Display of object data as per condition

I had a variable in universe called Execution category which has values CTB & RTB now i have to show these value in a report as per below condition.
= If <ExecCategory> = "CTB" And <ExecPercentage> >= 50 And <ExecPercentage> < 60 Then "RED" Else If <ExecCategory> = "CTB" And <ExecPercentage> >= 60 And <ExecPercentage> < 70 Then "AMBER" Else "RED"
The values CTB and RTB should be displayed in a box with the percent with the red background color and amber colors as per condition and also the percentage should be displayed.
Thanks in advance,

Assuming you are displaying both the ExecCategory and ExecPercentage columns in the report, you can try out the following steps:
1.     Give a default Red background color to the ExecCategory and ExecPercentage columns.
2.     Create Alerter 1 and add Sub-alerter with the conditions and specify column format. Assign it to ExecCategory column.
3.     Add another alerter and add Sub-alerter with the same conditions and specify column format. Assign it to ExecPercentage. Also include this formula =FormatNumber([Percent];"###.##") + "%"
4.     Refresh the report and verify it.

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    Hi kdm,
    please stick in one thread for the same topic!
    Best regards,
    CLAD, using 2009SP1 + LV2011SP1 + LV2014SP1 on WinXP+Win7+cRIO
    Kudos are welcome

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    as per my understanding you need to trnasfer header internal table data  to pdf..
    please check the following links for internal table to pdf..
    Convertion of Internal table data to PDF
    This link is related to ur issue
    Re: how to insert the calling of the FM: OTF to PDF

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    <picture_address/> etc.
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    yet. Please give me a link or a solution for this problem.

    use itemrenderes.... the example below shows how to add an
    image.... you can do the same thing with a text box or combo box
    <mx:DataGridColumn width="10" headerText="Image">
    <mx:Canvas width="100%" height="100%">
    <mx:Image verticalCenter="0" horizontalCenter="0"

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    import hmil.com.general.model.Employee;
    public class Area
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    public var ARMST_AREA_ID:int;
    public var ARMST_CMPN_NO:String;
    public var ARMST_CORP_NO:String;
    public var ARMST_SCTN_TYPE:String;
    public var ARMST_CRTE_USR_NO:String;
    public var ARMST_CRTE_TIME:Date;
    public var ARMST_UPDT_USR_NO:String
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    public class Employee
    public function Employee()
    public var EPMST_ID:Number;
    public var EPMST_CMPN_NO:String;
    public var EPMST_CORP_NO:String;
    public var EPMST_EMP_NO:String;
    public var EPMST_DLR_NO:String;
    public var EPMST_EMP_NAME:String;
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    But lets say I wanted to display the child value  (ARMST_EMP.EPMST_ID )   in the Data Grid 
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    Hi Mugunda, did you ever find out how to do this?

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    You can try below way, I have used in report.
    DATA: gc_docking              TYPE REF TO cl_gui_docking_container, "#EC NEEDED  "Docking Container
           gc_split                 TYPE REF TO cl_gui_easy_splitter_container, "#EC NEEDED  "Splitter
           gc_top_container         TYPE REF TO cl_gui_container, "#EC NEEDED  "Top Container
           gc_bottom_container      TYPE REF TO cl_gui_container, "#EC NEEDED  "Bottom Container
          gc_document              TYPE REF TO cl_dd_document, "#EC NEEDED  "Document
           gc_events                TYPE REF TO lcl_event_class, "#EC NEEDED  " Local Event Class
           gc_grid                  TYPE REF TO cl_gui_alv_grid, "#EC NEEDED  " ALV Class
    " Creating Docking
    CREATE OBJECT gc_docking
             ratio = c_95.
         IF sy-subrc EQ 0.
    * Splitting the Docking container
           CREATE OBJECT gc_split
               parent        = gc_docking
               sash_position = c_10 "Position of Splitter Bar (in Percent)
               with_border   = c_1. "With Border = 1 Without Border = 0
    *   Placing the containers in the splitter
         gc_top_container = gc_split->top_left_container .
         gc_bottom_container = gc_split->bottom_right_container .
    *   Creating Grid
         CREATE OBJECT gc_grid
             i_parent = gc_bottom_container.
    * Background job handling
         CREATE OBJECT gc_grid
             i_parent = gc_docking.
    *   Creating the document
       CREATE OBJECT gc_document
           style = 'ALV_GRID'.

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    Thanks for Reply, as suggested by you, I have checked with ABAPer maybe this enhancement use for new tab in PO
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    >click on Conditional details icon. There at the end right hand side vendor field is present where we can give vendor code. Beside the vendor field i need to display that given vendor code related name. So that user won't make any mistakes in giving the vendor code
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  • I'm trying to display the current date and time on my iPad.

    First, I'm not sure this is a valid post to this forum.  If not, I'd appreciate knowg in where I can get help. 
    I have tried several ways to display the current date and time on my iPad.  None  work.  Most things I try give me complier errors but the latest code compiles but won't display the correct time. 
    Here's the dispatch code in my ViewController.m file:
    dispatch_queue_t queue = dispatch_get_global_queue(DISPATCH_QUEUE_PRIORITY_HIGH, 0ul);
        dispatch_async(queue, ^{
            [NSTimer scheduledTimerWithTimeInterval:NSTimeInterval)1.0f target:self selector:@selector(updateLabel:) userInfo:nil repeats:YES];
    Here's the updateLabel code: (which never gets executed).
    - (void)updateLabel:(id) sender {
        dispatch_sync(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{
        NSLog(@"Datefield Update Called");
        NSDateFormatter *dateFormatter = [[NSDateFormatter alloc] init];
        [dateFormatter setDateFormat:@"EEEE, MMMM dd, yyyy 'at' HH:mm  ZZZZ"];
        NSDate *dayTime = [NSDate date];
        NSString *formattedDateString = [dateFormatter stringFromDate:dayTime];
            _dateField.text = formattedDateString;
        [self.view addSubview:_dateField];
        NSLog(@"Datefield %@",_dateField.text);

    Your code is needlessly complicated and has a few problems:
    // These objects should be created only once.
    NSTimer *dateAndTimeTimer; (You might need to make this a property with a strong reference).
    NSDateFormatter *dateFormatter = [[NSDateFormatter alloc]init];
    [dateFormatter setDateFormat:@"EEEE, MMMMM dd, yyyy 'at' HH:mm ZZZZ"];
    // The subview should only be added once.
    [self.view addSubview:_dateField];
    [self performSelectorOnMainThread:@selector(startDateAndTimeTimer)
        NSTimer *timer = [NSTimer scheduledTimerWithTimeInterval:1
        dateAndTimeTimer = timer;
        [[NSRunLoop mainRunLoop] addTimer:dateAndTimeTimer forMode:NSRunLoopCommonModes];
         NSDate *dateTime = [NSDate date];
         NSString *formattedDataString = [dateFormatter stringFromDate:dateTime];
         _dateField.text = formattedDateString;
         NSLog(@"_dateField.text=%@", _dateField.text);

  • Safari doesn't display an object with MIME type video/mp4

    So, I've got a little hiccup here. I put together a CV in html with samples you can click to bring up. Now, I don't make any claims to professional geekdom, but I try to be fairly html savvy, and since I'm sending this to the college IT guys, I want to do it right. So I'd like this thing to use valid w3c compliant html. Not too tough, fix some missing quotes and learn how to use the object tag instead of embed. Done.
    Well, here's the problem. I loaded it into Safari for testing, and a Quicktime file won't play. Now, it runs fine on Firefox. The obtuse and awkwardly lumped in IE version of the object works fine (tested in IE6, Win2K virtual machine). And the same file ran fine when I had it using an embed tag. Now it just brings up the Quicktime emblem, takes up the specified amount of space, and doesn't do anything.
    What did I do wrong? I've got the latest Quicktime and Safari, and I know it's standards compliant. Do I have to feed it some more specific type for an h.264 encoded mp4?
    Here's the code I used. The embed tag is the one that works, the object tag is the compliant one that doesn't. I'm guessing I'm missing a parameter or something. Any advice?
    <embed scale="1" src="files/Sabres.mp4" pluginspage="http://www.apple.com/quicktime/download/" autoplay="FALSE" volume="100" cache="TRUE" height="496" width="640">
    <object type="video/mp4" data="files/Sabres.mp4" height="496" width="640">
    <param name="controller" value="true">
    <param name="autoplay" value="false">
    Your browser cannot display this content. Click here to download it.

    Tom and Kirk, thanks for your time. That would work, but since <embed> is a non-standard tag, I want to avoid it.
    Andy, I actually stopped by that site last night, and I did use it for the object code.
    My problem is that for some reason, what looks like a legitimate implementation of <object> isn't displaying in Safari. I know Firefox is a bit more forgiving of sloppy code, so I don't blame Safari for that one. I know Safari can display the file because it displayed it properly when I called it with embed. I'm just not sure what's wrong with the code that's making Safari not bring up the video. It knows it's Quicktime and loads the file, I know that, because it brings up the emblem and starts hoarding RAM when I bring it up in Safari, but it just holds there. I've tried a couple MIME types, including video/quicktime and video/mp4, both worked in Firefox, and video/h264 just as a shot in the dark, and both Safari and Firefox showed the alternate content.
    By the way, here's the full code I used to display the object, using Castro's cloaking technique for IE compatibility. I omitted it earlier because when I isolated the non-IE section alone in the body of the document it behaved the same as it did with the cloaking (working in FF, broken in Safari).
    <!--[if IE]>
    <object classid="clsid:02BF25D5-8C17-4B23-BC80-D3488ABDDC6B" codebase="http://www.apple.com/qtactivex/qtplugin.cab" height="496" width="640">
    <param name="src" value="files/Sabres.mp4" >
    <param name="controller" value="true">
    <param name="autoplay" value="false">
    <!--[if !IE]> <!-->
    <object type="video/mp4" data="files/Sabres.mp4" height="496" width="640">
    <param name="controller" value="true">
    <param name="autoplay" value="false">
    Your browser cannot display this content. Click here to download it.
    Message was edited by: The Spine

  • How to display flex fileld data in Oracle Reports

    Hi All,
    I am using Oracle Reports to display Key Flex field information of Oracle Applications in reports by using SRW.user_exit.
    These are steps which I did during my development time
    P_STRUCT_NUM intial value as 101
    defined as Parameters, in P_FLEX_DATA calling all segment values as shown in standard reports.
    I've used P_FLEX_DATA in sql query of the report and defined two formula cols C_FLEXFIELD and C_DESC_ALL and added below mentioned codes:
    C_FLEXFIELD formula column query:
    C_DESC_ALL formula column query:
    But I did not find any output for these two columns. I want to display flex fileld description as per code combination id wise in reports. I am using reports 10g for developing the reports. Please help in this regard.

    How do you execute the call for a Report?

  • Is there any t code in SAP to display archived shipping data

    Hi All
    we have a issue with unarchiving shipping doc , our basis team has unzipped the file from the path it was archived and provided display access , when i cross checks in Tcode SARI  theya are un zipped and in sap this document is still in status archived i am not able to view vith vt03n
    for archived billing documents once thay are unzipped , document will not  open in vf03 but we can display in vf07
    Please let us know how to view this shipping data in sap ?
    Is there any t code in SAP to display archived shipping data (like for archived billing dicuments  vf07)
    Your kind help would be highly appreciated.
    Thank you
    Rajendra Prasad

    Once shipment document is archived then you can't display by VT03N transaction. As you have pointed out SARI or SARE transaction will help in displaying the archived shipment documents from archive server. (you have to select Archiving object = SD_VTTK and Archive Infosturcture = Select from display option).
    VF07 - Display archived billing document. We call this transaction VF07 as archived enable transaction.
    I have gone through the OSS note 590656 mentioned by Eduardo Hinojosa, with this enanchment of VT03N (respective program) you should be able to display archived shipment document. This Oss note should help you.
    let me know if required further clarification on this.
    Edited by: Ajay Kumar on Aug 25, 2009 6:16 AM

  • How do I display today's date and a date 1 month from today in livecycle designer

    Does anyone know how to display a future dates in 3 date fields that would be 1 month; 2 months and 3 months from today?
    I am making a sales contract form and in a date field is today's date (which can be altered if the user needs to change it).  The javascript I have is:
    (this.rawValue == null){
    msNow = (new Date()).getTime();
    d1 = new Date(msNow); this.rawValue
    = util.printd("mmm/dd/yyyy", d1);}
    { this.rawValue
    = rawValue;
    Then in the next date field i need to display the date 1 month from today
    The third date field 2 months from today
    the fourth date filed 3 months from today.
    Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

    Hi Peter,
    If you need to be more exact than adding 30 days then you can use the following code;
      var year = date.getFullYear();  
      var month = date.getMonth();  
      var day = date.getDate();  month= (month % 12) + 1;  year
    += parseInt(month / 12); 
      var days = daysInMonth(month, year);  
      if (day > days)  {
        day= days;   }
      return new Date(year, month, day);}
     function  daysInMonth(iMonth, iYear){
      return 32 - new Date(iYear, iMonth, 32).getDate();}
    You need to pass in a Date object to addMonth so (assuming DateTimeField1 is your date field);
    NextMonth.rawValue= util.printd("mmm/dd/yyyy", addMonth(
    = util.printd("mmm/dd/yyyy", addMonth(

  • GP: Display Collable Object, what does it do exactly?

    Hi all,
    does anyone remember what a Display Collable Object is good for? You can add it to an action (in addition to the Execution Callable Object).
    So what is the purpose of the Display Collable Object?
    Could it be, and that's my own guess, just any kind of CO you define, which will be performed when you return to the respective action, once you have finished it earlier?
    And then, does it have access to any parameters in GP context?
    I mean, if I use the same CO as Display CO and Execution CO and having them acccessing the same data, the display CO could serve as a history record of processed steps, right?

    Hi Xiaoi,
    your suggestions are absolutely correct.
    You should just take in mind, if you put the same CO, which you have attached in execute mode into the display mode and lets say it is a WebDynpro Comp. with process controls buttons (GP Interface), you will also see the buttons in the display mode (when returning to the executed step) and by pressing them, GP will through an error, because the object is already executed (=locked).

Maybe you are looking for