Disabling the Menu Optionin Reports

Hi there,
I am trying to restrict user on certaint menu options, Like i don't want user to be able to print the report or copy any part of the report. The format that i use to run the report is PDF. Can any body tell me how to Disable certaint menu options, while the report is run and opened???

Try placing your set_menu_item_property stmnt in the WHEN-BUTTON-PRESSED trigger either on the block which holds the button item 'Add Record' or the item itself. Additionally you may have to issue the go block stmnt. GO_BLOCK(<whichever block you want to navigate to>);
Hope this is useful. Thanks

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    There are some parameters to disable some "feature" :
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    Search for disable* in the Reports 6i online help for more details ..

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    you need to have a userexit for this one, so that you can write the code to Disable the menu items, so first find the user exit for this,
    below link will have a program, copy and paste it and exeute it, it will ask the t-code, it will give the user exits for that t-code, http://www.erpgenie.com/abap/code/abap26.htm
    so see which one is useful for you. after finding the user exit you need to write the code in that to exclude the menu items
    Use excluding option when you call the PF status from your program, to do that declare an internal table and populate the internal table with the fields that have to exclude from the menu and call the PF status using the syntax given below,
    data: itab type table of sy-ucomm.
    append 'DELE' to itab.
    append 'PICK' to itab
    set pf-status 'AAA' excluding itab.

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    There are 2 Fullscreen modes for some games. And some games only use 1 of them. The usual Fullscreen that you'd expect, and the one we call "Borderless Window".
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    Actually it does not matter whether check in/out is ENabled or DISabled. the same pain in the *** menu problem happens.
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    “X is currently working on www/program/pr_index.php (Please enable Check In/Out in the Site Definition dialog box to avoid overwriting changes made by other users.) Do you want to upload the file anyway?”
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    Thanks for your thoughts on this.

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    There's no way to disable it but you can set -maxsupportlogsize and -maxuserlogsize
    to something like 0x7fffffff and do your own rotation. When your rotation script moves
    the current .log files out of the way the daemon will notice and create new ones.

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    == This happened ==
    Every time Firefox opened
    == when i disable the menu bar

    '''ALT V
    Be sure to do this in a blank tab.

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    I don't think that you can disable those shortcuts.
    You may be able to change the modifier that is used.

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    Hello again, cor-el,
    Thank you again for keeping up with me on this! I really appreciate your time!
    I tried your suggestions of using Safe Mode and a different Windows theme (2 different ones to be exact), but neither solved the problem. Each time I tried disabling the Menu Bar, the same 3 buttons disappeared and I got nothing but black space. It doesn't even fill the space with any background I may have. It's just black.
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    Hi all,
    Nice to be back again folks.....
    Well I need to develop an Applet (perhaps even a swing) which when loaded by any browser would disable the SaveAs option of the browser's File menu.
    I tried using the Frame class of java.awt package, the code is:
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.applet.*;
    public class WinAppl extends Applet
    int mc;
    String str="NO OF MENUS: ";
    Font fnt=new Font("Arial",Font.BOLD,12);
    MenuBar mb;
    Frame frame=new Frame("SNODX");
    Window window;
    public void init()
    public void paint(Graphics g)
    but when this applet is loaded ALL the menus of the browser disappear .i.e when this frame applet is loaded by the browser only the title bar of the browser and a red colored window appear, no menus. I dont want all the menus to be hidden, just the SaveAs option of Browser's File Menu to be disabled.
    Thanks in advance.
    True to my nature I am posting this question in some of the other Java forums as well. And as usual sorry for the multiple postings.

    Applets usually have absolutely no control over the browser they are running in (with the exception of loading other web pages and other very high level stuff). You won't be able to write an applet that disables entries in the menu bar. And even if you could it wouldn't really help you because most browsers write everything they download to disc (to the cache) where it can be recovered by anybode.
    Last but not least: there are lots of tools for mirroring web sites that will allow users to download and save anything that is accessible for browsers.
    However, you may be able to disable the menu bar and perhaps even change entries in some browsers like ie by activeX controls or javascript. Still this is not a very friendly way for a website to behave...

  • Disable Refresh menu option on Page Title Bar

    We have a TLN node that opens an iview in a new window. Therefore nothing is displayed in the portal page. However the Page Title Bar menu still has all the options (Open in New Window, Refresh, Details etc.) and if a user selects Refresh, it throws a portal runtime error (iView not found: .default). How can I disable the menu options for this iview? I have tried setting the Show Refresh etc. parameters to No but it didn't work - I assume because the iview isn't being opened in the portal page.
    Many thanks

    the iview you need to explore is page title bar i view in default framework page available in  portal standard user  directory in portal content.In this context i would like to suggest a solution why don,t you creat a default framework page just copy it in your folder  and open it and disable all checkboxes associated to page title bar and save after that go on to create a deskttop in portal display in system configuration and add your framework page and theme from themes in portal content and then add a rule to the main rule in super administrators  folder which will for role of the user will display onle that desktop.i have illustrated the concept of branding if you want to avoid codeing or command groups which is long approach.hope this helps youplease do not forget to give points
    with regards
    subrato kundu

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