Diffrent functions called in action field of 2 seperate commandbutton's

Can 2 separate commandbutton's of 2 seperate jsf pages call 2 seperate functions of an action class...
Lets say i have an interface login and it has an implemntation loginAction class. This implmentation class has 2 functions login and loginAsUser that return a string and null respectively.
One jsf page that has the attribute value like "#{login.login}" work perfectly. but the other jsf page where i have the attribute value like "#{login.loginAsUser}" does not perform anything.
Please let me know in case any one has faced the same problem.
If any one requires more information on the problem please feel free to contact.
Thanks in advance.


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    You can use JavaScript to call the action in interest upon the Radio Button Element Being Selected.Should be simple, and if your controller is part of the portlet dont forget to use the jpfScopeId to asscoiate the controller instance with the one in the portlet.
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    You can try something like this
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    Let me first thank you for the quick response and timely help you provided calendar popup works great but one minor issue i am not able to click on the date entry and bring the field back into the field not sure if this funcitonality is in show_calendar.
    I would really appreciate if you get time to look at below i am almost there with your help......thanks again
    Here are the steps I did
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    <!-- Start ghantavine -->
    `include (~service="bbpsc01", ~name="zcalendar.html")`
    <!-- End ghantavine -->
    <!--    10/24/05 ghantavine--delivary date  -->
        `if (GS_SCR_BASIC_I-DELIV_DATE.visible)`    
           `if (gs_scr_basic_i-deliv_date.disabled)`
              `TD(class="label", nowrap="x",
              `TD(class="label", nowrap="x", active="")``gs_scr_basic_i-deliv_date.value`
                `TD(class="label", nowrap="x", active="")`<label
                `TD(class="data",  nowrap="x")`  
                <input type="text" id="GS_SCR_BASIC_I-DELIV_DATE"
    maxlength="010" size="008">          
           <a href=http://mail.yahoo.com/config/login?/"_javascript:show_calendar();">
           <img id="anchor1" src="`mimeurl(~service="bbpglobal",
    ~name="images/button/f4.gif", ~language="", ~theme="99")`" />
          `TR()` `Lines()`
    <!--      10/24/05 ghantavine--delivary date    -->
    below is the showcalendar code
    Hi , u save this as a html file and call this show_calendar fn  from Onclick button of your Calendar image .
    //  For generating the calendar
    var weekend = [0,6];
    var weekendColor = "#e0e0e0";
    var fontface = "Verdana";
    var fontsize = 2;
    var gNow = new Date();
    var ggWinCal;
    isNav = (navigator.appName.indexOf("Netscape") != -1) ? true : false;
    isIE = (navigator.appName.indexOf("Microsoft") != -1) ? true : false;
    Calendar.Months = ["January", "February", "March", "April", "May", "June",
    "July", "August", "September", "October", "November", "December"];
    // Non-Leap year Month days..
    Calendar.DOMonth = [31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31];
    // Leap year Month days..
    Calendar.lDOMonth = [31, 29, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31];
    function Calendar(p_item, p_WinCal, p_month, p_year, p_format) {
         if ((p_month == null) && (p_year == null))     return;
         if (p_WinCal == null)
              this.gWinCal = ggWinCal;
              this.gWinCal = p_WinCal;
         if (p_month == null) {
              this.gMonthName = null;
              this.gMonth = null;
              this.gYearly = true;
         } else {
              this.gMonthName = Calendar.get_month(p_month);
              this.gMonth = new Number(p_month);
              this.gYearly = false;
         this.gYear = p_year;
         this.gFormat = p_format;
         this.gBGColor = "white";
         this.gFGColor = "black";
         this.gTextColor = "black";
         this.gHeaderColor = "black";
         this.gReturnItem = p_item;
    Calendar.get_month = Calendar_get_month;
    Calendar.get_daysofmonth = Calendar_get_daysofmonth;
    Calendar.calc_month_year = Calendar_calc_month_year;
    Calendar.print = Calendar_print;
    function Calendar_get_month(monthNo) {
         return Calendar.Months[monthNo];
    function Calendar_get_daysofmonth(monthNo, p_year) {
         Check for leap year ..
         1.Years evenly divisible by four are normally leap years, except for...
         2.Years also evenly divisible by 100 are not leap years, except for...
         3.Years also evenly divisible by 400 are leap years.
         if ((p_year % 4) == 0) {
              if ((p_year % 100) == 0 && (p_year % 400) != 0)
                   return Calendar.DOMonth[monthNo];
              return Calendar.lDOMonth[monthNo];
         } else
              return Calendar.DOMonth[monthNo];
    function Calendar_calc_month_year(p_Month, p_Year, incr) {
         Will return an 1-D array with 1st element being the calculated month
         and second being the calculated year
         after applying the month increment/decrement as specified by 'incr' parameter.
         'incr' will normally have 1/-1 to navigate thru the months.
         var ret_arr = new Array();
         if (incr == -1) {
              // B A C K W A R D
              if (p_Month == 0) {
                   ret_arr[0] = 11;
                   ret_arr[1] = parseInt(p_Year) - 1;
              else {
                   ret_arr[0] = parseInt(p_Month) - 1;
                   ret_arr[1] = parseInt(p_Year);
         } else if (incr == 1) {
              // F O R W A R D
              if (p_Month == 11) {
                   ret_arr[0] = 0;
                   ret_arr[1] = parseInt(p_Year) + 1;
              else {
                   ret_arr[0] = parseInt(p_Month) + 1;
                   ret_arr[1] = parseInt(p_Year);
         return ret_arr;
    function Calendar_print() {
    function Calendar_calc_month_year(p_Month, p_Year, incr) {
         Will return an 1-D array with 1st element being the calculated month
         and second being the calculated year
         after applying the month increment/decrement as specified by 'incr' parameter.
         'incr' will normally have 1/-1 to navigate thru the months.
         var ret_arr = new Array();
         if (incr == -1) {
              // B A C K W A R D
              if (p_Month == 0) {
                   ret_arr[0] = 11;
                   ret_arr[1] = parseInt(p_Year) - 1;
              else {
                   ret_arr[0] = parseInt(p_Month) - 1;
                   ret_arr[1] = parseInt(p_Year);
         } else if (incr == 1) {
              // F O R W A R D
              if (p_Month == 11) {
                   ret_arr[0] = 0;
                   ret_arr[1] = parseInt(p_Year) + 1;
              else {
                   ret_arr[0] = parseInt(p_Month) + 1;
                   ret_arr[1] = parseInt(p_Year);
         return ret_arr;
    // This is for compatibility with Navigator 3, we have to create and discard one object before the prototype object exists.
    new Calendar();
    Calendar.prototype.getMonthlyCalendarCode = function() {
         var vCode = "";
         var vHeader_Code = "";
         var vData_Code = "";
         // Begin Table Drawing code here..
         vCode = vCode + "<TABLE BORDER=1 BGCOLOR=\"" + this.gBGColor + "\">";
         vHeader_Code = this.cal_header();
         vData_Code = this.cal_data();
         vCode = vCode + vHeader_Code + vData_Code;
         vCode = vCode + "</TABLE>";
         return vCode;
    Calendar.prototype.show = function() {
         var vCode = "";
         // Setup the page...
         this.wwrite("<body " +
              "link=\"" + this.gLinkColor + "\" " +
              "vlink=\"" + this.gLinkColor + "\" " +
              "alink=\"" + this.gLinkColor + "\" " +
              "text=\"" + this.gTextColor + "\">");
         this.wwriteA("<FONT FACE='" + fontface + "' SIZE=2><B>");
         this.wwriteA(this.gMonthName + " " + this.gYear);
         // Show navigation buttons
         var prevMMYYYY = Calendar.calc_month_year(this.gMonth, this.gYear, -1);
         var prevMM = prevMMYYYY[0];
         var prevYYYY = prevMMYYYY[1];
         var nextMMYYYY = Calendar.calc_month_year(this.gMonth, this.gYear, 1);
         var nextMM = nextMMYYYY[0];
         var nextYYYY = nextMMYYYY[1];
         this.wwrite("<TABLE WIDTH='100%' BORDER=1 CELLSPACING=0 CELLPADDING=0 BGCOLOR='#e0e0e0'><TR><TD ALIGN=center>");
         this.wwrite("[<A HREF=\"" +
              "javascript:window.opener.Build(" +
              "'" + this.gReturnItem + "', '" + this.gMonth + "', '" + (parseInt(this.gYear)-1) + "', '" + this.gFormat + "'" +
              ");" +
              "\"><<<\/A>]</TD><TD ALIGN=center>");
         this.wwrite("[<A HREF=\"" +
              "javascript:window.opener.Build(" +
              "'" + this.gReturnItem + "', '" + prevMM + "', '" + prevYYYY + "', '" + this.gFormat + "'" +
              ");" +
              "\"><<\/A>]</TD><TD ALIGN=center>");
         this.wwrite("[<A HREF=\"javascript:window.print();\">Print</A>]</TD><TD ALIGN=center>");
         this.wwrite("[<A HREF=\"" +
              "javascript:window.opener.Build(" +
              "'" + this.gReturnItem + "', '" + nextMM + "', '" + nextYYYY + "', '" + this.gFormat + "'" +
              ");" +
              "\">><\/A>]</TD><TD ALIGN=center>");
         this.wwrite("[<A HREF=\"" +
              "javascript:window.opener.Build(" +
              "'" + this.gReturnItem + "', '" + this.gMonth + "', '" + (parseInt(this.gYear)+1) + "', '" + this.gFormat + "'" +
              ");" +
         // Get the complete calendar code for the month..
         vCode = this.getMonthlyCalendarCode();
    Calendar.prototype.showY = function() {
         var vCode = "";
         var i;
         var vr, vc, vx, vy;          // Row, Column, X-coord, Y-coord
         var vxf = 285;               // X-Factor
         var vyf = 200;               // Y-Factor
         var vxm = 10;               // X-margin
         var vym;                    // Y-margin
         if (isIE)     vym = 75;
         else if (isNav)     vym = 25;
         this.wwrite("<style type='text/css'>\n<!--");
         for (i=0; i<12; i++) {
              vc = i % 3;
              if (i>=0 && i<= 2)     vr = 0;
              if (i>=3 && i<= 5)     vr = 1;
              if (i>=6 && i<= 8)     vr = 2;
              if (i>=9 && i<= 11)     vr = 3;
              vx = parseInt(vxf * vc) + vxm;
              vy = parseInt(vyf * vr) + vym;
              this.wwrite(".lclass" + i + " {position:absolute;top:" + vy + ";left:" + vx + ";}");
         this.wwrite("<body " +
              "link=\"" + this.gLinkColor + "\" " +
              "vlink=\"" + this.gLinkColor + "\" " +
              "alink=\"" + this.gLinkColor + "\" " +
              "text=\"" + this.gTextColor + "\">");
         this.wwrite("<FONT FACE='" + fontface + "' SIZE=2><B>");
         this.wwrite("Year : " + this.gYear);
         // Show navigation buttons
         var prevYYYY = parseInt(this.gYear) - 1;
         var nextYYYY = parseInt(this.gYear) + 1;
         this.wwrite("<TABLE WIDTH='100%' BORDER=1 CELLSPACING=0 CELLPADDING=0 BGCOLOR='#e0e0e0'><TR><TD ALIGN=center>");
         this.wwrite("[<A HREF=\"" +
              "javascript:window.opener.Build(" +
              "'" + this.gReturnItem + "', null, '" + prevYYYY + "', '" + this.gFormat + "'" +
              ");" +
              "\" alt='Prev Year'><<<\/A>]</TD><TD ALIGN=center>");
         this.wwrite("[<A HREF=\"javascript:window.print();\">Print</A>]</TD><TD ALIGN=center>");
         this.wwrite("[<A HREF=\"" +
              "javascript:window.opener.Build(" +
              "'" + this.gReturnItem + "', null, '" + nextYYYY + "', '" + this.gFormat + "'" +
              ");" +
         // Get the complete calendar code for each month..
         var j;
         for (i=11; i>=0; i--) {
              if (isIE)
                   this.wwrite("<DIV ID=\"layer" + i + "\" CLASS=\"lclass" + i + "\">");
              else if (isNav)
                   this.wwrite("<LAYER ID=\"layer" + i + "\" CLASS=\"lclass" + i + "\">");
              this.gMonth = i;
              this.gMonthName = Calendar.get_month(this.gMonth);
              vCode = this.getMonthlyCalendarCode();
              this.wwrite(this.gMonthName + "/" + this.gYear + "<BR>");
              if (isIE)
              else if (isNav)
    Calendar.prototype.wwrite = function(wtext) {
    Calendar.prototype.wwriteA = function(wtext) {
    Calendar.prototype.cal_header = function() {
         var vCode = "";
         vCode = vCode + "<TR>";
         vCode = vCode + "<TD WIDTH='14%'><FONT SIZE='2' FACE='" + fontface + "' COLOR='" + this.gHeaderColor + "'><B>Sun</B></FONT></TD>";
         vCode = vCode + "<TD WIDTH='14%'><FONT SIZE='2' FACE='" + fontface + "' COLOR='" + this.gHeaderColor + "'><B>Mon</B></FONT></TD>";
         vCode = vCode + "<TD WIDTH='14%'><FONT SIZE='2' FACE='" + fontface + "' COLOR='" + this.gHeaderColor + "'><B>Tue</B></FONT></TD>";
         vCode = vCode + "<TD WIDTH='14%'><FONT SIZE='2' FACE='" + fontface + "' COLOR='" + this.gHeaderColor + "'><B>Wed</B></FONT></TD>";
         vCode = vCode + "<TD WIDTH='14%'><FONT SIZE='2' FACE='" + fontface + "' COLOR='" + this.gHeaderColor + "'><B>Thu</B></FONT></TD>";
         vCode = vCode + "<TD WIDTH='14%'><FONT SIZE='2' FACE='" + fontface + "' COLOR='" + this.gHeaderColor + "'><B>Fri</B></FONT></TD>";
         vCode = vCode + "<TD WIDTH='16%'><FONT SIZE='2' FACE='" + fontface + "' COLOR='" + this.gHeaderColor + "'><B>Sat</B></FONT></TD>";
         vCode = vCode + "</TR>";
         return vCode;
    Calendar.prototype.cal_data = function() {
         var vDate = new Date();
         var vFirstDay=vDate.getDay();
         var vDay=1;
         var vLastDay=Calendar.get_daysofmonth(this.gMonth, this.gYear);
         var vOnLastDay=0;
         var vCode = "";
         Get day for the 1st of the requested month/year..
         Place as many blank cells before the 1st day of the month as necessary.
         vCode = vCode + "<TR>";
         for (i=0; i<vFirstDay; i++) {
              vCode = vCode + "<TD WIDTH='14%'" + this.write_weekend_string(i) + "><FONT SIZE='2' FACE='" + fontface + "'> </FONT></TD>";
         // Write rest of the 1st week
         for (j=vFirstDay; j<7; j++) {
              vCode = vCode + "<TD WIDTH='14%'" + this.write_weekend_string(j) + "><FONT SIZE='2' FACE='" + fontface + "'>" +
                   "<A HREF='#' " +
                        "onClick=\"self.opener.document." + this.gReturnItem + ".value='" +
                        this.format_data(vDay) +
                        "';window.close();\">" +
                        this.format_day(vDay) +
                   "</A>" +
              vDay=vDay + 1;
         vCode = vCode + "</TR>";
         // Write the rest of the weeks
         for (k=2; k<7; k++) {
              vCode = vCode + "<TR>";
              for (j=0; j<7; j++) {
                   vCode = vCode + "<TD WIDTH='14%'" + this.write_weekend_string(j) + "><FONT SIZE='2' FACE='" + fontface + "'>" +
                        "<A HREF='#' " +
                             "onClick=\"self.opener.document." + this.gReturnItem + ".value='" +
                             this.format_data(vDay) +
                             "';window.close();\">" +
                        this.format_day(vDay) +
                        "</A>" +
                   vDay=vDay + 1;
                   if (vDay > vLastDay) {
                        vOnLastDay = 1;
              if (j == 6)
                   vCode = vCode + "</TR>";
              if (vOnLastDay == 1)
         // Fill up the rest of last week with proper blanks, so that we get proper square blocks
         for (m=1; m<(7-j); m++) {
              if (this.gYearly)
                   vCode = vCode + "<TD WIDTH='14%'" + this.write_weekend_string(j+m) +
                   "><FONT SIZE='2' FACE='" + fontface + "' COLOR='gray'> </FONT></TD>";
                   vCode = vCode + "<TD WIDTH='14%'" + this.write_weekend_string(j+m) +
                   "><FONT SIZE='2' FACE='" + fontface + "' COLOR='gray'>" + m + "</FONT></TD>";
         return vCode;
    Calendar.prototype.format_day = function(vday) {
         var vNowDay = gNow.getDate();
         var vNowMonth = gNow.getMonth();
         var vNowYear = gNow.getFullYear();
         if (vday == vNowDay && this.gMonth == vNowMonth && this.gYear == vNowYear)
              return ("<FONT COLOR=\"RED\"><B>" + vday + "</B></FONT>");
              return (vday);
    Calendar.prototype.write_weekend_string = function(vday) {
         var i;
         // Return special formatting for the weekend day.
         for (i=0; i<weekend.length; i++) {
              if (vday == weekend<i>)
                   return (" BGCOLOR=\"" + weekendColor + "\"");
         return "";
    Calendar.prototype.format_data = function(p_day) {
         var vData;
         var vMonth = 1 + this.gMonth;
         vMonth = (vMonth.toString().length < 2) ? "0" + vMonth : vMonth;
         var vMon = Calendar.get_month(this.gMonth).substr(0,3).toUpperCase();
         var vFMon = Calendar.get_month(this.gMonth).toUpperCase();
         var vY4 = new String(this.gYear);
         var vY2 = new String(this.gYear.substr(2,2));
         var vDD = (p_day.toString().length < 2) ? "0" + p_day : p_day;
    /*     switch (this.gFormat) {
              case "MM\/DD\/YYYY" :
                   vData = vMonth + "\/" + vDD + "\/" + vY4;
              case "MM\/DD\/YY" :
                   vData = vMonth + "\/" + vDD + "\/" + vY2;
              case "MM-DD-YYYY" :
                   vData = vMonth + "-" + vDD + "-" + vY4;
              case "MM-DD-YY" :
                   vData = vMonth + "-" + vDD + "-" + vY2;
              case "DD\/MON\/YYYY" :
                   vData = vDD + "\/" + vMon + "\/" + vY4;
              case "DD\/MON\/YY" :
                   vData = vDD + "\/" + vMon + "\/" + vY2;
              case "DD-MON-YYYY" :
                   vData = vDD + "-" + vMon + "-" + vY4;
              case "DD-MON-YY" :
                   vData = vDD + "-" + vMon + "-" + vY2;
              case "DD\/MONTH\/YYYY" :
                   vData = vDD + "\/" + vFMon + "\/" + vY4;
              case "DD\/MONTH\/YY" :
                   vData = vDD + "\/" + vFMon + "\/" + vY2;
              case "DD-MONTH-YYYY" :
                   vData = vDD + "-" + vFMon + "-" + vY4;
              case "DD-MONTH-YY" :
                   vData = vDD + "-" + vFMon + "-" + vY2;
              case "DD\/MM\/YYYY" :
                   vData = vDD + "\/" + vMonth + "\/" + vY4;
              case "DD\/MM\/YY" :
                   vData = vDD + "\/" + vMonth + "\/" + vY2;
              case "DD-MM-YYYY" :
                   vData = vDD + "-" + vMonth + "-" + vY4;
              case "DD-MM-YY" :
                   vData = vDD + "-" + vMonth + "-" + vY2;
              default :
                   vData = vMonth + "\/" + vDD + "\/" + vY4;
    vData = vY4vMonthvDD ;
    //vData = vDD"."vMonth"."vY4;
         return vData;
    function Build(p_item, p_month, p_year, p_format) {
         var p_WinCal = ggWinCal;
         gCal = new Calendar(p_item, p_WinCal, p_month, p_year, p_format);
         // Customize your Calendar here..
         // Choose appropriate show function
         if (gCal.gYearly)     gCal.showY();
         else     gCal.show();
    function show_calendar() {
              p_month : 0-11 for Jan-Dec; 12 for All Months.
              p_year     : 4-digit year
              p_format: Date format (mm/dd/yyyy, dd/mm/yy, ...)
              p_item     : Return Item.
         p_item = arguments[0];
         if (arguments[1] == null)
              p_month = new String(gNow.getMonth());
              p_month = arguments[1];
         if (arguments[2] == "" || arguments[2] == null)
              p_year = new String(gNow.getFullYear().toString());
              p_year = arguments[2];
         if (arguments[3] == null)
              p_format = "MM/DD/YYYY";
              p_format = arguments[3];
         vWinCal = window.open("", "Calendar",
         vWinCal.opener = self;
         ggWinCal = vWinCal;
         Build(p_item, p_month, p_year, p_format);
    Yearly Calendar Code Starts here
    function show_yearly_calendar(p_item, p_year, p_format) {
         // Load the defaults..
         if (p_year == null || p_year == "")
              p_year = new String(gNow.getFullYear().toString());
         if (p_format == null || p_format == "")
              p_format = "MM/DD/YYYY";
         var vWinCal = window.open("", "Calendar", "scrollbars=yes");
         vWinCal.opener = self;
         ggWinCal = vWinCal;
         Build(p_item, null, p_year, p_format);

  • Java.lang.VerifyError - Incompatible object argument for function call

    Hi all,
    I'm developing a JSP application (powered by Tomcat 4.0.1 in JDK 1.3, in Eclipse 3.3). Among other stuff I have 3 classes interacting with an Oracle database, covering 3 use cases - renaming, adding and deleting an database object. The renaming class simply updates the database with a String variable it receives from the request object, whereas the other two classes perform some calculations with the request data and update the database accordingly.
    When the adding or deleting classes are executed, by performing the appropriate actions through the web application, Tomcat throws the following:
    java.lang.VerifyError: (class: action/GliederungNewAction, method: insertNewNode signature: (Loracle/jdbc/driver/OracleConnection;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;I)V) Incompatible object argument for function call
         at java.lang.Class.forName0(Native Method)
         at java.lang.Class.forName(Class.java:120)
         at action.ActionMapping.perform(ActionMapping.java:53)
         at ControllerServlet.doResponse(ControllerServlet.java:92)
         at ControllerServlet.doPost(ControllerServlet.java:50)
         at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(HttpServlet.java:760)
         at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(HttpServlet.java:853)
         at org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterChain.internalDoFilter(ApplicationFilterChain.java:247)
    ...The renaming works fine though. I have checked mailing lists and forums as well as contacted the company's java support but everything I have tried out so far, from exchanging the xerces.jar files found in JDOM and Tomcat to rebuidling the project didn't help.
    I just can't explain to myself why this error occurs and I don't see how some additional Java code in the other 2 classes could cause it?
    I realize that the Tomcat and JDK versions I'm using are totally out of date, but that's company's current standard and I can't really change that.
    Here's the source code. I moved parts of the business logic from Java to Oracle recently but I left the SQL statements that the Oracle stored procedures are executing if it helps someone.
    package action;
    import java.sql.CallableStatement;
    import java.sql.PreparedStatement;
    import java.sql.ResultSet;
    import java.sql.SQLException;
    import java.util.StringTokenizer;
    import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
    import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse;
    import javax.servlet.http.HttpSession;
    import oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleConnection;
    * This class enables the creation and insertion of a new catalogue node. A new node
    * is always inserted as the last child of the selected parent node.
    public class GliederungNewAction implements Action {
         public String perform(ActionMapping mapping, HttpServletRequest request,
                   HttpServletResponse response) {
              // fetch the necessary parameters from the JSP site
              // the parent attribute is the selected attribute!
              String parent_attribute = request.getParameter("attr");
              String catalogue = request.getParameter("catalogue");
              int parent_sequenceNr = Integer.parseInt(request.getParameter("sort_sequence"));
              // connect to database    
              HttpSession session = request.getSession();   
              db.SessionConnection sessConn = (db.SessionConnection) session.getAttribute("connection");
              if (sessConn != null) {
                   try {
                        OracleConnection connection = (OracleConnection)sessConn.getConnection();
                        int lastPosition = getLastNodePosition( getLastChildAttribute(connection, catalogue, parent_attribute) );
                        String newNodeAttribute = createNewNodeAttribute(parent_attribute, lastPosition);
                        // calculate the sequence number
                        int precedingSequenceNumber = getPrecedingSequenceNumber(connection, catalogue, parent_attribute);
                        if ( precedingSequenceNumber == -1 ) {
                             precedingSequenceNumber = parent_sequenceNr;
                        int sortSequence = precedingSequenceNumber + 1;
                        setSequenceNumbers(connection, catalogue, sortSequence);
                        // insert the new node into DB
                        insertNewNode(connection, catalogue, newNodeAttribute, parent_attribute, "Neuer Punkt", sortSequence);
                   } catch(SQLException ex) {
              return mapping.getForward();
          * Creates, fills and executes a prepared statement to insert a new entry into the specified table, representing
          * a new node in the catalogue.
         private void insertNewNode(OracleConnection connection, String catalogue, String attribute, String parent_attribute, String description, int sortSequence) {
              try {
                   String callAddNode = "{ call fasi_lob.pack_gliederung.addNode(:1, :2, :3, :4, :5) }";
                   CallableStatement cst;
                   cst = connection.prepareCall(callAddNode);
                   cst.setString(1, catalogue);
                   cst.setString(2, attribute);
                   cst.setString(3, parent_attribute);
                   cst.setString(4, description);
                   cst.setInt(5, sortSequence);
              } catch (SQLException e1) {
                   // TODO Auto-generated catch block
    //          String insertNewNode = "INSERT INTO vstd_media_cat_attributes " +
    //                    "(catalogue, attribute, parent_attr, description, sort_sequence) VALUES(:1, :2, :3, :4, :5)";
    //          PreparedStatement insertStmt;
    //          try {
    //               insertStmt = connection.prepareStatement(insertNewNode);
    //               insertStmt.setString(1, catalogue);
    //               insertStmt.setString(2, attribute);
    //               insertStmt.setString(3, parent_attribute);
    //               insertStmt.setString(4, description);
    //               insertStmt.setInt(5, sortSequence);
    //               insertStmt.execute();
    //               insertStmt.close();
    //          } catch (SQLException e) {
    //               e.printStackTrace();
          * This method returns the attribute value of the last child of the parent under which
          * we want to insert a new node. The result set is sorted in descending order and only the
          * first result (that is, the last child under this parent) is fetched.
          * If the parent node has no children, "parent_attr.0" is returned. 
          * @param connection
          * @param catalogue
          * @param parent_attribute
          * @return attribute of the last child under this parent, or "parent_attr.0" if parent has no children
         private String getLastChildAttribute(OracleConnection connection, String catalogue, String parent_attribute) {
              String queryLastChild = "SELECT attribute FROM vstd_media_cat_attributes " +
                                            "WHERE catalogue=:1 AND parent_attr=:2 ORDER BY sort_sequence DESC";
              String lastChildAttribute;
              PreparedStatement ps;
              try {
                   ps = connection.prepareStatement(queryLastChild);
                   ps.setString(1, catalogue);
                   ps.setString(2, parent_attribute);
                   ResultSet rs = ps.executeQuery();
                   /* If a result is returned, the selected parent already has children.
                    * If not set the lastChildAttribute to parent_attr.0
                   if (rs.next()) {
                        lastChildAttribute = rs.getString("attribute");
                   } else {
                        lastChildAttribute = parent_attribute.concat(".0");
                   return lastChildAttribute;
              } catch (SQLException e) {
                   return null;
          * This helper method determines the position of the last node in the attribute.
          * i.e for 3.5.2 it returns 2, for 2.1 it returns 1 etc.
          * @param attribute
          * @return position of last node in this attribute
         private int getLastNodePosition(String attribute) {
              StringTokenizer tokenizer = new StringTokenizer(attribute, ".");
              String lastNodePosition = "0";
              while( tokenizer.hasMoreTokens() ) {
                   lastNodePosition = tokenizer.nextToken();
              return Integer.parseInt(lastNodePosition);
          * This method calculates the attribute of a node being inserted
          * by incrementing the last child position by 1 and attaching the
          * incremented position to the parent.
          * @param parent_attr
          * @param lastPosition
          * @return attribute of the new node
         private String createNewNodeAttribute(String parent_attr, int lastPosition) {
              String newPosition = new Integer(lastPosition + 1).toString();
              return parent_attr.concat("." + newPosition);
          * This method checks if the required sequence number for a new node is already in use and
          * handles the sequence numbers accordingly.
          * If the sequence number for a new node is NOT IN USE, the method doesn't do anything.
          * If the sequence number for a new node is IN USE, the method searches for the next free
          * sequence number by incrementing the number by one and repeating the query until no result
          * is found. Then all the sequence numbers between the required number (including, >= relation)
          * and the nearest found free number (not including, < relation) are incremented by 1, as to
          * make space for the new node.
          * @param connection
          * @param catalogue
          * @param newNodeSequenceNumber required sequence number for the new node
         private void setSequenceNumbers(OracleConnection connection, String catalogue, int newNodeSequenceNumber) {
              // 1. check if the new sequence number exists - if no do nothing
              // if yes - increment by one and see if exists
              //           repeat until free sequence number exists
              // when found increment all sequence numbers freeSeqNr > seqNr >= newSeqNr
              String query = "SELECT sort_sequence FROM vstd_media_cat_attributes " +
                        "WHERE catalogue=:1 AND sort_sequence=:2";
              PreparedStatement ps;
              try {
                   ps = connection.prepareStatement(query);
                   ps.setString(1, catalogue);
                   ps.setInt(2, newNodeSequenceNumber);               
                   ResultSet rs = ps.executeQuery();
                   // if no result, the required sequence number is free - nothing to do
                   if( rs.next() ) {
                        int freeSequenceNumber = newNodeSequenceNumber;
                        do {
                             ps.setString(1, catalogue);
                             ps.setInt(2, freeSequenceNumber++);
                             rs = ps.executeQuery();
                        } while( rs.next() );
                        // increment sequence numbers - call stored procedure
                        String callUpdateSeqeunceNrs = "{ call fasi_lob.pack_gliederung.updateSeqNumbers(:1, :2, :3) }";
                        CallableStatement cst = connection.prepareCall(callUpdateSeqeunceNrs);
                        cst.setString(1, catalogue);
                        cst.setInt(2, newNodeSequenceNumber);
                        cst.setInt(3, freeSequenceNumber);
    //                    String query2 = "UPDATE vstd_media_cat_attributes " +
    //                                      "SET sort_sequence = (sort_sequence + 1 ) " +
    //                                      "WHERE catalogue=:1 sort_sequnce >=:2 AND sort_sequence <:3";
    //                    PreparedStatement ps2;
    //                    ps2 = connection.prepareStatement(query2);
    //                    ps2.setString(1, catalogue);
    //                    ps2.setInt(2, newNodeSequenceNumber);
    //                    ps2.setInt(3, freeSequenceNumber);
    //                    ps.executeUpdate();
    //                    ps.close();
                   } // end of if block
              } catch (SQLException e) {
          * This method finds the last sequence number preceding the sequence number of a node
          * that is going to be inserted. The preceding sequence number is required to calculate
          * the sequence number of the new node.
          * We perform a hierarchical query starting from the parent node: if a result is returned,
          * we assign the parent's farthest descendant's node sequence number; if no result
          * is returned, we assign the parent's sequence number.
          * @param connection
          * @param catalogue
          * @param parent_attr parent attribute of the new node
          * @return
         private int getPrecedingSequenceNumber(OracleConnection connection, String catalogue, String parent_attr) {
              int sequenceNumber = 0;
              String query = "SELECT sort_sequence FROM vstd_media_cat_attributes " +
                                "WHERE catalogue=:1 " +
                                "CONNECT BY PRIOR attribute = parent_attr START WITH parent_attr=:2 " +
                                "ORDER BY sort_sequence DESC";
              try {
                   PreparedStatement ps = connection.prepareStatement(query);
                   ps.setString(1, catalogue);
                   ps.setString(2, parent_attr);
                   ResultSet rs = ps.executeQuery();
                   if ( rs.next() ) {
                        sequenceNumber = rs.getInt("sort_sequence");
                   } else {
                        // TODO: ggf fetch from request!
                        sequenceNumber = -1;
              } catch (SQLException e) {
              return sequenceNumber;

    After further googling I figured out what was causing the problem: in eclipse I was referring to external libraries located in eclipse/plugins directory, whereas Tomcat was referring to the same libraries (possibly older versions) in it's common/lib directory.

  • Getting error while calling this BAPI:Field MATNR has been transferred inco

    I have a rquirement to upload material master data into sap for Plant 1251.(For plant 1251 we need to upload both Basi veiw and Extended View).
    I am getting the following error while calling this BAPI.Field MATNR has been transferred inconsistently or is blank
    the errror is :Field MATNR has been transferred inconsistently or is blank.
    I have written the below logic in the program to upload material master data into SAP.
    Please help me out to resolve this issue.
    Thanks in advance.
    Program logic which i have wriiten in the program is
    LOOP AT it_rpt.
        CLEAR lwa_return.
        v_tabix  = sy-tabix.
        IF ( it_rpt-werks EQ p_werks AND
           it_rpt-matnr IS INITIAL ).
    retrieve internal number
          PERFORM get_internal_number USING lc_mtart
                                   CHANGING it_rpt-matnr.
        IF NOT it_rpt-matnr IS INITIAL.
          PERFORM convert_field_input CHANGING it_rpt-matnr.
    Header data
        CLEAR lwa_headdata.
        lwa_headdata-material                = it_rpt-matnr.
        lwa_headdata-ind_sector              = lc_mbrsh.
        lwa_headdata-matl_type               = lc_mtart.
        lwa_headdata-basic_view              = 'X'.
        IF NOT it_rpt-vkorg IS INITIAL.
          lwa_headdata-sales_view            = 'X'.
        lwa_headdata-purchase_view           = 'X'.
        lwa_headdata-mrp_view                = 'X'.
        lwa_headdata-storage_view            = 'X'.
        lwa_headdata-forecast_view           = 'X'.
        lwa_headdata-work_sched_view         = 'X'.
        lwa_headdata-account_view            = 'X'.
        lwa_headdata-cost_view               = 'X'.
    *Client data
        CLEAR: lwa_clientdata, lwa_clientdatax.
        IF it_rpt-werks EQ c_1251.
          lwa_clientdata-matl_group          = it_rpt-matkl.
          lwa_clientdata-old_mat_no          = it_rpt-bismt.
          lwa_clientdata-base_uom            = it_rpt-meins.
          lwa_clientdata-manu_mat            = it_rpt-mfrpn.
          lwa_clientdata-mfr_no              = it_rpt-mfrnr.
        lwa_clientdata-division              = it_rpt-spart.
        lwa_clientdata-unit_of_wt            = lc_gewei.
        lwa_clientdata-trans_grp             = lc_tragr.
        IF it_rpt-werks EQ c_1251.
          lwa_clientdatax-matl_group         = 'X'.
          lwa_clientdatax-old_mat_no         = 'X'.
          lwa_clientdatax-base_uom           = 'X'.
          lwa_clientdatax-manu_mat           = 'X'.
          lwa_clientdatax-mfr_no             = 'X'.
        lwa_clientdatax-unit_of_wt           = 'X'.
        lwa_clientdatax-trans_grp            = 'X'.
        lwa_clientdatax-division             = 'X'.
    Material Description
        IF it_rpt-werks EQ c_1251.
          lt_matdesc-langu           = sy-langu.
          lt_matdesc-matl_desc       = it_rpt-maktx.
          APPEND lt_matdesc.
    *Plant data
        CLEAR lwa_plantdata.
        lwa_plantdata-plant                  = it_rpt-werks.
        lwa_plantdata-availcheck             = lc_mtvfp.
        lwa_plantdata-mrp_type               = lc_dismm.
        lwa_plantdata-mrp_group              = lc_disgr.
        lwa_plantdata-auto_p_ord             = 'X'.
        lwa_plantdata-proc_type              = 'F'.
        IF it_rpt-werks EQ c_1251.
          it_rpt-prctr  = lc_prctr.                 "1252
        ELSEIF it_rpt-werks EQ c_1261.
          it_rpt-prctr  = lc_prctr1.                "1262
        lwa_plantdata-profit_ctr             = it_rpt-prctr.
        lwa_plantdata-period_ind             = lc_perkz.
        lwa_plantdata-max_stock              = it_rpt-stawn.
        lwa_plantdata-countryori             = it_rpt-herkl.
        lwa_plantdata-sloc_exprc             = it_rpt-lgfsb.
        CLEAR lwa_plantdatax.
        lwa_plantdatax-plant                 = it_rpt-werks.
        lwa_plantdatax-availcheck            = 'X'.
        lwa_plantdatax-mrp_type              = 'X'.
        lwa_plantdatax-mrp_group             = 'X'.
        lwa_plantdatax-auto_p_ord            = 'X'.
        lwa_plantdatax-proc_type             = 'X'.
        lwa_plantdatax-profit_ctr            = 'X'.
        lwa_plantdata-period_ind             = 'X'.
        lwa_plantdatax-max_stock             = 'X'.
        lwa_plantdatax-countryori            = 'X'.
        lwa_plantdatax-sloc_exprc            = 'X'.
    *Valuation data
        CLEAR lwa_valuationdata.
        lwa_valuationdata-val_area           = it_rpt-werks.
        lwa_valuationdata-price_ctrl         = lc_vprsv.
        lwa_valuationdata-price_unit         = lc_peinh.
        lwa_valuationdata-val_class          = it_rpt-bklas.
        CLEAR lwa_valuationdatax.
        lwa_valuationdatax-val_area          = it_rpt-werks.
        lwa_valuationdatax-price_ctrl        = 'X'.
        lwa_valuationdatax-price_unit        = 'X'.
        lwa_valuationdatax-val_class         = 'X'.
    *Storage location
        CLEAR lwa_storagelocation.
        lwa_storagelocation-plant            = it_rpt-werks.
        lwa_storagelocation-stge_loc         = it_rpt-lgort.
        CLEAR lwa_storagelocationx.
        lwa_storagelocationx-plant           = it_rpt-werks.
        lwa_storagelocationx-stge_loc        = it_rpt-lgort.
    *Tax Classifications
        IF it_rpt-werks EQ c_1251.
          it_rpt-tatyp = lc_tatyp.       "u2018MWSTu2019
        ELSEIF it_rpt-werks EQ c_1261.
          it_rpt-tatyp = lc_tatyp1.      "u2018UTXJu2019
        lt_taxclass-tax_type_1              = it_rpt-tatyp.
        lt_taxclass-taxclass_1              = lc_taxkm.
        lt_taxclass-tax_ind                 = lc_taxim.
        APPEND lt_taxclass.
    *Sales data
        CLEAR: lwa_salesdata, lwa_salesdatax.
        IF it_rpt-werks EQ c_1251.
          it_rpt-vkorg = lc_vkorg.
        ELSEIF it_rpt-werks EQ c_1261.
          it_rpt-vkorg = lc_vkorg1.
        lwa_salesdata-sales_org           = it_rpt-vkorg.
        lwa_salesdata-distr_chan          = lc_vtweg.
        lwa_salesdata-cash_disc           = lc_sktof.
        lwa_salesdata-item_cat            = lc_mtpos.
        lwa_salesdatax-sales_org          = it_rpt-vkorg.
        lwa_salesdatax-distr_chan         = lc_vtweg.
        lwa_salesdatax-cash_disc          = 'X'.
        lwa_salesdatax-item_cat           = 'X'.
    *Forecast parameters
        CLEAR: lwa_forecast, lwa_forecastx.
        lwa_forecast-plant                = it_rpt-werks.
        lwa_forecast-fore_model           = lc_prmod.
        lwa_forecast-fore_pds             = lc_anzpr.
        lwa_forecast-hist_vals            = lc_peran.
        lwa_forecastx-plant               = it_rpt-werks.
        lwa_forecastx-fore_model          = 'X'.
        lwa_forecastx-fore_pds            = 'X'.
        lwa_forecastx-hist_vals           = 'X'.
    Purchasing long text
        IF it_rpt-werks EQ c_1251.
          IF it_rpt-tdline1 <> ' '.
            lv_tdobject = 'MATERIAL'.
            lv_tdid     = 'BEST'.
            lv_tdname   =  it_rpt-matnr.
            PERFORM fill_longtext TABLES lt_longtext
                                  USING  lv_tdobject
    Basic long text
          IF it_rpt-tdline2 <> ' '.
            lv_tdobject = 'MATERIAL'.
            lv_tdid     = 'GRUN'.
            lv_tdname   =  it_rpt-matnr.
            PERFORM fill_longtext TABLES lt_longtext
                                  USING  lv_tdobject
    *Units of measure
          CLEAR : lt_uom,lt_uomx.
          lt_uom-alt_unit     = it_rpt-meins.
          lt_uom-alt_unit_iso = it_rpt-meins.
          lt_uom-unit_of_wt   = it_rpt-gewei.
          APPEND lt_uom.
          lt_uomx-alt_unit      = it_rpt-meins.
          lt_uomx-alt_unit_iso  = it_rpt-meins.
          lt_uomx-unit_of_wt    = 'X'.
          APPEND lt_uomx.
            headdata             = lwa_headdata
            clientdata           = lwa_clientdata
            clientdatax          = lwa_clientdatax
            plantdata            = lwa_plantdata
            plantdatax           = lwa_plantdatax
            forecastparameters   = lwa_forecast
            forecastparametersx  = lwa_forecastx
            storagelocationdata  = lwa_storagelocation
            storagelocationdatax = lwa_storagelocationx
            valuationdata        = lwa_valuationdata
            valuationdatax       = lwa_valuationdatax
            salesdata            = lwa_salesdata
            salesdatax           = lwa_salesdatax
            return               = lwa_return
            materialdescription  = lt_matdesc
            unitsofmeasure       = lt_uom
            unitsofmeasurex      = lt_uomx
            materiallongtext     = lt_longtext
            taxclassifications   = lt_taxclass
            returnmessages       = it_messages.

    Can you check with below code .
              INPUT        =  it_rpt-matnr       
              OUTPUT       =  it_rpt-matnr
              LENGTH_ERROR = 1
              OTHERS       = 2.
          IF SY-SUBRC <> 0.
    Move  it_rpt-matnr to    lwa_headdata-material  .

  • How to display the return value of a function in a text field

    I have 2 textfields in a page.
    i> Empno
    ii> Salary
    The requirement is,
    i. Enter an Employee No.
    ii. On click of the 'SUBMIT' button a process would be executed which calls a function (or procedure with out parameter) which returns the Salary of the given Employee.
    iii. Need to display the salary to the 2nd textfield (Salary).
    Here is my process:
    i. If procedure call-- :P2_X is a page text field and out parameter.
    end;ii. If Function call --
    The process is not getting executed and returning the process error message.
    Could anyone please give me a pointer, how to overcome the issue. Or if this is not the right way, then what is the work around.

    1. Clue about the error - yes, when I see the error message.
    2. What happens if you try to create a procedure like this:
       FOR c IN (SELECT sal
                   FROM emp
                  WHERE empno = in_emp)
          out_sal := c.sal;
       END LOOP;
    END;and then run this in SQL Plus:
       v_sal   VARCHAR2 (20);
       fetch_sal (7839, v_sal);
       DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line (v_sal);
    END;What do you get displayed?
    Denes Kubicek

  • Is SOAP Adapter Action field can contain 2 or more "SOAP Actions"

    Hi All,
      I have following scenario:-
    Step 1. Webmethod(sent price querry with material no)->R/3(search price from tables)
    step 2. R/3(sent price)->Webmethod
    step 3. Webmethod(sent quantity)->R/3(document created in sap)
    step 4. R/3(sent confirmation doc no/error)->Webmethod
    Q1 <u>How can i implement above scenario in with one URL Webmethod????</u>
    Q2 <b> Is it possible with one (Receiver SOAP adapter->Conversion Parameters->SOAP Action) field can contain more than 1 SOAP Action......??????</b>
    <b>With more than one message interfaces (inbound synchronous) in one scenario</b>
    Q3 <u>Or I have to design two scenarios with two URL's????with different message interfaces (inbound synchronous) </u>
    Q4<b><u> Or I use Sender(SOAP) Reciver(Rfc Adapter) in abave case??? With more than one message interfaces (inbound synchronous) in one scenario</u></b>
    Thanks & Regards
    Message was edited by: Umesh R

    When your scenario consists of sync calls, you have only to define SOAP sender channels. The best approach is to create two channels to keep the reference from interface to channel unique.
    For the sync response message you do not need and communication channel (and no SOAP action).

  • Function call in CMOD

    Dear All,
    I am using Resrticted Key figure (RKF) in report which is having one customer exit variable on date field/infoobject.
    Now there is a need to use two function module for this customer exit.
    Depending upon the input value given for normal input variable i.e. year, RKF will show value for that specific date.
    Now here i am using function module 'DATE_TO_PERIOD_CONVERT', after this function module gets executed i also want to call function module 'SLS_MISC_GET_LAST_DAY_OF_MONTH'.
    But when i do this my report does not run at all. When i comment this function call then it works perfectly fine with first function call.
    I am not sure if we can call two function module together for one specific customer exit variable. Or there is a problem with 'SLS_MISC_GET_LAST_DAY_OF_MONTH' function module. This function works well when we execute the same in se37.
    Can you guide me on how can i use both function module?
    Thanks & Regards,

    Thanks a lot for reply.
    Function " SLS_MISC_GET_LAST_DAY_OF_MONTH " was not remote enabled.
    Its working fine now.
    Thanks & Regards,

  • GRC Compliance Calibrator 5.3 and the "action" field for S_TCODE.

    Dear GRC gurus,
    I have read the threads here on the search terms for the "action" field in the "function" definitions, but not found a clear answer... so forgive me for asking a possibly obvious question.
    When implementing the technical rules for the function, it seems that the "action" field is included in the check even if it's value is not in the "permissions" of object S_TCODE. But there is no "look up" nor validation (how could there be from the Java system?) on what that value is.
    Appart from the fact that one might be tempted to enter some nonesense text in there, what is the logic behind the checks in the coding if it happens to fit a tcode name and is this field truncated at any points?
    The reason for asking, is that we have some critical functions in the system for which we do not care how the user gets to it (tcode's... , rfc's..., service's... etc) but want to analyze whether the users can infact use the function (as opposed to attempt to start it). This makes sense in many business functions, and for the "basis" stuff which is critical it should be clear).
    What we wanted to do was "name" the action by it's well known transaction code (in a symbolic sort of way, for the business users... to be able to recognize it, symbolically... although S_TCODE does not have an activity field........) but not have it checked in the rule set at the technical level. The standard delivered rules seemed to do the same thing... but we are still stuck on the s_tcode check because we dont want it in some cases and have good reasons for this.
    - Can anyone confirm how this really works? For example wild carding FB* as the action name?
    - Assuming our above analysis is correct, which tricks can you recommend (add a "dummy" action?; add a * action?; a possible naming convention?) to shed the harness of the tcode check (or having to document all of the buggers in the actions...) but still make it useable for the only slightly technically inclined folks who do understand that there are enough tcodes or it is critical enough that we should not rely on the "very general" protection provided by tcodes?
    Bad news, future insights and work-arounds are all welcome
    Edited by: Julius Bussche on Dec 10, 2008 11:30 PM

    Thank you Sam and also Kaushal for searching
    This describes exactly what we were looking for and the manual load / merge was also the intention using the file as the "master" to maintain and not make changes within the application.
    Thanks again. I will try it out.

  • ISA5.0 How to know Function called in SAP for ISA.

    Hello everybody,
    I need to know what are the functions called in SAP to get the information or to create the sales document order.
    How could i do to see the functions called?
    I'm on Internet Sales 5.0 and i have an ECC6.0 for the backend.

    There is no standard process to know the Called Function Module on particualr action.
    The only way most of the developers follow is to see the Log files which displays the Function Module called.
    The other way is you have to debug the class files to know.
    Sateesh Chandra

  • [Tomcat] Incompatible object argument for function call

    I've got a jsp which use a DOM parser to read XML. This jsp works good on my station :
    Tomcat 4.1.24
    JDK 1.3.1_07
    Windows XP
    I put my webapp on another station :
    Tomcat 4.1.24 (the same)
    JDK 1.3.1_12
    Windows NT
    but there, my jsp return an error :
    java.lang.VerifyError: (class: org/apache/jsp/doFncaBourse_jsp, method: _jspService signature: (Ljavax/servlet/http/HttpServletRequest;Ljavax/servlet/http/HttpServletResponse;)V) Incompatible object argument for function call
    at java.lang.Class.newInstance0(Native Method)
    at java.lang.Class.newInstance(Class.java:232)
    at org.apache.jasper.servlet.JspServletWrapper.getServlet(JspServletWrapper.java:151)
    at org.apache.jasper.compiler.Compiler.isOutDated(Compiler.java:440)
    at org.apache.jasper.compiler.Compiler.isOutDated(Compiler.java:390)
    at org.apache.jasper.JspCompilationContext.compile(JspCompilationContext.java:471)
    at org.apache.jasper.servlet.JspServletWrapper.service(JspServletWrapper.java:190)
    at org.apache.jasper.servlet.JspServlet.serviceJspFile(JspServlet.java:295)
    at org.apache.jasper.servlet.JspServlet.service(JspServlet.java:241)
    at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(HttpServlet.java:853)
    at org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterChain.internalDoFilter(ApplicationFilterChain.java:247)
    at org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterChain.doFilter(ApplicationFilterChain.java:193)
    at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardWrapperValve.invoke(StandardWrapperValve.java:256)
    at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardPipeline$StandardPipelineValveContext.invokeNext(StandardPipeline.java:643)
    at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardPipeline.invoke(StandardPipeline.java:480)
    at org.apache.catalina.core.ContainerBase.invoke(ContainerBase.java:995)
    at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardContextValve.invoke(StandardContextValve.java:191)
    at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardPipeline$StandardPipelineValveContext.invokeNext(StandardPipeline.java:643)
    at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardPipeline.invoke(StandardPipeline.java:480)
    at org.apache.catalina.core.ContainerBase.invoke(ContainerBase.java:995)
    at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardContext.invoke(StandardContext.java:2422)
    at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardHostValve.invoke(StandardHostValve.java:180)
    at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardPipeline$StandardPipelineValveContext.invokeNext(StandardPipeline.java:643)
    at org.apache.catalina.valves.ErrorDispatcherValve.invoke(ErrorDispatcherValve.java:171)
    at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardPipeline$StandardPipelineValveContext.invokeNext(StandardPipeline.java:641)
    at org.apache.catalina.valves.ErrorReportValve.invoke(ErrorReportValve.java:163)
    at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardPipeline$StandardPipelineValveContext.invokeNext(StandardPipeline.java:641)
    at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardPipeline.invoke(StandardPipeline.java:480)
    at org.apache.catalina.core.ContainerBase.invoke(ContainerBase.java:995)
    at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardEngineValve.invoke(StandardEngineValve.java:174)
    at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardPipeline$StandardPipelineValveContext.invokeNext(StandardPipeline.java:643)
    at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardPipeline.invoke(StandardPipeline.java:480)
    at org.apache.catalina.core.ContainerBase.invoke(ContainerBase.java:995)
    at org.apache.coyote.tomcat4.CoyoteAdapter.service(CoyoteAdapter.java:199)
    at org.apache.coyote.http11.Http11Processor.process(Http11Processor.java:828)
    at org.apache.coyote.http11.Http11Protocol$Http11ConnectionHandler.processConnection(Http11Protocol.java:700)
    at org.apache.tomcat.util.net.TcpWorkerThread.runIt(PoolTcpEndpoint.java:584)
    at org.apache.tomcat.util.threads.ThreadPool$ControlRunnable.run(ThreadPool.java:683)
    at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:479)
    I don't understand where it comes from so if somebody can help me, it will be wonderful.
    Thanks et good afternoon and sorry for my english.

    Is it enough to write
    set JAVA_OPT= "-noverify"
    set MAINCLASS=org.apache.catalina.startup.Bootstrap
    set ACTION=start
    set DEBUG_OPTS=
    set JPDA=

  • Incompatible object argument for function call

    when my application is trying to access a jsp page, I am getting an error:
    Request URI:/asteroid/admin/clientDetails.jsp
    java.lang.VerifyError: (class: admin/clientDetails, method: _jspService signature: (Ljavax/servlet/http/HttpServletRequest;Ljavax/servlet/http/HttpServletResponse;)V) Incompatible object argument for function call
    i am using ora9ias Java edition.
    At this point I am out of ideas as of why this is happening.
    This application runs fine on oc4j stand alone.

    Is it enough to write
    set JAVA_OPT= "-noverify"
    set MAINCLASS=org.apache.catalina.startup.Bootstrap
    set ACTION=start
    set DEBUG_OPTS=
    set JPDA=

  • Python sapnwrfc FUNCTION CALL ERROR

    Hi everyone,
    I am trying an external rfc connection with sapnwrfc-0.05 for Python. I have the latest nwrfcsdk from SAP. It took me a while to figure out the new python module methods, but I am now able to connect successfuly.
    I have a function module that I need to call and feed external data to it. This function is writing to a Z table of mine. I have done this successfuly with previous versions of python sapnwrfc module.
    Here is my test code:
    import sapnwrfc
    conn = sapnwrfc.base.rfc_connect({'ashost':'HOSTNAME', 'sysnr':'00', 'client':'900', 'user':'RFCUSER', 'passwd':'PASSWORD' })
    if conn :
        print "I am connected"
    #    VBELN = CHAR
    #    LNUMB = NUMC
    #    WERKS = CHAR
    #    GJAHR = NUMC
    #    HEAT =  NUMC
    #    ZIERA = CHAR
    #    ZLENG = CHAR
    #    ZWEIG = CHAR
    #    ZINDX = CHAR
    #    ZPDA = CHAR
    #    ZTIME = CHAR
        iface = conn.discover("MY_Z_FUNCTION_MODULE")  
        f = iface.create_function_call()
    # MY_Z_FUNCTION_MODULE has a TABLE structure DATA
        print "Done"
    When I run this code I get the following ERROR:
    File "/usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/sapnwrfc/__init__.py", line 165, in invoke
        return self.handle.invoke()
    sapnwrfc.RFCCommunicationError: RFC FUNCTION CALL ERROR: set_table_line invalid Input value type
    The same function module was working before, when called with DATA as a single string item in a list.
    Any help?
    Thank you all.

    As I discovered, you need to supply the DATA table structure with a dictionary of its field values:
    data = [{'VBELN':VBELN,
    Just make sure that each field has the correct size. The data types in the dictionary should all be strings, but the string contents should match the field types of the DATA table structure....
    This is really an improvement over the old method (single string) but some documentation would be helpfull Piers!
    Can I help?
    Menelaos Maglis
    Edited by: Menelaos Maglis on Jul 25, 2008 10:49 AM
    A correction on the data field types.

Maybe you are looking for

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