Diff between "opmnctl stopall" and "opmnctl shutdown" ?

As far as I found out there are two similar commands:
"opmnctl stopall"
"opmnctl shutdown"
What is the difference?

"opmnctl stopall" : This will stop all the processes in controlled manner. It means if any work is in progress than untill it finishes that component would not stop. Also from the time you execute this command new task would not be initiated and thus the component would not be avaialble for new requests.
"opmnctl shutdown" : This is equivalent to ctrl+c instruction to any process running from windows command prompt or similar instruction in other OS. This will initiate the forcefull shutdown of processes and may lead to loss of data if process are not complete and performing some task. This should be used when you left with no other option to bring down the server.

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    In LSMW, what is diff between LSMW-BAPI and LSMW-IDOC

    Hi Swamy,
    The differences between IDoc and BAPI are as follows: 
    IDocs are text encoded documents with a rigid structure that are used to exchange data between R/3 and a foreign system.
    Idocs are processed asynchronously and no information whatsoever is returned to the client.
    The target system need not be always online. The IDOC would be created and would send the IDOC once the target system is available (tRFC concept). Hence supports guaranteed delivery.
    With asynchronous links the sub-process on the client can be finished even if the communication line or the server is not available. In this case the message is stored in the database and the communication can be done later.
    The disadvantage of asynchronous links is that the sub-process on the server cannot return information to the calling sub-process on the client. A special way for sending information back to the client is required. In addition, a special error handling mechanism is required to handle errors on the receiving side.
    IDOCs may be more changeable from release to release.
    IDOCs  are poorly documented.
    BAPIs are a subset of the RFC-enabled function modules, especially designed as Application Programming Interface (API) to the SAP business object, or in other words: are function modules officially released by SAP to be called from external programs.
    BAPIs are called synchronously and (usually) return information.
    For BAPIs the client code needs to do the appropriate error handling.
    Problems with synchronous links occur if the communication line or the server is temporarily not available. If this happens, the sub-process on the client cannot be finished (otherwise there would be data inconsistencies).
    Synchronous links have the advantage that the sub-process on the server can return values to the sub-process on the client that has started the link.
    BAPIs are not totally immune to upgrades.
    BAPIs are reasonably well documented.
    Reward points if useful.
    Best Regards,

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    thick client (rich client) has/stores all the data inside itself
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    You are aware with working of File Adapter.
    The most direct way of using the Seeburger adaptors is to configure the BIC as a module. There is a software component from seeburger called bicmapper which will allow you to
    1. Define or import the inbound message metadefinition in various formats ( edifact, xml,...)
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    3. Create a one to one mapping between input en output.
    4. Export the metadata in xsd or sda format for import in XI
    5. Generate an SDA which can be deployed in XI and used as a module.
    Have a look here,
    Some Seeburger related information
    Go through this threads:
    Need Material on Seeburger Adapters.
    Seeburger Adapter
    Installing seeburger adapter

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    Tax code : Tax code in some what more specific for calculating the tax...some material is having 2% tax..some having 3 % tax..etc..and these are input tax...so..these tax code will be of type input tax..
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    You can read

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    both are used for same purpose
    interactive report means an output list which displays basic details & allow user to interact, so that a new list is populated based on user-selection. With interactive list, the user can actively control data retrieval and display during the session.
    I suggest to use ALV.by using ALV we can display in Grid as well as list format.
    Output format will be good . Sorting,Filtering facilities are provided by itself.We can have column headings also.
    if helpful reward points

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    Hi Rainer,
    Thanks for your reply.
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    MAIN WINDOW :- In a main window you display text and data, which can cover several pages (flow text). As soon as a main window is completely filled with text and data, the system continues displaying the text in the main window of the next page. It automatically triggers the page break.
    You can define only have one window in a form as main window.
    The main window must have the same width on each page, but can differ in height.
    A page without main window must not call itself as next page, since this would trigger an endless loop. In such a case, the system automatically terminates after three pages.
    VARIABLE WINDOW :- The contents of variable windows is processed again for each page, on which the window appears. The system outputs only as much text as fits into the window. Text exceeding the window size is truncated; the system does not trigger a page break. Unlike constant windows, the page windows declared as variable windows may have different sizes on different form pages.
    As far as the processing of the window contents is concerned, the system currently treats constant and variable windows alike. The only difference is that constant windows have the same size throughout the form.
    hope this will be useful.
    If useful then reward points.
    with regards,

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    Hi Kishore,
    Client Independant: These objects are not specific to any client. And it is universal which can be viewed,changed across the clients.
    Client Dependant: These are the objects can be viewed, changed for the client for which it has been assigned. Other clients do not have access on these objects.
    In SAP, all objects are finally stored as tables. "Mandt" is key field which determines whether the object is client dependant or not.
    Client Independant transport requests will make the transported objects available across the clients. and Client dependent transport request make the objects available only for the client mentioned by field "Mandt"
    Dinesh D

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         actually i want to know that what is the diff between bussiness service and bussiness system..
    thanks in advance,

    Both the Business system and Business Service are same as per the functionality.
        we choose Business system when we know the technical system(Business system) in our SLD.
    if we doesnt any idea about the business system in SLD we go for Business service.
    thanks & regards
    harsha vardhan.P
    *reward points if u satisfied with my answer***

  • What is the exact diff between  At New  and On Chnage

    hello all
    what is the exact diff between  At New  and On Chnage in control breaks statements. and when  shall we go for At new & when shall we go for On change on events.
    Plz tell with with some code.

    Hi ,
    Using at new
    Each time the value of c changes, the lines of code between at new and endat are executed. This block is also executed during the first loop pass or if any fields to the left of c change. Between at and endat, the numeric fields to the right of c are set to zero. The non-numeric fields are filled with asterisks (*). If there are multiple occurrences of at new, they are all executed. at end of behaves in a similar fashion.
    Using the on change of Statement
    Another statement you can use to perform control break processing is on change of. It behaves in a manner similar to at new.
    The following points apply:
    u2022     If the value of any of the variables (v1, v2, and so on) changes from one test to the next, the statements following on change of are executed.
    u2022     If no change is detected and else is specified, the statements following else are executed.
    on change of differs from at new in the following respects:
    u2022     It can be used in any loop construct, not just loop at. For example, it can be used within select and endselect, do and enddo, or while and endwhile, as well as inside get events.
    u2022     A single on change of can be triggered by a change within one or more fields named after of and separated by or. These fields can be elementary fields or field strings. If you are within a loop, these fields do not have to belong to the loop.
    u2022     When used within a loop, a change in a field to the left of the control level does not trigger a control break.
    u2022     When used within a loop, fields to the right still contain their original values; they are not changed to contain zeros or asterisks.
    u2022     You can use else between on change of and endon.
    u2022     You can use it with loop at it where . . ..
    u2022     You can use sum with on change of. It sums all numeric fields except the one(s) named after of.
    u2022     Any values changed within on change of remain changed after endon. The contents of the header line are not restored as they are for at and endat.

  • Diff between sap query and abap query

    diff between sap query and abap query

    ABAP query is mostly used by functional consultants.
    SAP Query :
    The SAP Query application is used to create lists not already contained in the SAP standard system. It has been designed for users with little or no knowledge of the SAP programming language ABAP. SAP Query offers users a broad range of ways to define reporting programs and create different types of reports such as basic lists, statistics, and ranked lists.
    SAP Query's range of functions corresponds to the classical reporting functions available in the system. Requirements in this area such as list, statistic, or ranked list creation can be met using queries.
    All the data required by users for their lists can be selected from any SAP table created by the customer.
    To define a report, you first have to enter individual texts, such as titles, and select the fields and options which determine the report layout. Then you can edit list display in WYSIWYG mode whenever you want using drag and drop and the other toolbox functions available.
    ABAP Query,:
    As far as I Believe, is the use of select statements in the ABAP Programming. This needs a knowledge of Open SQL commands like Select,UPdtae, Modify etc. This has to be done only by someone who has a little bit of ABAP experience.
    To sum up, SAP queries are readymade programs given by SAP, which the user can use making slight modification like the slection texts, the tables from which the data is to be retrieved and the format in which the data is to be displayed.ABAP queries become imperative when there is no such SAP query existing and also when there is a lot of customizing involved to use a SAP Query directly
    use either SQ02 ans SQ01
    or SQVI tr code
    for more information please go thru this url:
    Please check this PDF document (starting page 352) perhaps it will help u.
    check the below link will be helpful for u
    Tutorial on SQVI
    once you create query system generates a report starting with AQZZ/SAPQUERY/ABAGENCY2======= assing this report to tr code for the same
    reward if it is helpful.

  • Diff between header line and work area.

    Diff between header line and work area.

    These are table with header line.
    DATA: T_TABLE type table of <table_name> with header line.
    data: begin of t_table occurs 0,
                  field1 type ...
                  field2 type ...
                  field3 type ...
          end of t_table.
    <b>The result is:</b>
    HEADER LINE |EE1   |EE2   |EE3   | <---- Line 5 content
               1|AA1   |AA2   |AA3   |  
               2|BB1   |BB2   |BB3   |  
               3|CC1   |CC2   |CC3   |
               4|DD1   |DD2   |DD3   |
               5|EE1   |EE2   |EE3   |
    These are table without header line.
    DATA: T_TABLE type table of <table_name>.
    <b>The result is:</b>
                     0|---   |---   |---   | <---- No header Line
                     1|AA1   |AA2   |AA3   |  
                     2|BB1   |BB2   |BB3   |  
                     3|CC1   |CC2   |CC3   |
                     4|DD1   |DD2   |DD3   |
                     5|EE1   |EE2   |EE3   |
    These are work areas:
    Tables <table>.
    DATA: wa type <table>.
    DATA: wa like t_table.
    DATA: wa type line of <table>.
    <b>The result is:</b>
    <u><b>WORK AREA</b></u>  
    |EE1   |EE2   |EE3   | <---- Content
    Marcelo Ramos

  • Diff between object based and ob. oriented

    diff between object based and ob. oriented

    Object-oriented requires at least three factors:
    1. Encapsulation: Combining data and the methods that manipulate the data into a self-contained unit called an "object" in which the data is hidden from the user and only the method interface is visible.
    2. Inheritance: Ability of a class to extend the features of another class by obtaining all the public features of the other class while adding its own specialized features (Example: Great Dane inherits from Dog)
    3. Polymorphism: The ability to perform "late binding" by invoke methods of a subclass on behalf of its superclass. (Polymorphism includes other things and it difficult to explain.
    If a language does not include all three, it is called "object-based." Visual Basic 6 is object-based, because it allows you to define classes that encapsulate, but doesn't support an inheritance hierarchy nor polymorphism.

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    hi all,
    plz tel me the diff between credit block and credit hold

    hi all,
    plz tel me the diff between credit block and credit hold

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