Dimensions and creation of Demension ID

I have a lot of experience with OWB and today I noticed with the new Release 2 - that when you create multiple levels and hierarchies that the Dimension ID if a negative number - is this what others are seeing?
I also notice with the Surrogate Key I create for the Dim and it is populated but I do not use the SK Operator?

This is correct. OWB creates positive dimension keys for every member of the lowest level of your dimension and negative dimension keys for every level above the lowest level. Only the record with a positive dimension key are referenced in the cubes.

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  • Want to get placed images Dimension and Creation Date in Catalog

    Below is the script which is free with CS4. Is there anybody who can modify this script in a way which provide the creation date and dimension of the images in image catalog.
    //An InDesign C4 JavaScript
    @@@BUILDINFO@@@ "ImageCatalog.jsx" 2.0.0 5-December-2007
    //Creates an image catalog from the graphic files in a selected folder.
    //Each file can be labeled with the file name, and the labels are placed on
    //a separate layer and formatted using a paragraph style ("label") you can
    //modify to change the appearance of the labels.
    //For more information on InDesign scripting, go to http://www.adobe.com/products/indesign/scripting/index.html
    //Or visit the InDesign Scripting User to User forum at http://www.adobeforums.com .
    //The myExtensions array contains the extensions of the graphic file types you want
    //to include in the catalog. You can remove extensions from or add extensions to this list.
    //myExtensions is a global. Mac OS users should also look at the file types in the myFileFilter function.
    function main(){
    var myFilteredFiles;
    //Make certain that user interaction (display of dialogs, etc.) is turned on.
    app.scriptPreferences.userInteractionLevel = UserInteractionLevels.interactWithAll;
    myExtensions = [".jpg", ".jpeg", ".eps", ".ps", ".pdf", ".tif", ".tiff", ".gif", ".psd", ".ai"]
    //Display the folder browser.
    var myFolder = Folder.selectDialog("Select the folder containing the images", "");
    //Get the path to the folder containing the files you want to place.
    if(myFolder != null){
       if(File.fs == "Macintosh"){
        myFilteredFiles = myMacOSFileFilter(myFolder);
        myFilteredFiles = myWinOSFileFilter(myFolder);
       if(myFilteredFiles.length != 0){
         myDisplayDialog(myFilteredFiles, myFolder);
    //Windows version of the file filter.
    function myWinOSFileFilter(myFolder){
    var myFiles = new Array;
    var myFilteredFiles = new Array;
    for(myExtensionCounter = 0; myExtensionCounter < myExtensions.length; myExtensionCounter++){
      myExtension = myExtensions[myExtensionCounter];
            myFiles = myFolder.getFiles("*"+ myExtension);
      if(myFiles.length != 0){
       for(var myFileCounter = 0; myFileCounter < myFiles.length; myFileCounter++){
    return myFilteredFiles;
    function myMacOSFileFilter(myFolder){
    var myFilteredFiles = myFolder.getFiles(myFileFilter);
    return myFilteredFiles;
    //Mac OS version of file filter
    //Have to provide a separate version because not all Mac OS users use file extensions
    //and/or file extensions are sometimes hidden by the Finder.
    function myFileFilter(myFile){
    var myFileType = myFile.type;
    switch (myFileType){
      case "JPEG":
      case "EPSF":
      case "PICT":
      case "TIFF":
      case "8BPS":
      case "GIFf":
      case "PDF ":
       return true;
      for(var myCounter = 0; myCounter<myExtensions.length; myCounter++){
       var myExtension = myExtensions[myCounter]; 
        return true;
    return false;
    function myDisplayDialog(myFiles, myFolder){
    var myLabelWidth = 112;
    var myStyleNames = myGetParagraphStyleNames(app);
    var myLayerNames = ["Layer 1", "Labels"];
    var myDialog = app.dialogs.add({name:"Image Catalog"});
         staticTexts.add({staticLabel:"Source Folder:", minWidth:myLabelWidth});
         staticTexts.add({staticLabel:myFolder.path + "/" + myFolder.name});
         staticTexts.add({staticLabel:"Number of Images:", minWidth:myLabelWidth});
         staticTexts.add({staticLabel:myFiles.length + ""});
         staticTexts.add({staticLabel:"Number of Rows:", minWidth:myLabelWidth});
         var myNumberOfRowsField = integerEditboxes.add({editValue:3});
         staticTexts.add({staticLabel:"Number of Columns:", minWidth:myLabelWidth});
         var myNumberOfColumnsField = integerEditboxes.add({editValue:3});
         staticTexts.add({staticLabel:"Horizontal Offset:", minWidth:myLabelWidth});
         var myHorizontalOffsetField = measurementEditboxes.add({editValue:12, editUnits:MeasurementUnits.points});
         staticTexts.add({staticLabel:"Vertical Offset:", minWidth:myLabelWidth});
         var myVerticalOffsetField = measurementEditboxes.add({editValue:24, editUnits:MeasurementUnits.points});
        with (dialogRows.add()){
          staticTexts.add({staticLabel:"Fitting:", minWidth:myLabelWidth});
          var myFitProportionalCheckbox = checkboxControls.add({staticLabel:"Proportional", checkedState:true});
          var myFitCenterContentCheckbox = checkboxControls.add({staticLabel:"Center Content", checkedState:true});
          var myFitFrameToContentCheckbox = checkboxControls.add({staticLabel:"Frame to Content", checkedState:true});
          var myRemoveEmptyFramesCheckbox = checkboxControls.add({staticLabel:"Remove Empty Frames:", checkedState:true});
      var myLabelsGroup = enablingGroups.add({staticLabel:"Labels", checkedState:true});
      with (myLabelsGroup){
        //Label type
          staticTexts.add({staticLabel:"Label Type:", minWidth:myLabelWidth});
          var myLabelTypeDropdown = dropdowns.add({stringList:["File name", "File path", "XMP description", "XMP author"], selectedIndex:0});
        //Text frame height
          staticTexts.add({staticLabel:"Label Height:", minWidth:myLabelWidth});
          var myLabelHeightField = measurementEditboxes.add({editValue:24, editUnits:MeasurementUnits.points});
        //Text frame offset
          staticTexts.add({staticLabel:"Label Offset:", minWidth:myLabelWidth});
          var myLabelOffsetField = measurementEditboxes.add({editValue:0, editUnits:MeasurementUnits.points});
        //Style to apply
          staticTexts.add({staticLabel:"Label Style:", minWidth:myLabelWidth});
          var myLabelStyleDropdown = dropdowns.add({stringList:myStyleNames, selectedIndex:0});
          staticTexts.add({staticLabel:"Layer:", minWidth:myLabelWidth});
          var myLayerDropdown = dropdowns.add({stringList:myLayerNames, selectedIndex:0});
            var myResult = myDialog.show();
            if(myResult == true){
       var myNumberOfRows = myNumberOfRowsField.editValue;
       var myNumberOfColumns = myNumberOfColumnsField.editValue;
       var myRemoveEmptyFrames = myRemoveEmptyFramesCheckbox.checkedState;
       var myFitProportional = myFitProportionalCheckbox.checkedState;
       var myFitCenterContent = myFitCenterContentCheckbox.checkedState;
       var myFitFrameToContent = myFitFrameToContentCheckbox.checkedState;
       var myHorizontalOffset = myHorizontalOffsetField.editValue;
       var myVerticalOffset = myVerticalOffsetField.editValue;
       var myMakeLabels = myLabelsGroup.checkedState;
       var myLabelType = myLabelTypeDropdown.selectedIndex;
       var myLabelHeight = myLabelHeightField.editValue;
       var myLabelOffset = myLabelOffsetField.editValue;
       var myLabelStyle = myStyleNames[myLabelStyleDropdown.selectedIndex];
       var myLayerName = myLayerNames[myLayerDropdown.selectedIndex];
       myMakeImageCatalog(myFiles, myNumberOfRows, myNumberOfColumns, myRemoveEmptyFrames, myFitProportional, myFitCenterContent, myFitFrameToContent, myHorizontalOffset, myVerticalOffset, myMakeLabels, myLabelType, myLabelHeight, myLabelOffset, myLabelStyle,  myLayerName);
    function myGetParagraphStyleNames(myDocument){
    var myStyleNames = new Array;
    var myAddLabelStyle = true;
    for(var myCounter = 0; myCounter < myDocument.paragraphStyles.length; myCounter++){
      if (myDocument.paragraphStyles.item(myCounter).name == "Labels"){
       myAddLabelStyle = false;
    if(myAddLabelStyle == true){
    return myStyleNames;
    function myMakeImageCatalog(myFiles, myNumberOfRows, myNumberOfColumns, myRemoveEmptyFrames, myFitProportional, myFitCenterContent, myFitFrameToContent, myHorizontalOffset, myVerticalOffset, myMakeLabels, myLabelType, myLabelHeight, myLabelOffset, myLabelStyle,  myLayerName){
    var myPage, myFile, myCounter, myX1, myY1, myX2, myY2, myRectangle, myLabelStyle, myLabelLayer;
    var myParagraphStyle, myError;
    var myFramesPerPage = myNumberOfRows * myNumberOfColumns; 
    var myDocument = app.documents.add();
    myDocument.viewPreferences.horizontalMeasurementUnits = MeasurementUnits.points;
    myDocument.viewPreferences.verticalMeasurementUnits = MeasurementUnits.points;
    var myDocumentPreferences = myDocument.documentPreferences; 
    var myNumberOfFrames = myFiles.length;
    var myNumberOfPages = Math.round(myNumberOfFrames / myFramesPerPage);
    if ((myNumberOfPages * myFramesPerPage) < myNumberOfFrames){ 
    //If myMakeLabels is true, then add the label style and layer if they do not already exist.
    if(myMakeLabels == true){
       myLabelLayer = myDocument.layers.item(myLayerName);
       //if the layer does not exist, trying to get the layer name will cause an error.
      catch (myError){
       myLabelLayer = myDocument.layers.add({name:myLayerName});
      //If the paragraph style does not exist, create it.
       myParagraphStyle = myDocument.paragraphStyles.item(myLabelStyle);
    myDocumentPreferences.pagesPerDocument = myNumberOfPages; 
    myDocumentPreferences.facingPages = false; 
    var myPage = myDocument.pages.item(0); 
    var myMarginPreferences = myPage.marginPreferences;
    var myLeftMargin = myMarginPreferences.left; 
    var myTopMargin = myMarginPreferences.top; 
    var myRightMargin = myMarginPreferences.right; 
    var myBottomMargin = myMarginPreferences.bottom; 
    var myLiveWidth = (myDocumentPreferences.pageWidth - (myLeftMargin + myRightMargin)) + myHorizontalOffset
    var myLiveHeight = myDocumentPreferences.pageHeight - (myTopMargin + myBottomMargin)
    var myColumnWidth = myLiveWidth / myNumberOfColumns
    var myFrameWidth = myColumnWidth - myHorizontalOffset
    var myRowHeight = (myLiveHeight / myNumberOfRows)
    var myFrameHeight = myRowHeight - myVerticalOffset
    var myPages = myDocument.pages;
    // Construct the frames in reverse order. Don't laugh--this will 
    // save us time later (when we place the graphics). 
    for (myCounter = myDocument.pages.length-1; myCounter >= 0; myCounter--){ 
      myPage = myPages.item(myCounter);
      for (var myRowCounter = myNumberOfRows; myRowCounter >= 1; myRowCounter--){ 
       myY1 = myTopMargin + (myRowHeight * (myRowCounter-1));
       myY2 = myY1 + myFrameHeight;
       for (var myColumnCounter = myNumberOfColumns; myColumnCounter >= 1; myColumnCounter--){ 
        myX1 = myLeftMargin + (myColumnWidth * (myColumnCounter-1));
        myX2 = myX1 + myFrameWidth;
        myRectangle = myPage.rectangles.add(myDocument.layers.item(-1), undefined, undefined, {geometricBounds:[myY1, myX1, myY2, myX2], strokeWeight:0, strokeColor:myDocument.swatches.item("None")}); 
    // Because we constructed the frames in reverse order, rectangle 1 
    // is the first rectangle on page 1, so we can simply iterate through 
    // the rectangles, placing a file in each one in turn. myFiles = myFolder.Files; 
    for (myCounter = 0; myCounter < myNumberOfFrames; myCounter++){ 
      myFile = myFiles[myCounter]; 
      myRectangle = myDocument.rectangles.item(myCounter);
      myRectangle.label = myFile.fsName.toString();
      //Apply fitting options as specified.
      //Add the label, if necessary.
      if(myMakeLabels == true){
       myAddLabel(myRectangle, myLabelType, myLabelHeight, myLabelOffset, myLabelStyle, myLayerName);
    if (myRemoveEmptyFrames == 1){ 
      for (var myCounter = myDocument.rectangles.length-1; myCounter >= 0;myCounter--){ 
       if (myDocument.rectangles.item(myCounter).contentType == ContentType.unassigned){
        //As soon as you encounter a rectangle with content, exit the loop.
    //Function that adds the label.
    function myAddLabel(myFrame, myLabelType, myLabelHeight, myLabelOffset, myLabelStyleName, myLayerName){
    var myDocument = app.documents.item(0);
    var myLabel;
    var myLabelStyle = myDocument.paragraphStyles.item(myLabelStyleName);
    var myLabelLayer = myDocument.layers.item(myLayerName);
    var myLink =myFrame.graphics.item(0).itemLink;
    //Label type defines the text that goes in the label.
      //File name
      case 0:
       myLabel = myLink.name;
      //File path
      case 1:
       myLabel = myLink.filePath;
      //XMP description
      case 2:
        myLabel = myLink.linkXmp.description;
        if(myLabel.replace(/^\s*$/gi, "")==""){
         throw myError;
        myLabel = "No description available.";
      //XMP author
      case 3:
        myLabel = myLink.linkXmp.author
        if(myLabel.replace(/^\s*$/gi, "")==""){
         throw myError;
        myLabel = "No author available.";
    var myX1 = myFrame.geometricBounds[1];
    var myY1 = myFrame.geometricBounds[2] + myLabelOffset;
    var myX2 = myFrame.geometricBounds[3];
    var myY2 = myY1 + myLabelHeight;
    var myTextFrame = myFrame.parent.textFrames.add(myLabelLayer, undefined, undefined,{geometricBounds:[myY1, myX1, myY2, myX2], contents:myLabel});
    myTextFrame.textFramePreferences.firstBaselineOffset = FirstBaseline.leadingOffset;
    myTextFrame.parentStory.texts.item(0).appliedParagraphStyle = myLabelStyle;   

    "Scripting Forum Conduct
    While this forum is a great place to get scripting help, it's also very easy to misuse it. Before using this forum, please read this post!"

  • Possible to limit dimensions and measures when creating presentations?

    We are trying to use OLAP/BI Beans to add BI functionality to our next-generation data warehouse application. This application has its own security framework, with the ability to define permissions/privileges for objects. We need to integrate BI Beans/OLAP with this security framework.
    One of the things we need to do is control which OLAP objects (like dimensions and measures) are available to a given user in the Items tab when creating a presentation. For example, user A might see dimensions Alpha, Bravo and measure Charlie, while user B might see dimensions Delta, Echo and measure Foxtrot.
    We need to be able to apply these dimension/measure restrictions without using different Oracle users, with each having access only to their own OLAP objects. Our data warehousing application does not use Oracle and Oracle users to control security; it has its own internal frameworks for privileges/permissions. We therefore need to find a way to restrict access to OLAP objects in some programmatic way.
    Here's an example of how this might work:
    - I am a clinical analyst. I sign on to the data warehouse application. The data warehouse knows that as a clinical analyst, I have access to a certain list of objects and functionality across the application. One of the apps I have privilege to is the BI Bean Presentation Creation Application, so I click the menu to bring this up. I can now create BI presentations, but since I am a clinical analyst my list of available dimensions and measures do not contain any of the G/L, payroll or other financial OLAP objects.
    - If I signed onto the data warehousing application as a different user, one that has a financial analyst role, I might see a different set of OLAP objects when I run the presentation application application.
    So what we need is some API way to specify which dimensions and measures are available to a given user when they launch the presentation wizard. I've been digging through the BI Beans help and javadoc and have found a few things, but they aren't what I need.
    Here's what I found:
    - setItemSearchPath: this allows you to specify which folders are to be displayed. We want control at the OLAP object level, not at the folder level, so this doesn't work for us
    - setVisibleDimensions: this controls which dimensions are available in the Dimensions tab, not which dimensions can be selected in the Items tab. Doesn't work for us
    - setDimensionContext/setMeasureContext: These might work for us but I haven't been able to get them to retrieve anything yet. It also seems to me that these might set which dimensions/members are initially selected in the Items tab, not the list of dims/measures that are available for selection.
    Any assistance on this matter would be greatly appreciated.

    Reply from one of our developers:
    The get/setMeasureContext and get/setDimensionContext methods are currently only used by the Thick CalcBuilder (in a few limited scenarios) and cannot be used "to scope the dimensions and measures listed in Query and Calc builder based on user access rights".
    The scoping of dimensions and measures based on user access rights should be performed at the MetadataManager/Database level.
    This may change going forward as the real issue here is the static nature of the metadata and a general issue with the GRANT option within the database. So from the database perspective it is not possible to grant select priviledges on a single column of a table.
    The metadata issue is more complex as the OLAP API reads the metadata only once on startup of a session. The list of available measures is based on the GRANT priviledge, so for relational OLAP this limits the data scoping capabilities. In 10g, the metadata for AW OLAP becomes more dynamic and contained and read directly from the AW. Therefore, with an AW OLAP implementation with 10g it could be possible to scope boht dimensions and measures quickly and easily.
    Hope this helps
    Business Intelligence Beans Product Management Team
    Oracle Corporation

  • I want to use my Time Capsule as a central 'hub/hard-drive' in order to keep all my working files in one place. I then plan to use my laptops/desktops as peripheral devices for editing and creation of these files. Is it possible? Create a personal cloud?

    I want to use my Time Capsule as a central 'hub/hard-drive' in order to keep all my working files in one place. I then plan to use my laptops/desktops as peripheral devices for editing and creation of these files. Is it possible? To create a personal cloud?
    Can someone advise as to whether i can do the following:
                                Future Internet connection -------------------TIME CAPSULE (containing all files) -------------- Backed up on the WD 2T Hard-drive I have
                                      (not connected yet)                                         I                                                          (*connected to timecapsule physically)
                    I                                         I                                                I                                                              I                                                I
          Macbook Pro                             iMac                                       HP (PC)                                             OLD Macbook Pro                         iPhone
    (used for remote working)       (Used for home working)     (used for heavy CAD and rendering)    (not being used for anything at the moment)        (& iPods)
    I am looking to have all my files in one place as i am hopelessly disorganised. I know the online clouds are a good solution (used Dropbox at work and uni for 3 years) however i am wanting to create my own 'dropbox/icloud' at home. So whenever i get back home with my laptop, any work i have been working on whilst out that day is updated to the timecapsule, and then ultimately as i turn on the other devices, they update to those newer versions of the files. Please tell me that the 3TB time capsule i have can do this, otherwise it feels rather overpriced as a wireless storage device?
    Another note (to those in the know) If i am to be working on large files (REVIT/SOLIDWORKS/KEYSHOT/CREO/AUTOCAD) - is the timecapsule connection good enough to support editing and updating these files?
    I know i may be asking a question that many have before, but as a bit of a technical novice I wanted a clear-cut answer to my specific circumstances. Your help is greatly appreciated.
    (*can i use this WD hard-drive that is connected to the Time Capsule as a back up? so that the time machine back-ups/any back ups are also backed up onto this one? can the WD be a backup for the TC?)
    Kind Regards

    The diagram was supposed to look more like this......
    Internet ---------TIME CAPSULE(containing all files) --------WD 2T Harddrive
         I                           I                          I                            I                                   I
    Macbook Pro         iMac                 HP (PC)            OLD Macbook Pro           iPhone

  • I would appreciate it if someone could advise me as to the optimum resolution, dimensions and dpi for actual photographic slides that I am scanning for use in a Keynote Presentation, that will be projected in a large auditorium.  I realize that most proje

    I would appreciate it if someone could advise me as to the optimum resolution, dimensions and dpi for actual photographic slides that I am scanning for use in a Keynote Presentation, that will be projected in a large auditorium. I realize that most projectors in auditoriums that I will be using have 1024 x 1200 pixels, and possibly 1600 x 1200. There is no reference to this issue in the Keynote Tutorial supplied by Apple, and I have never found a definitive answer to this issue online (although there may be one).
                Here’s my question: When scanning my photographic slides, what setting, from 72 dpi to 300 dpi, would result in the best image quality and use up the most efficient amount of space? 
                Here’s what two different photo slide scanning service suppliers have told me: 
    Supplier No. 1 tells me that they can scan slides to a size of 1544 x 1024 pixels, at 72 dpi, which will be 763 KB, and they refer to this as low resolution (a JPEG). However, I noticed when I looked at these scanned slides, the size of the slides varied, with a maximum of 1.8 MB. This supplier says that the dpi doesn’t matter when it comes to the quality of the final digital image, that it is the dimensions that matter.  They say that if they scanned a slide to a higher resolution (2048 x 3072), they would still scan it at 72 dpi.
    Supplier No. 2: They tell me that in order to have a high quality image made from a photographic slide (starting with a 35 mm slide, in all cases), I need to have a “1280 pixel dimension slide, a JPEG, at 300 dpi, that is 8 MB per image.” However, this supplier also offers, on its list of services, a “Standard Resolution JPEG (4MB file/image – 3088 x 2048), as well as a “High Resolution JPEG (8 MB file/image – 3088x2048).
    I will be presenting my Keynotes with my MacBook Pro, and will not have a chance to try out the presentations in advance, since the lecture location is far from my home, so that is not an option. 
    I do not want to use up more memory than necessary on my laptop.  I also want to have the best quality image. 
    One more question: When scanning images myself, on my own scanner, for my Keynote presentations, would I be better off scanning them as JPEGs or TIFFs? I have been told that a TIFF is better because it is less compressed. 
    Any enlightenment on this subject would be appreciated.
    Thank you.

    When it comes to Keynote, I try and start with a presentation that's 1680 x 1050 preset or something in that range.  Most projectors that you'll get at a conference won't project much higher than that and if they run at a lower resolution, it's better to have the device downsize your Keynote.  Anything is better than having the projector try and upsize your presentation... you work hard to make it look good, and it's mangled by some tired Epson projector.
    As far as slides go, scan them in at 150 dpi or better, and make them at least the dimensions of your presentation.  Keynote is really only wanting 72dpi, but I do them at 150, just in case I need to print out the presentation as a handout later, and having the pix at 150 dpi gives me a little help with their quality on a printer.
    You'd probably have to drop in the 150 versions again if you output the Keynote to .pdf or Word or something, but at least you have the option.
    And Gary's right (above) go ahead and scan them as TIFFs.  Sooner or later you'll want to do something else with these slides (like make something for an iPad or the like) and having them as TIFFs keeps your presentation looking good.
    Finally, and this is a big one, get to the location for your presentation ahead of time if you can, and plug the laptop in and see what you get.  There's always connection problems. Don't let the AV bonehead tell you everything will work just fine ('... I don't have any adapters for a Mac...') .  See it for yourself... you're the one that's standing up there.  Unless it's your boss, then you better be really sure it works.

  • Script to open, set dimensions and save

    Hi All,
    I'm a newbie in Illustrator. I'd like to find a way to open a pdf file, set its new dimensions and after that, save the file in .AI format. Is that possible ? How could i achieve this ?
    Thanks in advance.

    OK, so here's another version of a script I posted the other day. Copy and paste into the ESTK or a text editor that will save as plain text. Save with a .jsx file extension. Place it in Adobe Illustrator CS4>Presets>Scripts and restart AI (or you can run it from the ESTK).
    #target illustrator
    This script gets files specified by the user from the
    selected folder and batch processes them and saves them
    as AIs in the user desired destination with the same
    file name.
    Modified from Adobe supplied scripts and
    scripts by Carlos Canto on Illustrator Scripting
    by Larry G. Schneider 072911
    // uncomment to suppress Illustrator warning dialogs
    app.userInteractionLevel = UserInteractionLevel.DONTDISPLAYALERTS;
    var destFolder, sourceFolder, files, fileType;
    // Select the source folder.
    sourceFolder = Folder.selectDialog( 'Select the folder with target files', '~' );
    // If a valid folder is selected
    if ( sourceFolder != null )
         files = new Array();
         fileType =  prompt ( 'Select type of files to you want to process. Eg: *.pdf', ' ' );
         // Get all files matching the pattern
         files = sourceFolder.getFiles( fileType );
         if ( files.length > 0 )
              // Get the destination to save the files
              destFolder = Folder.selectDialog( 'Select the folder where you want to save the AI files.', '~' );
              for ( i = 0; i < files.length; i++ )
                   var idoc = app.documents.add(DocumentColorSpace.RGB, 400.0, 533.0);  // make new document
                   var ilayer = idoc.layers.add();   // make new layer
                   ilayer.name = "pdf.file";  // name layer
                   //ilayer.zOrder(ZOrderMethod.SENDTOBACK);  // put at bottom of layer stack
                   var iplaced = ilayer.placedItems.add();  // add image place holder
                   iplaced.file = (files[i]);  // place file
                   var docName = (files[i].name.split('.'))[0];   // take the first part of the placed file name for the new document
                   var destFile = new File(destFolder + "/" +  docName + ".ai");   // make a new file in the dest folder
                   var options = new IllustratorSaveOptions();   // new save options
                   options.compatibility = Compatibility.ILLUSTRATOR14;   // save as AICS4
                   options.pdfCompatible = false;   // turn off PDF compatibility
                   options.useCompression = false
                   // Export as AI
                   idoc.saveAs(destFile,  options);  // save the file in the dest folder
                   idoc.close(SaveOptions.DONOTSAVECHANGES);   // close the file without saving
              alert( 'Files are saved as AI in ' + destFolder );
              alert( 'No matching files found' );
    app.userInteractionLevel = UserInteractionLevel.DISPLAYALERTS

  • What is line item dimension and cardinality in BI 7.0

    Can u plz suggest me what is line item dimension and cardinality in BI 7.0..
    Thanks in advance.

    Hi Babu
    Line item: This means the dimension contains precisely one characteristic. This means that the system does not create a dimension table. Instead, the SID table of the characteristic takes on the role of dimension table. Removing the dimension table has the following advantages:
    ¡        When loading transaction data, no IDs are generated for the entries in the dimension table. This number range operation can compromise performance precisely in the case where a degenerated dimension is involved.
    ¡        A table- having a very large cardinality- is removed from the star schema. As a result, the SQL-based queries are simpler. In many cases, the database optimizer can choose better execution plans.
    Nevertheless, it also has a disadvantage: A dimension marked as a line item cannot subsequently include additional characteristics. This is only possible with normal dimensions.
    Note: In SAP BW 3.0, the term line item dimension from SAP BW 2.0 must a) have precisely one characteristic and b) this characteristic must have a high cardinality. Before, the term line item dimension was often only associated with a). Hence the inclusion of this property in the above. Be aware that a line item dimension has a different meaning now than in SAP BW2.0.
    SAP recommends that you use ODS objects, where possible, instead of InfoCubes for line items.
    Hope this helps.
    Plz check these links:
    SAP Help:
    Thanks & Regards
    Reward if helped
    Edited by: Noor Ahmed khan on Aug 5, 2008 2:36 PM

  • Bi beans- i can't see my dimensions and measures!!!!

    hye! i have cretaed 2 cubes in oem (rolap)...
    i inserted some information in the tables (some tables are empty)...
    now, when i try to connect to olap from jdev it's working!!!!!
    but, when i try to make a graph or anything a can't see any of the stuff that i made in oem:::
    bi designer---new graph---on the step 2 of 8 the only things available are:
    - financial data
    - sales performance data
    (dimensions and measures from bibdemo i think....)
    where are my dimensions and measures???????????
    i tryded to copy objects from remote catalog... and make new catalog connection... with bibcat but it's not working!
    but i think this was not the thing to do!!!!!
    what shoul i do next??????
    help asap!!!! plezzzz!!!!

    Did you execute the following after defining your OLAP Catalog metadata in OEM?
    The CWM2_OLAP_METADATA_REFRESH package provides procedures that refresh the cached metadata tables used by the OLAP API / BI Beans. This step is required to 'see' your ROLAP cubes. Unfortunately, OEM does not execute this package. It must be done manually.
    Please refer to the OLAP Application Developer's Guide or OLAP Reference You can find them on OTN at the OLAP site:

  • Is it possible to group the dimensions and measures into respective folders in SAP BO Analysis office - excel?

    Hi Guys,
    We can group the similar dimensions or measures into folders in Universe which can be further consumed in other BO reporting tools.
    Is it possible to do the same while connecting AO with HANA?
    I want to group similar dimensions and measures so that it comes as respective folders in AO and makes the experience for the user better. Is it possible?
    Krishna Tangudu

    Hi Michael,
    Thanks for your reply. If this feature is not present or not in the roadmap too then i might have to follow the same solution as well.
    Hoping Tammy Powlas has some answer for this.
    Krishna Tangudu

  • OBIEE 11g NON Confirmed dimensions and facts

    Hi All,
    In OBIEE 10g if we had non-conformed dimensions we used to work with by defining logical level of the conformed dimensions to grand total and confirmed dimensions to detail in the LTS of the fact table
    and also set metrics to grand total level.
    But in OBIEE 11g doing same is throwing error
    [nQSError: 14025] No fact table exists at the requested level of detail
    How do we achieve this?

    You need to create a complex join with non conformed dimension and the fact with 1=1 and set the logical level of the measure to total for a non conformed dimension.
    You can refer: https://s3.amazonaws.com/rmc_docs/biforum2011/Mcquigg_Metadata.pdf

  • Massive Update of Return Vendor flag and creation of Customer Data

    For many vendors I need to run a massive update of return vendor flag of purchasing data and creation of  the linked customer.
    I have tried to create a batch input recording using LSMW but the system send an error message WY164  It is not possible to copy data from field 'Returns with shipping proc.'
    How can I solve this problem ?
    Or do you know another solution to run a massive update of return vendor flag of purchasing data and  creation of  the linked customer ?

    Pls go through the SAP note 447070...
    This may solve the problem...
    check it once..

  • Can u tell me any predefined BAPI for change and creation of Material

        Can anybody tell me  predefined BAPI for change and creation of Materialmasterand Pricing?
    Thanks & regards,

    you can use the BAPI to BAPI_MATERIAL_SAVEDATA create as well as to change material master.
    When changing material master data, you need enter only the material
    In the header data, you must select at least one view for which data is
    to be created. Depending on the view selected, you must maintain other
    required parameters. If you do not enter values for all of the required
    parameters, the method is ended with an error message.
    The corresponding fields in the tables (such as CLIENTDATA) must first
    be supplied with data by the calling program. An indicator must also be
    set for each of these fields so that the data is written to the database
    by the method. This requires the calling program to supply the
    corresponding field with the indicator in a checkbox table (for example,
    CLIENTDATAX). Checkbox tables exist for tables that do not contain any
    language-dependent texts (MAKT, MLTX), International Article Numbers
    (MEAN), or tax classifications (MLAN). Several data records for a
    material can be created in these tables.
    reward points if it helps

  • Does dropping bitmap index and creation of b- index cause any dead locks

    Does dropping a bitmap index on table which is being used continuously for DML operations and creation of b- index cause any dead locks on a table
    in oracle 10g database
    ( - 64bi).
    we have seen alert log file which has dead lock occurrence.. would index change/re-creation resulted dead lock or some other reason?
    Could you please give us info or help us on this.. thanks in advance..

    Bitmap indexes can be the cause of deadlocks on busy systems.
    Dropping indexes may cause some locking.
    Creating indexes may cause some locking.
    You haven't given any traces or scripts or lock information, so difficult to say which one (if any) was the cause of your deadlocks.
    It would be better to do this activity when the system is not busy.

  • Buffering and creation of secondary indexes.

    Hi All,
    I have a table that has more than 6 million records, due to which performance is slow during the transaction search, kindly let me know if Buffering and creation of secondary indexes will help me.
    I am given to understand that creation of seconary indexes and full buffering may not always improve performance. Kindly let me know when it is advised to go for full buffering.

    create  secondary index  for the table
    check below link

  • Allow "Signing" and "Creation of Template Pages" in Reader XI

      I have created a form in Adobe Pro XI that allows the (Reader XI) user to insert additional templates pages by clicking "button X".  The form also provides the user a Digital Signature field to sign the document.
      In order for the user to be able to use the Digital Signature field the file must be saved as a "Reader Extended PDF" with the "Enable More Tools" option.  This however, disables the addional templates option.
      Is there a way to allow for both "Signing" and "Creation of Template Pages" in a Reader document?

    Thanks GKaiseril.  While I was hoping for some sort of option choice or Javascript I feared that would be the resonse.

Maybe you are looking for

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  • GW2012 PO problems after upgrade

    Last weekend I finished off the upgrade of our Primary Domain and Post Offices to GW2012 (OES11) from GW8 (NW8). The MTA and 4 remote site post offices had been done prior and had mostly been working fine - segfault issue with one PO. The final 3 (an

  • How to generate CSR on Weblogic 10.3

    I`m using Weblogic 10.3, I was able to configure it to use port 80, 443 for ssl and https access. Th problem in, I wasn`t able to generate a CSR for SSL certificate. According to the procedure, I can obtain this by accessing "https://myhostname:port/

  • How to get Personal Hotspot working consistently?

    Hi All, I have an iPhone 5s 16gb and an iPad Air 32gb (non cellular). I'm having issues with the personal hotspot working/not working intermittently.  It never connects first time, even though wireless,Bluetooth and hotspot are all turned on, I have

  • Everytime I try to Sync the itunes shoe me error 1415. What i should do?

    Every time I try to sync, the Ituns show me "update complete ok to dissconnect", but my iPOD is empty!! and in the ituns library there is over then 400 songs. What cause this problem? and I can I fix it? Thank you for help!