Difficulty in resolving ORA-06502: PL/SQL: numeric or value error:

I am having great difficulty to resolve the following error - ORA-06502: PL/SQL: numeric or value error: character string buffer too small . In my Oracle Package, I have a Function that returns a varchar(255).
My Function is basically as follows:
deptname varchar(255);
SELECT name INTO deptname
FROM depts
where id = DeptNum;
RETURN deptname
The SQL is running correctly and returns one result, which is what I want. However, when I call the function in my .NET C# code, this is when I am seeing the error message.
In my code, I said that the commandtype is a stored procedure, passed the parameters, and add it to to the parameters, with the return type and direction put first and executed as a scalar. The code executes, and then fails at the ExecuteScalar line, and it is at this point on my exception handler that I see the error message ORA-6502.
This really odd, because I have two other functions that return numbers, and I have executed them in the same way, and theses works!
I have checked my function and can't see what is wrong, and I have tried changing the return type from varchar2 to NVarchar on the return type, but this made no difference.
This problem has really dogged me for hours and I cannot see how to resolve it.
Can someone, please help me?

user633278 wrote:
This really odd, because I have two other functions that return numbers, and I have executed them in the same way, and theses works!It is that very reason that your code fails. You need to declare the return variable as a string.
SQL?create or replace
deptname varchar(255);
  RETURN 'hello world';
  2    3    4    5    6    7    8    9   10 
Function created.
  x number;
  x := GetUserDept(100);
SQL?  2    3    4    5    6  declare
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-06502: PL/SQL: numeric or value error: character to number conversion error
ORA-06512: at line 4
  x varchar2(255);
  x := GetUserDept(100);
SQL?  2    3    4    5    6 
PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.

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    select     "RVV"."RLNUM" as "RLNUM",
         "GVREB"."RLNUM" as "RLNUM",
         "TVV"."RLNUM" as "RLNUM_1",
         "Regulation"."CODE" as "CODE",
         "Regulation"."NAAM" as "NAAM",
         "GVREB"."BRONCODE" as "BRONCODE",
         sum(GVREB.PMB) as "PMB",
         sum(GVREB.VVM) as "VVM",
         sum(GVREB.VVEM) as "VVEM",
         "GVREB"."STATUS" as "STATUS",
         sum(TVV.VVM) as "VVM",
         sum(TVV.VVEM) as "VVEM",
         "Regulation"."version" as "version",
         "TVV"."Appyear" as "Appyear"
    from     "GVREB" "GVREB",
         "RVV" "RVV",
         "TVV" "TVV",
         "Regulation" "Regulation"
    where      "RVV"."RLNUM" = :P17_Relationnum
    and     "GVREB"."RLNUM" = "RVV"."RLNUM"
    and     "TVV"."RLNUM" = "GVREB"."RLNUM"
    and     "GVREB"."CODE" = "TVV"."RegulationSCODE"
    and     "Regulation"."CODE" = "GVREB"."CODE"
    and     "GVREB"."STATUS" = 'VWT'
    and     "TVV"."Appyear" = 2009
    group by RVV.RLNUM, GVREB.RLNUM, TVV.RLNUM, Regulation.CODE, Regulation.NAAM, GVREB.BRONCODE, GVREB.STATUS, Regulation.version, TVV.Appyear
    order by Regulation.version ASC
    however when tried to put in the region -> query builder it gives below error,
    italics ORA-06502: PL/SQL: numeric or value error: character string buffer too small
    Return to application.+italics+
    Kindly suggest me work around this error.
    Edited by: G on Jul 11, 2010 10:03 PM

    I was able to resolve the issue. I changed it to = To_Number while assigning.
    and for other issue, earlier I choose "Select List" for drop down. I changed this to "Select list with Submit". for the issue of "depending on this values in the report should get change"
    Thanks for your support,

  • PL/SQL function body returning SQL query - ORA-06502: PL/SQL: numeric or value error

    I'm attempting to dynamically generate a rather large SQL query via the "PL/SQL function body returning SQL query" report region option.  The SQL query generated will possibly be over 32K.  When I execute my page, I sometimes receive the "ORA-06502: PL/SQL: numeric or value error" which points to a larger than 32K query that was generated.  I've seen other posts in the forum related to this dynamic SQL size limitation issue, but they are older (pre-2010) and point to the 32K limit of the DNS (EXECUTE IMMEDIATE) and DBMS_SQL.  I found this post (dynamic sql enhancements in 11g) which discusses 11g no longer having the 32K size limitation for generating dynamic SQL.  Our environment is on 11gR2 and using ApEx 4.2.1.  I do not know which dynamic SQL method -- DNS or DBMS_SQL -- ApEx 4.2.1 is using.  Can someone clarify for me which dynamic SQL method ApEx uses to implement the "PL/SQL function body returning SQL query" option?
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      l_stub varchar2(25) := 'select * from sys.dual ';
      l_sql  clob := l_stub || 'union all ';
      br     number(3) := 33;
      while length ( l_sql ) < 34000 loop
        l_sql := l_sql || l_stub || 'union all ';
      end loop;
      l_sql := l_sql || l_stub;
      for i in 1 .. ceil ( length ( l_sql ) / br ) loop
        dbms_output.put_line ( dbms_lob.substr ( l_sql, br, ( ( i - 1 ) * br ) + 1 ) );
      end loop;
      return l_sql;
    The dbms_output section is there to be able to run this code in SQL*Plus and confirm the size of the SQL is indeed larger than 32K.  When running this in SQL*Plus, the procedure is successful and produces a proper SQL statement which can be executed.  When I put this into the report region on apex.oracle.com, I get the ORA-06502 error.
    I can certainly implement a work-around for my issue by creating a 'Before Header' process on the page which populates an ApEx collection with the data I am returning and then the report can simply select from the collection, but according to documentation, the above 32K limitation should be resolved in 11g.  Thoughts?

    What setting do you use in your report properties - especially in Type and in Region Source?
    If you have Type="SQL Query", then you should have a SELECT statement in the Region Source. Something like: SELECT .... FROM ... WHERE
    According to the ERR-1101 error message, you have probably set Type to "SQL Query (PL/SQL function body returning SQL query)". In this situation APEX expects you to write a body of a PL/SQL function, that will generate the text of a SQL query that APEX should run. So it can be something like:
    mycond varchar2(4000);
    if :P1_REPORT_SEARCH is not null THEN
    mycond:='WHERE LAST_NAME like :P1_REPORT_SEARCH ||''%''';
    end if;
    return 'select EMPLOYEE_ID, FIRST_NAME, LAST_NAME from EMPLOYEES ' ||mycond;
    And for escaping - are you interested in escaping the LIKE wildcards, or the quotes?
    For escaping the wildcards in LIKE function so that when the user enters % you will find a record with % and not all functions, look into the SQL Reference:
    (You would than need to change the code of your function accordingly).
    If you are interested in escaping the quotes, try to avoid concatenating the values entered by the user into the SQL. If you can, use bind variables instead - as I have in my example above. If you start concatenating the values into the text of SQL, you are open to SQLInjection - user can enter anything, even things that will break your SQL. If you really need to allow users to choose the operator, I would probably give them a separate combo for operators and a textfield for values, than you could check if the operator is one of the allowed ones and create the condition accordingly - and than still use bind variable for inserting the filtering value into the query.

  • ORA-06502:PL/SQL:numeric or value error. Dynamic SQL the only answer??

    ORA-06502: PL/SQL: numeric or value error: character string buffer too small.
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    Cheers, Paul

    Hello All,
    I have the same problem.
    For me it started when i got about 500 rows in the table
    on which the LOV is based.
    With a lot of trying with substr I managed to find the size of the string which it still accepted, which was 51 characters.
    So I thought it was some glitch in the APEX insides, and since I had no time to resolve it further, I went on working.
    But I have to resolve it now, because the following mysterious behaviour is occurring:
    Every few records added to the base table, the problem occurs again, and I can resolve it by cutting down the string
    with one character.
    I have now reached 39 characters !?
    I am afraid that I will end up with 1 character or even null.
    If I switch to Popup list based on LOV there's no problem, and the complete strings are shown.
    The maximum length of the string in my basetable is 252, but the data in it now reaches 55 at most.
    Any idea welcome!
    I did already recreate the master-detail form from scratch, but there the same behaviour.
    Richard Kloostra

  • ORA-06502: PL/SQL: numeric or value error by procedure

    Hi Experts,
    I have created the below package(Oracle 10.2):
    create or replace
    package UPCStreamDifferences AS
    TYPE NodeDetails IS REF CURSOR;
    query_str VARCHAR2(3000);
    newCounter number(10);
    oldCounter number(10);
    cfgname VARCHAR2(100);
    cfgversionmajor NUMBER(10);
    cfgversionminor NUMBER(10);
    cfgversiondefect NUMBER(10);
    cfgversionpatch VARCHAR2(10);
    appname VARCHAR2(100);
    appversionmajor NUMBER(10);
    appversionminor NUMBER(10);
    appversiondefect NUMBER(10);
    appversionpatch VARCHAR2(10);
    libname VARCHAR2(100);
    libversionmajor NUMBER(10);
    libversionminor NUMBER(10);
    libversiondefect NUMBER(10);
    libversionpatch VARCHAR2(10);
    StreamId NUMBER(10);
    tline CLOB;
    NodeName varchar(200);
    NodeParameter varchar(200);
    NodeParameterValue varchar(500);
    StreamParameter varchar(200);
    StreamParameterValue varchar(500);
    LinkName varchar(200);
    LinkCopyNumber Number(10);
    StorageName VARCHAR2(100);
    Procedure ParameterValues(StreamName IN VARCHAR2,oldVersion IN NUMBER,newVersion IN NUMBER);
    END UPCStreamDifferences;
    create or replace
    package body UPCStreamDifferences AS
    procedure ParameterValues (StreamName IN VARCHAR2,
                                                oldVersion IN NUMBER,
                                                newVersion IN NUMBER) IS
    diffParam NodeDetails;
    line := '';
    tline := '';
    execute immediate 'select streamId from el_streams where Name = :1' into StreamId using StreamName;
    query_str := 'WITH old_stream as (select  el_nodes.name, parameter, value  from el_node_params
                          left join el_nodes on
                            el_nodes.nodeversionid = el_node_params.nodeversionid
                            left join el_stream_versions on
                              el_nodes.streamversionid = el_stream_versions.streamversionid
                                   el_stream_versions.streamid ='|| streamID ||' and el_stream_versions.streamversion =' || oldVersion ||'),
          new_stream as (select  el_nodes.name, parameter, value from el_node_params
                        left join el_nodes on
                          el_nodes.nodeversionid = el_node_params.nodeversionid
                          left join el_stream_versions on
                            el_nodes.streamversionid = el_stream_versions.streamversionid
                                 el_stream_versions.streamid = '|| streamID ||'and el_stream_versions.streamversion = ' || newVersion ||')
                  select name AS NodeName,
                         count(src1) AS oldCounter,
                         count(src2) AS newCounter,
                         parameter as NodeParameter, Value as NodeParameterValue from ( select name, parameter, value, 1 AS src1, TO_NUMBER(NULL) AS src2 from old_stream
                                                                UNION ALL
                                                                select  name, parameter, value, TO_NUMBER(NULL) AS src1, 2 AS src2 from new_stream)
                                                          group by name, parameter, value
                  Having count(src1) <> count(src2)';
    OPEN diffParam FOR query_str;
        FETCH diffParam INTO NodeName,oldCounter,NewCounter,NodeParameter,NodeParameterValue;
        if  diffParam%FOUND then
              if newcounter >= 1 then
              line := line||NodeName||';F;'|| 'NEW!' ||Nodeparameter||'|'||NodeParametervalue||':';
              end if;
              if oldcounter >= 1 then
               tline := tline||NodeName||';F;'|| 'OLD!' ||Nodeparameter||'|'||NodeParametervalue||':';
              end if;
        END iF;
    close diffParam;
    END ParameterValues;
    This is throwing errors for some cases not all.
    set serveroutput on;
    execute upcstreamdifferences.ParameterValues('UPC_CH_HIQ',167,168);
    Error starting at line 2 in command:
    execute upcstreamdifferences.ParameterValues('UPC_CH_HIQ',167,168)
    Error report:
    ORA-06502: PL/SQL: numeric or value error
    ORA-06512: at "ELINK.UPCSTREAMDIFFERENCES", line 285
    ORA-06512: at line 1
    06502. 00000 -  "PL/SQL: numeric or value error%s"
    *Action:CH_HIQ_BACKUP;F;NEW!BlockSize|:CH_HIQ_BACKUP;F;NEW!CompressionMethod|gzip:CH_HIQ_BACKUP;F;NEW!PrivateKey|:CH_HIQ_BACKUP;F;NEW!PublicKey|:CH_HIQ_TAIFUN_DISTRIBUTOR;F;NEW!Subdirectory|:CH_HIQ_KENAN_DISTRIBUTOR;F;NEW!OutputFileNameExtractionMask|:CH_HIQ_OTF01A_COLLECTOR;F;NEW!OnlyCollectFilesOlderThan|:CH_HIQ_BACKUP;F;NEW!BehaviourOnError|Abort:CH_HIQ_BACKUP;F;NEW!FlagFileSuffix|:CH_HIQ_BACKUP;F;NEW!InputLinkDirectories|Yes:CH_HIQ_BACKUP;F;NEW!Port|:CH_HIQ_BACKUP;F;NEW!RemoteSuffix|:CH_HIQ_BACKUP;F;NEW!Ruleset|backup.pm:CH_HIQ_FRAUD_DISTRIBUTOR;F;NEW!OutputFileNameExtractionMask|:CH_HIQ_DWH_DISTRIBUTOR;F;NEW!OutputFileNameExtractionMask|:CH_HIQ_HU_TOOL_DISTRIBUTOR;F;NEW!OutputFileNameExtractionMask|:CH_HIQ_BACKUP;F;NEW!RemotePrefix|:CH_HIQ_BACKUP;F;NEW!SourceIdDirectories|no:CH_HIQ_BACKUP;F;NEW!TransferProtocol|Local:CH_HIQ_BACKUP;F;NEW!TransferType|:CH_HIQ_R14_DECODER;F;NEW!RejectInvalid|1:CH_HIQ_HU_TOOL_DISTRIBUTOR;F;NEW!Subdirectory|:CH_HIQ_ICONX_DISTRIBUTOR;F;NEW!OutputFileNameExtractionMask|:CH_HIQ_BACKUP;F;NEW!InputLinksToSubDirectories|FILE_VALIDATED=RAW/&SOURCEID:CH_HIQ_BACKUP;F;NEW!TargetDirectory|/backup/BACKUP_EL603/UPCCH_HIQ/:CH_HIQ_BACKUP;F;NEW!Username|:CH_HIQ_R10_DECODER;F;NEW!RejectInvalid|1:CH_HIQ_VSSOTF_COLLECTOR;F;NEW!OnlyCollectFilesOlderThan|:CH_HIQ_AUDIT_REJECTED_DISTRIBUTOR;F;NEW!Subdirectory|:CH_HIQ_DWH_DISTRIBUTOR;F;NEW!Subdirectory|:CH_HIQ_BACKUP;F;NEW!Cipher|:CH_HIQ_BACKUP;F;NEW!ConnectionRetryInterval|:CH_HIQ_BACKUP;F;NEW!MaximumReconnectionInterval|:CH_HIQ_TAIFUN_DISTRIBUTOR;F;NEW!OutputFileNameExtractionMask|:CH_HIQ_GLB01A_COLLECTOR;F;NEW!OnlyCollectFilesOlderThan|:CH_HIQ_VSSBRN_COLLECTOR;F;NEW!OnlyCollectFilesOlderThan|:CH_HIQ_BACKUP;F;NEW!DestinationHost|:CH_HIQ_BACKUP;F;NEW!Password|:CH_HIQ_BACKUP;F;NEW!TransferMode|:CH_HIQ_BACKUP;F;NEW!TransferRetryCount|:CH_HIQ_R10_DECODER;F;NEW!EscapeWithBackslash|0:CH_HIQ_FRAUD_DISTRIBUTOR;F;NEW!Subdirectory|:CH_HIQ_BACKUP;F;NEW!ExternalCommand|:CH_HIQ_BACKUP;F;NEW!Kex|:CH_HIQ_BACKUP;F;NEW!MaxDays|0:CH_HIQ_BACKUP;F;NEW!MaxFiles|0:CH_HIQ_BACKUP;F;NEW!OriginalFilenameMask|:CH_HIQ_BACKUP;F;NEW!RemoteOS|:CH_HIQ_BACKUP;F;NEW!TempSuffix|:CH_HIQ_AUDIT_REJECTED_ENCODER;F;NEW!OutputDescriptionFileName|telephony.xml:CH_HIQ_PRIMECARRIER_DISTRIBUTOR;F;NEW!Subdirectory|:CH_HIQ_R14_DECODER;F;NEW!EscapeWithBackslash|0:CH_HIQ_R14_DECODER;F;NEW!PercentOfRejectedRecordsAllowed|:CH_HIQ_AUDIT_REJECTED_DISTRIBUTOR;F;NEW!OutputFileNameExtractionMask|:CH_HIQ_ICONX_DISTRIBUTOR;F;NEW!Subdirectory|:CH_HIQ_BACKUP;F;NEW!Compression|:CH_HIQ_BACKUP;F;NEW!ConnectionEstablishmentTimeout|:CH_HIQ_BACKUP;F;NEW!ConnectionRetryCount|:CH_HIQ_BACKUP;F;NEW!DailyDirectories|no:CH_HIQ_BACKUP;F;NEW!MaximumSustainedNetworkDowntime|:CH_HIQ_BACKUP;F;NEW!TempDirectory|:CH_HIQ_BACKUP;F;NEW!TransferRetryInterval|:CH_HIQ_PRIMECARRIER_DISTRIBUTOR;F;NEW!OutputFileNameExtractionMask|:CH_HIQ_R10_DECODER;F;NEW!PercentOfRejectedRecordsAllowed|:CH_HIQ_KENAN_DISTRIBUTOR;F;NEW!Subdirectory|:Another case:
    set serveroutput on;
    execute upcstreamdifferences.ParameterValues('UPC_CH_PPV',47,56);
    anonymous block completed
    CH_PPV_PRODIS_COLLECTOR;F;NEW!SourceDirectory|${EventLinkUserHome}/delivery/${StreamName}/INPUT/PRODIS:CH_PPV_CAS_COLLECTOR;F;NEW!RecordLimit|10000:CH_PPV_BACKUP;F;NEW!ConnectionRetryInterval|:CH_PPV_BACKUP;F;NEW!DestinationHost|:CH_PPV_BACKUP;F;NEW!InputLinkDirectories|Yes:CH_PPV_BACKUP;F;NEW!Password|:CH_PPV_BACKUP;F;NEW!TransferMode|:CH_PPV_RDC;F;NEW!SeparationValue1|:CH_PPV_DWH_DISTRIBUTOR;F;NEW!PrivateKey|${EventLinkUserHome}/.ssh/id_rsa:CH_PPV_FRAUD_DISTRIBUTOR;F;NEW!Password|:CH_PPV_FRAUD_DISTRIBUTOR;F;NEW!TempDirectory|${EventLinkUserHome}/delivery/${StreamName}/OUTPUT/FRAUD/tmp:CH_PPV_PRODIS_FDC;F;NEW!SequenceChecking|0:CH_PPV_PRODIS_DECODER;F;NEW!PercentOfRejectedRecordsAllowed|:CH_PPV_DWH_ENCODER;F;NEW!CreateEmptyOutputFileOnSeparation|0:CH_PPV_DECODER;F;NEW!EscapeWithBackslash|0:CH_PPV_DECODER;F;NEW!InvalidLink|INVALID:CH_PPV_CAS_COLLECTOR;F;NEW!CasHeartbeatInterval|5m:CH_PPV_CAS_COLLECTOR;F;NEW!MaxAgeOfFile|30m:CH_PPV_AUDIT_DISTRIBUTOR;F;NEW!BehaviourOnError|Abort:CH_PPV_BACKUP;F;NEW!ConnectionEstablishmentTimeout|:CH_PPV_BACKUP;F;NEW!ConnectionRetryCount|:CH_PPV_BACKUP;F;NEW!InputLinksToSubDirectories|CAS_COLLECTOR=RAW/&SOURCEID,COLLECTED=RAW/&SOURCEID:CH_PPV_BACKUP;F;NEW!Kex|:CH_PPV_BACKUP;F;NEW!MaxDays|0:CH_PPV_BACKUP;F;NEW!RemotePrefix|:CH_PPV_BACKUP;F;NEW!TempDirectory|:CH_PPV_RDC;F;NEW!DuplicateCounter|P_0_1_1:CH_PPV_RDC;F;NEW!InputCounter|:CH_PPV_RDC;F;NEW!OutputDurationCounter|:CH_PPV_RDC;F;NEW!SeparationValue4|:CH_PPV_DWH_DISTRIBUTOR;F;NEW!CompressionMethod|compress:CH_PPV_DWH_DISTRIBUTOR;F;NEW!PublicKey|${EventLinkUserHome}/.ssh/id_rsa.pub:CH_PPV_FRAUD_DISTRIBUTOR;F;NEW!Username|${EventLinkUser}:CH_PPV_PRODIS_FDC;F;NEW!TRS.DataStorage|${StreamName}:CH_PPV_KENAN_ENCODER;F;NEW!MaxAgeOfFile|:CH_PPV_KENAN_ENCODER;F;NEW!OutputFileNameCreationMask|PV1.&SEQ(7).&CREATIONTIME(%Y%m%d%H%M%S).&SOURCEID.00.&MIN(EL_PURCHASE_DATETIME)-&MAX(EL_PURCHASE_DATETIME):CH_PPV_DWH_ENCODER;F;NEW!OutputDescriptionFileName|output_description.xml:CH_PPV_DECODER;F;NEW!PercentOfRejectedRecordsAllowed|:CH_PPV_DECODER;F;NEW!TrailerIdentifier|:CH_PPV_VALIDATOR;F;NEW!Timezone|${Timezone}:CH_PPV_CAS_COLLECTOR;F;NEW!CommitInterval|10s:CH_PPV_BACKUP;F;NEW!BehaviourOnError|Abort:CH_PPV_BACKUP;F;NEW!ExternalCommand|:CH_PPV_BACKUP;F;NEW!SourceIdDirectories|no:CH_PPV_BACKUP;F;NEW!TargetDirectory|/backup/BACKUP_EL603/${StreamName}:CH_PPV_BACKUP;F;NEW!TransferProtocol|Local:CH_PPV_RDC;F;NEW!SeparationCondition|:CH_PPV_RDC;F;NEW!SeparationValue5|:CH_PPV_FRAUD_DISTRIBUTOR;F;NEW!PrivateKey|${EventLinkUserHome}/.ssh/id_rsa:CH_PPV_LOCAL_COLLECTOR;F;NEW!OnlyCollectFilesOlderThan|:CH_PPV_VALIDATOR;F;NEW!InputCounter|I_0_2_1:CH_PPV_PRODIS_COLLECTOR;F;NEW!Username|${EventLinkUser}:CH_PPV_CAS_COLLECTOR;F;NEW!TransactionIdFile|${EventLinkUserHome}/delivery/${StreamName}/WORKING/id_file.txt:CH_PPV_PRODIS_RDC;F;NEW!DuplicateCheckEnabled|No:CH_PPV_PRODIS_RDC;F;NEW!RestartInterval|1d:CH_PPV_PRODIS_RDC;F;NEW!TRS.DataStorage|${StreamName}:CH_PPV_AUDIT_DISTRIBUTOR;F;NEW!TargetDirectory|${EventLinkUserHome}/delivery/UPC_PE_Rejected_Loader_stream/INPUT/${Affiliate}_PPV:CH_PPV_AUDIT_DISTRIBUTOR;F;NEW!TempDirectory|${EventLinkUserHome}/delivery/UPC_PE_Rejected_Loader_stream/INPUT/${Affiliate}_PPV/temp:CH_PPV_BACKUP;F;NEW!BlockSize|:CH_PPV_BACKUP;F;NEW!Compression|:CH_PPV_BACKUP;F;NEW!FlagFileSuffix|:CH_PPV_BACKUP;F;NEW!OriginalFilenameMask|:CH_PPV_RDC;F;NEW!Keys|I_UA, I_IMS_PRODUCT_ID:CH_PPV_RDC;F;NEW!TRS.DataStorage|${StreamName}:CH_PPV_DWH_DISTRIBUTOR;F;NEW!Username|${EventLinkUser}:CH_PPV_KENAN_DISTRIBUTOR;F;NEW!OutputFileNameExtractionMask|:CH_PPV_FRAUD_DISTRIBUTOR;F;NEW!PublicKey|${EventLinkUserHome}/.ssh/id_rsa.pub:CH_PPV_DWH_ENCODER;F;NEW!CreateEmptyOutputFileOnFlush|0:CH_PPV_CAS_COLLECTOR;F;NEW!OutputFileNameCreationMask|${Affiliate}CAS_&CREATIONTIME(%Y%m%d%H%M%S):CH_PPV_CAS_COLLECTOR;F;NEW!RestartInterval|1d:CH_PPV_AUDIT_DISTRIBUTOR;F;NEW!OutputFileNameExtractionMask|:CH_PPV_BACKUP;F;NEW!MaximumReconnectionInterval|:CH_PPV_BACKUP;F;NEW!Port|:CH_PPV_BACKUP;F;NEW!TransferRetryInterval|:CH_PPV_RDC;F;NEW!DurationField|:CH_PPV_KENAN_DISTRIBUTOR;F;NEW!Subdirectory|:CH_PPV_KENAN_DISTRIBUTOR;F;NEW!TargetDirectory|${EventLinkUserHome}/delivery/${StreamName}/OUTPUT/KENAN:CH_PPV_FRAUD_DISTRIBUTOR;F;NEW!OutputFileNameExtractionMask|:CH_PPV_LOCAL_COLLECTOR;F;NEW!BehaviourOnError|Abort:CH_PPV_KENAN_ENCODER;F;NEW!CreateEmptyOutputFileOnSeparation|0:CH_PPV_KENAN_ENCODER;F;NEW!OutputDescriptionFileName|dpv_old.xml:CH_PPV_KENAN_ENCODER;F;NEW!RecordLimit|:CH_PPV_DECODER;F;NEW!CSVFieldsContainDelimiters|0:CH_PPV_DECODER;F;NEW!DiscardEmptyFiles|0:CH_PPV_DECODER;F;NEW!OutputLink|DECODED:CH_PPV_DECODER;F;NEW!RecordIdentifier|:CH_PPV_CAS_COLLECTOR;F;NEW!NoDataTimeout|12h:CH_PPV_BACKUP;F;NEW!Cipher|:CH_PPV_BACKUP;F;NEW!MaximumSustainedNetworkDowntime|:CH_PPV_BACKUP;F;NEW!RemoteOS|:CH_PPV_BACKUP;F;NEW!Ruleset|backup.pm:CH_PPV_RDC;F;NEW!AuditFields|AUD_UA=I_UA, AUD_STU_NUMBER=I_STU_NUMBER, 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do not understand why this throws unexpected errors. Can you please help in resolving the problem.
    Edited by: BluShadow on 09-Oct-2012 09:37
    added {noformat}{noformat} tags for readability.  Please read {message:id=9360002} and learn to do this yourself in future.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                

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    "CH_HIQ_ICONX_BACKUP"     1     0     "ConnectionRetryInterval"     ""
    "CH_HIQ_ICONX_BACKUP"     1     0     "FlagFileSuffix"     ""
    "CH_HIQ_ICONX_BACKUP"     1     0     "RemotePrefix"     ""
    "CH_HIQ_DWH_BACKUP"     1     0     "Compression"     ""
    "CH_HIQ_DWH_BACKUP"     1     0     "CompressionMethod"     "gzip"
    "CH_HIQ_DWH_BACKUP"     1     0     "ConnectionEstablishmentTimeout"     ""
    "CH_HIQ_DWH_BACKUP"     1     0     "RemoteOS"     ""
    "CH_HIQ_DWH_BACKUP"     1     0     "RemotePrefix"     ""
    "CH_HIQ_DWH_BACKUP"     1     0     "TargetDirectory"     "/backup/BACKUP_EL603/UPCCH_HIQ/DWH"
    "CH_HIQ_AUDIT_REJECTED_BACKUP"     1     0     "Cipher"     ""
    "CH_HIQ_AUDIT_REJECTED_BACKUP"     1     0     "Kex"     ""
    "CH_HIQ_AUDIT_REJECTED_BACKUP"     1     0     "MaximumReconnectionInterval"     ""
    "CH_HIQ_AUDIT_REJECTED_BACKUP"     1     0     "Port"     ""
    "CH_HIQ_AUDIT_REJECTED_BACKUP"     1     0     "RemoteOS"     ""
    "CH_HIQ_TAIFUN_BACKUP"     1     0     "CompressionMethod"     "gzip"
    "CH_HIQ_TAIFUN_BACKUP"     1     0     "ExternalCommand"     ""
    "CH_HIQ_TAIFUN_BACKUP"     1     0     "TransferProtocol"     "Local"
    "CH_HIQ_PRIMECARRIER_BACKUP"     1     0     "BehaviourOnError"     "Abort"
    "CH_HIQ_PRIMECARRIER_BACKUP"     1     0     "Compression"     ""
    "CH_HIQ_PRIMECARRIER_BACKUP"     1     0     "ConnectionRetryCount"     ""
    "CH_HIQ_PRIMECARRIER_BACKUP"     1     0     "ConnectionRetryInterval"     ""
    "CH_HIQ_PRIMECARRIER_BACKUP"     1     0     "DestinationHost"     ""
    "CH_HIQ_PRIMECARRIER_BACKUP"     1     0     "Port"     ""
    "CH_HIQ_PRIMECARRIER_BACKUP"     1     0     "RemotePrefix"     ""
    "CH_HIQ_PRIMECARRIER_BACKUP"     1     0     "SourceIdDirectories"     "no"
    "CH_HIQ_PRIMECARRIER_BACKUP"     1     0     "TargetDirectory"     "/backup/BACKUP_EL603/UPCCH_HIQ/PRIMECARRIER"
    "CH_HIQ_PRIMECARRIER_BACKUP"     1     0     "TempDirectory"     ""
    "CH_HIQ_PRIMECARRIER_BACKUP"     1     0     "TransferMode"     ""
    "CH_HIQ_RAW_BACKUP"     1     0     "Port"     ""
    "CH_HIQ_RAW_BACKUP"     1     0     "RemoteSuffix"     ""
    "CH_HIQ_FRAUD_BACKUP"     1     0     "ConnectionEstablishmentTimeout"     ""
    "CH_HIQ_FRAUD_BACKUP"     1     0     "MaxFiles"     "0"
    "CH_HIQ_FRAUD_BACKUP"     1     0     "MaximumSustainedNetworkDowntime"     ""
    "CH_HIQ_FRAUD_BACKUP"     1     0     "TempSuffix"     ""
    "CH_HIQ_FRAUD_BACKUP"     1     0     "TransferProtocol"     "Local"
    "CH_HIQ_KENAN_BACKUP"     1     0     "MaximumSustainedNetworkDowntime"     ""
    "CH_HIQ_ICONX_DISTRIBUTOR"     0     1     "Subdirectory"     ""
    "CH_HIQ_BACKUP"     0     1     "Compression"     ""
    "CH_HIQ_BACKUP"     0     1     "ConnectionEstablishmentTimeout"     ""
    "CH_HIQ_BACKUP"     0     1     "ConnectionRetryCount"     ""
    "CH_HIQ_BACKUP"     0     1     "DailyDirectories"     "no"
    "CH_HIQ_BACKUP"     0     1     "MaximumSustainedNetworkDowntime"     ""
    "CH_HIQ_BACKUP"     0     1     "TempDirectory"     ""
    "CH_HIQ_BACKUP"     0     1     "TransferRetryInterval"     ""
    "CH_HIQ_PRIMECARRIER_DISTRIBUTOR"     0     1     "OutputFileNameExtractionMask"     ""
    "CH_HIQ_R10_DECODER"     0     1     "PercentOfRejectedRecordsAllowed"     ""
    "CH_HIQ_KENAN_DISTRIBUTOR"     0     1     "Subdirectory"     ""

  • Issue in appending the LOBs -ORA-06502: PL/SQL: numeric or value error

    I am using Oracle 11g.
    I have a requirement in which I have to append LOBs and I have to insert the LOB into a table column. I am facing problem when the data exceeds certain limit. My program works like the below:
    (please note that my program logic is given below, not the exact program)
    final_html CLOB;
    int_html CLOB;
    v_str VARCHAR2(32767);
    i number:=0;
    dbms_lob.createtemporary(lob_loc => int_html, CACHE => TRUE, dur => dbms_lob.CALL);
    dbms_lob.createtemporary(lob_loc => final_html, CACHE => TRUE, dur => dbms_lob.CALL);
    FOR i IN 1..100 loop
    v_str := '<tr>' ||
    '<td style="WORD-WRAP: break-word" width="50"><font size="2">' ||
    i || '</font></td>' ||
    dbms_lob.writeappend(lob_loc => int_html, amount => LENGTH(v_str), BUFFER => v_str);
    dbms_output.put_line( 'The length of int_html is:'||dbms_lob.getlength(int_html));
    dbms_output.put_line( 'The int_html is:'||int_html);
    final_html:= '<html>'||int_html||'</html>';
    dbms_output.put_line('The final_html is:'||final_html);
    DBMS_LOB.CLOSE (int_html);
    DBMS_LOB.CLOSE (final_html);
    when the looping is done for lesser value say for e.g FOR i IN 1..10 loop, the program works fine, but when the looping is done for more values I am getting "-6502-ORA-06502: PL/SQL: numeric or value error" error message.
    Please help me to resolve this issue.
    Thanking you in advance.

    Can you please specify in which environment you are executing this ?
    I modified your code as follows
    The code executed successfully until the length was <= 32767 i.e ( until FOR i IN 1..1092)
    Also, you need to use the APPEND function to concatenate clob variables.
    Please verify the default max size for varchar2 or dbms_output in your server since you get the error for just the loop within the range (FOR i IN 1..100) .
    And yes, the comments from Siva are valid.
    final_html CLOB;
    int_html CLOB;
    v_str VARCHAR2(32767);
    i number:=0;
    dbms_lob.createtemporary(lob_loc => int_html, CACHE => TRUE, dur => dbms_lob.CALL);
    dbms_lob.createtemporary(lob_loc => final_html, CACHE => TRUE, dur => dbms_lob.CALL);
    FOR i IN 1..1092 loop
    v_str := '<tr>' ||
    '<td style="">' ||
    i || '</td>' ||
    dbms_lob.writeappend(lob_loc => int_html, amount => LENGTH(v_str), BUFFER => v_str);
    dbms_output.put_line( 'The length of int_html is:'||dbms_lob.getlength(int_html));
    dbms_output.put_line( 'The int_html is:'||int_html);
    dbms_output.put_line( 'The length of int_html is:'||dbms_lob.getlength(int_html));
    exception when others then
    final_html:= '<html>'||int_html||'</html>';
    dbms_output.put_line('The final_html is:'||final_html);
    exception when others then
    end; */
    DBMS_LOB.CLOSE (int_html);
    DBMS_LOB.CLOSE (final_html);
    Edited by: Jitesh Gurnani on Jul 29, 2011 3:11 AM
    Edited by: Jitesh Gurnani on Jul 29, 2011 3:14 AM

  • ORA-06502: PL/SQL: numeric or value error: Bulk Bind: Truncated Bink

    I have a map which worked fine in The same map in is giving me the error:
    'ORA-06502: PL/SQL: numeric or value error: Bulk Bind: Truncated Bink.'
    I have one source and one target. This is a straight load, no transformations.
    While debugging the map I have noticed the culprit is one column in the source which is varchar2(30),
    I have the target column with the same varchar2(30), and I tried increasing the size of
    the target column but i keep getting the same error. While searching the forum someone suggested
    to change the configuration of code generation options and runtime parameters to set based.
    But strangely it gave me an error because the set based option is not availabe in the new
    Should the set based option be available in this version. Please suggest on how i could resolve the
    error of 'ORA-06502: PL/SQL: numeric or value error: Bulk Bind: Truncated Bink.' Thank you.

    Hi there,
    Following is the description of the error, you are getting.
    An arithmetic, conversion, truncation, or size-constraint error occurs. For example, when your program selects a column value into a character variable, if the value is longer than the declared length of the variable, PL/SQL aborts the assignment and raises VALUE_ERROR. In procedural statements, VALUE_ERROR is raised if the conversion of a character string into a number fails. (In SQL statements, INVALID_NUMBER is raised.)
    Hopefully this will help.

  • Problem with error ORA-06502: PL/SQL: numeric or value error string

    I am running a loop to just spool output data using 'dbms_output.put_line' and I keep getting this error after a few records. I resorted it and it happen at a different interval. Could it have to do with the length of the item I am trying to spool? Thanks.
    ORA-06502: PL/SQL: numeric or value error string

    SD wrote:
    I am running a loop to just spool output data using 'dbms_output.put_line' and I keep getting this error after a few records. I resorted it and it happen at a different interval. Could it have to do with the length of the item I am trying to spool? Thanks.
    ORA-06502: PL/SQL: numeric or value error stringyes, it is a data dependent error.
    Handle:     SD
    Status Level:     Newbie
    Registered:     Nov 21, 2001
    Total Posts:     289
    Total Questions:     189 (183 unresolved)
    why do you waste time here when you rarely get your questions answered?

  • ORA-06502: PL/SQL: numeric or value error: character string buffer too smal

    Hi Guys I am getting error ORA-06502: PL/SQL: numeric or value error: character string buffer too small as it said i thought it would be issue with length of feild but i tried to change is nothihg work i am posing code here if any one can please help me on this
    p_rpt_from_dt in varchar2,
    p_rpt_to_dt in varchar2,
    p_apvr_id in tc_wkr.tc_row_id%type default NULL,
    p_rpt_type in varchar2 default NULL,
    p_backto_pg in varchar2 default NULL
    v_rpt_from_dt date := var_to_date(p_rpt_from_dt);
    v_rpt_to_dt date := var_to_date(p_rpt_to_dt);
    v_time_str varchar2(15);
    cursor period_cur
    cp_from_dt date,
    cp_to_dt date
    select beg_dt, end_dt
    from jmcs_wk_tprd
    where beg_dt <= cp_to_dt -- report end date
    and end_dt >= cp_from_dt -- report start date
    if sys_security('tcsys', 'tc_reports') != 'GRANTED' then
    end if;
    if lg_debug_fl then
    v_time_str := to_char(lg_sysdate, 'hh:mi:ss a.m.');
    v_time_str := tc_time(lg_sysdate);
    end if;
    /* get the time card time periods applicable to the report */
    lga_tc_strt_dt := lga_null_date;
    for recs in period_cur(v_rpt_from_dt, v_rpt_to_dt) loop
    lga_tc_strt_dt(lga_tc_strt_dt.count+1) := recs.beg_dt;
    lga_tc_end_dt(lga_tc_end_dt.count+1) := recs.end_dt;
    end loop;
    --if p_apvr_id is NULL then
    if p_rpt_type != 'D' then
    'Time Card Status Report',
    'for '||dd_mon_yyyy(v_rpt_from_dt)||' through '||dd_mon_yyyy(v_rpt_to_dt)||'<BR>'||
    'Report Date: '||dd_mon_yyyy(lg_sysdate)||' Time: '||v_time_str,
    'javascript:window.close()', /* Backto */
    'alert(''Reminder! Click on logo when you are ready to return to previous page'')'
    end if;
    if p_apvr_id is NULL then
    sub_STATUS_BD_ALPHA (v_rpt_from_dt, v_rpt_to_dt, TRUE, p_rpt_type, p_apvr_id);
    htp.p('<!-- Selected Approver ('||p_apvr_id||') -->');
    sub_STATUS_BD_APVR (v_rpt_from_dt, v_rpt_to_dt, p_rpt_type, p_apvr_id);
    end if;
    error_proc(SQLERRM, SQLCODE, owa_util.get_cgi_env('PATH_INFO'));
    htp.p('Error Code is :'||SQLERRM);
    This package in trun call other procedure like below
    p_rpt_from_dt in date,
    p_rpt_to_dt in date,
    p_display_hdr in boolean,
    p_rpt_type in varchar2 default 'B',
    p_apvr_id in tc_wkr.tc_row_id%type default NULL,
    p_tcs_user_id in tc_wkr.tc_row_id%type default NULL
    v_time_str varchar2(15);
    v_apvr_id tc_wkr.tc_row_id%type := 0;
    v_a_user_id tc_wkr.tc_row_id%type; -- approver tcs_user_id
    v_cnt integer := 0;
    v_people_cnt integer := 0;
    v_stat_cd varchar2(2000);
    v_display_fl boolean := FALSE;
    cursor people_cur
    cp_from_dt in date,
    cp_to_dt in date
    d_full_nm_lfm as name,
    tc_row_id as tcs_user_id,
    tcw_typ as pay_typ,
    tcw_id as pay_id,
    sys_strt_date as sys_strt_dt,
    from tc_wkr
    where sys_strt_date <= cp_to_dt
    and nvl(sys_end_dt, cp_to_dt) >= cp_from_dt
    order by upper(d_full_nm_lfm);
    /* find the current or the most recent (if no current) approver */
    cursor apvr_cur
    cp_tcs_user_id in tc_wkr.tc_row_id%type
    a.f_tc_apvr_id as fk_tcs_apvr_id,
    w.d_full_nm_lfm as apvr_name,
    w.tcw_typ as apvr_pay_typ,
    w.tcw_id as apvr_pay_id,
    from tc_wkr w, tc_ap_asmt a
    where a.f_tc_wkr_id = cp_tcs_user_id
    and w.tc_row_id = a.f_tc_apvr_id
    order by a.strt_dt desc;
    /* list of existing time cards UNION required time cards */
    cursor tc_cur
    cp_tcs_user_id in tc_wkr.tc_row_id%type, /* who's time cards */
    cp_from_dt in date, /* report period from date */
    cp_to_dt in date /* report period to date */
    from tc
    where strt_dt <= cp_to_dt
    and end_dt >= cp_from_dt
    and fk_tc_wkrtcw_id = cp_tcs_user_id
    'Required' as stat_cd,
    beg_dt as strt_dt,
    from jmcs_wk_tprd
    where beg_dt <= cp_to_dt
    and end_dt >= cp_from_dt
    and beg_dt not in (
    select strt_dt
    from tc
    where strt_dt <= cp_to_dt
    and end_dt >= cp_from_dt
    and fk_tc_wkrtcw_id = cp_tcs_user_id
    order by strt_dt;
    if lg_debug_fl then
    v_time_str := to_char(lg_sysdate, 'hh:mi:ss a.m.');
    v_time_str := tc_time(lg_sysdate);
    end if;
    if p_apvr_id > 0 then
    lga_report_out := lga_report_out_null;
    v_apvr_id := p_apvr_id;
    lga_apvr := lga_apvr_null;
    from tc_wkr
    where tc_row_id = v_apvr_id;
    if lga_apvr(1).apvr_pay_typ != 'S' then
    select decode(bend_empl_fl, 'Y', 'E', 'W')
    into lga_apvr(1).apvr_pay_typ
    from empl
    where empl_id = lga_apvr(1).apvr_pay_id;
    end if;
    end if;
    if p_display_hdr then
    if lga_tc_strt_dt.count > 6 then /* more than 6 time periods (1 month) */
    lga_width(1) := to_char(.15 * lg_page_width_standard);
    lga_width(2) := to_char(.08 * lg_page_width_standard);
    for i in 1..lga_tc_strt_dt.count loop
    lga_width(lga_width.count+1) := to_char(.09 * lg_page_width_standard);
    end loop;
    lg_page_width_standard := to_number(lga_width(1)) + to_number(lga_width(2));
    if nvl(p_apvr_id, 0) = 0 then
    lg_page_width_standard := lg_page_width_standard * 2;
    end if;
    htp.p('<!-- page width = '||lg_page_width_standard||'-->');
    for i in 3..lga_width.count loop
    lg_page_width_standard := lg_page_width_standard + to_number(lga_width(i));
    htp.p('<!-- page width = '||lg_page_width_standard||'-->');
    end loop;
    lg_page_width := to_char(lg_page_width_standard);
    lga_width(1) := '15%';
    lga_width(2) := '8%';
    lga_width(3) := '9%';
    lga_width(4) := '9%';
    lga_width(5) := '9%';
    lga_width(6) := '9%';
    lga_width(7) := '9%';
    lga_width(8) := '9%';
    end if;
    end if;
    /* cursor loop */
    for p in people_cur(p_rpt_from_dt, p_rpt_to_dt) loop
    /* is/was this person assigned to the selected approver for the report period */
    v_display_fl := FALSE;
    if nvl(p_tcs_user_id, 0) > 0 then
    if p_tcs_user_id = p.tcs_user_id then
    htp.p('<br>Selected User');
    v_display_fl := TRUE;
    end if;
    elsif nvl(p_apvr_id, 0) = 0 then
    if nvl(p_apvr_id, 0) = 0 then
    v_display_fl := TRUE;
    elsif p_apvr_id > 0 or p_apvr_id = -1 then
    v_display_fl := fct_ASSIGNED_APVR(p.tcs_user_id, p_apvr_id, p_rpt_from_dt, p_rpt_to_dt);
    end if;
    if v_display_fl then
    v_people_cnt := v_people_cnt + 1;
    lg_tcs_owner_info.USER_ID := p.tcs_user_id;
    lg_tcs_owner_info.PAY_ID := p.pay_id;
    lg_tcs_owner_info.PAY_TYPE := p.pay_typ;
    lg_tcs_owner_info.SYS_STRT_DT := p.sys_strt_dt;
    lg_tcs_owner_info.TERM_DT := p.sys_end_dt;
    if p.pay_typ = 'S' then
    select wrk_hire_dt
    into lg_tcs_owner_info.hire_dt
    from subcntr
    where sub_id = p.pay_id;
    when no_data_found then
    decode(bend_empl_fl, 'Y', 'E', 'W')
    from empl
    where empl_id = lg_tcs_owner_info.PAY_ID;
    end if;
    if lga_report_out.count = 0 then
    lga_report_out(lga_report_out.count+1) := '<table border="1" cellpadding="3" width="'||lg_page_width||'">';
    end if;
    if mod(v_people_cnt,2) = 1 then
    lga_report_out(lga_report_out.count+1) := ('<tr bgcolor="'||lg_odd_bgcolor||'">');
    lga_report_out(lga_report_out.count+1) := ('<tr bgcolor="'||lg_even_bgcolor||'">');
    end if;
    lga_report_out(lga_report_out.count+1) := ('<td valign="top"><font size=-2>'||p.name||'</font></td >');
    lga_report_out(lga_report_out.count+1) := ('<td valign="top"><font size=-2>'||p.pay_typ||'-'||lpad(p.pay_id,4,'0')||'</font></td >');
    if nvl(p_apvr_id, 0) > 0 then /* Single Approver */
    /* need approver ID for time card "status" */
    lga_apvr := lga_apvr_null; /* clear the approver id array */
    lga_apvr(1).apvr_tcs_id := p_apvr_id;
    elsif nvl(p_apvr_id, 0) = 0 then /* ALL Approvers */
    lga_apvr := lga_apvr_null; /* clear the approver id array */
    v_cnt := 0;
    for ap in apvr_cur (p.tcs_user_id) loop
    if v_cnt = 0 then
    /* most recent approver may not be the applicable approver */
    v_cnt := 1;
    lga_apvr(v_cnt).apvr_name := ap.apvr_name; -- identify multiple approvers for the "status"
    lga_apvr(v_cnt).apvr_tcs_id := ap.fk_tcs_apvr_id; -- identify multiple approvers for the "status"
    lga_apvr(v_cnt).apvr_pay_id := ap.apvr_pay_id; -- identify multiple approvers for the "status"
    v_apvr_id := ap.fk_tcs_apvr_id;
    if ap.apvr_pay_typ = 'S' then
    lga_apvr(v_cnt).apvr_pay_typ := ap.apvr_pay_typ; -- identify multiple approvers for the "status"
    select decode(bend_empl_fl, 'Y', 'E', 'W')
    into lga_apvr(1).apvr_pay_typ
    from empl
    where empl_id = lga_apvr(1).apvr_pay_id;
    end if;
    end if;
    if ap.strt_dt <= p_rpt_to_dt and nvl(ap.end_dt, p_rpt_to_dt) >= p_rpt_from_dt then
    /* approver record */
    lg_tcs_owner_info.APVR_ID := ap.fk_tcs_apvr_id;
    lg_tcs_owner_info.APVR_STRT_DT := ap.strt_dt;
    lg_tcs_owner_info.APVR_END_DT := ap.end_dt;
    don't enter same approver name multiple times
    when same approver has been assigned more than once
    Example: approver1, approver_2, approver_1 (change back to approver 1)
    for i in 1..lga_apvr.count loop
    v_apvr_id := ap.fk_tcs_apvr_id;
    if lga_apvr(i).apvr_tcs_id = ap.fk_tcs_apvr_id then
    /* don't add again */
    v_apvr_id := NULL;
    end if;
    end loop;
    if v_apvr_id is not NULL then
    v_cnt := v_cnt + 1;
    lga_apvr(v_cnt).apvr_name := ap.apvr_name; -- identify multiple approvers for the "status"
    lga_apvr(v_cnt).apvr_tcs_id := ap.fk_tcs_apvr_id; -- identify multiple approvers for the "status"
    lga_apvr(v_cnt).apvr_pay_id := ap.apvr_pay_id; -- identify multiple approvers for the "status"
    lga_apvr(v_cnt).apvr_pay_typ := ap.apvr_pay_typ; -- identify multiple approvers for the "status"
    end if;
    end if;
    end loop;
    /* list approver pay IDs */
    lga_report_out(lga_report_out.count+1) := ('<td valign="top"><font size=-2>');
    if lga_apvr.count = 0 then
    lga_report_out(lga_report_out.count+1) := 'Approver Unassigned';
    for i in 1..lga_apvr.count loop
    if i > 1 then
    lga_report_out(lga_report_out.count+1) := '<br>';
    end if;
    lga_report_out(lga_report_out.count+1) := (lga_apvr(i).apvr_name);
    end loop;
    end if;
    lga_report_out(lga_report_out.count+1) := ('<td valign="top"><font size=-2>');
    if lga_apvr.count = 0 then
    lga_report_out(lga_report_out.count+1) := 'N/A';
    for i in 1..lga_apvr.count loop
    if i > 1 then
    lga_report_out(lga_report_out.count+1) := '<br>';
    end if;
    lga_report_out(lga_report_out.count+1) := (lga_apvr(i).apvr_pay_typ)||'-'||lpad(lga_apvr(i).apvr_pay_id,4,'0');
    end loop;
    end if;
    lga_report_out(lga_report_out.count+1) := ('</font></td >');
    end if;
    for t in tc_cur(p.tcs_user_id, p_rpt_from_dt, p_rpt_to_dt) loop
    htp.p('<! '||t.strt_dt||', '||t.end_dt||', '||t.stat_cd||' -->');
    --lga_report_out(lga_report_out.count+1) := ('<td valign="top"><font size=-2>');
    --lga_report_out(lga_report_out.count+1) := (t.stat_cd);
    --lga_report_out(lga_report_out.count+1) := ('</font></td >');
    /* has the selected approver has completed processing */
    if p_apvr_id > 0
    and v_apvr_id = p_apvr_id
    and v_a_user_id != p_apvr_id
    end if;
    for ap in apvr_cur (p.tcs_user_id) loop
    if apvr_cur%rowcount = 1 then
    /* most recent approver assigned */
    lg_tcs_owner_info.apvr_id := ap.fk_tcs_apvr_id;
    end if;
    if ap.strt_dt <= t.end_dt and nvl(ap.end_dt, t.end_dt) >= t.strt_dt then
    /* approver assigned during time card period */
    lg_tcs_owner_info.apvr_id := ap.fk_tcs_apvr_id;
    end if;
    end loop;
    lg_tc_status.strt_dt := t.strt_dt;
    lg_tc_status.end_dt := t.end_dt;
    lg_tc_status.stat_cd := t.stat_cd;
    v_stat_cd := fct_TC_STATUS(nvl(p_apvr_id, 0));
    lga_report_out(lga_report_out.count+1) := ('<td align="center" valign="top" bgcolor="'||lg_tc_status.bg_color||'">');
    lga_report_out(lga_report_out.count+1) := ('<font size=-2 color='||lg_tc_status.font_color||'>');
    lga_report_out(lga_report_out.count+1) := v_stat_cd;
    lga_report_out(lga_report_out.count+1) := ('</font></td >');
    end loop;
    lga_report_out(lga_report_out.count+1) := '</tr>';
    end if; /* v_display_fl */
    end loop;
    if p_rpt_type in ('B', 'S') then
    lg_page_cnt := lg_page_cnt + 1;
    end if;
    if lga_report_out.count > 0 then
    lga_report_out(lga_report_out.count+1) := '</table>';
    end if;
    if lga_report_out.count > 0 then
    if p_rpt_type = 'B' or p_apvr_id > 0 then
    if p_display_hdr then
    if lg_page_cnt > 0 then
    if p_apvr_id > 0 then /* selected individual approver */
    end if;
    htp.p('<br style="page-break-after:always">');
                        htp.p('<!-- &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& -->');
                        htp.p('<!-- &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& -->');
    end if;
    lg_page_cnt := lg_page_cnt + 1;
    'Time Card Status Report',
    'for '||dd_mon_yyyy(p_rpt_from_dt)||' through '||dd_mon_yyyy(p_rpt_to_dt)||'<BR>'||
    'Report Date: '||dd_mon_yyyy(lg_sysdate)||' Time: '||v_time_str,
    NULL, -- p_backto_pg, /* Backto */
    end if;
    end if;
    if p_rpt_type in ('B', 'D') then
    for i in 1..lga_report_out.count loop
    end loop;
    end if;
    end if;
    Some veriable
    type report_tc_rec is record
    tc_owner_name tc_wkr.d_full_nm_lfm%type,
    o_user_id tc_wkr.tc_row_id%type,
    o_pay_id varchar2(10),
    o_sys_strt_dt date,
    o_sys_end_dt date,
    tc_apvr_name tc_wkr.d_full_nm_lfm%type,
    a_pay_id varchar2(10),
    a_user_id tc_wkr.tc_row_id%type,
    tc_strt_dt date,
    tc_end_dt date,
    tc_stat_cd varchar2(50),
    ap_strt_dt date,
    ap_end_dt date
    /* time card owner information */
    TYPE tcs_owner_info_rec IS RECORD
    USER_ID tc_wkr.tc_row_id%type,
    PAY_ID tc_wkr.tcw_id%type,
    PAY_TYPE tc_wkr.tcw_typ%type,
    HIRE_DT date,
    SYS_STRT_DT date,
    TERM_DT date,
    APVR_ID tc_wkr.tc_row_id%type,
    APVR_STRT_DT date,
    APVR_END_DT date
    /* status code determines report cell font and background colors */
    TYPE tc_status_rec IS RECORD
    STRT_DT date,
    END_DT date,
    STAT_CD tc.stat_cd%type,
    FONT_COLOR varchar2(16),
    BG_COLOR varchar2(16)
    /* count of all time card status for report summary */
    TYPE tc_status_summary_rec IS RECORD
    APPROVED_CNT integer := 0,
    REJECTED_CNT integer := 0,
    SUBMITTED_CNT integer := 0,
    POSTED_CNT integer := 0,
    VERIFIED_CNT integer := 0,
    OPEN_CNT integer := 0,
    NEW_CNT integer := 0,
    REQUIRED_CNT integer := 0,
    TOTAL_CNT integer := 0
    /* determine multiple approvers for individual for selected report period */
    TYPE apvr_rec IS RECORD
    apvr_name tc_wkr.d_full_nm_lfm%type,
    apvr_tcs_id tc_wkr.tc_row_id%type,
    apvr_pay_id tc_wkr.tcw_id%type,
    apvr_pay_typ tc_wkr.tcw_typ%type
    TYPE apvr_id_array_table IS TABLE OF apvr_rec
    index by binary_integer;
    type output_array is table of varchar2(1000)
    index by binary_integer;
    type date_array is table of date
    index by binary_integer;
    type status_array is table of varchar2(1000)
    index by binary_integer;
    type apvr_array is table of number(8)
    index by binary_integer;
    lga_report_out output_array; /* array of HTML code to be output to browser */
    lga_report_out_null output_array; /* null array of HTML code */
    lga_tc_status status_array;
    lga_null_status status_array;
    lga_tc_strt_dt date_array;
    lga_tc_end_dt date_array;
    lga_tc_disp date_array; /* start dates of displayed TC for selected user */
    lga_null_date date_array; /* null array used to clear other date arrays */
    lg_tcs_owner_info tcs_owner_info_rec; /* time card owner information */
    lg_tc_status tc_status_rec; /* time card status information */
    lg_tc_status_summary tc_status_summary_rec; /* time card count by status */
    lg_tc_rec report_tc_rec; /* time card */
    lga_apvr apvr_id_array_table; /* array of approver Names and Payroll IDs */
    lga_apvr_null apvr_id_array_table; /* clear the lga_apvr array for each user */
    lg_sysdate date := sysdate;
    lg_debug_fl boolean := FALSE;
    lg_debug_owner_id tc_wkr.tc_row_id%type := 9905;
    lg_debug_apvr_id tc_wkr.tc_row_id%type := 1000;
    The chnages i have done its in bold
    Please Advice
    Edited by: Purvik on Aug 25, 2009 11:59 AM

    There is not a chance in the world, especially not knowing column definitions that I, and I suspect most anyone else, is going to wade through this much unformated code looking for an error you couldn't bother to copy in full.
    Either tell us, specifically, the line on which the error is occurring or, better yet, start whacking stuff out of your code until you find the offending definition. That is certainly what I would do. Commenting out sections is a marvelous way to quickly find an issue.
    Before you post again please read the FAQ. It will explain to you how to properly post and use the tags.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           

  • Report error: ORA-06502: PL/SQL: numeric or value error: character string b

    I have a form which uses a customer form/report, drop downs etc..
    the debug shows it running this statement
    ...Execute Statement: begin begin SELECT distinct initcap(RTRIM (LTRIM (e.surname, ' *0123456789-/:.?,'), ' *0123456789-/:.?,') || ', ' || RTRIM (LTRIM (e.first_name, ' *0123456789-/:.?,'), ' *0123456789-/:.?,' )) empname, e.ID bulk collect into wwv_flow_utilities.g_display,wwv_flow_utilities.g_value FROM dms.dms_employees@dmsprd e, dms.dms_employee_contracts@dmsprd ec WHERE e.ID = ec.emp_id and e.surname like '%%' AND :p75_date BETWEEN ec.start_date AND NVL (ec.end_date, :p75_date) AND e.brh_id = 3654 ORDER BY 1; end; end;
    Then says
    "report error: ORA-06502: PL/SQL: numeric or value error: character string buffer too small"
    Any Ideas?

    Denes Kubicek wrote:
    A select list is limited in size. I am not sure what the limit is but that is definitelly the case.The maximum size for the HTML generated for a select list is 32K.
    86 options sounds on the low side to be hitting that limit, but there are other concerns to this as well. Scrolling through hundreds/thousands of options in a select list is a pain for users, and huge select lists produce bloated pages that impact load times and network bandwidth. That list of around 200 countries you find on many sites is about the sensible maximum length for a select list.
    You should use popups.Indeed.

  • Report error:ORA-06502: PL/SQL: numeric or value error: character to number

    The oracle application express environment is created by installing the HTTP Server on the windows server and the application express 3.2.1 components on the oracle database on UNIX. The installation is successfully and have not seen any issues during the installation. After completing all the steps, when tried to login and click the application builder or workspace components, I see the error message
    report error:ORA-06502: PL/SQL: numeric or value error: character to number.
    This error message is seen on most of the pages when trying to accessed and not able to understand the reasons behind it. Its a brand new environment setup and not even presented to developers to test it.
    Below error message is always seen when trying to access most of the components like application builder, schema comparison and some other tabs. Please advice
    report error:
    ORA-06502: PL/SQL: numeric or value error: character to number conversion error
    Edited by: user589320 on Jun 9, 2011 5:17 PM

    I think its better you use APEX 4.x version ratherthan using old version.
    You will get more features and some bug fixes and also it's easy for you to get some help when you need.
    * If this answer is helpfull or correct then please mark it and grant the points.

  • Report error:ORA-06502: PL/SQL: numeric or value error: character string bu

    We face the above error in HTMLDB (APEX) application Ver 3.1.0. This occurs when we try to display more number of rows/records in drop-down list (LOV in tabular forms). We are able to display 200 records in LOV. When the list of records exceeds 230, we face the below error
    report error:ORA-06502: PL/SQL: numeric or value error: character string buffer too small
    the values listed in LOV are from tables (one of the columns in table)
    Could anyone give us a solution?

    As you are using a tabular form, you could actually do the following:
    1 - In the tabular form column's attributes, set the following:
    Display as: Select List (query based on LOV)
    Display extra values: Yes
    List of values definition: SELECT null d, null r FROM DUAL
    2 - Add a new page item and set it to generate your select list
    3 - Create an HTML region with no template and use the following for its source:
    &lt;script type="text/javascript"&gt;
    function loadList(c, l)
    var s = document.getElementsByName(c);
    var lItem = document.getElementById(l);
    var lLength = lItem.options.length;
    var k;
    var j;
    var x = lItem.innerHTML;
    var v;
    var o;
    var z;
    for (k = 0; k &lt; s.length; k++)
    z = s[k];
    v = z.value;
    z.options.length = 0;
    for (j = 0; j &lt; lLength; j++)
    o = new Option()
    o.value = lItem[j].value;
    o.text = lItem[j].text;
    z.options[j] = o;
    z.value = v;
    if (z.selectedIndex == -1)
    z.selectedIndex = 0;
    loadList("f05", "P1_MGR");
    (Change "f05" and "P1_MGR" as appropriate to your column and your new page item respectively)
    Now, when you load the page, the select list contains a null entry plus the entry already on the database. The javascript kicks in automatically, loops through every entry in the "f05" column, copies the existing value, replaces the select list with the new page item version and sets its value to the copied value.
    Your new page item could be in a DIV tag that has a style of "display:none" to hide it from view.

  • Report error: ORA-06502: PL/SQL: numeric or value error: NULL index table k

    Hi everybody,
    I have two Distinct Databases on two distinct servers. (Oracle Ent. Release on AIX 5.3). After I install the latest patch last week, One of the APEX installation has some problems on Home>Application Builder Page. The error message is very random and
    report error:
    ORA-06502: PL/SQL: numeric or value error: NULL index table key value.
    When i change the view (details to icons), everything goes to normal. This error message is reflected some of the pages (report region) of some of my applications randomly. When it appears in a report region, i deselect the order method of the region, the result is normal.
    But the other APEX application on the other instance has no problem. It is a bug? or Should i re-install the APEX instance?
    Thank you for your interest?
    Gökhan ÇATALKAYA

    No, but we have a reproducible test case now so we're working on it. See ORA-06502: PL/SQL: numeric or value error: NULL index table key value

  • REP-1401: 'cf_10formula': Fatal PL/SQL error occurred. ORA-06502: PL/SQL: numeric or value error

    Hi Team,
    I am running one conc programme.
    After running I am getting below  error. I checked the issue on metalink  and other, seems that it is an size related issue. I have increased the size of formula columns and placeholdder too.
    But still getting issue.
    My requirement is to get comma seperated values using SQL query itself. Neither i wanted to create layout of the report , since it is a XML publisher report and nor  I am including it on RTF template.
    I want the CF_10 formula column to be populated with comma seperated values.
    MSG-00187: From Date 01-Sep-2014
    REP-1401: 'cf_10formula': Fatal PL/SQL error occurred.
    ORA-06502: PL/SQL: numeric or value error
    And Here is my code for CF_10
    function CF_10Formula return Number is
       SELECT NVL(TO_CHAR(sum(Amount),'99,99,99,999'),0) into :CP_5 --NVL(ROUND(sum(Amount)),0) into :CP_5
    --  xxhw_Coll_cat(category)     "Intercat  Catg"
    FROM hhxw_Region_col_v
    WHERE Category IN ('Intercompany - CATV')
    Anyone please suggest me.

    1)Why are you selecting the value into a report item? Select into a local variable and return that
    RETURN :CP_5 --> This one!!
    2)And you should avoid applying functions to DB columns in where clauses wherever possible, so oracle can use indexes on them if applicable:
    AND gl_date >= To_date(:P_FROM_DATE, 'DD/MM/RRRR')
    AND gl_date < To_date( :P_TO_DATE, 'DD/MM/RRRR') + 1;
    I think you are taking 2 column in the Layout CF_10 and CP_5 right? if so, then use below Query.
    FUNCTION cf_10formula
      v_amount NUMBER:null;
        SELECT nvl(round(SUM(amount)), 0)
        INTO   v_amount --> Retruns the value for CF_10 column
        FROM   hhxw_region_col_v
        WHERE  category IN ( 'Intercompany - CATV' )
        AND    gl_date >= to_date(:P_FROM_DATE, 'DD/MM/RRRR')
        AND    gl_date < to_date( :P_TO_DATE, 'DD/MM/RRRR') + 1;
        :CP_5 := nvl(trunc(v_amount),0); --> Retruns the value for CP_5 column
        v_amount := 0;
        srw.message(1003,'Error in Getting  :' ||p_from_date);
    If you've got a number function returning into a number field then all you should need to do to make the comma appear is to change the number format mask in field.
    From 40000 to 40,000

  • Ora-06502 pl/sql numeric or value error in Report Query in oracle apex

    Hello all,
    I need your help...
    ORA-06502: PL/SQL: numeric or value error: character string buffer too small
    I am using bi publisher to generate PDF reports in oracle apex.
    We were using APEX 4.0 and migrated to 4.2 just a week ago.
    Now we have apex 4.2.
    When I try to Create report query,
    Shared Components >> Report Queries then create.
    and test a report in a create wizard I am getting a error "ORA-06502: PL/SQL: numeric or value error: character string buffer too small".
    I have also applied a patch "16760897".
    This issue is because of number of columns in a query is more then 26.
    If I run a report with 26 or less number of columns then the is working fine, otherwise getting this error.
    My before migration report queries working perfectly even now, but not new queries.
    This issue is also in apex.oracle.com.
    You can see
    Not working  - http://apex.oracle.com/pls/apex/f?p=619:4
    Working - http://apex.oracle.com/pls/apex/f?p=619:2:
    Please give a solution.
    Thanks you.

    check the DB version compatibility with apex 4 or your DB version to apex 4.0 support for upgrade!
    Oracle Application Express Installation Requirements for 4.0

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