Disappearing frames during crawling text on background elements

Hello all!
I am still learning the ropes for Motion so I apologize if this is a redundant question.
In Motion 3 I used the NTSC Curves background template for a lot of short little credit crawl sequences. Never had a problem. However since upgrading to 4 I am having a big issue with the Curves Steel Background - NTSC template. I don't know if this issue affects others with custom projects or just me.
When I added a scrolling text box either by keyframing or via a pre-made behavior the Curve 2 Gradient would disappear at random points leaving a jarring flicker. I thought it might be becuase of all the groups so I trashed everything and started from a fresh template. I put the crawling text in first and the problem was there again.
Finally, I went to my laptop which I don't use for editing and I installed a fresh copy of Motion 4. The problem persisted there as well. I wiped the computer (as I do not know how to uninstall all the Motion files) and reinstalled Motion 3 and the problem was not there so I am going to say it is a glitch in Motion 4 either in the template or the program.
For now I am using Motion 3 for this, but is this a known issue with others? Thanks much!

When you say "my browser" do you mean Firefox?
I've tested in IE8, Chrome and Firefox 3.6. The issue only appears in Firefox.
I don't know what the fix is yet, sorry.

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    You can export the files in QT then import back to FCP
    IN QT:
    FRAME RATE 29.97
    INTERLACED > 4:3
    720x480 4:3
    SOUND 48Khz

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    bucksr72 wrote:
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    Yes it can be enlarged and you can also change the font style.  At the bottom of the screen, you will see something like this:
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    I hope you get the idea from this.
    Good luck.

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    Frame numbers in EaselJS start at 0 instead of 1. For example, this affects gotoAndStop and gotoAndPlay calls. (18)
    Only circular (not oval) radial gradients are supported. (85)
    Text support is limited. It is generally recommended to include text as HTML elements (see DOMElement). (6)
    Color effects are published as a filter and subject to the same limitations. (4)
    Filters are very expensive and are not updated once applied. Cache as bitmap is automatically enabled when a filter is applied. This can prevent animations from updating. (2)
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    A good, in depth, tutorial on the subject (FONTS) would be a BIG help to many using the convert to HTML5 canvas features.

    choose a font from above site
    google generates instructions on how to embed that font
    3. Add this code to your website:
    <link href='http://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Montserrat:400,700' rel='stylesheet' type='text/css'>
    4. Integrate the fonts into your CSS:
    The Google Fonts API will generate the necessary browser-specific CSS to use the fonts. All you need to do is add the font name to your CSS styles. For example:
    font-family: 'Source Sans Pro', sans-serif;
    font-family: 'Ubuntu', sans-serif;
    font-family: 'Montserrat Alternates', sans-serif;
    font-family: 'Montserrat', sans-serif;
    font-family: 'Open Sans', sans-serif;

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    Put the background on track 1. Put the photo on track 2.  Put the frame (with transparancy) on track 3.  Use the motion properties in the effects panel to adjust the scale and/or position as desired.
    It's just like using layers in Photoshop Elements.
    Also, resize your stills to no larger than 1000 x 750 pixels for SD and 2000 x 1500 pixels for HD.

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    Kind regards,
    Go to Solution.

    Ok, now I see what's happening.
    The effect you are seeing is a resul of standard numeric control behaviour combined with the black bcakground: when you use arrows to increment/decrement a numeric control its value will be automatically highlighted; on the default background you'll see the white area and figures highlighted in black (white numbers on balck background). If you set the background to black the system will automatically change the colors used to highlight the text, and that's what you're seeing.
    By the way, this does not happens if you use up and down keys on the keyboard: text is not highlighted so colors are not changing.
    Additionally, this is not only valid for numerics: see the behaviour of the string controls on the bottom of your panel when you tab up to them. This effect does not happen on controls set as indicator like the big clock in the upper part of the panel.
    The only way I can see to overcome this behaviour is to hide control built-in arrows and create your own up and down buttons with which you can manipulate the numeric control. I am attaching a modified version of your project with buttons on the left numeric; sorry for the poor aesthetic:  I have used some arrow icons I had on my disk, you may want to create your own arrows with the colors and shape you prefer.
    Proud to use LW/CVI from 3.1 on.
    My contributions to the Developer Zone Community
    If I have helped you, why not giving me a kudos?
    ModifiedApplication.zip ‏9 KB

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    1) Yes, use quicktime export, either to a simple quicktime movie or using quicktime conversion.
    2) I haven't had this problem before, but it stands to reason if you're having trouble with reading a font to change it to a more readable and larger one.
    3) Color should not make a difference in the blur factor, but you probably want to choose one that is easily read by the intended audience (white on black is very good)
    4) The ability to view the video in FCE on another TV has become almost obsolete, and will only work with a select few video formats. You might want to check to see that the format you are recording in is compatible with this ability.

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    Some warning text
    Some warning text
    Best regards

    Hi Ronny...
    It's of my opinion that there while you may want this content formatted as a table when published, you should not be authoring the content with a table to achieve that formatting. This type of formatting should be applied as a "publishing process" after the DITA topics are assembled into a FM book and FM chapter files. If you're publishing to other formats (like HTML), the formatting can often be achieved through CSS or by other publishing processes. You don't want your source files to enforce some type of formatting that may differ depending on the deliverable.
    You may want to set up some ExtendScript wrapper that performs various pagination and formatting tasks to your generated FM files. While you can use ExtendScript to actually wrap the hazardstatement in a table, you can also look into using other tools such as FrameSLT (from West Street Consulting), or Structure Snippets (from Leximation, my company).
    Scott Prentice
    Leximation, Inc.

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    Why has this happened and how do I resolve it?
    I'm sending this Showreel out to potential employers and something like this won't look very professional.
    Thanks for any help,
    Alex Wilding

    I'm not sure how to correctly describe the "creepy" effect that results from vertically animating the text generators in FCP, but they seem to always be there. There are also compression artifacts that add to this that result from the DV compression, if that is the codec you are using.
    One way I solve the first issue is to create my credit rolls in photoshop as a very tall layer, and animate that in FCP. It's a little more tedious, but the results are much better.
    If I need to work in DV, and experience DV compression artifacts, I will create my credit roll in an uncompressed sequence and export to a self-contained movie to re-import to my DV sequence. FCP seems to do better at rendering uncompressed video to DV than it does at rendering the composite of your text and background directly to DV.
    hope this helps

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    I want a text edit UI element in a table .I do not want input field because text entered can be very long and whole text cant be seen then.Is there any way to increase the width of input field if i insert an input field ? or what can be other solution for this?

    Hi Govind,
    You can't insert Text Edit as a cell variant in table. But you can increase the 'Width' property of Input Field, say to 500px or as per your requirement, so that you can display the full text at one go. Or you can bind the 'Width' property to a context and set the width at run time as per the text length.

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    G5   Mac OS X (10.4.9)   final cut express hd

    maybe you switch off the warn dropped frames during
    capture option... after that watch your clips... is
    there any problem still?
    I'm really worried now. I turned off the "warn dropped frames" option. After capture, when I playback, I get a warning that there are dropped frames, and then picture freezes. Help! I don't know what to do!
    G5   Mac OS X (10.4.9)  

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    Here's my info:
    - Didn't work for either of these setups:
    - Canon to my iBook G4 via firewire
    - DVD player to DVD converter via RCA cables to ibook via firewire
    - My external Harddrive (LaCie 230 GB) is hooked up to my laptop via USB Drive.
    - Easy setup configured to DV-NTSC or DV-NTSC-DV Converter dpending on capture device
    Thanks in advance for the help

    Hi Lisa,
    Well, for starters you probably have less free space on your internal HD than you did a year ago - rule of thumb is keep at least 15%-20% free space on your drives, especially your system drive; more free space is better. Couple that with the fact that USB really can't keep up with the demands of video and it's easy to get dropped frames.
    There's also the question of what else you've put on your machine since last year, whether or not you updated OSX or QT since then, if you have anything else running when you capture ... there could be lots of factors.
    Have you ever run a maintenance utility on your Mac - eg. MacOSXCocktail, MacJanitor, Onyx, etc ?

  • Selection text frame in linked text frame remove

    I chose in the text frame the linked text frames
    get out of text and I want to delete a text frame
    Is it possible that a command letter
    same thing selecting the external can

    Ok. Try now,
    var doc = app.activeDocument;  
    app.findGrepPreferences = app.changeGrepPreferences = null;  
    app.findGrepPreferences.findWhat = "~a";  
    var found = app.selection[0].findGrep();  
    for(var i =found.length-1;i>=0;i--)  
            var ip = found[i].insertionPoints[0];  
            if(found[i].allPageItems[0] instanceof TextFrame) 
                    var cont = found[i].allPageItems[0].texts[0].duplicate(LocationOptions.AFTER,ip);  

  • [JS CS3] Modify geometricBounds of Inline Frames in Overset Text

    I have the following setting:
    I recieve a XML file , which contains <image href="..."> tags. InDesign automatically inserts the correct images as an inline frame.
    The layout column are too small for the large images, so when placing the XML into the layout, the whole content is in the overset.
    Inline frames in the overset do not have any geometricBounds. Can I modify width & height of frames in overset text? And how do I do that?

    Thanks Robin!
    I helped myself with the following:
         // get img objects
         var theImage = myElement.xmlContent;
         var theImageFrame = theImage.parent;
         theImageFrame.appliedObjectStyle = myDocument.objectStyles.item("Img_free");
    The objectStyle "Img_free" sets the image frame from "inline" to "anchored frame". So the size of the image doesn't matter any more because its outside ("free") of the text. So everything flows into visibility and I can change whatever I want. (Yes, I must not do this with a object style, but it felt right to do so.)
    It's basically a similar way to your description. But I had hoped that there would be a somewhat "cleaner" way to do that. In my eyes it is more a workaround ...
    Any further suggestions?
    (How do people scripting InDesign Server do such things?)

  • How can I create a frame around a text?

    I think everything is in the title. I want to create a frame around a text.

    If what you want is a solid line around the text, set the text in a text box. In the Graphic Inspector click on Stroke and choose Line. In the little menu below that click the arrows and choose the type of line (or dots/dashes) you want. Choose the color (if other than black) and then the weight of the line— from the pt menu. Instead of line you can choose frame, but these don’t always look good with text. To allow some space around the text, go to the Text Inspector and adjust the Inset Margin to your liking.
    You can also set text in a shape by inserting a shape from the menu, double clicking in the shape and typing.

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