Disk Failure SATA2; Disk Attribute B8

Hi everyone!
I'm experiencing a hard disk failure on my HP Pavillon P7-1010D.
Whenever I start my computer, a warning message pops up indicating the "Disk Failure: SATA2, and Disk Attribute: B8".
There's also an option to press F1 to boot my computer so I can continue using it normally, but after several seconds, a warning window shows up suggesting to back-up my files due to hard disk failure.
How can I resolve this without going thru such back-up? I had this computer for just a litte year ago, and I'm saddened that I'm encountering this problem. Please help. Thank you.

Please see this "Wikipedia article on S.M.A.R.T." for a list of error codes and their meanings. Basically your hard dive has failed or is about to fail. If the computer is still under warranty, contact HP Customer Support for service. If the computer is no longer under warranty, replace the drive with a new 3.5 inch SATA2 7200rpm drive of at least 500GB in size. Hopefully you have already created your personal set of HP Recovery Discs. If not, you will have to contact HP to order a set.
{------------ Please click the "White Kudos" Thumbs Up to say THANKS for helping.
Please click the "Accept As Solution" on my post, if my assistance has solved your issue. ------------V
This is a user supported forum. I am a volunteer and I don't work for HP.
HP 15t-j100 (on loan from HP)
HP 13 Split x2 (on loan from HP)
HP Slate8 Pro (on loan from HP)
HP a1632x - Windows 7, 4GB RAM, AMD Radeon HD 6450
HP p6130y - Windows 7, 8GB RAM, AMD Radeon HD 6450
HP p6320y - Windows 7, 8GB RAM, NVIDIA GT 240
HP p7-1026 - Windows 7, 6GB RAM, AMD Radeon HD 6450
HP p6787c - Windows 7, 8GB RAM, NVIDIA GT 240

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    [2011-06-09T12:22:42-07:00] [OID] [ERROR:8] *[23054]* [OIDREPLD] [host: testhost.xxxx.local] [pid: 25843] [tid: 2] Reader(Apply):: In gslrrcaChangeLogProc, failure getting the attribute=orcllastappliedchangenumber;apply$prodhost_xxxx$testhost_xxxx from the changeStatusEntry. Server=prodhost_xxxx, agreement=orclagreementid=000005,orclreplicaid=prodhost_xxxx,cn=replication configuration, operation=APPLY.
    The fusion middleware error message document says the following about the error:
    OID-23054: In %s, failure getting the attribute=%s from the changeStatusEntry. Server=%s, agreement=%s, operation=%s.
    Cause: Invalid changestatusentry DN.
    Action: Contact Oracle Support Services
    WebLogic 10.3.4

    I am facing the same error. I am talking to oracle OId Engineer about it. I will update the outcome.

  • How do I resolve LOCKED DISKS problem ? NO ACCESS ANYMORE !

    Hello everybody,
    I've looked carefully where to post this topic,
    and I hope it's the right place here
    (I have already been warned not to post the same questions in different places).
    I have actually 2 internal volumes locked, 2 external Firewire volumes locked and 2 USB external volumes locked. I'm talking about *5,7 To* with *NO ACCESS* anymore.
    It happened suddenly, and I was working on Snow Leopard 10.6.3 internal drive. This volume is the *only one* that has NOT been locked, but I lost a lot of applications, documents and so on on it.
    Each of the locked volumes I am talking about shows,
    in *Sharing & Permissions* (Get Info window),
    the same Privileges :
    — everyone : Custom
    — admin : Custom
    — olcha (Me) : Custom
    — staff : Custom
    — everyone (again) : Custom
    You'll notice that "System" is not there (should be there with R+W),
    and "admin" should have also R+W privilege.
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    I phoned immediately last thursday Apple Assistance,
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    he could find the time to call me.
    Now, first, please tell me if you have any idea or solution !
    Thank you very much in advance.
    Secondly, I have reflected on the solving,
    and would like to know what you think about what follows :
    You know that, in Disk Utility, you can erase a disk or partition.
    If, in "Security Options…", I choose "Don't Erase Data", and then "Erase…" :
    1) Sharing and Permissions will be changed and become (reset to) correct ;
    2) It's said, in "Security Options…",
    that "many commonly available disk recovery applications can restore that data".
    I would be very glad that you indicate me :
    1) the best application to use for that recovery ;
    2) I already own "Drive Genius 3.0", "Data Rescue 3.0.2" and
    (I think it's the best after a try on an internal 30 Go partition)
    "Stellar Phoenix Macintosh Data Recovery".
    Thank you in advance for your answers and advices,
    With my kind regards
    Olivier Herrbach
    [email protected]
    PS : Dear Forum Webmaster,
    I would like to know :
    1) if I posted this topic in the right place ;
    2) if you allow me to post it elsewhere (and in this case, where ?) ;
    3) is it possible to paste images in messages,
    and, if yes, which format is needed (TIFF, png, jpeg …)
    Thank you very much
    Olivier Herrbach

    Dear ChazBowie,
    Here is the solution I've found for *LOCKED DISKS* problem.
    I'll respond the shorter I can, avoiding for the moment to talk about the complicated solutions
    that Apple gave to me, which involved volume by volume (only one each time) intervention, and were working by, each time, entering one line, password, then another line in Terminal. I will communicate these instructions later, but they do not need to be publicated here with urgence.
    I found two little free softwares that can modify *ALL Privileges* in Sharing and Permissions, *on ANYTHING*. You will have to be careful using them, as they even allow to act as "Root" administrator.
    I'd also like everyone to *donate anything* to these helpful developers, and I'd be very pleased to have *your feedback and results*.
    ••• 1) — *BatChmod 1.6.2* (162), written by a compatriot, Renaud Boisjoly.
    E-mail (if you have doubts or questions) : [email protected]
    Free software downloading site : *http://www.macchampion.com/arbysoft*
    (excuse me, but I don't know how to make a link here).
    ••• 2) — *FileXaminer 2.7*, recommended by Renaud himself.
    Dear ChazBowie,
    Here is the solution I've found for *LOCKED DISKS* problem.
    I'll respond the shorter I can, avoiding for the moment to talk about the complicated solutions
    that Apple gave to me, which involved volume by volume (only one each time) intervention, and were working by, each time, entering one line, password, then another line in Terminal. I will communicate these instructions later, but they do not need to be publicated here with urgence.
    I found two little free softwares that can modify *ALL Privileges* in Sharing and Permissions, *on ANYTHING*. You will have to be careful using them, as they even allow to act as "Root" administrator.
    I'd also like everyone to *donate anything* to these helpful developers, and I'd be very pleased to have *your feedback and results*.
    ••• 1) — *BatChmod 1.6.2* (162), written by a compatriot, Renaud Boisjoly.
    E-mail (if you have doubts or questions) : [email protected]
    Free software downloading site : Gideon Softworks : *http://www.gideonsoftworks.com/*
    I won't copy here the texts that are on both sites, but it's very instructive.
    Remember that the applications don't only work on files and folders,
    *but also on disks attributes*.
    You'll also have some work to do (I don't remember, perhaps not), by going in the Get Info windows
    and changing privileges to the correct ones, that means you must know
    (I'm not sure, verify please) what privileges are to be set for a volume
    Does anybody know something about the "Ignore ownership on this volume" checkbox ?
    *I always uncheck it*.
    I would also like very much to know the differences between the two-headed iconed groups :
    "staff", "wheel" and "admin", and IN THE END know *WHERE are the rules* you have to observe
    when doing changes in privileges (for example, I don't want to give my password to copy something in Users folder, nor "MyName" folder. I've changed that without, I hope, having created any dysfunction).
    Please tell me if you know anything about these 2 subjects above.
    I'm very glad if my informations have been useful/helpful.
    With my kind regards,
    Olivier Herrbach

  • Disk unable to intialize - Media is write protected

    Dear community,
    My WD external harddrive has suddenly stopped working after coming from Europe. I plugged in the HD into my laptop and I noticed that it does not show up under My Computer, only under Safely Remove Hardware and Devices. So I searched forums a bit and a couple
    have said that I should go to Disk Management and see if my drive is there. 
    Turns out the HD is listed there, however as 'Disk 1: Unknown 1.379 GB, Not Intialized'. There is no blue bar either, it just says the size of the disk and that it is unallocated (it does not have a Volume letter).
    When I start up Disk Management it gives me a notification:
    Initialize Disk
    You must initialize a disk before Logical Disk Manager can access it.
    Select Disk:
    Disk 1
    Use the following partition style for the selected disks:
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    Any help is appreciated.

    Thanks a lot for your advice & effort. The same message "Diskpart failed to clear disk attributes".
    Here is the file of $vds$.log (only a last part of the file). How can I attached the file, I can't find your email add.  thanks again.
    (PID:3956,TID:4380,11:17:56.728) LEAVE OpenDevice()
    (PID:3956,TID:3220,11:17:56.744) INFO: VDS(0X02040002): WM_DEVICECHANGE: wParam=8006 lParam=8125984
    (PID:3956,TID:4380,11:17:56.759) ERROR: CVdsRawDiskLun::SetFlagsInternal, 4 Name=\\?\usbstor#disk&ven_wd&prod_elements_1023&rev_2005#6&2429694&0#{53f56307-b6bf-11d0-94f2-00a0c91efb8b}, Number=1, hr=80070013
    (PID:3956,TID:3220,11:17:56.759) TRACE: VDS(0X02040007): Disk layout change notification received
    (PID:3956,TID:4380,11:17:56.759) TRACE: EXIT CVdsRawDiskLun::SetFlagsInternal, Name=\\?\usbstor#disk&ven_wd&prod_elements_1023&rev_2005#6&2429694&0#{53f56307-b6bf-11d0-94f2-00a0c91efb8b}, Number=1, status=80070013
    (PID:3956,TID:3220,11:17:56.775) ENTER CVdsPnPNotificationManager::ForwardLayoutChangeNotification()
    (PID:3956,TID:4380,11:17:56.775) ERROR: CVdsRawDiskLun::ClearFlags, 2 Name=\\?\usbstor#disk&ven_wd&prod_elements_1023&rev_2005#6&2429694&0#{53f56307-b6bf-11d0-94f2-00a0c91efb8b}, Number=1, hr=800700B7
    (PID:3956,TID:5792,11:17:56.791) ENTER CVdsPnPNotificationManager::LayoutChangeNotificationHandler()
    (PID:3956,TID:3220,11:17:56.791) LEAVE CVdsPnPNotificationManager::ForwardLayoutChangeNotification()
    (PID:3956,TID:5792,11:17:56.791) ENTER CVdsService::OnDiskLayoutChange()
    (PID:3956,TID:4380,11:17:56.791) TRACE: EXIT CVdsRawDiskLun::ClearFlags, Name=\\?\usbstor#disk&ven_wd&prod_elements_1023&rev_2005#6&2429694&0#{53f56307-b6bf-11d0-94f2-00a0c91efb8b}, Number=1, status=800700B7
    (PID:3956,TID:4380,11:17:56.791) ERROR: CVdsDiskLun::ClearFlags, 4, hr=800700B7
    (PID:3956,TID:5792,11:17:56.806) ENTER CVdsRawDiskLun::GetProperties() (IVdsDisk)
    (PID:3956,TID:5792,11:17:56.806) ENTER OpenDevice()
    (PID:3956,TID:4380,11:17:56.806) LEAVE CVdsDiskLun::ClearFlags
    (PID:3956,TID:5792,11:17:56.822) INFO: OpenDevice:, 1, \\?\PhysicalDrive1
    (PID:3956,TID:3220,11:17:56.822) INFO: VDS(0X02040002): WM_DEVICECHANGE: wParam=8006 lParam=8125956
    (PID:3956,TID:5792,11:17:56.822) LEAVE OpenDevice()
    (PID:3956,TID:5792,11:17:56.837) ENTER IsDiskClustered()
    (PID:3956,TID:3220,11:17:56.837) TRACE: TMP: GUID_IO_VOLUME_MOUNT event received.
    (PID:3956,TID:5792,11:17:56.837) INFO: vdsutil::IsDiskClustered, NOT CLUSTERED
    (PID:3956,TID:5792,11:17:56.853) INFO: vdsutil::IsDiskClustered, ONLINE
    (PID:3956,TID:5792,11:17:56.853) LEAVE IsDiskClustered()
    (PID:3956,TID:5792,11:17:56.853) ENTER IsDiskReadOnly()
    (PID:3956,TID:5792,11:17:56.869) INFO: vdsutil::IsDiskReadOnly, disk is writable
    (PID:3956,TID:5792,11:17:56.869) LEAVE IsDiskReadOnly()
    (PID:3956,TID:5792,11:17:56.884) ENTER IsDiskCurrentStateReadOnly()
    (PID:3956,TID:5792,11:17:56.884) WARNING: IsDiskCurrentStateReadOnly, 2, error=1
    (PID:3956,TID:5792,11:17:56.900) LEAVE IsDiskCurrentStateReadOnly()
    (PID:3956,TID:5792,11:17:56.900) LEAVE CVdsRawDiskLun::GetProperties() (IVdsDisk)
    (PID:3956,TID:5792,11:17:56.915) ENTER OpenDevice()
    (PID:3956,TID:5792,11:17:56.915) INFO: OpenDevice:, 1, \\?\usbstor#disk&ven_wd&prod_elements_1023&rev_2005#6&2429694&0#{53f56307-b6bf-11d0-94f2-00a0c91efb8b}
    (PID:3956,TID:5792,11:17:56.931) LEAVE OpenDevice()
    (PID:3956,TID:5792,11:17:56.931) ENTER GetDiskLayout()
    (PID:3956,TID:5792,11:17:56.947) ERROR: GetDiskLayout: DeviceIoControl failed: 13
    (PID:3956,TID:5792,11:17:56.947) LEAVE GetDiskLayout()
    (PID:3956,TID:5792,11:17:56.947) ERROR: CVdsService::OnDiskLayoutChange, 7, path=\\?\usbstor#disk&ven_wd&prod_elements_1023&rev_2005#6&2429694&0#{53f56307-b6bf-11d0-94f2-00a0c91efb8b}, 19
    (PID:3956,TID:5716,11:17:56.962) ENTER CVdsService::RemoveObjectFromMap()
    (PID:3956,TID:5792,11:17:56.962) LEAVE CVdsService::OnDiskLayoutChange()
    (PID:3956,TID:5716,11:17:56.978) LEAVE CVdsService::RemoveObjectFromMap()
    (PID:3956,TID:5792,11:17:56.978) LEAVE CVdsPnPNotificationManager::LayoutChangeNotificationHandler()
    (PID:3956,TID:5716,11:17:56.978) ENTER CVdsDiskLun::~CVdsDiskLun()
    (PID:3956,TID:5716,11:17:56.993) LEAVE CVdsDiskLun::~CVdsDiskLun()

  • Trouble with two hard drives including SMART failure

    About a week ago my mac mini g4 that I've had for less than 3 years, crashed while I was using itunes and playing music off an external usb drive.
    As a result there has been trouble with both drives:
    *Internal hard drive failure:*
    The internal drive would not boot and reported a fatal hardware error, with a SMART failure. Interestingly, when I start up the computer as a firewire target and run the same Disk Utility program, it does not report the fatal error. I was able to reformat this drive and it seems to now be booting and running fine.
    *External hard drive failure*
    The external hard drive worked intermittently and then died completely a few days later, where it is now unable to mount it at all.
    Does this mean I have two failed hard drives? The internal one seems to work fine and has for over a week, even though it still says there was a S.M.A.R.T. failure. When Disk Utility says there was a hardware failure, it prevents me from running the verify/repair functions. Is it possible that the external drive failure was somehow attributed to the internal drive?
    I think it is also strange that when I run the Disk Utility using firewire target, the internal hard drive tests fine.
    The message I get is:
    "This drive reported a fatal hardware error to disk utility. If the drive has not failed completely, back up as much data as you can and then replace it with a working drive."
    and at the bottom it says:
    "S.M.A.R.T. status: failing"
    Meanwhile it works just fine and my other external drive has failed altogether.
    I normally wouldn't question this error message, but the fact that the other drive failed more completely at around the same time, and that the error message doesn't show up when I run the disk utility on the internal drive via firewire makes me wonder if there are other factors. It's also just frustrating that I may need to replace both.
    Other things I have done is run the Apple Hardware Test, and everything passed. I also tried a PMU reset, and that didn't help.
    Should I just replace the internal hard drive or should I look for other problems?
    I appreciate any advice on this.
    Message was edited by: biz123

    I'm not aware of any firmware update for the PPC minis - I've not had any with either of my own that I recall.
    Of course future reliability is something you can never really check or fully assess, but the fact the system passes the hardware test tells us that the components which could have been responsible and which are not fairly easy to replace (the logic board, disk controller, PMU are all healthy. RAM could be a problem because the hardware test is not all that capable at revealing RAM issues, but it is also not likely to be the cause of this kind of problem. The PSU is obviously suspect to some degree, but is also replaceable.
    While it's not common to suffer multiple drive failures, the fact one was active and the other could easily have been paging would account for the result if either failed in that situation. Bad luck and not easy to reproduce if you tried, but not inconceivable.
    The fact that the internal rendered up your files while in FW target disk mode tends to indicate that the reason it wouldn't boot from that drive was not that the drive itself was trashed, but that the drive crashed during use - a circumstance which often creates catalog and file problems, and can certainly cause the system to fail in locating the MacOS install to boot from. In that situation, unless there is physical damage to the drive, it typically can be re-used with a reformat and reinstall, since of course that corrects the kind of catalog/file issues that this sort of crash typically causes. It would be expected to report 'verified' for SMART status though.
    There are a few reasons why a damaged external might not appear in Disk Utility, or refuse to mount, some of which are broad;ly similar - a crash causing file or catalog issues. The fact it was FAT32 would complicate the matter to a small degree since if the allocation tables weren't visible to the Mac due to corruption, the system wouldn't have any way to mount the drive. That said, while it would likely be visible to a PC, and may even render up files in data recovery, it wouldn't be reusable itself without a reformat, and could well produce I/O errors in the process. It would usually be amenable to reformatting though it might also need repartitioning depending on the damage done. The overheating you mention may be an indicator of a fault, or it may be that the drive is being pushed to all 3 read attempts with each data block - that would cause it to work very hard! If you have rescue the data you think you can get off it, I'd suggest you try a reformat. If that fails, use a utility such as FDISK to delete all the partitions and recreate them, then try formatting again.
    In terms of iTunes, any version will work, including 7.6. If music is stored on the external and that is USB connected, that would count for some speed impediment since iTunes is fairly cpu intensive, and the USB bus is also highly variable in performance, depending on CPU activity. But no, there is nothing in the latest version of iTunes that would cause a PPC to suffer such performance problems in itself, so you can use that quite safely. All are very cautious about this aspect of software design, since updates are often released to deal with stability or security issues, and must be usable for everyone.

  • Navigation Attribute is not getting displayed as in Masterdata Table

    Hi All,
    I have an infoobject "YDOCUMENT" compoundedd with "S_ORD_ITEM". Also i have added few attribute (Reason for rejection and Order Status) for the same. This infoobject is getting updated through data load from Sales Order Item level DSO and it will contain the Reason for rejection and ORder Status for each Sales ORder and item combination.
    After performing the data load i am able to see the attribute successfully getting updated into the master data table as expected, But when i run the Bex report and disply these Attributes as Nivugational Attributes, I am gettign the value as "Unassigned, and i am getting the proper result from the infoobject master data table.
    Can anyone give me any idea why this is happening? How we can i fix this issue?

    Hello All,
    The issue is due to the SID generation failure for the Attribute, This didnt happen properly because i am inserting the records into the infoobject during the data load to another DSO.
    Now i am doing a Direct data load to the infoobject to update the attribute this is solving the issue.

  • File Share Search problem with Compress file

    I have a content source in SharePoint 2013 search which crawl files from a file share. Some of the files have "Compress contents to save disk" attribute set to true. 
    These files are being crawled as I can see them in Crawl logs. But when I search for these documents in search center, it only return the documents which don't have compression attribute set.  I have even tried searching document title. Any idea?

    Hi Rashid,
    What keyword did you use for searching the compressed file?
    As your description, I set a file as the below:
    Then I created a File Share content source pointed to the folder which contains the file, then start a full crawl.
    After crawling, I went to my search center, and searched, the result was:
    When you search the compressed file, check whether the item title returns a part of the content of the document.
    Best Regards,
    Forum Support
    Please remember to mark the replies as answers if they help and unmark them if they provide no help. If you have feedback for TechNet Subscriber Support, contact
    [email protected]
    Wendy Li
    TechNet Community Support

  • 11gr2 crsd core dump during failover or start attempt on second node

    I installed 11gr2 with ASM on one node (solaris SPARC). Then I added another node to this cluster (via addNode.sh script).
    Than got strange error: If my first node is up, second node is started fine and run well. If I shutdown first node - crsd on second node dump to core and fails to restart. I get the same error if I try to start second node when the first one is down.
    In the crsd.log I see the following:
    [  clsdmt][2]Listening to (ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=ipc)(KEY=mskbkp2DBG_CRSD))
    2010-03-03 17:31:35.330: [  clsdmt][2]PID for the Process [18669], connkey 1
    2010-03-03 17:31:35.331: [  clsdmt][2]Creating PID [18669] file for home /u01/grid/11.2.0 host mskbkp2 bin crs to /u01/grid/11
    2010-03-03 17:31:35.331: [  clsdmt][2]Writing PID [18669] to the file [u01/grid/11.2.0/crs/init/mskbkp2.pid]
    2010-03-03 17:31:35.925: [ default][1] CRS Daemon Starting
    2010-03-03 17:31:35.933: [ default][1] ENV Logging level for Module: AGENT 1
    2010-03-03 17:31:35.934: [ default][1] ENV Logging level for Module: AGFW 0
    2010-03-03 17:31:35.934: [ default][1] ENV Logging level for Module: CLSFRAME 0
    2010-03-03 17:31:35.934: [ default][1] ENV Logging level for Module: CLSVER 0
    2010-03-03 17:31:35.934: [ default][1] ENV Logging level for Module: CLUCLS 0
    2010-03-03 17:31:35.934: [ default][1] ENV Logging level for Module: COMMCRS 0
    2010-03-03 17:31:35.934: [ default][1] ENV Logging level for Module: COMMNS 0
    2010-03-03 17:31:35.936: [ default][1] ENV Logging level for Module: CRSAPP 0
    2010-03-03 17:31:35.936: [ default][1] ENV Logging level for Module: CRSCCL 0
    2010-03-03 17:31:35.936: [ default][1] ENV Logging level for Module: CRSCEVT 0
    2010-03-03 17:31:35.936: [ default][1] ENV Logging level for Module: CRSCOMM 1
    2010-03-03 17:31:35.936: [    CRSD][1] ENV Debug Level(CRSD): 50
    2010-03-03 17:31:35.936: [    CRSD][1] ENV Logging level for Module: CRSD 50
    2010-03-03 17:31:35.937: [    CRSD][1] ENV Debug Level(CRSEVT): 0
    2010-03-03 17:31:35.937: [    CRSD][1] ENV Logging level for Module: CRSEVT 0
    2010-03-03 17:31:35.937: [    CRSD][1] ENV Debug Level(CRSMAIN): 1
    2010-03-03 17:31:35.937: [    CRSD][1] ENV Logging level for Module: CRSMAIN 1
    2010-03-03 17:31:35.937: [    CRSD][1] ENV Debug Level(CRSOCR): 0
    2010-03-03 17:31:35.937: [    CRSD][1] ENV Logging level for Module: CRSOCR 0
    2010-03-03 17:31:35.939: [    CRSD][1] ENV Debug Level(CRSPE): 0
    2010-03-03 17:31:35.939: [    CRSD][1] ENV Logging level for Module: CRSPE 0
    2010-03-03 17:31:35.939: [    CRSD][1] ENV Debug Level(CRSPLACE): 0
    2010-03-03 17:31:35.939: [    CRSD][1] ENV Logging level for Module: CRSPLACE 0
    2010-03-03 17:31:35.940: [    CRSD][1] ENV Debug Level(CRSRES): 0
    2010-03-03 17:31:35.940: [    CRSD][1] ENV Logging level for Module: CRSRES 0
    2010-03-03 17:31:35.940: [    CRSD][1] ENV Debug Level(CRSRPT): 0
    2010-03-03 17:31:35.940: [    CRSD][1] ENV Logging level for Module: CRSRPT 0
    2010-03-03 17:31:35.940: [    CRSD][1] ENV Debug Level(CRSRTI): 0
    2010-03-03 17:31:35.940: [    CRSD][1] ENV Logging level for Module: CRSRTI 0
    2010-03-03 17:31:35.940: [    CRSD][1] ENV Debug Level(CRSSE): 0
    2010-03-03 17:31:35.941: [    CRSD][1] ENV Logging level for Module: CRSSE 0
    2010-03-03 17:31:35.941: [    CRSD][1] ENV Debug Level(CRSSEC): 0
    2010-03-03 17:31:35.941: [    CRSD][1] ENV Logging level for Module: CRSSEC 0
    2010-03-03 17:31:35.941: [    CRSD][1] ENV Debug Level(CRSSHARED): 0
    2010-03-03 17:31:35.941: [    CRSD][1] ENV Logging level for Module: CRSSHARED 0
    2010-03-03 17:31:35.942: [    CRSD][1] ENV Debug Level(CRSTIMER): 0
    2010-03-03 17:31:35.942: [    CRSD][1] ENV Logging level for Module: CRSTIMER 0
    2010-03-03 17:31:35.942: [    CRSD][1] ENV Debug Level(CRSUI): 0
    2010-03-03 17:31:35.942: [    CRSD][1] ENV Logging level for Module: CRSUI 0
    2010-03-03 17:31:35.942: [    CRSD][1] ENV Debug Level(CSSCLNT): 0
    2010-03-03 17:31:35.942: [    CRSD][1] ENV Logging level for Module: CSSCLNT 0
    2010-03-03 17:31:35.942: [    CRSD][1] ENV Debug Level(OCRAPI): 1
    2010-03-03 17:31:35.942: [    CRSD][1] ENV Logging level for Module: OCRAPI 1
    2010-03-03 17:31:35.942: [    CRSD][1] ENV Debug Level(OCRASM): 1
    2010-03-03 17:31:35.943: [    CRSD][1] ENV Logging level for Module: OCRASM 1
    2010-03-03 17:31:35.943: [    CRSD][1] ENV Debug Level(OCRCAC): 1
    2010-03-03 17:31:35.943: [    CRSD][1] ENV Logging level for Module: OCRCAC 1
    2010-03-03 17:31:35.943: [    CRSD][1] ENV Debug Level(OCRCLI): 1
    2010-03-03 17:31:35.943: [    CRSD][1] ENV Logging level for Module: OCRCLI 1
    2010-03-03 17:31:35.943: [    CRSD][1] ENV Debug Level(OCRMAS): 1
    2010-03-03 17:31:35.943: [    CRSD][1] ENV Logging level for Module: OCRMAS 1
    2010-03-03 17:31:35.944: [    CRSD][1] ENV Debug Level(OCRMSG): 1
    2010-03-03 17:31:35.944: [    CRSD][1] ENV Logging level for Module: OCRMSG 1
    2010-03-03 17:31:35.945: [    CRSD][1] ENV Debug Level(OCROSD): 1
    2010-03-03 17:31:35.945: [    CRSD][1] ENV Logging level for Module: OCROSD 1
    2010-03-03 17:31:35.945: [    CRSD][1] ENV Debug Level(OCRRAW): 1
    2010-03-03 17:31:35.945: [    CRSD][1] ENV Logging level for Module: OCRRAW 1
    2010-03-03 17:31:35.945: [    CRSD][1] ENV Debug Level(OCRSRV): 1
    2010-03-03 17:31:35.945: [    CRSD][1] ENV Logging level for Module: OCRSRV 1
    2010-03-03 17:31:35.945: [    CRSD][1] ENV Debug Level(OCRUTL): 1
    2010-03-03 17:31:35.945: [    CRSD][1] ENV Logging level for Module: OCRUTL 1
    2010-03-03 17:31:35.945: [    CRSD][1] ENV Debug Level(SuiteTes): 1
    2010-03-03 17:31:35.946: [    CRSD][1] ENV Logging level for Module: SuiteTes 1
    2010-03-03 17:31:35.946: [    CRSD][1] ENV Debug Level(UiServer): 0
    2010-03-03 17:31:35.946: [    CRSD][1] ENV Logging level for Module: UiServer 0
    2010-03-03 17:31:35.946: [ CRSMAIN][1] Checking the OCR device
    2010-03-03 17:31:35.948: [ CRSMAIN][1] Connecting to the CSS Daemon
    2010-03-03 17:31:35.976: [ CRSMAIN][1] Initializing OCR
    2010-03-03 17:31:35.981: [  OCRAPI][1]clsu_get_private_ip_addr: Calling clsu_get_private_ip_addresses to get first private ip
    2010-03-03 17:31:35.981: [  OCRAPI][1]Check namebufs
    2010-03-03 17:31:35.981: [  OCRAPI][1]Finished checking namebufs
    2010-03-03 17:31:35.982: [    GIPC][1] gipcCheckInitialization: possible incompatible non-threaded init from [clsinet.c : 3232
    ], original from [clsss.c : 5026]
    2010-03-03 17:31:36.036: [    GPnP][1]clsgpnp_Init: [at clsgpnp0.c:405] gpnp tracelevel 3, component tracelevel 0
    2010-03-03 17:31:36.037: [    GPnP][1]clsgpnp_Init: [at clsgpnp0.c:535] '/u01/grid/11.2.0' in effect as GPnP home base.
    2010-03-03 17:31:36.059: [    GIPC][1] gipcCheckInitialization: possible incompatible non-threaded init from [clsgpnp0.c : 680
    ], original from [clsss.c : 5026]
    2010-03-03 17:31:36.067: [    GPnP][1]clsgpnp_InitCKProviders: [at clsgpnp0.c:3867] Init gpnp local security key providers (2)
    fatal if both fail
    2010-03-03 17:31:36.068: [    GPnP][1]clsgpnp_InitCKProviders: [at clsgpnp0.c:3870] Init gpnp local security key proveders 1 o
    f 2: file wallet (LSKP-FSW)
    2010-03-03 17:31:36.068: [    GPnP][1]clsgpnpkwf_initwfloc: [at clsgpnpkwf.c:398] Using FS Wallet Location : /u01/grid/11.2.0/
    2010-03-03 17:31:36.069: [    GPnP][1]clsgpnp_InitCKProviders: [at clsgpnp0.c:3892] Init gpnp local security key provider 1 of
    2: file wallet (LSKP-FSW) OK
    2010-03-03 17:31:36.069: [    GPnP][1]clsgpnp_InitCKProviders: [at clsgpnp0.c:3898] Init gpnp local security key proveders 2 o
    f 2: OLR wallet (LSKP-CLSW-OLR)
    [   CLWAL][1]clsw_Initialize: OLR initlevel [30000]
    2010-03-03 17:31:36.080: [    GPnP][1]clsgpnp_InitCKProviders: [at clsgpnp0.c:3921] Init gpnp local security key provider 2 of
    2: OLR wallet (LSKP-CLSW-OLR) OK
    2010-03-03 17:31:36.081: [    GPnP][1]clsgpnp_getCK: [at clsgpnp0.c:1952] <Get gpnp security keys (wallet) for id:1,typ;7. (2
    providers - fatal if all fail)
    2010-03-03 17:31:36.081: [    GPnP][1]clsgpnpkwf_getWalletPath: [at clsgpnpkwf.c:501] req_id=1 ck_prov_id=1 wallet path: /u01/
    2010-03-03 17:31:36.152: [    GPnP][1]clsgpnpwu_walletfopen: [at clsgpnpwu.c:496] Opened SSO wallet: '/u01/grid/11.2.0/gpnp/ms
    2010-03-03 17:31:36.152: [    GPnP][1]clsgpnp_getCK: [at clsgpnp0.c:1968] Result: (0) CLSGPNP_OK. Get gpnp wallet - provider 1
    of 2 (LSKP-FSW(1))
    2010-03-03 17:31:36.152: [    GPnP][1]clsgpnp_getCK: [at clsgpnp0.c:1982] Got gpnp security keys (wallet).>
    2010-03-03 17:31:36.172: [    GPnP][1]clsgpnp_getCK: [at clsgpnp0.c:1952] <Get gpnp security keys (wallet) for id:1,typ;4. (2
    providers - fatal if all fail)
    2010-03-03 17:31:36.172: [    GPnP][1]clsgpnpkwf_getWalletPath: [at clsgpnpkwf.c:501] req_id=1 ck_prov_id=1 wallet path: /u01/
    2010-03-03 17:31:36.238: [    GPnP][1]clsgpnpwu_walletfopen: [at clsgpnpwu.c:496] Opened SSO wallet: '/u01/grid/11.2.0/gpnp/ms
    2010-03-03 17:31:36.239: [    GPnP][1]clsgpnp_getCK: [at clsgpnp0.c:1968] Result: (0) CLSGPNP_OK. Get gpnp wallet - provider 1
    of 2 (LSKP-FSW(1))
    2010-03-03 17:31:36.239: [    GPnP][1]clsgpnp_getCK: [at clsgpnp0.c:1982] Got gpnp security keys (wallet).>
    2010-03-03 17:31:36.239: [    GPnP][1]clsgpnp_Init: [at clsgpnp0.c:840] GPnP client pid=18669, tl=3, f=0
    2010-03-03 17:31:36.541: [GIPCXCPT][1] gipcShutdownF: skipping shutdown, count 2, from [ clsinet.c : 1735], ret gipcretSuccess
    2010-03-03 17:31:36.552: [GIPCXCPT][1] gipcShutdownF: skipping shutdown, count 1, from [ clsgpnp0.c : 1021], ret gipcretSucces
    s (0)
    2010-03-03 17:31:36.771: [  OCRRAW][1]proprioo: for disk 0 (+DR2_BIN), id match (1), total id sets, (1) need recover (0), my v
    otes (0), total votes (0), commit_lsn (9), lsn (9)
    2010-03-03 17:31:36.771: [  OCRRAW][1]proprioo: my id set: (833490748, 1028247821, 0, 0, 0)
    2010-03-03 17:31:36.772: [  OCRRAW][1]proprioo: 1st set: (833490748, 1028247821, 0, 0, 0)
    2010-03-03 17:31:36.772: [  OCRRAW][1]proprioo: 2nd set: (0, 0, 0, 0, 0)
    2010-03-03 17:31:36.830: [  OCRSRV][1]th_init: Successfully retrieved CSS misscount [31].
    2010-03-03 17:31:36.830: [  OCRSRV][1]th_init: Successfully query CLSS mode [3].
    [  OCRMAS][20]th_calc_av:5': Rturn persisted AV [186646784] []
    2010-03-03 17:31:36.920: [  OCRSRV][20]th_not_master_change: Master change callback not registered
    2010-03-03 17:31:36.920: [  OCRMAS][20]th_master:12: I AM THE NEW OCR MASTER at incar 1. Node Number 2
    2010-03-03 17:31:37.134: [  OCRASM][20]proprasmo: ASM cache size is [5MB]
    2010-03-03 17:31:37.142: [  OCRASM][20]proprasmo: ASM cache [5MB] enabled for disk group [DR2_BIN].
    2010-03-03 17:31:37.155: [  OCRRAW][20]proprioo: for disk 0 (+DR2_BIN), id match (1), total id sets, (1) need recover (0), my
    votes (0), total votes (0), commit_lsn (9), lsn (9)
    2010-03-03 17:31:37.155: [  OCRRAW][20]proprioo: my id set: (833490748, 1028247821, 0, 0, 0)
    2010-03-03 17:31:37.155: [  OCRRAW][20]proprioo: 1st set: (833490748, 1028247821, 0, 0, 0)
    2010-03-03 17:31:37.155: [  OCRRAW][20]proprioo: 2nd set: (0, 0, 0, 0, 0)
    2010-03-03 17:31:37.214: [  OCRMAS][20]proath_master:18: Spawned connection mgr thread
    2010-03-03 17:31:37.214: [  OCRMAS][20]proath_master:20: Spawned upgrade thread
    2010-03-03 17:31:37.214: [  OCRMAS][20]th_master:19.1: Wake up upgrade thread
    2010-03-03 17:31:37.216: [  OCRSRV][1]th_snap_local_spawn: Inside snap local spawn. host is [mskbkp2]
    2010-03-03 17:31:37.219: [ CRSMAIN][1] Running as user: root
    2010-03-03 17:31:37.219: [ CRSMAIN][1] CRSD running as the Privileged user
    2010-03-03 17:31:37.219: [  CLSVER][1] Static Version
    2010-03-03 17:31:37.226: [  OCRMAS][20]th_master:1': Recvd pubdata event from node [2]
    2010-03-03 17:31:37.227: [  OCRMAS][20]th_master:2': Recvd pubdata event for self. Do nothing.
    2010-03-03 17:31:37.227: [  CLSVER][1] Daemon version: Software version:
    2010-03-03 17:31:37.231: [  CLSVER][1] Active Version from OCR:
    2010-03-03 17:31:37.232: [  CLSVER][1] Active Version and Software Version are same
    2010-03-03 17:31:37.232: [  CLSVER][1] Active Version changed to
    2010-03-03 17:31:37.232: [  OCRSRV][1]th_reg_master_change: Master change callback registered
    2010-03-03 17:31:37.232: [  OCRAPI][1]a_reg_master_change: Registered master change callback
    2010-03-03 17:31:37.232: [  OCRSRV][1]th_not_master_change: Invoking master change callback. Master [2] Inc [1]
    2010-03-03 17:31:37.232: [  OCRAPI][1]a_reg_master_change: Notified master change
    2010-03-03 17:31:37.232: [ CRSMAIN][1] CAA Node Group Pri Data size: 128
    2010-03-03 17:31:37.233: [ CRSMAIN][1] CAA Node Group Pub Data size: 128
    2010-03-03 17:31:37.247: [ CRSMAIN][1] Getting private data of booted nodes
    2010-03-03 17:31:37.247: [ CRSMAIN][1] Checking for booted param on nodenum: 2
    2010-03-03 17:31:37.306: [    CLSE][1]clse_get_auth_loc: Returning default authloc: /u01/grid/11.2.0/auth/crs/mskbkp2
    2010-03-03 17:31:37.306: [ CRSMAIN][1] Using Authorizer location: /u01/grid/11.2.0/auth/crs/mskbkp2
    2010-03-03 17:31:37.314: [  OCRSRV][23]th_upgrade: Starting upgrade calculation
    2010-03-03 17:31:37.364: [  CLSCLU][1]clsclu_init: rc 0
    2010-03-03 17:31:37.381: [  OCRSRV][23]th_upgrade:10.1 AV [186646784]. State [11]. Already upgraded.Updated global data to the
    crs version group. Return [0]
    2010-03-03 17:31:37.385: [ CRSMAIN][1] Initializing RTI
    2010-03-03 17:31:37.433: [ CRSMAIN][1] Initializing ResouceStateListener
    2010-03-03 17:31:37.433: [CRSTIMER][37] Timer Thread Starting.
    2010-03-03 17:31:37.433: [ CRSMAIN][1] Initializing EVMMgr
    2010-03-03 17:31:37.446: [ CRSMAIN][1] Initializing ResourceMap Map
    2010-03-03 17:31:37.461: [ CRSMAIN][1] Subscribing to EVM events for apps
    2010-03-03 17:31:37.504: [ CRSMAIN][1] CRSD locked during state recovery, please wait.
    2010-03-03 17:31:37.516: [ CRSMAIN][1] CRSD recovered, unlocked.
    2010-03-03 17:31:37.525: [ default][1]clsu_get_private_ip_addr: Calling clsu_get_private_ip_addresses to get first private ip
    2010-03-03 17:31:37.525: [ default][1]Check namebufs
    2010-03-03 17:31:37.525: [ default][1]Finished checking namebufs
    2010-03-03 17:31:37.526: [    GIPC][1] gipcCheckInitialization: possible incompatible non-threaded init from [clsinet.c : 3232
    ], original from [clsss.c : 5026]
    2010-03-03 17:31:37.569: [    GPnP][1]clsgpnp_Init: [at clsgpnp0.c:405] gpnp tracelevel 3, component tracelevel 0
    2010-03-03 17:31:37.569: [    GPnP][1]clsgpnp_Init: [at clsgpnp0.c:535] '/u01/grid/11.2.0' in effect as GPnP home base.
    2010-03-03 17:31:37.587: [    GIPC][1] gipcCheckInitialization: possible incompatible non-threaded init from [clsgpnp0.c : 680
    ], original from [clsss.c : 5026]
    2010-03-03 17:31:37.595: [    GPnP][1]clsgpnp_InitCKProviders: [at clsgpnp0.c:3867] Init gpnp local security key providers (2)
    fatal if both fail
    2010-03-03 17:31:37.595: [    GPnP][1]clsgpnp_InitCKProviders: [at clsgpnp0.c:3870] Init gpnp local security key proveders 1 o
    f 2: file wallet (LSKP-FSW)
    2010-03-03 17:31:37.596: [    GPnP][1]clsgpnpkwf_initwfloc: [at clsgpnpkwf.c:398] Using FS Wallet Location : /u01/grid/11.2.0/
    2010-03-03 17:31:37.596: [    GPnP][1]clsgpnp_InitCKProviders: [at clsgpnp0.c:3892] Init gpnp local security key provider 1 of
    2: file wallet (LSKP-FSW) OK
    2010-03-03 17:31:37.596: [    GPnP][1]clsgpnp_InitCKProviders: [at clsgpnp0.c:3898] Init gpnp local security key proveders 2 o
    f 2: OLR wallet (LSKP-CLSW-OLR)
    [   CLWAL][1]clsw_Initialize: OLR initlevel [30000]
    2010-03-03 17:31:37.607: [    GPnP][1]clsgpnp_InitCKProviders: [at clsgpnp0.c:3921] Init gpnp local security key provider 2 of
    2: OLR wallet (LSKP-CLSW-OLR) OK
    2010-03-03 17:31:37.607: [    GPnP][1]clsgpnp_getCK: [at clsgpnp0.c:1952] <Get gpnp security keys (wallet) for id:1,typ;7. (2
    providers - fatal if all fail)
    2010-03-03 17:31:37.607: [    GPnP][1]clsgpnpkwf_getWalletPath: [at clsgpnpkwf.c:501] req_id=1 ck_prov_id=1 wallet path: /u01/
    2010-03-03 17:31:37.673: [    GPnP][1]clsgpnpwu_walletfopen: [at clsgpnpwu.c:496] Opened SSO wallet: '/u01/grid/11.2.0/gpnp/ms
    2010-03-03 17:31:37.673: [    GPnP][1]clsgpnp_getCK: [at clsgpnp0.c:1968] Result: (0) CLSGPNP_OK. Get gpnp wallet - provider 1
    of 2 (LSKP-FSW(1))
    2010-03-03 17:31:37.673: [    GPnP][1]clsgpnp_getCK: [at clsgpnp0.c:1982] Got gpnp security keys (wallet).>
    2010-03-03 17:31:37.690: [    GPnP][1]clsgpnp_getCK: [at clsgpnp0.c:1952] <Get gpnp security keys (wallet) for id:1,typ;4. (2
    providers - fatal if all fail)
    2010-03-03 17:31:37.690: [    GPnP][1]clsgpnpkwf_getWalletPath: [at clsgpnpkwf.c:501] req_id=1 ck_prov_id=1 wallet path: /u01/
    2010-03-03 17:31:37.754: [    GPnP][1]clsgpnpwu_walletfopen: [at clsgpnpwu.c:496] Opened SSO wallet: '/u01/grid/11.2.0/gpnp/ms
    2010-03-03 17:31:37.754: [    GPnP][1]clsgpnp_getCK: [at clsgpnp0.c:1968] Result: (0) CLSGPNP_OK. Get gpnp wallet - provider 1
    of 2 (LSKP-FSW(1))
    2010-03-03 17:31:37.754: [    GPnP][1]clsgpnp_getCK: [at clsgpnp0.c:1982] Got gpnp security keys (wallet).>
    2010-03-03 17:31:37.755: [    GPnP][1]clsgpnp_Init: [at clsgpnp0.c:840] GPnP client pid=18669, tl=3, f=0
    2010-03-03 17:31:37.806: [GIPCXCPT][1] gipcShutdownF: skipping shutdown, count 2, from [ clsinet.c : 1735], ret gipcretSuccess
    2010-03-03 17:31:37.817: [GIPCXCPT][1] gipcShutdownF: skipping shutdown, count 1, from [ clsgpnp0.c : 1021], ret gipcretSucces
    s (0)
    2010-03-03 17:31:37.822: [ CRSMAIN][1] CRSD listening on 10 style E2E port (ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=tcp)(HOST=
    2010-03-03 17:31:37.835: [ CRSMAIN][1] Starting Threads
    2010-03-03 17:31:37.858: [    CLSE][1]clse_get_auth_loc: Returning default authloc: /u01/grid/11.2.0/auth/crs/mskbkp2
    2010-03-03 17:31:37.858: [    CRSD][1] AuthLoc /u01/grid/11.2.0/auth/crs/mskbkp2
    2010-03-03 17:31:37.859: [    CRSD][1] PE active version:
    2010-03-03 17:31:37.859: [    CRSD][1] PE Engine: NEW
    2010-03-03 17:31:37.859: [    CRSD][1] Using OCR batch ops : ENABLED
    2010-03-03 17:31:37.860: [ CRSMAIN][1] Initializing Node Down Monitor
    2010-03-03 17:31:37.860: [ CRSMAIN][1] CRS Daemon Started.
    2010-03-03 17:31:37.860: [    CRSD][1] Connecting to the CSS Daemon
    2010-03-03 17:31:37.861: [    CRSD][1] Local CSS Node Number is: 2
    2010-03-03 17:31:37.863: [    CRSD][1] Local Css Node Name is: mskbkp2
    2010-03-03 17:31:37.863: [    CRSD][1] CRSDPersonality initialized
    2010-03-03 17:31:37.864: [ CRSMAIN][1] Process member data: CRSD:mskbkp2
    2010-03-03 17:31:37.864: [    CRSD][1][F-ALGO] getIpcPath returning (ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=IPC)(KEY=CRSD_IPC_SOCKET_11))
    2010-03-03 17:31:37.865: [CLSFRAME][1] Inited lsf context 102b3f670
    2010-03-03 17:31:37.865: [CLSFRAME][1] Initing CLS Framework messaging
    2010-03-03 17:31:37.869: [    CRSD][1][F-ALGO] getIpcPath returning (ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=IPC)(KEY=CRSD_IPC_SOCKET_11))
    2010-03-03 17:31:37.873: [UiServer][1] UI Comms initalize() 1
    2010-03-03 17:31:37.873: [CLSFRAME][1] New Framework state: 2
    2010-03-03 17:31:37.873: [CLSFRAME][1] M2M is starting...
    2010-03-03 17:31:37.873: [  CRSCCL][1]clsCclInit called by process: 18669
    2010-03-03 17:31:37.885: [  CRSCCL][1]USING CLSC ============
    2010-03-03 17:31:37.895: [ default][1]clsu_get_private_ip_addr: Calling clsu_get_private_ip_addresses to get first private ip
    2010-03-03 17:31:37.895: [ default][1]Check namebufs
    2010-03-03 17:31:37.895: [ default][1]Finished checking namebufs
    2010-03-03 17:31:37.950: [    GPnP][1]clsgpnp_Init: [at clsgpnp0.c:405] gpnp tracelevel 3, component tracelevel 0
    2010-03-03 17:31:37.951: [    GPnP][1]clsgpnp_Init: [at clsgpnp0.c:535] '/u01/grid/11.2.0' in effect as GPnP home base.
    2010-03-03 17:31:37.970: [    GPnP][1]clsgpnp_InitCKProviders: [at clsgpnp0.c:3867] Init gpnp local security key providers (2)
    fatal if both fail
    2010-03-03 17:31:37.970: [    GPnP][1]clsgpnp_InitCKProviders: [at clsgpnp0.c:3870] Init gpnp local security key proveders 1 o
    f 2: file wallet (LSKP-FSW)
    2010-03-03 17:31:37.970: [    GPnP][1]clsgpnpkwf_initwfloc: [at clsgpnpkwf.c:398] Using FS Wallet Location : /u01/grid/11.2.0/
    2010-03-03 17:31:37.970: [    GPnP][1]clsgpnp_InitCKProviders: [at clsgpnp0.c:3892] Init gpnp local security key provider 1 of
    2: file wallet (LSKP-FSW) OK
    2010-03-03 17:31:37.970: [    GPnP][1]clsgpnp_InitCKProviders: [at clsgpnp0.c:3898] Init gpnp local security key proveders 2 o
    f 2: OLR wallet (LSKP-CLSW-OLR)
    [   CLWAL][1]clsw_Initialize: OLR initlevel [70000]
    2010-03-03 17:31:37.980: [    GPnP][1]clsgpnp_InitCKProviders: [at clsgpnp0.c:3921] Init gpnp local security key provider 2 of
    2: OLR wallet (LSKP-CLSW-OLR) OK
    2010-03-03 17:31:37.980: [    GPnP][1]clsgpnp_getCK: [at clsgpnp0.c:1952] <Get gpnp security keys (wallet) for id:1,typ;7. (2
    providers - fatal if all fail)
    2010-03-03 17:31:37.980: [    GPnP][1]clsgpnpkwf_getWalletPath: [at clsgpnpkwf.c:501] req_id=1 ck_prov_id=1 wallet path: /u01/
    2010-03-03 17:31:38.049: [    GPnP][1]clsgpnpwu_walletfopen: [at clsgpnpwu.c:496] Opened SSO wallet: '/u01/grid/11.2.0/gpnp/ms
    2010-03-03 17:31:38.049: [    GPnP][1]clsgpnp_getCK: [at clsgpnp0.c:1968] Result: (0) CLSGPNP_OK. Get gpnp wallet - provider 1
    of 2 (LSKP-FSW(1))
    2010-03-03 17:31:38.049: [    GPnP][1]clsgpnp_getCK: [at clsgpnp0.c:1982] Got gpnp security keys (wallet).>
    2010-03-03 17:31:38.068: [    GPnP][1]clsgpnp_getCK: [at clsgpnp0.c:1952] <Get gpnp security keys (wallet) for id:1,typ;4. (2
    providers - fatal if all fail)
    2010-03-03 17:31:38.068: [    GPnP][1]clsgpnpkwf_getWalletPath: [at clsgpnpkwf.c:501] req_id=1 ck_prov_id=1 wallet path: /u01/
    2010-03-03 17:31:38.134: [    GPnP][1]clsgpnpwu_walletfopen: [at clsgpnpwu.c:496] Opened SSO wallet: '/u01/grid/11.2.0/gpnp/ms
    2010-03-03 17:31:38.135: [    GPnP][1]clsgpnp_getCK: [at clsgpnp0.c:1968] Result: (0) CLSGPNP_OK. Get gpnp wallet - provider 1
    of 2 (LSKP-FSW(1))
    2010-03-03 17:31:38.135: [    GPnP][1]clsgpnp_getCK: [at clsgpnp0.c:1982] Got gpnp security keys (wallet).>
    2010-03-03 17:31:38.135: [    GPnP][1]clsgpnp_Init: [at clsgpnp0.c:840] GPnP client pid=18669, tl=3, f=3
    2010-03-03 17:31:38.184: [GIPCXCPT][1] gipcShutdownF: skipping shutdown, count 2, from [ clsinet.c : 1735], ret gipcretSuccess
    2010-03-03 17:31:38.194: [GIPCXCPT][1] gipcShutdownF: skipping shutdown, count 1, from [ clsgpnp0.c : 1021], ret gipcretSucces
    s (0)
    2010-03-03 17:31:38.200: [  CRSCCL][1]Listening endpoint created sucessfully @ (ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=tcp)(DEV=54)(HOST=172.31.25.
    112)(PORT=38984)).con = 10359a0d0
    2010-03-03 17:31:38.209: [  CRSCCL][48]CSS Group Registration complete.
    2010-03-03 17:31:38.213: [  CRSCCL][48]cclGetMemberData called
    2010-03-03 17:31:38.215: [  CRSCCL][48]Obtained first membership map.
    2010-03-03 17:31:38.215: [  CRSCCL][48]Dumping member data ------------------
    2010-03-03 17:31:38.215: [  CRSCCL][48]Member (2, 603412550) on node port=.
    2010-03-03 17:31:38.216: [  CRSCCL][48]Done ------------------
    2010-03-03 17:31:38.216: [  CRSCCL][48]Waiting for reconfigs
    2010-03-03 17:31:38.216: [  CRSCCL][49]cclCommunicationHandler started.
    2010-03-03 17:31:38.220: [ CRSCOMM][1] Ipc: m_pClscCtx=1020c4850m_pUgblm=1035b2a50
    2010-03-03 17:31:38.220: [ CRSCOMM][1] Ipc: Starting send thread
    2010-03-03 17:31:38.220: [ CRSCOMM][1] IpcL: Listener instantiated for: (ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=IPC)(KEY=CRSD_IPC_SOCKET_11))
    2010-03-03 17:31:38.221: [ CRSCOMM][52] Ipc: sendWork thread started.
    2010-03-03 17:31:38.222: [ CRSCOMM][1] IpcL: Listener started listening.
    2010-03-03 17:31:38.223: [ CRSCOMM][53] IpcL: thread started listening
    2010-03-03 17:31:38.223: [CLSFRAME][1] Starting thread model named: AgfwProxySrvTM
    2010-03-03 17:31:38.224: [CLSFRAME][1] Starting thread model named: OcrModuleTM
    2010-03-03 17:31:38.225: [CLSFRAME][1] Starting thread model named: PolicyEngineTM
    2010-03-03 17:31:38.225: [CLSFRAME][1] Starting thread model named: SharedThreadTM
    2010-03-03 17:31:38.225: [CLSFRAME][1] Starting thread model named: UiServerTM
    2010-03-03 17:31:38.225: [CLSFRAME][1] New Framework state: 3
    2010-03-03 17:31:38.227: [  CRSRPT][62] Enabled
    2010-03-03 17:31:38.228: [   CRSPE][61] PE Role|State Update: old role [INVALID] new [INVALID]; old state [Not yet initialized
    ] new [Enabling: waiting for role]
    2010-03-03 17:31:38.229: [   CRSSE][62] Master Change Event; New Master Node ID:2 This Node's ID:2
    2010-03-03 17:31:38.230: [   CRSPE][61] PE Role|State Update: old role [INVALID] new [MASTER]; old state [Enabling: waiting fo
    r role] new [Configuring]
    2010-03-03 17:31:38.230: [   CRSPE][61] PE MASTER NAME: mskbkp2
    2010-03-03 17:31:38.230: [   CRSPE][61] Starting to read configuration
    2010-03-03 17:31:38.260: [   CRSPE][61] Reading (2) servers
    2010-03-03 17:31:38.459: [   CRSPE][61] DM: set global config version to: 150
    2010-03-03 17:31:38.459: [   CRSPE][61] DM: set pool freeze timeout to: 60000
    2010-03-03 17:31:38.459: [   CRSPE][61] DM: Set event seq number to: 13900000
    2010-03-03 17:31:38.459: [   CRSPE][61] DM: Set threshold event seq number to: 13980000
    2010-03-03 17:31:38.460: [   CRSPE][61] Sent request to write event sequence number 14000000 to repository
    2010-03-03 17:31:38.483: [   CRSPE][61] Wrote new event sequence to repository
    2010-03-03 17:31:38.568: [   CRSPE][61] Reading (15) types
    2010-03-03 17:31:38.593: [   CRSPE][61] Reading (3) server pools
    2010-03-03 17:31:38.624: [   CRSPE][61] Reading (21) resources
    2010-03-03 17:31:39.987: [   CRSPE][61] Finished reading configuration. Parsing...
    2010-03-03 17:31:39.988: [   CRSPE][61] Parsing resource types...
    2010-03-03 17:31:40.030: [    CRSD][61] Initializing the config version for type ora.asm.type to: 1
    2010-03-03 17:31:40.035: [    CRSD][61] Initializing the config version for type ora.cluster_resource.type to: 1
    2010-03-03 17:31:40.040: [    CRSD][61] Initializing the config version for type ora.cluster_vip.type to: 1
    2010-03-03 17:31:40.044: [    CRSD][61] Initializing the config version for type ora.cluster_vip_net1.type to: 1
    2010-03-03 17:31:40.048: [    CRSD][61] Dump State Starting ...
    2010-03-03 17:31:40.048: [    CRSD][61] State Dump for RTILock
    2010-03-03 17:31:40.048: [    CRSD][61] Lock State List is busy, skipping ..
    2010-03-03 17:31:40.048: [    CRSD][61] State Dump for Timer
    2010-03-03 17:31:40.049: [    CRSD][61] Timer map size=0
    2010-03-03 17:31:40.049: [   CRSPE][61] Dumping PE Data Model...:DM has [0 resources][0 types][0 servers][0 spools]
    ------------- RESOURCES:
    ------------- TYPES:
    ------------- SERVERS:
    ------------- SERVER POOLS:
    2010-03-03 17:31:40.049: [   CRSPE][61] Dumping ICE contents...:ICE operation count: 0
    2010-03-03 17:31:40.049: [    CRSD][61] Dump State Done.
    I guess that there is some thing wrong in configuration, but cannot find out what.
    Any help would be appreciated.

    Please check your disk attributes and permission of OCR/Voting and other ASM devices. The disk attribute should be changed to be shared among all nodes of cluster. It happened with us in where disk was not shared and we were able to start crs from only one node at a time so please check disk attributes. Please see blog keyurmakwanacrs.blogspot.com for AIX which we faced. Not surle whether you've similar problem or not. We had clusterware.

  • No PST quorum in group 1 (VMware)

    Hi, I set up a lab with two vm (vmware workstation) with RHEL5 and Oracle 10g to work with RAC. Now I'm having trouble configuring ASM, in one instance I can create a diskgroup but the other does not work in the ALERT message appears: ERROR: PST quorum in group 1: 1 required, 0 I checked the permissions for both nodes and are correct (oracle.dba) already did the reverse created the diskgroup on node 2 and this node is running and the node 1 don´t.
    I'm using oracleasm and when I type / etc / init.d / oracleasm listdisks appears on both nodes:
    Node 1:
    SQL> select name, state from v $ ASM_DISKGROUP;
    Node 2:
    SQL> select name, state from v $ ASM_DISKGROUP;
    DG_DADOS Mounted
    Any ideas?

    Are you able to see the disks in v$asm_disk? what's the value of asm_diskstring parameter in node2? It may be that node2 doesn't have right spfile parameter value for asm_diskstring and that's why it doesn't discover the disks and as a result, diskgroup is not getting mounted. Also disks attributes should be set to shared to access from multiple nodes in RAC environment. On AIX, we set using chdev command. Please see my blog keyurmakwana.crs.blogspot.com for this permission which was for voting disk. So conclusion is that disks attributes should be changed to be accessed by multiple nodes in RAC environment.

  • Get VM owner r on behalf of owner from vcac for requested VM (using vco).

    I am trying to get the VM owner from vcac for pre-provisioning purposes.  I cannot find it in properties of the VM. 
    Can someone point me in the right direction?
    I'm passing the VCAC:Entity, VCAC:VirtualMachine, The VCAC VM Propertys as an array into my flow.  The owner is eluding me.

    Anyone know how to change the __Legacy.Workflow.User property?
    setting either or both __Legacy.Workflow.User __Legacy.Workflow.ImpersonatingUser has no effect
    Using vCO SDK to request catalog item.
                    string attributes;
                    attributes = "TotalStorageSize,string," + storage;
                    attributes += ",DNSServer,string," + domainController;
                    attributes += ",DNSZone,string," + domain;
                    attributes += ",ServerDomain,string," + domainPrefix;
                    attributes += ",ServerHostName,string," + hostName;
                    attributes += ",ServerType,string," + serverType;
                    attributes += ",isDMZ,string," + isDMZ;
                    attributes += ",AdMachineCleanupDomain,string," + domainController;
                    attributes += ",VirtualMachineCPUCount,string," + cpuCount;
                    attributes += ",disks,string," + disks;
                    attributes += ",VirtualMachineMemorySize,string," + memory;
                    attributes += ",VirtualMachineNetwork0ProfileName,string," + vlan;
                    attributes += ",__request_reason,string," + __request_reason;
                    attributes += ",provisioningGroupId,string," + PRE_provisioningGroupId;
                    attributes += ",item,vCACCAFE:CatalogItem," + dunes_blueprintURI;
                    attributes += ",requestor,string," + requestor;
                    WorkflowToken wfToken = new WorkflowToken();
                    wfToken = vCO.ExecuteWorkflow("33295b30-24e5-4938-be99-7168ac0ca05c", vCACAdminUser, vCACAdminPW, attributes);
    In the workflow I am setting
    var jsRequestor = { name: "provider-__Legacy.Workflow.ImpersonatingUser", value: requestor};
    var jsRequestor2 = { name: "provider-__Legacy.Workflow.User", value: requestor};

  • Node is not able to identify new raw device in ASM

    Hello experts,
    i have a strange probelm with raw disk discovery in ASM. i have a six node cluster. and we are planning to add another raw disk to support database
    out of 6 nodes, 5 nodes are able to find raw disk and on 6th node, it is not able see the disk. not sure what could be the problem.
    i have verified the file permissions. i did see 640 and these seems to be correct
    My database version :
    OS RHEL 4.7
    here is the info.:
    on NOde 5 :
    SQL> SELECT name, header_status, path FROM V$ASM_DISK;
    MEMBER /dev/raw/raw22
    MEMBER /dev/raw/raw21
    CANDIDATE */dev/raw/raw23*
    FOREIGN /dev/raw/raw5
    FOREIGN /dev/raw/raw4
    FOREIGN /dev/raw/raw3
    FOREIGN /dev/raw/raw2
    FOREIGN /dev/raw/raw1
    on node 6 :
    SQL> SELECT name, header_status, path FROM V$ASM_DISK;
    FOREIGN /dev/raw/raw5
    FOREIGN /dev/raw/raw4
    FOREIGN /dev/raw/raw3
    FOREIGN /dev/raw/raw2
    FOREIGN /dev/raw/raw1
    please guide me..
    #! Kumar

    The disk attribute reserve_policy may need to be modified for the disk.
    Verify if the value of reserve_policy is "single_path"
    lsattr -El diskname | grep reserve_policy
    if it is, then change it as follows
    chdev -l diskname -a reserve_policy=no_reserve
    This will ensure the disk is sharable across multiple nodes.

  • Change Request owner

    Anyone know how to change the __Legacy.Workflow.User property?
    setting either or both __Legacy.Workflow.User __Legacy.Workflow.ImpersonatingUser has no effect
    Using vCO SDK to request catalog item.
                    string attributes;
                    attributes = "TotalStorageSize,string," + storage;
                    attributes += ",DNSServer,string," + domainController;
                    attributes += ",DNSZone,string," + domain;
                    attributes += ",ServerDomain,string," + domainPrefix;
                    attributes += ",ServerHostName,string," + hostName;
                    attributes += ",ServerType,string," + serverType;
                    attributes += ",isDMZ,string," + isDMZ;
                    attributes += ",AdMachineCleanupDomain,string," + domainController;
                    attributes += ",VirtualMachineCPUCount,string," + cpuCount;
                    attributes += ",disks,string," + disks;
                    attributes += ",VirtualMachineMemorySize,string," + memory;
                    attributes += ",VirtualMachineNetwork0ProfileName,string," + vlan;
                    attributes += ",__request_reason,string," + __request_reason;
                    attributes += ",provisioningGroupId,string," + PRE_provisioningGroupId;
                    attributes += ",item,vCACCAFE:CatalogItem," + dunes_blueprintURI;
                    attributes += ",requestor,string," + requestor;
                    WorkflowToken wfToken = new WorkflowToken();
                    wfToken = vCO.ExecuteWorkflow("33295b30-24e5-4938-be99-7168ac0ca05c", vCACAdminUser, vCACAdminPW, attributes);
    In the workflow I am setting
    var jsRequestor = { name: "provider-__Legacy.Workflow.ImpersonatingUser", value: requestor};
    var jsRequestor2 = { name: "provider-__Legacy.Workflow.User", value: requestor};

    vRA 6.2 vCO 5.5
    I tried that and even though I see the request go out as me the request property __Legacy.Workflow.User still equals the service account calling the workflow
    [2015-05-20 10:42:25.699] [I] Filling in catalog item request...
    [2015-05-20 10:42:25.700] [I] Sending catalog item request on behalf of 'END USER'...
    [2015-05-20 10:42:28.499] [I] Catalog item request 'aa9b87b6-dc5e-454b-bd21-13d1d9926bf3' sent!
    15-05-20 10:43:52.707] [I] Found property __clonespec = VCAC_PRE_WINDOWS_2012
    [2015-05-20 10:43:52.707] [I] Found property __displayLocationToUser = True
    [2015-05-20 10:43:52.708] [I] Found property __Legacy.Workflow.ImpersonatingUser =
    [2015-05-20 10:43:52.709] [I] Found property __Legacy.Workflow.User = SERVICE ACCOUNT STILL HERE

  • Audio CD burn issue

    First, i apologize for my poor english. (I am french)
    I have some problems to burn an audio CD with songs i bought on iTunes.
    Strangly, with the same CD-RW box, some works fine, but other CD didn't.
    (even if i change x1 to x4 or x12… )
    During all the problems of CD burns, something strange appears in the finder
    (CD no title 3)
    i can't select it, can't delet/cancel it and if i right-clic on it, i only have finder option panels.
    How can i suppress it ?
    There is no more untilted CD in my macbook and if i insert one untilted CD, there is a new line with the right icon (not the folder)
    I looked for this folder in my macbook but didn't find it.
    I will be grateful for any help to clean this.
    Thank you

    After countless try, i finaly solve my problem ^-^;
    There may be (i hope) exist much more easier way but…
    With itunes, i accidently repeat the problem one more time and then the folder "CD sans titre 3" became a disk.
    In the finder left panel there are now two "CD sans titre 3"
    I +i one and change is name (to "CD sans titre 4")
    and then, they keep there "disk" attribut and can eject them end delete them from the left pane.
    Thank you for reading
    Please don't be to hard on my poor english.

  • Broken boot loader

    I have almost exactly followed the beginners guide, only differing in using only single partition, instead of many. I am booting with syslinux, using ext4, and GPT. My system (quad core sandy bridge i5, relatively recent intel motherboard, 500GB HD) I have installed the packages for GPT in syslinux, and checked by boot order. syslinux-install_update -i -a -m says it has been installed, but when I boot, it doesn't recognize anything bootable, and jumps straight to netboot. The same occurs with a ( possibly incorrectly configured) grub install. The partition is flagged as bootable, and, to be honest, I don't know what's wrong. Here is an excerpt of my syslinux.cfg, if it helps:
    LABEL arch
             MENU LABEL Arch Linux
             LINUX ../vmlinuz-linux
             APPEND root=/dev/sda1 rw
             INTRID ../initramfs-linux.img
    I have tried this half a dozen times, and I don't know what to do. Help!

    Indeed, syslinux does not need any special partitions. All it needs is gptmbr.bin in the MBR and the legacy boot flag set. syslinux-install_update does both for you:
    if [[ "$ptb" = MBR ]]; then
    elif [[ "$ptb" = GPT ]]; then
    if dd bs=440 count=1 conv=notrunc if="$mbrfile" of="$disk" &> /dev/null; then
    echo "Installed MBR ($mbrfile) to $disk"
    echo "Error Installing MBR ($mbrfile) to $disk"
    exit 4
    if [[ "$ptb" = MBR ]]; then
    if sfdisk "$disk" -A "$partnum" &>/dev/null; then
    echo "Boot Flag Set - $part"
    echo "FAILED to Set the boot flag on $part"
    exit 3
    elif [[ "$ptb" = GPT ]]; then
    if sgdisk "$disk" --attributes="$partnum":set:2 &>/dev/null; then
    echo "Attribute Legacy Bios Bootable Set - $part"
    echo "FAILED to set attribute Legacy BIOS Bootable on $part"
    exit 3
    That's assuming you're booting in BIOS mode. The script handles *only* BIOS mode:
    This script will install or upgrade Syslinux (for BIOS only)
    If you're booting in EFI mode and want to use syslinux, you need to install it manually using the instructions on the wiki page teateawhy linked to.

  • Windows Vista 64 bit service error on iCloud

    I am running Vista 64 bit and trying to log into iCloud and everytime I do I get this message "You can't sign in because of server error" anyone got any ideas?

    Hello, I think I can identify with this error. When I attempt to install or uninstall an update for the JRE, the error message pops up, notifying me that a DLL required for this install could not be run. I have successfully installed the newest JDK on my machine running 64-bit Vista, though.
    I had an earlier version of the JRE (11) installed prior to this experience, but I could not find the corresponding folder for that install, whether in the Program Files or Program Files(x86) directory. Therefore I suspected that the uninstall failure could be attributed to Windows not being able to find an uninstall package. However, I am also unable to install a new version of the JRE (14), which is quite irksome as I am trying to develop a desktop application with Java.
    If anyone has any solutions, suggestions or workarounds for this issue I would be immensely grateful! I had also tried using System Restore but to no avail.

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