Displaying a second y-axis

So I am trying to make a graph with 2 y-axes.  I have found this confusing guide http://zone.ni.com/reference/en-XX/help/371268M-01/expresswb/disp_y_axis/ 
I just don't know what the data view tab is at all or where to find it.  I can't find the answers to my questions online.  How do I get into data view?  Do I need signal express?  Is there another way to make a graph with 2 y-axes?
Visuals are always helpful.
Go to Solution.

The simplest way, on the graph in LabVIEW, right-click the y-axis and choose "Duplicate Scale". Now you can right-click the graph, select "Properties", and go to the "Plots" tab. From here you can choose which plot is on which y-scale.
Charles Chickering
Architecture is art with rules.
...and the rules are more like guidelines

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    Hey Ananya,
    I believe what you want to do is possible, but it will not be
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    Message was edited by: J.C

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    first of all: really great tool - especially the tracing capabilities and the low overhead of the flight recorder are fantastic!
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    Hi Sukumar,
           If You want to display the Y Axis Labels like Kilo(k),Million(M),Billions(B)...etc.Do the following things ,
            goto column chart properties->behaviour->scale in that Enable the Fixed Label size checkbox.

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    CA Forum: Charts and Graphs
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    I am just started to evaluate fpm to decide whether to use it in our project. So i have question that might be very simple to you all, that i hope you all can help me with.
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    You can give the dropdown on initial screen and than u can decide which screen  to show on the second (or infact that will we the first step you you have first step as a initial screen.
    How?? :
    1. Create different varients for the second step.
    2. Basis on the Value choosen in the dropdown list, select the appropriate varient using the following code.
            CALL METHOD io_gaf->set_variant
                iv_variant_id = 'VAR_CLIENT'.
          CATCH cx_fpm_floorplan .
    where  VAR_CLIENT  is your varient.
    Hope this will help you.
    Thanks & Regards,

  • Help: Crystal Report displays decimals on X-axis when published in Infoview

    Hi everyone
    I've been banging my head on my keyboard trying to get past the following issue:
    We have a Crystal Report (XI R2 SP3) containing a bar chart that has numbers on both the X- and Y-axis.
    On the Y-axis I can control the "Number" settings to remove decimals after the comma. So far so good.
    On the X-axis on the other, the numbers are the result of an extensive formula trying to breakdown
    numbers into ranges. Numbers are always whole (no decimals). The X-Axis is an Ordinal scale, which
    does not allow to set any number formatting. Numeric scale does not work in this case because it
    compresses the entire chart into a few bars. And this is where the problem is:
    In Crystal Reports I have a global setting for "Numbers" not to show any decimals. This works, when
    generated in Crystal, I have no decimals past the comma in the graphs on the X-axis.
    when I publish this report to Business Objects Infoview portal and schedule and run it there, all of a
    sudden the PDF displays an X-axis that has 2 decimals past the comma (1234.00). It's driving me nuts.
    I suspect this is a bug, because I've not managed to get rid of these decimals without a text-conversion in
    the formula (does not suit me, I need data ordered properly).
    Can anyone help? Has anyone had this issue?
    Much appreciated!
    The latest of version of my formula truncates and converts ToNumber. Nothing helps:
    IIF (InStr ({Command.SUB_SPECIFICATION},'XF') > 0
        IIF ({Command.X_TIME} <= 300,300,
             IIF ({Command.X_TIME} <= 5000,
             Ceiling ({Command.X_TIME}, 200),10000
    ,IIF(InStr ({Command.SUB_SPECIFICATION},'XT') > 0 Or InStr
    ({Command.SUB_SPECIFICATION},'XY') > 0,
            IIF ({Command.X_TIME} <= 1000,Ceiling ({Command.X_TIME}, 50),
                 IIF ({Command.X_TIME} <= 5000,
                 Ceiling ({Command.X_TIME}, 200),10000
            IIF ({Command.X_TIME} <= 300,Ceiling({Command.X_TIME},10),
                 IIF ({Command.X_TIME} <= 5000,
                 Ceiling ({Command.X_TIME}, 200),10000
    Edited by: FREDERIC AGOSTINI on Nov 6, 2008 3:43 PM

    Hi Frederic,
    I tired the following on my machine having CR XI R2,  just as a sample report i created the following formulas,
    Reproducing the issue:
    u2022 Create a formula field u2013 FiscalCurrentHeader u2013
    "FY " & year(DateAdd ("m",+6,CurrentDate))
    u2022 Use a text box and place this formula field
    Summary for {@FiscalCurrentHeader}
    u2022 In the designer, the string exports to .pdf as 'FY 2009' , but on the scheduling/distribution server (BOE XI), the string exports to .pdf as 'FY 2,009.00' (as a number).
    u2022 The datatype of the field u2013 FiscalCurrentHeader is considered as number, because of which when scheduling/distribution server (BOE XI), the string exports to .pdf as 'FY 2,009.00' (as a number).
    u2022 To remove the comma use ToText in the formula
    "FY " & ToText(Year(DateAdd ("m",+6,CurrentDate)), "0")
    u2022 To remove the comma we can even use
    u201CFY u201D & ToText(Year(DateAdd ("m",+6,CurrentDate)), "0","")
    The last "" defines your 000 separator.
    Try using ToText in place of ToNumber.
    I hope this works at your end.
    Abhijeet Taskar.
    Edited by: Abhijeet Taskar on Nov 6, 2008 6:02 PM

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