Display 2 reports in 2 tabs of one WAD web template --variable issue

We need to create one web template which contains 2 queries in 2 tabs in WAD. Each query has its own selection option. But after we create it in this way, the two queries selection option combined together in the initial screen.
This is not convenient because we would like to set different authorizations to these 2 query reports, some people only can access to one of these 2 reports. But in this case, they have to enter all the selection option for displaying only one report.
Is it possible to separate the selection screen for these 2 reports to 2 selection screens? Maybe it will be required to enter selection data when press individual tab.

Its possible that each tab can have different selection Screen.
In the Tab parameters :
First Tab: In command prompt,Specify "Call Variable Screen Dialog" .
Similarly do it for Second tab.
Now when open query..for each Tab,you will see a selection screen based on your data provider
hope this helps

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    Customer       Purchase rate             
    c3                  100%                             
    c1                  100%                            
    c5                  100%                                                                               
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    c3              100%
    c4              100%  
    c1              100%
    c5              100%
    c6              81%
    c7              58%
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    Edited by: Eric Tan on Aug 12, 2008 10:49 AM

    When u create conditions, you have tab called CHARACTERISTIC ASSIGNEMENT.& other is GENERAL..which is like in what way you want to create conditions i.e based on which characteristic or whole characteristic in rows etc...you try choosing those option in that tab, so that you can find some ideas..

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    I went to transaction SMICM, then choose "Goto" from the top menu. From there, go to HTTP Server Cache, then choose Invalidate, then choose Global in system. With this thing also it didnt slove.

    Clear your browser cache also and see if the changes are visible.....

  • Changes made in the WAD web template is not replicating on web browser

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    Thanks in adv

    Just to add.
    WAD templates are stored as HTML in the HTTP cache.
    Whenever you make changes to the template - it is good practice to delete / invalidate the HTTP Server cache.
    This can be done from
    SMICM --> Goto (menu bar ) --> HTTP Server cache --> Invalidate --> GLobal
    ust to make this thread complete..
    However this is usually done for 3.x web templates since they run off the ABAp stack - not too sure about the JAVA stack - guess portal cache has to be cleared too..

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    Hi Anwar,
    Before collecting the objects into a transport, we should follow the sequence, if you will miss the sequence then you are unable to collect the objects into transport request.
    Please let me know are you following the sequence while collecting the objects into transport request. if you will not follow the sequence,first collect the objects in a sequnece.
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    Please let me know, stilly ou are facing any issues.

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    Thank you

    there are probably many ways to do this so this is just one.
    Write a report query something like this:
    SELECT id,
    WHEN order_shipped IS NULL THEN
    '<a href="f?p='||:APP_ID||':'||10||':'||:APP_SESSION||':::::P10_ID:'||id||'"><img src="edit.gif"/></a>'
    END AS edit_col
    FROM orders;
    Change according to your requirements.
    Regards Garry

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    welcome phiphika to the  board…
    in terms of convenience, I would indeed export/share all 6 movies.
    to tape, or as Quicktime/FullQuality…
    both methods create a lossless copy of your final movie(s).
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    Please suggest

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    What I can't get through :
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    have you ideas to resolve this issue ?
    Thanks in advance,

    We have found a work around solution, by managing IP functions in the web template... to force BW to sort the items as we want.

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    What is the easiest way to do this with WAD 7.0?
    Thanks in advance and regards.
    Fabio Cristi

    It is possible in 7.0, but unfortunately it is a lot more complicated than i 3.x. There are quite a few examples here:
    I used it in a case where I wanted to embed a Web template in a BPS application and pass characteristic filters from the BPS application to the web template - similar to your requirements. Basically you need the following just to restrict one characteristic :o(
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    Hello all,
    I've been reading a lot in this forum, but I haven't been able to do what I want to do.
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    I finally think it's something about the command SET_VARIABLES_STATE, but I cannon get it work.
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    The XHTML generated is as follows:
                    <bi:WEB_TEMPLATE_ACTIONS type="COMPOSITE" >
                        <bi:ACTION_BEFORE_FIRST_RENDERING type="COMPOSITE" >
                            <bi:INSTRUCTION >
                                <bi:SET_VARIABLES_STATE >
                                    <bi:VARIABLE_VALUES type="ORDEREDLIST" >
                                        <bi:VARIABLE_VALUE type="COMPOSITE" index="1" >
                                            <bi:VARIABLE value="ZSESION" text="ZSESION"></bi:VARIABLE>
                                            <bi:VARIABLE_TYPE type="CHOICE" value="VARIABLE_INPUT_STRING" >
                                                <bi:VARIABLE_INPUT_STRING value="ZSESION"></bi:VARIABLE_INPUT_STRING>
                                        <bi:VARIABLE_VALUE type="COMPOSITE" index="2" >
                                            <bi:VARIABLE value="ZSESION2" text="ZSESION2"></bi:VARIABLE>
                                            <bi:VARIABLE_TYPE type="CHOICE" value="VALUE_SET_VARIABLE" >
                                                <bi:VALUE_SET_VARIABLE value="ZSESION2"></bi:VALUE_SET_VARIABLE>
                                        <bi:VARIABLE_VALUE type="COMPOSITE" index="3" >
                                            <bi:VARIABLE value="ZSESION3" text="ZSESION3"></bi:VARIABLE>
                                            <bi:VARIABLE_TYPE type="CHOICE" value="TEXT_VARIABLE" >
                                                <bi:TEXT_VARIABLE value="ZSESION3"></bi:TEXT_VARIABLE>
    I pass it in the URL this way:
    Also, I want to read it using the ABAP interface IF_BICS_CONS_WEBITEM_CUST_EXIT, method EXECUTE.
    I wonder if it's possible that, once the command parameter works, that the value of my parameters arrives here in the I_XML in parameter.
    I've also read about standard class CL_RSWR_SERVICES, but I don't really want to debug a std class and even less to enhace it ...
    PD: This variable ZSESION does not exist in any query, and we don't want it to exist, as it's only necessary for integration in the intranet.
    Thanks to all,
    Edited by: Rafael LLabrés Pérez on Sep 28, 2011 3:54 PM

    It is possible in 7.0, but unfortunately it is a lot more complicated than i 3.x. There are quite a few examples here:
    I used it in a case where I wanted to embed a Web template in a BPS application and pass characteristic filters from the BPS application to the web template - similar to your requirements. Basically you need the following just to restrict one characteristic :o(
    I could only get it to work with one characteristic and I suspect, that the reason is that the URL simply gets to long (very quickly). You have to repeat the above for every characterstic you want to use :o(

  • Problem Publishing  WAD Web template in a Browser

    Hello everyone,
    I have developed a Web template using BEx WAD. When i try to execute the same in my browser. It say page cannot be displayed in internet explorer. I checked with the Basis consultant to see if the port settings were correct. He said everything was OK. Can anyone suggest ay troubleshooting steps i can follow to resolve this issue? Could also use some WAD configuration documents if any available to pass onto the Basis team as they are not well versed with BEx WAD.

    You can check the BW WAS configuration using the FM RSBB_URL_PREFIX_GET. Also make sure all the BW Bex Services are active in tcode SICF.
    The attached document gives youy detail steps for the same.

  • Display technical name of a query in a web template ?

    I try to display in a basic web template the technical name of my query with a web item. In this order, I have tried to use the web item 'Text Elements' but how could I configure the latter in order to have only the technical name ?
    I have selected 'Display General Text Elements' in properties of the web item.
    In the property 'List of Text Elements', what is the couple of values that I have to configure ?
    Many thanks,

    What you need to do is, keep a TEXT Web Item in the template.
    Then do not tick any of the options under Specific. Instead, go to List of Text Elements. In the first column, select General Text Symbol. In the next column type REPTNAME.
    This will give the technical name of the query in the output.
    Common text elements:
    u2212 technical name of the query (REPTNAME)
    u2212 description of the query (REPTXTLG)
    u2212 InfoProvider (INFOCUBE)
    u2212 key date for the query (SRDATE)
    u2212 accuracy of the data (date and time) (ROLLUPTIME)
    u2212 the person who wrote the query (AUTHOR)
    u2212 the last time the query was changed (date and time)
    u2212 the last person to make changes to the query (MODUSER)
    u2212 current user (SYUSER)
    u2212 the last time the query was refreshed (date and time)
    Try this. Hope it helps.

  • Running query in default WAD web template

    Hello Experts,
    Can you please guide me about how i can run a query in a default web template created in BEX Web Application Designer?

    Welcome to SDN.
    Kindly use BEX forum for BEX/WAD related queries.
    (SAP Business Explorer (SAP BEx)).
    coming to your question.
    you can set the webtemplate created by you as the default webtemplate from transaction RSCUSTV21.
    once its set, if you open query on the web (from query desinger,etc) it will utilize the default template you have set.

  • I am seeing chinese text being displayed sometimes on the tab part of a web page display???? What do you think?!

    Chinese text sometimes appear on the tab for a web page

    Hello Mlbernard, the problem is mcafee site advisor extension, please try to disable or remove that extension and you are OK.
    see : [http://service.mcafee.com/faqdocument.aspx?id=TS100162 How to uninstall SiteAdvisor]
    '''check another option''', if works for you, without to uninstall the mcafee site advisor extension :
    disabled the add-on then close firefox and restart Firefox again. Then enable the add-on again, close firefox one more time and restart Firefox again. (works [https://support.mozilla.org/en-US/questions/1039845#answer-673562 here] :-))
    thank you

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