Disply mode of select list

I have page with may fields,one of them is select list(data entry mode),
when i go for edit mode ,i want that field as a display only mode

Hi Alekh,
You have to add a new display only item.
Add a new hidden item P1_SWITCHER
On switch to edit mode change value of P1_SWITCHER to "EDIT" through a button or something like that.
Now add a condition onto your select list and your display only item:
select list item: :P1_SWITCHER IS NULL
display only item: :P1_SWITCHER LIKE 'EDIT'
Finally add a new page process (before page load) where insert the data into the display only field:
select ename into "Your_DISPLAY_ONLY_ITEM" from emp where e_id = "Your_SELECT_LIST_ITEM"
and a condition to the process: :P1_SWITCHER LIKE 'EDIT'
Hope it helps,

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    I have a page item which is a select list. I have a button in my region which when clicked will call a process. This process takes the current value of my page item as a parameter. However, when I select a value from the Select list and click on the button, the page item is still submitting the earlier value, it is not getting updated with the value I selected in the select list. Can someone tell me how I can get the page item value to be updated with the value I selected from the choice list? I tried calling a javascript function from the element attribute of this select list onchange="javascript:setValue(this);") and was trying to set the value of another hidden page item with the value of this select list but then the function is not getting called as well. My function code is something like
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    for (var i = 0; i < pThis.options.length; i++) {
    if (pThis.options[ i ].selected){
    result= pThis.options;
    html_GetElement('P2_HIDDEN').value = result;
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    970829 wrote:
    I have a page item which is a select list. I have a button in my region which when clicked will call a process. This process takes the current value of my page item as a parameter. However, when I select a value from the Select list and click on the button, the page item is still submitting the earlier value, it is not getting updated with the value I selected in the select list.
    How do you know this? Have you used Debug mode to track what is happening when the button is pressed? This will show any changes to item values in session state during page submit and page show processing.
    Can someone tell me how I can get the page item value to be updated with the value I selected from the choice list?
    This should happen automatically with a select list item, if the button is correctly defined to perform a page submit. It will not happen if the button performs a redirect. What action is defined to occur when the button is pressed?
    I tried calling a javascript function from the element attribute of this select list onchange="javascript:setValue(this);") and was trying to set the value of another hidden page item with the value of this select list but then the function is not getting called as well. My function code is something like
    function setValue(pThis)
    for (var i = 0; i < pThis.options.length; i++) {
    if (pThis.options[ i ].selected){
    result= pThis.options;
    html_GetElement('P2_HIDDEN').value = result;
    P2_HIDDEN is my hidden page item
    As detailed above, this should be completely unnecessary, however as an aside, html_GetElement is a very out of date method of accessing an item. What version of APEX are you using? (Always specify which version you're using when you ask a question, to allow us to determine the most appropriate solution to the problem.)

  • Problem with cascading select lists

    Hi All,
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    However, when I go back and select another category, the report returns no data on the first attempt. In debug mode I note that although visually the sub-category has been reset, the session value has not, and so the report is selecting on an invalid combination of category and sub-category.
    How do I get the sub-category to reset when the category changes?
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    Suggestions please...thanks in advance.

    can you setup an example on apex.oracle.com which fails so that we can have a look.
    Or you can use Firebug for Firefox and have a look what is sent to the server and what the response it. Check the "Console" tab. I suspect you will see an error when you trigger the refresh.
    My Blog: http://www.inside-oracle-apex.com
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    Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/patrickwolf

  • How do we handle a item in both as a select list & text

    Hi All,
    In my application, i have used Create button..when ever a create button is clicked a "Select List" will apper..
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    How to handle this scenerio..
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    the other is for the text item using conditional i have managed..
    But i would like to know is there any other way with out creating any extra item & by using only the select lits item can we achieve it or not.

    Hi Anoo,
    You mentioned in your original post that you have a select list item and a text item, and that you're using a condition to determine which one to show. For the Read Only condition for a single select list item, you would specify the condition you currently have that is telling ApEx to show the text item rather than the select list.
    The idea here is that if the Read Only condition evaluates to TRUE (currently in edit mode), then the select list item will render as read-only; if it evaluates to FALSE (currently in create mode), it will render as a normal select list.
    Hope this helps,
    If you find this information useful, please remember to mark the post "helpful" or "correct" so that others may benefit as well.

  • Get Apex Select List value

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    Add is a link.
    Select is a select list with Employee Names.
    Some Other columns from the query corresponding to the country.
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    Is there a way we can pass only the selected value to the javascript function? How can we achieve this? Please help.
    The select list gets displayed perfectly.

    Somebody help me please.
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    ( 1, '%', 'SELECT DISTINCT CODE c,
    MODE m
    FROM T2
    WHERE ROLE = ' || ROLE
    FROM T1
    SEX = 'M' ;
    I was trying to use javascript :
    for (var i = 0; i < selectlist_name.options.length; i++)
    if (selectlist_name.options[ i ].selected)
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  • PL/SQL - Cursor - Select in Select list

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         CURSOR cur1 IS
              SELECT account_no
              FROM rnt_account;          
         OPEN cur1;
         CLOSE cur1;
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              SELECT account_no
              FROM rnt_account;          
         OPEN cur1;
         CLOSE cur1;
    <B> Are selects in the Select list of a cursor not allowed in PLSQL? </B>

    I am using 8i , and if I run the select statement in SQLPLUS as a simple select query it functions correctly.
    So this works
    select sysdate, (select sysdate from dual)
    from dual;
    If I try to declare the above as a cursor it fails.
    with the following error message
    ERROR at line 3:
    ORA-06550: line 3, column 24:
    PLS-00103: Encountered the symbol "SELECT" when expecting one of the following:
    ( - + mod not null others <an identifier>
    I have tried aliases and they dont work.

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    In HTML Header I have
    <script type="text/javascript">
    function Disable_List(pthis,hideitem)
    if ($x(hideitem).value == 'Y')
    {   $x(pthis).disabled = "disabled";
    <script type="text/javascript">
    function Load_Start()
    When I click apply changes, my Validation check that doesn't allow nulls in the "P5_LTY" fires saying the field can't be null. The select list is grayed out and I see the value, but the validation check thinks it's null.
    Edited by: spuchc on Jun 15, 2010 8:03 AM

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  • Condition that checks the value of an Item derived from a select list

    I want to conditionally display and hide items in a region based on a select list item.
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    The display is then updated when the "SAVE" button is pressed and the page processed.
    How do I test the select list item to be null. The condition looks like this;
    Type: PL/SQL Expression
    :P1_SELECT is null
    I also tried, :P1_SELECT is not null and :P1_SELECT = '%nul%'.
    The latter changed the condition to :P1_SELECT = ''
    How can I test the valu in P1_SELECT?
    Message was edited by:
    After a long day I saw that I did not write the condition correctly. Mea culpa.

    I had the problem wrong.
    The issue was a second field that could have a Y or N or null. When I checked it in PL/SQL expression as
    :P_YN != 'Y' and :P_SELECT is null
    assuming the null condition would resolve as != 'Y' I had to do an explicit check as
    (:P_YN != 'Y' or :P_YN is null) and :P_SELECT is null
    That fixed it.... I like null and I hate null
    Thanks for the reply

  • Set Default Value of Multi-select list item

    I have a multi-select list item I want to default the value of to '%' (which is really '%null%') and have it selected. I tried setting default value of item, but it doesn't take '%null%'. I also tried a computation with a static of
    :P507_ITEM := '%null%'; How do you get the default value set and selected?

    Shijesh is right, you need to change your null return value and use that return value as your default. Try and use something of the same datatype as your real return values if you plan to use '%' to display all as it will make your queries simpler. eg.
    Company A returns 1
    Company B return 2
    % returns 0
    Then your query would be...
    SELECT ...
    FROM ...
    WHERE company_id = DECODE(:P_COMPANY,1,1,2,2,0,company_id)
    Hope this makes sense.

  • Display all records from 4 select list

    trying to associate 4 select list where i could display all records from a list linked to an other list.
    1./ Created an item for each select list
    2./Set both null and default values to '-1' for each item
    3./Associated these items to source columns in the Region:
    where employee_name=:P1_employee_name
    or :P1_employee_name ='-1'
    and departments=:P1_departments
    or :P1_departments ='-1'
    and ......
    When running the report, couldn't display all records from a given list associated to an other list.
    e.g: Display all emp and type of emp for sales dept in Paris.
    Thks for your help

    I believe the issue is that you need to group your predicates such as:
    where (employee_name=:P1_employee_name
    or :P1_employee_name ='-1')
    or :P1_departments ='-1')
    Also, if you are not already using the "select list with submit" type items, these work great for this case as the page will be submitted when the user changes the value of employeenam and the report will then reflect this change.

  • Select List problem

    I have 3 select lists: the first two are with submit and the last one is just select list. Each list depends on the previous one.
    I have set null and default values for each list. The problem occurs when I first start the application, but after selecting an option in the first list all is fine and when I reset the fields everything works as it should.
    So the problem only occurs when the application is first launched....
    This is the error message:
    Error: ORA-01858: a non-numeric character was found where a numeric was expected performing List of Values query: "SELECT TESTTIME d, TESTTIME r FROM TESTSETUP WHERE TESTDATE = :P3_TESTDATE and TERM = :P3_TERM ".
    How can this be corrected?
    Any help would be greatly appreciated.
    Thank - Greg

    I have set null and default values for each list
    These values are not available in committed session state for the subsequent select lists to use.
    Solution: Create a OnLoad Before Header computation (conditional upon the value of the select list being null) to set it to whatever null/default value you want. This will "initialize" the value so that your dependent select lists can work properly.

  • Report -- filter with selection list -- show all values after select page

    I have the following problem:
    - I have a report
    - this report can be filtered with a selection-list
    - the selection list is based on dynamic LOV and has a null-value
    - I added the code of the report the following, to filter the report after choosing a value of the selection list:
    ... and (instr(type, decode(:P8_FILTER_type, '%null%',type,:P8_FILTER_type)) > 0)
    This works very well.
    But my problem is: When the user logs out and the next time, he logs in, the selection list shows " --- show all values --- " (my null-display-value) and the report is empty "no values found".
    ---> I want to show the first time, the page is selected ALL the values of the report. (this is now only possile if I press the button which belongs to the selection list)
    I hope, somebody understands my problem.
    Thank you so much,

    Hello Lisa,
    The first time it's probably NULL.
    So what you can do in your where: (instr(type, decode(NVL(:P8_FILTER_type,'%null%'), '%null%',type,:P8_FILTER_type)) > 0)
    Off topic: I also wonder if that where clause can't be simpler? Do you rely need the instr?

  • Display and return value in select list.

    i want to display the value in select list coming from this quary .
    select student_id from class_record where class_id =:p1_class_id and SECTION =:p1_section
    select student_id from STUDENT_TYPE_DETAILS where class_id =:p1_class_id and SECTION =:p1_section;
    but i want f_name and last name with student_id .f_name and l_name store in table s_per_det.student is also in that table.
    how can i define display value and return value in this quary using 3rd table s_per_det.
    How can i do this.

    Ooh, MINUS.... Can you not use a NOT EXISTS in this case, could have a big effect on the execution plan?
    Something like this perhaps?
    SELECT f_name||' '||l_name,
    FROM class_record a,
         s_per_det b
    WHERE a.student_id = b.student_id
    AND   a.class_id   = :P1_CLASS_ID
    AND   a.section    = :P1_SECTION
                     FROM student_type_details c
                     WHERE a.student_id = c.student_id
                     AND   c.class_id = :P1_CLASS_ID
                     AND   c.section = :P1_SECTION)Cheers
    Don't forget to mark replies helpful or correct ;)

  • Select list enable / disable in tabular form

    I have created report on (ACT_COA_SEGMENT_MAS) table and this is master table , and created link on this report, when i click on report link, control moves to tabular form that is based on detail table (ACT_SEGMENT_VALUES_MAS)
    In master table there is column,
    SEGMENT_ID number primary key;
    QUALIFIER varchar2(1);
    If in master table qualifier column value is 'N' then
    then in detail table (ACT_SEGMENT_VALUES_MAS) column account type cannot be null and column should enable.
    If in master table QUALIFIER column value other than 'N' then Account column in detail table should disable . and value should not be enterable.
    and ACCOUNT_TYPE column in deatil table is a select list.
    How i can do this?
    Thanks & Regards
    Edited by: Vedant on Jan 10, 2013 10:14 PM

    Vedant wrote:
    If in master table qualifier column value is 'N' then
    then in detail table (ACT_SEGMENT_VALUES_MAS) column account type cannot be null and column should enable.
    If in master table QUALIFIER column value other than 'N' then Account column in detail table should disable . and value should not be enterable.
    and ACCOUNT_TYPE column in deatil table is a select list.
    How i can do this?One way - sadly a bit of work - would be to use APEX_APPLICATION_ITEM to generated the detail items as a manual tablular form where you can control the disabled property when generating the tabular form fields using CASE statements, writing manual PL/SQL processes and the built-in APEX_ITEM collection to manually perform insert/update/delete operations on submit. Check the documentation for the full syntax of using APEX_ITEM functions to generate HTML items.
    An example from the Oracle docs looks like
      APEX_ITEM.TEXT(2,ename) ename,
      APEX_ITEM.TEXT(3,job) job,
      APEX_ITEM.DATE_POPUP(4,rownum,hiredate,'dd-mon-yyyy') hiredate,
      APEX_ITEM.TEXT(5,sal) sal,
      APEX_ITEM.TEXT(6,comm) comm,
    FROM emp
    ORDER BY 1where the disabled property could be specified in the unlisted fifth argument to APEX_ITEM.TEXT. The first item to the APEX_ITEM calls is a number defining the G_FXX global variables so that 1 identifies the item later as apex_application.g_f01(9) - 9 being symbolic for a collection identifier -, ename as apex_application.g_f02(i),m and so on. The G_F99 items can be reference on submission in Pl/SQL processes through looping, something like (this example assumes all array items are populated - under some circumstances they may not be)
    for i in 1..apex_application.g_f01.count loop
      update my_table set sal = apex_application.g_f05(i) where empno = apex_application.g_f01(i);
    end loop;Edited by: riedelme on Jan 11, 2013 7:12 AM

Maybe you are looking for