Disk Utility Progress bar

When I repair permissions, I notice the blue bar just sort of sticks at the very start of the progress bar until the last second and then jumps to the end and completes. Before the 10.6.4 update, it would usually move slowly towards the right as the process completes.
Is this normal, or a sign of an issue? No other issues. I just usally repair permissions after an update.

Thanks. I was just a bit concerned because I usually see the bar grow and it works through the process. Since the 10.6.4 update, it just barely shows a blue start and then goes from that to finish in one move after about 8 minutes.

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    This what it said in a pop up window
    Disk Utility stopped verifying “Macintosh HD” because the following error was encountered:
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    Illegal name
    Checking multi-linked files.
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    og hierarchy.",0)
    Checking Extended Attributes file.
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    Checking volume information.
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    1 HFS volume checked
    Volume needs repair

    Thanks for your answer it sent me in the right direction. I got the iMac G5 Mac OS X install Disc 1 out of the pile of cd’s and used it. Did the hardware test aok and then ran the disk utility and repaired the hard drive. Thank you again, I should have known that…… But I was sure that I had used the tiger install DVD (family pack) that’s 5 installs, to startup and do the same thing before. Maybe not on this iMac but maybe on the … B&W G3, 500MHz ibook, 1GHz eMac, 1.25 GHz eMac, GHz 1.33GHz ibook, or the 400 MHz G4, which is where all the installs went the last on the 400 G4. So after I followed your advise, that worked very well, I just put the tiger install DVD (family pack) in the 400 g4 restarted held down the “C” and it brings up the installer and utilities. Therefore, I guess if you have a tiger install DVD (family pack) with unused installs on it you are able to use it as a startup disc on any feasible Mac. If you have used all the installs you can only use it as a startup disc on those machines you used it to install on. Because I have never seen a buster bar on a start up screen before. Once again thanks

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    iMac 2 GHzIntel Core Duo   Mac OS X (10.4.9)  

    Hi and welcome to Discussions,
    for such an easy task as duplicating I use SimplyBurns http://www.macupdate.com/info.php/id/19778/simplyburns
    It's much easier to use than Disc Utility and/or making a DMG

  • Automatic Error when opening Disk Utility

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    Disk Utility Progress:
    Unable to checksum "Desktop". (Operation not supported on socket)
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    Any help appreciated,
    Thank you!

    ive also noticed that if i have the "Macintosh HD" icon highlighted on the desktop, then attempt to calculate checksum, then when Disk Utility opens up it proceeds to checksum the drive and prompts for my password.
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    If I am reading correctly, you want to image one computer onto all the others. The best tool for this job is "asr". The pitfall with doing such clones is that there is some specific system informtion that you don't want to clone.
    Good information about asr can be found:
    A good helper tool from the same source is:
    Note: I am not sure if that is causing your error message, it is just a suggestion of a method that I know works well.

  • Help: grey screen with progress bar at startup, no success repairing in disk utility

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    I tried running disk utility from recovery mode to verify and repair disk, but I only got errors saying "disk utility can't repair this disk. Back up as many of your files as possible, reformat the disk, and restore your backed up files." When this all happened in February, I bought an external HD for the Genius Bar dude to back up my files and do whatever he did over the course of 3 days to repair my system. Apparently it was only a temporary fix. However, like an idiot, even with all of that hassle, I never set up Time Machine (I know, I know, spare the lecture. I definitely will this time around). I'm really not too concerned about the data on my drive because most of my important stuff is on USB storage/my work computer. However, there are pictures on there that I'd really like to salvage.
    So, before I do the walk of shame back into the Apple Store, can anyone offer a guide for saving my stuff and repairing my hard drive myself? And, if I have a worst case scenario on my hands, how expensive will it be to buy/install a new hard drive?...or just how to prevent it from happening in the future? Thanks in advance.

    Klt10415 wrote:
    I can't get past a grey screen with a progrerss bar that doesn't move for about a minute, and then the computer just shuts back off.
    The fsck drive check at boot is failing to fix your drive, gets stuck and the hardware shuts down the machine if a OS isn't loaded in time.
    "disk utility can't repair this disk. Back up as many of your files as possible, reformat the disk, and restore your backed up files."
    Yep, it will either have to be replaced or zero erased and completely reformatted and everything installed again.
    Erase, formatting, OS X installs on Mac's
    How to reformat a used Mac
    I never set up Time Machine
    However, there are pictures on there that I'd really like to salvage.
    That's ok, the TimeMachine likely would have backed up the corrupted data and fail to properly restore anyway.
    Since you can boot from RecoveryHD, that means you can install OS X on a blank external powered drive and boot from it and access the internal drive for your files. Or as a last restort install Data Rescue ($100) and that can read even deleted files off the drive bypassing the file system etc.
    .Create a data recovery/undelete external boot drive

  • Problem installating Snow Leopard on old Macbook Pro with Intel Core 2 Duo. After creating partition on internal hard disk (Extended Journaled), installation starts but stops at half of the progress bar. Screen asking Restart appears.

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    I have first formatted and partitioned the internal hard disk with Mac Os Extended Journal format.
    Once the installation starts, it starts without a problem unti lthe progress bar gest until half completed then a screen asking for a Computer Restart shows up.
    It asks to press the power button for some time until it the computer shuts down and then, press again to turn it on.
    Once turned on, the installation disc gets readed, the installation screen appears again and asks again to start the whole installation process form the beginning.

    Then you have a Hardware Problem.
    Your system is Crashing part way through the install and Re-Booting because of the crash.
    Could be the drive itself or it could be some other hardware part in your system. Like the RAM.
    To check if it is the internal drive connect an External drive to the system by USB and do the install on that external. If the install completes then it more then likely the drive is bad. If it crashes again then it is more then likely some other piece of hardware in your system.

  • Grey bar at startup - Mac HD is greyed out in Disk Utility - Can't be repaired? Need to salvage my data!

    Mac Book Pro -
    My MacBook Pro (2008 Model) has been unable to start up - upon the start up screen when the grey Apple logo appears, I get a loading bar below it.
    After about 15-20 minutes when the bar is almost complete the machine shuts off. There seems to be no way around it. 
    So I booted up my laptop in recovery mode, and opened Disk Utility to check my if there was something wrong with my drives -
    my Macintosh HD (under the TOSHIBA drive) is greyed out. When I hit verify/repair it returns error messages and it remains greyed out.
    I tried multiple times and a few times it stopped being greyed out on the sidebar, but even then it wouldn't let me verify or repair.
    Not backing up my data recently is my obvious fault here, but I just wanted to know if there is ANY way to salvage my data.
    Things I've tried:
    1) Recovery Mode
         -Veryify/Disk Repair doesn't work
         -Time Machine can't seem to access my HD either (greyed out)
    2) TargetDisk mode
         -I connected my MacBook Pro via firewire to my Mac Pro in TargetDisk mode and no Hardrive shows up on my finder.
    Any advice appreciated, going to try and take it to a tech shop on Monday.
    Thank you!

    I would take out the HDD and install it in an enclosure and then connect that to the Mac Pro and see if there is any success.
    If not, then look for data recovery software on the Internet.  Most will have a 'trial' version that will indicate if the software will be successful or not, so you do not have to commit funds without knowing if it will work or not. 
    The last option is a professional recovery service.  There will be no guarantees of success and the costs will be very high.

  • Disk Utility in Lion 10.7.4 for Bare Metal Disaster Recovery??

    We just got our 15" Macbook Pro back from repair of a catastrophic hard disc failure. Wow. An older Seagate Momentus XT 500 toasted its little self. It seems most of our data are intact. If any software on the *new* hard disc get corrupted, we need a fairly straightforward disaster recovery process.
    I need to ask if anyone has successfully used Disk Utility to create a (bare metal) disaster recovery image of everything on their hard drive, including all their software *and* the perfectly functioning OS. We'd like to be able to restore a complete disc image of the new Seagate Momentus 750 XT - taken from a 1 TB Seagate FreeAgent GoFlex USB drive - to the Macbook.
    Has anyone done this successfully? Thanks very much for your help!

    Time Machine, SuperDuper and Carbon Copy Cloner are some of the utilities that will allow you to backup your disk and do a complete restore.

  • Airport Disk Utility does not show up as icon on menu bar

    Since I upgraded to Leopard, the icon for Airport Disk Utility which used to appear in the menu bar at the top of the screen has gone away. Any ideas please? Perhaps it's a coincidence but after the install of Leopard, the Airport Disk Utility application disappeared! I reinstalled it from the Airport Express Base Station SW and it has appeared in Applications again. I can start it up, select 'Show Airport Disks in the Menu Bar' but they don't appear ...
    Any ideas please?

    I believe the disk Utility is now incorporated under FINDER/ SHARED / Airport network name. There should be an ejection/mount arrow beside the disk name. In my case I have two USB disks attached 1: "My Book" [NSTF format, 2: G-DRIVE [MAC format]. The "My Book" always mounted automatically but the"G-DRIVE" would not.
    The work around was to
    1. Connect the G-DRIVE with a wire directly to your computer [I used the firewire]. It will mount and give you an icon under FINDER/DEVICES. The hard drive was actively working on something for about 2 minutes (you could hear it).
    2. After the G-DRIVE hard drive stopped making noise. I Ejected it with the arrow beside the Disk name in the DEVICES Section.
    3. Then I plugged the G-DRIVE back into the Hub connected to the single Airport Extreme USB connection.
    4. Now both Hard Drives showed up under SHARED /Network name With the Eject arrow beside them.
    5. I verified there use by transferring a file and using Backup 3.1.2 (ver374) to backup my documents to the G-DRIVE hard drive.
    Note: I had to go this once when I installed Leopard 10.5 and had to do it again when IK upgraded to 10.5.1
    Hope this helps

  • Hard drive not identified during Installation. Disk Utility showing nothing in left side bar

    Some day before my Macbook pro shown the flashing question mark. I have tried to install thr OS Snow leopard using disc.
    When I started to install the OS, my start up disc ( Hard drive) is not showing for installation.
    I have gone through the Disk Utility to repair it, but in that  Hard drive is not showing in left side bar.
    Kindly suggest how can I recover my Hard drive to install the OS?

    That suggests that the drive is dead; if so, it needs to be replaced, and any data on it can only be recovered by a professional service, which can charge hundreds or thousands of dollars.

  • Disk Utility says "drive can't be repaired, disk and restore your backed up files."

    My Mac Book Pro froze yesterday and I had to force restart it. It had been showing me messages that my hard drive disk was full for a while and I was in the middle of transferring files to my external hard drive and I accidentally put a huge large file from my external hard drive into the trash on my laptop which makes me wonder if that means I added more GB to a computer that was already very full. Anyway, after freezing I restarted it and the desktop wouldn't load properly. The desktop picture was there, but folders on desktop did not appear, finder bar was missing and the dock was acting super slow and nothing worked when clicked on. Then the next few attempts were around the same result and eventually became stuck on the apple logo, spinning gear and a progress bar that was not loading at all.
    Here's what I've tried so far:
    Safe mode- nothing happens
    Command + R - I am unsure how to work this since I can't seem to find an internet connection when it prompts for one. None of the internet connections have much signal and my own information doesn't seem to load since the gear spins to find the internet connection name and password I typed to load it but can't seem to find it. Perhaps I have the wrong internet information, but I don't think so.
    I tried Command + S to use in single user mode and type in a command to help fix the drive, BUT, even though the black screen and white lettering mode did show up, it remained in a place where I was not allowed to type anything and the last thing written at the bottom of the screen was something about set up for bluetooth, I think. I tried this twice and both times it stopped in the same place and I could not type a command.
    Disk Utility using installation dvd to verify and repair disk. Verify says disk needs repair and then repair has some red colored phrases: Invalid volume file count. (It should be 786374 instead of 786274) Incorrect number of thread records. And there was another problem listed but I do not remember it. Then, near the end of repairing it says: "Disk Utility stopped repairing Macintosh HD." It tells me it couldn't repair the disk and that I should back up as many of my files as possible, reformat the disk and restore backed up files.
    That would be fine and dandy, but I have no idea how to back up my files and do all this. I have no idea how to exactly get the data off my hard drive. If someone does, please list a step by step guide for me on how to do so.
    I have an external hard drive and I tried plugging in and selecting the hard drive and making a "New Image" to copy to the external hard drive destination, but it just stops a few seconds into it and tells me there is an input/output error. I tried read only, read/write only, compressed options for making a copy and all yield the same result.
    In Disk Utility, I believe I have a partition -the Macintosh HD. I have listed on the left hand side: 320.07 GB Hitachi HTSS45.....etc. and below it in non-bolded, grey lettering it says "Macintosh HD."
    The Hitachi, when clicked upon, shows the S.M.A.R.T. status as Verified and the Macintosh HD doesn't show much in details except for "Not mounted."
    At one point, the Macintosh HD was in bold lettering and seemed to be mounted for a few minutes. When that happened, I was able to see the details reading: Mount Point: /Volumes/Macintosh HD, Capacity: 319.73 GB, Available: 11.92 GB, Used: 307.81 GB, etc.
    I'm getting nervous to keep turning on and off the computer on force start and shut downs, especially since I have been reading up that the longer the computer is on, the more the hard drive is in use and the more chance for it to start deleting or overwriting my files. Is this true?
    It's not mounted anymore since it was momentarily mounted. I just want to get my files off the disk and save them to my external hard drive. That is my main goal right now. What can I do?
    Thank you in advance for your help!

    If you want to preserve the data on the boot drive, you must try to back up now, before you do anything else. It may or may not be possible. If you don't care about the data, you can skip this step.
    There are several ways to back up a Mac that is unable to fully boot. You need an external hard drive to hold the backup data.
    1. Boot into Recovery (command-R at startup) or from a local Time Machine backup volume (option key at startup.) Launch Disk Utility and follow the instructions in the support article linked below, under “Instructions for backing up to an external hard disk via Disk Utility.”
    How to back up and restore your files
    2. If you have access to a working Mac, and both it and the non-working Mac have FireWire or Thunderbolt ports, boot the non-working Mac in target disk mode by holding down the key combination command-T at the startup chime. Connect the two Macs with a FireWire or Thunderbolt cable. The internal drive of the machine running in target mode will mount as an external drive on the other machine. Copy the data to another drive. This technique won't work with USB, Ethernet, Wi-Fi, or Bluetooth.
    How to use and troubleshoot FireWire target disk mode
    3. If the internal drive of the non-working Mac is user-replaceable, remove it and mount it in an external enclosure or drive dock. Use another Mac to copy the data.

  • Intel iMac - won't start - grey screen & progress bar

    I have a 2006 Intel iMac - 20" model, Intel Core Duo, 2GHz, 2GB RAM, 250GB HDD, etc.  It was one of the very earliest Intel iMacs.  Kept updated, running OS 10.6, etc.
    It has worked extremely well for over 5 years - apart from the Superdrive being temperamental sometimes - but has suddenly gone wrong.
    Last week the machine completely froze for no apparent reason.  I had to force a reboot.  This failed - grey screen and the grey spinning wheel (if that's what it's called), indefinitely.
    Forced reboot again and this time held down the shift key to go into safe boot mode.  This time it was successful, and I was able to get to the logon screen & log myself in.  I opened Disk Utility & attempted to do some diagnostics but the machine froze again.
    Looking around various other forum postings...I rebooted the machine in single user mode and was able to get to the command line to type 'fsck -fy' to attempt to fix disk problems.  This failed repeatedly, with an error message 'invalid node structure'.
    I tried to boot my machine from the OS X disc but my Superdrive refused to play ball - it would not read the disc (or any other disc for that matter, including a copy of DiskWarrior that I have).
    I have now got hold of an external DVD drive in the hope that this would show up as a boot device when I switch the machine on while holding the option key down.  No such luck - the drive powers up ok (power via USB) but I'm not given the option to boot from it - in fact that screen doesn't appear at all.
    All that happens now on powering up - regardless of what I do - is the grey apple symbol appears and a progress bar beneath it.  The progress bar gets stuck about 5% of the way along, and then after about 10 minutes it disappears and is replaced with the grey spinning wheel thingy.  And then it just gets stuck - nothing else happens.
    All my important data is backed up on an external drive via Time Machine, so that should be safe, but I'm desperate to get the machine running again.
    One thing that occurred to me is that I've had a program called ReFit installed on the machine which allowed me to run the machine as dual boot etc. (and I do have a couple of other small partitions on the drive, not currently used) but the ReFit welcome screen stopped appearing a couple of weeks ago for some reason.  I'm wondering if this has somehow messed things up...?
    Grateful for any suggestions...

    For the drive, you should be OK with any SATA 2 at 3 MB/s transfer speed. You could also use a SATA 1, no jumpers needed. (Not SATA 3 - can't be jumpered down.) The early 2006 Intels were 1.5 MB/s -- at least the drives were, so I'm assuming the SATA controller on the logic board was also. Might just be SATA 2 hadn't yet been introduced and can run the faster SATA 3 without jumpers. My guess is not. You should be able to set jumpers on the drive for backwards compatibility. You'll have to contact the drive manufacturer or go to their website for that info.
    http://www.everymac.com/systems/apple/imac/stats/imac-core-2-duo-2.16-20-inch-sp ecs.html
    As for the superdrive, I'd contact the manufacturer to check on compatibility.
    Glad I'm able to help. BTW, in case you haven't noticed, maybe you want to have a look here.

  • Progress bar on start up doesn't finish

    When I log onto my MacBook Pro after I enter my password a progress bar appears which starts to move across but only goes about 20% of the way before the desktop appears. I have heard that there has been a problem with automatic updates which don't fully install and this could be a symptom of that. Unfortunately I now get a problem where the Desktop seems to freeze and I can't select items with the trackpad. I'm not sure if the two are linked or just a coincidence.

    That is normal. If you get to the Desktop and all is working you don't have a problem. But if you do have a problem, then you need to do this:
    Try these in order testing your system after each to see if it's back to normal:
    1. a. Resetting your Mac's PRAM and NVRAM
        b. Intel-based Macs: Resetting the System Management Controller (SMC)
    2. Restart the computer in Safe Mode, then restart again, normally. If this doesn't help, then:
         Boot to the Recovery HD: Restart the computer and after the chime press and hold down the
         COMMAND and R keys until the Utilities menu screen appears. Alternatively, restart the
         computer and after the chime press and hold down the OPTION key until the boot manager
         screen appears. Select the Recovery HD and click on the downward pointing arrow button.
    3. Repair the Hard Drive and Permissions: Upon startup select Disk Utility from the Utilities menu. Repair the Hard Drive and Permissions as follows.
    When the recovery menu appears select Disk Utility. After DU loads select your hard drive entry (mfgr.'s ID and drive size) from the the left side list.  In the DU status area you will see an entry for the S.M.A.R.T. status of the hard drive.  If it does not say "Verified" then the hard drive is failing or failed. (SMART status is not reported on external Firewire or USB drives.) If the drive is "Verified" then select your OS X volume from the list on the left (sub-entry below the drive entry,) click on the First Aid tab, then click on the Repair Disk button. If DU reports any errors that have been fixed, then re-run Repair Disk until no errors are reported. If no errors are reported click on the Repair Permissions button. Wait until the operation completes, then quit DU and return to the main menu. Select Restart from the Apple menu.
    4. Reinstall Yosemite: Reboot from the Recovery HD. Select Reinstall OS X from the Utilities menu, and click on the Continue button.
    Note: You will need an active Internet connection. I suggest using Ethernet if possible
                because it is three times faster than wireless.
    5. Reinstall Yosemite from Scratch:
    Be sure you backup your files to an external drive or second internal drive because the following procedure will remove everything from the hard drive.
    How to Clean Install OS X Yosemite
    Note: You will need an active Internet connection. I suggest using Ethernet if possible
                because it is three times faster than wireless.

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