Disable a current record....

How to disable a current record in tabular?
My tabular contain 5 records. if my cursor in first record, i want to do some calculation and disable it(current record) but other text fields(4 records) should be in enable mode.
i used set_item_property it disable all records...
How to do this?
Edited by: skud on Jul 15, 2011 6:36 PM

Use set_item_instance_property instead of set_item_property and disable insert and update allowed property of all block's items e.g.
if :system.cursor_record='1' then
set_item_instance_property('TEXT_ITEM1', current_record, insert_allowed, property_off);
set_item_instance_property('TEXT_ITEM1', current_record, update_allowed, property_off);
set_item_instance_property('TEXT_ITEM1', current_record, NAVIGABLE, property_off);
end if;

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    Hi Deepak,
    You could do that with a custom report template. I've done that here: [http://apex.oracle.com/pls/otn/f?p=267:175]
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  • Re: Displaying Current Record After Delete

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    loop at cdhdr.
    if ( it1-tcode = 'FSS0' or it1-tcode = 'FS00' ).
        w1_saknr = it1-objectid+4(10).
        w_orgid = it1-objectid+14(4).
       loop at it_cdpos  where changenr eq it1-changenr
                      and objectid eq it1-objectid
                       and   objectclas eq it1-objectclas.
       <b>If w_orgid in r_orgid.</b> 
      IF ( it_CDPOS-FNAME = 'XLOEV' AND it_cdpos-value_new eq 'X' ).
         replace struct1-change_ind with 'D' into struct1-change_ind.
                struct1-bukrs = w_orgid.
                struct1-cost = space.
                struct1-plant = space.
                append struct1.
             struct1-bukrs = w_orgid.
             struct1-change_ind = w_chngid.
             struct1-cost = space.
             struct1-plant = space.
             append struct1.
       <b> else</b>.
        <b>delete struct1 index sy-tabix</b>.
        append struct1.

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    DCIteratorBinding iter = bindings.findIteratorBinding("Delmast1Iterator");
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    System.out.println("row found");
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    Thanks in advance.

    If you just want the value to be in upper case you can code a trigger to do this for you in when-validate-item or post-change.
    Just do it manually without a builtin .

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    Please see these docs.
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    PERWSHRG APP-PAY-07092 when Navigating to Assignments Screen [ID 796523.1]
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    I am using logical database in the program and using <b>get pernr</b> method. But there are multiple entries in the infotype for a perticular employee. i want to extract employees current record whose end date is greater than sy-datum.
    how to do this using <b>get pernr</b>?
    Thanks in advance.

    Hi Priti,
    Get Pernr statement will get all the records for each employee spcicified for the Begin and End dates on the selection screen and store in an internal table for the infotypes declared in the infotypes statement.
    You need to read this table and copy only the records that meet the date criteria in an internal table for further use.
    For Ex:
    infotypes : 0001.
    tables : pernr.
    TYPES : BEGIN OF ty_kostl,
             pernr TYPE pernr-pernr,
             kostl TYPE p0001-kostl,
             ename TYPE p0001-ename,
            END   OF ty_kostl.
    Work Areas
    DATA : g_kostl_wa  TYPE ty_kostl.
    Internal Tables
    DATA : i_kostl  TYPE TABLE OF ty_kostl.
       get pernr.
       PROVIDE * FROM p0001 BETWEEN pn-begda AND pn-endda.
        if p0001-endda GT sy-datum.
           g_kostl_wa-pernr = p0001-pernr.
           g_kostl_wa-kostl = p0001-kostl.
           g_kostl_wa-ename = p0001-ename.
           APPEND g_kostl_wa TO i_kostl.
           CLEAR  g_kostl_wa.

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    Any inputs to resolve this would be helpful.

    I cannot reproduce the issue here.
    I have modified the sample dialog shipped with th article to have a block that displays 2 records
    <p>See the screenshot here</p>
    Here is the code in the When-Button-Pressed trigger:
      Set_Custom_Property( 'BLZ.BEAN', 1, 'READIMGFILE', 'd:/coyote.jpg' ) ;
      Set_Custom_Property( 'BLZ.BEAN', 2, 'READIMGFILE', 'd:/oracle_community.gif' ) ;So everything is ok for me.

  • Moving to current record after execute query

    Hi all,
    I have a form where i can list all db jobs which can be start or stop.
    for more details, form is having columns like jobs, current db status, action(start/stop drop down)
    The user will view list of jobs in the screen and he straightly goes to a record and start (submit) the job using drop down for that record.
    once they start/stop the job, execute query will fire to show the current status of the job.
    Now going to my requirement,after execute query, I want to go to the record (job) which user has started the job .
    Currently the cursor will go to first record.
    Is there any oracle 10g AS property where i can get current record , put it in parameter and go to that record after execute query?
    Is there any other way?

    If you are sure the record after query will keep the same position, you can before, store the current record in a number variable with Get_Block_Property( CURRENT_RECORD) built-in, then after query use the Go_Record() with stored number variable in parameter.
    If you think that after re-query the record number can change, you have to loop through your records, then stop navidation while you find the corresponding key.

  • Current record issue

    I have a data block in tabular format, displaying 10 records at a time with a scrollbar. There is a checkbox for each record. When the checkbox is checked/unchecked, I have to populate a summary field by looping through all the records including/excluding the record which was checked/unchecked. After this is done, I want the cursor to remain in the same record. Since i am using NEXT_RECORD to loop through all the records, the cursor comes to the last record. Then i used CURRENT_RECORD property to store the current record value and I reset the property after the looping is done. Now the cursor remains in the same record, but that record becomes the first record in the canvas meaning that the record scrolls upwards. How can we avoid this ? I want the canvas to remain in the same position as it was before checking/unchecking.

    First of all, you don't have to loop over a block to sum something. That's what calculated items are for. Create a calulated item of type formula with something like the following as formula
    CASE WHEN :BLOCK.CHECKBOX='J' THEN :BLOCK.VALUE ELSE 0 ENDCreate another calculated item of type summary which sums up the formerly created item.
    If you still want to loop:
    -Remember SYSTEM.CURSOR_ITEM before starting
    -After finished, do a GO_RECORD(<theFormelryRememberedSYSTEM.CURSOR_ITEM);
    -Loop as long as GET_BLOCK_PROPERTY('BLOCK', TOPMOST_RECORD) is smaller then the remembered value and do a NEXT_RECORD;

  • Current Record Pointer after ResultSet.DeleteRow()

    I have a question about the position of the Current Record Pointer in a ResultSet after a call to DeleteRow(). I have three records in the ResultSet, and call DeleteRow() while positioned on the first record. If I call moveToCurrentRow() or do not call any routine. It appears I am still pointed at the deleted first row. I can call getString() and get the data from the first row, which has been deleted. If I call next(), I find myself positioned on the third row, not the second row. How do I delete the first row and position myself on the NEW first row?

    Here it is again, this time with some formating.
        private void DeleteButtonActionPerformed(java.awt.event.ActionEvent evt) {
            try {
                int result = JOptionPane.showOptionDialog( PeriodicalMaint.this, "Delete Current Periodical?",
                                                          "Warning", JOptionPane.OK_CANCEL_OPTION,
                                                          JOptionPane.WARNING_MESSAGE, null, null, null);
                if ( result == JOptionPane.OK_OPTION ) {
                    String Periodical = PeriodicalField.getText();
                    deleteAllIssues( Periodical );
                                                  "Periodical " + Periodical + " has been Deleted!",
                                                  "Periodical Deleted", JOptionPane.PLAIN_MESSAGE);
                    boolean rsEmpty = false;
                    if ( periodicalsRS.isAfterLast() && !periodicalsRS.previous() ) {
                        rsEmpty = true;
                    if ( !rsEmpty ) {
                        addMode = false;
                        if ( Periodicals.UpdatePriv ) {
                        IssuesTable.setEditable( false );
            catch (SQLException sqle) {
                JOptionPane.showMessageDialog( PeriodicalMaint.this, "SQLException: " + sqle.getMessage(),
                                               "Delete Error", JOptionPane.OK_OPTION );

  • Dynamic choice list dependent on current record in edit form (

    Using JDeveloper BC4J+ADF Faces
    I have a page with an edit form that shows one record at a time for a view object ("VO one") and also has buttons to navigate to other records in the view object (first, prev, next, last).
    I use a selectOneChoice component to edit one of the attributes on the edit form. The choices for the selectOneChoice are driven by another view object ("VO two").
    The query for "VO two" so that it has a bind variable which is populated with one of the attributes of the current record of "VO one". Therefore, as the user navigates through records the choice list on the page shows different choices.
    What is the best way set up the selectOneChoice and to update the bind variable for "VO two" and re-execute its query when the form is navigated to different records in
    (Yeah, I know its easy in 11g but I can't update the project yet...)
    Thank you for reading my question.

    Hello -
    I found a solution and am documenting it here in case someone else finds this while trying to solve a similar problem.
    1. I added the bind variable to my list choices view object and added a method in the app module that would set the bind variable and execute the query of the view object. The method was then added to the app module's public interface.
    2. In the page definition for the edit form page, I created a method binding for the method in the app module and set as parameter values data from attribute bindings already in the page definition.
    3. I created a backing bean to act as a page phase listener as detailed here:
    4. In the "onPagePreRender" method I get a hold of the method binding and execute it.

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