Difficulties with Aluminum Keyboard

I am unable to get my iMac to recognize keys held down at start up, such as "C", "D" or "T". I did replace the original iMac keyboard with the Apple aluminum KB.
I would appreciate any suggestions.

Have you noticed if there were any firmware updates for your
version of Intel iMac not yet installed, which may affect the
ability of your older iMac to better use the newer keyboard?
Sometimes a software item can be found by running the
Software Update and see if some special item would be
found now the newer keyboard is attached to the Mac.
{And a very recent OS X version such as yours should be
already able to handle the current aluminum keyboard.}
Aluminum Keyboard Firmware Update 1.0:
http://www.apple.com/downloads/macosx/apple/firmware_hardware/aluminumkeyboardfi rmwareupdate10.html
At some point in the past when the new USB aluminum keyboard
was introduced, some users of that keyboard with older PPC Mac
and Intel Macs which shipped originally with the white polycarbon-
ate keyboards had a few issues with command and other keys.
Not sure if a power management issue or SMS/SMC reset could
help; or a less invasive PRAM reset would even work in that case.
The newer keyboard did have some software/firmware update in
some instances; but I am not sure of what products or files involved.
(More notably was the 'wireless keyboard' not being able to work
since the bluetooth wireless circuit was not hot on initial startup so
those keyboards were unable to do boot-commands; and in that
instance, the use of a USB keyboard was advised.)
In any event...
Good luck & happy computing!

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    Call Apple support.
    If the problem is hardware they will exchange the defective keyboard with a new one.

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    am I right in assuming that you are talking about the Wireless Aluminum Apple keyboard ?
    If so, the 2009 version of it requires OSx Leopard 10.5.8 to work properly.
    The 2007 version of that keyboard requires at least OSX Tiger 10.4.10 plus this keyboard software update http://support.apple.com/kb/HT2394
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    I don't think you'll be able to control a Button symbol in the way you desire.  You probably need to create it as a MovieClip so that you can control what frame it is in.
    To utilize the ENTER key to take action, the following should work...
    var keyListener:Object = new Object();
    keyListener.onKeyDown = function() {
        if (Key.isDown(Key.ENTER)) {
             // do your button_mc control here

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    Thank you,

    Happy day to you, Cosmic!
    Thank you for your reply!
    My eMac is 1.25 and it has 3 USB ports.
    What I did was immediately replace the keyboard with an older one and I've had no more problems.
    Because my iMac is out being fixed right now, I don't want to put that aluminum keyboard back on it in case it ruins my eMac, then I'd have NO computer to use. I think it best I try it on my iMac when that comes home hopefully this week and see if it works on that. It was doing some other strange stuff too, making loud noises (not from the keyboard, but from the computer) and it kept showing
    strange menus flashing on and off where there shouldn't have been any menus.
    I was hoping it was something simple like maybe it was incompatible but it doesn't sound like
    it, does it?
    Thanks again!

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    i was wondering is if it was possible, can anyone advise on this?

    well those sites only offer the stock keyboards, which are more less the same plastic parts since 2006., and "mac medic"sells the same exact keyboard for half the price.
    anyway i ordered a plastic keyboard, i was told to order w hole keyboard to replace my keys once my warranty ran out with apple.
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    I really do need help, I've been trying to get it to work for almost two hours now.

    If I read this correctly, you need to add the device as a separate connection. The little + icon at bottom left in System Preferences > Network will allow you to do this. Then when you connect, you may need to select that specific connection. Also adding a location (instead of Automatic) may also effect this easily. That way, the two iPhones are isolated from each other.

  • Intel iMac with new usb aluminum keyboard will not recognize boot options

    I have a first gen Intel iMac core duo 20". After I replaced the old usb keyboard with the new aluminum usb keyboard, I can no longer boot into single-user mode, select to boot from a different volume (including boot camp), boot from a CD, or boot into target mode. All of the boot key options no longer work. These options do work with an older Apple keyboard. I have all the latest updates including the latest firmware and keyboard drivers. Help Apple, I really need to boot into these different options and with the new keyboard, I can't. I have read several other accounts of this on other sites.

    I have an early 2006 intel iMac and am having the same problem with the new keyboard. Called AppleCare, who sent me to the local Apple Store after trying several minutes in vain to cure the problem.
    One of the Genius's at the Apple Store pulled up Article 306893, Apple Keyboard (2007): Cannot boot to Startup Manager. This is a document that's apparently not available to the public, as I have the printed copy, but have been unable to pull it up in my searches.
    The issue is some intel-based iMacs and Mac mini computers shipped prior to 2007 may not boot to the Startup Manager when holding down the Option key on the aluminum keyboard (2007).
    My iMac is listed among the products affected.
    The solution they offer is to follow these steps:
    1. While starting the computer, point the Apple remote at the computer and hold down the Menu button. The computer should boot into the Startup manager.
    2. Use the Fast Forward and Rewind buttons to select the desired boot volume.
    3. Once the desired boot volume is selected, press the Play / Pause button to continue booting.
    Hope this helps. It works for my system. Still doesn't solve the keyboard issue but offers an acceptable workaround.

  • APPLE FIX THIS! Aluminum Keyboard + Mac Mini = DYSFUNCTIONAL

    I have a Mac Mini 1,1 (1.6ghz CD) and found out the hard way that the EFI firmware DOES NOT support the new Apple aluminum keyboard properly during post startup. You simply cannot use ANY startup modifier keys (cmd-c, option, a-o-p-r etc.) because the EFI firmware doesn't recognize the keyboard until the OS driver loads.
    I found this out with a bunk boot camp install which left me with the famous 'no bootable device --' error and was unable use the option key to get to the boot selection screen to return to Mac OS. I called Apple and they were clueless and suggested I take the computer in for service.
    After about 50 restarts, and 2 other (and newer) aluminum keyboards, I though i'd try a PC USB keyboard for fun.. and long behold the bloody thing worked and I was able to restart and access the boot screen etc.
    I eventually found some mention of this on google where people who also have this problem are recommended to restart the computer while holding the remote's MENU button to get to the boot selection screen.
    I'm also willing to be most people who buy a Mac Mini probably also pick up the Aluminum keyboard which means there are newbies and long time users who probably don't even know their computers or keyboards are gimped until it's too late.

    OK, I'll bite!
    Firstly, welcome to Apple Discussions.
    no PS2 socket!
    Which is hardly a surprise really, since PS2 keyboards have been a dead dog ever since USB arrived, and it would be a difficult proposition to find any new system that had a connector for either PS2 keyboard or mouse these days. There are some legacy technologies which are worth continuing to support, but that isn't one of them.
    now I have to go buy a **ing keyboard just because I updated the firmware.
    I suspect there's more to it than that. Having updated firmware on a series of systems, and monitored reports from lots of users, your problem is not at all common, and therefore suggests there may have been a problem existing on your system prior to the firmware update which the update merely served to trigger. If so, then you would likely have faced the problem sooner or later.
    It isn't clear from your description exactly what is happening with your system. You report hat you connected a USB mouse but it didn't appear to work, but subsequent to that it isn't clear what you mean by a 'hard reset' or whether the mouse worked after that. Obviously with a dead keyboard (presumably bluetooth, though you don't say) you can't log in, but if the USB mouse now works, then there is reason to expect a USB keyboard will get you into the system and then allow a little more troubleshooting and problem solving.
    What is clear is your frustration at the system and the USB issues you have had with it, though you don't really explain what those issues are either. However, given that many people have Macs that wake up from sleep and have functional USB mice and external drives (which is what I assume you mean yours does not) then there's clearly something wrong with your system - or the components you have connected to it.
    It would help to know what you do have connected to the mini, and whether you have USB hubs etc also. Many wake from sleep issues are the result of devices which are not entirely standards compliant, drawn too much current, or hubs which for one reason or another are not fully compatible. Of course they can also be because the computer is faulty!
    Have you always had these problems with this system? If so, I can understand the frustration. If not, at what point did these issues start, and what was the last item before that which you added to the system?
    Troubleshooting USB issues is often down to disconnecting everything and then trying one component at a time until you discover the one that seems to generate issues. Before you start that however, it would be a good idea to perform reset on your system - you describe it as a 1.7G model, though the nearest actual product to that is a 1.66GHz Intel Core Duo. If that's it, then what you need is an SMC reset (the SMC is he system management controller which looks after the functioning of ports etc). To reset it:
    -From the Apple menu, choose Shut Down (or if the computer is not responding, hold the power button until it turns off).
    -Unplug all cables from the computer, including the power cord and any display cables.
    -Wait at least 15 seconds.
    -Plug the power cord back in, *making sure the power button is not being pressed* at the time.
    -Then reconnect your keyboard and mouse to the computer.
    -Press the power button on the back to start up your computer.
    Following that, test USB components one by one and see if you can pin-point the culprit that way.

  • IMac Aluminum keyboard

    I've an iMac 24" 2.8GHz Aluminum computer with a wired keyboard.
    Recently the keyboard started failing with some keys after a few hours of continue use.
    The problem only appears after some hours of use, and it typically requires to hit the keys very hard and many times, and sometimes, after hitting a key the letter keeps repeating until I hit the "Delete" key.
    I went to an Apple store and they asked me to take the keyboard and the computer for test, but the problem only appears after a few hours of use, which I believe will make the diagnostic a little difficult for them.
    Does anyone had this problem so far?

    Hi David
    Yes, I've a keyboard from my previous iMac 20" White and I've tried and it works OK.
    Now I'm using the Aluminum keyboard on my MacBook Black to see if it also happens here.
    When I went to the Apple store, I told them that I was suspecting that the problem was with the keyboard, but they insisted that I take both to the store.
    I posted the problem wondering that someone else also had the same problem before I move the iMac to the Apple store.

Maybe you are looking for