Differences beetwen code and GUI frame in NetBeans???

I have one frame created in GUI.
When I ran application - frame is ok.
But, when I open same frame in designer widow - it is different,and it shows some error (that he can`t load some components????)
I`ve tried with reload form - but, problem is till there.
What should I do?

Designing a form (frame, dialog, ...) with netbeans adds a lot of stuff
in generated code (comments mainly) which indicates NB what to
do when reloading class.
As you built a GUI without using NB GUI designer, you didn't have
those informations. As a consequence NB is lost loading your class.
My suggestion : redesign your GUI using NB GUI designer.
Hope that help,

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    stiky takes precedence.
    If there is no sticky match, we use the predictor.

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    Norbert_B wrote:
    Hm, i have no experience with Windows 8 yet, so i cannot refer to your specific question/remarks.
    When switching my laptop to a newer one (the old running Win 7 32bit, the new Win7 64bit), i encountered some severe graphics issue with LV as well.
    I found out, that my new laptop was configured to display "text and other items" with 125% (setting can be found in Control Panel>>Appearance and Personalization>>Display.
    After changing this setting back to 100%, most things work fine now in LV.
    Another point is (what i don't understand) that LV chose to preconfigure the three default font-collection (Application, Dialog, System) to be of size 20. My old machine had 15.
    If you have VIs already displaying fonts at this size, you have to select all controls (Ctrl+a) and THEN change font size. Otherwise, it will not affect existing controls.
    hope this helps,
    That is the Windows way of adjusting for displays with higher DPI, since the text can get very small with 150dpi displays rather than the standard 96dpi, Windows was originally designed for. Since the Windows graphic system is still mostly pixel based also for fonts, there is no other easy way to allow making text more readable. This scaling however messes with any graphic system that works on pixels rather than a virtual resolution and is one reason Retina style displays won't be a good option for Windows machines for some time to come.
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    MacOS X uses some of the concepts of the Next cube but abandoned Display Postscript for a somewhat more traditional approach. But Windows has still a lot to catch up in that area, if they ever do.
    Rolf Kalbermatter
    CIT Engineering Netherlands
    a division of Test & Measurement Solutions

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    Put a Save button on your form, then, in the actionPerformed for that button perform a getText() on all your text fields. Combine the texts, as necessary, into a String variable, then proceed with the file writing, as you did before, with this String.

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    What’s the Difference between PCUI and GUI?
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    Mahesh Kumar
    [email protected]

    Hi Mahesh,
    The PCUI is nothing but peoplecentric user interface the latest UI which SAP for CRM application where in the look and feel and navigation are much better than the old GUI interface.
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    Dinaker vikas K

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    compare MMBE with LS26
    Make sure you dont enter a storage location and storage type in selection screen of LS26.
    if you post a difference with LI20, then you have just posted a difference within WM, means you moved a quantity from a bin into the difference storate type 998.  The balance of both is still equal to your stock shown in MMBE. You have to clear the difference with IM by executing LI21 transaction. Only then the quantity will disappear from difference storage type and will be adjusted in MM and FI.
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    In your case you created just a negative quant in the interim storage type for goods issue and still have a positive quant in the bin, the balance is equal to the stock shown in MMBE.

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    hi Siva,
    When foreign currencies are valuated, all the open items that were posted in a foreign currency are valuated. The valuation is based on the individual open items in a foreign currency, that is, each open item in a foreign currency is valuated individually.
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    1) that's a strange question considering you prefaced it by saying you want to keep everything in flash.  so yes, given that requirement (ie, you want to put everything, if possible, in flash), put all your code inside flash.
    2) you need to scope everything. there's no problem (from flash/exportJS) spreading code over different frames/layers, if that's what you want to do.  you probably just need to be more careful with your scoping if think code in one layer won't recognize functions in another layer.  ie, in your top layer, use:
    var tl = this;
    // and then use tl to reference the main timeline in your functions (and elsewhere).

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    Thanks & Regards

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    both of them are much of the same....
    Bespoke:  is exactly according to the Customer Specifications, for eg:- say defining Enterprise Structure of a business this is done exactly to the Client Required Specifications..
    Customization Code: is to make changes to the standard form of system. say as in previous eg: for getting customer specific customization in pulling some data, say sales order details, there are standard Bapis' provided by SAP but to meet up the clients requirements u might have to go on and write a RFM if available BAPI is not suitable for ur requirement.
    Reward Points if Useful
    Thanx & Regards

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    Is this default and standard SAP?
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    Thanks for all reactions,

    Dear Frederic,
    Thanks for your fast response.
    I'm not at my office and i'm a total novice in CRM.
    How can I see which application we use?
    Us was told that there is only ONE possibility for transaction BP in the portal.
    Since there are differences between the two gui's, there is now the intention to rework the gui backend(with bapi's) so that it would react the same as in the portal(PCUI).
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    Furthermore I've difficulty to believe that SAP would offer a product(PCUI) that handles another business logic then the backend logic which is the basis of everything.
    About the business address of the contact person:
    In the portal we see this address together with the contact person data.
    In the GUI we don't see it on the general tab(which doesn't seem to me unlogic since you can relate the same contact person to different companies)
    Thanks again,

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