Difficulty Automating Javascript Web Form

I want to automate filling out a javascript form on a secure website.  I apologize but am not able to give the site url, and you couldn't access it if I did.  It is a form we fill out often at work.
There is one "select" drop down box that has two options, first is blank, second is "General Reference" -default is blank and an "onchange" command then populates the form with several other elements, two text fields which also
need to be filled out.
Because the user must be signed into the website already (we are not allowed to automate logins), my code so far grabs the correct open web browser and sets it as an object shell. 
Although I can control the browser and have tested it by changing url locations, it seems as though I have no access to the document, innertext, or form elements.  I don't know what I'm doing wrong.  It's as though the IE.document is completely
blank.  But I can clearly see it under "View Source." 
Although I attempt to "getElementsByTagName" it never works, regardless of which tag name I use. 
Here is the code I have so far:
Sub testingThisWorksToGrabOpenWeb2()
Set objShell = CreateObject("Shell.Application")
IE_count = objShell.Windows.Count
For x = 0 To (IE_count - 1)
On Error Resume Next ' sometimes more web pages are counted than are open'
my_url = objShell.Windows(x).document.Location
my_title = objShell.Windows(x).document.Title
If InStr(my_title, "ARCIS") Then
Set IE = objShell.Windows(x)
Set objCollection = IE.document.getElementsByTagName("select")
MsgBox objCollection.Length
'*** No matter what tagname is used it comes back as zero'
'*** There should be 3 "select" drop down lists showing, but they don''t'
Exit For
End If
'here is the tag I need to change from blank to "General Reference"'
'<select name="s_2_1_43_0" onchange = ''SWESubmitForm(document.SWEForm2_0,s_7,"","1-E5BYAR")'
' style="height:24;width:140" id="s_2_1_43_0" tabindex=1997 >'
'<option value="" >'
'<option value="General Reference" >General Reference'
End Sub

Thank you Luna.  But the above code is VBA and I am attempting to automate a form in IE through EXCEL.  Probably should have mentioned that above though I'm pretty sure this was the right spot for this question.  Can you move it back to VBA
With that said, I've solved this problem.  I had a frames issue and did not realize that.
When I right clicked on the browser and selected "View Code" it brought up the document within that particular frame that I clicked on.  I haven't worked with IE in a while and did not know the young programmers at MS had made that change to the browser. 
Doing that in the past would have brought up the top document, which defined the frames and the VBA developer could easily see that he was dealing with frames and what their names were.  This time it took me two days to figure that out.  Good idea,
just wish I had known about it.
Anyone in the future with the same problem might print out your outtertext to see exactly what it is.  In my case I discovered it was nested frames.  I was beating myself in the head tryig to figure out why I couldn't find the elements I was looking
for.  It was because my script was accessing the top frameset document.
Here is the adjusted code showing how I found the frame documents I needed.  It was double nested:
Sub getOpenBrowserAndFillFormInFrame()
' this script grabs open browser with specific url and '
' changes a drop down list item inside a nested frame '
' Then fires onchange event to repopulate form elements '
' Next step: Get names of new fields to fill out '
Dim HTMLdoc As HTMLDocument
Dim myString As String
Dim resultClasses, resultClass, resultClasses1, resultClass1
' The section below locates correct browser and assigns it '
' to object IE'
Set objShell = CreateObject("Shell.Application")
IE_count = objShell.Windows.Count
For x = 0 To (IE_count - 1)
On Error Resume Next
my_url = objShell.Windows(x).document.Location
my_title = objShell.Windows(x).document.Title
If InStr(my_title, "ARCIS") Then
Set IE = objShell.Windows(x)
Exit For
End If
Next x
' The section below sets variable to correct frame document, '
' sets variable to the correct "select" list,'
' and changes that list to show list item # 1'
Set HTMLdoc = IE.document.frames("_sweclient").document.frames("_sweview").document
Dim suffixSelect As HTMLSelectElement
Set suffixSelect = HTMLdoc.getElementsByName("s_2_1_43_0")(0)
If optionIndex >= 0 Then
suffixSelect.selectedIndex = 1
End If
' The above code changes the dropdown box but does not fire the '
' onchange event. The code below does that in order to place additional '
' text boxes and drop down lists to the form through the sites javascript '
HTMLdoc.all("s_2_1_43_0").FireEvent ("onchange")
End Sub

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                            <td><label for="CAT_Custom_328771">Interested Class</label><br />
                            <select name="CAT_Custom_328771" id="CAT_Custom_328771" class="cat_dropdown">
                            <option value=" ">-- Please select --</option>
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                            <option value="Tribe Life">Tribe Life</option>
                            <option value="Tribe Core">Tribe Core</option>
                            <div id="fit" class="times">
                            <option value="7:00am">7:00am</option>
                            <option value="12:30pm">12:30pm</option>
                            <option value="7:00pm">7:00pm</option>
                            <div id="life" class="times">
                            <option value="7:00am">7:00am</option>
                            <option value="8:00am">8:00am</option>
                            <option value="11:30am">11:30am</option>
                            <div id="core" class="times">
                            <option value="8:00am">8:00am</option>
                            <option value="11:30am">11:30am</option>
                            <option value="12:30pm">12:30pm</option>
                            <td><input class="cat_button" type="submit" value="Submit" id="catwebformbutton" /></td>
                <script type="text/javascript" src="/CatalystScripts/ValidationFunctions.js"></script>
                <script type="text/javascript">
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            $('#' + $(this).val()).show();
    var submitcount67919 = 0;function checkWholeForm67919(theForm){var why = "";if (theForm.FirstName) why += isEmpty(theForm.FirstName.value, "First Name"); if (theForm.LastName) why += isEmpty(theForm.LastName.value, "Last Name"); if (theForm.EmailAddress) why += checkEmail(theForm.EmailAddress.value); if (theForm.HomePhone) why += isEmpty(theForm.HomePhone.value, "Home Phone Number"); if (theForm.HomeAddress) why += isEmpty(theForm.HomeAddress.value, "Home Address"); if (theForm.HomeCity) why += isEmpty(theForm.HomeCity.value, "Home City"); if (theForm.HomeState) why += isEmpty(theForm.HomeState.value, "Home State"); if (theForm.HomeZip) why += isEmpty(theForm.HomeZip.value, "Home Zipcode"); if (theForm.HomeCountry) why += checkDropdown(theForm.HomeCountry.value, "Home Country"); if(why != ""){alert(why);return false;}if(submitcount67919 == 0){submitcount67919++;theForm.submit();return false;}else{alert("Form submission is in progress.");return false;}}
    Can anyone please help explain to me how I can make this work? I am only a JS beginner - so please try to explain in simple terms if possible.
    Thank you!

    This wont work, Needs to be a lot more then this and CSS to hide things rather then script hiding them.
    Nicole, The times that are availible I gather differ depending on the type of the dropdown?
    You do not need multiple time dropdowns.
    Steps you need to do first on the form:
    1. Ensure the custom form field dropdown for interested class exists.
    2. Have custom dropdown with all the times that any of them can be. This is CSS hidden by default.
    3. Also CSS hide all the options in the select as well in your CSS.
    Next can you show what classes have what times as an example then can put the code more relevent to your example you can work off.
    The code will follow along the lines of....
    Dropdown On Change
              If selected options is xxx class then
              fade in option times  dropdown 
              Show these otpion times
            if selected option is zzz class then
              fade in option times dropdown
                   show these times
    More control as you need to work properly, only two dropdowns needed.

  • Can't get php and web form to function properly

    I have a html web form and a php code that works fine in my older website.
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    Everything appears to be the same as my old page but obviously i don't have them linked properly. i've attached the code to both html files. thanks for any help. Owen
    form code
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        <p class="style2">.............................................</p>
        <p class="style7 style6">“Owen does two things  particularly well, in my opinion.  First, he is a master of recording  technology, and it really helps me to see what I need correcting, and what the  new move needs to be.  Second, Owen knows what the best next step should be  in your own journey to a better swing.  I have taken one or two lessons  from Owen each year for the last three or four years – one relatively small  step at a time, and then worked on grooving that step.  In that period, my  index has dropped about 8 strokes, and in 2007 I won the Club’s “Most Improved  Player” award.  Kudos to Owen!”</p>
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            <input type="text" name="textfield7" id="textfield7" />
          <p><span class="style5">How did you find me?</span>
            <label for="select"></label>
            <select name="select" id="select">
              <option value="internet">Internet Search</option>
              <option value="friend referral">Friend Referral</option>
              <option value="ccmdsite">Country Club of MD website</option>
              <option value="other">Other</option>
          <p><span class="style5">What are your golfing goals?</span>            
            <select name="select2" id="select2">
              <option value="break 100">Break 100</option>
              <option value="break 90">Break 90</option>
              <option value="break 80">Break 80</option>
              <option value="stop slice">Stop Slicing the Ball</option>
              <option value="stop hook">Stop Hooking the Ball</option>
              <option value="Compete">Compete in local tournaments</option>
              <option value="More Consistant">Hit more consistant shots</option>
          <p><span class="style5">How much can you practice?</span>
            <label for="select3"></label>
            <select name="select3" id="select3">
              <option value="1 hour">1 hour</option>
              <option value="2 hours">2 hours</option>
              <option value="3 hours">3 hours </option>
              <option value="> 3 hours">More than 3 hours a week</option>
          <p><span class="style5">What would you like to learn?</span>
            <label for="select4"></label>
            <select name="select4" id="select4">
              <option value="full swing">Full Swing Mechanics Irons</option>
              <option value="driver swing">Full Swing Mechanics Driver</option>
              <option value="short pitches">Short Pitch Shots inside of 50 yards</option>
              <option value="bunker play">Bunker Play</option>
              <option value="chipping">Chipping</option>
              <option value="short shots">Short shots from rough</option>
          <p class="style5">What is your Handicap?<label for="select5"></label>
            <select name="select5" id="select5">
              <option value="scratch to 5">Scratch - 5 HDCP</option>
              <option value="6 to 10">6 - 10 HDCP</option>
              <option value="11 to 15">11 - 15 HDCP</option>
              <option value="15 to 20">15 - 20 HDCP</option>
              <option value="> 21">21 and Higher</option>
          <p class="style5">How long have you been playing?
            <label for="select6"></label>
            <select name="select6" id="select6">
              <option value="beginner">Beginner</option>
              <option value="2 to 5 years">2-5 yrs</option>
              <option value="6 to 10 years">6-10 yrs</option>
              <option value="11 to 15 years">11-15yrs</option>
              <option value="> 15 years">More than 15 years</option>
          <p class="style5">Have you ever had a lesson?
            <label for="select7"></label>
            <select name="select7" id="select7">
              <option value="yes">YES</option>
              <option value="no">NO</option>
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    php code
    $fname = $HTTP_POST_VARS['textfield'];
    $lname = $HTTP_POST_VARS['textfield2'];
    $phone = $HTTP_POST_VARS['textfield3'];
    $email = $HTTP_POST_VARS['textfield4'];
    $address = $HTTP_POST_VARS['textfield5'];
    $state = $HTTP_POST_VARS['textfield6'];
    $zip = $HTTP_POST_VARS['textfield7'];
    $find = $HTTP_POST_VARS['select'];
    $goals = $HTTP_POST_VARS['select2'];
    $practice = $HTTP_POST_VARS['select3'];
    $learn = $HTTP_POST_VARS['select4'];
    $handicap = $HTTP_POST_VARS['select5'];
    $timeplaying = $HTTP_POST_VARS['select6'];
    $lesson = $HTTP_POST_VARS['select7'];
    $additional = $HTTP_POST_VARS['textfield8'];
    //echo "$fname\n$lname\n$phone\n$email\n$address\n$state\n$zip\n$find\n$goals\n$practice\n$learn \n$handicap\n$timeplaying\n$lesson\n$additional\n";
    mail('[email protected]','Owen Dawson PGA Contact Form Submission',"First Name: $fname\nLast Name: $lname\nPhone Number: $phone\nEmail: $email\nAddress: $address\nState: $state\nZip Code: $zip\nHow did you find me? $find\nWhat are your goals? $goals\nHow much can you practice? $practice\nWhat would you like to learn? $learn\nWhat is your handicap? $handicap\nHow long have you been playing golf? $timeplaying\nHave you ever taken a lesson? $lesson\nAdditional Information: $additional\n",'From: [email protected]');
    <script type="text/javascript">
    window.onload = function(){

    When i load the PHP,form page and thank you page im getting this error when i hit send.
    No email is sent from form.
    Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_STRING in /home/owendaws/public_html/owendawsonpga/contactformprocess_original_db.php on line 38
    PHP page
    $fname = $HTTP_POST_VARS['textfield'];
    $lname = $HTTP_POST_VARS['textfield2'];
    $phone = $HTTP_POST_VARS['textfield3'];
    $email = $HTTP_POST_VARS['textfield4'];
    $address = $HTTP_POST_VARS['textfield5'];
    $state = $HTTP_POST_VARS['textfield6'];
    $zip = $HTTP_POST_VARS['textfield7'];
    $find = $HTTP_POST_VARS['select'];
    $goals = $HTTP_POST_VARS['select2'];
    $practice = $HTTP_POST_VARS['select3'];
    $learn = $HTTP_POST_VARS['select4'];
    $handicap = $HTTP_POST_VARS['select5'];
    $timeplaying = $HTTP_POST_VARS['select6'];
    $lesson = $HTTP_POST_VARS['select7'];
    $additional = $HTTP_POST_VARS['textfield8'];
    mail('[email protected]','Owen Dawson PGA Contact Form Submission',"First Name: $fname\nLast Name: $lname\nPhone Number: $phone\nEmail: $email\nAddress: $address\nState: $state\nZip Code: $zip\nHow did you find me? $find\nWhat are your goals? $goals\nHow much can you practice? $practice\nWhat would you like to learn? $learn\nWhat is your handicap? $handicap\nHow long have you been playing golf? $timeplaying\nHave you ever taken a lesson? $lesson\nAdditional Information: $additional\n",'From: [email protected]');
    header("Location: http://www.owendawsonpga.com/thankyouform.html");
    form page
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        <p class="style10">Testimonials</p>
        <p class="style6 style9">“I have been working with Owen Dawson for the past 7 years. During that time my swing has dramatically changed and improved. This has happened through Owen's drills and use of video. It is because of these techniques, that I understand how to hit good shots but just as importantly why I hit a shot poorly. I’m glad I’ve had the opportunity to work with Owen and would highly recommend him. ” <strong>Sam Young - Country Club of Maryland - 2009 Men's Club Champion </strong></p>
        <p class="style2">.............................................</p>
        <p class="style6 style9">“Owen does two things  particularly well, in my opinion.  First, he is a master of recording  technology, and it really helps me to see what I need correcting, and what the  new move needs to be.  Second, Owen knows what the best next step should be  in your own journey to a better swing.  I have taken one or two lessons  from Owen each year for the last three or four years – one relatively small  step at a time, and then worked on grooving that step.  In that period, my  index has dropped about 8 strokes, and in 2007 I won the Club’s “Most Improved  Player” award.  Kudos to Owen!”</p>
        <p class="style6 style9"><strong>Bill Smillie -CCofMD</strong></p>
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          <p><span class="style5">What are your golfing goals?</span>            
            <select name="select2" id="select2">
              <option value="break 100">Break 100</option>
              <option value="break 90">Break 90</option>
              <option value="break 80">Break 80</option>
              <option value="stop slice">Stop Slicing the Ball</option>
              <option value="stop hook">Stop Hooking the Ball</option>
              <option value="Compete">Compete in local tournaments</option>
              <option value="More Consistant">Hit more consistant shots</option>
          <p><span class="style5">How much can you practice?</span>
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              <option value="2 hours">2 hours</option>
              <option value="3 hours">3 hours </option>
              <option value="> 3 hours">More than 3 hours a week</option>
          <p><span class="style5">What would you like to learn?</span>
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            <select name="select4" id="select4">
              <option value="full swing">Full Swing Mechanics Irons</option>
              <option value="driver swing">Full Swing Mechanics Driver</option>
              <option value="short pitches">Short Pitch Shots inside of 50 yards</option>
              <option value="bunker play">Bunker Play</option>
              <option value="chipping">Chipping</option>
              <option value="short shots">Short shots from rough</option>
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              <option value="scratch to 5">Scratch - 5 HDCP</option>
              <option value="6 to 10">6 - 10 HDCP</option>
              <option value="11 to 15">11 - 15 HDCP</option>
              <option value="15 to 20">15 - 20 HDCP</option>
              <option value="> 21">21 and Higher</option>
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              <option value="6 to 10 years">6-10 yrs</option>
              <option value="11 to 15 years">11-15yrs</option>
              <option value="> 15 years">More than 15 years</option>
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    Thank you for fill out my lesson form. I will be in touch with you shortly. Owen

  • Getting error while using javascript in Forms 11g

    Hi All
    From OTN I have downloaded .zip file contains demo of Integrating Oracle Forms 11g with javascript.
    I have gone through every step and intergrated the javascript with Forms 11g.
    I am gettin an runtime error FRM-92190: JavaScript is unable to evaluate expression.
    Can anyone help me in this please.
    I placed every directory and file as mentioned in that demo.
    I use Win XP SP3,
    Forms [32 Bit] Version (Production). patch set1.
    Internet Explorer 8.

    Thanks for your response
    I am just want to see how can a form looks using the javascript.
    and I want to use javascript in our Forms application to enhance them.
    If I can understand that demo it may be easy for me to implement the JS in our application.
    That error says that some wrong expression passed to the web.javascript_eval_expr
    js.html is placed here C:\Oracle\Middleware\asinst_1\config\FormsComponent\forms\server
    Left out files and directories are placed here C:\Oracle\Middleware\user_projects\domains\middleware_int\servers\WLS_FORMS\tmp\_WL_user\formsapp_11.1.1\e18uoi\war
    updated my .cfg and .env file as required.
    Is it problem with configuring the JS files and directory or Problem with javascript code????

  • Is Minimal OPTIN no longer working in Web Forms ?

    I cant seem to get the code to auto optin
    I created a web form, which includes the newsletter checkbox for a newsletter email list. I hide that, and make sure it is checked, as we *** add &OPTIN=TRUE
    Now the inline editor changes it to &amp;OPTIN=TRUE and maybe that is my problem - no idea.
    Here is the code
    <form name="catwebformform45938" method="post" onsubmit="return checkWholeForm45938(this)" enctype="multipart/form-data" action="/FormProcessv2.aspx?WebFormID=34136&amp;OID={module_oid}&amp;OTYPE={module_otype} &amp;EID={module_eid}&amp;CID={module_cid}">
    <span class="req">*</span>  Required
    <table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="2" class="webform">
    <td><label for="Title">Title</label><br />
    <select name="Title" id="Title" class="cat_dropdown_smaller">
    <option value="68127">DR</option>
    <option value="68125">MISS</option>
    <option value="68123" selected="selected">MR</option>
    <option value="68124">MRS</option>
    <option value="68126">MS</option>
    <td><label for="FirstName">First Name <span class="req">*</span></label><br />
    <input type="text" name="FirstName" id="FirstName" class="cat_textbox" maxlength="255" style="background-image: url( dqbd1ohqwas2lg9jybz+ak7hnwx2oiovf4upq0lj1fdkktevipel8aknukdcwmxpgsaieatvv3sx7uztitdu2s/98d ywow3dued4who/m2aix5lzv1aesy0+qiwhelyi+ytl0pq69sxaxkwia4rmrtdnske59jumcuzd6xiafez6fgcdj8ky 4y7kautrngd7jyebxsdope3a0qgpsnionnymo67lgsqn9t41f2qgrqrrfcwyzoif2qybukkbcogpxdvey9rmwgnsjf 9ccyesjhk3f5dyt1hx9gr0llqr30tnjkuecx2uius4rni+aj6sjr0am8aaumpam/rrehywhxqbfaa9kh3/8/nvhxay gasz/il8ialkclbfnvaaaaabjru5erkjggg==); background-repeat: no-repeat; background-attachment: scroll; background-position: right center;" /> </td>
    <td><label for="LastName">Last Name <span class="req">*</span></label><br />
    <input type="text" name="LastName" id="LastName" class="cat_textbox" maxlength="255" /> </td>
    <td><label for="EmailAddress">Email Address <span class="req">*</span></label><br />
    <input type="text" name="EmailAddress" id="EmailAddress" class="cat_textbox" maxlength="255" /> </td>
    <td><label for="CAT_Custom_179832">Property Address</label><br />
    <textarea name="CAT_Custom_179832" id="CAT_Custom_179832" cols="10" rows="4" class="cat_listbox" onkeydown="if(this.value.length&gt;=4000)this.value=this.value.substring(0,3999);"></text area></td>
    <td><scan class="hide"><input type="checkbox" checked="yes" name="CampaignList_10142&amp;OPTIN=TRUE" selected="checked" />Subscribe to: Newsletter</scan></td>
    <td><input type="submit" class="cat_button" value="Submit" id="catwebformbutton" /></td>
    <script src="/CatalystScripts/ValidationFunctions.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
    <script type="text/javascript">
    var submitcount45938 = 0;function checkWholeForm45938(theForm){var why = "";if (theForm.FirstName) why += isEmpty(theForm.FirstName.value, "First Name"); if (theForm.LastName) why += isEmpty(theForm.LastName.value, "Last Name"); if (theForm.EmailAddress) why += checkEmail(theForm.EmailAddress.value); if(why != ""){alert(why);return false;}if(submitcount45938 == 0){submitcount45938++;theForm.submit();return false;}else{alert("Form submission is in progress.");return false;}}
    The problem is that, the subsrcibee does not get the optin email, which is good, but he is not subscribed either.

    so I added &OPTIN=TRUE to catwebformform45938
    so I had this catwebformform45938&OPTIN=TRUE
    Which actually did subscribe them to the newsletter
    However, they still got -
    a) The landing page after subscription now shows
    Campaign Newsletter Subscriptions
    [Newsletter] - requires you to verify your subscription.
    b) The email received now has the link in it.
    I tried also adding it back to where I had it before, but then it went back to not being subscribed.
    How can I get the landing page and email to understand they are subscribed and dont need reminder or the link.

  • Value field in web form

    I want to put a default value in a web form feild but when a user clicks the form field the value disappears to allow them to input their text.
    How is this done? I tried adding  value="text" but this make the value permanent and has to be deleted by the user before they can fill in the field.
    Anyone got any ideas?

    I used this from StackOverflow...
    <script lang='javascript'>
    function makeBlank(obj,defMsg){
    function fillDefValue(obj,defMsg){
    <input style="width:190px" onblur="fillDefValue(this,'User Name')" onfocus="makeBlank(this,'User Name')" value="User Name" name="fromname" id="fromname" type="text">
    Works nicely :-)

  • How to simulate DDE in Web Forms?

    Surely there is some elegant way to do DDE in a Web Forms (6i)environment?
    Given that Forms 7i will only support internet deployment and not C/S, there must be some "migration path" to replace the functionality of DDE in the C/S environment.
    My need is a button on a Web Form to dynamically insert data from 8i server into an Excel "template" spreadsheet, then open the spreadsheet on the client. The user can then manipulate data in the spreadsheet. A button in the spreadsheet to synchronize the spreadsheet changes back to the 8i server and exit the spreadsheet and return to the Web Form.
    Forms Server 6i is running on Solaris 2.6
    Any ideas on techniques to do this?
    Can Oracle COM Automation or Oracle Objects for OLE (OO4O) do the dynamic inserting of data into the excel template spreadsheet? (I don't know the difference between these??)
    I know web.show_document can be used with a URL to the spreadsheet on the web server (IIS) and the MIME type will launch excel on the client and copy the file to the client.
    How then can I get the updated cells back into 8i from the spreadsheet?

    the issue of a SSO protected form showing the logon dialog is a knwon issue for Windows200 and the Oracle9iAS base release. If you applied Forms Patch 1 then this should be solved. Hope that I am right in that you are using Oracle9iAS and not Oracle9iDS. Do you see the Single Sign-On logon screen or the Forms logon dialog directly? Check the forms90.conf file in teh forms90/server directory as this contains the Form sso settings (mod_osso) which by default is commented out and therefore inactive. You need to remove the commenting '#' characters and make sure that each sentence having a '#' in front, after that starts on a new line.
    The Forms deployment documentation within the Oracle9iAS docu provides this information too.

  • How to change/set the browser title from web forms (XP platform with SP2)

    I am running Form9i, I have set the browser windows title from Web Forms dynamically by using following method. However, when my PC has changed to XP, the function seems not work. Does anybody have same problem and how to solve it? Any suggestions would be appreciated.
    Add the Javascript code to your baseHTML file. For example,
    if you are using the basejini.htm:
    <script language="javascript1.2" type="text/javascript1.2">
    function Change(a) {    document.title=a;    } </script>
    In web Forms , call the javascript function with WEB.SHOW_DOCUMENT built.
    For Example the following code set the browser title with username . web.show_document('javascript:Change('||'"'|| get_application_property(USERNAME)||'"'||')','_self');
    Best Regards,

    Dear Frank,
    Thanks for your reply. Can you tell me in detail which built-in function in Webutil can set value in browser title ?
    Btw, is it possible for me to set parameter "separateFrame=True" in formsweb.cfg and set the form window title by using SET_WINDOW_PROPERTY(FORMS_MDI_WINDOW,TITLE,v_msg_string)?
    Best Regards,

  • First ever Web Form - URL error

    Hi. I'm attempting to call my first Web form, but I'm getting this error:
    500 Internal Server Error
    Forms Servlet Error.
    Missing or invalid value for baseHTML parameter.
    Please check the servlet configuration to make sure this value specifies a valid file.
    My FormsWeb.Cfg file is posted below. Any help would be greatly appreciated!
    # $Id: formsweb.cfg 15-apr-2005.13:17:30 pkuhn Exp $
    # formsweb.cfg defines parameter values used by the FormsServlet (frmservlet)
    # This section defines the Default settings. Any of them may be overridden in the
    # following Named Configuration sections. If they are not overridden, then the
    # values here will be used.
    # The default settings comprise two types of parameters: System parameters,
    # which cannot be overridden in the URL, and User Parameters, which can.
    # Parameters which are not marked as System parameters are User parameters.
    # These have fixed names and give information required by the Forms
    # Servlet in order to function. They cannot be specified in the URL query
    # string. But they can be overridden in a named configuration (see below).
    # Some parameters specify file names: if the full path is not given,
    # they are assumed to be in the same directory as this file. If a path
    # is given, then it should be a physical path, not a URL.
    # These match variables (e.g. %form%) in the baseHTML file. Their values
    # may be overridden by specifying them in the URL query string
    # (e.g. "http://myhost.mydomain.com/forms/frmservlet?form=myform&width=700")
    # or by overriding them in a specific, named configuration (see below)
    # System parameter: default base HTML file
    # System parameter: base HTML file for use with JInitiator client
    # System parameter: base HTML file for use with Sun's Java Plug-In
    # System parameter: delimiter for parameters in the base HTML files
    # System parameter: working directory for Forms runtime processes
    # WorkingDirectory defaults to <oracle_home>/forms if unset.
    # System parameter: file setting environment variables for the Forms runtime processes
    # Forms runtime argument: whether to escape certain special characters
    # in values extracted from the URL for other runtime arguments
    # Forms runtime argument: which form module to run
    # Forms runtime argument: database connection details
    # Forms runtime argument: whether to run in debug mode
    # Forms runtime argument: host for debugging
    # Forms runtime argument: port for debugging
    # Other Forms runtime arguments: grouped together as one parameter.
    # These settings support running and debugging a form from the Builder:
    otherparams=buffer_records=%buffer% debug_messages=%debug_messages% array=%array% obr=%obr% query_only=%query_only% quiet=%quiet% render=%render% record=%record% tracegroup=%tracegroup% log=%log% term=%term%
    # Sub argument for otherparams
    # Sub argument for otherparams
    # Sub argument for otherparams
    # Sub argument for otherparams
    # Sub argument for otherparams
    # Sub argument for otherparams
    # Sub argument for otherparams
    # Sub argument for otherparams
    # Sub argument for otherparams
    # Sub argument for otherparams
    # Sub argument for otherparams
    # HTML page title
    pageTitle=Oracle Application Server Forms Services
    # HTML attributes for the BODY tag
    # HTMLbodyAttrs=
    # immediately hide the applet parent window
    # HTML to add before the form
    # HTMLbeforeForm=
    HTMLbeforeForm=<SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript">window.opener = top;</SCRIPT>
    # HTML to add after the form
    # Forms applet parameter: URL path to Forms ListenerServlet
    # Forms applet parameter
    # Forms applet parameter
    # imageBase=DocumentBase
    # Forms applet parameter
    # Forms applet parameter
    # Forms applet parameter
    # separateFrame=
    # Forms applet parameter
    # Forms applet parameter
    # background=
    # background=ttmslogo_new.gif
    # Forms applet parameter
    # Forms applet parameter
    # Forms applet parameter
    # Forms applet parameter
    # Forms applet parameter
    # Forms applet parameter
    # Forms applet parameter
    # Forms applet archive setting for JInitiator
    # Forms applet archive setting for other clients (Sun Java Plugin, Appletviewer, etc)
    # Number of times client should retry if a network failure occurs. You should
    # only change this after reading the documentation.
    # Page displayed to Netscape users to allow them to download Oracle JInitiator.
    # Oracle JInitiator is used with Windows clients.
    # If you create your own page, you should set this parameter to point to it.
    # Parameter related to the version of JInitiator
    # Parameter related to the version of JInitiator
    # Parameter related to the version of JInitiator
    # Page displayed to users to allow them to download Sun's Java Plugin.
    # Sun's Java Plugin is typically used for non-Windows clients.
    # (NOTE: you should check this page and possibly change the settings)
    # Parameter related to the version of the Java Plugin
    # Parameter related to the version of the Java Plugin
    # Parameter related to the version of the Java Plugin
    # EM config parameter
    # Set this to "1" to enable Enterprise Manager to track Forms processes
    # Single Sign-On OID configuration parameter
    # Single Sign-On OID configuration parameter
    # Single Sign-On OID configuration parameter
    # Single Sign-On OID configuration parameter: indicates whether we allow
    # dynamic resource creation if the resource is not yet created in the OID.
    # Single Sign-On parameter: URL to redirect to if ssoDynamicResourceCreate=false
    # Single Sign-On parameter: Cancel URL for the dynamic resource creation DAS page.
    # Single Sign-On parameter: indicates whether the url is protected in which
    # case mod_osso will be given control for authentication or continue in
    # the FormsServlet if not. It is false by default. Set it to true in an
    # application-specific section to enable Single Sign-On for that application.
    # The parameter allow_debug determines whether debugging is permitted.
    # Administrators should set allow_debug to "true" if servlet
    # debugging is required, or to provide access to the Forms Trace Xlate utility.
    # Otherwise these activities will not be allowed (for security reasons).
    # Parameter which determines whether new Forms sessions are allowed.
    # This is also read by the Forms EM Overview page to show the
    # current Forms status.
    # EndUserMonitoring
    # EndUserMonitoringEnabled parameter
    # Indicates whether EUM/Chronos integration is enabled
    # EndUserMonitoringURL
    # indicates where to record EUM/Chronos data
    # Example Named Configuration Section
    # Example 1: configuration to run forms in a separate browser window with
    # "generic" look and feel (include "config=sepwin" in the URL)
    # You may define your own specific, named configurations (sets of parameters)
    # by adding special sections as illustrated in the following examples.
    # Note that you need only specify the parameters you want to change. The
    # default values (defined above) will be used for all other parameters.
    # Use of a specific configuration can be requested by including the text
    # "config=<your_config_name>" in the query string of the URL used to run
    # a form. For example, to use the sepwin configuration, your could issue
    # a URL like "http://myhost.mydomain.com/forms/frmservlet?config=sepwin".
    # Example Named Configuration Section
    # Example 2: configuration forcing use of the Java Plugin in all cases (even if
    # the client browser is on Windows)
    # Example Named Configuration Section
    # Example 3: configuration running the Forms ListenerServlet in debug mode
    # (debug messages will be written to the servlet engine's log file).
    # Sample configuration for deploying WebUtil. Note that WebUtil is shipped with
    # DS but not AS and is also available for download from OTN.

    # or by overriding them in a specific, named configuration (see below)
    this line seems to start a named section that finishes nowhere.
    comment this line (put a # in front of it)

  • Possible to show file upload progress for web form submission?

    I just made a simple form as a test. There are 3 files being submitted here via a "web form".
    Files being uploaded in this case are of these sizes:
    I'm testing functionality that will let a print shop's clients upload their files. For larger files they'll use FTP but this "order form" does a lot of business for them so we're trying to replicate in BC.
    My problem is that I am wondering if there is a way to show the "upload progress" as a total %. Such as a visual status bar, etc.
    As of now the only way it's showing is in the default browser status bar (chrome in this case):
    I read somewhere that the limit is 150MB for an upload. Wondering if that means 150MB TOTAL as in 3 files combined in my case. Or If I chose to allow 3 files to be attached would it allow for 450MB?
    Also, if you do a user submitted web app instead and allow people to attach files that way, does the same file limit apply?
    My second issue is that the upload speed seems to be SLOW. I know it's not my connection because on my non BC site as well as another with the same form, the files upload fairly fast. But on BC it just crawls and on a few tests I get this:
    Any help or suggestions with the file upload progress as well as file upload speed would be appreciated.

    So if i have 3 files to be uploaded, the max allowed is 750MB correct? (just wondering if when uploading its 250mb total or per file).
    Guess i'll do something fake to make it appear its working with a loading graphic or something.
    My web browser (chrome in this case) shows the % uploaded. I wonder if all web browsers do the same. I havent tested yet.
    If only there were a way to have javascript or something grab that same #% from the web browser itself and just format it to appear where I want on the form along with the % uploading.
    Anyone know if that's possible?
    Here's where Chrome for mac shows it:
    If I could grab that (uploading 19%) from the browser and format it into css/html i'd be gold.
    Then find if similar browsers do the same and write some js for each browser specifically to grab it.
    In a perfect world at least....

  • Attaching files to a web form

    please tell me how to attach files to a web form for uploading. i know how to make a page that just uploads a file. but before i do it, i have to attach files( sent by a pop-up window ) to a web form in a main window. There are some resources about uploading files, but not for attaching files to a web form... please help me...
    Thanks in advance...

    I gotcha!
    Try this:
    1) Open new window with file inputs within a std form.
    2) Have form submit to servlet
    3) Have servlet retrieve file(s) and save them in session.
    4) Have servlet spit out javascript to close popup window and refresh main page (which will then show some sort of verification that the files were received.
    5) When main form is submitted, retireve (and remove) files from the session and process.
    Hope that helps,

  • Submitting Web Form via Ajax Tutorial

    Any suggestions why following this tutorial: http://kb.worldsecuresystems.com/851/cpsid_85119.html?bc-partner results in the form submitting, but then loading up a white page with the following text?
    {"FormProcessV2Response": { "success": true, "entityId": "51918536", "objectTypeId": "Cases", "objectId": "7634958", "message": "<table class=\"tabledefault\"><tr><td id=\"title\"><strong>Summary of web form submission:<\/strong><br\/><!-- IP Address: --><\/td><\/tr><tr><td id=\"name\"><strong>Your Name<\/strong><br\/>Brian <\/td><\/tr><tr><td id=\"email\"><strong>Email Address<\/strong><br\/><a href=\"mailto:[email protected]\">[email protected]<\/a><\/td><\/tr><tr><td id=\"casenumber\"><strong>Case Number<\/strong><br\/>7634958<\/td><\/tr><tr><td id=\"customfields\"><table class=\"tabledefault\"><tr><td id=\"CAT_Custom_409420\"><strong>Lesson<\/strong><br \/>Model Lesson<\/td><\/tr><tr><td id=\"CAT_Custom_409419\"><strong>Quiz Score Field<\/strong><br \/>90<\/td><\/tr><\/table><\/td><\/tr><\/table>" }}
    Success message is supposed to show on same page as form.

    I managed to get this to work.....by modifying the code I found herr: User manual
    Below is my entire code....hope this helps!
       <div id="message"></div>
    <form name="catwebformform57649" method="post" onsubmit="return checkWholeForm57649(this)" enctype="multipart/form-data" action="/FormProcessv2.aspx?WebFormID=10090&OID={module_oid}&OTYPE={module_otype}&EID={mo dule_eid}&CID={module_cid}&JSON=1" role="form" id="contact_form">
              <div class="col-sm-4">
                <div class="form-group">
                  <label for="name">Name</label>
                  <input type="text" class="form-control" name="FullName" id="FullName" placeholder="Enter name"  title="Please enter your name (at least 2 characters)"/>
                <div class="form-group">
                  <label for="email">Email</label>
                  <input type="email" class="form-control" name="EmailAddress" id="EmailAddress" placeholder="Enter email" title="Please enter a valid email address"/>
                <div class="form-group">
                  <label for="phone">Phone</label>
                  <input  class="form-control required digits" type="tel" name="CellPhone" id="CellPhone" size="30" value="" placeholder="Enter contact number" title="Please enter a valid phone number (at least 10 characters)">
              <div class="col-sm-4">
                <div class="form-group">
                  <label for="comments">Comments</label>
                  <textarea name="CAT_Custom_869" id="CAT_Custom_869" class="form-control" cols="3" rows="5" placeholder="Enter your message…" title="Please enter your message (at least 10 characters)"></textarea>
                  <button name="submit" type="submit" class="btn btn-lg" id="submit"> Submit</button>
             <script type="text/javascript">
    function jqsub() {
    var $f = $('#contact_form');
    var $m = $('#message');
      type: 'POST',
      url: $f.attr('action') + '&JSON=1',
      data: $f.serialize(),
        success: function(msg) {
        var formResponse = eval(msg); // This line evaluates the JSON data and converts it to JSON object. In older version of jQuery you will have to evaluate JSON object as a string.
            if (formResponse.FormProcessV2Response.success) {
                    $m.addClass('success').fadeIn().html('<h3>Thanks for getting in touch. We will get back to you as soon as we can.</h3>');
                    $f.fadeOut(); //Hide the form
        error: function(msg) {
        return false;
               <script type="text/javascript" src="http://dla.com.sg/CatalystScripts/ValidationFunctions.js"></script><script type="text/javascript">
    var submitcount57649 = 0;function checkWholeForm57649(theForm){var why = "";if (theForm.FirstName) why += isEmpty(theForm.FullName.value, "Name"); if (theForm.LastName) why += isEmpty(theForm.LastName.value, "Last Name"); if (theForm.EmailAddress) why += checkEmail(theForm.EmailAddress.value); if (theForm.CellPhone) why += isEmpty(theForm.CellPhone.value, "Phone Number"); if(why != ""){alert(why);return false;}if(submitcount57649 == 0){submitcount57649++;jqsub();return false;}else{alert("Form submission is in progress.");return false;}}

  • Web Forms and Security

    I am trying to automate the web form create filter task (in Hyperion planning). As I understand it there is no command line tool like Essbase does with Import.cmd command to load security filters. It is to taxing on the system to go to create a filter and click on the 100 user’s checkboxes at one time. Yes, I know I can group the users to make things easier, but having individual users and groups is the way they do business in this case.
    I have done a few webpages in the past, and I was wondering if I could just read the source of the create filter form and get the ID’s of the users and submit it to the /serverlet/HSPxxxxx through an automated script. But, then I wondered how force the security of the submitting user to the serverlet to a known admin username and password.
    Please help.

    Thanks for advice.
    Let me clarify what happened.
    v. 9.3.1
    1) I added two groups to write access to a dimension from the Hyperion Planning Web Front End (Workspace).
    2) From the web front end went ahead and refreshed the security filters to reflect the changes into Essbase.
    I can only do step 2 five users at a time to avoid the server to crash. Is there any way to automate the refresh of the security filters in Essbase.
    I have been told you want to use the Planning Web Front end and to push those changes to the Essbase Cube.
    Please advise.

  • Process Tax in E-Commerce Web Form

    Hi Everyone,
    This is a bit of a hairy one, I've had a chat with one of the support guys and I thought I'd run the issue past the forum to see if anyone had any ideas about it.
    We've got a client who has a webform with credit card processing taking place (with eWay) - only the client will be using it. He wants to type in a GST (Australian 10%) inclusive price in the form. When he receives the system invoice email he wants to see the GST exclusive and inclusive amounts, as well as the GST amount charged.
    Does anyone know if this is possible?
    There's only 1 form field that will affect the payment amount, and as far as I'm aware there isn't a form field which will affect the tax amount.
    The support guy said that if I add javascript to the System Invoice Email to calculate the 10% amount etc, it will calculate that before the email gets sent out.
    I really highly doubt that it will work - as far as I'm aware I actually need to alter the BC database amount, as only module and template tags will get output, and all other code is 'as is', and relies on the browser or email program to work. In this case, I'm 99% sure that all email programs/clients remove all scripts. And seeing as I can only alter the BC database amount before the fact (using javascript in the form itself), and I can only alter 1 amount - the payment amount, I'm stuck!
    Any ideas out there?

    I've had a look at the shopping cart area, and the tax dropdown, which has the following javascript onchange:
    ApplyTaxRate(this.value,1030964,0,1,9807); where 9807 is the catalog ID
    Also, the source points to the /CatalystScripts/Java_OnlineShopping.js file which references the tax code.
    Is there a way of integrating these parts of the shopping cart, or the payment form, into a regular e-commerce enabled web form?

  • Discount codes for web forms

    I have been using two web forms to allow access to a secure zone. Of them, one is for the trial user access and another is for the paid user access.
    The problem is: Can I use discount codes for the secure zone access? I can't see the way of integrating eCommerce discount codes with web forms.
    Discount codes don't actually work with secure zone access since you have to accept payment through web forms. However, I hired an outside developer to write some code for me, which I don't mind sharing:
    Put this in the Head of your document:
    <script type="text/javascript">
    function refreshAmountToCharge() {
    var frm = document.forms[0];
    var defaultAmountToCharge = 100;
    var couponCode = "ABC123"; // A tribute to Michael Jackson...
    var percentOff = 50;
    var couponCode2 = "DISCOUNT2";
    var percentOff2 = 67;
    var couponCode3 = "DISCOUNT3";
    var percentOff3 = 99;
    var couponCode4 = "DISCOUNT4";
    var percentOff4 = 75;
    /* Fixed amount coupon c*/
    var fixedCouponCode1 = "FIXED1";
    var fixedAmount1 = 20.00;
    var fixedCouponCode2 = "FIXED2";
    var fixedAmount2 = 6.00;
    var fixedCouponCode3 = "FIXED3";
    var fixedAmount3 = 7.00;
    var amountToCharge = defaultAmountToCharge.toFixed(2);
    if (frm.couponCode.value.toUpperCase() == couponCode)
      amountToCharge = (defaultAmountToCharge - (defaultAmountToCharge * percentOff / 100)).toFixed(2);
    else if (frm.couponCode.value.toUpperCase() == couponCode2)
      amountToCharge = (defaultAmountToCharge - (defaultAmountToCharge * percentOff2 / 100)).toFixed(2);
    else if (frm.couponCode.value.toUpperCase() == couponCode3)
      amountToCharge = (defaultAmountToCharge - (defaultAmountToCharge * percentOff3 / 100)).toFixed(2);
    else if (frm.couponCode.value.toUpperCase() == couponCode4)
      amountToCharge = (defaultAmountToCharge - (defaultAmountToCharge * percentOff4 / 100)).toFixed(2);
    else if (frm.couponCode.value.toUpperCase() == fixedCouponCode1)
      amountToCharge = (defaultAmountToCharge - fixedAmount1).toFixed(2);
    else if (frm.couponCode.value.toUpperCase() == fixedCouponCode2)
      amountToCharge = (defaultAmountToCharge - fixedAmount2).toFixed(2);
    else if (frm.couponCode.value.toUpperCase() == fixedCouponCode3)
      amountToCharge = (defaultAmountToCharge - fixedAmount3).toFixed(2);
    frm.Amount.value = amountToCharge;
    // ----------- End Coupon Code Javascript ---------------------
    Then, you'll need a Coupon Code field in your form:
    <div class="item">
        <label for="couponCode">Coupon Code</label><br />
        <input type="text" name="couponCode" id="couponCode" class="cat_textbox" />
        <a href="javascript:refreshAmountToCharge()">Update</a>
    That's it. Let me know if you have any questions. You can set multiple codes, either percentage based or fixed amount. Experiment with it to make sure it works as expected.

    This is great Mario! Thanks so much for sharing. It works very well.
    One thing I want to add is a validation for the coupon update action. If the coupon is no longer valid or entered incorrectly, a message would be great, because the person might no even notice the fact that the amount did not change even though they think they entered a valid discount code.

Maybe you are looking for

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