Display HTML in JEditorPane

I am trying to display a String containing HTML text on a JEditorPane.
I have downloaded the HTML from a webpage using sockets, and now I want to display the downloaded page. I have a project in school about sockets.
This is why I can't use getPage(URL);
The following is the code I am using:
String temp = "String with HTML text"
HTMLEditorKit htmlEdKit = new HTMLEditorKit();
JEditorPane.setEditorKitForContentType("text/html", htmlEdKit);
When I run the code, all that is displaying is the raw HTML code, with all the tags. As I understand it, this is how it should be done.
What is wrong, would appreciate some help.
/David Mossberg

it's not necessary to use socket but if use socket get the inputstream from it.
in = socket.getinputstream(); //return inputstream from socket
htmldoc = JEditorPane.getDocument(); //return the htmldoc in JEditorPane
htmldoc.remove(0,htmlDoc.getLength());//if the htmldoc has some content then remove it
reader = new InputStreamReader(in);//construct a new reader from in
JEditorPane.getEditorKit.read(reader,htmldoc,0); //read new content into the htmldoc from reader
Hope the above code helps you.

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    * @author Dobromir Gospodinov
    * @version 1.0
    * Date: Dec 6, 2002
    * Time: 6:47:53 PM
    package test.advertserver;
    import javax.swing.*;
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.io.IOException;
    public class Test {
         public static void main(String[] args) {
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              try {
              } catch (IOException e) {
              JPanel panel = new JPanel();
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    }Part of the returned from servlet HTML includes an img tag:
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    Thank You in advance,
    Dobromir Gospodinov
    P.S. If somebody of you wants to debbug what happens within ImageView will have to implement it (and related classes too, because of the limited package visability) borrowing the source from Sun's ImageView.

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    import java.awt.*;
    import java.io.*;
    import javax.swing.*;
    public class AnimatedGifTester
    extends JFrame
    public static void main(String argv[])
    throws Exception
    new AnimatedGifTester();
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    throws Exception
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    for (int idx = 0; idx < images.length; idx++)
    buffer.append("<img src='" + images[idx] + "'>");
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    setSize(new Dimension(400, 600));

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         jepLocal = new JEditorPane();
            jepLocal.addHyperlinkListener(new LinkFollower(jepLocal));
            // these 2 lines set the jep for syncronous operation ...
            JEditorPane.registerEditorKitForContentType( "text/html", "HTMLEditorKit2" );
            jepLocal.setEditorKitForContentType( "text/html", new HTMLEditorKit2() );
    htmlString = jepLocal.getText();
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      public Document createDefaultDocument(){
        HTMLDocument myDocument = (HTMLDocument)(super.createDefaultDocument());
        myDocument.setAsynchronousLoadPriority(-1); // load synchronously
        return myDocument;
      }The code runs in it's own thread, in case that matters.
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    When I feed the htmlString into another jep, I gettext display of the html rather than rendered.
    How are you "feed[ing] the htmlString into another
    jep?" Does the other JEditorPane know it's text/html
    rather than text/plain?
                    myThis.getEditorPane().setText(htmlString);The other jep is in the main gui thread. It loades web pages fine when it's handed a URL and the extracted HTML can be saved and redisplayed using the setText method like above. This jep has all the same setup code, including the EditorKit inclusion.

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    Thank you so much...

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    Create a class that extends ComboBox and override the
    updateDisplayList and measureText functions. Then use that new
    ComboBox in your code:
    <local:HtmlComboBox .. xmlns:local="components.*".>
    <mx:Text htmlText="{data.label}" />
    Put this into a folder called "components" and name the file
    package components
    import mx.controls.ComboBox;
    import flash.text.TextLineMetrics;
    public class HtmlComboBox extends ComboBox
    public function HtmlComboBox()
    override protected function
    updateDisplayList(unscaledWidth:Number, unscaledHeight:Number):void
    var s:String = textInput.text;
    textInput.htmlText = s;
    override public function
    return measureHTMLText(text);

  • Regarding displaying html page in a JEditorPane

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    What you are doing exactly? you are displaying the html file into a JEditorPane or After displaying you are tring to Print it out in the Paper or what.
    If this the First Sinario then this code will help you.
    import javax.swing.*;
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.net.URL;
    import java.net.MalformedURLException;
    import java.io.*;
    import javax.swing.text.*;
    import javax.swing.event.*;
    public class Htmlexample extends JInternalFrame {
         //Constructor of Class.
         public Htmlexample () {
              //super(Title, Resizable, Closable, Maximizable, Iconifiable)
              super (title, true, true, true, true);
              setSize (500, 350);
              HtmlPane html = new HtmlPane ("Help/Keys.htm");     
              setContentPane (html);                    
              setVisible (true);
    //Following Class Show HTML Help inside an EditorPane.
    class HtmlPane extends JScrollPane implements HyperlinkListener {
         JEditorPane html;
         public HtmlPane (String filename) {
              try {
                   File f = new File (filename);          
                   String s = f.getAbsolutePath();          
                   s = "file:" + s;
                   URL url = new URL (s);               
                   html = new JEditorPane (s);          
                   html.setEditable (false);          
                   html.addHyperlinkListener (this);
                   JViewport vp = getViewport();     
                   vp.add (html);                    
              catch (MalformedURLException e) { }
              catch (IOException e) {     }
         //Function Perform By the HyperLinks of HTML Help File.
         public void hyperlinkUpdate (HyperlinkEvent e) {
              if (e.getEventType() == HyperlinkEvent.EventType.ACTIVATED) {
                   linkActivated (e.getURL());
         //Function for Loading other HTML Pages in Your HTML Help.
         protected void linkActivated (URL u) {
              Cursor c = html.getCursor();
              Cursor waitCursor = Cursor.getPredefinedCursor (Cursor.WAIT_CURSOR);
              html.setCursor (waitCursor);
              SwingUtilities.invokeLater (new PageLoader (u, c));
         //Following Class Load Other Pages Included in Our HTML Help File.
         class PageLoader implements Runnable {
              //Constructor of Class.
              PageLoader (URL u, Cursor c) {
                   url = u;
                   cursor = c;
              public void run () {
                   if (url == null) {
                        html.setCursor (cursor);
                        Container parent = html.getParent();
                   else {
                        Document doc = html.getDocument();
                        try {
                             html.setPage (url);
                        catch (IOException ioe) {
                             html.setDocument (doc);
                        finally {
                             url = null;
                             SwingUtilities.invokeLater (this);
              URL url;
              Cursor cursor;
    }if there is any other issue Let me Know
    Thank you

  • JEditorPane doesn�t display HTML special char. codes

    My application is using JEditorPane to display text/html.
    The problem comes when I try to display HTML special character codes such as
    &gt; JEditorPane ignores those codes and displays nothing.
    Do I have to convert all those strings representing special characters?
    How could I solve it?
    Thanks in advance,

    Here's my solution - I replace the HTMLEditorKit if it's not the first pass through. I found that the EditorKit is an instance of HTMLEditorKit for every pass except the first (which doesn't have a problem).
    EditorKit ek = displayJEditorPane.getEditorKit();
    if( ek instanceof HTMLEditorKit ) {
         // Needs to be replaced
         HTMLEditorKit htmlEditorKit = new HTMLEditorKit();
         displayJEditorPane.setEditorKit( htmlEditorKit );
    // Display the HTML document
    displayJEditorPane.setPage( resultURL );I'll spread my Duke Dollars around to everyone who offered a suggestion later today if I don't hear of a better solution.

  • JEditorPane displays html font very large.

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    Can anyone explain how to change the font size for the
    entire html document set to the JEditorPane? The
    default size is too large and any attmept to perform a
    setFontSize fails.
    Thanks.I'm posting this to save you time by letting you give up hope on finding some simple solution to your problem.
    There may not be any.
    I've just tried loading my html file into a JEditorPane and all characters appear in default regular size. It seems JEditorPane is not processing any stylesheets info which I use to define all text attributes.
    The API document says:
    HTML text. The kit used in this case is the class javax.swing.text.html.HTMLEditorKit which provides HTML 3.2 support. "
    3.2 is pretty old, isn't it? What's the HTML version you used to create your HTML files?
    How do you set font size in your html files? A sample html file from Sun for a Text demo program uses the following and it seems to work:
    <font size=-2>from</font> a
    <font size=+2">URL</font>
    If you decide to modify your existing HTML files, use the above format.
    (Wait! Why do we need to modify perfectly working html files to make them appear normal in Java programs? It should be the other way around! :D)

  • HTML in JEditorPane question

    I am having trouble with displaying HTML with image maps in JEditorPane component. I am trying to load a simple html file as follows:
    <IMG SRC="monk.gif" HEIGHT="255" WIDTH="262" ISMAP USEMAP="#mapareas">
    <map NAME="mapareas">
    <area SHAPE=CIRCLE COORDS="107,158 132,162" HREF="basic.htm" ALT="Basic Page">
    <area SHAPE=default HREF="index.html">
    There is no problem with displaying the image. It's rendered fine without any problem. But, When I click on the circle area, I can't seem to get the URL corresponding to the map area. I tried the HyperlinkEvent::getDescription() and HyperlinkEvent::getURL() methods and both of them return the reference to the map as opposed to the reference specified for the specific map area ( in my case, "sample.map" instead of "basic.htm" ).
    Can someone tell me if HTML with image maps is supported in EditorPane? if so, how do I get the reference to the map area clicked?
    thanks in adv
    Venkat Kota

    then get the element at that location, either the character or
    paragraph element, then get its StyleContext.NameAttribute value, which is a HTML.Tag.
    That was a fun walk round the API, to find out more, I recomend reading through JTextComponent, and its Model/View Split section.
    The the Element and View interfaces.

  • How to load file.html in  JEditorPane

    how to display HTML file including images in JEditorPane
    the file is on local system

    This is how I read contents of a file and put it into my JEditorPane.
    I don't know if it will incliude images or not, but it might.
          try {
               editorPane1.read(new FileReader(getFile),null);
             catch(IOException e)

  • Displaying HTML in a java application

    Is there any other way to display HTML in a java application besides JEditorPane and JLabel (which are fairly restrictive). Its tableing I'm really after.


  • Any Way to display HTML pages on Applet

    Hi All,
    Is there any way to show web pages on Applet?
    Is it possible ?

    I am not aware of a simple way to display HTML in an applet. However, I have used the JEditorPane to display HTML documents. Handling links, etc. with this component requires some effort. Also requires Swing.
    Have you considered using the applet to display a page on the browser. (i.e. getAppletContext().showDocument(URL, [frame name]))? Just an idea.
    Good luck.

  • Web Page Display alternitives to JEditorPane

    The JEditorPane doesn't display HTML very well, Even the simplest sites are messed up, but it can be great for other things.
    If I wanted to write a web browser in Java, what component would I use to display HTML web pages, and have them displayed more properly than the JEditorPane?
    Do I have to roll out my own custom Swing component for that kind of thing?

    I regret to say that you can't really rely on any of the standard swing components for this purpose. The html support given in JEditorPane isn't even rudimentary. You'll have to provide your own swing component to do that, however, several other people have already done some work in this field.
    Take a look at https://xhtmlrenderer.dev.java.net/ for instance. Another good idea would be enclosing webkit in an AWT component.

  • Disple html using JEditorPane

    I want display html file using JEditorPane
    but I become an exception
    java.net.MalformedURLException: unknown protocol: e
    what schould be the problem
           import javax.swing.*;
           import java.net.URL;
           import java.io.File;
    public class Browser extends JFrame
          JEditorPane  ePane = new JEditorPane();
          public Browser(){
              ePane.setBounds(50,20, 600,500);
              try {
                       File file = new File("xx.html");
                       String ss = file.getAbsolutePath();
                     URL url = new URL(ss);
                 } catch (java.io.IOException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); }

                   File file = new File("xx.html");"xx.html" lacks a protocol, like "http" or "ftp". But anyway, why not just use File.toURL()?

  • How Do I Display HTML Formatted Text From A Data Table In Crystal Reports?

    I'm creating reports in Crystal XI.  The information being displayed in the reports comes from data tables where the text is formatted in HTML.
    I've worked with Crystal Reports enough to know that HTML text pulled from a data table doesn't appear in Crystal the same way it does in a web browser.  Crystal Reports ignores all the tags (...unless I'm missing something...) and just displays the text.
    Someone far more Crystal savy than I (...who I don't have access to...) came up with a Formula Field workaround that tricks Crystal Reports into displaying some basic HTML tags.  Here's that workaround:
    stringVar TableName := ;
    TableName := Replace (TableName, "<ul>","<br> <br>");
    TableName := Replace (TableName, "<li>", "<br>   &bull; ");
    TableName := Replace (TableName, "</li>", "");
    TableName := Replace (TableName, "</ul>","<br> <br>");
    TableName := Replace (TableName, "<a", "<u><font color='blue'");
    TableName := Replace (TableName, "</a>", "</font></u>");
    QUESTION - Does any similar workaround exist so I can display an HTML Table in Crystal Reports?  If not, is there any way to display HTML formatted text from a data table in Crystal Reports as it would appear in a web browser?

    Hi Steven,
    To display html text in Crystal Reports follows these steps.
    1. Right click on the field and select Paragraph tab.
    2. Under 'Text Interpretation' select 'HTML Text' and click OK.
    I have tried using the way,but it never works.So reply me if there is any way to solve the issue

Maybe you are looking for