Disable Sartup items

Coz of low cpu i like to disable some startup items.
How can i do that.
I need cpu coz i use M-audio protools and with the plugins installed it sometimes says that I run out of cpu

You cannot "run out of CPU." You can run out of memory. You can run out of hard drive storage space, but you can't run out of CPU.
So, please be more accurate in what you report. Because you are having a problem with M-Audio I suggest you contact their tech support for assistance before posting here. The Apple Discussions is focused on dealing the Apple products. If you are having problems with a third-party product check with them first to determine if the problem is one they should deal with.

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    Use the property "Controls[ ]" - this gives you an array with references of each single button in the radio buttons control. These you can access with property nodes too.
    Hope this helps.
    Using LV8.0
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    When you create user-defined authorization objects for reporting, all their fields will be checked when you execute a report, even if they are not used in the report. It is not necessary to have all fields in the report definition, but you will need at least authorization ':' to get the aggregated figures.
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    Issue Summary
    Issue Description
    Identified By
    Identified Date
    Status (Values: Open, On-Hold, In-Process, Closed)
    Target Resolution Date
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    Following is the JavaScript:
    In the Page Attribute (HTML Header)
    <script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">
    // This function takes in:
    // 1. A string expression to evaluate. For example:
    // 'document.getElementById(\'P125_STATUS\').value=InProcess'
    // Notice the quotes are escaped using a "\"
    // 2. One or more arguments which are item ID's as strings. For example:
    // ...,'P1_ENAME','P1_SAL'...);
    // Notice the ID's are the item names, NOT item labels
    function disFormItems(testString,P125_ISSUE_SUMMARY,P125_ISSUE_DESCRIPTION){
    theTest = eval(testString);
    for(var i=1;i<4;i++){
    if (arguments){
    disItem = document.getElementById(arguments[i]);
    // disItem.style.background = '#cccccc';
    disItem.disabled = true;
    for(var i=1;i<4;i++){
    if (arguments[i]){
    disItem = document.getElementById(arguments[i]);
    disItem.disabled = false;
    // disItem.style.background = '#ffffff';
    In the Footer:
    <script language="JavaScript1.1" type="text/javascript">
    In the Status field HTML Form Element Attributes:
    onChange="javascript:disFormItems('document.getElementById(\'P125_STATUS\').value == \'In-Process\'','P125_ISSUE_SUMMARY','P125_ISSUE_DESCRIPTION');"
    Can somebody let me know what's wrong?
    Any help is greatly appreciated.
    Thanks in advance

    FYI: I used the following JavaScript to make it work:
    In the Header Text
    function SetReadOnly()
    var status = document.forms[0].p_t09.value;
    if(status == 'In-Process')
    document.forms[0].p_t02.readOnly = true;
    document.forms[0].p_t03.readOnly = true;
    In the Footer
    <script language="JavaScript1.1" type="text/javascript">
    In the HTML Form Element Attributes
    Thank you very much for your suggestion

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    Hi Sandy,
    Thanks for Replying
    yes i am in display mode but same thing happens when i am in edit mode..
    sorry i can not go in edit mode right now as another developer is working on it.
    SAP Net weaver version - 7.31 with EHP 6.0
    ALD version :  ES2 9.0
    See below Screenshot from other adobe form
    Message was edited by: Zubin ..

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    Best Regards

    Frm-40105 : unable to resolve reference to item
    You don't need to go to the Header block to run this code but you need to specify the block name in the calls to set_item_property:

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    Do as suggested by Abdul Wahid.
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         <f:selectItems value="#{model.allTypes}"/>
         <%-- Radio one --%>
              <t:radio index="0" for="radioTypes" id="type1" />
         <%-- Radio two --%>
              <t:radio index="1" for="radioTypes" id="type2" />
         <%-- Radio three --%>
              <t:radio index="2" for="radioTypes" id="type3" />
    </h:panelGrid>The t:radio tags has no disable parameter, is there any way around this. I don't want to disable all the radiobuttons just some specific ones.
    Best Regards

    You can use the UISelectitem#setItemDisabled method to set the item disabled status.

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    I need to some menu items to disable.
    can any one please tell the process of doing , or which registries or files need to edit.
    Appreciate the immediate response.
    thanks in advance.

    Given the fact that you speak about AAMEE, it's not clear if you search for an automated and remote way to do it on multiple machines or not.
    (and therefore if this thread should be moved to the relevant forum, http://forums.adobe.com/community/download_install_setup/creative_suite_enterprise_deploym ent )
    To disable menu items, simply go to Edit>Menus and click on the eyeball next to the menus you do not want.
    It is then possible to save it in a workspace that by default will be located there: Documents and Settings/[user name]/Application Data/Adobe/Adobe Photoshop CS6/Adobe Photoshop CS5 Settings/Workspaces (Modified)
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    Also, this is not customer support, but a forum fielded by volunteers that answer when they can, so inviting for an"immediate response" has no bearing; and might even have the opposite effect, but thanks for doing it in a polite and non too demanding way!

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    disabled_items.vi ‏23 KB

    Your vi works perfectly :
    you are disabling the menu items wich correspond to the elements of the 1D array :
    -if the array is empty, no element is disabled;
    -if the array contains 1 element, for instance = 3, the forth (3+1) menu item will be disabled. If the array element equal zero, then the first menu item will be disabled;
    - if the array contains 2 elements, then two corresponding menu items will be disabled, and so on...
    Chilly Charly    (aka CC)
             E-List Master - Kudos glutton - Press the yellow button on the left...        

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    How is possible Enable/disable an item in a multirecord block?
    set_item_property change all instances of an item in a multi-record block
    SET_ITEM_INSTANCE_PROPERTY only affects the display

    You cannot set the Enabled property in a multi-record block, instead you can change the INSERT_ALLOWED, UPDATE_ALLOWED properties. So that the user can't change the value in the item.
    If my response or the response of another was helpful, please mark it accordingly

  • Disable the Item Availability Button based on Order type and Item category

    Hi ,
    My requirement is to disable the Item availability check button in VA01 based on the Order Type & Item category. Is there any user Exits/ Badi / FM available for this.
    Thanks in advance.

    Although it is an old post I need to answer for people who search an answer to the same type of question. To hide a field
    you can use transaction variant 'tcode:SHD0'. But it is not based on Order type and Item category. May be you can use
    USEREXIT_FIELD_MODIFICATION form in user-exit MV45AFZZ. You can loop at screen and set screen-active = 0 in fields
    where you want them to be inactive.

  • GPO setting "Hide and disable all items on the desktop" stop applying at policy refresh

    In our organization we have the Hide and disable all items on the desktop setting enabled on our Windows 7 computers. As we are testing Windows 8.1 we have come across an odd behaviour with this setting: At log on the desktop is configured as expected: No
    Icons. But after 90 minutes, or when running gpupdate /target:user manually, the Icons appear.
    How can I make the setting stay?

    Hi Johan,
    After the icons appear ,I suggest you use gpresult command to check the result.
    It seems that some setting  overrided ""Hide and disable all items on the desktop".
    Kelvin hsu
    TechNet Community Support

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