Installer end with exit code 7
    [2013-05-20:16:43:20] Subprocess Runtime Installer failed (7)
    [2013-05-20:16:43:20] Bootstrapper end with exit code 7
    [2013-05-20:16:44:00] Runtime Installer begin with version on Windows 7 x86
    [2013-05-20:16:44:00] Commandline is:
    [2013-05-20:16:44:00] No installed runtime detected
    [2013-05-20:16:44:03] Relaunching with elevation
    [2013-05-20:16:44:03] Launching subprocess with commandline c:\users\michael\appdata\local\temp\air9c63.tmp\adobe air installer.exe -ei
    [2013-05-20:16:44:05] Runtime Installer begin with version on Windows 7 x86
    [2013-05-20:16:44:05] Commandline is: -stdio \\.\pipe\AIR_9028_0 -ei
    [2013-05-20:16:44:05] No installed runtime detected
    [2013-05-20:16:44:05] Starting silent runtime install. Installing runtime version
    [2013-05-20:16:44:05] Reinstalling c:\users\michael\appdata\local\temp\air9c63.tmp\setup.msi
    [2013-05-20:16:44:06] Runtime Installer end with exit code 0
    [2013-05-20:16:44:06] Elevated install completed
    [2013-05-20:16:44:08] Runtime Installer end with exit code 0
    [2013-05-20:16:52:34] Runtime Installer begin with version on Windows 7 x86
    [2013-05-20:16:52:34] Commandline is:
    [2013-05-20:16:52:34] No installed runtime detected
    [2013-05-20:16:52:46] Relaunching with elevation
    [2013-05-20:16:52:46] Launching subprocess with commandline c:\users\michael\appdata\local\temp\aird4db.tmp\adobe air installer.exe -ei
    [2013-05-20:16:52:54] Runtime Installer begin with version on Windows 7 x86
    [2013-05-20:16:52:54] Commandline is: -stdio \\.\pipe\AIR_3848_0 -ei
    [2013-05-20:16:52:54] No installed runtime detected
    [2013-05-20:16:52:54] Starting silent runtime install. Installing runtime version
    [2013-05-20:16:52:54] Reinstalling c:\users\michael\appdata\local\temp\aird4db.tmp\setup.msi
    [2013-05-20:16:53:04] Runtime Installer end with exit code 0
    [2013-05-20:16:53:04] Elevated install completed
    [2013-05-20:16:53:07] Runtime Installer end with exit code 0
    [2013-05-20:16:56:46] Runtime Installer begin with version on Windows 7 x86
    [2013-05-20:16:56:46] Commandline is:
    [2013-05-20:16:56:46] No installed runtime detected
    [2013-05-20:16:56:49] Relaunching with elevation
    [2013-05-20:16:56:49] Launching subprocess with commandline c:\users\michael\appdata\local\temp\aira85f.tmp\adobe air installer.exe -ei
    [2013-05-20:16:56:52] Runtime Installer begin with version on Windows 7 x86
    [2013-05-20:16:56:52] Commandline is: -stdio \\.\pipe\AIR_5840_0 -ei
    [2013-05-20:16:56:52] No installed runtime detected
    [2013-05-20:16:56:52] Starting silent runtime install. Installing runtime version
    [2013-05-20:16:56:52] Reinstalling c:\users\michael\appdata\local\temp\aira85f.tmp\setup.msi
    [2013-05-20:16:56:56] Runtime Installer end with exit code 0
    [2013-05-20:16:56:56] Elevated install completed
    [2013-05-20:16:56:59] Runtime Installer end with exit code 0
    [2013-05-20:16:57:58] Runtime Installer begin with version on Windows 7 x86
    [2013-05-20:16:57:58] Commandline is:
    [2013-05-20:16:57:58] No installed runtime detected
    [2013-05-20:16:58:02] Relaunching with elevation
    [2013-05-20:16:58:02] Launching subprocess with commandline c:\users\michael\appdata\local\temp\airc706.tmp\adobe air installer.exe -ei
    [2013-05-20:16:58:04] Runtime Installer begin with version on Windows 7 x86
    [2013-05-20:16:58:04] Commandline is: -stdio \\.\pipe\AIR_4356_0 -ei
    [2013-05-20:16:58:04] No installed runtime detected
    [2013-05-20:16:58:04] Starting silent runtime install. Installing runtime version
    [2013-05-20:16:58:04] Reinstalling c:\users\michael\appdata\local\temp\airc706.tmp\setup.msi
    [2013-05-20:16:58:07] Runtime Installer end with exit code 0
    [2013-05-20:16:58:07] Elevated install completed
    [2013-05-20:16:58:10] Runtime Installer end with exit code 0
    [2013-05-20:17:06:32] Runtime Installer begin with version on Windows 7 x86
    [2013-05-20:17:06:32] Commandline is:
    [2013-05-20:17:06:32] No installed runtime detected
    [2013-05-20:17:06:37] Relaunching with elevation
    [2013-05-20:17:06:37] Launching subprocess with commandline c:\users\michael\appdata\local\temp\aire3aa.tmp\adobe air installer.exe -ei
    [2013-05-20:17:06:41] Runtime Installer begin with version on Windows 7 x86
    [2013-05-20:17:06:41] Commandline is: -stdio \\.\pipe\AIR_5184_0 -ei
    [2013-05-20:17:06:41] No installed runtime detected
    [2013-05-20:17:06:42] Starting silent runtime install. Installing runtime version
    [2013-05-20:17:06:42] Reinstalling c:\users\michael\appdata\local\temp\aire3aa.tmp\setup.msi
    [2013-05-20:17:06:52] Runtime Installer end with exit code 0
    [2013-05-20:17:06:52] Elevated install completed
    [2013-05-20:17:06:54] Runtime Installer end with exit code 0
    [2013-05-20:17:07:20] Runtime Installer begin with version on Windows Vista x86
    [2013-05-20:17:07:20] Commandline is:
    [2013-05-20:17:07:20] No installed runtime detected
    [2013-05-20:17:07:25] Relaunching with elevation
    [2013-05-20:17:07:25] Launching subprocess with commandline c:\users\michael\appdata\local\temp\air9c3e.tmp\adobe air installer.exe -ei
    [2013-05-20:17:07:28] Runtime Installer begin with version on Windows 7 x86
    [2013-05-20:17:07:28] Commandline is: -stdio \\.\pipe\AIR_5936_0 -ei
    [2013-05-20:17:07:28] No installed runtime detected
    [2013-05-20:17:07:28] Starting silent runtime install. Installing runtime version
    [2013-05-20:17:07:28] Reinstalling c:\users\michael\appdata\local\temp\air9c3e.tmp\setup.msi
    [2013-05-20:17:07:32] Runtime Installer end with exit code 0
    [2013-05-20:17:07:32] Elevated install completed
    [2013-05-20:17:07:35] Runtime Installer end with exit code 0
    [2013-05-20:17:09:58] Bootstrapper begin with version on Win x86
    [2013-05-20:17:09:58] No installed runtime detected
    [2013-05-20:17:09:58] Begin runtime download from
    [2013-05-20:17:10:09] Download success
    [2013-05-20:17:10:09] Begin signature download from
    [2013-05-20:17:10:09] Download success
    [2013-05-20:17:10:09] Detached signature verified
    [2013-05-20:17:10:09] Begin cert chain validation
    [2013-05-20:17:10:09] Begin crl download from
    [2013-05-20:17:10:09] Download success
    [2013-05-20:17:10:09] Begin crl download from
    [2013-05-20:17:10:09] Download success
    [2013-05-20:17:10:09] Begin crl download from ldap:///CN=CRL1, CN=Adobe Root CA, OU=Adobe Trust Services, O=Adobe Systems Incorporated, C=US?certificateRevocationList;binary,authorityRevocationList;binary,deltaRevocationList; binary
    [2013-05-20:17:10:09] Download failure: could not retrieve crl crypt object
    [2013-05-20:17:10:09] Cert chain validation succeeded
    [2013-05-20:17:10:09] Launching subprocess with commandline "C:\Users\Michael\AppData\Local\Temp\AIRRuntimeInstaller.exe" -x1 "C:\Users\Michael\AppData\Local\Temp\AIR19B7.tmp\Adobe Download Assistant"
    [2013-05-20:17:10:14] Runtime Installer begin with version on Windows 7 x86
    [2013-05-20:17:10:14] Commandline is: -x1 "C:\Users\Michael\AppData\Local\Temp\AIR19B7.tmp\Adobe Download Assistant"
    [2013-05-20:17:10:14] No installed runtime detected
    [2013-05-20:17:10:14] Invoking Application Installer for combined install
    [2013-05-20:17:10:14] Launching subprocess with commandline C:\Users\Michael\AppData\Local\Temp\AIR4DD1.tmp\Adobe AIR\Versions\1.0\Adobe AIR Application Installer -runtime C:\Users\Michael\AppData\Local\Temp\AIR4DD1.tmp -withRuntime -url "C:\Users\Michael\AppData\Local\Temp\AIR19B7.tmp\Adobe Download Assistant"
    [2013-05-20:17:10:15] Application Installer begin with version on Windows 7 x86
    [2013-05-20:17:10:15] Commandline is: -runtime C:\Users\Michael\AppData\Local\Temp\AIR4DD1.tmp -withRuntime -url "C:\Users\Michael\AppData\Local\Temp\AIR19B7.tmp\Adobe Download Assistant"
    [2013-05-20:17:10:15] No installed runtime detected
    [2013-05-20:17:10:16] Validating app in folder C:\Users\Michael\AppData\Local\Temp\AIR19B7.tmp\Adobe Download Assistant
    [2013-05-20:17:10:17] Application signature verified
    [2013-05-20:17:10:17] Unpackaging/validation complete
    [2013-05-20:17:10:21] Launching subprocess with commandline C:\Users\Michael\AppData\Local\Temp\AIR4DD1.tmp\Adobe AIR\Versions\1.0\Adobe AIR Application Installer -runtime C:\Users\Michael\AppData\Local\Temp\AIR4DD1.tmp -silent -logToStdout -withRuntime -url -location "C:\Program Files (x86)" -desktopShortcut -programMenu "C:\Users\Michael\AppData\Local\Temp\AIR19B7.tmp\Adobe Download Assistant"
    [2013-05-20:17:10:21] Relaunching with elevation
    [2013-05-20:17:10:23] Application Installer begin with version on Windows 7 x86
    [2013-05-20:17:10:23] Commandline is: -stdio \\.\pipe\AIR_5056_0 -runtime C:\Users\Michael\AppData\Local\Temp\AIR4DD1.tmp -silent -logToStdout -withRuntime -url -location "C:\Program Files (x86)" -desktopShortcut -programMenu "C:\Users\Michael\AppData\Local\Temp\AIR19B7.tmp\Adobe Download Assistant"
    [2013-05-20:17:10:23] No installed runtime detected
    [2013-05-20:17:10:23] Validating app in folder C:\Users\Michael\AppData\Local\Temp\AIR19B7.tmp\Adobe Download Assistant
    [2013-05-20:17:10:24] Application signature verified
    [2013-05-20:17:10:24] Unpackaging/validation complete
    [2013-05-20:17:10:24] Starting silent combined runtime and app install.
    Installing runtime version
    Installing app com.adobe.downloadassistant.AdobeDownloadAssistant version 1.2.5 to C:\Program Files (x86) using the source file at C:\Users\Michael\AppData\Local\Temp\AIR19B7.tmp\Adobe Download Assistant
    [2013-05-20:17:10:24] Reinstalling C:\Users\Michael\AppData\Local\Temp\AIR4DD1.tmp\setup.msi
    [2013-05-20:17:10:26] Installing msi at C:\Users\Michael\AppData\Local\Temp\AIR19B7.tmp\Adobe Download Assistant\setup.msi with guid {5E21B617-F52E-BB10-92F9-C8AB2C799A8A}
    [2013-05-20:17:10:32] Application Installer end with exit code 0
    [2013-05-20:17:10:33] Elevated install completed
    [2013-05-20:17:10:33] Launching subprocess with commandline C:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe Download Assistant\Adobe Download Assistant.exe
    [2013-05-20:17:10:33] Application Installer end with exit code 0
    [2013-05-20:17:10:33] Subprocess app installer succeeded
    [2013-05-20:17:10:33] Runtime Installer end with exit code 0
    [2013-05-20:17:10:33] Subprocess Runtime Installer succeeded
    [2013-05-20:17:10:33] Bootstrapper end with exit code 0
    [2013-05-20:17:12:58] Runtime Installer begin with version on Windows 7 x86
    [2013-05-20:17:12:58] Commandline is:
    [2013-05-20:17:12:58] No installed runtime detected
    [2013-05-20:17:13:01] Relaunching with elevation
    [2013-05-20:17:13:01] Launching subprocess with commandline c:\users\michael\appdata\local\temp\aird01a.tmp\adobe air installer.exe -ei
    [2013-05-20:17:13:04] Runtime Installer begin with version on Windows 7 x86
    [2013-05-20:17:13:04] Commandline is: -stdio \\.\pipe\AIR_1180_0 -ei
    [2013-05-20:17:13:04] No installed runtime detected
    [2013-05-20:17:13:04] Starting silent runtime install. Installing runtime version
    [2013-05-20:17:13:04] Reinstalling c:\users\michael\appdata\local\temp\aird01a.tmp\setup.msi
    [2013-05-20:17:13:06] Runtime Installer end with exit code 0
    [2013-05-20:17:13:06] Elevated install completed
    [2013-05-20:17:13:07] Runtime Installer end with exit code 0
    [2013-05-20:17:13:30] Runtime Installer begin with version on Windows Vista x86
    [2013-05-20:17:13:30] Commandline is:
    [2013-05-20:17:13:30] No installed runtime detected
    [2013-05-20:17:13:33] Relaunching with elevation
    [2013-05-20:17:13:33] Launching subprocess with commandline c:\users\michael\appdata\local\temp\air4b51.tmp\adobe air installer.exe -ei
    [2013-05-20:17:13:35] Runtime Installer begin with version on Windows 7 x86
    [2013-05-20:17:13:35] Commandline is: -stdio \\.\pipe\AIR_3744_0 -ei
    [2013-05-20:17:13:35] No installed runtime detected
    [2013-05-20:17:13:35] Starting silent runtime install. Installing runtime version
    [2013-05-20:17:13:35] Reinstalling c:\users\michael\appdata\local\temp\air4b51.tmp\setup.msi
    [2013-05-20:17:13:37] Runtime Installer end with exit code 0
    [2013-05-20:17:13:37] Elevated install completed
    [2013-05-20:17:13:38] Runtime Installer end with exit code 0
    [2013-05-20:17:14:38] Bootstrapper begin with version on Win x86
    [2013-05-20:17:14:38] No installed runtime detected
    [2013-05-20:17:14:38] Begin runtime download from
    [2013-05-20:17:14:50] Download success
    [2013-05-20:17:14:50] Begin signature download from
    [2013-05-20:17:14:50] Download success
    [2013-05-20:17:14:50] Detached signature verified
    [2013-05-20:17:14:50] Begin cert chain validation
    [2013-05-20:17:14:50] Begin crl download from
    [2013-05-20:17:14:50] Download success
    [2013-05-20:17:14:50] Begin crl download from
    [2013-05-20:17:14:50] Download success
    [2013-05-20:17:14:50] Begin crl download from ldap:///CN=CRL1, CN=Adobe Root CA, OU=Adobe Trust Services, O=Adobe Systems Incorporated, C=US?certificateRevocationList;binary,authorityRevocationList;binary,deltaRevocationList; binary
    [2013-05-20:17:14:50] Download failure: could not retrieve crl crypt object
    [2013-05-20:17:14:50] Cert chain validation succeeded
    [2013-05-20:17:14:50] Launching subprocess with commandline "C:\Users\Michael\AppData\Local\Temp\AIRRuntimeInstaller.exe" -x1 "C:\Users\Michael\AppData\Local\Temp\AIR60A6.tmp\Adobe Download Assistant"
    [2013-05-20:17:14:54] Runtime Installer begin with version on Windows 7 x86
    [2013-05-20:17:14:54] Commandline is: -x1 "C:\Users\Michael\AppData\Local\Temp\AIR60A6.tmp\Adobe Download Assistant"
    [2013-05-20:17:14:54] No installed runtime detected
    [2013-05-20:17:14:54] Invoking Application Installer for combined install
    [2013-05-20:17:14:54] Launching subprocess with commandline C:\Users\Michael\AppData\Local\Temp\AIR950E.tmp\Adobe AIR\Versions\1.0\Adobe AIR Application Installer -runtime C:\Users\Michael\AppData\Local\Temp\AIR950E.tmp -withRuntime -url "C:\Users\Michael\AppData\Local\Temp\AIR60A6.tmp\Adobe Download Assistant"
    [2013-05-20:17:14:54] Application Installer begin with version on Windows 7 x86
    [2013-05-20:17:14:54] Commandline is: -runtime C:\Users\Michael\AppData\Local\Temp\AIR950E.tmp -withRuntime -url "C:\Users\Michael\AppData\Local\Temp\AIR60A6.tmp\Adobe Download Assistant"
    [2013-05-20:17:14:54] No installed runtime detected
    [2013-05-20:17:14:56] Validating app in folder C:\Users\Michael\AppData\Local\Temp\AIR60A6.tmp\Adobe Download Assistant
    [2013-05-20:17:14:56] Application signature verified
    [2013-05-20:17:14:56] Unpackaging/validation complete
    [2013-05-20:17:15:11] Cancel request received
    [2013-05-20:17:15:11] Application Installer end with exit code 6
    [2013-05-20:17:15:11] Subprocess app installer failed (6)
    [2013-05-20:17:15:11] Cancel request received
    [2013-05-20:17:15:11] Runtime Installer end with exit code 6
    [2013-05-20:17:15:12] Subprocess Runtime Installer failed (6)
    [2013-05-20:17:15:12] Bootstrapper end with exit code 6
    [2013-05-20:17:19:17] Runtime Installer begin with version on Windows Vista x86
    [2013-05-20:17:19:17] Commandline is:
    [2013-05-20:17:19:17] No installed runtime detected
    [2013-05-20:17:19:20] Relaunching with elevation
    [2013-05-20:17:19:20] Launching subprocess with commandline c:\users\michael\appdata\local\temp\air94ef.tmp\adobe air installer.exe -ei
    [2013-05-20:17:19:22] Runtime Installer begin with version on Windows 7 x86
    [2013-05-20:17:19:22] Commandline is: -stdio \\.\pipe\AIR_1180_0 -ei
    [2013-05-20:17:19:22] No installed runtime detected
    [2013-05-20:17:19:22] Starting silent runtime install. Installing runtime version
    [2013-05-20:17:19:22] Reinstalling c:\users\michael\appdata\local\temp\air94ef.tmp\setup.msi
    [2013-05-20:17:19:24] Runtime Installer end with exit code 0
    [2013-05-20:17:19:24] Elevated install completed
    [2013-05-20:17:19:26] Runtime Installer end with exit code 0
    [2013-05-20:17:48:13] Runtime Installer begin with version on Windows 7 x86
    [2013-05-20:17:48:13] Commandline is:
    [2013-05-20:17:48:13] No installed runtime detected
    [2013-05-20:17:48:15] Relaunching with elevation
    [2013-05-20:17:48:15] Launching subprocess with commandline c:\users\michael\appdata\local\temp\air13fd.tmp\adobe air installer.exe -ei
    [2013-05-20:17:48:17] Runtime Installer begin with version on Windows 7 x86
    [2013-05-20:17:48:17] Commandline is: -stdio \\.\pipe\AIR_2852_0 -ei
    [2013-05-20:17:48:17] No installed runtime detected
    [2013-05-20:17:48:17] Starting silent runtime install. Installing runtime version
    [2013-05-20:17:48:17] Installing msi at c:\users\michael\appdata\local\temp\air13fd.tmp\setup.msi with guid {A0087DDE-69D0-11E2-AD57-43CA6188709B}
    [2013-05-20:17:48:20] Runtime Installer end with exit code 0
    [2013-05-20:17:48:20] Elevated install completed
    [2013-05-20:17:48:22] Runtime Installer end with exit code 0
    [2013-05-20:19:07:56] Runtime Installer begin with version on Windows 7 x86
    [2013-05-20:19:07:56] Commandline is:
    [2013-05-20:19:07:56] No installed runtime detected
    [2013-05-20:19:08:01] Relaunching with elevation
    [2013-05-20:19:08:01] Launching subprocess with commandline c:\users\michael\appdata\local\temp\aira488.tmp\adobe air installer.exe -ei
    [2013-05-20:19:08:04] Runtime Installer begin with version on Windows 7 x86
    [2013-05-20:19:08:04] Commandline is: -stdio \\.\pipe\AIR_1304_0 -ei
    [2013-05-20:19:08:04] No installed runtime detected
    [2013-05-20:19:08:04] Starting silent runtime install. Installing runtime version
    [2013-05-20:19:08:04] Installing msi at c:\users\michael\appdata\local\temp\aira488.tmp\setup.msi with guid {A0087DDE-69D0-11E2-AD57-43CA6188709B}
    [2013-05-20:19:08:09] Runtime Installer end with exit code 0
    [2013-05-20:19:08:09] Elevated install completed
    [2013-05-20:19:08:12] Runtime Installer end with exit code 0
    [2013-05-20:19:24:23] Runtime Installer begin with version on Windows 7 x86
    [2013-05-20:19:24:23] Commandline is:
    [2013-05-20:19:24:23] No installed runtime detected
    [2013-05-20:19:24:26] Relaunching with elevation
    [2013-05-20:19:24:26] Launching subprocess with commandline c:\users\michael\appdata\local\temp\airb682.tmp\adobe air installer.exe -ei
    [2013-05-20:19:24:28] Runtime Installer begin with version on Windows 7 x86
    [2013-05-20:19:24:28] Commandline is: -stdio \\.\pipe\AIR_3592_0 -ei
    [2013-05-20:19:24:28] No installed runtime detected
    [2013-05-20:19:24:28] Starting silent runtime install. Installing runtime version
    [2013-05-20:19:24:28] Reinstalling c:\users\michael\appdata\local\temp\airb682.tmp\setup.msi
    [2013-05-20:19:24:29] Runtime Installer end with exit code 0
    [2013-05-20:19:24:30] Elevated install completed
    [2013-05-20:19:24:32] Runtime Installer end with exit code 0
    [2013-05-23:20:17:56] Runtime Installer begin with version on Windows Vista x86
    [2013-05-23:20:17:56] Commandline is:
    [2013-05-23:20:17:56] No installed runtime detected
    [2013-05-23:20:18:09] Relaunching with elevation
    [2013-05-23:20:18:09] Launching subprocess with commandline c:\users\michael\appdata\local\temp\air21e3.tmp\adobe air installer.exe -ei
    [2013-05-23:20:18:17] Runtime Installer begin with version on Windows 7 x86
    [2013-05-23:20:18:17] Commandline is: -stdio \\.\pipe\AIR_5960_0 -ei
    [2013-05-23:20:18:17] No installed runtime detected
    [2013-05-23:20:18:17] Starting silent runtime install. Installing runtime version
    [2013-05-23:20:18:17] Reinstalling c:\users\michael\appdata\local\temp\air21e3.tmp\setup.msi
    [2013-05-23:20:18:19] Runtime Installer end with exit code 0
    [2013-05-23:20:18:19] Elevated install completed
    [2013-05-23:20:18:23] Runtime Installer end with exit code 0
    [2013-05-23:20:27:45] Runtime Installer begin with version on Windows Vista x86
    [2013-05-23:20:27:45] Commandline is:
    [2013-05-23:20:27:45] No installed runtime detected
    [2013-05-23:20:27:53] Relaunching with elevation
    [2013-05-23:20:27:53] Launching subprocess with commandline c:\users\michael\appdata\local\temp\air234a.tmp\adobe air installer.exe -ei
    [2013-05-23:20:27:55] Runtime Installer begin with version on Windows 7 x86
    [2013-05-23:20:27:55] Commandline is: -stdio \\.\pipe\AIR_5248_0 -ei
    [2013-05-23:20:27:55] No installed runtime detected
    [2013-05-23:20:27:55] Starting silent runtime install. Installing runtime version
    [2013-05-23:20:27:55] Installing msi at c:\users\michael\appdata\local\temp\air234a.tmp\setup.msi with guid {14DC0059-00F1-4F62-BD1A-AB23CD51A95E}
    [2013-05-23:20:27:57] Runtime Installer end with exit code 0
    [2013-05-23:20:27:57] Elevated install completed
    [2013-05-23:20:27:59] Runtime Installer end with exit code 0
    [2013-05-23:20:29:25] Bootstrapper begin with version on Win x86
    [2013-05-23:20:29:25] No installed runtime detected
    [2013-05-23:20:29:25] Begin runtime download from
    [2013-05-23:20:29:36] Download success
    [2013-05-23:20:29:36] Begin signature download from
    [2013-05-23:20:29:36] Download success
    [2013-05-23:20:29:36] Detached signature verified
    [2013-05-23:20:29:36] Begin cert chain validation
    [2013-05-23:20:29:36] Begin crl download from
    [2013-05-23:20:29:36] Download success
    [2013-05-23:20:29:36] Begin crl download from
    [2013-05-23:20:29:36] Download success
    [2013-05-23:20:29:36] Begin crl download from ldap:///CN=CRL1, CN=Adobe Root CA, OU=Adobe Trust Services, O=Adobe Systems Incorporated, C=US?certificateRevocationList;binary,authorityRevocationList;binary,deltaRevocationList; binary
    [2013-05-23:20:29:37] Download failure: could not retrieve crl crypt object
    [2013-05-23:20:29:37] Cert chain validation succeeded
    [2013-05-23:20:29:37] Launching subprocess with commandline "C:\Users\Michael\AppData\Local\Temp\AIRRuntimeInstaller.exe" -x1 "C:\Users\Michael\AppData\Local\Temp\AIRAE69.tmp\Adobe Download Assistant"
    [2013-05-23:20:29:40] Runtime Installer begin with version on Windows 7 x86
    [2013-05-23:20:29:40] Commandline is: -x1 "C:\Users\Michael\AppData\Local\Temp\AIRAE69.tmp\Adobe Download Assistant"
    [2013-05-23:20:29:40] No installed runtime detected
    [2013-05-23:20:29:40] Invoking Application Installer for combined install
    [2013-05-23:20:29:40] Launching subprocess with commandline C:\Users\Michael\AppData\Local\Temp\AIRE2E1.tmp\Adobe AIR\Versions\1.0\Adobe AIR Application Installer -runtime C:\Users\Michael\AppData\Local\Temp\AIRE2E1.tmp -withRuntime -url "C:\Users\Michael\AppData\Local\Temp\AIRAE69.tmp\Adobe Download Assistant"
    [2013-05-23:20:29:40] Application Installer begin with version on Windows 7 x86
    [2013-05-23:20:29:40] Commandline is: -runtime C:\Users\Michael\AppData\Local\Temp\AIRE2E1.tmp -withRuntime -url "C:\Users\Michael\AppData\Local\Temp\AIRAE69.tmp\Adobe Download Assistant"
    [2013-05-23:20:29:40] No installed runtime detected
    [2013-05-23:20:29:42] Validating app in folder C:\Users\Michael\AppData\Local\Temp\AIRAE69.tmp\Adobe Download Assistant
    [2013-05-23:20:29:42] Application signature verified
    [2013-05-23:20:29:42] Unpackaging/validation complete
    [2013-05-23:20:29:57] Launching subprocess with commandline C:\Users\Michael\AppData\Local\Temp\AIRE2E1.tmp\Adobe AIR\Versions\1.0\Adobe AIR Application Installer -runtime C:\Users\Michael\AppData\Local\Temp\AIRE2E1.tmp -silent -logToStdout -withRuntime -url -location "C:\Program Files (x86)" -desktopShortcut -programMenu "C:\Users\Michael\AppData\Local\Temp\AIRAE69.tmp\Adobe Download Assistant"
    [2013-05-23:20:29:57] Relaunching with elevation
    [2013-05-23:20:29:59] Application Installer begin with version on Windows 7 x86
    [2013-05-23:20:29:59] Commandline is: -stdio \\.\pipe\AIR_4832_0 -runtime C:\Users\Michael\AppData\Local\Temp\AIRE2E1.tmp -silent -logToStdout -withRuntime -url -location "C:\Program Files (x86)" -desktopShortcut -programMenu "C:\Users\Michael\AppData\Local\Temp\AIRAE69.tmp\Adobe Download Assistant"
    [2013-05-23:20:29:59] No installed runtime detected
    [2013-05-23:20:30:00] Validating app in folder C:\Users\Michael\AppData\Local\Temp\AIRAE69.tmp\Adobe Download Assistant
    [2013-05-23:20:30:00] Application signature verified
    [2013-05-23:20:30:00] Unpackaging/validation complete
    [2013-05-23:20:30:00] Starting silent combined runtime and app install.
    Installing runtime version
    Installing app com.adobe.downloadassistant.AdobeDownloadAssistant version 1.2.5 to C:\Program Files (x86) using the source file at C:\Users\Michael\AppData\Local\Temp\AIRAE69.tmp\Adobe Download Assistant
    [2013-05-23:20:30:00] Installing msi at C:\Users\Michael\AppData\Local\Temp\AIRE2E1.tmp\setup.msi with guid {A0087DDE-69D0-11E2-AD57-43CA6188709B}
    [2013-05-23:20:30:03] Installing msi at C:\Users\Michael\AppData\Local\Temp\AIRAE69.tmp\Adobe Download Assistant\setup.msi with guid {5E21B617-F52E-BB10-92F9-C8AB2C799A8A}
    [2013-05-23:20:30:05] Application Installer end with exit code 0
    [2013-05-23:20:30:06] Elevated install completed
    [2013-05-23:20:30:06] Launching subprocess with commandline C:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe Download Assistant\Adobe Download Assistant.exe
    [2013-05-23:20:30:06] Application Installer end with exit code 0
    [2013-05-23:20:30:06] Subprocess app installer succeeded
    [2013-05-23:20:30:06] Runtime Installer end with exit code 0
    [2013-05-23:20:30:06] Subprocess Runtime Installer succeeded
    [2013-05-23:20:30:06] Bootstrapper end with exit code 0
    [2013-05-24:16:48:22] Runtime Installer begin with version on Windows 7 x86
    [2013-05-24:16:48:22] Commandline is:
    [2013-05-24:16:48:22] No installed runtime detected
    [2013-05-24:16:48:26] Relaunching with elevation
    [2013-05-24:16:48:26] Launching subprocess with commandline c:\users\michael\appdata\local\temp\airedf8.tmp\adobe air installer.exe -ei
    [2013-05-24:16:48:27] Runtime Installer begin with version on Windows 7 x86
    [2013-05-24:16:48:27] Commandline is: -stdio \\.\pipe\AIR_5252_0 -ei
    [2013-05-24:16:48:27] No installed runtime detected
    [2013-05-24:16:48:27] Starting silent runtime install. Installing runtime version
    [2013-05-24:16:48:27] Reinstalling c:\users\michael\appdata\local\temp\airedf8.tmp\setup.msi
    [2013-05-24:16:48:30] Runtime Installer end with exit code 0
    [2013-05-24:16:48:30] Elevated install completed
    [2013-05-24:16:48:32] Runtime Installer end with exit code 0
    [2013-05-24:16:54:13] Runtime Installer begin with version on Windows 7 x86
    [2013-05-24:16:54:13] Commandline is:
    [2013-05-24:16:54:13] No installed runtime detected
    [2013-05-24:16:54:18] Relaunching with elevation
    [2013-05-24:16:54:18] Launching subprocess with commandline c:\users\michael\appdata\local\temp\air49db.tmp\adobe air installer.exe -ei
    [2013-05-24:16:54:21] Runtime Installer begin with version on Windows 7 x86
    [2013-05-24:16:54:21] Commandline is: -stdio \\.\pipe\AIR_4572_0 -ei
    [2013-05-24:16:54:21] No installed runtime detected
    [2013-05-24:16:54:21] Starting silent runtime install. Installing runtime version
    [2013-05-24:16:54:21] Reinstalling c:\users\michael\appdata\local\temp\air49db.tmp\setup.msi
    [2013-05-24:16:54:30] Runtime Installer end with exit code 0
    [2013-05-24:16:54:30] Elevated install completed
    [2013-05-24:16:54:32] Runtime Installer end with exit code 0
    [2013-05-24:16:54:48] Runtime Installer begin with version on Windows Vista x86
    [2013-05-24:16:54:48] Commandline is:
    [2013-05-24:16:54:48] No installed runtime detected
    [2013-05-24:16:54:52] Relaunching with elevation
    [2013-05-24:16:54:52] Launching subprocess with commandline c:\users\michael\appdata\local\temp\aird789.tmp\adobe air installer.exe -ei
    [2013-05-24:16:54:54] Runtime Installer begin with version on Windows 7 x86
    [2013-05-24:16:54:54] Commandline is: -stdio \\.\pipe\AIR_880_0 -ei
    [2013-05-24:16:54:54] No installed runtime detected
    [2013-05-24:16:54:54] Starting silent runtime install. Installing runtime version
    [2013-05-24:16:54:54] Reinstalling c:\users\michael\appdata\local\temp\aird789.tmp\setup.msi
    [2013-05-24:16:54:56] Runtime Installer end with exit code 0
    [2013-05-24:16:54:57] Elevated install completed
    [2013-05-24:16:54:58] Runtime Installer end with exit code 0
    [2013-06-04:18:22:16] Runtime Installer begin with version on Windows 7 x86
    [2013-06-04:18:22:16] Commandline is: -silent -eulaAccepted -location "C:\Program Files (x86)\Bamboo Dock" C:\Users\Michael\AppData\Local\Temp\BWM\BambooDock.air
    [2013-06-04:18:22:16] No installed runtime detected
    [2013-06-04:18:22:16] Invoking Application Installer for combined install
    [2013-06-04:18:22:16] Launching subprocess with commandline C:\Users\Michael\AppData\Local\Temp\BWM\Adobe AIR\Versions\1.0\Adobe AIR Application Installer -runtime C:\Users\Michael\AppData\Local\Temp\BWM -silent -withRuntime -url -location "C:\Program Files (x86)\Bamboo Dock" -eulaAccepted file:///C:/Users/Michael/AppData/Local/Temp/BWM/BambooDock.air
    [2013-06-04:18:22:24] Application Installer begin with version on Windows 7 x86
    [2013-06-04:18:22:24] Commandline is: -runtime C:\Users\Michael\AppData\Local\Temp\BWM -silent -withRuntime -url -location "C:\Program Files (x86)\Bamboo Dock" -eulaAccepted file:///C:/Users/Michael/AppData/Local/Temp/BWM/BambooDock.air
    [2013-06-04:18:22:24] No installed runtime detected
    [2013-06-04:18:22:24] Unpackaging file:///C:/Users/Michael/AppData/Local/Temp/BWM/BambooDock.air to C:\Users\Michael\AppData\Local\Temp\flaE04.tmp
    [2013-06-04:18:22:26] Application signature verified
    [2013-06-04:18:22:26] Unpackaging/validation complete
    [2013-06-04:18:22:26] Converting unpackaged application to a native installation package in C:\Users\Michael\AppData\Local\Temp\fla164E.tmp
    [2013-06-04:18:22:27] Native installation package creation succeeded
    [2013-06-04:18:22:27] Starting silent combined runtime and app install.
    Installing runtime version
    Installing app wacomid-desktop-launcher.DCFD4B89A63EE70BC162777F06D4B93B6397AEC7.1 version 4.1.0 to C:\Program Files (x86)\Bamboo Dock using the source file at file:///C:/Users/Michael/AppData/Local/Temp/BWM/BambooDock.air
    [2013-06-04:18:22:27] Installing msi at C:\Users\Michael\AppData\Local\Temp\BWM\setup.msi with guid {AFF7E080-1974-45BF-9310-10DE1A1F5ED0}
    [2013-06-04:18:22:36] Installing msi at C:\Users\Michael\AppData\Local\Temp\fla164E.tmp\setup.msi with guid {A6AF3ED8-30C2-253D-48D0-3647AC58FE58}
    [2013-06-04:18:22:41] Application Installer end with exit code 0
    [2013-06-04:18:22:41] Subprocess app installer succeeded
    [2013-06-04:18:22:41] Runtime Installer end with exit code 0
    [2013-06-04:18:24:04] Runtime Installer begin with version on Windows 7 x86
    [2013-06-04:18:24:04] Commandline is:
    [2013-06-04:18:24:04] No installed runtime detected
    [2013-06-04:18:24:29] Relaunching with elevation
    [2013-06-04:18:24:29] Launching subprocess with commandline c:\users\michael\appdata\local\temp\air86ac.tmp\adobe air installer.exe -ei
    [2013-06-04:18:24:32] Runtime Installer begin with version on Windows 7 x86
    [2013-06-04:18:24:32] Commandline is: -stdio \\.\pipe\AIR_6040_0 -ei
    [2013-06-04:18:24:32] No installed runtime detected
    [2013-06-04:18:24:32] Starting silent runtime install. Installing runtime version
    [2013-06-04:18:24:32] Installing msi at c:\users\michael\appdata\local\temp\air86ac.tmp\setup.msi with guid {A0087DDE-69D0-11E2-AD57-43CA6188709B}
    [2013-06-04:18:24:34] Runtime Installer end with exit code 0
    [2013-06-04:18:24:34] Elevated install completed
    [2013-06-04:18:24:38] Runtime Installer end with exit code 0
    [2013-06-04:18:32:30] Runtime Installer begin with version on Windows Vista x86
    [2013-06-04:18:32:30] Commandline is:
    [2013-06-04:18:32:30] No installed runtime detected
    [2013-06-04:18:32:34] Relaunching with elevation
    [2013-06-04:18:32:34] Launching subprocess with commandline c:\users\michael\appdata\local\temp\air3d1f.tmp\adobe air installer.exe -ei
    [2013-06-04:18:32:35] Runtime Installer begin with version on Windows 7 x86
    [2013-06-04:18:32:35] Commandline is: -stdio \\.\pipe\AIR_4728_0 -ei
    [2013-06-04:18:32:35] No installed runtime detected
    [2013-06-04:18:32:36] Starting silent runtime install. Installing runtime version
    [2013-06-04:18:32:36] Reinstalling c:\users\michael\appdata\local\temp\air3d1f.tmp\setup.msi
    [2013-06-04:18:32:38] Runtime Installer end with exit code 0
    [2013-06-04:18:32:38] Elevated install completed
    [2013-06-04:18:32:39] Runtime Installer end with exit code 0
    [2013-06-04:18:42:34] Runtime Installer begin with version on Windows 7 x86
    [2013-06-04:18:42:34] Commandline is:
    [2013-06-04:18:42:34] No installed runtime detected
    [2013-06-04:18:42:39] Relaunching with elevation
    [2013-06-04:18:42:39] Launching subprocess with commandline c:\users\michael\appdata\local\temp\air5031.tmp\adobe air installer.exe -ei
    [2013-06-04:18:42:43] Runtime Installer begin with version on Windows 7 x86
    [2013-06-04:18:42:43] Commandline is: -stdio \\.\pipe\AIR_5872_0 -ei
    [2013-06-04:18:42:43] No installed runtime detected
    [2013-06-04:18:42:43] Starting silent runtime install. Installing runtime version
    [2013-06-04:18:42:43] Reinstalling c:\users\michael\appdata\local\temp\air5031.tmp\setup.msi
    [2013-06-04:18:42:50] Runtime Installer end with exit code 0
    [2013-06-04:18:42:50] Elevated install completed
    [2013-06-04:18:42:55] Runtime Installer end with exit code 0
    [2013-06-04:18:45:07] Runtime Installer begin with version on Windows 7 x86
    [2013-06-04:18:45:07] Commandline is:
    [2013-06-04:18:45:07] No installed runtime detected
    [2013-06-04:18:45:10] Relaunching with elevation
    [2013-06-04:18:45:10] Launching subprocess with commandline c:\users\michael\appdata\local\temp\aira18b.tmp\adobe air installer.exe -ei
    [2013-06-04:18:45:12] Runtime Installer begin with version on Windows 7 x86
    [2013-06-04:18:45:12] Commandline is: -stdio \\.\pipe\AIR_3208_0 -ei
    [2013-06-04:18:45:12] No installed runtime detected
    [2013-06-04:18:45:13] Starting silent runtime install. Installing runtime version
    [2013-06-04:18:45:13] Reinstalling c:\users\michael\appdata\local\temp\aira18b.tmp\setup.msi
    [2013-06-04:18:45:15] Runtime Installer end with exit code 0
    [2013-06-04:18:45:15] Elevated install completed
    [2013-06-04:18:45:17] Runtime Installer end with exit code 0
    [2013-06-04:18:47:08] Runtime Installer begin with version on Windows 7 x86
    [2013-06-04:18:47:08] Commandline is:
    [2013-06-04:18:47:08] No installed runtime detected
    [2013-06-04:18:47:11] Relaunching with elevation
    [2013-06-04:18:47:11] Launching subprocess with commandline c:\users\michael\appdata\local\temp\air7f6b.tmp\adobe air installer.exe -ei
    [2013-06-04:18:47:12] Runtime Installer begin with version on Windows 7 x86
    [2013-06-04:18:47:12] Commandline is: -stdio \\.\pipe\AIR_5980_0 -ei
    [2013-06-04:18:47:12] No installed runtime detected
    [2013-06-04:18:47:12] Starting silent runtime install. Installing runtime version
    [2013-06-04:18:47:12] Reinstalling c:\users\michael\appdata\local\temp\air7f6b.tmp\setup.msi
    [2013-06-04:18:47:16] Runtime Installer end with exit code 0
    [2013-06-04:18:47:16] Elevated install completed
    [2013-06-04:18:47:19] Runtime Installer end with exit code 0
    [2013-06-04:19:41:53] Runtime Installer begin with version on Windows Vista x86
    [2013-06-04:19:41:53] Commandline is:
    [2013-06-04:19:41:53] No installed runtime detected
    [2013-06-04:19:42:02] Relaunching with elevation
    [2013-06-04:19:42:02] Launching subprocess with commandline c:\users\michael\appdata\local\temp\air67e6.tmp\adobe air installer.exe -ei
    [2013-06-04:19:42:07] Runtime Installer begin with version on Windows 7 x86
    [2013-06-04:19:42:07] Commandline is: -stdio \\.\pipe\AIR_2896_0 -ei
    [2013-06-04:19:42:07] No installed runtime detected
    [2013-06-04:19:42:07] Starting silent runtime install. Installing runtime version
    [2013-06-04:19:42:07] Reinstalling c:\users\michael\appdata\local\temp\air67e6.tmp\setup.msi
    [2013-06-04:19:42:09] Runtime Installer end with exit code 0
    [2013-06-04:19:42:09] Elevated install completed
    [2013-06-04:19:42:11] Runtime Installer end with exit code 0
    [2013-06-04:19:43:35] Runtime Installer begin with version on Windows Vista x86
    [2013-06-04:19:43:35] Commandline is:
    [2013-06-04:19:43:35] No installed runtime detected
    [2013-06-04:19:43:39] Relaunching with elevation
    [2013-06-04:19:43:39] Launching subprocess with commandline c:\users\michael\appdata\local\temp\airf6ec.tmp\adobe air installer.exe -ei
    [2013-06-04:19:43:40] Runtime Installer begin with version on Windows Vista x86
    [2013-06-04:19:43:40] Commandline is:
    [2013-06-04:19:43:40] No installed runtime detected
    [2013-06-04:19:43:41] Runtime Installer begin with version on Windows 7 x86
    [2013-06-04:19:43:41] Commandline is: -stdio \\.\pipe\AIR_5384_0 -ei
    [2013-06-04:19:43:41] No installed runtime detected
    [2013-06-04:19:43:41] Starting silent runtime install. Installing runtime version
    [2013-06-04:19:43:42] Reinstalling c:\users\michael\appdata\local\temp\airf6ec.tmp\setup.msi
    [2013-06-04:19:43:44] Runtime Installer end with exit code 0
    [2013-06-04:19:43:44] Elevated install completed
    [2013-06-04:19:43:45] Runtime Installer end with exit code 0
    [2013-06-04:19:43:47] Relaunching with elevation
    [2013-06-04:19:43:47] Launching subprocess with commandline c:\users\michael\appdata\local\temp\air9c0.tmp\adobe air installer.exe -ei
    [2013-06-04:19:43:48] Runtime Installer begin with version on Windows 7 x86
    [2013-06-04:19:43:48] Commandline is: -stdio \\.\pipe\AIR_1524_0 -ei
    [2013-06-04:19:43:48] No installed runtime detected
    [2013-06-04:19:43:49] Starting silent runtime install. Installing runtime version
    [2013-06-04:19:43:49] Reinstalling c:\users\michael\appdata\local\temp\air9c0.tmp\setup.msi
    [2013-06-04:19:43:49] Cancelling elevated install
    [2013-06-04:19:43:50] Cancel request forwarded to msi repair operation
    [2013-06-04:19:43:50] Rollback complete
    [2013-06-04:19:43:51] Cancel request received
    [2013-06-04:19:43:51] Runtime Installer end with exit code 6
    [2013-06-04:19:43:51] Runtime Installer end with exit code 6
    [2013-06-04:19:43:56] Runtime Installer begin with version on Windows Vista x86
    [2013-06-04:19:43:56] Commandline is:
    [2013-06-04:19:43:56] No installed runtime detected
    [2013-06-04:19:43:59] Relaunching with elevation
    [2013-06-04:19:43:59] Launching subprocess with commandline c:\users\michael\appdata\local\temp\air471d.tmp\adobe air installer.exe -ei
    [2013-06-04:19:44:00] Runtime Installer begin with version on Windows 7 x86
    [2013-06-04:19:44:00] Commandline i

  • Adobe Premier Elements 12 lässt sich nach Installation nicht öffnen.

    Adobe Premier Elements 12 lässt sich nach Installation nicht öffnen. Der Startbildschirm erscheint zwar, aber beim Versuch ein neues Projekt zu öffnen erscheint kurz der Laufbalken, der dann kurz darauf wieder verschwindet ohne das ein Projekt geöffnet wird - der Startbildschirm bleibt. Auf einem anderen Rechner, auf dem ich die gleichen Windows Updates installiert habe funktioniert es ohne Probleme. Ein Deinstallation und Neuinstallation brachte keinen Erfolg - das Problem bleibt. Bitte dringend um Hilfe!!!

    Macht es Ihnen keine Fehlermeldung beim Öffnen PSE-Editor?
    Hat seine jemals gearbeitet?
    Sie erwähnten, dass Sie Nik haben, haben Sie überprüft Entfernen Nik und dann öffnet PSE-Editor?

  • I phone lässt sich nach update nicht mehr sychronisieren

    Mein i phone lässt sich nach dem neuen Update über i tunes nicht mehr synchronisieren, Kennt jemand dieses Problem?

    Moin moin,
    ich habe ebenfalls eine Neuinstallation durchführen müssen, allerdings unter MacOSX (Yosemite). Das Problem ist hier aber identisch, die Fehlermeldungen haben zwar eine andere Optik ;-) aber inhaltlich sagen sie das Gleiche. Auf der Download-Seite von Adobe habe ich ein Update für Photoshop auf 11.02. und Fireworks auf gefunden, mehr aber nicht. Acrobat Pro 9.X gibt's nicht und z. B. Dreamweaver funktioniert nicht!
    Wenn ich was vom Adobe-Support höre, melde ich mich wieder.

  • Seit upgrade auf Mountain Lion lässt sich mein Macbookpro nicht mit dem Fernseher verbinden!

    Er wird nicht erkannt, bzw. fängt der Mac zu blinken an - Bild weg(nur mehr himmelblau) und Bild wieder da? Hat jemand dafür eine Lösung?
    Mein Fernseher ist Samsung Smart TV UE40D6510. Danke im voraus f. ev. Hilfe

    Oh hab ich vergessen: Ich habe d. Mac mit einem Verbindungskabel HDMI (Samsung)/Thunderbold(Mac) verbunden.

  • Beim verbinden mit itunes kommt immer der fehler, dass sich das iphone nicht verbinden lässt aufgrund einer namensänderung, beim verbinden mit itunes kommt immer der fehler, dass sich das iphone nicht verbinden lässt aufgrund einer namensänderung

    wer kann mir helfen...
    nach dem einstecken des usb kabels in den pc öffnet sich itunes. ein paar minuten später kommt aber eine fehlermeldung, dass keine verbindung möglich ist, da sich die anwendung vom iphone geändert hat.
    habe nichts geändert!!!
    itunes wurde deinstalliert und wieder installiert...gleiches problem.
    usb port wurde auch überprüft und alle anderen möglichkeiten mit der windows+r taste.
    jetzt bin ich ratlos...

    Can you please identify the error number?

  • Die iTunes App lässt sich vom iPhone 5 nicht öffnen!

    Wenn ich die iTunes App aufrufe öffnet sie sich kurz, schließt sich dann aber sofort wieder! Das Problem besteht seit heute. Was ist passiert,  was muss ich tun?

    Is there a configuration profile on the phone?  It would be under settings/general/profile.  An IPCU profile can prevent iTunes from functioning on the device, though I'm not sure if it hides the icon or not...

  • MAC BP / Maverick: Seriennummer lässt sich bei Installation nicht registrieren. Ich soll den Support fragen...

    Nach erfolgter Installation von PsE12 auf meinem Mac Book Pro / 10.9.4, kann nach Eingabe der S# diese nicht verifiziert werden.
    Die Meldung in einem gelben Fenster lautet: "Diese Seriennummer für Adobe Photoshop Elements 12 konnte nicht überprüft
    werden. Wenden sie sich an den Support."
    Wiederhole ich den Versuch erscheint sporadisch die Meldung, dass ich nicht online bin (wurde geprüft, keine Probleme).
    Kan mir jemand helfen...? Bitte.

    You need to contact Adobe directly using the link below. Use the dropdown menu for boxes (1) & (2) to scroll down the list and choose:
    1. Adobe Photoshop Elements
    2. Adobe ID, and signing-in
    3. Click on the blue button: Still need help? Contact us – then click the area marked chat 24/7, then click “start chat ”
    It’s usually possible to start a live chat, if an Adobe agent is free, and often to get the problem fixed right away. Have your serial number available. The agent can directly troubleshoot your system if you agree to activate the Adobe Connect add-on.
    Click here to get help now Contact Customer Care

  • PDF lässt sich in Programm nicht öffnen - MAC OS X Yosemite

    Guten Abend,
    ich habe ein Physio-Programm und möchte bei jedem Patieten das Rezept als PDF abspeichern und wieder öffnen können. Der Adobe Reader wurde unter Applications installiert und im Programm angegeben. Auf dem Windows PC läuft alles wie gewünscht. Beim MAC tut sich in dem Programm nichts. Die Datei kann von der NAS ausgewählt, aber nicht gespeichert werden. an was könnte das liegen?
    Ach, im Safari-Browser kann nur mit Zustimmung das PDF geöffnet werden. Vielleicht haben die beiden Dinge was miteinander zu tun.
    Vielen Dank

    Adobe Reader Version 11.0.09
    NAS Buffalo Linkstation LS-WXL(LS-WXLCCC) Firmware-Version: 1.68
    MAC OS X Yosemite Version 10.10.

  • E-Book läßt sich auf Tolino nicht öffnen

    Nach Eingabe der Adobe ID und des Kennworts erscheint die Anzeige: Autorisierung erfolgreich. Beim Vesuch den Titel zu öffnen erscheint folgende Anzeige: Beim Laden des Titels ist ein Fehler unterlaufen. Die Adobe ID stimmt nicht mit dem auf dem Tolino hinterlegten ID überein. Was Tun?

    Sie müssen die gleichen Adobe Konto / ID auf allen Computern und Geräten haben. Wenn Sie bereits DRM-Bücher müssen, dass die Adobe-Konto verwendet werden, wenn Sie zuerst die Bücher abgerufen.
    Um das Konto zu ändern, ADE, deautorisieren ersten (Strg-Shift-D, cmd-shift-D auf dem Mac).
    Nicht sicher, was die Tolino ist:
    Um das Konto zu ändern, wenn es sich um eine dedizierte E-Reader, deautorisieren ersten (Strg-Shift-E, cmd-shift-E auf dem Mac). mit dem E-Reader eingesteckt
    Um deautorisieren wenn es ein Tablet-Gerät, wird es eine Möglichkeit, in der Tablette App (vielleicht unter Einstellungen) sein
    You need to have the same Adobe account/ID on all computers and devices.  If you already have DRM books, that must be the Adobe account used when you first accessed those books.
    To change the account on ADE, deauthorize first (ctrl-shift-D, cmd-shift-D on mac).
    Not sure what the Tolino is:
    To change the account if it is a dedicated ereader, deauthorize first (ctrl-shift-E, cmd-shift-E on mac). with the ereader plugged in.
    To deauthorize if it is a tablet device, there will be some way in the tablet app (maybe under settings)

  • Lightroom lässt sich aus CC nicht installieren

    habe meinen iMac mit einer SSD neu aufgesetzt und bereits PS aus der CC (Fotografen Abo) ohne Probleme installiert. Als ich allerdings in die CC App klickte teilte sie mir mit dass Lightroom 5 bereits installiert wäre was natürlich nicht der Fall ist. Habe bereits 2x die CC gelöscht und mit dem Cleaner Tool erst die CC Dateien und beim zweiten Versuch einfach alle verfügbaren Dateien gelöscht - ohne Erfolg.
    Ich bin wirklich darauf angewiesen LR so schnell wie möglich hier zum laufen zu bringen auf dem neuen System, würde mich also zügige über Hilfe eurerseits freuen. Den Chatsupport hab ich nach ner halben Stunde ohne Antwort wieder zu gemacht (jetzt ist er nicht mehr verfügbar) und der Telefonsupport war auch nur bis 17 Uhr erreichbar und hatte mir das mit dem Cleaner Tool vorgeschlagen also bin ich gerade etwas aufgeschmissen :/
    Vielen Dank im Voraus

    On the mac side photoshop 6 only runs on mac os 8.5 through mac os 9.2.2 and those are pre mac os x operating systems.
    Photoshop 6 won't run natively on any version of mac os x.
    photoshop system requirements

  • Im Organizer lässt sich ein Stapel nicht öffnen Stapel einfach grau hinterlegt

    s.o. Im Organizer 13 kann ich Fotos zwar stapeln, allerdings kann die Stapel nicht mehr ansehen. Menü Stapel ist inaktiv.

    The standard interface to show the thumbnails has been changed in PSE13. The thumbnails are bigger and fill the whole surface of the display. The old 'detailed' view is still there. Simply use the shortcut 'Ctrl D' or the View menu and you'll get the old 'detailed' view with file name and date. Once you have chosen 'detailed' view, it is 'sticky', it remains active for the next session.

  • CD lässt Sicht mehr auswerfen, wird auf Bildschirm nicht mehr dargestellt. Mac beginnt immer wieder mit Geräusch zum Auswerfen, es passiert aber nichts. Beustart mit gedrückter Maustaste bringt auch nichts.

    CD lässt sich auf iMac nicht mehr auswerfen, wird auf Bildschirm nicht mehr dargestellt. Mac beginnt immer wieder mit Geräusch zum Auswerfen, es passiert aber nichts. Bei Start mit gedrückter Maustaste passiert auch nichts.

    Lieber juracid,
    meiner Meinung nach beendet der Laptop trotz Herunterfahren mit Power-Knopf alle Prozesse etc.
    Hast du bereits einen Start im abgesicherten Modus probiert??

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  • Am I able to download Photoshop, Lightroom, Illustrator and InDesign only? Or do I have to sign up for the whole package?

    thank you.

  • Problem with preview after editing

    I looked around the forum topics for this but I am not even sure what the problem would be called since I am a first time user. I have this problem where I add clips fine, and I am able to add text to them and what not by typing the text and then dra

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    Hello Would it be possible to help me out? I have over 500 photos on my iphone and want to create some space on the phone itself? I have enabled back up to icloud and the size of the current  back up for photos is 5.3gb. However, i am really nervous

  • MIgrations programs in PM Module

    hai experts,    Can some one help me in listing all the predefined migration programs in PM Module?   I mean to say all the Bapi's, direct input methods etc....   Madhu