Different result when running as background job

We got a program which has a selection screen with a couple of select-options.
When we start this programm with a specified variant, it proceeds to a result screen. If we click back now (to the selection-screen) and run the programm with the exactly same settings again, one select-option is getting ignored and therefore we get incorrect results.
This happens only, if you go back from the result screen and  excecute it again from the selection screen or if we start it as a background job.
If you exit the programm completely and restart it, the results are correct again.
It makes no sense to post any code snippets here, since the program is very complex. I just can't imagine any reason, why the select-option is sometimes getting ignored.
Does anyone have an idea?
Thanks in advance.

oh well it DOES explain it.
just think of following select:
Select *
from   vbap
into    ls_vbap
where vbeln not in lr_vbeln.
if lr_vbeln is not cleard you will run into problems maybe.
anyway, may it be that somewhere in coding you are manually modifying your select option?
It´s just an internal table of type range, so have a look there.

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            I_SAVE            = 'A'                        
            IS_VARIANT        = GS_VARIANT                   
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    Rajani Yeluri

    Hi Rajani.
      ALV require the DRYPOR(screen) for display but incase you run in back ground which have to write to spool but in spool we can only write in format of LIST REPORT not inter-active report like ALV. That why
    system cancelled your process immediately.
    Hope it helps.

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    chdir("..") Err#13 EACCES [file_dac_search]
    I suspect that an underlying mount point has improper file access.
    Unmount the ZFS filesystem (either /zones or /zones/test) and check the perms on the directory that it's mounted on.

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    You seem to miss the point. Assuming that your problem is caused by a bug can prevent you from finding the real cause. If you had dismissed the bug theory then you might have done some real debugging, e.g. by breaking up your single-line script (which is
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    dir /a-d "Folder\config64\*" /s 1>c:\Test.log 2>&1
    if %ErrorLevel% EQU 0 (
    XCOPY "%~dp0Folder\config64\File64.ini" %Target% /y /d /s 1>>c:\Test.log 2>>&1
    ) else (
    XCOPY "%~dp0Folder\config32\File32.ini" %Target% /y /d /s 1>>c:\Test.log 2>>&1
    The log file would have told you quickly what is going on. Furthermore - why should I offer my own solution to your problem when JRV gave you a perfect answer straight away?

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    Starting new task will start a new LUW in dialog process and not in background. This is the reason you are having a problem. While technically STARTING NEW TASK is used for parallel processing, you need to consider whether the program will be run in foreground or background mode.
    In case of background, you need consider using multiple jobs via job open, submit, job close. This way you can initiate more than one process in your server group to do the work.
    You will need to consider the # of background WP available and the # of WPs you can use for this program.
    So if there are 100 WPs available and you can use only 10 at any give time, then you should schedule 10 jobs and then check the status of the 10 jobs before you can start scheduling the next jobs.
    You can use the FM SPBT_INITIALIZE to check the # of WPs that are currently available in the server group.
    Hope this helps.

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    I have a Problem with an ALV List.
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    I saw that there are some SAP Notes to this topic, but on our release (SAP_BASIS 700) the notes are already implemented.
    Has anyone a solution to this topic?
    Thanks and regards

    Try this.
    [ALV List only 80 Columns when running in background job|https://forums.sdn.sap.com/click.jspa?searchID=25735042&messageID=5686003]

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    ,        NVL(MAX(DECODE(ap.party_sysid, mhldr.party_sysid,ap.empcat_code,NULL)),'UNKNWN') main_borrower_status
    ,        COUNT(1) num_apps
    FROM     app_parties ap
    SELECT   accsta.account_number
    ,        actply.party_sysid
    ,        RANK() OVER (PARTITION BY actply.table_sysid, actply.loanac_latype_code ORDER BY start_date, SYSID) ranking
    FROM     activity_players actply
    ,        account_status accsta
    WHERE    1 = 1
    AND      actply.table_id (+) = 'ACCGRP'
    AND      actply.acttyp_code (+) = 'MHLDRM'
    AND      NVL(actply.loanac_latype_code (+),TO_NUMBER(SUBSTR(accsta.account_number,9,2))) = TO_NUMBER(SUBSTR(accsta.account_number,9,2))
    AND      actply.table_sysid (+) = TO_NUMBER(SUBSTR(accsta.account_number,1,8))
    ) mhldr
    WHERE    1 = 1
    AND      ap.lenapp_account_number (+) = TO_NUMBER(SUBSTR(mhldr.account_number,1,8))
    GROUP BY mhldr.account_number;      The INSERT INTO code:
    TRUNCATE TABLE applicant_summary;
    INSERT /*+ APPEND */
    INTO     applicant_summary
    (  account_number
    ,  main_borrower_status
    ,  num_apps
    SELECT   mhldr.account_number
    ,        NVL(MAX(DECODE(ap.party_sysid, mhldr.party_sysid,ap.empcat_code,NULL)),'UNKNWN') main_borrower_status
    ,        COUNT(1) num_apps
    FROM     app_parties ap
    SELECT   accsta.account_number
    ,        actply.party_sysid
    ,        RANK() OVER (PARTITION BY actply.table_sysid, actply.loanac_latype_code ORDER BY start_date, SYSID) ranking
    FROM     activity_players actply
    ,        account_status accsta
    WHERE    1 = 1
    AND      actply.table_id (+) = 'ACCGRP'
    AND      actply.acttyp_code (+) = 'MHLDRM'
    AND      NVL(actply.loanac_latype_code (+),TO_NUMBER(SUBSTR(accsta.account_number,9,2))) = TO_NUMBER(SUBSTR(accsta.account_number,9,2))
    AND      actply.table_sysid (+) = TO_NUMBER(SUBSTR(accsta.account_number,1,8))
    ) mhldr
    WHERE    1 = 1
    AND      ap.lenapp_account_number (+) = TO_NUMBER(SUBSTR(mhldr.account_number,1,8))
    GROUP BY mhldr.account_number;      When run as a query, this code consistently returns 2 for the num_apps field (for a certain group of accounts), but when run as an INSERT INTO command, the num_apps field is logged as 1. I have secured the tables used within the query to ensure that nothing is changing the data in the underlying tables.
    If I run the query as a cursor for loop with an insert into the applicant_summary table within the loop, I get the same results in the table as I get when I run as a stand alone query.
    I would appreciate any suggestions for what could be causing this odd behaviour.
    Oracle database details:
    Oracle Database 10g Release - Production
    PL/SQL Release - Production
    CORE Production
    TNS for 32-bit Windows: Version - Production
    NLSRTL Version - Production
    Edited by: stevensutcliffe on Oct 10, 2008 5:26 AM
    Edited by: stevensutcliffe on Oct 10, 2008 5:27 AM

    stevensutcliffe wrote:
    Yes, using COUNT(*) gives the same result as COUNT(1).
    I have found another example of this kind of behaviour:
    Running the following INSERT statements produce different values for the total_amount_invested and num_records fields. It appears that adding the additional aggregation (MAX(amount_invested)) is causing problems with the other aggregated values.
    Again, I have ensured that the source data and destination tables are not being accessed / changed by any other processes or users. Is this potentially a bug in Oracle?Just as a side note, these are not INSERT statements but CTAS statements.
    The only non-bug explanation for this behaviour would be a potential query rewrite happening only under particular circumstances (but not always) in the lower integrity modes "trusted" or "stale_tolerated". So if you're not aware of any corresponding materialized views, your QUERY_REWRITE_INTEGRITY parameter is set to the default of "enforced" and your explain plan doesn't show any "MAT_VIEW REWRITE ACCESS" lines, I would consider this as a bug.
    Since you're running on it's not unlikely that you hit one of the various "wrong result" bugs that exist(ed) in Oracle. I'm aware of a particular one I've hit in when performing a parallel NESTED LOOP ANTI operation which returned wrong results, but only in parallel execution. Serial execution was showing the correct results.
    If you're performing parallel ddl/dml/query operations, try to do the same in serial execution to check if it is related to the parallel feature.
    You could also test if omitting the "APPEND" hint changes anything but still these are just workarounds for a buggy behaviour.
    I suggest to consider installing the latest patch set but this requires thorough testing because there were (more or less) subtle changes/bugs introduced with [|http://oracle-randolf.blogspot.com/2008/02/nasty-bug-introduced-with-patch-set.html] and [|http://oracle-randolf.blogspot.com/2008/04/overview-of-new-and-changed-features-in.html].
    You could also open a SR with Oracle and clarify if there is already a one-off patch available for your platform release. If not it's quite unlikely that you are going to get a backport for
    Oracle related stuff blog:
    SQLTools++ for Oracle (Open source Oracle GUI for Windows):

  • Do IMAQ Cast Image or IMAQ Linear averages give different results when using different computers that are running under Windows XP ?

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    The difference between the two computer are above :
    Computer 1 :
    Pentium(R) 4 CPU 3.20GHz with a RAM of 1Go. The processor is an Intel(R).
    The OS is windows XP Pro 2002
    Computer 2 :
    Pentium(R) 4 CPU 2.80GHz with a RAM of 512Mo. The processor is an Intel(R).
    The OS is windows XP Pro 2002.
    If anybody can help me on this problem, it would be really helpful.
    Florence P.

    Indeed it's a strange behaviour, could you send me your VI and your JPEG file, (or another file that reproduces) so that I could check this inthere ?
    I'll then try to find out what's happening.
    Richard Keromen
    National Instruments France
    #adMrkt{text-align: center;font-size:11px; font-weight: bold;} #adMrkt a {text-decoration: none;} #adMrkt a:hover{font-size: 9px;} #adMrkt a span{display: none;} #adMrkt a:hover span{display: block;}
    >> Découvrez, en vidéo, les innovations technologiques réalisées en éco-conception

  • RMMR1MRS-When run in background cause update failure errors looking

          RMMR1MRS report when run in background cause update failure errors .
    There are few  below reason for the error log.
    1.  for the PO invoice already generated -  (its right if already invoice generated. should not happen again)
    2.  In  MIGO,  entire  quantity has been reversed  and also invoice generated with zero value - ( its right , should not happen invoice again )
    3. Particular PO line item deleted -  (its right if the PO line item deleted. ERS settlement not require)
    For the all above reason, the update error occurs.  But the mean time  the program  "RMMR1MRS"  should not through the update error log. 
    Note: The job was not terminated due to this update error and also no harm because of the error log
    can you please help on this update failure why it occurs.

    Have you found a solution already? If so, please, share it with the community and close this thread.

  • Regarding email attachement while running a background job

    Dear Experts,
    When i am running a background job for any ALV report (standard or custom report) <b>automatically</b> the output is going to an e-mail address as a HTML file attachment. I want to change it to EXCEL file attachment.
    Please help me on this issue..
    Kind Regards,

    Hi Prasanna,
    Thank you for your reply.  I am not using any code for sending the mail to the recipient E-mail address, system is taking care automatically.
    Few settings were done in SCOT transaction from basis, but no where they mentioned file type is .HTM.
    From my end i have done the following steps.
    1. go to SM36, give a job name.
    2. press on step push button , give the ABAP program name ( any ALV program, i mean standard report or Z report), give the variant and save.
    3. Come back . press on Spool list recipient push button give the e-mail address, press copy button on the  pop up window.
    4. press on start condition button , press on Immediate option and save.
    5. again press on Save button in the screen.
    now here job will be scheduled immediately, go to SM37 check your job status, if it is completed, automatically system is sending an e-mail with the ".HTM" attachment file output to the recipient e-mail address.
    i am not doing any coding part here.
    my concern is system should send the e-mail with ".XLS" file output attachment.
    please advise on this.

  • The number of rows per page is greyed out when running in background?

    For a customized transaction the number of rows per page cannot be set when running in background.
    While a background job is created in SM36 after entering the report name and the selection variant name in the properties of Format the rows and columns field is greyed out.It was not editable.
    Is there any settings to be done or in the custom program any code change needs to be done?
    Thanks in advance.

    Hi Gabriel,
    After double clicking the format only the rows field is not set to edit.It was greyed out.Is it anything related to the printer settings that will be maintained for a user?

  • Getting different result while running Dashboard SP Using Temporary table?

    Hi Experts
    I am getting different result when I run my dashboard procedure I am using temporary table with "ON COMMIT PRESERVE ROWS", below is the information
    I am running my attendance dashboard procedure which will display the employee attendance status based IN and OUT punches the status like AA-full day absent, GG-Full day Present, AG-First half absent,GA-Second half absent. Now when I run the first time my procedure for first time I am getting status AA even though IN and OUT timings are correct and if run it again then it is displaying the status for same employee as GG
    I didn't understand the problem where it is effecting the status

    ChakravarthyDBA wrote:
    It is procedure which will display the employee status, back end I am storing the procedure result in Temporary table with "ON COMMIT PRESERVE ROWS", when I run the procedure first time it is showing wrong information when I run it again second time then it is showing correct information. I don't know why the status is changing.
    first time employee status is AA --Full day absent and Second time is GG--Full day present (in both cases IN and OUT timings are correct only)
    is it effecting due to temporary table?
    So, you have a GTT and you're doing "something" with it and that "something" isn't what you expect.
    I've about summed up what you've posted and given us to work with. If you have specific examples please do share. Without them we're going to be of very little use to you.
    If you aren't getting the results you expect, it stands to reason that
    1) you don't understand the outputs you are supposed to be getting
    2) you have a bug in the code developed
    Please stop and think about this, pretend you are the one trying to help out. You've been given little to no information about a system you've never seen before. You need to explain your situation as you would if you brought someone in to your shop to show them this problem you are having ... the rules don't change just because it's not face-face interaction.

  • Office intergration - run as background job

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      Currently word template will be opened before data merging is done.
      Is it possible to run as background job, which word template can merge with data in backend? If possible, how should i work on it?
    Kindly advise.

      Thanks for your prompt reply.
      Is there any other methods which i can pull my data from table and merge to a word document?
      Or is it possible to generate PDF in this case?
      I need it to be a backend job.
      Any suggestion? Kindly advise.

  • ABAP program to run in Background job

    We have a custumized program (SO Creation) calling some functions (like: WS_QUERY, WS_UPLOAD, WS_DOWNLOAD, CREATE_TEXT and CALL TRANSACTION VA01) and can only run thru dialog process (foreground).  Is it possible to convert it to something that can run thru background job?
    Please help.

    Hi Deo ,
    Unfortunately cl_gui_frontend_services will not work in background.
    Please have a look at following information about cl_gui_frontend_services :
    The class CL_GUI_FRONTEND_SERVICES contains static methods for the following areas:
    File functions
    Directory functions
    Write to / read from clipboard
    Upload / download files
    Execute programs / open documents
    Query functions, such as Windows directory, Windows version, and so on
    Standard dialogs (open, save, directory selection)
    To Use this, you should be bit familier with OO ABAP Concepts. So I will suggest you to go through with OO concepts of ABAP. It will be of great help to you.

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    What should I check or do to correct it.
    Please help.

    The BIM runs fine in Foreground mode and in Display error mode even for the functional..It is giving error only for Background mode.
    I also did the following
    1.   Created the BIM in my id and tried running( in background) it using the other id ...it was successful
    2.   Created the BIM in other id and ran ( in background) using my id....it failed.
    I will check again for authorisations also.

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