Displaying  report on button submit

Hi, this might be a simple problem but can't figure out where I am going wrong.
I have a report and some bunch of fields above the report to serve as search criteria. I want the report to show only after users click on the "Search" button so it doesnt show at the button with "No Data found" or as a blank region.
So I am relying on the value of REQUEST = name of the button and have condition my report as such. When request = P1_SEARCH (name of the button).
However my report is not showing and the URL (where one of the parameters should have the request value) is unchanged.
Not sure where I am going wrong. Cheers.
Edited by: xarg-Xrc on Apr 5, 2013 6:00 PM

xarg-Xrc wrote:
Hi, this might be a simple problem but can't figure out where I am going wrong.
I have a report and some bunch of fields above the report to serve as search criteria. I want the report to show only after users click on the "Search" button so it doesnt show at the button with "No Data found" or as a blank region.
So I am relying on the value of REQUEST = name of the button and have condition my report as such. When request = P1_SEARCH (name of the button).
However my report is not showing and the URL (where one of the parameters should have the request value) is unchanged.
Not sure where I am going wrong.<tt>REQUEST</tt> is cleared after page accept processing on the submitted page/before page show processing on the branch target.
To make a <tt>REQUEST</tt> value available during page show processing, set the Request attribute in the branch or URL. Use the <tt>&REQUEST.</tt> substitution string to reuse the current request value, or set it to whatever literal value or substitution string you require.
Another possibility in this situation is to make the report conditional on at least one of the parameters being entered, if this is a prerequisite for it to return any data. Use a PL/SQL expression condition:
coalesce(:p1_x, :p1_y, :p1_z) is not null

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    Code in when-button-pressed
    V_Usr_Prm Varchar2 (1000);
    V_Usr_Prm :=
    || P_FRM_REF_NO
    || '+TO_REF_NO='
    || P_FRM_REF_NO
    || '+P_PRE_BY='
    || P_PRE_BYE
    || '+P_VR_TYPE='
    || P_VOR_TYP
    || '+YEAR1='
    || P_VOR_YER
    || '+MNU_IDE=0'
    || '+P_PRN_FLG=1';
    web_show_document_proc ('HTMLCSS', 'Y:\02\\02\VOR_PRN.REP', V_USR_PRM);
    Procedure Web_Show_Document_Proc is
    PROCEDURE WEB_SHOW_DOCUMENT_PROC (runformat varchar2,
    reportname varchar2,
    userparameters vARCHAR2)
    i NUMBER (10);
    v_a VARCHAR2 (10);
    v_b VARCHAR2 (10);
    vc_url VARCHAR2 (1000);
    vc_url_temp VARCHAR2 (1000);
    vc_user_name VARCHAR2 (30) := GET_APPLICATION_PROPERTY (username);
    vc_user_pw VARCHAR2 (30) := GET_APPLICATION_PROPERTY (password);
    vc_user_connect VARCHAR2 (30)
    := GET_APPLICATION_PROPERTY (connect_string) ;
    vc_url :=
    || vc_user_name
    || '/'
    || vc_user_pw
    || '@'
    || vc_user_connect;
    FOR i IN 1 .. LENGTH (vc_url)
    v_a := LTRIM (TO_CHAR (TRUNC (ASCII (SUBSTR (vc_url, i, 1)) / 16)));
    IF v_a = '10'
    v_a := 'A';
    ELSIF v_a = '11'
    v_a := 'B';
    ELSIF v_a = '12'
    v_a := 'C';
    ELSIF v_a = '13'
    v_a := 'D';
    ELSIF v_a = '14'
    v_a := 'E';
    ELSIF v_a = '15'
    v_a := 'F';
    END IF;
    v_b := LTRIM (TO_CHAR (MOD (ASCII (SUBSTR (vc_url, i, 1)), 16)));
    IF v_b = '10'
    v_b := 'A';
    ELSIF v_b = '11'
    v_b := 'B';
    ELSIF v_b = '12'
    v_b := 'C';
    ELSIF v_b = '13'
    v_b := 'D';
    ELSIF v_b = '14'
    v_b := 'E';
    ELSIF v_b = '15'
    v_b := 'F';
    END IF;
    vc_url_temp := vc_url_temp || '%' || v_a || v_b;
    vc_url :=
    || vc_url_temp
    || '+report='
    || reportname
    || '+destype=Printer+desformat='
    || runformat
    || '+paramform=No+'
    || userparameters;
    WEB.SHOW_DOCUMENT (vc_url, '_blank');

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    Code in when-button-pressed
    V_Usr_Prm Varchar2 (1000);
    V_Usr_Prm :=
    || P_FRM_REF_NO
    || '+TO_REF_NO='
    || P_FRM_REF_NO
    || '+P_PRE_BY='
    || P_PRE_BYE
    || '+P_VR_TYPE='
    || P_VOR_TYP
    || '+YEAR1='
    || P_VOR_YER
    || '+MNU_IDE=0'
    || '+P_PRN_FLG=1';
    web_show_document_proc ('HTMLCSS', 'Y:\02\\02\VOR_PRN.REP', V_USR_PRM);
    Procedure Web_Show_Document_Proc is
    PROCEDURE WEB_SHOW_DOCUMENT_PROC (runformat varchar2,
    reportname varchar2,
    userparameters vARCHAR2)
    i NUMBER (10);
    v_a VARCHAR2 (10);
    v_b VARCHAR2 (10);
    vc_url VARCHAR2 (1000);
    vc_url_temp VARCHAR2 (1000);
    vc_user_name VARCHAR2 (30) := GET_APPLICATION_PROPERTY (username);
    vc_user_pw VARCHAR2 (30) := GET_APPLICATION_PROPERTY (password);
    vc_user_connect VARCHAR2 (30)
    := GET_APPLICATION_PROPERTY (connect_string) ;
    vc_url :=
    || vc_user_name
    || '/'
    || vc_user_pw
    || '@'
    || vc_user_connect;
    FOR i IN 1 .. LENGTH (vc_url)
    v_a := LTRIM (TO_CHAR (TRUNC (ASCII (SUBSTR (vc_url, i, 1)) / 16)));
    IF v_a = '10'
    v_a := 'A';
    ELSIF v_a = '11'
    v_a := 'B';
    ELSIF v_a = '12'
    v_a := 'C';
    ELSIF v_a = '13'
    v_a := 'D';
    ELSIF v_a = '14'
    v_a := 'E';
    ELSIF v_a = '15'
    v_a := 'F';
    END IF;
    v_b := LTRIM (TO_CHAR (MOD (ASCII (SUBSTR (vc_url, i, 1)), 16)));
    IF v_b = '10'
    v_b := 'A';
    ELSIF v_b = '11'
    v_b := 'B';
    ELSIF v_b = '12'
    v_b := 'C';
    ELSIF v_b = '13'
    v_b := 'D';
    ELSIF v_b = '14'
    v_b := 'E';
    ELSIF v_b = '15'
    v_b := 'F';
    END IF;
    vc_url_temp := vc_url_temp || '%' || v_a || v_b;
    vc_url :=
    || vc_url_temp
    || '+report='
    || reportname
    || '+destype=Printer+desformat='
    || runformat
    || '+paramform=No+'
    || userparameters;
    WEB.SHOW_DOCUMENT (vc_url, '_blank');

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    I am assuming you will be scheduling this job manually and not programmatically.. The process is as follows..
    Goto SM36
    Enter a Job Name
    click on START Condition butto and click Date and Time button
    you will see a button PERIODIC VALUES appeared below.
    Click and select WEEKLY as you have indicated, SAVE it.
    Enter date and time so that it starts on that time and is scheduled everywk at that time
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    Interactive report uses the page request to download report, for example if your page request if CSV it will download report as CSV file, if its PDF it will download as PDF file.
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    Thanks & Regards

    you have to integrate SAP Mobile infrastrcture with BW system to achive this.

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    b.      Building the project has no affect and the same error reoccurs repeatedly.

    The original version of CR 2008 did not work with .NET 2008. If your version is, you need to apply SP0:
    then I'd highly recommend SP 3:
    If your version is higher than, apply SP3 and try again.
    Follow us on Twitter http://twitter.com/SAPCRNetSup

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           The printer was not installed on my pc.After installing printer, the reports are visible.Thanks for u r help.
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    Hi Yogesh,
           I haven't installed any patch on my client machine.
                                                                                    Dilip Kumbhar

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    AS & DS
    I try to use run_report_object to generate report in Forms.
    Report Destination Type: CACHE
    report status 'FINISHED'
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    Do I HAVE TO use web.show_document('url') to display report in cache?
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    Do I HAVE TO use web.show_document('url') to display report in cache?Yes. See examples in http://www.oracle.com/technology/products/forms/pdf/10g/frm10gsrw10g.pdf

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    2. Create PDF page action block - link to pdf document
    3. Craete PDF text action block with some value - link to pdf document
    4. Assign output parameter of PDF document action to BLS transaction output of type string.
    5. call url:
    Please advise if I am missing something, I am using xMII 11.5.
    Thanks and Regards,

    Muzammil - Indeed Runner works with 11.5 too and its the Key to trigger a BLS trx via URL.
    You can use Illuminator to execute Query templates so on via URL.
    Alok - Your URL looks good but still if you are getting same error "%PDF" then check whether you are providing exact Output parameter you have mapped in BLS trx.
    Also you can refer to below few threads on the same issue.
    [Thread1|Displaying PDF files created with BLS in xMII 12]
    [Thread2|Creating PDF]
    [Thread3|Stream a PDF using Runner ?]
    Hope this helps!!

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    Note: I am using report parameters
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    I am sure there is a bug on the reporting services button.

       I just upgraded to the new SP fix. I tested, based on an old file that automatically pulls the data from reporting services, but it didnt work. I still have to test it building from scratch using this new version. I dont think they have corrected the reporting services button issue.

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    is there any setting  or a hot fix or some known issues about this?
    Also, I also opened a model that I had created with first version of excelsius 2008 using sp1. The model did not automatically loaded the data.  The flash file of that module works fine (since it was created with the earilier version).
    I am sure there is a bug on the reporting services button.
    Edited by: Ricardo Rivera on Oct 23, 2008 12:06 AM

       I just upgraded to the new SP fix. I tested, based on an old file that automatically pulls the data from reporting services, but it didnt work. I still have to test it building from scratch using this new version. I dont think they have corrected the reporting services button issue.

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    Hi All,
    I am working on Complaint Display report, While delivering the line items for a PO sometimes vendor may do mistake and then customer generates the complaint display report to let the vendor know the delivery mistakes. Delivery mistake can be done because of the following:
    1. Charging amount more than was it was mentioned on PO
    2. Not delivering complete quantities and etc.
    Now I want to get the delivery items for each goods receipt item.
    Information that I have is the invoice number and vendor number and the line item material number.

    You can refer to Purchase Order History Table ( EKBE) for this.You can pass the Purchase Order or Invoice number to the EKBE-EBELN and EKBE-BELNR fields respectively. set EKBE-VGABE = '2' ( i.e invoice receipts). EKBE-BEWTP = 'IR' or 'IR-L' ( Po history category).
    Hope it solves ur problem.

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