Differences between SimpleSeries and Series

does anybody can tell me the main differences between the two Series types?

The following is the help provided in the IDE.
1. A data series represented by the Series object can contain exactly one Point object.
The Series object is used to specify a more complex data series. You can use this object for displaying data series if you do not want to display a category-based chart or if the number of data series is not definite at design time.
2.The SimpleSeries object is used to specify a simple data series. This object should be used when:
       1.1     The number of data series is already determined and known at design time
       1.2      The chart is category-based and each point has only one y value
Regards, Anilkumar

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  • Difference Between BAPI And RFC in ABAP

    i want to know difference between BAPI and RFC in SAP,
    can we call SAP GUI screen from NON SAP System Using BAPI.

    Hi Ravishankar,
    The difference is not importat while you understand the concept.
    I think, RFC is the protocol for calling functions from external systems in R/3.
    I understand like BAPI a series of complet functions that SAP offers you for use and model a business use.
    But if I need program a function that can be called for external system i would call it RFC_NAME, because is a unique function that makes a single task.
    In other words, the difference i think is about work idea more than another thing.
    A remote function call is a call to a function module running in a system different from the caller's. The remote function can also be called from within the same system (as a remote call).
    RFC consists of two interfaces : A calling interface for ABAP Programs and a calling interface for Non-SAP programs.
    The RFC Interface takes care of :-
    - Converting all parameter data to the representation needed in the remote system
    Calling the communication routines needed to talk to the remote system.
    Handling communications errors, and notifying the caller, if desired ( using EXCEPTIONS paramater of the CALL FUNCTION).
    BAPIs are standardized programming interfaces (methods) enabling external applications to access business processes and data in the R/3 System.
    BAPIs provide stable and standardized methods to achieve seamless integration between the R/3 System and external applications, legacy systems and add-ons.
    BAPIs are defined in the BOR(Business object repository) as methods of SAP business object types that carry out specific business functions.
    BAPIs are implemented as RFC-enabled function modules and are created in the Function Builder of the ABAP Workbench.
    The most critical difference btwn BAPI and FM is that BAPI can be wrapped in Business objects whereas RFC cant.
    BAPI are RFC enabled function modules. the difference between RFc and BAPI are business objects. You create business objects and those are then registered in your BOR (Business Object Repository) which can be accessed outside the SAP system by using some other applications (Non-SAP) such as VB or JAVA. in this case u only specify the business object and its method from external system in BAPI there is no direct system call. while RFC are direct system call Some BAPIs provide basic functions and can be used for most SAP business object types. These BAPIs should be implemented the same for all business object types. Standardized BAPIs are easier to use and prevent users having to deal with a number of different BAPIs. Whenever possible, a standardized BAPI must be used in preference to an individual BAPI.
    The following standardized BAPIs are provided:
    Reading instances of SAP business objects
    GetList ( ) With the BAPI GetList you can select a range of object key values, for example, company codes and material numbers.
    The BAPI GetList() is a class method.
    GetDetail() With the BAPI GetDetail() the details of an instance of a business object type are retrieved and returned to the calling program. The instance is identified via its key. The BAPI GetDetail() is an instance method. BAPIs that can create, change or delete instances of a business object type
    The following BAPIs of the same object type have to be programmed so that they can be called several times within one transaction. For example, if, after sales order 1 has been created, a second sales order 2 is created in the same transaction, the second BAPI call must not affect the consistency of the sales order 2. After completing the transaction with a COMMIT WORK, both the orders are saved consistently in the database.
    Create( ) and CreateFromData! ( )
    The BAPIs Create() and CreateFromData() create an instance of an SAP business object type, for example, a purchase order. These BAPIs are class methods.
    Change( )
    The BAPI Change() changes an existing instance of an SAP business object type, for example, a purchase order. The BAPI Change () is an instance method.
    Delete( ) and Undelete( ) The BAPI Delete() deletes an instance of an SAP business object type from the database or sets a deletion flag.
    The BAPI Undelete() removes a deletion flag. These BAPIs are instance methods.
    Cancel ( ) Unlike the BAPI Delete(), the BAPI Cancel() cancels an instance of a business object type. The instance to be cancelled remains in the database and an additional instance is created and this is the one that is actually canceled. The Cancel() BAPI is an instance method.
    Add<subobject> ( ) and Remove<subobject> ( ) The BAPI Add<subobject> adds a subobject to an existing object inst! ance and the BAPI and Remove<subobject> removes a subobject from an object instance. These BAPIs are instance methods.
    Check these Links out
    Refer following SDN threads:
    Diff. Between BAPI and RFC
    Re: BAPI and RFC
    Hope this resolves your query.
    Reward all the helpful answers.

  • What's the Difference Between OLAP and OLTP?

    What's the difference between OLAP and OLTP ? and which one is Best?

       The big difference when designing for OLAP versus OLTP is rooted in the basics of how the tables are going to be used. I'll discuss OLTP versus OLAP in context to the design of dimensional data warehouses. However, keep in mind there are more architectural components that make up a mature, best practices data warehouse than just the dimensional data warehouse.
    Corporate Information Factory, 2nd Edition by W. H. Inmon, Claudia Imhoff, Ryan Sousa
    Building the Data Warehouse, 2nd Edition by W. H. Inmon
    With OLTP, the tables are designed to facilitate fast inserting, updating and deleting rows of information with each logical unit of work. The database design is highly normalized. Usually and at least to 3NF. Each logical unit of work in an online application will have a relatively small scope with regard to the number of tables that are referenced and/or updated. Also the online application itself handles the majority of the work for joining data to facilitate the screen functions. This means the user doesn't have to worry about traversing across large data relationship paths. A heavy dose of lookup/reference tables and much focus on referential integrity between foreign keys. The physical design of the database needs to take into considerations the need for inserting rows when deciding on physical space settings. A good book for getting a solid base understanding of modeling for OLTP is The Data Modeling Handbook: A Best-Practice Approach to Building Quality Data Models by Michael C. Reingruber, William W. Gregory.
    Example: Let's say we have a purchase oder management system. We need to be able to take orders for our customers, and we need to be able to sell many items on each order. We need to capture the store that sold the item, the customer that bought the item (and where we need to ship things and where to bill) and we need to make sure that we pull from the valid store_items to get the correct item number, description and price. Our OLTP data model will contain a CUSTOMER_MASTER, A CUSTOMER_ADDRESS_MASTER, A STORE_MASTER, AN ITEM_MASTER, AN ITEM_PRICE_MASTER, A PURCHASE_ORDER_MASTER AND A PURCHASE_ORDER_LINE_ITEM table. Then we might have a series of M:M relationships for example. An ITEM might have a different price for specific time periods for specific stores.
    With OLAP, the tables are designed to facilitate easy access to information. Today's OLAP tools make the job of developing a query very easy. However, you still want to minimize the extensiveness of the relational model in an OLAP application. Users don't have the wills and means to learn how to work through a complex maze of table relationships. So you'll design your tables with a high degree of denormalization. The most prevalent design scheme for OLAP is the Star-Schema, popularized by Ralph Kimball. The star schema has a FACT table that contains the elements of data that are used arithmatically (counting, summing, averaging, etc.) The FACT Table is surrounded by lookup tables called Dimensions. Each Dimension table provides a reference to those things that you want to analyze by. A good book to understand how to design OLAP solutions is The Data Warehouse Toolkit: Practical Techniques for Building Dimensional Data Warehouses by Ralph Kimball.
    Example: let's say we want to see some key measures about purchases. We want to know how many items and the sales amount that are purchased by what kind of customer across which stores. The FACT table will contain a column for Qty-purchased and Purchase Amount. The DIMENSION tables will include the ITEM_DESC (contains the item_id & Description), the CUSTOMER_TYPE, the STORE (Store_id & store name), and TIME (contains calendar information such as the date, the month_end_date, quarter_end_date, day_of_week, etc).
      Database Fundamentals > Data Warehousing and Business Intelligence with Mike Lampa
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    Your question may have already been answered! Browse or search more than 25,000 question and answer pairs from more than 250 TechTarget industry experts.

  • What are the Basic Differences between Oracle and  MS-SQL server Database?

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    SQL Server only works on Windows-based platforms, including Windows 9x, Windows NT, Windows 2000 and Windows CE.
    In comparison with SQL Server , OracleDatabase supports all known platforms, including Windows-based platforms, AIX-Based Systems, Compaq Tru64 UNIX, HP 9000 Series HP-UX, Linux Intel, Sun Solaris and so on.
    The SQL Server  advantages:
    SQL Server  holds the top TPC-C performance and price/performance results.
    SQL Server  is generally accepted as easier to install, use and manage.
    The Oracle  Database advantages:
    Oracle  Database supports all known platforms, not only the Windows-based platforms.
    PL/SQL is more powerful language than T-SQL.
    More fine-tuning to the configuration can be done via start-up parameters.

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    According to the included URL, there is not a big deal of difference between the two devices. Here's a quote:
    The RSP4+ is an enhanced version of the RSP4 with larger default program memory (64 MB), Error Correction Code (ECC) memory protection, and compatibility with Cisco IOS® Software releases that support the current RSP4. This additional functionality is included with no increase in price, further enhancing the value of Cisco 7500 Series routers.
    Hope this helps,

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    thank you

    Hi Andrew,
    thanks for your reply.
    I need some features (like ACL for example, "advanced" NAT etc etc) which are supported by the 1.2.x firmware and not by the 1.1.x that's why I was asking for differences between the two models.
    now everything it's more clear to me.
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    Please help me : )

    The difference is mainly speed:
    The Cisco 7600 series router is an edge aggregation router, and the SIPs provide a cost-effective solution for customers seeking moderate- to high-port density and line rate services:
    •The Cisco 7600 SIP-200 provides WAN edge aggregation through lower-speed and low-density SPAs for network environments requiring regional office connectivity to headquarters, or collapsed LAN/WAN deployment.
    •The Cisco 7600 SIP-400 provides higher-speed, high-density link aggregation for network environments requiring leased line and metro aggregation.
    •The Cisco 7600 SIP-600 provides a high-speed interface for WANs and metro aggregation.

  • What is the difference between tkprof and explainplan

    what is the difference between tkprof and explainplan.

    Execution Plans and the EXPLAIN PLAN Statement
    Before the database server can execute a SQL statement, Oracle must first parse the statement and develop an execution plan. The execution plan is a task list of sorts that decomposes a potentially complex SQL operation into a series of basic data access operations. For example, a query against the dept table might have an execution plan that consists of an index lookup on the deptno index, followed by a table access by ROWID.
    The EXPLAIN PLAN statement allows you to submit a SQL statement to Oracle and have the database prepare the execution plan for the statement without actually executing it. The execution plan is made available to you in the form of rows inserted into a special table called a plan table. You may query the rows in the plan table using ordinary SELECT statements in order to see the steps of the execution plan for the statement you explained. You may keep multiple execution plans in the plan table by assigning each a unique statement_id. Or you may choose to delete the rows from the plan table after you are finished looking at the execution plan. You can also roll back an EXPLAIN PLAN statement in order to remove the execution plan from the plan table.
    The EXPLAIN PLAN statement runs very quickly, even if the statement being explained is a query that might run for hours. This is because the statement is simply parsed and its execution plan saved into the plan table. The actual statement is never executed by EXPLAIN PLAN. Along these same lines, if the statement being explained includes bind variables, the variables never need to actually be bound. The values that would be bound are not relevant since the statement is not actually executed.
    You don’t need any special system privileges in order to use the EXPLAIN PLAN statement. However, you do need to have INSERT privileges on the plan table, and you must have sufficient privileges to execute the statement you are trying to explain. The one difference is that in order to explain a statement that involves views, you must have privileges on all of the tables that make up the view. If you don’t, you’ll get an “ORA-01039: insufficient privileges on underlying objects of the view” error.
    The columns that make up the plan table are as follows:
    Name Null? Type
    ID NUMBER(38)
    There are other ways to view execution plans besides issuing the EXPLAIN PLAN statement and querying the plan table. SQL*Plus can automatically display an execution plan after each statement is executed. Also, there are many GUI tools available that allow you to click on a SQL statement in the shared pool and view its execution plan. In addition, TKPROF can optionally include execution plans in its reports as well.
    Trace Files and the TKPROF Utility
    TKPROF is a utility that you invoke at the operating system level in order to analyze SQL trace files and generate reports that present the trace information in a readable form. Although the details of how you invoke TKPROF vary from one platform to the next, Oracle Corporation provides TKPROF with all releases of the database and the basic functionality is the same on all platforms.
    The term trace file may be a bit confusing. More recent releases of the database offer a product called Oracle Trace Collection Services. Also, Net8 is capable of generating trace files. SQL trace files are entirely different. SQL trace is a facility that you enable or disable for individual database sessions or for the entire instance as a whole. When SQL trace is enabled for a database session, the Oracle server process handling that session writes detailed information about all database calls and operations to a trace file. Special database events may be set in order to cause Oracle to write even more specific information—such as the values of bind variables—into the trace file.
    SQL trace files are text files that, strictly speaking, are human readable. However, they are extremely verbose, repetitive, and cryptic. For example, if an application opens a cursor and fetches 1000 rows from the cursor one row at a time, there will be over 1000 separate entries in the trace file.
    TKPROF is a program that you invoke at the operating system command prompt in order to reformat the trace file into a format that is much easier to comprehend. Each SQL statement is displayed in the report, along with counts of how many times it was parsed, executed, and fetched. CPU time, elapsed time, logical reads, physical reads, and rows processed are also reported, along with information about recursion level and misses in the library cache. TKPROF can also optionally include the execution plan for each SQL statement in the report, along with counts of how many rows were processed at each step of the execution plan.
    The SQL statements can be listed in a TKPROF report in the order of how much resource they used, if desired. Also, recursive SQL statements issued by the SYS user to manage the data dictionary can be included or excluded, and TKPROF can write SQL statements from the traced session into a spool file.
    How EXPLAIN PLAN and TKPROF Aid in the Application Tuning Process
    EXPLAIN PLAN and TKPROF are valuable tools in the tuning process. Tuning at the application level typically yields the most dramatic results, and these two tools can help with the tuning in many different ways.
    EXPLAIN PLAN and TKPROF allow you to proactively tune an application while it is in development. It is relatively easy to enable SQL trace, run an application in a test environment, run TKPROF on the trace file, and review the output to determine if application or schema changes are called for. EXPLAIN PLAN is handy for evaluating individual SQL statements.
    By reviewing execution plans, you can also validate the scalability of an application. If the database operations are dependent upon full table scans of tables that could grow quite large, then there may be scalability problems ahead. On the other hand, if large tables are accessed via selective indexes, then scalability may not be a problem.
    EXPLAIN PLAN and TKPROF may also be used in an existing production environment in order to zero in on resource intensive operations and get insights into how the code may be optimized. TKPROF can further be used to quantify the resources required by specific database operations or application functions.
    EXPLAIN PLAN is also handy for estimating resource requirements in advance. Suppose you have an ad hoc reporting request against a very large database. Running queries through EXPLAIN PLAN will let you determine in advance if the queries are feasible or if they will be resource intensive and will take unacceptably long to run.

  • Difference between, E8000 and E6000 (intel)

    i currently have AMD dual core and intend to go to intel 45nm E8000 , i would like to know the major difference between E8000 and E6000 intel cpu. i do know E8000 is more efficient but is it also true that E8000 can do multitasking or multi-thereading while E6000 series can not. many thanks
    1-Motherboard  MSI 7025 K8N Neo2 Platinum   Chipset   nForce3-250Gb/Ultra
    2-CPU  AMD Athlon Dual Core 3800X2
    3- Graphic card (MSI FX5700)    nVIDIA GeForce FX 5700
    4-Memory 2 X1 GB DDR 400 DIMM Kingston
    5-HDD  Maxtor 6Y160M0  (160 GB, 7200 RPM, SATA
    6- OS  Window XP Prof sp2
    7-power supply   Be Quite  BQT- P5-420W

    Quote from: kourosh on 10-April-08, 20:01:15
    thanks A LOT Aaron,that is some comfort but Please tell me a few notable enhancement, i had a look at intel site but it could not tell any a mjor difference i wonder if you can, many thanks
    Some of the differences are:
    Die shrink from 65nm to 45nm; it is more energy efficient (i.e. it should use less power); it has a larger level 2 cache and it should run a little cooler then the E6000 series.  Also reviewers have said that they are running about 5 to 15% faster clock for clock compared to the E6000 series. 
    Downside right now is that they are in short supply and priced higher then expected because of it.

  • Why is my SSD showing 250mb/s difference between read and write...

    So i have recently upgraded to a SSD in my 2011 MBP. 2.4Ghz i5 16Gb RAM. I swapped my HDD with a Samsung 840 Series 250Gb SSD, I noticed a huge speed bump. See attached photos. Read is clocked at 503MB/s peak, and Write is clocked at 260MB/s peak on the SSD. My Question is why is there a 250MB/s difference between read and write?? Using Black Magic Disk Speed test. Mac OS X 10.8.4 Beta.

    Writes are performed very differently on SSD than they do on a hard drive, and it is common for SSDs to have lower write speeds than reads.
    It's actually quite interesting if you're a geek: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Write_amplification
    As long as the speeds do match your manufacturer specification for the model (and they do: http://www.samsung.com/us/computer/memory-storage/MZ-7TD250BW ) , there is nothing to be concerned about.

  • What is the difference between lap and oltp

    HI experts,  I want to know the difference between OLAP and OLTP and why OLTP cannot be used in bw instead of OLAP? Need realtime anwsers please!!!!!!!!!!

    hi navin...
    Online transactional processing (OLTP) is designed to efficiently process high volumes of transactions, instantly recording business events (such as a sales invoice payment) and reflecting changes as they occur.
    Online analytical processing (OLAP) is designed for analysis and decision support, allowing exploration of often hidden relationships in large amounts of data by providing unlimited views of multiple relationships at any cross-section of defined business dimensions.
    OLTP databases are typically input sources for data warehouses or data marts. The data warehouse in turn is the typical source of data for an OLAP database. The value in an OLAP database is that many complex calculations and predefined queries are preprocessed and results are stored and are available via an OLAP exploitation application allowing quick access to cross-sections of business data. Rapid access to the aggregate information across defined business dimensions allows quick navigation and understanding of relationships.
    The challenge is to find a solution that will both supply the necessary functionality while addressing the technical considerations of your organization. Some other important considerations include choosing technologies that can leverage existing investments in both hardware and software, and are open and integrated so that your applications are adaptable. This ensures flexibility and agility to meet future business demands.
    There are several different modeling techniques. Snowflake and star schemas are just two of many choices. Deciding the best approach for your situation will depend on several factors, most importantly understanding the business issue, the users and their information needs. There is a wealth of information available, including courses, texts and guidelines on this subject alone
    OLAP systems organize data in a multidimensional model that is suitable for decision support. OLAP is the analytical counterpart of OLTP, or Online Transactional Processing. SAP's BW is an OLAP system
    The Impact of the OLAP/OLTP Cultural Conflict on Data Warehousing....check this link....
    also check...
    The big difference when designing for OLAP versus OLTP is rooted in the basics of how the tables are going to be used. I'll discuss OLTP versus OLAP in context to the design of dimensional data warehouses. However, keep in mind there are more architectural components that make up a mature, best practices data warehouse than just the dimensional data warehouse.
    Corporate Information Factory, 2nd Edition by W. H. Inmon, Claudia Imhoff, Ryan Sousa
    Building the Data Warehouse, 2nd Edition by W. H. Inmon
    With OLTP, the tables are designed to facilitate fast inserting, updating and deleting rows of information with each logical unit of work. The database design is highly normalized. Usually and at least to 3NF. Each logical unit of work in an online application will have a relatively small scope with regard to the number of tables that are referenced and/or updated. Also the online application itself handles the majority of the work for joining data to facilitate the screen functions. This means the user doesn't have to worry about traversing across large data relationship paths. A heavy dose of lookup/reference tables and much focus on referential integrity between foreign keys. The physical design of the database needs to take into considerations the need for inserting rows when deciding on physical space settings. A good book for getting a solid base understanding of modeling for OLTP is The Data Modeling Handbook: A Best-Practice Approach to Building Quality Data Models by Michael C. Reingruber, William W. Gregory.
    Example: Let's say we have a purchase oder management system. We need to be able to take orders for our customers, and we need to be able to sell many items on each order. We need to capture the store that sold the item, the customer that bought the item (and where we need to ship things and where to bill) and we need to make sure that we pull from the valid store_items to get the correct item number, description and price. Our OLTP data model will contain a CUSTOMER_MASTER, A CUSTOMER_ADDRESS_MASTER, A STORE_MASTER, AN ITEM_MASTER, AN ITEM_PRICE_MASTER, A PURCHASE_ORDER_MASTER AND A PURCHASE_ORDER_LINE_ITEM table. Then we might have a series of M:M relationships for example. An ITEM might have a different price for specific time periods for specific stores.
    With OLAP, the tables are designed to facilitate easy access to information. Today's OLAP tools make the job of developing a query very easy. However, you still want to minimize the extensiveness of the relational model in an OLAP application. Users don't have the wills and means to learn how to work through a complex maze of table relationships. So you'll design your tables with a high degree of denormalization. The most prevalent design scheme for OLAP is the Star-Schema, popularized by Ralph Kimball. The star schema has a FACT table that contains the elements of data that are used arithmatically (counting, summing, averaging, etc.) The FACT Table is surrounded by lookup tables called Dimensions. Each Dimension table provides a reference to those things that you want to analyze by. A good book to understand how to design OLAP solutions is The Data Warehouse Toolkit: Practical Techniques for Building Dimensional Data Warehouses by Ralph Kimball.
    Example: let's say we want to see some key measures about purchases. We want to know how many items and the sales amount that are purchased by what kind of customer across which stores. The FACT table will contain a column for Qty-purchased and Purchase Amount. The DIMENSION tables will include the ITEM_DESC (contains the item_id & Description), the CUSTOMER_TYPE, the STORE (Store_id & store name), and TIME (contains calendar information such as the date, the month_end_date, quarter_end_date, day_of_week, etc).
    Database Fundamentals > Data Warehousing and Business Intelligence with Mike Lampa
    Search Advice from more than 250 TechTarget Experts
    Your question may have already been answered! Browse or search more than 25,000 question and answer pairs from more than 250 TechTarget industry experts.
    hope it helps...

  • Difference between downpayment and Milestone billing

    Dear Guru's
        can anyone tell me what is the difference between downpayment and milestone billing. And also tell me anyother things are there in this process.

    Milestone billing is typically used for billing projects, such as plant engineering and construction projects. Such projects often include a series of milestones that mark the completion of different stages of the work. In the SAP R/3 System, milestones are defined in a network along with planned and actual dates for the completion of work. The milestones are also assigned to the billing dates in the billing plan. Each milestone-related billing date is blocked for processing until the Project System confirms that the milestone is completed.
    Delivery-relevant order items for which a milestone billing plan applies are billed on the basis of the requested delivery quantity and not on the total of the confirmed quantities.
    <a href="http://help.sap.com/saphelp_470/helpdata/en/59/ac922bcb0411d2acbe0000e8a5bd28/frameset.htm">http://help.sap.com/saphelp_470/helpdata/en/59/ac922bcb0411d2acbe0000e8a5bd28/frameset.htm</a>

  • Differences between M30 and M40 /Power management

    I own a M30x and have a problem with the power management utility run by restricted users. (XP Prof/SP2 - Toshiba Power Management Utility
    A restricted User cannot access the tool and the notebook runs in full power mode whether it has power supply or accu-supply.
    In this forum i read that m40's latest power saving tool can be accessed by a restricted user.
    So, the question is clear: What's the difference between m30 and m40 notebooks? Can I use m40's power saver on my m30 without causing troubles?

    Hello Georg
    As far as I know the tools and utilities are not the same for every notebook model or series. The notebooks have different hardware configuration and every tool is designed to work properly with own series.
    Optical they are all the same or resemble but I am pretty sure that you can have problems using tool on your unit designed for another notebook model.

  • Difference between Null and null?

    What is the difference between null and NULL?
    When is each used?

    veryConfused wrote:
    There is a null in java, but no NULL. null means no value. However, when assigning value, the following is different:Although the empty String has no special role. Null means, the referential type is not assigned (doesn't refer) to a specific object. The empty String is just another object though, so seeing it or pointing it out as something special when it actually isn't at all (no more special than new Integer(0) or new Object[0]) just adds to the confusion.

  • Difference between GUI_UPLOAD and WS_UPLOAD

    Please make me clear about the difference between GUI_UPLOAD and WS_UPLOAD. In which cases we need to use these modules...??

    I would suggest to always use the GUI_UPLOAD.  I say this because this is the function module which is used in the GUI_UPLOAD method of the class CL_GUI_FRONTEND_SERVICES.   Really, you should probably use the class/method instead of the function module.
      data: filename type string.
      filename = p_file.
      call method cl_gui_frontend_services=>gui_upload
                  filename                = filename
                  filetype                = 'ASC'
                  data_tab                = iflatf
                  file_open_error         = 1
                  file_read_error         = 2
                  no_batch                = 3
                  gui_refuse_filetransfer = 4
                  no_authority            = 6
                  unknown_error           = 7
                  bad_data_format         = 8
                  unknown_dp_error        = 12
                  access_denied           = 13
                  others                  = 17.
    Rich Heilman

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