Disabling mouse navigation

I'm attemping to write a Java class that disables the Mouse.
I've tried several approaches.
1st. I've tried to handle the MouseEvent and do nothing with it, but that still allows the cursor to enter the field I clicked on.
Then, I tried disabling the textfield in the mouseClicked method, then re-enabeling it. This works, but causes the cursor to "jump" back and forth.
Any ideas?

No commercial PDF apps have that feature, so you would probably need to write your own 'wrapper' for Adobe Reader using VB or C (and the Acrobat SDK). The wrapper program could prevent mouse/key events from passing through to the child application, force full-screen mode, etc.

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    ODS 10.2.1
    RHEL 4
    I have a form that has various text items.
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    Probably nothing from within forms. Maybe with a PJC (Pluggable Java Component) you could do it.. but that might be iffy.

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    I had the same problem after updating Firefox to version 4.0 and Acrobat Reader to Version X. For me (Win XP) what solve the problem was deleting the Acrobat Reader Plugin (nppdf32.dll) in the Firefox plugin folder (C:\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox\plugins). So now there is only one Acrobat Reader Plugin left namely the one in the Acrobat Reader plugin folder (C:\Program Files\Adobe\Reader 10.0\Reader\Browser).

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    suppose my cursor is in item field 'a' there i have entered some value then i go to item field b and entered some value and then i go to field c without any enter or tab but with the help of mouse only. there i want to put a trigger on block level ( on-mouse-click) that whenever anyone tries to move from the current field to another field with the help of mouse then the cursor should be moved to previous item automatically that is item 'b'. in breif i want to disable mouse click from moving one field to another.
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    please help....
    Edited by: Hi FRNzzz!! on Feb 23, 2010 7:10 PM

    Try to set the mouse navigation limit form-level property to item when you want to disable the mouse.

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    Thanks Niall,
    That's a work around I've been trying to do this morning as seems to be easiest solution, but when I change next page to visible in my button, then  add next action on button to either "next page" or the next page number, livecycle goes to the page after the one I have just made visible.

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    Please don't be obnoxious to people like tbirdvet trying to help; nobody here owes you an answer, or anything else for that matter.
    Anyway, Yosemite seems to enable mouse acceleration by default. You can disable it to get a constant pixels pointer moves / meters mouse moved ratio by typing this in terminal:
         defaults write .GlobalPreferences com.apple.mouse.scaling -1
    you'll need to logout and log back in for changes to take effect. To restore the standard behaviour:
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    2.) Harddisk/library/Preferences
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    <meta http-equiv="refresh" content="0;URL=https://customhelp.htm#AddIn_Introduction.htm" />
    That is working fine in my testing.
    Here is my problem...
    The HTML Help Viewer opens and automatically hides the Navigation Pane and displays the WebHelp (navigation pane, menu bar and topic pane).
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    Is there ANY way to disable this or hide it or let it stay there but disable the navigation pane?
    As always, any assistance would be appreciated.
    Thanks --
    Michael F Weart

    Amebr and Priyank --
    Thanks - that did exactly what I wanted it to do.
    It did not work in my testing, but I think the KEY point that I missed was the sequence of unchecking the options in the Window setup.
    Now I have a one topic CHM help file that automatically redirects to my WebHelp on my application server.
    The CHM opens and automatically redirects to my WebHelp and the WebHelp (frameset and all) display in an HTML Help Viewer window that has no HTML Help Viewer navigation buttons.
    One last note, the WebHelp displays with the Contents/Index/Search for WebHelp included in the presentation.
    I have not deployed this in a non-test environment so I may still run into issues but so far it is good.
    THANKS for all the help.
    Michael F Weart

  • Forms 10 / mouse navigation

    Hi Friends,
    I'm having trouble with the mouse navigation in WebForms.
    (I know there are several threads about this topic already,
    but I didn't see any solution - if there is some, please would
    someone take these tomatoes off my eyes ..)
    I'am using Developer Suite + Sun Plugin 1.4.2_07
    The problem is: when I click with the mouse into some text field,
    the cursor will blink in that field, but the programm focus will stay
    in the "former" text field (text input will be entered in that "former" field).
    Using tab, next-key ... works fine.
    This happens always (once in a while clicking into a combobox field will change focus).
    My solution so far is a when-mouse-click trigger with basically
         go_item(:system.mouse_item)(open issue: create_record when clicking in an empty line in a multi-record-block)
    Does anyone have any better solution?
    I can't remember having any problem of that kind with Forms 6i and JInitiator 1.3.17.
    Way off assumption: could it be connected to some security restriction like no access to some system resources?
    (since I'm getting three unsolved java errors at startup)
    Gratefull for any ideas .. or solutions ;-)

    oh, sorry, somehow I missed all those questions.
    The solution is something like this:
    1. Find the file "java.policy" on your system
    The exact location depends on your local configuration
    (in my case for example it is Y:\Settings\Application Data\Sun\Java\Deployment\security)
    2. Put the following line in the that file
    grant {  permission java.security.AllPermission; };
    3. Close all browser windows (to be sure that your JVM stops)
    4. Start your browser+application
    If your mouse problems are gone, then you may start to drill down the permissions you have to grant (assuming you don't want to live with that "grant all" above). Ask your java expert for it or search for "java.policy".
    If your mouse problem still exists, make sure you changed the proper "java.policy" (for example by putting in some wrong code, then you should get java syntax error messages at browser startup).
    If you are sure you changed the right java.policy file, then your solution lies somewhere else and I can't help you anymore.
    (from now I will keep an eye on it ..)

  • Mouse navigations problem with Sun Java 1.5.0_*

    Hello gurus,
    We need to move from JInitiator to Sun Java Plugin; according to the Forms10g Client Platform Support (http://www.oracle.com/technology/products/forms/htdocs/10gR2/clientsod_forms10gR2.html) one of the certified version for Forms of the the Sun Java Plugin is 1.5.0_06 and Internet Explorer 6.0, we have tested also SJPI 1.5.0_09 and we get the same mouse navigation problem reported in the following Oracle Forum threads.
    Mouse navigation don't work with Java Plugin.
    Mouse navigation don't work with Java Plugin.
    Forms 10gR2, Sun Java 1.5.0_06 gives mouse problems
    Forms 10gR2, Sun Java 1.5.0_06 gives mouse problems
    Does anybody know a solution to this problem?
    Any help will be really appreciated.

    You need to use 1.5.0_12 or newer. The client SOD is not up-to-date on this specific point. A lot of navigation problems was fixed in this very release.
    The Management team should change this in the client SOD, wonder why they still refer to 1.5.0_06. For Applications, the first 1.5.0 to be certified was _12.
    Also make sure, that you are using the latest Patch 3 for 10.1.2 ( This patch also contains fixes for a lot of these wellknown issues.
    Hope this helps,


    Dear all,
    I have a jlabel on which i perform a click and the embbeded image switch between start and stop image.
    My problem consists in preventing from performing multiples click/or disabling mouse event while the application starts loading some parameters.
    switchViewLabel.addMouseListener(new MouseAdapter() {
                   public void mouseClicked(MouseEvent e) {
                        //it takes a long time
    protected void onSwitchViewButtonClick() {
              if (canGo) {
                   canGo = false;
                         //this action load parameter
                   canGo = true;
         } But on my console i have noticed :
    It looks like we store mouse event anywhere and for each event we execute onSwitchViewButtonClick code and consume event.(it seems to not be asynchronous)....
    How to do ???
    Thanks for any helps..

    Dear all,
    yes i want to ignore mouse events until the processing is done.But how to perform process in separate thread and what is a semaphore.Is it possible to have much more explanation...
    Shall i do following code..
    mouseAdapter = new MouseAdapter() {
                   public void mouseClicked(MouseEvent e) {
                        SwingUtilities.invokeLater(new Runnable(){
                             public void run() {
              };Thanks you in advance...

  • Mouse Navigation Problem

    Dear Developers
    I need one help from you. I have developed one application in Form 6i using patch 13. Whenever user is opening that application and start working it work very fine. But Problems come when he open some other application like word excel or even same application two time then he is unable to navigate to some other item with mouse click but he can navigate with enter or tab key
    In short mouse click stop working when we open more than one application in window. If any body have passed with the same problem or know the solution pl. let me know
    Jahangir Khan

    The multiblock form has a control block having non-key-navigable, non-mouse-navigable buttons. Suppose data is entered into the other data-blocks, and the KEY-COMMIT acion is invoked using the key-combination(CTRL+S), the data is saved. There is no problem now in mouse navigation. But, when after the data entry, the "Save" button(of the control block, mentioned earlier) is pressed, the data is saved...but further, the mouse navigation is totally getting disallowed..
    Is the problem we are facing, due to the property settings we have done. Or, need any additional patchset be installed..
    Help please..
    Thank you,

  • Disable/hide navigation Back button in particular overview page

    Hi All,
    I have to disable/hide navigational 'Back' button on Task overview page. I tried to achive this in WD_HISTORY mehtod but no luck.
    Please suggest me how to do this.

    Hi Laxmana,
    I did the same thing as you suggested, by commenting the super class method we can just stop to go to previous page but not all the pages which are stored in back button history.
    My actual requirement is, back button should not be visible to user or should not function anything. User should not use back button to navigate away. user must use 'save and back' or 'save' buttons.

  • Mouse Navigation

    I have data blocks base on complex views, and have th KEY MODE Property set to Non-Updateble and DML data Target Type to None. I am using these block to retrieve the data on the forms and provide the facility to update the data or Isert the new row, and I have package which I am using to read the every row from the form and using Insert and Update command to update and insert these rows and using commit to commit these rows. but when I hit commit afer that my mouse navigation doesnt work and I cant navigate between the fileds but I can use the key board navigation.
    Any suggestion or idea that can help.

    I am sorry,
    i formulated the problem in the wrong way.
    What really happens is i am trying to insert a new record, and mouse goes directly in the first record displayed.
    I have configured the data block to show 10 records, and when i want to fill the 3-rd record, it doesn't allow me.It goes automatically in the first record.
    I suppose there is no way to avoid this, and start inserting from the third record displayed.

Maybe you are looking for

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